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A28 ------ ---- ----"'--'=--,--=,,_ _,,, M1th1~

62. : 0 Is o complex number

¢ JJ 992 - 2 Martql
Column I Column ff
(A) Re :z r::, 0 (p) Re z2 = O
(B) Arg z c 4 (q) lm z 2 ::, 0

(r) Rez2 = Imz2

®J 10 f8nl\j('( 1ti\'l' Problc,1lll

B represent z I and z2 jn the complex plane. If LAOB .,, a ,
and OA OB, where O is the origin, prove that
::::1 ,_ O
63. If one the vertices oftbe square circumscribing the circle
lz - 11 = ✓2 is 2 + ✓3 i . Find the other vertices of the P2 = 4q cos2 ( ; )- (1997 -5Marks!

square. 12005 - 4 Marks)

64. Find the centre nnd rndius of circle given by
69. Find oil non-zero complex numbersZsatisfying z'=ll2
f1996-2 Marksj
70. If IZ 15 I, IWI~ I, show that
where, z=x+ iy, a.= a 1 + I(½, P P1 + IP2
I Z-W 12 ~ (IZ 1- 1W 1) 2 +(ArgZ-ArgW)2
(2004 - 2 Marks I [1995 - 5 Marks}
65. Prove that there exists no complex number z such that 71 . If 1z3 + z2 - z + i = 0, then show that Iz I = I.
I n • [1995 - 5 Marks}
I z I <3 and arz' = I where la~< 2. [2003 - 2 Morksl 72. If 1, a ,
1 2a •.••••,an - I
that (l - a 1)(1 - a 2) (1-a3)
are then
- an
unity, then show
r= I
[1984-2 Marks)
66. Let a complex number a, a ;t. I , be a root of the equation
Prove that the complex numbers z1 , Zz and the origin
zf+q -zP -~ + I =0, where p, q are distinct primes. Show 73 ·
form an equilateral triangle only if
that either I +a+a2 + .... +aP- 1==Oor I +a+a.2 + ... +aq
z12 + z22 -z1z2 = 0. f1983 - 3Marks)
- 1 = 0, but not both together. [2002 - 5 Marks) • 74. Let the complex number z , Zz and~ be the vertices ofan
67. For complex numbers z and w, prove that equilateral triangle. Let z0 be the circumcentre of the
1z12 O>-jroj 2 z =z-<0 if an,d only ifz = ro or zro = 1. triangle. Then prove that zi2 +.ii2 + == 3zl z/
fl981-4 Marks)
[1999-10 Marks]
75. Ifx=a+b,y =ay+bpandz=ap+bywhereyand~are the
68. Letz1 and-½ berootsoftheequationz2+pz+q=O, where complex cube roots of unity, show that .l}'Z = a3 + b3.
the coefficients p and q may be complex numbers. Let.A and [1978)

Topic-3: Solutions of Quadratic Equations, Sum and Product of Roots,

Nature ,of Roots, Relatior:1 Between Roots and Co-efficients,
EJ ________ ________
Formation ____
of an Equation ________
with Given Roots ___

~ _!_ f MCQ; with One-CO:m!Ct Answer J 3. 7t ,-7t)

Let S= {x e (- 2 2 :91-tan2 x +9tan 2 x = 10} and
1. Let a,
p be the roots.. of the equation x2 - .fix+ 2 = 0.

Then a 14 + pI4 is eqµal to , fMa_in April 13, 2023 (ll)] p == L tan 2 (~) , then l(~ -14)2 is equal to
xes 3 6
(a) -;64✓2 • (b) ·-128.:/3, [Main April 10, 2023 (II)!
(c) -64 (d) -128 (a) 32 (b) 8 (c) 64 (d} 16
2. Let a, p be the roots of the quadratic equation 4. Let a, p, y be the ~ roots of the equation x3 + bx +c
= 0. If Py= 1 =-a, then b-' +2c3-3a3 -6p3 -Sy3isequal
a23 +P~ +al4 +p'4
x2 + ✓6x +3 = O. Then - - - - - ' - - - - - is equal to -[Main April 8, 2023 (1)1
alS +plS +alO +plO
169 155
to JMain April 12, 2023 (I)] (a) 21 (b) 8 (c) 19 (d)
(a) 729 (b) 72 (c) 81 (d) 9
complex Numbers and Quadra tic Equations A29
5. Thesm!' of nil the roots of the equation lx2 - 8x + l51 - 2x (a) 3r - 20x - l2 =0 (b) 3.r2 - JOx - 4 :: 0
+7 = 0 ts: IMnln Apr06,2023 (01 (c) 3x2 - 10x + 2 =0 (d) 3.x2 - 2Ch" + l6 = 0
(n) 9+ ✓3 (b) 11 + ✓3 13. The minimum value of the sum of the squares of the roots of
(c) 9- ✓3 (d) 11- ✓J x2 + (3 - a) x +I=1a is: fM;un July 26, 2022 (IJ)J
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8
6. The num_ber ofintcrgral values of k, for which one root of
the equation 2x2 - 8x +k"' 0 lies in the interval ( l 2) and its 14. Let a and p be the roots of the equation x2 +(2i - I) = 0.
other root lies in the interval (2, 3), is: '
IMnin Feb, 1, 2023 (11)1 Then, the value of Ia 8 + P8 Iis equal to:
(a) I (b) 3 (c) 0 (d) 2 {Main June 29, 2022 (l)J
7. Let n, b be two real numbers such that ab< 0. If the complex (a) 50 (b) 250 (c) ·1250 (d) 1.500
l + ai .
number - b. ts of unit modulus and a + ib lies on the 15. Let a be a root of the equation 1 + x2 + x4 = 0. Then the
value of a 1011 + a 2022 -a 3033 is equal to:
circle lz - 11 = l2zl, then a possible :value of 1+(8 ) , where [Main June 29, 2022 (Il)J
[t] is greatest integer function, is: (a) I (b) a (c) l+a (d) 1+2a
[Muin Feb. I, 2023 (ll)J
16. Letf(x) be a quadratic polynomial such thatf(-2)+f(3)=0.
l l Ifoneoftheroots off(x)=0 is-1, then the sum of the roots
(a) 1 (b) (c) - 1 (d) - off(x) = 0 is equal to (Main June 28, 2022 (IJ)I
2 2
8. T-he number of real roots of the equation 11 7 J3 14
(a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d) 3
Jx 2 -4x +3 + ✓x 2 -9 = ✓4x 2 -14x + 6,is:
(MainJan.31,2023(1)) 17. The number of distinct real roots of x4 - 4x + 1 = 0 is:
(a) 0 (b) I (c) 3 (d) 2 (Maio June 27, 2022 (J)j
9. *
Let 11. 0 be a real number. Let a, Pbe the roots of the (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) I (d) 0
equation 14x2 - 31.x + 311.= 0 and a, y be the roots of the 18. lfthe sum of the squares of the reciprocals of the roots a

equation 35x2-53x +411.=0. Then p3a. and y4a are the and p of the equation 3.x2 + ,._ x - l = 0 is 15, then

roots of the equation: [Main Jan. 29, 2023 (I)] 6(a 3 +p3 )2 is equal to: (MainJune24, 2022 (l)J
(a) 7x2 +245x-250=0 (b) 7,x2 -245x+250=0 , . (a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 36 (d) 96
(c) 49x. 2 -245x+250=0 (d) 49x.2 +245x+250=0 19. The sum of all· the real roots of the equation
10. Theequation.x2-4x+ [x] + 3 =x[x], where [x] denotes the (e2r-4)(6e2t-5e1'+ l)=Ois [MainJune24,202:2(Il)J
greatest integer function, has: (Main Jan. 24, 2023 (I)]
(a) log) (b) -log) (c) lo~6 (d) -loge6
(a) exactly two solutions in (-oo,c:o)
(b) no solution 2O. Let ex, ~ be two roots of the equati.on
(c) a unique solution in (-oo, I) x +(20) 'x + (5) 112 =0. Then a 8 + ~8 is equal to
2 114
(d) a unique solution in (-oo,c:o) [MainJuly20(S),July 27, 2021 (I)]
(a) 10 (b) 100 (c) ~ (d) 100
11. Let a, p be the roots of the equation x2 + ✓6 = 0
2t. The number ofreal solutions ofthe equati<m, x2- !xi-12 = 0
l + I be the roots of the equat1on is: [Main July 25, 2021 (II)]
and - I +1,-
(l2 p2 (a), Z (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4

~+ax + b = O. Then the roots of the equation

22. The value of 3+·~ -1...,1- - - is equal to
x2-(a+b-2)x+(a+b+2)= Oare: [Main July 28, 2022(11)] 4+----:-1--
(a) non-real complex numbers 3+---:-I--
(b) real and both negative 4+----
(c) real and both positive 3+ .... oo
(d) real and exactly one of them· is positive [MainMarch 17(s), March 18, 2021 (I))

12. Ifo, pare the roots of the equation
(a) 2+.J3 (b) 3 + 2✓3
x' -[ s•3J-,,' -sJi..,' )•3 3<i.., ,,l _so,,,,¾ -'J = o (c) 4+ ✓3 (d) 1.5 + ✓3
23. If a, p e Rare such that I - 2i (here i2 = -1) is a root of
1 I z2 + az + P=O, then (a. - P) is equal to:
then the equation, whose roots are a+~ and P+;; , [Main Feb. 25, 202 1 (11)l
(a) -3 (b) -7 (c) 7 (d) 3
[Main July 27, 2022 (11)1

A30 - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - 1 - Mathematlca
32. lf2 + 3/ is one oflhc roots of lbe equaa ion
24. If c' (co, l .r -.c01 4 xtroi 6 .u..-'° )loa, ·., s01 lslies the cquot1on

2x3 - 9.x2 + h - 13 = 0, k e R, then the real root of this
P- 9t + 8 "' 0, then the vnlue of equot ion : !Main O nJinc April J0, 20151
') .
.smx rt
O<x<- ( )
is [MulnFcb . 24,2021(1)) I
sin x + ✓3cosx 2 (a) exists nod is cquol to - 2.
3 l
(a) 2./j (b) 2 (c) ✓3 (d) 2 I
25. Suppose a, b denote the distinct real roots ofthe qWldratic
(b) exists and is equal to 2.
(c) exists nod is equal to I.
polynomia.1 .t2 + 20x - 2020 nnd suppose c, d denote the (d) does not exist
distinct complex roots of the quadratic polynomial
33. The quadratic equation p(x) :: 0 with real coefficients bas
.-r:2 - 20.r + 2020. Then the value of [Adv. 20201 purely imaginary roots. Then the equation p(p(x)) == 0 has
ac(a - c) +ad(a-d) +bc(b-c) +bd(b-d) is (Adv. 2014)
(a) 0 (b) m> (a) one purely imaginaryroot
(c) ~ (d) l<m> (b) allrcalroots
26. If a and Pbe two roots of the equation x2 - 64x + 256 = 0. (e) two real and two purely imaginary roots
I I (d) neither real nor purely imaginary roots
( aJ~i ( p3 )i 34. If a e R nod the equation
Thenlhevalueoflps) +las) is: (MninSep.06,2020(1)]
-3(x-[xD2 +2(x-[x]) +a 2 = 0
(a) 2 (b) 3 I (c)
(d) 4
27. lfaandparetberocisoftheequation 2t(2x+ I) = 1, then p (where [x] denotes the greatest integer ~ x) has no integral
is equal to: [l\'lnin Sep. 06, 2020 Q.I)] solution, then all possible values of a lie in the interval:
{a) 2a(a+ 1) (b) -2a(a+ I)
[Main 20141
(c) 2a(a- l) (d) 2a2
28. Ifa and parc lhe roo(S ofthe q\Wlratic equation, x 2 + x sin 8 (a) (-2..-1) (b) (-o:>,-2)v(2,oo)
- 2sm8 = 0,8E 0,-2
( Jt) , _ all+ pt2 . (c) (-1,0)v(0,l) (1,2)
then (a-12+p-12Xa.-p)2'1 IS
35. Let a and ~ be the roots of x2 - 6x - 2 = 0, with a. > p. If
equal to : [Main April 10, 2019 (1)1
an = a.n - P" for n ~ l, then the value of 010 -2ag is
(a) (sin8-4)12 (b) ~
(sin8 +8)12
j2 ~ (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) (sin8-8) 6 (d) (sin8+8)12 36. Let (x0, yo) be the solution of the following equations
29. Let p, q and r be real numbers (p :f. q, r :f. 0), such that the (2x)ln2 = (3y)ln3; l nx = 2tny.
1 .
roots ofth e equation - - + -1- = -1 are equa1 m
. Tbenx0 is 120111
x +p x+q r .
1 1
magnitude but opposite in sign, then the sum of squares (a) -
(b) ! (c) (d) 6
ofthese roots is ~ual to. [Main Online April 16, 20181 3 2
(a) p2 + q2 + ,2 (b) p2 + q2
37. Let p and q be real numbers such that p 0, p3 * -:;: q and
(c) 2(y +q2) (d) p2 +q2
2 l ~ -q. If a and P are nonzero complex numbers
30. The sum of all the real values ofx satisfying the equation satisfying a+ P= - p and a3 + p3 = q, ·then a quadratic
(x-1 Xx2+5x-50)
2 = I is: [Main2016(Sl. OnlincApriJ9 2017) equation having ~ and £. as its roots is {20101
(a) 16 (b) 14 (c) - 4' (d) -5' p a.
1t 1t
31. Let - 6 < 0 < - 12 . Suppose0 1and Btare the roots oftbe ca> cl+ q)x2 -(p3 + 2q)x +(i + q) = o
equation x2 - 2x sec 8 + I = 0 and a., and P; are the roots (b) (/ +q)x2 - (p 3 -2q)x+ (p3 +q) = O
of the equation x2 + 2x tan 9 - I =0. ifa 1> Jj I and C1i > p ,
tben at + P2 equals !Adv. 20161 (c) CP3 -q)x2-(s p3-2q)x+ (p3-q) = o
(a) 2 (sec 0 - tan 0) (b) 2 sec 8
- 2 tan0 (d) O (d) (p3 -q)x2 - (5p3 + 2q)x+(p3 - q) = 0
cornPIIX Number11 and Quadratic Equation■ All
38• Let a, Pbe the roots of the equotion x2 _px + ,. = oond 47. Let a, b, c be real numbers, a~ O. Jf a .iB a root of
a a2x2 + bx + c = 0. p is the root of a2x2 - bx - c "" 0 and
2, 2P be the roots of the equotion x2 _qx +, = o. Then O< a < p, then the equation a'lx2 + 2bx + 2c = 0 has a rOOI
the vulue of r is 12007 -3 mnrksj y that alwoys satisfies 11989 - 2 Miirks f
2 2
(a) 9(p-q}(2q-p) (b) 9(q-p)(2p-q) (n) y = -a + p (b) y= a +.l!
2 2
2 2 (c) y = a. (d) a< y<p
(c) 9(q - 2p)(2q-p) (d) 9(2p-q)(2q-p)
39, Let a, b, c be the sides of o triangle where a ;t b ,,_ c and 2 2
,. e R. lfthe roots of the equotion 48. Theequalion x- x-l =1-x-l has [1984-ZM.arksl
x2 +2(a + b + c)x+ 3i..(ab + be+ ca):::, Oare real, then
{2006 - 3M, - 11 (a) no root (b) one root
(c) two equal roots (d) infinitely many.roots
(a) t.. <-
(b) ). >-
3 3 49. If (x 2 +px + I) is a factor of(a.x3 +bx + c), then [19801
(a) a2 +c2 =-ah (b) a2 -c2= -ab
(c) a 2 -c2 = ab (d) none of these
40. lf one root is square of the other root of the equation 50. Both the roots of the equation
.r2 +px +q = 0, then the relation between p and q is (2004SJ (x - b) (x - c) + (x - a) (x-c) + (x-a) (x-b) = Oare always
(a) p3- q(3p - 1) + q 2 = O (a) positive (b) real (1980J
(b) p3-q(3p+ l)+q2 =0 (c) negative (d) none of these.
(c) p3+q(3p-I)+q2=o 51. lf l , m, n are real, e;t. m, then the roots by the equation:
(d) p3+q(3p+l)+q2 =0 (£-m)x2 - 5 (l+ m)x-2 (l-m) = 0 are (19791
41, For the equation 3x2 +pr+ 3 = O,p> 0, ifoneoftheroot is (a) Real and equal (b) Canplex
square of the other, thenp is equal to [2000S]
(a) 1/3 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) W (c) Real and unequal (d) None of these

42. lfb>a, then the equation (x-a)(x-b)-I =Ohas (2000SJ ~ B :fuwgcr Value Aoswer/ Non-N~ve lot.eger
(a) both roots in (a, b) 52. The product of an positive real values of x satisfying the
(b) both roots in (-«>, a)
(c) both roots in (b, -too) , (16{loss .t}1-681og, .r) 16 .
equation x = S- tS _ _ __
(d) one root in(-«>, a) and the other in (b, -too)
(Adl'. 2022)
43. Ifa.and P (a< P)are1herootsoftheequationx2 +bx+ c=O,
values ofx for which
where c < 0 < b, then [2000SI 53. The sum of all real
(a) O<a<P (b) a<O<P<la.l 3x2 -9x+l7 5.i-7x+l9
(c) a<P<O (d) a<O<lal<P 2 = 2 iseqlJ!llto
x +3x+l0 3x +5x+l2 ~ ---
44. lfthe roots of the equation x2-2iu +a2 + a-3 =0 are real
[Main July 28, 2022(1)]
and less than 3, then (1 999 - 2 Marks!
(a) a<2 (b) 2 ~a~ 3 54. Lel S={zeC: z2 +;=0} . Then L(Re(z)+Im(z)) is
z eS
(c) 3< a~ 4 (d) a>4
equal to _ __ (Main 27 July, 2022 (I) I
45. Let p,q e{l, 2,3, 4}. The number of equations of the foIJD
px1- + qx + I =0 having real roots is I1994) ®] a INumeric/ New Stem Bnsed Que3t1_·o_us_ _~--:
(a) 15 (b) 9
55. Ifa and bare the roots of equation x2 - 7x - I = 0, then the
(c) 7 (d) 8
46, 1et a, pbe the roots of the equation (x-a) (x-b) = c, c;t 0. a21 + b21 + al7 + bl7
value o f - - ~ - - - is equal to _ _ .
Then the roots of the equation 8 19 + bl9

(x-a) (x-P) + c = 0 are [1992 - 2 MnrksJ

(Main April 11, 2023 (I)}
(a) a, c (b) b, C
(c) a, b (d) a+c, b+c
56. The number ofpoinls, where 1he curve ~ O ill'~ WfUJ ()Jwnr Mm:P tllB.O O~ Comrl Ao,;aPJ'
f(x)==esx_e6x_3e4x _ 0 2x+l,x eR ouls x-axis, is ~I p, q be integers nnd Jet a, p be lhe roots of l~e ,~i°'!.
x2 - x - I = 0, where a ,,c p. For n = 0, I, 2, .... , let 3n - pa q P .
cquaJ 10 {Mola April 11, 2023 (Il)J
FACT : Jf a ond b are rational numbers and a+l>/5 -=Q then
n = O== b !Adv. 20171
57. Lei a e Rand lei a, pbe the roots of the equalioo x + 60
2 4
69. 8 12 =
x + n= 0. Ifa4 + p4 =-30, then the product ofoil possible (0)0 11 - aio
values of n is . !Main Jon. 25, 2023 (II)) (c) 2a 11 + aw
58. The numb ec7re nl solutions of the cqunlion 70. If o4= 28, then p +2q =
(a) 21 (b) 14 (c) 7 (d) 12

3( x + x~)-2(x+~) +5 = 0, is fMninJon.24,2023(D)J ®] 9 ~
on and Reason/Sta~ Typ e Questions . I
59. Let a, p (a> P) be the roots of the qundralic equation 71. Let a, b, c, p1 q be real numbers. Suppose a., J3 are the roots
x2 - x - 4 = 0. If Pn = an - pn, 11 e N, then I
ofthe equation x2 + 2px + q = 0 and a, j3 are th.e roots of
!6 -Frs + fl4}1 s 1s. equal to _ __
Pis!f 6-!f4flb/1 the equation ax2 + 2bx+c = 0, where 132 E {-1, 0, I}

!Main July 29, 2022 (Il)J STATEMENT - I: (p2-q)(b2-ac) '2:. 0 and

STATEMENT- 2: b ¢ pa a c ~ qa f2008j
60. The number ofreal solutions of the equation
e4.r+ 4e3X -58e21' +4e1' 1=0 is _ __
STATEMENT - 2 is a correct explan
-2 is
[Mofn June 28, 2022 (DJ STATEMENT - I
61. If the sum of all the roots of the equation (b) STATEMENT- I is True, ~TATEMENf-2~True;
STATEMENT- 2 is NOT a correct explanation for
e2x - l lex -45e-x + !!. = 0 is loge P, then P is equal STATEMENT ; 1
2 (c) STATEMENT- I is True, STATEMENT-2 isFaJse
to__ fMain June 27, 2022 (I)J (d) STATEMENT- I is False, STATEMENT -2 isT!'°e
62. Let a, p be the roots of the equation x2 - 4').,x + 5 = 0 and ~ O [Sobj!;divel?roblems ""
~• y be the roots of the eqtiation
72. Let a and b be the roots of the equation x2 - IOa - 11 d = 0
.i-(3✓ 2 +2✓3)x+7 +3').,✓ 3 = O. If p+y =3✓ 2, then and those of:x:2- IOax- I lb=O arec, dthen thewlue of
a+ b + c + d, when a ,,c b ,,cc~ d, is. (2006- 6MJ
+(l -a-b)= Owhc rea, be Rthen find the
(a+2~+y)2 isequalto _ _. fMoinJune27,2022(II)] 73. ifx2+ (a-b)x l real roots for
63. The number of distinct real' roots of the equation values of a for which equation bas unequa
all values of b. [2003- 4 Marks]
3x4+4x3-I2x2+4=~is----'. fMainAug. 27, 2021 (I))
64. The smallest value of k, for which both the roots of the 74. If a,
p are the roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0, (a 0) and *
equation x2-8kr + 16 (/?- -k + l) = 0 are real, distinct and a+ o, ~ + o are the roots of Ax2 + Bx + C = 0, (A ,,c 0) for
have values at least 4, is (20091 r b2 -4ac B2 _ 4AC
some constant ~ , then prove that a2 =
u A2 . 1

®J 4' WJ in ,ibe Blru,tks l

12000 - 4 Marks] I
75. Let a, b, c be real. If ax2 + bx+ c = 0 has two real roots
65. If the product of the roots of the equation a and P, where a <-1 and p> l, then show that
x2 - 3kx + 2 e21nk - 1 = 0 is 7, then the roots are real for
k=................... (1984-2Marks] I+;+/!l<O. [1995- 5 Marks!

66. If 2 + i✓3 is a root of the equation x2 + px + q = 0 , where 76. Solve I x2 +4x+ 3 I+2x+5 = 0 (1988-5 Marks)
p and q are real, then (p, q)=( ................... , ................... ). 77. For a $ 0, detennine all real roots of the equation
(1982 - 2 Marks] x 2 -2alx -aj-3 a 2 =0 [1986-S Marksj
®] -------
5 / Tnm/ lf'~Wso 7 78. Solve for x; (5+2. J6t - 3 +(5-2 ✓6)x -3 = 10
2 2

67. If a< b < c < d, then the roots of the equation (1985- 5 Marks(
79. Solve the following equation for x: [1978)
(x - a) (x- c) + 2(x-b) (x-d) = 0 are real and distinct.
(1984-1 Mark] 2 log.ta+ loga.ra + 3 log a2x a = 0 , a> 0
68. The equation 2r2 + 3x + l = 0 has an irrational root.
(1983 ~ 1 Mark] 80. Solve for x: .Jx + I - Jx - I = 1. [1978]
-complex Numbe,. •n~ Quadratic equations _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,,_...____ ____ All

Topic-4: Condition for Common Roots, Maximum and Minimum value of

Quadratic Expression, Quadratic Expression in two Variables, Solution of
~ Quadratic Inequalities

~ I MU)! ,,ith Ouo ton,',ot Answ~r 1 11. The least integral value a ofx such that 2
x- 5 >0,
t. The number of real roots of the equation .r +5x-14
xIx 1-5Ix+ 2 I+ 6 = 0, is !Main April 15, 2023 (I)) satisfies : fM ain OnJJne April 23, 2013]
(a) a 2 + 3a-4 = 0 (b) a 2 - 5a + 4 : : r O
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 4
(c) a2 - 7a + 6= 0 (d) a 2 + 5a - 6= 0
"2 4 J2. A value of b for which lhe equations
z. LetS== {x:x e!R ( ✓3+ ✓2) - +(JJ- ✓2)x 2 -4=IO}. x2 +bx-I =O
Then 11(S) is equal to [Main Feb, 1, 2023 (I)J .r2+x+b=0
(a) 4 . (b) 0 (c) 6 (d) 2 have one root in common is (20 J 1J
The equation
3• e4:tt gc3x + 13e2'< -sex+ I = 0, x e JR has: (a) -✓2 (b) ~;Jj (c) i✓S (d) .Ji
. fMainJan.31 , 2023 (ll)I 13. For all 'x',x2+ 2ax+ I0-3a >0, then the interval in which
(a) Two solutions and both are negative 'a' lies is f2004Sf
(b) No solution (a) a< - 5 (b) - 5<a<2
(c) Four solutions two of which are negative (c) a>S (d) 2<a<5
(d) Two solutions and only one of them is negative
4. Tb; intege~ 'k', ~or which the inequalityx2 - 2(3k - l)x +
~ ~ j~•unerk/ Ncw Stem .&soo Qwstions :J
8k - 7 > 0 ts valid for everyx in R, is: 14. Let m and n be tl1enumbers of real roots of the quadratic
!Main Feb. 25, 2021 (DJ equations x2 - 12x + [x] + 31 = 0 and x2 -51x.+ 21-4= 0
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) O respectively, where [x] denotes the greatest mteger S x.
Then m2 +mn + n2 is equal to_.
5. Let a, b e R, a'# 0 be such that the equation, (Main April 8, 2023 (IJ)d
~-2bx + 5 = 0 has a repeated root a, which is also a root 15. Ifthe value ofreal number a> 0 for which x2 - Sax+ I =
of the equation, x2- 2bx- 10 = 0. lfp is the other root of 3
this equation, then a.2 + p2 is equal to : and x2 - ax - 5 = 0 have a common real roots is Ji§ then
[Main 2009(S) Jan. 9, 2020 (II)) J3 is equal to _ _.
(a) 25 (b) 2f> • (c) 28 (d) 24 - ~Jan.30,2023 (Il)J
6. If5, Sr, 5r2 are the lengths ofthe sides ofa triangle, then r 16. Let 11. eRand lettheequationEbelx j--21x l + IA-3 FO.
cannot be equal to: [Main Jan. IO, 2019 (I)] Then the largest element in the set S =
3 5 7 3 {x +I: xis an integer solution of£} is_ __
(a) 4 (b) 4 (c) 4 (d) 2 [M.ain Jan. 24, 2023 (I))
17. If for some p, q, r e R, not al I have same sign, one of the
7. If).e Ris such that the sum of the cubes of the roots of the roots of the equation (p 2_+ q2) x2-2q(p + r)x + q2 + r2 =0
equation,x2+ (2-11.)x+ (J0-11.) is minimum, then the ., ?
q- + r-
magnitude of the difference of the roots of this equation is is also a root of the equation x2 + 2x-8 = 0, then --..,-
[Main Online April 15, 2018] p-
(a) ~ (b) 2✓5 (c) 2✓ 7 (d) 4✓2 is equal to _ _ . [Main July 26, 2022 (I)]
8. If the equations x2 + bx- I = 0 and x2 + x + b = 0 have a
common root different from -1, then lbl is equal to : ~
4 WJ in the Blruili =: . I
ITinequadratic equations.~ + ax+ b = 0 and r +bx+ a= 0
[Main Online April 9, 2016]
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) fj (d) ../2. (a':#- b) have a common root, then the numerical value of
· 9. If non-zero real numbers band care such that
min t{x) > max g(x), where f(x) =x2 + 2bx + 2c2 and
g(x)=-x2-2cx +b2 (x eR);
f'l'mo / 1Th1~ = [1986-2Marks]

then I~! lies in the interval: [Main Online April 19, 2014)
19. If P(x) == ax2 +bx+ c and Q(x) = + dx + c, where
ac ':#- 0, then P(x)Q(x)=O has at least two real roots.
[1985-1 MarkJ
(a) H) [½,Ji) l, ✓2}d) (✓2,oo) ®:
(b) (c) [ 6 (M~ wifill One or More llii§ One Coffl'cl Answ('l' I
20. Let S be the set of all non-zero real numbers a such that
IO, lfequationsax 2 +bx+c=O (a,b,ceR,a;t:O) and
tl1e quadratic equation a.r2 -x + a= Ohas two distinct real
2x 2 +3x + 4 = Ohave a common root, then a: b: c equals:
roots x1 andx2 satisfying the inequality ~r 1- x21< I. Wbich
jMaio 2013(s), Online April 9, 2014]
(a) I: 2: 3 (b) 2: 3: 4 (c) 4: 3: 2 (d) 3: 2: I of the following intervals is(are) a subset(s) of Sl
[JEE Adv. 2015]
A34 Mathematics·

(a) (-~.-}s) (b) ( - ~.o) {a) a>b>c

(c) a> c > b
(b) a<b<c
(d) a< c < b
®J 1.0 Subjrctivo Pro~eoll _ _ _ _ ___,,
(o) ( 0, ~) (d) (~,½) 23. Let a, b, c be real numbers with a ¢ 0 and let a., Pbe the
roots of the equation ax2 +bx+ cc 0. Express the row of
2l. Ifa, b, c, d and p are distinct real numbers such that
~ + b2+c2y- 2(ab+ be+ cd)p+(b2+c2 + tfl)SO a3.r2 + abcx +c3 = 0 in terms of a, p. 12001 - 4 Marksj
ena,b,c, (1987-2 Mnrks) 24. Find all real values of x which satisfy ,? - 3x + 2 > O
(11) arc in A. P. (b) areinG P.
(c) are in H.P. (d) satisfy ab= cd and x2 -3x-4 SO 11983- 2 Marks]
(e) satisfy nme of these 25. Ifa, ~ are the roots of.x2 + px + q = 0 and y, 6 are the
(x-aXx-b ) rootsofx2+ r.r+ s=O, then evaJuate(a-y) (a-6) (13-r)
22. For n:al .r, the fimcticn ..:.------- -- will assmne all real (P-6) in terms ofp, q, rands.
values provided (1984-3 Marks) Deduce the condition that the equations have a common
root. · I19791
ta _
Answe r Key
TopJc-1 : Integral Powers of Jota1 Algebraic Operatio ns of Complex Numbers , ConJugat e,Modul.u s
- -
and Argumen t or Amplitude of a Complex Number
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (Bonus) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c)
ll. (d) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (d) IS. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. ~)19~ (b) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (281) 30. (4)
31. (4) 32-. (5) 33. (ltiro) 34. (9) 35. (05) 36. (4) 37. (5) 38. (48) 39. (IO) 40. (310)
41. 2mt,mt+ - 42. (frue) 43. (a) 44. (b, c) 45. (a,c,d) 46. (a,b,d) 47. (a, b) 48. (a,c.d)
49. (d} 50. (b) SL (d) 52. (c) 53. (a, d) 54. (a,b,c) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (c)
59. (b) 60. (c) 61. (d) 62. (b)
Topic-2 : Rotational Theorem , Square Root of a Complex Number, Cube Roots of Unity, Geometr y of
Complex Numbers, De-moive r' s Theorem, Powers of Complex Numbers
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (b)
u. (d) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. @ 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (d)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (8)
41. (3) 42. (24) 43. (14) 44. (9) 45. (25) 46. (6) 47. (26) 48. (40) 49. (2)
50..!_(n - l)n(n2 +3n +4) SI. -2,1-i✓3 52. 3-porl -~i 53. 2- ✓3, 2- ✓3
4 .
54. (a2+1r)(lz,F+lzJ2) 55. (frue) · S6. (False)57. (frue)58. (a,c,d) 59. (c,d) 60. (d)
61. A ➔ (q, r); B ➔ (p); C ➔ (p, s, t); D~(q, r, s, t) 62. A ➔ (q); B ➔ (p)
Topic:-3 : Solutions of Quadratic Equations, Sum and Product of Roots, Nature of Roots,
Rela1ion Between Roots and Co-efficients, Formatio n of an Equation with Given Roots
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (Bonus) 8. (b)
u. (b) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (b)
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (b)
31. (c) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (b)
41. (c) 4l, 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (a)
(d) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (d)
SL (c) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (b)
61. (45)
52. (1) 53. (6) 54, (0) ss. (51~ 56. (2) 57. (45) 58. (b) 59. (16) 60. (2)
62. (98) 63. (4) 64. (2) 65. (2) 66.
71. (b) (-4, 7) 67. (True) 68. (False) 69. (b) 70. (d)

.Topic-4: Condition for Common Roots, Maximum and Minimum value of Quadratic Equation
Quadratic Expression in two Variables1 Solution of Quadratic Inequalities '
l. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (9) 15. (13) 16. (5)
21. (b) 22. (c,d) 17. (272) 18. (1) 19. (I'm!)20. (a, d)

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