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"Personal Statement:

As an aspiring student, my journey has been shaped by a combination of academic curiosity,

personal experiences, and a profound passion for journey to explore the world. Currently I am
majoring in economics and urban management. To be honest, this is not an area that I like. However,
I have never stopped trying to study well, actively participating in extracurricular activities and
participate in many competitions and academic research. From my early encounters with my uncle's
business to my pursuits in business management, each step has contributed to my growth and
commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field.

One defining aspect of my journey has been being a teaching assistance at an english center. This
experience not only tested my language skill but also fueled my determination to pursue a path
where I can leverage my skills to bring about positive change. It taught me the importance of
leadership and strengthened my determination to study abroad to major in business administration.

Throughout my academic career, I have actively sought opportunities to expand my knowledge and
skills. In my coursework, I excelled in management subjects and developed my leadership abilities. In
addition, participating in a volunteer team from my hometown allows me to apply theoretical
knowledge to real-life situations, improving my comprehensive understanding of the business
administration field that I like.

In conclusion, my journey has prepared me to embark on the next chapter of my life with enthusiasm
and purpose. I believe that with the enthusiasm and dreams of the past decade, I will always strive to
achieve the dreams I have long wanted.

Future Career Plans:

Looking ahead, my career plans are rooted in my passion for [your field] and my desire to [specific
goals or contributions]. In the short term, I aim to [your immediate career goals], where I can [briefly
describe what you hope to achieve]. This will provide me with the hands-on experience needed to
refine my skills and gain practical insights into [specific aspects of your field].

In the medium term, I aspire to [outline your mid-range career goals]. This may involve [potential
career advancements, additional education, or specific projects]. By pursuing these objectives, I
intend to deepen my expertise and contribute meaningfully to [industry, organization, or

Ultimately, my long-term career goal is to [describe your ultimate career objective]. Whether it's
[entrepreneurship, leadership, research, etc.], I am committed to making a positive impact by [your
overarching vision]. I envision a career where I am not only professionally fulfilled but also contribute
to the greater good by [specific ways you hope to contribute].
I am excited about the prospect of [your future endeavors] and am confident that my combination of
skills, experiences, and unwavering determination will propel me toward a successful and fulfilling
career in [your chosen field].

Remember to tailor these statements to reflect your own experiences, values, and aspirations. Use
specific examples and details to make your personal statement and future career plans unique and

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