Office Practice

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An element that can be use to check the effectiveness of communication is

A. Feedback B. Message C. Channel D. Decoding

2. Business letters such as complaints, inquiries, orders, request for payment are all generally called

A. Business letters B. Formal letters C. Informal letters D. Both A&B

3. It is the order in which documents or files are arranged in a filing cabinet

A. Method of filing B. Letters C. Filing D. Terminal

4. Below are the main methods of filing except

A. Chronological filing B. Alphabetical filing C. Numerical filing D. Subject filing

5. These are methods of filing which are determined using principles of two main methods of filing

A. Main methods B. Geographical method C. Derived method D. Direct method

6. These are direct methods of filing except

A. Geographical filing B. Chronological filing C. Terminal filing D. Ideological filing

7. These are methods of filing that requires the consultation of separate index cards

A. Direct methods B. Main methods C. Indirect method D. Derived method

8. A congratulatory letter is an example of

A. Goodwill letter B. Sales letter C. Aftersales service letter D. Miscellaneous letter

9. A file that contains a variety of subjects is

A. Pending file B. Miscellaneous file C. Manilla file D. Signature

10. What is the main objective of filing

A. Keep and retrieve records easily B. Arrange records of the organization C. Group records in good
order D. Organise documents until they are needed in future

11. Activities that take place in the office can be described as

A. Commercial B. Technical C. Clerical D. Record management

12. A department who is in charge of employees affairs

A. Production B. Administrative C. Human Resource D. Accounting

13. Reminder for actions are placed in

A. Pending files B. Miscellaneous file C. Tickler file D. Manila file

14. Direct filing can be accessed with

A. Index list B. Guide card C. Absent folder D. Absent marker

15. The multiplication of documents into several copies

A. Copying B. Reproduce C. Reprography D. Duplication

16. A system of filing where files are placed one on top of the other with the backs facing the user

A. Vertical filing B. Horizontal filing C. Lateral filing D. Standing filing

17. When the filing of records in the organisation is done by each service, it is described as

A. Centralised filing system B. Departmental filing system C. Individual filing system D. Central
organisation filing system

18. Rarely consulted file are kept in

A. Drawers B. Archives C. Files D. Filing cabinets

19. A reduction granted to a customer to encourage prompt payment

A. Trade discount B. Rebate C. Cash discount D. Bonus

20. Reports written at regular intervals are known as

A. Formal reports B. Routine reports C. Informal reports D. Research reports.


1. You are a secretary in Friendship BOOKSHOP.

a You have been asked by your boss to establish index cards for the following textbooks and arrange the
index cards according to decimal filing plan following the various departments.

 OHADA Accounting plan for commercial

 Revised Elementary Course in Electricity
 Bookkeeping methods for commercial
 Elementary Woodwork vol.2
 Students cookery manual
 Complete course in Electricity
 Woodwork for beginners
 Elementary BC manual
 Office Practice made simple for commercials
 BC made simple for beginners
 Home management for beginners
 Pittman Shorthand for commercials. 9mks

b. Give the definition of the filing method used above. 1mk

c. State two advantages and disadvantages of the filing method used above. 5marks

2. You work as an administrative assistant in Genesis fashion Nova P.O BOX 44 Bamenda. While you
were on maternity leave, management realised the need for a receptionist because you were handling
both functions. Upon resumption from your maternity leave, the manager asks you to outline the
qualities, functions andaterial needed by a receptionist to enable the personnel department employ a
quality receptionist.

a. Outline 4 qualities, 5 materials and 4 functions of of a reception office. 10marks

b. Name and explain 3 departments in an organisation and those in charge of each department giving
their functions each. 10marks

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