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Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

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Research review paper

Relevance of extracellular electron uptake mechanisms for

electromethanogenesis applications
Paola Andrea Palacios a, *, Jo Philips a, Anders Bentien b, Michael Vedel Wegener Kofoed a
Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds Vej 10C, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, Aabogade 40, Aarhus N, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark


Keywords: Electromethanogenesis has emerged as a biological branch of Power-to-X technologies that implements meth­
Electromethanogenesis anogenic microorganisms, as an alternative to chemical Power-to-X, to convert electrical power from renewable
Extracellular electron uptake sources, and CO2 into methane. Unlike biomethanation processes where CO2 is converted via exogenously added
hydrogen, electromethanogenesis occurs in a bioelectrochemical set-up that combines electrodes and microor­
Hydrogenotrophic methanogens
ganisms. Thereby, mixed, or pure methanogenic cultures catalyze the reduction of CO2 to methane via reducing
Microbial induced corrosion (MIC)
equivalents supplied by a cathode. Recent advances in electromethanogenesis have been driven by interdisci­
plinary research at the intersection of microbiology, electrochemistry, and engineering. Integrating the knowl­
edge acquired from these areas is essential to address the specific challenges presented by this relatively young
biotechnology, which include electron transfer limitations, low energy and product efficiencies, and reactor
design to enable upscaling. This review approaches electromethanogenesis from a multidisciplinary perspective,
putting emphasis on the extracellular electron uptake mechanisms that methanogens use to obtain energy from
cathodes, since understanding these mechanisms is key to optimize the electrochemical conditions for the
development of these systems. This work summarizes the direct and indirect extracellular electron uptake
mechanisms that have been elucidated to date in methanogens, along with the ones that remain unsolved. As the
study of microbial corrosion, a similar bioelectrochemical process with Fe0 as electron source, has contributed to
elucidate different mechanisms on how methanogens use solid electron donors, insights from both fields, bio­
corrosion and electromethanogenesis, are combined. Based on the repertoire of mechanisms and their potential
to convert CO2 to methane, we conclude that for future applications, electromethanogenesis should focus on the
indirect mechanism with H2 as intermediary. By summarizing and linking the general aspects and challenges of
this process, we hope that this review serves as a guide for researchers working on electromethanogenesis in
different areas of expertise to overcome the current limitations and continue with the optimization of this
promising interdisciplinary technology.

1. Introduction renewable energy sources such as wind-, solar-, hydropower, and bio­
methane as suitable alternatives to fossil-based energy production.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions released from the burning of fossil One crucial factor to consider in the integration of renewable sources
fuels for energy acquisition account for up to three-quarters of global is energy conversion and storage, as it plays a significant role in main­
greenhouse gas emissions (Ritchie and Roser, 2017). Due to their taining a robust and reliable modern power grid (Ould Amrouche et al.,
negative impact, energy production strategies are currently under a 2016). In other words, renewable energy storage strategies are required to
transition towards sustainable and clean energy sources to help mitigate efficiently manage the fluctuating energy production from wind turbines
climate change. Moreover, the continuous growth of society's energy and solar panels to ensure a stable supply of electricity. Yet, compact and
demand versus the inevitable depletion of fossil fuels, i.e., estimated in cheap devices like batteries for large-scale storage of electric energy are
remaining years of global coal, oil, and natural gas (114, 50.7, 52.8, still under development (Debabov, 2017). A suitable alternative that has
respectively) (Ritchie and Roser, 2017), have helped to introduce emerged to help overcome this challenge are the Power-to-X technologies

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.A. Palacios).
Received 1 September 2023; Received in revised form 21 February 2024; Accepted 24 April 2024
Available online 27 April 2024
0734-9750/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

(P2X or PtX), in which renewable energy can be converted into chemicals 2. Electromethanogenesis lab-scale set-up
and green fuels like H2, methane, NH3, methanol, ethanol, CO/syngas/
formic acid, H2O2 (Daiyan et al., 2020; Gong et al., 2021; Sternberg and The electrochemical set-up implemented for electromethanogenesis
Bardow, 2015). Power-to-X offers an attractive approach for converting generally consists of an anode and a cathode placed in a two-chamber
CO2 into carbon-neutral fuels that can be easily transported and stored, system (e.g., H-cell reactor), separated by a membrane (Fig. 1). The
such as methane, methanol, and ethanol, using CO2 as carbon-based cathode and anode are coupled by the external circuit so electrical en­
feedstock (Bushuyev et al., 2018; Gong et al., 2021). One of the most ergy can be supplied using a power source. A negative potential is
important parameters concerning the development of PtX technologies applied to the cathode, so methanogens, present in pure culture, co-
and CO2 utilization processes is the use of cost-effective catalysts with culture, or a mixed community, can use electrons and protons, or/and
long-term stability, selectivity, and good performance (Bushuyev et al., reduced intermediaries to convert CO2 to methane. Meanwhile, in the
2018; Gong et al., 2021; Tufa et al., 2020). anode, water-splitting occurs generating O2 and protons, so protons
The use of microorganisms or enzymes as catalysts offers an diffuse from the anode to the cathode chamber through a membrane,
environmental-friendly option that can be suitable for different PtX whereas the O2 remains at the anode side (Mayer et al., 2019; Nevin
approaches in bioelectrochemical systems (BES) (de Vasconcelos and et al., 2010; Rabaey and Rozendal, 2010) (Fig. 1).
Lavoie, 2019; Logroño et al., 2023; Ramamurthy et al., 2021). In BES, The magnitude of the negative potential applied to the cathode in­
biocatalysts can be used in two different modus operandi: As microbial fluences whether H2 (important intermediate for electromethano­
fuel cells (MFC), where certain microbes generate electricity by using an genesis, as will be discussed below) will be available for
anode as electron acceptor for their microbial metabolism (exoelec­ methanogenesis, or other autotrophic metabolisms in mixed commu­
trogens), or as biological PtX technology through microbial electrosyn­ nities (e.g., acetogenesis by acetogenic bacteria). The cathode potential
thesis systems (MES), where certain microbes use the reductive electron at which H2 formation becomes feasible, i.e. the H2 evolution onset
equivalents or electrons provided by a cathode for reduction processes potential, depends on the H2 partial pressure and the pH at the cathode
that lead to the synthesis of valuable products such as methane and surface (May et al., 2016; Philips, 2020; Vincent et al., 2007):
acetate (Logan et al., 2008; Logan and Rabaey, 2012). ( )
Application of MES for electromethanogenesis enables the conver­ R⋅T pH2
EH /H2 = EH+ /H2 − (1)

2⋅F [H+ ]2

sion of electrical energy into methane via CO2 reduction using metha­
nogens as biocatalysts (Beese-Vasbender et al., 2015; Nevin et al., 2010;
With R the ideal gas constant (8.314 10− 3 kJ ⋅ mol− 1 ⋅ K− 1), T the
Rabaey and Rozendal, 2010). Methanogens are a phylogenetically
temperature (K), F the Faraday constant (96.485 kJ ⋅ V− 1), pH2 the H2
diverse group of anaerobic microorganisms within the domain Archaea,
partial pressure (atm), and [H+] is the proton concentration (M).
responsible for producing about 70% of the global atmospheric methane
EH+ /H2 is the standard potential (pH 0, 1 atm H2) for H2 evolution, which

(Lyu et al., 2018). However, methanogens are also used in different

technical applications to produce methane that can be used as a drop-in is 0 V (i.e., the potential of the SHE). Quite often, H2 evolution is not
fuel to directly substitute our current use of fossil-derived natural gas. considered to happen at cathode potentials less negative than − 414 mV
Biologically produced methane can therefore be used in applications vs SHE (Ragab et al., 2020), which is the H2 evolution onset potential at
where its fossil counterpart is predominantly used today: as fuel for standard conditions (pH 7, all concentrations 1 M and gasses 1 atm).
combined heat and power production, in industrial processes, as trans­ However, actual conditions in MES are most often far from standard
port fuel, or stored and transported in the natural gas grid in geographic conditions. For instance, at a H2 partial pressure of 50 Pa (5 × 10− 4 atm),
regions where such infrastructure is present (de Vasconcelos and Lavoie, the H2 evolution onset potential becomes – 0.316 V (pH 7), while at pH
2019; Götz et al., 2016; Pasini et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2022). 5.5, the H2 evolution onset potential is − 0.325 V (1 atm H2). Conse­
Biological methane production coupled with Power-to-gas technolo­ quently, H2 evolution can thermodynamically be favorable at cathode
gies can be obtained in a one-step process, where the renewable electricity potentials less negative than − 0.4 V vs. SHE (Philips, 2020). Further­
gets supplied directly to the methanogens (electromethanogenesis), or in more, the thermodynamic minimum for electrotrophic methanogens to
a two-step process, where H2 is synthesized via water electrolysis (using utilize extracellular electrons from cathodes for CO2 reduction (Eqs.(4))
renewable electricity), and then injected into a downstream gas fermen­ is E = − 244 mV vs. SHE at pH = 7 (Blasco-Gómez et al., 2017; Cheng
tation reactor (Angelidaki et al., 2018; Aryal et al., 2021; Cheng et al., et al., 2009; Villano et al., 2010).
2009). While the two-step approach is already implemented at industrial
scale by companies such as Electrochaea, MicrobEnergy, and Krajete,
along with other large-scale projects, the one-step approach is still under
investigation at laboratory-scale. As an alternative to the two-step
approach, where electrochemical H2 production and biological conver­
sion is separated into two units, the one-step approach presents a com­
bined solution. Some of the challenges encountered in the two-step
process include low H2 gas-to-liquid mass transfer, buffer capacity, and
excessive H2 supply or partial pressure (Sun et al., 2022). On the other
hand, the one-step approach encounters major challenges, including low
current densities, intricate system design, and low methane production
rates, which need to be addressed before electromethanogenesis can be
scaled up (Blasco-Gómez et al., 2017; Zakaria and Dhar, 2019).
A crucial step to achieve this goal is to comprehend the interaction
between the biological and electrochemical components of the system.
This review aims to summarize how methanogens make this one-step
process work (either in pure culture or in mixed communities), it
highlights the importance of H2 as intermediary, and it gives insights
into the electrochemical concepts that should be optimized according to
the microbial extracellular electron uptake mechanisms of the inoculum.
Furthermore, future perspectives for the development of bio­ Fig. 1. Example of an H-cell reactor implemented for methanogenesis via mi­
electrochemical systems for electromethanogenesis are also considered. crobial electrosynthesis for preliminary lab-scale studies.

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

3. Electrosynthesis processes by methanogenic cultures important to note that pure culture studies often reported low current
densities, likely because many of these studies were testing for direct
Methanogens are phylogenetically diverse, and the current taxon­ EET mechanisms and thus used cathode potentials around − 400 mV to
omy classifies them into seven different orders: Methanobacteriales, exclude H2 evolution. Using more negative cathode potentials, however,
Methanococcales, Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales, Methanopyr­ usually leads to higher current densities (Table 1).
ales, Methanocellales, and Methanomassiliicoccales (Lyu and Liu, 2019).
So far, electron uptake via electrotrophy or via extracellular enzymes is a 4. Electrosynthesis by methanogenic mixed communities
rare and an exclusive trait described in only a few methanogenic strains
or species, as presented in section 5. Therefore, H2 generated electro­ Mixed cultures, enrichment cultures, or defined co-cultures and
chemically on the cathode is thought to be an essential mediator for the consortia have also been implemented in electromethanogenesis pro­
microbial reduction of CO2 in electromethanogenesis (Blanchet et al., cesses (Table 2). The diversity of microbial metabolisms and interactions
2015). that occur among the different microbial groups will be influenced by
Different screening approaches have been employed to obtain the the species or strains present in the cathodic chamber. As an example, a
most suitable methanogens for electromethanogenesis. Some studies complex microbial metabolic network involving microbial-cathode in­
have focused on enrichment cultures, isolates, or commercially available teractions is expected in electromethanogenesis systems when digestate
strains, depending on the objectives of the study. Methanogenic pure from biogas reactors, one of the most common sources of mixed cultures
cultures capable of electromethanogenesis have been key to elucidate among the studies, is utilized as biocatalyst. Similar to the findings with
extracellular electron transfer (EET) mechanisms involved in this pro­ pure methanogenic cultures, in the studies using methanogenic mixed
cess (Fig. 2). This knowledge has been crucial to understand the dif­ communities, higher CH4 production rates are being reported at more
ference in electron uptake efficiencies of different methanogenic strains. negative cathodic potentials (Cheng et al., 2009; Deutzmann and Spor­
Until now, only a few pure methanogenic cultures have been tested in mann, 2017; Jiang et al., 2013; Ragab et al., 2020; Villano et al., 2010;
MES as described in Table 1 (Logan et al., 2019; Mayer et al., 2019). Zhen et al., 2015) (Table 2). However, differences in inocula complexity
The different experimental conditions (e.g., cathodic potential, and operational parameters hinder direct comparison of CH4 rates for
temperature, presence of electron shuttles, electrolyte composition) and each type of inoculum evaluated in the studies.
data reporting methods, make a comparison between the methanogenic Despite the complexity of mixed communities in electrosynthesis
strains from Table 1 difficult. Still, the highest current densities have systems, which hampers elucidation of extracellular electron transfer
been reported for Methanococcus maripaludis strain KA1 (800 ± 115 mA mechanisms, their implementation facilitates the production of a higher
m− 2) and Mic1c10 (487 ± 27 mA m− 2) (Mayer et al., 2022). Interest­ variety of electron donors by different microbial groups interacting with
ingly, only hydrogenotrophic species (Table 1) have been found capable the cathode for methanogenesis. In general, the conventional meth­
of performing electromethanogenesis, while obligate acetoclastic and anogenic substrates include H2, CO2, formate, acetate, methanol, and
methylotrophic methanogens such as Methanosarcina horonobensis have methylated amines. Thereby, methanogens can be identified as hydro­
failed to perform electromethanogenesis, even though some of them are genotrophic, acetoclastic, and methylotrophic based on their substrate
capable of other electroactive processes such as DIET (as described in utilization (Lyu et al., 2018). Considering that methanol and methylated
detail in section 4) (Yee et al., 2019). These findings thus suggest that H2 amines are uncommon substrates in electromethanogenesis, this
acts as an important intermediate in the uptake of extracellular electrons pathway will not be discussed further. Hence, in electrosynthesis, CH4
from the cathode by methanogens as further discussed in section 5. It is production can take place via two different metabolic pathways:

Table 1
Methanogenic strains in electrosynthesis systems.
Methanogenic strain Type of Cathode Cathode Membrane Product rates Coulombic Current Reference
reactor potential (V) material efficiency (%) density

Methanococcus maripaludis S2 H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 8.81 (±0.51) 58.9 (±0.8) 219 (±21) (Mayer et al.,
DSM-14266 (37 ◦ C) rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 mA m − 2 2019)
Methanococcus maripaludis H-cell − 0.6 vs SHE graphite Nafion 117 formate (60 μg Hdr- 90 Unknown (Lienemann
MM1264 (purified Hdr-SC) rods SC): 0.12 μmol h− 1 et al., 2018)
(30 ◦ C) cm− 2
Methanococcus maripaludis H-cell − 0.7 vs SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 1 μmol h− 1 70–80 Unknown (Lohner et al.,
MM901 rods 2014)
Methanococcus maripaludis KA1 H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 10.8 (±0.51) 35.1 (±11.8) 800 (±115) (Mayer et al.,
rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 mA m− 2 2022)
Methanococcus maripaludis H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 16.2 (±0.45) 61.3 (±1.5) 487 (±27) (Mayer et al.,
Mic1c10 rods mmol m− 2 d− 2 mA m− 2 2022)
Methanococcus vannielii H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 8.76 (±0.26) 55.4 (±0.5) 184 (±13) (Mayer et al.,
DSM-1224 (37 ◦ C) rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 mA m − 2 2019)
Methanobacterium congolense H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 4.12 (±0.36) 51.3 (±1.3) 140 (±20) (Mayer et al.,
DSM-7095 (37 ◦ C) rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 mA m − 2 2019)
Methanobacterium-like archaeon Two − 0.4 vs. SHE graphite n.a. salt CH4: 0.35 μmol d− 80 9.69 × 10− 5 (Beese-
strain IM1 (21 ◦ C) chambers* rods bridge cm− 2 mA Vasbender et al.,
m− 2 2015)
Methanoculleus submarinus H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 7.90 (±0.05) 45.3 (±10.9) 259 (±59) (Mayer et al.,
DSM-15122 (37 ◦ C) rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 mA m − 2 2019)
Methanolacinia petrolearia H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 7.49 (±0.25) 56.6 (±1) 189 (±4.9) (Mayer et al.,
DSM-11571 (37 ◦ C) rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 mA m − 2 2019)
Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 H-cell − 0.7 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 0.14 (±0.01) n.a. n.a. (Mayer et al.,
DSM-3647 (37 ◦ C) rods mmol m− 2 d− 1 2019)
Methanosarcina barkeri DSM- H-cell − 0.45 vs. carbon Nafion 117 CH4: 104.0 ± 15.7 86 ± 28 120 (±35) (Rowe et al.,
804 (30 ◦ C) SHE cloth eeq total after 48 h eeq total 2019)
Methanosarcina barkeri DSM- H-cell − 0.4 vs. SHE graphite Nafion 117 CH4: 3.1 ± 0.34 Unknown ≈ 2.5 mA m (Yee et al., 2019)
− 2
800 (37 ◦ C) rods mM, after 28 days

(n.a. = not applicable; *Dual compartment connected via a salt bridge)

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

Table 2
Methanogenic mixed cultures and co-cultures performing methane electrosynthesis from cathodes.
Methanogens involved Bacteria involved Source Type of Cathode Cathode Observations Reference
reactor potential material
(V vs. SHE)

Methanococcus maripaludis Desulfopila corrodens Defined co- Two- − 0.4 V − Graphite CH4 rates at − 0.4 V: (Deutzmann
(MM901) (IS4) culture chamber 0.5 V 0.1–0.14 μmol cm− 2 h− 1. At – and
0.5 V: 0.6–0.9 μmol cm− 2 h− 1 Spormann,
Methanobacterium sp. (34×) Desulfovibrio and various Wastewater Two- − 0.77 V Carbon cloth CH4 production was higher at (Ragab et al.,
Methanobrevibacter sp. fermentative bacteria sludge chamber − 0.47 V − 0.77 V 2020)
Methanosarcina sp. enrichment
Methanobacterium sp. Desulfovibrionaceae Rice paddy Two- − 0.5 V Carbon cloth Highest rates of CH4 with (Bretschger
Methanobacterium bryantii Bacteroidetes and soil chamber multiple methanogenic et al., 2015)
Methanosarcina mazei Bacillaceae phylotypes
Hydrogenotrophic Not determined Anaerobic Two- From Carbon Higher CH4 production at more (Villano et al.,
methanogens sludge chamber − 0.65 to paper negative potentials: up to 0.32 2010)
− 0.9 V ± 0.01 mmol d− 1 at − 0.9 V (CE:
85 ± 2%)
Mainly Methanobacterium 62.8 ± 11.8% bacteria Anaerobic Two- From Carbon Considerable methane yield at (Zhen et al.,
(non-characterized) sludge chamber ** − 0.37 V to sticks − 0.67 V vs. SHE 2015)
− 0.77 V
Uncharacterized electrochemically active mixed culture Activated Two- − 0.62 V − Carbon-felt From − 0.62 to − 0.72 V CH4 and (Jiang et al.,
sludge chamber * 0.72 V H2 were produced. At lower 2013)
− 0.82 V potentials CH4, H2 and
CH3COOH. (CE: 60.9% at − 0.62
V; 95.8% at − 0.72 V; 56.7% at
− 0.82 V)
Predominated by Primarily Anaerobic Two- − 0.6 V Carbon The only reactors that were (Siegert et al.,
Methanobacterium except δ-Proteobacteria digester chamber brush, always stable in terms of CH4 2015)
for platinum cathodes that sludge graphite production and CE below 100%
were predominated by block with were those with platinum
Methanobrevibacter different cathodes
Methanoculleus thermophilus, Firmicutes, Thickened Cylindrical − 0.57 V 8 carbon Gas production increased with (Sasaki et al.,
Methanobacterium Bacteroidetes, sewage sludge (2-chamber) plates carbon fiber fabric on cathodes. 2013)
formicicum, Methanosarcina Synergistetes. A reactor for scale-up
Methanobacterium palustre Sedimentibacter Solution from Single- − 0.47 V − Several Biofilm from cathode produced (Cheng et al.,
(most abundant), hongkongensis, an anode chamber 0.77 V carbon cloth CH4 at less than − 0.47 V but at 2009)
Methanoregula boonei, Clostridium sticklandii, chamber slower rates. (CE: 96%; − 0.77 V)
Methanospirillum hungatei Clostridium
Methanothermobacter sp (most Not determined Sludge from Two- − 0.57 V Carbon sheet Possibility of electron transfer (Sasaki et al.,
abundant) CH4 chamber − 0.37 V with AQDS from the cathodic 2011)
fermentor working electrode

Two-chamber reactors were separated by a Nafion 117 proton exchange membrane except for: * Cation exchange membrane (AMI7001), ** CSO monovalent-cation-
selective exchange membrane.

(i) CO2 reduction: in co-cultures or methanogenic mixed cultures in a process defined as

interspecies hydrogen/formic acid transfer (Bryant et al., 1967; Zhang
ʹ /
4H2 + CO2 →CH4 + 2H2 O ΔG0 = − 135 kJ mol (2) et al., 2023), or hydrogen-, formate-mediated interspecies electron
transfer (MIET) (Storck et al., 2015). Opportunistic interactions with
ʹ / autotrophic bacteria can also represent a H2 source for methanogens. In
4HCOOH→3CO2 + CH4 + 2H2 O ΔG0 = − 130 kJ mol (3)
this case, the microorganisms with lower H2 thresholds have the
8H+ + 8e− + CO2 →CH4 + 2H2 O (4) advantage (competitive microbial interaction) to scavenge any available
H2 produced or released from the lysis of H2-consuming bacteria (Pal­
acios et al., 2021). Alternatively, methanogens could in theory also use
(ii) Acetoclastic pathway electrons directly from the cathode to catalyze the reduction of CO2 via
' / Eq.4. However, such a direct mechanism has not been experimentally
CH3 COOH→CH4 + CO2 ΔG0 = − 33kJ mol (5)
characterized or elucidated for electromethanogenesis, as further dis­
0 cussed in section 5, but has been demonstrated in direct interspecies
ΔG ′ source: (Hedderich and Whitman, 2013; Liu and Whitman,
2008). electron transfer (DIET). For DIET, the syntrophic interaction has been
For instance, the CO2 reduction pathway (Eqs.(2)–(3)-(4)) is shown to involve different methanogenic genera (e.g., Methanosarcina,
considered to play a major role during electromethanogenesis, and thus Methanotrix, Methanobacterium strain YSL) that act as e- acceptors for
it determines the overall performance of the system (Blasco-Gómez specific electroactive bacteria such as Geobacter (the e- donor) (Rotaru
et al., 2017). Accordingly, H2 and formate as electron donors (Eqs.(2)– et al., 2014b; Rotaru et al., 2014a; Yee et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2020b).
(3)) (Liu and Whitman, 2008) can be electrochemically generated on the This relationship is found to be mediated through the direct contact
cathode. However, they can also be obtained from syntrophic in­ between cells, which allows electron transfer from the bacteria to the
teractions with H2 and formate-producing bacteria (Morris et al., 2013) methanogens via nanowires and outer-membrane multi-heme c-type

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

cytochromes (MHC) (Lovley, 2017; Shi et al., 2016; Shrestha et al., generation (Hamilton, 2003), or via other extracellular electron uptake
2013b; Summers et al., 2010). The use of undefined mixed cultures not mechanisms (Holmes et al., 2022a; Lienemann et al., 2018; Tsurumaru
only promotes syntrophic interactions but can also lead to competitive et al., 2018). The thermodynamic favorability of this process has been
interactions between methanogens and homoacetogens over electrons expressed by the equation: 8H+ + 4Fe0 + CO2 → CH4 + 4Fe2+ + 2H2O,
and H2 in cathodes, although this interaction is more commonly ΔG0 = − 150.5 kJ/moL CH4 (Boopathy and Daniels, 1991; Wang et al.,
addressed for the cathodic production of acetate (Marshall et al., 2012; 2021). Moreover, the use of metallic iron (Fe0) as sole electron donor in
Molenaar et al., 2017). anaerobic cultures, along with the quantification of metabolic products
Although CO2 reduction pathways are the main focus of electro­ and Fe2+, offers a suitable alternative to screen for microorganisms with
methanogenesis, the importance of the acetoclastic pathway should not ability to uptake electrons from cathodes without assembling an elec­
be underrated when working with mixed cultures (Blasco-Gómez et al., trochemical set-up. For instance, pure Fe0, Fe0 with a 99.98% purity, and
2017). Acetoclastic methanogenesis (Eq. (5)) (Liu and Whitman, 2008) stainless steel can be used for this purpose (Deutzmann et al., 2015;
can be supported through syntrophic interactions with acetate- Holmes et al., 2022a; Tsurumaru et al., 2018; Uchiyama et al., 2010).
producing bacteria (acetogens), which are very common in these sys­ Here, we describe several mechanisms that methanogens use during
tems. For instance, in complex microbial communities such as anaerobic electromethanogenesis processes, including the ones discovered in
digestate, which is commonly used as inoculum in MES, cooperative highly corrosive species. From this section it can also be inferred that
relationships can be formed when methanogens consume the accumu­ non-electrotrophic methanogens, which utilize H2 as intermediary
lated acetate generated via homoacetogenesis from H2 and CO2, or the instead of electrons, play a major role as biocatalysts in electro­
acetate and H2 accumulated from the fermentation of organic com­ methanogenic systems.
pounds (Stams and Plugge, 2009). Methanogenesis with acetate as
electron donor yields little energy under standard conditions compared 5.1. Hydrogen uptake from cathodes and Fe0 (indirect)
to methane formation from CO2 reduction (Eqs. (2)–(3)-(5)) (Stams
et al., 2019). All acetoclastic methanogens belong to the order Meth­ As previously mentioned, the H2 generated from cathodes that are
anosarcinales, but acetate can also help to stimulate growth in other non- poised at sufficient negative potentials, and from Fe0 (Hamilton, 2003)
acetoclastic methanogens (not as an energy source but as a carbon represents an available electron donor for hydrogenotrophic metha­
source) (Fuchs and Stupperich, 1986). nogens (Fig. 2). In microbial-induced corrosion studies, cathodic depo­
Furthermore, different microbial interactions and products in addi­ larization was the first proposed mechanism for corrosive sulfate-
tion to methane can also be expected, but this depends on the microbial reducing bacteria, and it remains one of the most frequently discussed
species and strains present in the MES. In addition to C1 compounds, methods by which some bacteria and methanogens can stimulate
cathodic microorganisms have been shown to enable MES production of corrosion by consuming the abiotically produced H2 generated at the
C2-C6 compounds including short carboxylic acids like acetic and cathodic zone of the metal surface (Uchiyama et al., 2010) (Fig. 2). In
butyric acid (Aryal et al., 2017b; Christodoulou and Velasquez-Orta, more detail, this concept states that the presence of H2 at cathodic sites
2016; Nevin et al., 2010), medium-chain carboxylic acids like caproic causes ‘polarization’ of the cathodes, which limits the rate of the overall
acid (Van Eerten-Jansen et al., 2013; Vassilev et al., 2018), and alcohols corrosion reaction. Microorganisms stimulate the corrosion reaction by
like ethanol and butanol (Blanchet et al., 2015; Romans-Casas et al., removing the H2 (Costello, 1974), as this H2 utilization removes elec­
2024). Furthermore, the diversity of metabolic pathways performed by trons and hereby depolarizes the cathodic site, allowing more iron to be
mixed methanogenic communities can help to develop flexible and corroded at the anode side (Iverson, 1966). Nevertheless, as reported for
resilient biofilms on cathodes. These communities can then be adapted some hydrogenotrophic methanogens such as Methanogenium, Meth­
to synthesize a wide array of products and tolerate stressful conditions anoplanus, Methanocalculus, and Methanobacterium, H2 utilization alone
such as oxygen leaks and addition of contaminants (Mills et al., 2022). is not sufficient to explain the observed significant corrosion rates
(Skovhus et al., 2017).
5. Mechanisms employed by methanogens to use cathodes and A better understanding on how some methanogenic strains were able
Fe0 as electron donors to induce severe Fe0 corrosion was acquired after specific extracellular
enzymes were discovered to catalyze cathodic H2 and formate genera­
Recently, different studies using methanogenic pure cultures eluci­ tion coupled with CO2 reduction, as described in the next section. At low
dated some of the mechanisms involved in extracellular electron transfer enough potentials, electrochemically generated H2 acts as an interme­
from reduced solid surfaces such as cathodes and zero-valent iron (mi­ diary, enhancing methanogenesis and growth rates in biocathodes
crobial corrosion). The economic and environmental problems caused (Villano et al., 2010), which also corresponds with the enrichment of
by microbial-induced corrosion processes under anoxic conditions have hydrogenotrophic methanogens often observed in electromethano­
led to the investigation of how different microbial groups induce severe genesis (Table 2). H2 is considered to be the main electron transfer
corrosion by harvesting electrons effectively from iron (Fe0) and thus molecule for electromethanogenesis (Fu et al., 2015), and this goes
oxidizing it. Methanogens may be the second most common cause of along with the fact that some methanogens can effectively use H2, even
microbial-induced corrosion after sulfate-reducing bacteria in anoxic when it is only available at very low concentrations (Table 3). It is hy­
environments (Dinh et al., 2004; Ibrahim et al., 2018; Tsurumaru et al., pothesized that strains with a low H2 threshold and a high affinity for H2
2018; Uchiyama et al., 2010), and therefore Fe0 corrosion assays along have an advantage on electrodes, where usually low H2 partial pressures
with electrochemical systems are commonly implemented to evaluate prevail. Moreover, the maintenance of low H2 levels on cathodes is
not only the corrosive potential of methanogens but also their ability to thought to thermodynamically stimulate the cathodic H2 evolution re­
uptake electrons from cathodes, which is relevant for electromethano­ action (Philips, 2020). Different H2-threshold values have been previ­
genesis processes. ously reported for different methanogenic strains, which in theory
Both electromethanogenesis and microbial corrosion processes should help to screen for methanogens that can use the electrochemi­
involve electrochemical reactions. The mechanism engaged in capture cally generated H2 from cathodes and Fe0. However, these values are to
of electrons from the Fe0 surface also involves electron flow from an some level condition dependent (e.g., different medium composition,
anodic to a cathodic site on the Fe0 surface. At the anodic site, Fe0 gets mixing intensity, temperature, pH) (Karadagli et al., 2019; Philips,
oxidized releasing electrons and ferrous iron (Fe2+) (indicative of 2020).
corrosion). Then, the electrons generated at the anode are simulta­
neously accepted at the cathodic surface, where some of them can be
used as electron donors for microorganisms via electrochemical H2

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

Table 3
H2- utilizing methanogens and their corresponding H2 thresholds.
Hydrogenotrophic methanogens H2 threshold (Pa) Reference

Methanobacteriales order
Methanobacterium bryantii strain M.o.H. 6.9 ± 1.5 (Lovley, 1985), (Karadagli and Rittmann, 2007)
0.056 (0.028–0.14)
Methanobacterium formicicum strain JF-1 6.5 ± 0.6 (Lovley, 1985)
Methanobacterium formicicum DSM 1535 2.8 (Cord-Ruwisch et al., 1988)
Methanobacterium bryantii DSM 10113 2.5 ± 4.4 (Neubeck et al., 2016)
Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus DSM 744 9 and ~8 (Cord-Ruwisch et al., 1988), (Kaster et al., 2011)
Methanobrevibacter smithii DSM 816 10 (Cord-Ruwisch et al., 1988)
Methanobrevibacter strain AMG-1 5.7 ± 0.7 (Feldewert et al., 2020)
Methanothermobacter marburgensis DSM 2133 ~8 (Kaster et al., 2011)

Methanomicrobiales order
Methanospirillum hungatei strain JF-1 9.5 ± 1.3 (Lovley, 1985)
Methanospirillum hungatei DSM 864 3 (Cord-Ruwisch et al., 1988)
Methanoculleus bourgensis strain MAB1 0.15 ± 0.13 (Neubeck et al., 2016)
Methanogenium marinum strain AK-1 ~0.57 (Chong et al., 2002)

Methanococcales order
Methanococcus vannielii DSM 1224 7.5 (Cord-Ruwisch et al., 1988)

Methanosarcinales order
Methanosarcina barkeri DSM 800 18.6 ± 10.0 (Neubeck et al., 2016)
Methanosarcina barkeri DSM 804 150 (Kaster et al., 2011)

5.2. Electroactive extracellular enzymes (indirect) region via spontaneous deletion (Tsurumaru et al., 2018). Interestingly,
the MIC island can spread among methanogens beyond the genus level,
Recently, a mechanism for extracellular electron uptake from solid and its presence was also confirmed in Methanobacterium congolense
surfaces (Fe0 and electrodes) was proposed and reported in a few (Tsurumaru et al., 2018). Currently, the large subunit of this hydroge­
methanogenic strains. The ability of Methanococcus maripaludis KA1/ nase (labeled micH) has been used as a biomarker for microbial corro­
Mic1c10/MM1264/OS7, Methanobacterium sp., and Methanobacterium- sion and has being detected in multiple oil fields and corrosive biofilms,
like archaeon IM1 to efficiently uptake electrons from Fe0 and cathodes suggesting that this enzyme is geographically widespread (Lahme et al.,
was associated with excreted extracellular hydrogenases and formate 2021). Moreover, in 2019, Perona-Vico and co-authors found that
dehydrogenases, which were proven to be involved in severe corrosion, [NiFe]‑hydrogenases, heterodisulfide reductase, F420-reducing
and enhanced methane production in electrochemical reactors, due to [NiFe]‑hydrogenase, and the hydrogenase maturation protein: HypD
the generation of H2 or formate (Eqs. (2)–(3)) (Dinh et al., 2004; Lie­ were constitutively expressed during electromethanogenesis in an
nemann et al., 2018; Mori et al., 2010; Perona-Vico et al., 2019; Tsur­ enriched Methanobacterium population (Perona-Vico et al., 2019). Hy­
umaru et al., 2018; Uchiyama et al., 2010). drogenases from Methanosarcina barkeri have also been reported to
Two publications have studied some of the enzymes involved in this catalyze the H2 production on electrodes in electrochemical reactors.
mechanism. Lienemann and co-authors reported that the multi-enzyme Cathodes inoculated with this methanogen at a set potential of − 0.6 V
heterodisulfide reductase supercomplex (Hdr-SC) from Methanococcus vs. SHE, produced H2 at a rate of 120 ± 18 nmol d− 1 ml− 1, and about
maripaludis MM1264 could facilitate electron uptake through the rapid half of this rate was detected with the non-viable cells of M. barkeri
generation of formate on Fe0 and cathodes (− 600 mV vs SHE) (Fig. 2). (Yates et al., 2014). It has been reported that hydrogenases in combi­
This complex involves a heterodisulfide reductase (HdrABC), formate nation with ferredoxin (Fd) and F420 from M. barkeri can attach to the
dehydrogenase (FdhAB), and NiFe‑hydrogenase (VhuABDGU) (Liene­ electrode surface to catalyze H2 formation (Rowe et al., 2019).
mann et al., 2018), where VhuD is thought to facilitate electron flow Furthermore, only those strains capable of reaching high methane pro­
from the hydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase to HdrA (Costa et al., duction rates, and higher electron transfer rates should be considered for
2013). The purified Hdr-SC did not show high catalytic activity for H2 upscaling and for industrial applications. Thereby, hydrogenotrophic
formation under Fe0 corroding conditions, suggesting that H2 formation methanogens and H2 as an intermediary offer a suitable alternative to
from cell lysate is catalyzed by a non-Hdr-SC-associated hydrogenase further develop these systems.
activity. This enzymatic complex acts as a highly selective, electroactive The purification of electroactive hydrogenases and formate de­
formate evolution catalyst, and is capable of sustaining enzymatic hydrogenases has helped to demonstrate their ability to generate H2 or
electrosynthesis of formate in the absence of an external mediator formate on cathodes and Fe0. In a recent study, it was shown that three
(Lienemann et al., 2018). different hydrogenases from Clostridium pasteurianum and Meth­
Tsurumaru and co-authors furthermore discovered a novel family anococcus maripaludis, when immobilized on a cathode in a cobaltocene-
member of [NiFe] hydrogenases. This enzyme denominated MIC‑hy­ functionalized polyallylamine (Cc-PAA) redox polymer, mediated rapid
drogenase (from microbiologically influenced corrosion, MIC) is pro­ and efficient H2 evolution. The Cc-PAA-mediated hydrogenases oper­
duced by specific strains of Methanococcus maripaludis (KA1, OS7, and ated at high faradaic efficiency (80–100%) and low apparent over­
Mic1c10), and can make direct contact with Fe0 and oxidize it through potential (− 0.578 to − 0.593 V vs. SHE) (Ruth et al., 2020). Since one of
the generation of H2 gas (Fig. 2). It is encoded in an unstable genomic the main challenges of H2 production on an industrial scale is to stabilize
region named “MIC island”, which explains why corrosive strains the hydrogenases on the electrodes, this study on immobilization of
growing on H2 after several transfers for culture maintenance, lose their enzymes on a cathode illustrates an interesting approach to work with
ability to induce severe corrosion along with loss of this specific genomic purified enzymes. Still, whole cells of mixed or pure cultures of actively

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

growing microorganisms represent a cost-effective alternative to the Methanosarcinales is independent of multiheme c-type cytochromes (Yee
elaborate enzyme purification procedures (Sané et al., 2014; Sané et al., et al., 2018), the presence of OMCs in the model organism Meth­
2013; Yates et al., 2014), which is critical for large-scale applications. anosarcina acetivorans (denominated as MmcA) has given some insight
on the crucial role that these redox-active proteins can have in the EET
5.3. Electron shuttles (potential indirect mechanism) processes carried by this Type II Methanosarcina. The multiheme, outer-
surface c-type cytochrome MmcA can act not only as a terminal reduc­
Another way of enhancing the transfer of electrons between cathode tase capable of transferring electrons to the humic analog, anthraquione-
and microorganism is through the use of redox mediators. Redox me­ 2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) (Holmes et al., 2019) but also as a conduit for
diators are stable and electrochemically active molecules that can be direct electron uptake from Fe0 (metal-to-microbe), when acetate is
reduced and oxidized reversibly, thereby acting as electron shuttles available as an additional energy source. Moreover, during DIET,
between electron donating cathodes and electron accepting microor­ Methanosarcina also receive acetate from its electron-donating partner as
ganisms (Van Der Zee and Cervantes, 2009). The use of electron shuttles an additional source of electrons (Holmes et al., 2022b; Holmes et al.,
is a common mechanism that electroactive microbes use to achieve 2022a; Rotaru et al., 2014a; Shrestha et al., 2013a, 2013b). For the
extracellular electron transfer. In methanogens, electron shuttles are fundamental understanding of the microbial physiology in MES, it is
well known as intermediary electron acceptors (available in their important to elucidate the mechanisms behind the extracellular electron
oxidized state), and some examples of methanogens reducing artificial uptake processes. However, in terms of applicability direct mechanisms
and natural extracellular electron shuttles are available in literature (e. such as the outer-surface c-type cytochromes have not been proven to be
g., AQDS, Fe3+, U6+, and V4+) (Bond and Lovley, 2002; Holmes et al., suitable candidates to develop efficient electromethanogenesis pro­
2019; Holmes et al., 2018; Palacios et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2014). cesses on an industrial scale, especially with pure cultures. For example,
However, in terms of electromethanogenesis, electron shuttles must act it has been suggested that Methanosarcina barkeri uses both a
as intermediary electron donors switching between reduced and hydrogenase-mediated and a putatively direct mechanism to feed from
oxidized form when transferring electrons from the electron donating cathodes (Rowe et al., 2019). The methane production values obtained
cathode to the electron accepting methanogen to facilitate extracellular from whole cultures (including extracellular enzymes) were fivefold
electron uptake by the methanogens. To date, only electrically reduced higher (104.0 ± 15.7 eeq total) compared to washed cells cultures (18.9
neutral red has been reported as electron donor for growth and pro­ ± 3.3 eeq total), in which extracellular enzymes such as hydrogenases
duction of methane from CO2 in a methanogenic mixed culture from have previously been washed out (Rowe et al., 2019). This indicates that
anaerobic sludge (Park et al., 1999). From this study, the authors the direct mechanism only played a minor role in comparison to the
affirmed that much remains to be learned about the exact biochemical hydrogenase-mediated mechanism with H2 as intermediary.
mechanisms involved in this process. In a more recent study involving
pure cultures of Methanosarcina mazei, methane production was also 5.5. Archaella (potential direct mechanism)
enhanced by neutral red (no electrodes present), but only when acetate
was used as substrate in the absence of H2 (Beckmann et al., 2016). The Extracellular electron transfer (EET) mechanisms have been widely
lack of activity in the absence of acetate demonstrated that neutral red studied in bacteria, such as Geobacter and Shewanella species (Shi et al.,
was not used as an electron donor for methanogenesis via CO2 reduction. 2016), compared to Archaea. This can give us some hints on potential
Instead, this mediator could drive H2 production via the Vho hydroge­ and similar EET mechanisms that might be present in methanogens
nase by delivering reducing equivalents to the membrane bound HdrED, growing on cathodes and Fe0 surfaces (e.g., Archaellum, c-type cyto­
which enabled the reduction of the carbonyl group from acetate to chromes, electron shuttles). The archaeal flagellum, now defined as
methane as shown in in vitro electron transport assays on isolated archaellum (Albers and Jarrell, 2015; Jarrell and Albers, 2012), is a
membrane fractions of the methanogen (Beckmann et al., 2016). particularly interesting structure to consider in EET studies. For
Mediated extracellular electron uptake by methanogens via artificial example, in terms of conductivity it has been reported that the arch­
electron shuttles is still largely unexplored. Future use of such redox aellum of Menthanospirillum hungatei has a conductance 4-fold higher
mediators should consider cellular toxicity of such shuttles, along with compared to G. sulfurreducens nanowires (Walker et al., 2019). Even
their stability and redox potential. The screening and selection of an though, the structure of this conductive protein filament is unknown, the
adequate electron mediator could help alleviate the low electron authors identified a core of tightly packed phenylalanines as a potential
transfer rates from cathode to redox-active proteins and hereby improve the route for its electron conductance (Walker et al., 2019). Since
methane production rates and efficiencies. archaella are also involved in cellular motility, biofilm formation, and
cellular adhesion (Jarrell et al., 2011; Jarrell and Albers, 2012; Schopf
et al., 2008), this structure could also play an important role in the
5.4. Multiheme c-type cytochromes (direct mechanism) formation of methanogenic biofilms on cathodes. However, archaella
from studied methanogens such as Methanococcus maripaludis are not
The important role of outer membrane c-type cytochromes (OMCs) constitutively expressed, and several nutritional factors may increase (e.
as electron carrier proteins in electroactive bacteria like Shewanella g., H2 and phosphate limitation) or decrease (e.g., nitrogen limitation)
oneidensis MR-1 and Geobacter sulfurreducens (Paquete et al., 2022; Shi their expression (Albers and Jarrell, 2015; Hendrickson et al., 2008; Xia
et al., 2009; Tang et al., 2019) leads to question if similar membrane- et al., 2009). Further studies could clarify if conductive archaella, like
bound redox-active proteins are involved in direct extracellular elec­ the one from Menthanospirillum hungatei (Walker et al., 2019), or the
tron uptake mechanisms in methanogens. The only methanogens with archaellum of Methanococcus maripaludis are capable of performing EET
known membrane-bound cytochromes are Methanotrix, and Meth­ from cathodes to cells.
anosarcina (Kletzin et al., 2015; Kühn et al., 1983; Rotaru et al., 2014a;
Thauer et al., 2008). Even though, a study in direct interspecies electron
transfer (DIET) suggested that extracellular electron uptake in

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

Fig. 2. General schematic of extracellular electron uptake mechanisms performed by methanogens in electromethanogenesis processes using cathodes as energy
source. Indirect mechanisms (left panel) include the utilization of electrochemically generated H2, and the ability of specific methanogenic strains to perform
enzyme-dependent electron uptake via the MIC-hydrogenase ([NiFe]-hydrogenase), and the heterodisulfide reductase supercomplex (Hdr-SC) (both can interact with
the cathode to generate H2 and formate, respectively). On the other hand, a direct electron uptake mechanism (right panel) involves the use of multiheme c-type
cytochromes by the model organism Methanosarcina acetivorans to perform direct metal-to-microbe electron uptake during acetoclastic methanogenesis. Moreover, if
conductive archaella are involved as a direct mechanism, or if redox mediators can facilitate an indirect electron uptake mechanism require further research.

6. Optimization of electromethanogenesis processes microbial stability (e.g., toxicity tests) and activity must be determined
to assure biocompatibility and higher efficiencies. From the electro­
The idea of displaying all elucidated mechanisms to date, is to chemical perspective, it would also be convenient to apply more nega­
recognize the major role that H2 plays as an intermediary generated tive potentials to the cathode to increase the electron flow delivery and
electrochemically, enzymatically, or microbially. Still, the mechanisms transfer. One important factor to consider when applying more negative
represent just a part of the interdisciplinary MES technology, which is potentials is the increase of pH at the cathode as protons are continously
why the optimization of other parameters that can enhance electron and removed to produce H2 (Lim et al., 2018). pH control is key in this case,
H2 transfer rates from cathodes to microbes and their corresponding and the addition of CO2 or acidic solutions (e.g., HCl) would be rec­
redox enzymes is largely encouraged. ommended to maintain the pH at neutral or slightly acidic to sustain the
From a microbiological point of view, it is critical to understand how biocathode performance.
the selected pure or mixed cultures of methanogens interact with the The H-cell system (Fig. 1) is ideal for investigations on mechanisms
cathode at specific voltages. Knowledge and selection of specific meth­ and optimization studies involving different membranes, cathode ma­
anogenic strains and their ability to either take up electrons directly terials, and well-defined methanogenic cultures as sterile conditions can
(electrotrophic methanogens) or via reduced intermediaries such as H2 be achieved by autoclaving most parts of the cell (Table 1) (Liu et al.,
(non-electrotrophic methanogens) will be key for pairing the optimal 2023). However, the H-cell system presents some limitations such as
electrochemical conditions of the set-up, with the physiology of the non-optimal gassing, stirring geometry, large internal resistance as a
methanogenic strains. Finding the right combination between the result of the long distance between electrodes (Liang et al., 2007), and
methanogenic inoculum of interest and its optimal cathodic potential challenging scale-up (Krieg et al., 2019). The reactor design and
can result in higher energy efficiencies and production rates, which are configuration are therefore important engineering aspects to consider to
some of the main limitations encountered in this system (Su and Ajo- obtain more efficient electron and gas (CO2 and H2) transfer processes.
Franklin, 2019; Zheng et al., 2020a). MES design includes both single-chamber systems, which are
An efficient MES is, however, not dependent on the microorganisms membrane-less and contain the cathode and anode in the same chamber,
alone, but also on their interaction with the cathode. Some of the factors or dual- or multi-chamber systems, where electrodes are separated by a
limiting electron transfer are related to the design of cathodes to opti­ membrane. Even though the single-chamber system has a simpler design
mize their surface area, conductivity, and biocompatibility. Efforts are compared to dual-chamber systems that can reduce the cost and
therefore being made to improve the cathodes that are used in electro­ complexity of the system, the main disadvantage of the single-chamber
methanogenesis by combining new and existing materials, and shapes, system is the electrochemical production of O2 at the anode, also known
or applying different treatments to the surface of the cathodes (Blasco- as oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which can affect the obligate
Gómez et al., 2017). Several research studies have contributed to the anaerobic methanogens also present in the single-chamber MES. The
design, evaluation, and comparison of different cathodes for electro­ membrane included in dual and multi-chamber systems can limit the O2
synthesis processes (Aryal et al., 2017a; Bajracharya et al., 2022; Siegert diffusion from anode to cathode (Aryal et al., 2021) and reduce its
et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2013; Zhen et al., 2018). The most commonly negative impact on the obligate anaerobic methanogens. Considering
used electrode materials in electrosynthesis lab-scale studies include that nearly all BES require the spatial separation of anode and cathode to
carbon-based materials such as carbon felt, carbon cloth, and graphite, maintain redox gradients for energy conversion and to prevent crossover
but also stainless steel, nickel, and titanium (Park et al., 2022). processes (Krieg et al., 2014), one of the most important up-scaling
Furthermore, the utilization of conductive particles or molecules could challenges involves highly efficient and low-cost electrochemical re­
potentially facilitate electron transfer. However, their effect on actors. Here many different designs can be considered, but some of the

P.A. Palacios et al. Biotechnology Advances 73 (2024) 108369

main parameters for optimization are (i) reduction of the geometrical CRediT authorship contribution statement
distance between the anode and cathode to decrease the electrical
resistance and ohmic losses (ii) stacking of cells to obtain higher cell Paola Andrea Palacios: Conceptualization, Writing – review &
voltages as power electronics is not (cost-) efficient at low voltages and editing. Jo Philips: Writing – review & editing. Anders Bentien:
(iii) have OER catalysts that work efficiently at near neutral conditions Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition. Michael Vedel
(Aryal et al., 2021; Krieg et al., 2014). Here it is natural to be inspired by Wegener Kofoed: Writing – review & editing, Funding acquisition.
the technical advancements within fuel cells, electrolyzers, and flow
batteries that use the same overall design strategy for optimization and Declaration of competing interest
upscaling. I.e. thin electrodes (typically <3 mm) stacked in cells from 40
to 100 and separated by bipolar plates (typically either carbon graphite The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
or nickel-based, depending on the specific technology) (Grigoriev et al., interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
2020; Ke et al., 2018). Whereas H-cell current densities in general are the work reported in this paper.
well below <1000 mA m− 2 (Table 1), the use of a redox-flow battery
design using a non-enriched inoculum from a biogas reactor resulted in Acknowledgement
current densities of up to 35 A m− 2 (Geppert et al., 2019). Since elec­
tromethanogenesis is still being developed at lab-scale, the economic This work was supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF),
implications can be difficult to predict, however, even at current den­ Exploratory Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme 2020 (grant number
sities of 35 A m− 2, the optimization of charge transfer can still be seen as 0064571).
a major challenge for the technology, which would result in large and
costly electrochemical cells (stacks) (Aryal et al., 2021), and effectively References
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