Review of an Efficient and Autonomous Planning Scheme for Deploying IoT Services in Fog Computing a Metaheuristic-Based Approach

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This paper introduces a meta-heuristic-based approach called SPP-DEA
for efficiently deploying IoT services in fog computing. The proposed
approach aims to improve the cloud-fog-IoT ecosystem by satisfying QoS
and compromising between service cost, response time, resource
utilization, and throughput. SPP-DEA uses the MADE-k base model to
deploy IoT services on fog nodes and performs the placement process in
each time period in a distributed manner. To achieve computational
acceleration, SPP-DEA is configured using a shared parallel architecture.
The simulation results show that SPP-DEA outperforms other existing
methods in terms of different QoS metrics. Overall, the study indicates
that the application of DEA for SPP is a promising solution to handle
complex real-world problems in fog computing.

Strong side:
- The proposed SPP-DEA approach considers multiple QoS metrics and
addresses the challenges of IoT service deployment in fog computing.
- The study uses a meta-heuristic-based method, DEA, that effectively
navigates the solution space and creates diversity for optimization,
leading to reduced convergence toward local optima.
- The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of
the proposed approach in terms of various QoS metrics, outperforming
existing methods.

Weak side:
- The study assumes the arrival of service requests online, but it does not
address the variability of request patterns, which may affect the accuracy
of the placement process.
- The proposed approach relies on the performance of the MADE-k
model, which may not be optimal for certain scenarios and may require
tuning for different use cases.
- The paper does not discuss the computational complexity of SPP-DEA
and its scalability for large-scale systems.
Alternative way:
An alternative solution to the problem of deploying IoT services in fog
computing is to use a reinforcement learning-based approach.
Reinforcement learning enables IoT devices and fog nodes to learn from
the environment and improve their decision-making processes over time.
By applying reinforcement learning techniques, fog nodes can
dynamically adjust their service placement strategies based on changes in
workload, service demand, and QoS requirements. Moreover,
reinforcement learning can optimize the placement process in a more
data-driven and intelligent way compared to traditional optimization
methods. However, this approach may also require addressing issues such
as convergence speed and training complexity.

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