Matrix and Det

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Lovelypublic sr. sec. school owdd

Matrices and Determinants UCATION


Q.1. Consrucl a 2x 3malrix whose elemenis are given by al =

Q.2. Find thc valucs cf x and

Q3. Find matices Xund Y.if 2x -y=ndX+ 2Y-í

Q.4. Find the value of r such that |1 x

Q.5. ir A-;B-and (4 +B)' = + B², findaund b.

Q.6. If A= -tan;| show that (4t4) COS

=(1-4)| sln o
-sin o
COs &
Q.7. If A=|,fiod A0.

Q8. Ir =show
A 2. that A- 5A +71, =0.
Q9. If A 7 find K such that A-8A+ KI = 0.
Q10. Ir A- r ) =-4x +7, show thai f(A) =0 nd hence find 42.
r1 2 2
Q.11. If A=2 1 2, then prove that 4 - 44 -5/ = 0.
l2 2 1

Q.12. If A- |2 and B= (-2 -1 -4), verify tha (AB) = B AT.

0 2y
Q.13. Find the valucs ofx,y, zift x y satisfies the equation AA" =I.

To I -2
Q14 For what value ofx, is A.-| 0 3 a skew symmetric matrix?
K -3 0
the whcre
tat. is A)=|4|/,. hence that
k. units, A
# of and such
whae value
sq. A(aj 0 bence
the 6 =
symmctric SiI5ngular. AA,
wrile isABC that
+ and
matrix skew of show x-6x yA
hen triangle a
valuc xl= B-'A find
-BA aof
3A|=k,A, beDce
sum the of
|Adj +
= hence
AB 1 1 write arca
|A|=8,find -22 -2
A' (A8)°
Isaskewthat the
Page) 7s and the 1-2 the that and
prove 2-1|
satisfies so that
'A=2, |A|* k, |A| y
venfy matrix 4-SA4I
A-A' malr:ces 1 then
x. of and find 2 |2 A.
5 -2 1 order,value 3order 4= x
matrix k). then B=; satisfying find
thu SectionA=| and the (6, matrix
Q.15. symmtrne
IfA the
matrix of ind C of
matrix A
find Also
malrix x
of square
matrix matrix determinants
and the
matrix -and !10
X 3, 0
8) matrix
B.are valuc square B(4, square = adjo1nt N
he of A) the marx |
and Express what a transposeisa A(1,2), a (Adj that the 2 A=2
is the
Q16IfA matrix. A I1A Using is
IfA IfA Find A-1 the
Show find fA Find
For For
Q.J7. Q.19. 20. Q.21. Q.22. Q.24.
Q.23. Q.25, Q.26. 9.27. Q28. Q.29. I
0.31. Solve the
following cuuatian by the matrix melhod
2x + 8y + 5z
5i SetibntskaR(Nt Pagex +2y2
Q.32 Solve the foliowng
cquations by hc matrix melhod
10 ++-10 :-+-13
find A and hence solvc the system of
2x-3y + 5z = 11
3x + Zy- 42 =-5
x+y-2z =-3
2 3
Q.34. If find A
-3 3
2 -3
and bence solve the system of cquations
x+2y -3z = -4 : 2x +3y +2z =5: 3x-3y- 42 = 11
0.35. Examine the consistency of the following system of
2x'-y + 3z = 5 3x + 2y-z = 7 ;4x + 5y - 5z =9

4 -1 1
QJ6. Deemine the product -7 i 3-i 2 and hencc solve the syslem of
I5 -3 1 3

equations x-y+ z=4 ; x-2y - 22=9: 2x +y+ 32 = 1,

Q.37. There are 2 families A and B. There are 4 men, 6
wome and 2 children in family A, and 2
men, 2 women and 4 children in fanily B. The recommended daily amont
of calones is
2400 foT Men, 1900 for women, 1800 for childre and 45 grams
of proteins for men, 55
grams for women and 33 grams for children. ReprSent the above
using infornation
matrices. Using natrix multiplication. calculate the total requirement of calories and
proteins for cach of the 2 families.
0.38. Three schools A, B and C organized a mcla for collecting funds for helpiog
rehabilite tion of flood victims. They sold hand-made fans, mats and plates fron ecycled
material at a cost of 25, ? 100 and 5 esct. The number ofarticles sold are given below

School A B
Hand-fans 25 35
Mats 40 S0
|Platcs 20 30 40
Find the funds collected by cach school separately by selling the above articlcs. Also ind
the total funds collecled for the purpose.
Q.39. Two schoola Anod Ddooidod lo avward prlzon lo tholr otudonta for throo vnlsou honosty (x
punotualiy y) and obodionoo (2). 8obool Adooldod lo award a tolal of RI,000 for Uha
droo vnluon of S,d and 3aludonis ronpoo/valy whllo shool Bdoolded to aword
10,700 for tho thso valuoa to 4,3 00d 5 atudonuroopcodvoly. If all Uio thrco prizoa logother
N0Mouot o 2,700 thon
(0 Roprosont tho abovo aituation by umatrix cquntlon ond forn Lincor cquntiono uoing
malrix multipliontion.
(1) Is it possiblo tosolvo tho aystem of equalorns so obtainod using matrices?

Q.40. "TIo cost of 4kg papor carry bag, 3kg Juto carry bog nnd 2kg polythene carry bag is K60.
Thooost of 2kg paper carry bag,4kg Jute cary bag, and 6kg polythcne carry bag is 90.
Tho costof 6kg papcr onrry bag, 2kg Juto cArry 'bagond 3kg polythenecarry bag is k 70.
ind tho cost of cach ilom per kg by matrix metliod.

Q.41. A school wants to award its studonts for the valuos of Honcsty, Rcgularity and Hard work
wilha tolal oosh award of R6,000. Thrco timog the award money for Hard work added to
that given for honesty amouots to I1,000. The award money gíven for Honesly and Hard
wbrk together is double the one givea for Regularity. Represcnt ihe above situotion
algebraically and find tbe award money for cach volue, using matrix methoi.
Q.42. Two schools A and B want (o award their sclocted students on the values of Sincerity,
Truthfulnegs and Helpfulncss. The school A wants to award x hch, R y each and z
cach för thrcc rospective values to its 3, 2 and students with a total award mOney of
E 1,600. School Bwants to spend R 2,300 to aWard is 4, I and 3 sludeits on the
rOspective value (by giving the sarme award monoy for the thrce valuoS as before). f the
total amount of awards for onc prize oD each valuc is 900, u_ing matriccs, find the
award money for each valuc.

Q.43. A school has to roward the students participaing in co-curricular activities (Category )
and with 100% attendancc (Category I) bravc studepts (Category ll) in a function. The
Sum of the number of all the threc category students is 6. If we multiply the nurober of
category III by 2and added to the nunmber of category I to the result, we get 7.By addiog
second and third catcgory would to three times the fitst oatagory we get 12.Form the matrix
cquation and solve it.

Q.4. For keeping Fit Xpeople believes in morning walk, Ypeople believe in yoga and Zpeople
joinGym. Total no of people are 70. Further 20% 30% and 40% people are suffering from
any discase who believe in moming walk, yoga and GYM respectively. Total no. of such
peoplo is 21. If morming walk cost R0, Yoga cost KS00/month and GYM cost 400/
month and total expenditure is 23000.
) Formulate a matrix problem.
(i) Caloulate the no. of cach type of people.

Q.45. An amount of R600 orore8 is spent by the governniont in three schemes. Scheme A is for
saving girl child from the eruel parents who don't want girl child and get the abortion
before her birth. Scheme Bis for saving of nowlywed girls from death due to dowry.
Scheme Cis planaing for good health for senior citizen. Now twice the amount spent on
Sobemo C togother with amount spent on Scheme A is 700 crores. Three timcs the
amount apent on Sobemo Atogether with amount 8pent on Scheme B and Scheme C is
1200 crore8. Find the amount spent oncach Schemo using matrices?

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