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ures of Glo

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What is
Globalization is the process by which ideas,
knowledge, information, goods, and services
spread around the world. In business, the term
is used in an economic context to describe
integrated economies marked by free trade,
the free flow of capital among countries, and
easy access to foreign resources, including
labor markets, to maximize returns and benefit
for the common good.
3 components of economic globalization
Academic literature commonly subdivides
globalization into three major areas

Economic Globalization
Cultural/Social Globalization
Political Globalization
Economic Globalization
It refers to the widespread international
movements of goods, capital, services
technology, and information.
Economic Globalization primarily comprises
the globalization of:
1. Production 6. Regimes
2. Finance 7. Institutions
3. Markets 8. Corporations
4. Technology 9. Labour
5. Organizational
Economic Globalization is one most often
mentioned in the media.
It is associated with massive amounts of
financially traded daily on the different stock
markets around the label "NEW ECONOMY".
Economic Globalization
In order to monitor the economy, 3 economic institutions were created.

1. The International Monetary

Fund (IMF) --- would oversee 2. The International Bank for
the international monetary Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
system; later named WORLD BANK (WB) --- would
provide loans for European
reconstruction but later
3. The General Agreement on
expanded its activities to
Tariffs and Trade (renamed, of the
the developing world.
1992) --- would oversee multilateral
trade agreements.
Cultural Globalization
Refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values across national borders.

1. Migration is an important aspect of cultural globalization.

This process has been going on for several centuries, with languages, religious
beliefs, and values being spread by military conquest, missionary work, and trade.

2. Food is the most obvious example of cultural globalization.

Food consumption is an important aspect of culture and most societies around the
world have diets that are unique to them, however, the cultural globalization of food
has been promoted by fast-food giants such as McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and

3. Sport is another fairly obvious example of cultural globalization.

All the international sporting events - most notably the World Cup and The Olympics
which binds millions together in shared, truly global, 'leisure experience'.
Cultural Globalization
1. Converging Global Consumption Patterns 2. Homogeneity
Today you can go to pretty much any major city in the Comes into society in several ways - ethnically(Japanese),
world and share in a similar 'consumption experience'. religiously(many Arabs), culturally(Indians),
More and more in Asia and South America are coming to politically(communism).
enjoy a high-consumption lifestyle. The study has shown that the most prominent type of
Central to this is the growth of similar styles of shopping homogeneity is ethnicity, where everybody shares
malls, and leisure parks which provide a homogenous similar physiological characteristics and cultural
cultural experience in different regions across the world. behavior.

3. Financial Homogeneity 4. The Global Village/Global Consciousness

It exists in many countries. It was prevalent in many
Individuals and families are now more directly
communist countries- this type of homogenous society is
plugged into the news from the outside world - some
in decline now a day.
of the most gripping events of the past decade have
North Korea is a great example of financial homogeneity, at
unfolded in real-time in front of a global audience.
an extreme level, another good example is Scandinavian
countries, where the government makes sure that every
citizen of their country enjoys high-level living standards.
Cultural Globalization
DETRADITIONALISATION- In his classic 1999 text, Runaway World, Anthony Giddens
argues that one consequence of globalization is detraditionalization - where
people question their traditional beliefs about religion, marriage, gender roles, and
so on.
GLOBAL RISK CONSCIOUSNESS- Ulrich Beck (1992) argues that a fundamental
feature of globalization is the development of a global risk consciousness, which
emerges due to shared global problems which threaten people in multiple

Threat of terrorism
International nuclear war
The threat of global pandemics
The rise of organized crimes funded primarily through international
drug trafficking
The threat of planetary melt-down due to global warming.
Political Globalization
Examples of Political Globalization:
The globalization of political refers to the absence of the absolute
sovereignty of a state’s political borders over a certain area as well as 1. European Union- The European Union is a trade and treaty bloc
increased interaction between the systems of government and comprising 27 nation-states on the continent of Europe. It is the
increased external intervention and interaction on the basis of successor of several other political agreements established
democracy, non-governmental organizations, human rights, and after World War 2 to help integrate the European continent after
freedoms. the war.
2. NATO - The North American Treaty Organization is another
Advantages Of Political Globalization: Disadvantages Of Political Globalization: multi-national political treaty established after World War 2.
1. Establishment of International Norms - 1. Loss of Power at the Nation-State Level - NATO’s primary goal is to contain Russian aggression by creating
When nation-states sign treaties with When nation-states make multinational a military pact. If one NATO nation is attacked, then the rest will
international bodies, it’s an agreement to agreements, they often make concessions in (supposedly) come to their defense. This deters potential
operate within a set of norms and order to reach a middle ground that’s
satisfactory to all parties. They also sign off on
Russian aggression.
standards that all signatories will adhere to.
certain norms and standards that restrict their
2. Ease of Movement - 3. Belt and Road Initiative - The Belt and Road Initiative is a trade
abilities to unilaterally take action.
Often, political agreements between 2. Levels of Bureaucracy -
initiative established by China designed to spread China’s
nations lead to the relaxing of the Multinational political agreements can add sphere of influence across Asia and the Middle East.
movement of labor across boundaries. This extra layers of bureaucracy to the everyday
can lead to immigration and emigration activities of businesses and citizens. For 4. War Games - Many allied nations engage in yearly war games
opportunities for millions of people. example, many global political agreements put
in a bid to strengthen military ties and protect their interests.
3. Ease of Trade - in place standards that you need to ‘tick off’
before sending a product to market.
One of the key goals of political 5. NAFTA - NAFTA was a flashpoint of anti-globalization
globalization is to create better trade routes 3. Decreased Political Accountability
sentiment in the 1990s because it was seen to decrease labor
around the world (in effect, to support and One of the biggest critiques of bodies like the
WTO, the EU, and United Nations is that they standards and would lead to the exodus of blue-collar jobs from
promote economic globalization).
are full of unelected bureaucrats. the United States.
lobal Econ
e G om
Th y
What is the Global Economy?
The global economy refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities
that take place between multiple countries. These economic activities can have
either a positive or negative impact on the countries involved.

The global economy comprises several characteristics, such as:

Globalization: Globalisation describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies,
and cultures have become integrated through the global network of trade, communication,
immigration, and transportation. These developments led to the advent of the global economy. Due
to the global economy and globalization, domestic economies have become cohesive, leading to an
improvement in their performances.
International trade: International trade is considered to be an impact of globalization. It refers to the
exchange of goods and services between different countries, and it has also helped countries to
specialize in products which they have a comparative advantage. This is an economic theory that
refers to an economy's ability to produce goods and services at a lower opportunity cost than its
trade partners.
International finance: Money can be transferred at a faster rate between countries compared to
goods, services, and people; making international finance one of the primary features of a global
economy. International finance consists of topics like currency exchange rates and monetary policy.
Global investment: This refers to an investment strategy that is not constrained by geographical
boundaries. Global investment mainly takes place via foreign direct investment (FDI).
Why is the global economy important?
We can understand the importance of the global economy by looking at it in
relation to emerging markets:

Economic importance at a micro and macro level: Long-term world economic outlook:
The increase in the world’s population has led to emerging According to financial and economic projections based on
markets growing economically, making them one of the demographic trends and capital productivity models, the GDP in
primary engines of world economic growth. The growth and emerging market economies in 2019 is likely to keep increasing
resilience shown by emerging markets are a good sign for at a positive rate. According to an emerging markets economic
forecast for 2019 conducted by Focus Economics, the economy
the world economy. Before delving into the next point, you
is set to increase by 7.5% in India, 6.6% in the Philippines, 6.3% in
need to understand the concept of microeconomics. It
China, 5.3% in Indonesia, 5.1% in Egypt, 4.9% in Malaysia, 3.8% in
refers to the study of the behavior of households, individuals,
Peru and 3.7% in Morocco.
and firms with respect to the allocation of resources and
decision-making. In simpler terms, this branch of economics
studies how people make decisions, what factors affect their
decisions, and how these decisions affect the price,
demand, and supply of goods in the market. Therefore, from
the perspective of microeconomics, some of the largest
firms with high market value and a few of the richest
individuals in the world hail from these emerging markets,
which has helped in the higher distribution of income in
these countries. However, many of these emerging countries
are still plagued by poverty, and work still needs to be done
to work towards eradicating it.
Who controls the global economy?
Although governments do hold power over countries' economies, it is the big banks and
large corporations that control and essentially fund these governments. This means that
the global economy is dominated by large financial institutions.

Benefits of Global Economy

Benefits Costs
Factors affecting the global economy
According to the latest economic news,
Economies of scale/lower prices Environmental costs
here are some of the key factors that
influence and affect how well the global
Increased global investments Tax competition and avoidance
economy works:

Free movement of labour Brain drain from some countries Natural resources;
May reduced Global inequality Less cultural diversity
Human capital;
et Integra
ark tio
M n
Market integration occurs when prices among
different locations or related goods follow similar For example, if the
patterns over a long period of time. Groups of goods demand for baby
often move proportionally to each other and when this dolls within a given
relation is very clear among different markets it is
geographical market
said that the markets are integrated.
were to suddenly be
reduced by 50%,
there is a good
What is the impact of market integration on the global
chance that the
economy? demand for baby
Economic integration can reduce the costs of trade, doll clothing would
improve the availability of goods and services, and increase also decrease in
consumer purchasing power in member nations. proportion within
Employment opportunities tend to improve because trade
that same
liberalization leads to market expansion, technology
sharing, and cross-border investment. geographical
Reasons for Market Integration

To remove transaction costs

Foster competition

Provide better signals for optimal generation and consumption decisions.

Improve security of supply

Theoretically one can integrate two markets without interconnection.

The advantages include increasing market share,

reducing competition, and creating economies of
scale. Disadvantages include regulatory scrutiny,
less flexibility, and the potential to destroy value
rather than create it.
l Interstate
ba Sy
lo s


What is the Global
Interstate System? It is the whole system of human interactions. The
modern world-system is structured politically as an
interstate system - a system of competing and
allying states. A political scientist commonly calls
this the international system, and it is the main
focus of the field of International Relations.
The institution that govern International Financial
International Relations Institutions:
1. Each government World Bank
United Nation
pledges itself to employ International Monetary
United States President its full resources, military Fund
FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT coined or economic, against Asian Development Bank
the name united nations that those members of the African Development
was used in the declaration of tripartite pact and its Bank
United Nation on January 1st adherents with which
1942. UN means allies to fight such government is at
against Axis Powers in the war.
Second World War II. Only 26 2. Each government
nation's representatives pledges itself to
pledge their government to: cooperate with the
governments signatory
hereto and not to make a
sperate armistice or
peace with the enemies.
Trade Agreement
It is when two or more nations agree on the terms of trade between them.
They determine the tariffs and duties that countries impose on imports or
exports. All trade agreements affect international trade.

Pros Cons

Increased Economic
Increased job outsourcing

Lower government
Poor working conditions

Degradation of national
Technology transfer

Import are goods and services produced in a Exports are goods and services that are made in a
foreign country and bought by domestic residents. country and sold outside its borders. That includes
That includes anything shipped into the country anything shipped from a domestic company to its
even if it's by the foreign subsidiary of a domestic foreign affiliate or branch.
ry Global G
ora ov
p er


Why we need Global Governance:
What is National policies has a direct effects on a country.
Good or bad.
Its global effects on other countries cannot be
Global ignored.
Global governance stresses on cooperative forms of

Governance? conflict management.

It helps nations to develop their capacity to deal with
the challenges of globalization.
Global governance Global governance includes citizens' participation in
encompasses activities that the global decision making.
transcend national
boundaries at the Making global governance work is a
international, transnational, defining challenge of our time, given that
and regional levels and is too often international leaders fail to agree
based on rights and rules on, let alone pursue, concerted action to
that are enforced through a address pressing transnational problems at
combination of economic the intersection of peace, security and
and moral incentives. justice.
Thank you!

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