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It's all in the past!

Put the verbs into the correct form of the past tense.

Across Down
4. Jenny walks home from school. 1. The dog eats the sausages.
6. My grandmother makes me a cake for my 2. Alfonso really likes NZ.
birthday. 3. Tom plays tennis.
18 The
of 18 wordscat hates
were placed into the dog.
the puzzle. 4. Peter waits 20 minutes for a
9. The teacher tells us to be quiet. bus.
10. Jessica buys new shoes. 5. I watch TV.
12. Mary takes the dog for a walk. 8. Bill and Jill talk to their
13. Sultan drives a car. friends on the phone.
16. Mario wins the car race. 9. She teaches us how to speak
11. Sara loves John very much.
14. Rebecca runs in a race.
15. Andrea swims at the beach.

Created by Sheri using Puzzlemaker at

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