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Diksha Sharma Natasha Mathur

Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri
Pune 18 Pune 18

Esha Agarwal Shreyansh Bhardwaj

Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri
Pune 18 Pune 18

Dr. Rachna Somkunwar

Associate Professor, Computer Engineering
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri Pune 18

Abstract visually impaired individuals. Overall, this study

offers a promising solution to the challenges faced
This research paper delves into the
by visually impaired individuals and underscores
development and implementation of a technology
the potential of deep learning in creating assistive
solution to assist visually impaired individuals in
navigating their surroundings. The proposed
Keywords: Blind Assistance, Deep Learning.
solution employs deep learning and utilizes a
convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect and
classify objects in real-time, providing voice 1. I. INTRODUCTION
feedback and distance measurements to the user. The ability to effectively navigate through various
With a large dataset of object images, the system aspects of life, including work, education, shopping,
is highly versatile and can recognize various and more, relies on a variety of activities. Vision
objects. It also warns the user if they are too close plays a crucial role in facilitating these tasks by
or far from an object, reducing the risk of providing an easier way to move from one place to
accidents. Experimental evaluations of the system another. As such, it is widely acknowledged that
show high accuracy and effectiveness in assisting vision is essential for efficient navigation. Although it
may seem possible to navigate familiar environments helpful for most passengers, but useless for visually
such as our home or workplace without eyesight, impaired individuals due to their disability.
navigating unfamiliar surroundings can be quite
challenging. [1] In recent decades, there has been a
growing number of individuals affected by blindness, The proposed blind assistance system utilizes deep
with varying degrees of vision impairment. Those learning techniques based on convolutional neural
with partial vision loss face different visual networks. The flexibility, robustness, high accuracy
challenges than those who are completely blind. The rates, and feature extraction capabilities of deep
aim of the system is to aid visually impaired learning make it an ideal choice for developing such
individuals and enhance their independence and systems. An Android application is utilized in the
self-sufficiency. The system incorporates glasses that system to capture and transmit real-time frames to a
allow for reading, studying, and learning from printed networked server running on a laptop. The server
text or images, especially in educational contexts employs a pre-trained SSD identification model,
where visually impaired individuals may face which has been trained on COCO datasets, to identify
difficulties due to their disability.[2]The human the output class. The accuracy of the output class is
ability to interact with the environment is heavily then evaluated using a metric. The identified class is
reliant on the senses of touch and vision. For blind converted into voice notes with the help of voice
amputees, regaining the ability to perform daily modules, and the blind person has assisted
activities poses a significant challenge, as they need a accordingly. Additionally, the system includes an
swift and intuitive way to receive environmental alarm system that detects objects, calculates
information.[3] For a person with blindness, the lack distances, and produces voice-based outputs based on
of visual input can lead to difficulties in realizing and proximity. This system has the potential to enhance
understanding the things around them. They may rely the independence and mobility of blind individuals
on sharp observation and hearing to form mental significantly. The integration of deep learning and
images, but may still struggle to remember or identify speech assistance offers a personalized and intuitive
objects. This can result in the need for assistance experience, enabling individuals to navigate their
from others. Finding directions can also be a environment with greater confidence and ease.
challenge, leading to inconvenience and potential
reliance on guides.[4] Blind and visually impaired
individuals face challenges in daily activities, II. LITERATURE SURVEY
including lower workforce participation rates and
The use of trained guide dogs with a walking cane to
higher risks of falls. Computer vision technology has
avoid obstacles is a traditional technique that has
the potential to assist, but there is currently no
been used for decades to help the blind and visually
effective approach for conveying environmental
impaired. The innovative adaptive footwear and
information. Improving the information transfer rate
eyewear suggested in [5] let blind people move
(ITR) is important for facilitating spatial cognition.
around safely. To detect things at various heights,
Public transport management systems (PTMS) are
ultrasonic transducers are installed on each shoe. The
eyewear is equipped with a buzzer at one of the achieves flexible processing performance by
temples and two ultrasonic transducers located adjusting the balance of parallel processing. The
centrally above the bridge. architecture is implemented on a Virtex-5 FPGA,
demonstrating real-time object detection at 30 fps on
The cane suggested in [6] employs the Camshaft
VGA video without candidate extraction. The
Position Sensor (CMP) compass sensor 511 and a
limitation of this paper is that it has major hardware
ping ultrasonic sensor to detect potholes and hitches.
requirements and its scope in blind assistance is less.
This system's drawback is that the CMP compass
sensor is sensitive to any stray magnetic fields and is In [10] The aim of this study is to introduce an
impacted by any nearby iron items. Although it offers intelligent assistance system for individuals with
long-distance navigation, it is useless for indoor visual impairment, which comprises wearable smart
navigation. Earlier, sensor-based approaches only glasses, an intelligent walking stick, a mobile
served to detect objects, not to identify them. As a application, and an online information platform. By
result, image processing shows to be a useful wearing smart glasses and using an intelligent
technique for dealing with these circumstances. walking stick, obstacles can be detected, aiding
individuals with visual impairments. In case of a fall,
A stereo image processing system for the blind
the system records and uploads relevant information,
consists of a helmet-mounted wearable computer,
such as GPS location and fall detection, to the online
stereo cameras that serve as vision sensors, and stereo
platform. The mobile application can also be used to
earbuds. The vision sensors record an image of the
view this information. The drawback of this system is
environment in front of the visually impaired. To aid
that it requires a physical device which might not be
with navigation, the processed photos highlight key
affordable for everyone and it has complex
elements in the scene in front of the camera. Stereo
cameras are utilized to incorporate distance
information [7]. The author of [11] developed an Intelligent
Assistance System for Visually Impaired People
This system takes time to process information, so it
(ISVB) which is composed of three interconnected
cannot be said to be running or functioning instantly.
components: a smart cap, a 3D-printed intelligent
The most popular method for object recognition is
cane, and a mobile application that connects to an
one based on the Haar Cascade. Using a supervised
online server. The smart cap uses a Raspberry Pi and
method divides the entire image into significant and
camera module with a deep learning object detection
non-significant groups [8].
module to identify obstacles in the user's path. The

In [9] The paper presents a hardware architecture for 3D-printed intelligent cane has a microcontroller with

object detection using an AdaBoost learning multiple sensors and a Bluetooth module that

algorithm with Haar-like features as weak classifiers. analyzes the environment and guides the visually

The proposed partially parallel execution model impaired user. The mobile application acts as an

exploits the cascade structure of classifiers, assigns interface between the cap, cane, and user, offering

more resources to frequently used classifiers, and virtual navigation to support visually impaired
individuals in their movements. This system has the
potential to significantly improve the independence
and mobility of visually impaired people. However, a
potential drawback is that the setup may require a
significant amount of hardware which could be
challenging to implement.


The system pipeline is shown in fig1.

1. Input Image: Here, the user can upload the

image that needs to be processed.
Fig 1: System Flow Chart
2. Image Pre-processing: This step involves
applying techniques like converting the
image to grayscale and removing image
noise to prepare the image for further
processing. IV. Proposed System

3. Image Feature Extraction: In this stage, we The proposed system aims to provide real-time object
will use methods to extract image features detection for visually impaired individuals through an
by analyzing the pixels in the image. Android app that captures frames as shown in fig2.
The frames are then sent to a networked server
4. Image Classification: The image
running on a laptop, which performs all the necessary
classification methods will be applied to
computations. This approach is taken to leverage the
distinguish between contaminated and safe
processing power of the laptop to ensure that the
areas based on the extracted features.
system can accurately identify objects in real time.
5. Outcome: This step involves presenting the
The networked server on the laptop uses a pre-trained
final result of the detection process.
Single Shot Detector (SSD) identification model,
System Flow Chart: which has been trained on Common Objects in
Context (COCO) datasets to identify the output class.
Once the object class has been identified, it is
evaluated using an accuracy metric to ensure that the
system can accurately identify a wide range of

After the object class has been tested using an

accuracy metric, the system converts it into default
voice notes using voice modules. These voice notes object's proximity to the visually impaired individual,
provide assistance to visually impaired individuals by the system produces voice-based outputs and distance
informing them about the object's identity. This units to alert the user about the object's presence and
feature is crucial as it enables the user to navigate distance. This feature helps prevent accidents and
their surroundings independently. enables visually impaired individuals to navigate
their surroundings safely.
To ensure the safety of visually impaired individuals,
an alarm system has been incorporated into the
system. The alarm system not only detects objects but
also calculates distance estimates. Based on the

Fig 2: Model Architecture

Algorithm: the activation function in this layer, which causes a

Convolution Neural Network(CNN) Algorithm: shift in the feature map. In the CNN, each convolution
The CNN algorithm comprises two layers: the feature layer follows a computational layer and is responsible
extraction layer and the feature map layer. The feature for extracting two types of features: local averages and
extraction layer has neurons that are directly second extracts. This unique structure reduces the
connected to the local receptive fields of the previous resolution of the image.
layer, and local features are extracted from them. The
1. Start by selecting a dataset to work with and
spatial relationship between these local features and
determining the image's resolution.
other features is also determined. The feature map
layer consists of planes, and each neuron in a plane 2. Use information gain and ranking to perform
has the same weight. The sigmoid function is used as feature selection.
3. Employ a CNN classification algorithm to which is a significant improvement compared to the
analyze the image. existing model mentioned in [1]. Overall, the
performance of our proposed system is more
4. Calculate the value of each feature in the
promising and better than the existing models, as
input layer.
shown by the results.

5. Determine the bias class of each feature. These results suggest that the proposed blind
assistance system has the potential to be a more
6. Generate the feature map and move on to the reliable and effective solution for assisting visually
forward pass input layer. impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings.
With further development and refinement, this
7. Evaluate the convolution kernels in a feature
technology could greatly improve the quality of life
for those who are visually impaired, by increasing
8. Create the sub-sample layer and feature their independence and mobility.
9. Backpropagate the input deviation of the kth
The primary objective of the proposed system is to
neuron in the output layer.
assist visually impaired individuals in perceiving their
10. Finally, present the chosen feature and the surroundings, enabling them to navigate independently
classification results. and avoid obstacles. The system is designed to offer a
practical and efficient solution that swiftly and
accurately detects objects in the user's immediate
vicinity, whether indoors or outdoors. It can identify
various objects and provide relevant information
through headphones or speakers. The system's
effectiveness in detecting objects is evaluated in three
different environments: indoor, outdoor, and beyond
10 meters from the camera. Overall, the system can
detect and provide audio information about objects in
the user's immediate surroundings, promoting their
mobility and self-reliance.
Fig3: Performance analysis of the model
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