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Adama Science and Technology University

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of Electrical Power and Control Engineering


2 EPCE3204
Course Information

Course Information

Course Code EPCE3204

Course Title Introduction to Control Systems

Credits 4
2hr Lecture, 3hr Tutorial, 3hr Laboratory
Prerequisite: EPCE3201

Course Instructor Dr. Shimeles Demissie

Office Location Block 108R111 (Space Technology Institute)


3 EPCE3204
Course Outline

Course Outline

Chapter Topics
1.1. Concepts of system and control system.
Chapter 1: Introduction to control 1.2. Components of control system.
system 1.3. Classifications of control system.
1.4. Types of control system
1.5. Applications of control system.
2.1 Control system modelling
Chapter 2: Mathematical modeling 2.2 Transfer function and impulse response.
of physical system 2.3 Block diagram (BD)
2.4 Signal flow graph and Mason’s Gain Formula
3.1. Steady state Analysis
3.2. Analysis of steady state error
3.3. Type of Input and steady state error
Chapter 3: Time domain Analysis
3.4. Steady state error Analysis
of control system.
3.5. Transient response analysis.
3.6. Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems
3.7. Stability Analysis in S-domain.

4 EPCE3204
Course Outline
Course Outline

Chapter Topics
4.1. Fundamentals of Root-Locus
4.2. Relation between Poles and Zeros
4.3. Angle and Magnitude Condition
Chapter 4:Root-Locus Method
4.4. General methods for Construction of Root locus
4.5. Steps for Solving Problems on Root Locus
4.6. Gain Margin and phase margin
5.1 Frequency Response
5.2. Methods in Frequency Response
Chapter 5:Frequency Domain 5.3. Correlation b/n time and frequency domain
Analysis 5.4. Introduction to bode plot
5.5. Polar Plot
5.6. Nyquist Plot Analysis
6.1. Type of Compensation
6.2. Root-Locus Approach for Compensator Design
Chapter 6:Controller Design
6.3. Control Systems Design by Frequency-Response
6.4. PID controllers, architectures and model
6.5. PID Tuning methods

5 EPCE3204

Assessment / Evaluation
Type Weight

Test(s) 10%

Assignments 5%

Lab report 15%

Mid Examination 20%

Final Examination 50%

6 EPCE3204
Textbook and References

1. A. Nagoorkani, Control Systems, RBA Publications, 2nd edition, 2006.

2. 2 U.A.Bakshi, V.U.Bakshi, Control Systems, Technical Publications, 2010.
3. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Education Publishers, 5th
edition, 2010.
4. Nagrath I.J. and Gopal M, Control Systems Engineering, New Age International
Publications, 5th edition, 2010.
5. Norman Nise, Control System Engineering, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 6th edition, 2011.
6. N.C Jagan. Control Systems, 2nd edition, BS Publications, 2008
7. Smarajit Ghosh, Control Systems theory and application,2007

7 EPCE3204

8 EPCE3204

• Automatic control has played a vital role in the advance of

engineering and science.
• In addition to its extreme importance in space-vehicle system, missile
guidance system, robotics and the like, automatic control has
become an important and integral part of modern manufacturing
and industrial processes.

• Advance in the theory and practice of automatic control provide the

means for
– attaining optimum performance of dynamic systems
– improving productivity
– avoiding many routine repetitive manual operations

9 EPCE3204

• Todays control Engineering has application in almost every area of

– Industrial process control
» Industrial process control covers the control of temperature,
pressure, flow-level and any other industrial applications

– Drive control (speed control)

» This includes speed control of motors on different machines such as
▪ plastic manufacturing,
▪ paper production or
▪ textile machines.
» specially designed controllers are normally used for these application
since they have to remain stable during fast disturbance in the range
of tenths of seconds

10 EPCE3204

• Application are of control Engineering

– Control of electrical variable
» This refers to stabilization of electrical parameters, e.g. . voltage,
current, power or even frequency
– Position control
» Involves the position of tools, work pieces or complete assemblies
either in two or three dimensions. e.g. antenna, positioning of guns
and tanks, drone, CNC machines
– Path control
» Refers the control of the path of ship or plane (Autopilots) here the
controller has to satisfy special demands, such as high processing
speed and operational safety, combined with weight.

11 EPCE3204
Basic Definitions

• System: is an arrangement or combination of different physical

components that are connected or related together to form an
entire unit to achieve a certain objective.
• Control: the meaning of control is regulate, direct or command a
system to achieve a desired objective.
• Plant: it is defined as the portion of a system in which is to be
control or regulate, it is also called process.
• Controller: it is an element within the system itself, or external to
the system and it control the plant or the process.
• Input: the applied signal or excitation to the control system.
• Output: the actual response obtained from the control system.

12 EPCE3204
Basic Definitions

• Model: A conceptual model representation of a system, made of the

composition of concepts which are used to help people know,
understand, or simulate a subject the model represents.
• Mathematical model: is a description of a system using
mathematical concepts and representation of a certain system or
part of system.
• Disturbance or noise: is a signal which tends to adversely affect the
value of the output of a system.
– If such a disturbance is generated with in the system itself, it is
called an internal disturbance.
– The disturbance generated outside the system acting as an extra
input to the system in addition to its normal input, affecting the
output adversely is called an external disturbance.

13 EPCE3204
Control System

• A control system is an interconnection of components forming a

system configuration that will provide a desired system response.
– any quantity of interest is measured or altered in accordance with
a desired manner.
• A control System is a device, or set of devices to manage, command,
direct or regulate the behavior of other device(s) or system(s).
• The basis for analysis of a system is the foundation provided by
linear system theory, which assumes a cause-effect relationship for
the component of a system.
– component or process to be controlled can be represented by
block showing input-output relationships.

Input Output
Cause Effect

14 EPCE3204
Control System

• Control system is where the output of the system is controlled to be

at some specific value or to change in some prescribed way as
determined by the input to the system.
• Every control system has (at least) a controller and an actuator(also
called a final control element).

Input Actuators Output

Controller (correction Process
Set point element) Controlled

system Physical system

15 EPCE3204
Classifications of Control Systems

Universe Vehicles
Human Body Airplanes

Electric Fan Room Temperature

• There are two major configuration of control systems

– Open loop control system
– Closed loop (feedback system)

16 EPCE3204
Open Loop System

• System which control action doesn’t depend on output is called

open loop system.
– No information is feedback to the system to adjust itself and
maintain a constant output
• An input is chosen on the basis of experience of such a system to
give the value of the required output.

• Examples
– An electric heater with a selection switch
– Systems which operate by preset timing mechanisms
» Traffic Lights,
» Washing Machine
17 EPCE3204
Open Loop System

• Advantages
– Relatively simple hence low cost with generally good reliability
– Inherently Stable
– Easy maintenance

• Disadvantages
– Often inaccurate and unreliable since there is no error correction
– More sensitive to changes in component characteristics
– More sensitive to disturbances
– Limitation on applications

18 EPCE3204
Closed Loop System

• If control actions of the system are somehow dependent on output

or change in out put the system is called closed loop system.
– In contrast to an open loop system, it utilizes an additional
measurement of the actual output to compare with the desired
output responses.
• It tends to maintain a prescribed relationship of one system
variables to another by comparing function of these variables and
using the difference as a means of control.
• The measure of the output is called the feedback signal. It is used
to modify the input so that the output is maintained constant
regardless of any changes in conditions.

19 EPCE3204
Closed Loop System

• Any Control System consists of a number of basic subsystems or

elements. Those elements could appear separate or integrated as a
single entity.
• The basic elements of closed loop system are:
» Comparison Element
» Control Element
» Correction Element
» Process Element (plant)
» Measurement Element (Transducers)

20 EPCE3204
Closed Loop System

1. Comparison Element: compares the reference value of the variable being

controlled with the measured value of the actual output and produces an
error signal.
2. Control Element: decides what action to be taken after it gets an error
3. Correction Element (actuator): used to produce a change in the process in
order to avoid the error.
4. Process Element (Plant): is the system of which a variable is being controlled.
5. Measurement Element: Produces a signal related to the actual output and
provides a feedback signal to the comparison element.
21 EPCE3204
Closed Loop System

• Advantages
– Ability to match the actual to the required value since there is
continuous error correction
– Less sensitivity to disturbances
– Increased speed of response and hence increased band width
– Increase accuracy
– Reduce the effect of non linearity

• Disadvantages
– These systems are complicated in design and costlier
– These system may become unstable, because of time delays
when transferring corrective action

22 EPCE3204
Closed Loop System

• Importance of feedback
– The presence of feedback imports the following properties to the
– Increase accuracy: for example ability to faithfully reproduce the
– Tendency towards oscillation or instability
– Reduced sensitivity of the ratio of output to input to variation in
the system parameters and other characteristic.
– Reduced effect of external disturbance or noise
– Increase bandwidth

23 EPCE3204
Control Engineering

• The most important tasks of control Engineers

– Determine the process variable
– Checking whether automatic control offers significant advantages
– Determining the measurement site
– Selecting the manipulator
– Determining disturbance
– Selecting a suitable controller
– Installation of the controller in accordance with applicable
– Starting up adjusting parameters, optimizing an unsatisfactory
control loop

24 EPCE3204
Control System Examples

• A manual control system for regulating the level of fluid in a tank by

adjusting the output valve. The operator views the level of fluid
through a port in the side of the tank .

25 EPCE3204
Control System Examples

• The driver uses the difference between the actual and the desired
direction of travel to generate a controlled adjustment of the
steering wheel.

26 EPCE3204
Main control strategies

• Every control system must guarantee first the stability of the closed-
loop behavior. The possibility to fulfill different specifications varies
model considered and the control system chosen.
– Classical controls
» Control methods where the ODE that describe a system are
transformed using Laplace, Fourier, or Z-transforms and manipulated
in the transform domain.
– Modern control
» Methods where high-order differential equations are broken into a
system of first-order equations. The input, output and internal states
of the system are described by vector called “state variables”
– Adaptive control
» uses on-line identification of the process parameters, or modification
of controller gain, there by obtaining strong robustness properties.
The controller changes it is response characteristics over time to
better control the system
27 EPCE3204
Main control strategies

– Robust control
» deals explicitly with uncertainty in its approach to controller design.
– Optimal control
» In a system, performance matrices are identified and arranged into a
cost function. The cost function is minimized to create an
operational system with the lowest cost .
– Nonlinear controls
» for the system that can not be described by linear equations or ODE
– Intelligent control
» Intelligent control uses varies AI computing techniques like Neural
network, fuzzy logic, machine learning and evolutionary computation
like genetic algorithms to control a dynamic system.
– Stochastic control
» Deals with uncertainty in the model like random noise and
disturbance must take into account.
28 EPCE3204

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