1 Common Adventures

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31dy Onward!

A Journey to the Summit Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money

1day A local merchant’s daughter has been kidnapped. They were hunting on the mountain side, but al
that was found of them was their scarf. Greg has a crush on the daughter, thus giving them a
heightened investment in finding this person.
Alan anspires to be a cartographer. No one has mapped this mountain before. Rumor has it, it’s
cursed. Not many have survived a trek through the peaks. By mapping out this mountain, he coul
donate it to the local library and be well paid in gold, favors, or notoriety.
Bodger went along to show up Greg. Rob went along as support from the town, Britt went to see
the view, and Baelin just felt like exploring.

pg.4 1. Take, Tackle, Tyke 25

Alan used his knowledge with animals to calmly coax the bag away from the yeti. Bodger wanted
to kill it, but Britt talked him out of it.

pg.6 3. Bountiful Blessings - Charisma - Performance 25

The whole party added to the story told. Baelin didn't add much, but they did well enough overall
to satisfy the creature, and get its blessing.

pg.7 4. Hide and Seek - Dexterity - Stealth 25

The creature's blessing guided them around the wolves completely.

pg.8 5. Blizzard from Hell - Constitution Saving Throw 0

The party desperately huddled together in the storm, but suffered some frostbite nonetheless.

pg.10 9. Polar Bear Tribe of the South - Intelligence - Nature 25

Alan (Nature roll 20) picked up all the tracks, giving them a good idea of what was out there on
the mountain still. They rested and warmed in the camp before moving on.

Soon after, they found the merchant's daughter. Greg tried to flirt with her, but Bodger interrupt 50
him, throwing off his game. Greg failed to gain her interest. The party retraced their steps back
down the mountain, bringing extra furs from the abandoned camp.

Bodger shot at a Yeti on the way back, but missed. It charged as the party peppered it with missil
weapons. Bodger and Baelin got knocked out quickly. Britt healed them back to consciousness
while the others finished off the yeti.
Alan and Baelin drained blood from the yeti, and did a perfect job of skinning it.

The merchant rewarded the party with $20 gold each for rescuing his daughter. The yeti pelt sold
for $480, and the blood sold for $360.

30day The next month was peaceful. The party spent time studying new skills and knowledge.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init.
P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10 15
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2

AC 15 11 12 16 12 17 12 13 13 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 66.7 yet.y Wlf.1 Wlf.1 Wlf.1 Wlf.1 Wlf.1 Wlf.1
10 10 12 10 8 10 22 11 11 11 11 11 11

P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1

AC 15 11 12 16 12 17 12
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 117 yeti
10 10 12 10 8 10 51
5 5 6 5 4 5 48a
S.rest 10 10 12 10 8 10 42ba
-2 2 38ba
KO -6 34br
-1DS KO 28gr
1 1 23ba

Exp. 333
TYPICAL DCs sizes Exhaustion
3dy A Scream in the Night Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
1day The party, having realized that they could become adventurers, headed to Melvaunt in search of
mercenary work. They also wanted to join some of the major factions in the region. Alan wanted to
join the Emerald Enclave, Baelin, Bodger, and Rob sought the Mercenary Guild, Britt was to join
the Order of the Gauntlet, and Greg said he was interested in the Merchant's Consortium. He also
secretly searched for a Zhentarim contact though.

pg.10 Encounter 1: The Scream

Bodger wanted to join the fight, but Britt convinced him to simply break it up. Rob helped those
two, and peace was quickly restored.

pg.11 Across the Street

Greg injured his feet badly on the caltrops in the alley. The caltrops swarmed, and the party foug
hard. Greg fell, and Britt brought him back up after Blessing Alan, Baelin, and Bodger. They worke
well as a team, and suffered little more damage before killing the constructs.

pg.12 Encounter 2: Symbolic Study 25

The party quickly decifered the extremely basic and obvious clue in the note from the dagger.
Eledstra deputised them, and they began searching for the killer after a short rest.

pg.16 Encounter 3: Uninvited Guests

Allan and Britt went to find the blacksmith while the others rested. They found him just before th
attack. He wouldn't listen to them at first, but fled with them when the constructs began attackin
They ran out through a gap in the back of the shop. Britt stood defending and blocking the choke
point while Alan fled with Boltac the blacksmith. Alan tried to guard the dwarf as best he could,
and glanced around quickly as they ran. Luckily, he spotted Cletis aiming a crossbow at Boltac. Bri
ran after the other two when the automatons started going around instead of trying to break
through the choke point. Running, they were able to stay ahead of their foes long enough to reac
the rest of the party, just finishing their rest. Alan made sure to keep in between Boltac and the
would-be assassin, so he could block any shot taken. When they met up (at the tavern) Boltac hid
inside while the adventurers dispatched the little metal men.
They started with Britt and Rob blocking the door (dodge action) to the tavern, and the rest firing
ranged attacks from behind them. This tactic worked very well, and the blockers only got hit one
time each before all enemies fell.

The quadrone got frustrated, and shot at Britt, the bolt sticking out of her shield, then fled.
Ellywicket, the owner of the automatons, healed the injured while confusedly apologizing for the
strange behavior of her creations. They quickly solved the second puzzle on this new note (on bol 25

Greg helped Britt talk Ellywicket into giving them a Lesser Gondsman in repayment for the troubl
the creations had caused.

pg.20 Encounter 4: Love and Pain

Britt masterfully talked their way right into the temple without hesitation. She ritualistically cast
Detect Magic, and swept the area with Alan. Greg and Rob also looked around for anything amiss
while Baelin and Bodger stood watch over the priestess Zellani.
Greg spotted the hiding modrone, but pretended that he didn't. He notified the rest of the party,
Zellani told them about the secret door, and they snuck up to jump the creature long before the
sound of the bell.
Cletis had just enough time to summon a hoard of minions before being destroyed. Rob had 50
slashed his wings, so he flew slower, and Bodger had sent him crashing through the skylight. He
had no chance of outdistancing their attacks before falling.

Alan tried to dissect the creature, but just made a mess of it. In the end, the adventurers just gav
the corpse to the city guard as part of their report.

Boltac forged adamantine weapons for them all once they paid for the rest of the ore.
Elly crafted a Lesser Gondsman for the party, as promised.
The party gained the Favor of Zellani and the Melvaunt Church of Loviatar.

2day The adventurers only had two days to rest and resupply before being called on to further their
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 24 6 2 0
P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10 9
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
21 12 14 16 19 18 22 19 17 6 20
Bless Bless Bless
AC 15 11 12 17 12 17 12 12 12 12 12
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 41.7 clt.sw clt.sw clt.sw clt.sw clt.sw
16 16 19 16 13 16 22 22 22 22 22
11 16 11 16r 17bo 21br 14ba 20ba
6 14 8 12bo 14ba 18ba 12r 19a
16 19 3 7ba 7a 11a 9g 17r
-1 5a 3g 9g -2br 13br
1 0bo -1r 5r K 9bo
13 K K 2br Brit 7ba
Bodg Rob -1bo -2a
Bodg Allan

P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
6 2 13 17 8 21 4 10 4 18 11 13 15 11
AC 15 11 12 17 12 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 33.3 gnd.1gnd.2gnd.3gnd.4gnd.5gnd.6gnd.7gnd.8
1 16 16 19 16 13 16 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
2 13 14 9ba 9ba 7a 5g 8a 8ba 9bo 9a
3 16 16 2bo 6bo 5bo 1g 3bo 7bo 7a 6ba
4 -3a 3a 4bo -3g 0a 3bo 5ba 3a
5 K 1ba 1ba K K -1a 0bo 0a
6 Allan -1bo 0bo Greg Allan K K K
7 K K Allan Bodg Allan
8 Bodg Bodg

P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2
13 17 11 13 18 16 20 18 7 17 10 14 12
AC 15 11 12 17 12 17 13 13 13 13 12 12 16
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 108 chs.b chs.b chs.b chs.b chs.bltchs.blt qdrnC
1 /roll {2d20 16 16 19 16 13 16 4 4 4 4 11 11 45
13 -8 -4 2g 1ba -5g 4a 6ba 31ba
KO K -2br -1ba K -5bo 3r 27bo
1 Bodg K K Greg K -5a 20br
Brit Baelin Bodg K 10r
Allan -2z

Exp. 283
TYPICAL DCs sizes Exhaustion

1dy A Cog in the Wheel Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
1day The city officials had used divination to figure out why the modron had come to the city, and all
about the portal. That is all they could glean though.
Captain Eledstra called them into her office, explained the situation, and offered them $125 and a
potion of healing each to continue investigating the evolving matter.

pg.10 A Step Through The Portal

Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 20 6 2 0
P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10 5
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1
12 3 13 11 15 2 3 3 14

AC 15 11 12 17 12 17 13 13 15/17
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 0 chs.slschs.sls cult.F
16 16 19 16 13 16 36 36
TYPICAL DCs sizes Exhaustion

+2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +1

15/17 14/16 13 15 15 15 16 16 18
cult.F cult.I Scout.1 mdrn dudrn tridrn qdrn1pntdn vetrn
33 18 16 5 11 16 22 32 58
0dy Adventure Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 21 6 2 0
P.P. 12 12 10 12 10 10 11
Initiative: +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1

AC 15 11 12 17 12 17
turn Hit Points Alan Bae Bdgr Britt Greg Rob 0
16 16 19 16 13 16
TYPICAL DCs sizes Exhaustion
Experience Points By Challenge Rating mobsPlt.+3Shld+3Ftr.Stl.+1 CoP+1 a RoP+1 a Staff of Power +2 a
Random encounter tables

Dragons Black Blue Brass Brnz. Cppr. Gold Green Red Slvr. White

Drg.Sh 17 spells 36 Lgnd. 19 Lgnd. 18 15 19 Lgnd. 18

Drg.Blk.Wrm. Drc.Blu.Adlt
9/9 wishes
Drg.Brnz.Adlt Drg.Brnz.Yng drag.F Drg.Gd.Adlt. Drg.Gd.Yng.
L.Lair 33 splbk. 255 L.Lair 212 Lair 142 Lair 14 256 178

8/8 wishes
31/33Lgnd. 20 27 Lgnd. 22 Lgnd.
Drg.Stl.Adlt. drg.T. Drag.Wht.Adlt. KraknAbilit.
243 Lair 341 200 Lair 630


17 22 Lgnd. 19
Deva Emprn plntr.
136 313 200


15 17 15 23 28 15 20 28 30+ 14 15 18
abs.w absW1 abs.b abs.B arclth BabauBabaS Balor Balor berb. brlgr. bblth. cdvrC
68 68 58 58 104 69 80 262 262 38 68 150

16 15 15 13 7 9 30 31 16 17 18
hezr1 h.hnd hdrlth Imp Lemr. mane mrlthmrlth mrgnmrgsw1mrgsw1 mzlth1
136 45 135 10 13 9 189 189 45 180 360

12 14 15 16 18 18 19 21 30 15 15
sld.td sld.R sld.B sld.gnsld.gy sld.D sld.D succu Ultrlth vrck1 ychl.
10 93 123 127 127 170 207 66 153 104 136


15 15 15 16 16
mdrn dudrn tridrn qdrn1pntdn
5 11 16 22 32

17 17 17 18 15 17 14 16 16 16
A.Serv azer1azr.acazr.pr Dao E.A.1 E.E.1 E.F.1 E.I.1 E.L.1 E.M.1
39 46 77 187 90 126 102 114 102 114

11 17 12 11 11 15 16 17 15 15/18 18 15 15
Lva.ch Marid mpht.D mpht.i mph.m Orb E. ObE.M ObE.L Orb FrcObFcM ObFcL ObNcL ObRcL
60 229 17 21 27 16 45 114 10 27 66 66 78

13 19
w.wrd. xorn
58 73

8/8 wishes
16 32 33 splbk. 12 12 15 14 26 13 21 16
Adept archdrd archmg Arkra bndt1B.cap Brd.5Brd.15 brsrk BEG Bgbr.1
11 116 99 13 11 65 27 86 67 39 27

15 18 14 15 17 19 22 25 18 18 15 13/1614/17 17/19
dero1 der.S dopel drow drw.fdrw.vdrw.Edrw.ch drw.ddrw.sh drw.so drw.wdrw.w drw.ac
24 47 52 13 32 58 71 112 42 45 37 45 45 13


11/14 19 16 16 16 10 14 11 12 13 16 14 10 12
fthmr ftr.3 foul.gfoul.m frg.sh frg.T. frg.W ogre1 ogr.H ogr.w Oni gnt.C gc.kid gnt.E
52 27 59 59 26 19 9 59 30 103 110 200 8 85

14 13 16 16 17 19 18 17 20 17 17 18 13 14
grndr Grd.t.grd.1 grd.A grd.rpgrd.elf hob.1hob.cpthob.whob.z hob.Z Hnd.R. hhi.1 hrcn1
33 4 11 11 32 58 11 55 97 32 45 237 9 33

15 12 12 16 14 16 13 17 18 12 18 14 13/16 16
Liz.1 liz.m L.M.S. L.M.Q. mnk.stmnk11 orc.1orc.sh orog.1 Pirt.1 P.B.E.P.C.W.P.E.F.P.H.H.
22 22 33 76 22 60 15 45 42 11 45 52 52 45

14 12/15 19 13/16 13 14 13 20 11 10 18 18 18
sor.cwcSor.5sorc.ESor.9 Scout.1 Spy 1 thg.1 thg.A trogld U.S.L vetrnvetsw1vetsw1 wrlrd
60 22 78 49 16 27 32 42 13 4 58 232 464


19 Lgnd. 20 15 14 15 12 12 13 10 17
ablth. A.A.1 anim.t ankhg ant lio ape.1ape.G Awak.H. bdgr.G blhn.
135 Lair 33 39 39 93 19 157 37 13 114

13 14 14 15 16 14 12 19 15 12
Crwl.1 chmra chtn.1chldrth chuul1 clkr.1 crps.fl coutl. crb.G drknb. destra
51 114 18 66 93 78 127 97 13 27

15 5 6 6 9 10 11 11 17 14 17
gargl gs.spr. gltn.cb g.gltn.cb gibr.1 Goat goat2h GoatG glm.Bglm.clglm.cr
52 1 84 158 67 4 19 19 142 133 178

20 20 11 13 11 15 10 10 15 11
helm1 HHB1 hpgrf. hmnc. hrs.w hk.hrr hrs.D hrs.R hydra hyen1
60 102 19 5+ 19 75 19 13 172 11

15 16 13 11 16 7 8 5 8 8 14 12
nthc.1 oblexoblx.S octps.g Oni oz.blk oz.gryoz.grnoz.H.gyoz.ocr otyug pnthr Pegas
45 115 18 52 110 85 22 5 152 45 114 13

8 10 12 12 14 19 11 21 13 20
rot.grb rothe rug.S rug.s.g rst.m Scldr1 scrcrw scrp.w shrk.g sh.grd Shrkr1
22 15 33 99 27 94 36 84 126 142

12 11 12 16 16 16 15 14 15 13 18 14
Tiger toad.Gtoad.Ic Top.Sent. Trnt1 tree.A Troll Trl.chTrl.Sh twg.b umbr VG.Gr.
37 39 32 105 138 138 84 42 84 4 93 105

13 14 17 21 12 19 15 32
Destrct.Wv. 15
Allip adze1 anbst A.Dth. bansh bhld.dthRays bhld.zmb D.Knt Oathbrkr. drd.W.
40 51 190 33+ 58 187 93 180 26

12 11 13 13 12 14 13 16 19 14 16 12 14 16
pltrg1 redd. rvnt.1 rvrt.1 Shad1Shd.as skel.1skel.wskel.Dskel.fSkl.ogskl.swskl.swskl.sw
19 103 136 136 16 78 13 13 182 52 67 52 104 208

23 Abilit. 16 15 13 14 18 20 19 13 14 15 16 14
vampLgnd. vmp.bvmp.sabilit. vp.mst wght wt.btl.wgt.k1 wisp wrth.wrth.t2wrth.t3wrth.t4wrth.n
144 32 52 45 45 45 75 22 67 105 161 204 85
of Power +2 a AC.31 Haste Shld.Faithβ Tasha's Guiseβ$ Warding Bond$ Bigby's HanAC.40 ShieldƦ AC.45

18 34 Lgnd. 18 22 Lgnd. 25 Lgnd. 22 19

Drg.Gd.Yng. Drc.Gr.Yng Drg.Gr.Adlt Drg.Gr.Yng Drg.R.An Drg.R.Ad M.A. Drg.R.Yng M.A. Drg.Slv.Adlt.
136 Lair 212 Lair 136 Lair 546 256 Meta. 178 Meta. 243

17 25 17 15 28 16 15 16 11 19 19
cdvrC cmbncamb.h chsm1 dem.w devour dvl.brb dev.chn drtch1 grstro glbrz.
189 82 77 84 90 178 110 85 18 310 157

18 18 18 31 13 18 17 28 13 16
mzlth1 nbsu. Nlfsh.NlfsW ntmr. nyclth oinlth Pit Fnd quasit Rkshsa
75 190+ 184 184 68 123 126 300 7 110
16 17 15 14 18 Lgnd. 13 12 13
E.M.1 E.O.1 E.Ruin E.Sa.1 E.Sm.1 E.W.1 E.W.A. gru.A. gru.E. gru.F. gru.W.
126 114 90 114 324 14 22 22

15 14 14 14 15 15 15 25 25 25 15 17 18
ObTcL shrd.1shd.N shd.R shd.swshd.sN shd.sR Cryst. Crst.N Crst.R slmnd Thoq.Thq.L
66 9 18 18 45 60 60 105 126 126 90 16 78

17 15 25 17 15 17 22 24 27/29 10 12 15/17 14/16 14 17

Bgbr.m blywg chmp clr.boc Clr.3 Clr.5 Clr.9 Clr.13Clr.15 comnr cultstcult.F cult.I CWR CPG
39 11 112 31 17 27 49 71 86 4 9 33 18 22 57

23 25/27 21 14/18 17 19 19 16 16 14+3 17 12

drw.Pdrw.HPdrw.R dru.5 duerg.durg.Odurg.Pduer.S etr.a e.anch EFG.1 etn.dr
74 91 50 27 26 37 32 36 65 33 45 85


13 18 24/26 14 15 13 14 17 16 30 22 19 15 13 15 17
E.gnt.E gnt.fi gt.F.C gt.for G.frstgnt.hl MoG G.stnG.strm Gish1 gthy.k gthy.w gnoll.1gnl.Pl Gob.1gob.B
150 162 136 149 138 105 105 126 230 123 109 63 22 22 7 21

19 19 16 29 13 19 16 18 20 12 15 17 16 13 13
hrcn1 Ilthd.1ilth.arc Ilth.NIlth.U Kenku Knt. knt.dtKnt.Th knt.w Kob.1 Kb.alcKb.chfKb.Ds Kb.w kuo.t
71 71 325 127 13 52 58 153 72 5 44 82 44 7 18

17 14 18 18 15 19 23 19 17 12 16 18 12 18
P.H.H. rzrblst RPsld RP.ofcrRPsgt Rog.6aRog.13 Rog.15a rvka.E scorw sahgnsah.Bsah.Wsah.Psah.wp
122 32 37 58 36 58 86 130 94 22 76 228 33 117

18 13 12 12 12 19 12/15 21 13/1612/1514/1713/16 18 20 33 Spec.

wrlrd wrbatwrjakl wrratwrtgr wiz.F wiz.5skwvr wiz.db wiz.R8 wiz.w Wiz.9 Wiz.12Wiz.13 Zulkir stf.P
299 44 18 33 120 22 22 40 40 36 39 49 66 70 99

15 12 11 13 12 13 17 18 18 14 15 7
Lair+ bslsk. bat.sw bear.Bbear.Obear.P btl.f.1 behir bhldr.bhd.mbhld.sbhld.z blk.pd.
52 22 34 59 42 4 168 180 218 39 93 85

18 13 12 12 12 12 14 16 13 13 12 17
destra Dsplc. dog.Ddg.D+dog.wadog w drk.grd dryd.H eel.ltn etrcp flmph fly.swd
93 85 39 39 26 5 52 18 42 44 10 17

pic pic pic pic

9 20 17 13 13 18 16 20 16 19 19 12 14 18 12
glm.fl glm.irglm.s1brz.s1Icbra1HF.engObltr1stl.prdstn.def grgn. G.rnd grell Grick grk.a grfn.
93 210 178 18 45 216 58 107 52 114 189 55 27 75 59

12 12 14 15 13 12 5 10 12 13
hyen1 lion liz.G. mntcr medsa merw mimic mld.y Mule mcnd mcnS
26 19 68 127 45 58 5 11 22 60

12 18 14 13 13 10 13 14 10 13 17 12 15
Pegas p.wrm PW.y quag1 qpr.sw rat rat.drrat.K.rat.swrat.ur rmrazrmrz.h Roc ropr.1
59 247 93 45 28 1 22 76 24 34 195 45 248

5 9 13 12 12 14 14 13 13 14 14 12
Shrkr1 shrb1 Siren snk.c snk.esnk.F.snk.p Spd.G spdr.p spd.sn Sprt.Wep. strg.1 tht.etr
13 10 58 60 60 28 11 11 32 26 2 21

14 20 12 13 14 13 13 13 20 12 12
Vinlng. wf.tit wsp.G Wlf.1 wlf.D wlf.w worg wvrn xilon1 yet.y yeti
4 125 13 11 37 75 26 110 93 22 51

9/9 wishes
9 19 13 15/1818/21 13 12 13 Lgnd. 11 13 34 Lgnd.
drd.W. eidln.scrd.st f.skulFS.Grt.FS.Spr. gha.1 ghl.1 ghl.L gho.1gho.c Lich Lair
63 95 40 68 68 36 22 66 45 45 189 splbk.

31 16 10 12 13 14
Skl.L. Lgnd skl.LL S.o.K. spct.1 tmb.htmb.E
105 Glyph-Thnd.
83 171 22 26 38

8 10 10 8 11 8 9 8 8 8 8 13
wrth.n Zom1 zm.a1Z.br.G zom.c Z.deroZm.GntZom.Q zmb.Rzm.swzm.swzm.sw zmb.L Lgnd
22 22 48 22 31 59 22 22 100 232 544 82

29 17 17 14
glbrZ. hag.G hag.N hag.S1
157 82 112 52

19 13
rtrvr. shd.d
110 66
12 14
gru.W. invs.s
30 104

14 16
Cclps drk.cr
138 17

17 15
27 40

13 11
97 65


13/19 11 12 17
blk.pd. Blckthrn Boar boar.G Bulet
152 11 42 94

11 5 16 16
fly.swd frg.G fung.v galeb buldr
18 18 85 85

11 12
harpy hwk.B
38 7

15 16 12 13
mcnS nga.bnnga.sp ndl.blt nereid
58 75 11 44


tht.etr trn.stgr


Staff of Swarming Insects a

Lgnd. 28 Lgnd. 11 13 23 Lgnd.
Dmilch Lair mum1mmy.c1M.Lrd Lair
splbk. 210 region 58 85 97+30Heart
Glyph Glyphs
Factions: Harpers Order of the Gauntlet Emerald Enclave Lord’s Alliance

FOOD, DRINK, AND LODGING Spellcasting Services

Item Cost
Gallon 2 sp
Mug 4 cp
Banquet (per person) 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp
Cheese, hunk 1 sp
Inn stay (per day)
Squalid 7 cp
Poor 1 sp
Modest 5 sp
Comfortable 8 sp
Wealthy 2 gp
Aristocratic 4 gp
Meals (per day)
Squalid 3 cp
Poor 6 cp
Modest 3 sp
Comfortable 5 sp
Wealthy 8 sp
Aristocratic 2 gp
Meat, chunk 3 sp
Common (pitcher) 2 sp
Fine (bottle) 10 gp

Service Pay
Coach cab
Between towns 3 cp per mile
Within a city 1 cp
Skilled 2 gp per day
Untrained 2 sp per day
Messenger 2 cp per mile
Road or gate toll 1 cp
Ship's passage 1 sp per mile
Zhentarim Mercenary Guild Merchant's Consortium Knights of Cormyr Red Wizards
Red Wizards
8.8' per turn = 1mph.
Useful Dragon Parts Value of Components
DC.25breath organ
DC.20brain Slave Prices
DC.15tongue NPC Recipes
DC.15blood bad stuff xplos pois. luz.2 luz.1 1/2 Potion Variant Chart from DMG pg.1
DC.15claws both work normally
DC.15teeth numerical effects and duration of 1 potion doubles
DC.12bones only one potion works, but is permanent

Giant Strength
Potions: anim clair clmb Dex.L Dex. Dx.Grdimin Ethr. f.brth. fly g.frm. Hill Frost Fire
1 Animal Friendshipu anim
2 Clairvoyancer clair
3 Climbingc clmb
4 Dex.L.u, Dex.L
5 Dex.r, Dex.
6 Dex.Gr.vr, Dx.Gr
7 Diminut.r dimin
8 Ethr.r Ethr.
10 Fr.Brth.u, f.brth.
9 Flyingvr, fly
11 Gas.Frm.r g.frm.
12 Hill Giant Strength u Hill
13 Frostr
Frost/Stone Giant Strength
14 Fire Giant Strength r Fire
15 Cloud Giant Strength vrClod.
16 Storm Giant Strength LStrm.
17 Growthu grth.
18 Heal.c, Heal.
19 Heal.-Greateru, Grtr.
20 Heal.-Superiorvr, Super
21 Heal.-Supremevr, Supre
22 Heroismr hero
23 Invis.vr Invis.
28 Invuln.r invul
25 Longevityvr Lngv.
27 Mind Contrl-Beastu mc.B
29 Mind Contrl-Humnd.u mc.H
30 Mind Contrl-Monsterr mc.M
26 Mind Readingr mnd.
31 Poisonu pois.
32 Res.acidu Acid
33 Res.forceu Frc.
34 Res.Cld.u Cold
35 Res.Fireu Fire
36 Res.Ltn.u Ltn.
37 Res.poisonu Pois
38 Res.psychicu Psyc.
39 Res.radiantu Rad.
40 Res.necroticu Nec.
41 Res.Thndr.u Thnd
42 Slipperinessc slpry.
43 Soothsaltsc sth.slt
44 Speed.vr spd.
45 Swimmingc swim
46 Vitalityvr Vital.
47 Water Breathingu Wat.
ant Chart from DMG pg.140

Giant Strength Healing Resistances

Clod. Strm. grth. Heal. Grtr. SuperSupre hero Invis.invul. Lngv. mc.B mc.H mc.Mmnd. pois. Acid Frc. Cold Fire
Ltn. Pois Psyc. Rad. Nec. Thnd. slprysth.slt spd. swim Vital. Wat.
Spell Areas 6 squares
Level Spells D20 with advantage 15' cone
0 Force Bolt 1 0.25% 5' r
0 Sun Bolt 2 0.75% 4 squares
3 1.25%
1 Magic Missile Stream$ 4 1.75%
1 Psychic Shout 5 2.25%
1 Sunwave 6 2.75% 10' r
7 3.25% 12 squares
2 Force Missile Swarm 8 3.75%
2 Silnt.Lrg.Imag. 9 4.25%
Sun Spray 10 4.75%
11 5.25% 75%
3 Antivermin Shell 12 5.75%
Force Blast 13 6.25% 15' r
Secudlos' Flying Disk.® 14 6.75% 24 squares
Silnt.Hg.Imag. 15 7.25% 51%
16 7.75%
4 Bright 17 8.25%
4 Force Missile Cloud 18 8.75%
4 Silnt.Gnt.Imag. 19 9.25%
20 9.75%
5 Silnt.Ttn.Imag. ‽ 100%
20' r
6 Maj.Ttn.Imag. 54 squares

7 Prst.Ttn.Imag.
Sun Storm

8 Force Missile Storm

9 Rain of Sun Bolts

Items 30' r
$250 Tear of the Hamadryad 106 squares
6 squares

15' c 15' c
6 squares 6 squares

70' diameter circle at end

30' cone 30' cone 60' cone

21 squares 21 squares 78 squares

30' cone
21 squares

60' cone 65' diameter circle at end 90' diameter circle at end
78 squares

60' cone
78 squares
45' r
224 squares
Party Adventure
1 Lv.1 Onward! A Journey to the Summit of Snowtop Peaks
2 Lv.1-4(1) A Scream in the Night
Lv.1-4(2) A Cog in the Wheel
Lv.1-4(3) A Hole in the World
Lv.1-4(3) Agnostic - Lost Tales of Myth Dranor - Darkwood Webs (pg.9)
Lv.1-4(3) Agnostic - Lost Tales of Myth Dranor - The Weirding Vats (pg.17)

Lv.5-10 Hulburg-Hulburg Rebuilding

Lv.5-10 Hulburg-Hulburg Burning
Lv.5-10 Hulburg-Hulburg Rising
Lv.5-10 Agnostic - Window to the Past

Lv.5-10(8) Agnostic - Lost Tales of Myth Dranor - Spawn of the Maimed Virulence (pg.30)
Lv.5-10(8) Agnostic - Lost Tales of Myth Dranor - Echoes of the Weeping War (pg.39)

Lv.11-16(13) Agnostic - Lost Tales of Myth Dranor - Forgotten Foes (pg.48)

Lv.11-16 Agnostic - Window to the Past

Lv.17-20(18) Agnostic - Lost Tales of Myth Dranor - The Definition of Heroism (pg.58)
Lv.17-20 Agnostic - Window to the Past

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