A Fatebook 4

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37dy Dungeon of the Mad Mage Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money

1day Once the Fate Weavers were finished with their R&R, they headed back to The Yawning Portal to
continue exploring the dungeon.
They decided to continue in order, and took a gate on level 2 down to level 6, then level 18 to 19,
20, 21, 22, and finally level 23.

Level 1
Gate-10 pg.23
Level 2
Gate-4 pg.32
Gate-5 pg.36, has a quick path down to Level 7.
Gate-6 pg.39
pg.82 Level 6
Gate-7 pg.91
Gate-9 pg.85
Gate-12 pg.91
Gate-13 pg.95
Gate-18 pg.95
Gate-21 Level 22
Level 23
This whole level is under Morden's Private Sanctum.
The Fate Weavers had the knowledge that Ezzat's scouts had gleaned, so they avoided unnecessa
entanglements on this level.
The party avoided this area.


The siblings Varitan and Vathana flanked the pit fiend as soon as it appeared, and stabbed it into
unconsciousness with their artifact rapiers. Happy that the creature did not vanish, they tricked it
(39 deception) into thinking they wanted to form an alliance with it. It let them put it into stasis
(33 persuasion) until they got out of the dungeon.
Later (back home), they created sims of it, then killed the original.


Beldroth and Holmesta slew the deva as soon as it appeared. It served no usefullness to them.


The Fate Weavers decided to test their own defenses. They let the flameskulls hurl spells at them
DB Fireballs, Cones of Cold, Dragons' Breaths, Mass Suggestions, Confusions, Sunbeams, and even
a Mordenkainen's Sword all failed to touch them.
Vathana cast a Wall of Force around the whole fight, and Thalawin used a single charge of her
Shatter wand (turning it to radiant energy). The inclosed space quadrupled the damage, destroyi
all the flameskulls.
The party grabbed and gagged the skulls as they reformed an hour later. The flameskulls were pu
into ceramic jars with lids tied down, and buried in a portable hole.
pg.295 11e. TROBRIAND'S BODY
There are many glyphs guarding his body, and the entrance to the room. There is also a permanent
Forbiddance and Antipathy on the room DC.23.
The adventurers used a Greater Dispel Magic to bypass the wards, and collect the corpse inside.


After an exchange of wishes and a counterspell, Holmesta and Thalawin flanked the golem, killing
it in a flurry of blows. As Trobriand's soul left the construct, Vathana captured it in a Soul Cage.


The party used telepathy to communicate with the creature. They learned all it knew about this
level and its inhabitants.


After an exchange of wishes, Daetris and Vathana flanked the lich, killing her in a flurry of blows.
As Arcturia's soul left for her phyllactery, Vathana captured it in a Soul Cage (after a flurry of
The adventurers Enslaved the three champions to use as trap springers, and moved on.


The Fate Weavers opened each door, nimbly dodging the prismatic rays each time. Seeing that on
one led somewhere, and that it seemed to go into a building, they decided to explore the rest of
the dungeon level before heading in.

pg.298 20. HIDDEN HELM

The ultraloths teleported into the room, and were promptly slain with radiance and rapiers. The
party bound, gagged, and imprisoned them in portable holes. They also snatched the spelljamme
helm once they identified it.


Beldroth used a wand of Knock to open all three locks on the door. They were very disappointed.


The adventurers did not want to pick fights within the tower, but the stupid skull attacked them.
After a couple tries, and a heavy expenditure of resources, they got the demilich under control. It
told them all about what it was doing there, and all it knew about Halister.
They took a 4 hour rest while the cooky skull prepared a few doses of potions from the cauldron,
and dictated its formula to them telepathically. Holmesta imprinted the information on a crystal
as the demilich imparted the knowledge. The telepathy made the whole process lightning fast
compared to normal.
They also obtained the process of becoming a lich from the undead alchemist. Given his state of
mental health, both of these things were likely flawed, but they would give the party a big start o
their own research process.


The party was intrigued by Jhesiyra's voice. They cast some divinations, deliberated, and Mended
the portrait, claiming the ring.

At Jhesiyra's mental warning, the Fate Weavers decided to wait until they were stronger and had
more allies before confronting the Mad Mage. They took their final bit of treasure, and headed
back home.

36day The Fate Weavers went back home to sell loot, research their findings, study, and do some tradin
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 17 7

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 4. HELMED HORRORS

Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 20 20 20 20 20 20
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0 helm1 helm2 helm3 helm4 helm5 helm6
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 60 60 60 60 60 60

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 6B. 9B.

Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +2 +4
31 26 21 30 31 35 22 15

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 28 17
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 2575 Pit Fnd Deva
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 300 136
142va -12b
-23vn -135h

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 10B.

Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4
32 24 36 36 30 35 22 11 20 18 8 19 14

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 18/2118/2118/2118/2118/2118/2118/21
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 2917 FS.Spr.FS.Spr.FS.Spr.FS.Spr.FS.Spr.FS.Spr.FS.Spr.
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 68 68 68 68 68 68 68
-8t -8t -8t -8t -8t -8t -8t
P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 13.
Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +0@ n/a n/a n/a
32 24 36 36 30 35 9
5/9 wishes
AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 35 splbk. 20 20 20
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 6833 Trobri. pillar pillar pillar
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 210 180 180 180

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +6@ +2@ +2@ +2@ +1 +1
28 33 30 26 26 33 19 11 15 12 6 19
6/9 wishes armorarmorarmor
AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 34/36Lgnd. 25 25 25 12 12
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 8000 Arctri Lair chmp chmp chmp mimc1mimc2
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 189 splbk. 112 112 112 58 58
103d EnslaEnslaEnslave
-48va K K K

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +3@ +3@ +3@ +3@
24 32 35 35 37 35 20 16 9 15

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 30 30 30 30
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 3333 UltrlthUltrlthUltrlthUltrlth
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 153 153 153 153
94vn 94vn124vn94vn
36va 65va 66va 36va
-17t 38t 13t -17t
KO 14h -11h KO
-7h KO

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +17â +7
33 30 32 30 35 29 23

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 28 Lgnd.
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 3333 Dmilch
1 174+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 162+ 210

Exp. 26992
Interacting with objects
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
15 19 15 9 7 17 10 16 16 2

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
mimc3mimc4mimc5mimc6mimc7mimc8mimc9imc10imc11 mimc12
58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
38dy The Vanishing Castle Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
0day The Fate Weavers' familiars had long been aware of hidden treasures to be had, so they decided
seek out one they believed to be of interest to them.
After many divinations, they teleported to the region in question, and took to the skies to scout
the ruins.
The City Center
pg.6 1. Chief Dak's Manse
The adventurers went straight for the most important looking building in the town center since
they approached from the south.
Seeing that the inhabitants posed no threat, Holmesta used a Suggestion spell to interrogate the
fire giant. He told them a great deal about the invasion and the first floor of the castle.
The city center held nothing more of iterest, so the party moved on to the palace of the paladin.

The Grand Tower

pg.13 4. Soldier Barracks
Most of the palace held fodder that fell at a glance from the Fate Weavers. The soldier barracks
showed the first signs of interest. Two of the chasmes collapsed to the ground instantly, their
heads glowing with radiance. The third fell under a Suggestion spell, and told them all about the
glabrezu in the Temple of Donblas. After learning the specifics of the glabrezu's power, the Fate
Weavers went on to explore the keep.

The Keep
pg.15 3. Library
After avoiding the behir, the party had a nice chat with the library ghost. They spent hours listening
to the history of the valley and the invasion. During this time, Thalawin, Varitan, and Vathana
thoroughly searched through the books.

pg.16 6. Trophy Room

The party took the head of the dragon to resurrect, duplicate, and skullify.

Nothing else in the keep was of note, so they headed to the temple.

The Temple of Donblas

pg.10 4a. Cleric's Living Quarters
The glabrezu was lying in wait for the conflict the Fate Weavers brought. He had divined a terribl
battle, and gathered his troops. They all tried to Dispel the adventurers, but every spell the demons
tried to cast was Counterspelled. All the demons were blasted to bits except for the glabrezu, who
was Enslaved for later use. They interrogated him thoroughly, and he told them much about the
valley, the castle, the invasion, his superiors and allies, and the strangeness of magic in the area.

They inspected the rest of the temple, spent an hour in the study to read Father Tim's research,
and looted the vault before heading toward the castle.

The Fate Weavers spent several hours flying around the valley, investigating the magic of it, and
doing experiments to discover its secrets. They noticed that their mana fields extended farther in
this valley. Magical transportation and summoning was easier as well. To their greatest delight,
altering spells through the use of metamagic and spell points was more efficient. They called in
1day eight archmages and a sorcerer dragon skull to begin further testing while they explored the castle.

pg.19 The Vanishing Castle

1. The Courtyard
Guards Guards
and Wards
and$ Wards and Morden's Private Sanctum cover the whole castle. DC 18
MordenkA pack of demons greeted them, unleashing a swarm of spells and abilities. All were Countered or
resisted, and all physical attacks were avoided. The party Dispelled the demons' defenses, and took
control of their minds. After a quick interrogation, the Fate Weavers slew all but the two
They also collected some of the human corpses who were casters for later use.

As they made their way through the castle, the adventurers constantly Dispelled the Guards and
Wards so that they could find their way more easily.

pg.20 4. Ballroom
The fire giants tried to attack the adventurers, but were terribly ineffective. Thalawin Enslaved the
caster, and her companions felled the other two with arrows.

The adventurers wandered around the castle, spending much time with any books they found.

pg.23 23. Bernard’s Master Bedroom

Cindra tried to parlay with the adventurers, underestimating them greatly. They instantly Dispelled
and Enslaved her. After she told them all she knew, they slew her minions, and moved on.

With Cindra's knowledge, they were able to quickly make their way through the various challenge
of the tower without incident.
They were very interested in the Planar Door. Vathana tried using a Wish to piggyback on the
door's "signal," to Gate Bernard Blarnstaff, but it failed. Varitan tried using one to Gate the wizard
to them from the void, but was also unsuccessful. They surmised that the wizard's soul had made
it through the Planar Door, and traveled to its destination that way.

2k xp Varitan used Move Earth to transplant the Pool of Gazing and the Pool of Improvement into the
party's Portable Huge Cubic Holes.

1k xp After fully exploring the lower level, and discovering the way out, the Fate Weavers used a Wish to
envelope the Planar Door in an Antimagic Field, and had their strong minions drag it out of the

1k xp With the help of a Portent and party buffs, Vathana succeeded in combining the Canaith Mandoli
and the Cli Lyre to create a new item, the Cliannaith Mandolyre. (tinkering roll of 44)

500 xp Daetris helped Holmesta snatch the robe off of the glitching mannequin.
The party easily blasted their way through the whisps to rejoin the prime material plane. They
1day spent the rest of the day studying the strange magic of the valley before heading home, except
for the new minions who dragged the dormant Planar Door through a Gate to the manor.

36day The Fate Weavers went back home to sell loot, research their findings, study, and do some tradin
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 3 0

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 1. Chief Dak's Manse
Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 21 13 15 15 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 417 Dak gnt.hl Troll Troll ogr.w ogr.w ogr.w worg
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 180 105 84 84 103 103 103 26

4. Soldier Barracks
+2 +2 +2

15 15 15
650 chsm1chsm2chsm3
84 84 84
sugst. -20 -10

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 11
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 92 gho.1
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 45

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 4a. Cleric's Living Quarters
Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â +3 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +0 -1

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 27/32 15 15 15 15 15 19 13
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 4208 glbrZ.BabauBabauBabauBabauBabau grstrognt.hl
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 157 69 69 69 69 69 310 105
73d 27b 27b 27b 27b 27b 184b -21b
Enslv. -57d -57d -57d -57d -57d 84d K
K K K K K 55h
P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 1. The Courtyard 1. The Courtyard
Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â +4 +3 +3 +5 +5 +5 +2

Glyph Glyph
AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 30+ 31 5/9 w 31 5/9 w 20 20 20 15
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 5300 BalorNlfsW NlfsW BabaSBabaSBabaS vrock
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 262 184 184 80 80 80 104
K Enslv. Enslv. K K K K

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 4. Ballroom

Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â +3 +3 +3 +0 -1 -1

GlyphGlyph Glyph
AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 27/32 31 5/9 w 31 5/9 wishes 24/26 17 17
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 1433 glbrZ.NlfsW NlfsW gt.f.S gnt.fi gnt.fi
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 157 184 184 136 162 162
157rest Enslv. 24b 11h
-28d -59vn

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 23. Bernard’s Master Bedroom
Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â +5 +0 +0 +2 +2 -1 -1

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 31 19 19 15 15 17 17
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 2942 Cindragrstrogrstro vrock vrock gnt.fi gnt.fi
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 189 310 310 104 104 162 162
Enslv.100b 148b -6b -6b -48b -12b
-114d -38d K K K K

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ F. The Hive

Initiative: +18â +18â +19â +18â +18â +18â

AC 45 44 44 44 44 44 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 469 wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp
1 185+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 172+ 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

Exp. 20010
Interacting with objects

+1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2

13 13 15 15 15 15 15
worg worg Gob.1Gob.1Gob.1Gob.1Gob.1
26 26 7 7 7 7 7

-1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1

13 13 15 15 15 15
gnt.hlgnt.hl Troll Troll Troll Troll
105 105 84 84 84 84
-21b -21b -42b -42b -42b -42b
1. The Courtyard
+2 +2
x1 chmp x5 Knt. x17 grd.1
dead dead dead
15 15
vrock vrock x2 Wiz.9 x3 wiz.5 x3 Clr.5
104 104 dead dead dead


19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp wisp
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
1dy Unseen Servants Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
0day When they were ready, the party took two of their minions, and decided to try their hand at
taking down Halaster Blackcloak.
They set up contingent Wishes to counter any Wish Halaster cast. Their final trigger Wish set up a
remote Antimagic Field around Halaster, negating his Prismatic Wall and all non-artifact magic.
Glyphs of Warding exploded into action on both sides, countering each other out. Daetris and
Varitan rushed forward to strike at Halaster with their artifact swords, and slew him immediately.
Vathana tried to capture the mad mage's soul as it left his body, but it never left the Antimagic
Field. Instead it was drawn directly into the artifact tower itself.

The Fate Weavers had little time to loot before the tower exploded. Everything within was
scattered across the Astral Plane. Fortunately, the seasoned adventurers were quite adapt at
planar travel, so this hampered them little.
1day Later that day, they returned to Undermountain to let Ezzat know it belonged to him now.

The Curse of The Mad Mage

Even though Halaster doesn't hold a grudge for being killed, he still developed a nasty surprise for
those who succeeded in finishing him off. Upon his death, an epic curse befalls his slayers. Their
minions will turn on them, and have to be surpressed.
The Fate Weavers saw this coming, and decided to use it to test themselves. They had Holmesta2
use a Teleportation Circle to teleport them all into area 17. The Fate Weavers, their familiars, and
their Homunculi each had an enhanced Spirit Guardians spell active from Glyphs. Holmesta2 left,
and the party swarmed through the manor. First they went to area 20a to dispatch the archmage
there. Using Timestop, they got the jump on the archmages. Many damaging and blocking spells
went off in an instant. Wishes countered Wishes. The room filled with enough devestation to
annihilate even the most epic warrior.
Once the archmages were dispatched, the Fate Weavers were able to negociate a truce with the
remaining forces of the manor. 2kxp
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 40 22

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ Stronghold of Epic Power$
Initiative: +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +17 +1 +19â Perm. Infinity Room in the entrance
39 40 25 36 40 26 22 9 35 Perm. Prismatic Wall around throne
AC 48 47 47 47 47 47 31 34 Lgnd. 39/33 wishs
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 6250 glbrZ.
Drg.Gr.Adlt Hlstr. 0/10 Potion - Timelessness
1 211+ 197+ 212+ 197+ 197+ 197+ 177 212 Lair 321 Implosion
Enslv. 95d

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +17 +1 +18â +18â

AC 48 47 47 47 47 47 31 38 Lgnd. 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 25000 glbrZ.
Drg.Gr.Adlt Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg
1 211+ 197+ 212+ 197+ 197+ 197+ 177 212 Lair Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair
Enslv. -727vn -727vn -727vn

Exp. 33250

10/10 wishes
35 Lgnd.
Ezzat Lair
207 splbk.
Interacting with objects

ty Room in the entrance

matic Wall around throne
Buffs already on Near each party member while in Timestop
$ Symbol
n - Timelessness SymbolHALASTER
$ Symbol
x10 Symbol
Glyph activation x10 Symbol
Time Stop x10 Symbol
x10 Symbol
x10 Symbol
x10 Symbol

+18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â

37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9
Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg
261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair
-727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn
+18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â

37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 8/9 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37

Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Arcmg Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13
261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 Lair 261 10/11 261 10/11 261 10/11 261
-727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn
+18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â +18â

Glyph 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37 Glyph 37

Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13 Lair Wiz.13
10/11 261 10/11 261 10/11 261 10/11 261 10/11 261 10/11 261 10/11 261
-727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn -727vn
0dy The Mysterious Isle Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
0day in storm king's thunder folder
While out for dinner in Waterdeep, Vathana received a personal invitation, delivered by Hsing (a
blind pseudodragon), to attend SEER (master of Intelligence for the Lords' Alliance) in a tower
overlooking the Sea of Swords on a matter of the greatest importance. An invitation from such a
prominent agent would likely provide some good entertainment, so the party accepted.

SEER wanted them to retrieve an artifact before other factions get to it. There is even a cloud giant
archmage on the way there with his flying castle.
The adventurers are to rendezvous with Princess Iridansa of the sea elves
Daetris talked SEER into paying them 6 Wands of the Archmage+3 up front. Being so
knowledgeable, SEER was all ready with the items.
The Fate Weavers were so unimpressed by the young bronze dragon mounts offered that they sa
they would prefer to fly on their own. The dragons were too slow and weak.
The destination was only 40 miles away, just off the coast next to the Trollbark Forest. It took the
party an hour to fly there since they had to wait for their own dragon (still much faster than the -3hrs.
They reached the isle, observed the interesting cloud castle with its widespread magical attack,
met with H’ruliel (the princess's underling), and decided to use the underwater entrance. It also
seemed wise to stop the cloud castle's magical assult though. Beldroth, Holmesta, Thalawin, and
the glabrezu split off to go into the underwater entrance while the rest of the party flew up to se
what could be done about the castle.
On the way, they slaughtered anything that got too close to them. -9min
The water party made it to the entrance, and hurried in. 5kxp

Notice small purple crystals within the walls that could be pried out. (See sidebar for a descrip

After slaying a band of fish people, the party interrogated their leader before killing him. He told
them of the captured elves ahead, and the devices used to torture them.
When the party entered the fray with the remaining sahuagin, their glabrezu Dispelled the magic
of the coral on the princess while the others made quick work of the fishies. 5kxp

Once the dragon turtle was slain, the glabrezu quickly Dispelled the morkoth's auto-defenses.

The final battle was quick. Most of the golems fell to the Spirit Guardians immediately. The druid
and Heironymus made a feeble counterattack, but their spells were reflected back at them by the
Fate Weavers. The party finished them off in a volley of thunderbolts.
The crystal golems were of particular interest to the adventurers. They captured the soul of the
morkoth, and collected the bodies of all present. *later on, they would find that the golems were
piloted by other adventurers, and sent their reverents to bring them in for assimilation.

Once the Water Team took control of the Eye of Xxiphu, they immediately began studying it and
the island, relying on the Are Team to take care of the sky forces. Any other enemies wandering i
would be of no concern. The glabrezu made a game of trying to kill all enemies before they reached
the deadly aura of the Fate Weavers' Spirit Guardians.
The Sky Team flew up toward the cloud castle, cutting a swath of destruction with their Spirit
Guardians as they went.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 28 18
The Eye of Xxiphu

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ Water

Initiative: +18â +19â +18â +17

AC 45 44 44 31 18 16 16 16 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Beld Holm Thlwn glbrZ. 2625 sah.Wsah.B sah.B sah.B shrk.gshrk.gshrk.gshrk.g
1 254+ 255+ 239+ 187 228 76 76 76 126 126 126 126
Enslv. 27gl -125gl-125gl-125gl -75gl -75gl -75gl -75gl
7gz K K K K K K K

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ Water
Initiative: +18â +19â +18â +17 +0

AC 45 44 44 31 20 18 12 18 16 16 12 14
turn Hit Points Beld Holm Thlwn glbrZ. 4981 drg.T. sah.wpsah.Psah.Wsah.B sah.B x8 sahgn E.W.1
1 254+ 255+ 239+ 187 341 117 33 228 76 76 22 114
2 Enslv. 145gl -86gl-170gl 25gl -127gl-127gl -181gl-101gl
3 -58gl K K K K K K K
4 K

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ Water

Initiative: +18â +19â +18â +17 +2 +2â +5â +0 +2â +2â +2
37 38 33 35 22 16 19 3 21 20 17
AC 45 44 44 31 33 25 23 27/29 32 26 20
turn Hit Points Beld Holm Thlwn glbrZ. 5163 Hrmns chmp Rog.15Clr.15archdrdBrd.15Wiz.13
1 254+ 255+ 239+ 187 130 Lair 112 86 86 116 86 70
2 Enslv. 108cl -113gl-139gl-139gl 3gl -139gl-123gl
71t K K K -24d K K
36vn K

glbrZ. Exp. 22769

Bless Spd. Invul.
P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ Sky
Initiative: +18â +18â +18â +1

AC 44 44 44 38 Lgnd. 14 15
turn Hit Points Daet Varit Vath
Drg.Gr.Adlt 21275 gnt.C Troll
1 Moonbeam 239+ 239+ 239+ 243 Lair 200 84
2 TelekiDragon’s. Breathβ-acid Enslv. Dragon’s Breathβ-acid /roll 16d6+32 [Ltn.]
4 Moonb /roll 8d10+16 [thnd]
5 /roll 8d10+16 [rad.]
6 Drag.Brth.
/roll β9d6 [acid]
7 12 cloud giant in hole
8 3 pieces of cloud giants
10 Drg.Gr.Adlt
12 estim. Exp. 21275
13 Total Exp. 25000
14 Avg. Exp. 23884
27 Embold.Bond

47 Embold.Bond
Interacting with objects

Underwater Encounters 18 25
24 aquatic elf veterans vetrn chmp 13
24 merfolk scouts 58 112 Scout.1 12 13
18 sahuagin and 12 giant sharks 16 sahgnshrk.g
shrk.g 1 aboleth and 4 skum veteransablth. vetrn 22 126
48 merrow merw 135
16 giant shark 45 shrk.g
Surface Encounters
24 aquatic elf veterans vetrn chmp 13/16 18
2 Kraken Society Longship carrying 1 mage and 8 veterans Wiz.9 vetrn
18 sahuagin and 12 giant sharks sahgnshrk.g 49 58 14 15 15 13
2 Giant rowboat carrying 1 cloud giant, 1 troll shaman, 4 trolls, and 2 ogres gnt.C Trl.Sh Troll ogr.w
48 merrow merw 200 84 84 103
32 giant sharks shrk.g
14 Air Encounters 14 15 13
E.W.1 2 Giant Airship carrying 3 cloud giants, and 12 (mix of trolls and ogres) gnt.C Troll ogr.w
114 2 Kraken Society Longship carrying 1 mage and 8 veterans Wiz.9 vetrn 200 84 103
-101gl 155 to 261 total units 49 58
K might be 20x+ that many in the whole battle?

+13â +13â +13â +13â +13â +13â +2â +5â +0 +2â +2â +2

33 33 33 33 33 33 25 23 27/29 32 26 20
rvrt.1 rvrt.2 rvrt.3 rvrt.4 rvrt.5 rvrt.6 chmp Rog.15Clr.15archdrdBrd.15Wiz.13
192 192 192 192 192 192 112 86 86 116 86 70
0dy Adventure Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 6 0

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â

AC 48 47 47 47 47 47
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0
1 211+ 197+ 212+ 197+ 197+ 197+
Interacting with objects
0dy The Razing of Redshore (3.5e) Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 5 0

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â

AC 48 47 47 47 47 47
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0
1 211+ 197+ 212+ 197+ 197+ 197+
Interacting with objects
0dy Adventure Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 14 0

P.P. 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+ 46+

Initiative: +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â +22â

AC 48 47 47 47 47 47
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0
1 211+ 197+ 212+ 197+ 197+ 197+
Interacting with objects
Experience Points By Challenge Rating mobsPlt.+3Shld+3Ftr.Stl.+1 CoP+1 a RoP+1 a Staff of Power +2 a
Random encounter tables

Dragons Black Blue Brass Brnz. Cppr. Gold Green Red Slvr. White

Drg.Sh 17 8/8 w 33 Lgnd. 9/9 w 36 Lgnd. 19 Lgnd. 18 15

Drg.Blk.Wrm. Drg.Blk.Adlt Drc.Blu.Adlt Drg.Brnz.Adlt Drg.Brnz.Yng drag.F Drg.Gd.Adlt.
L.Lair 33 195 splbk. 255 L.Lair 212 Lair 142 Lair 14

9/9 wishes
19 Lgnd. 31/33Lgnd. 20 27 Lgnd. 22 Lgnd.
Drg.Slv.Adlt. Drg.Stl.Adlt. drg.T. Drag.Wht.Adlt. KraknAbilit.
243 Lair 243 Lair 341 200 Lair 630


17 22 Lgnd. 19 19
Deva Emprn plntr.shd.O
136 313 200 200

15 17 15 23 28 15 20 28 30+ 14 15 18
abs.w absW1 abs.b abs.B arclth BabauBabaS Balor Balor berb. brlgr. bblth. cdvrC
68 68 58 58 104 69 80 262 262 38 68 150

Covens pic
17 17 14 16 15 15 13 7 9 30 31
hag.G hag.N hag.S1 hezr1 h.hnd hdrlth Imp Lemr. mane mrlthmrlth mrgn
82 112 52 136 45 135 10 13 9 189 189

12 14 15 16 18 18 19 21 30 15 15
sld.td sld.R sld.B sld.gnsld.gy sld.D sld.D succu Ultrlth vrck1 ychl.
10 93 123 127 127 170 207 66 153 104 136


15 15 15 16 16
mdrn dudrn tridrn qdrn1pntdn
5 11 16 22 32

17 17 17 18 15 19 Lgnd. 17 20 Lgnd. 14 16
A.Serv azer1azr.acazr.pr Dao E.A.1E.A.A. E.E.1 E.E.A. E.F.1 E.I.1
39 46 77 187 90 276 126 348 102 114

11 17 12 11 11 11 15 16 17 15 15/18 18 15 15
Lva.ch Marid mpht.D mph.g mpht.imph.m Orb E. ObE.M ObE.L Orb FrcObFcM ObFcL ObNcL ObRcL
60 229 17 22 21 27 16 45 114 10 27 66 66 78

13 19
w.wrd. xorn
58 73

8/8 wishes
16 32 33 splbk. 12 12 19 15 18 20 16 19 16 20 25 18
Adept archdrd archmgGlyphArkra bndt1 ftr.3 B.capArchr pirat.1 Sqr. Knt. knt.dtknt.w chmp Knt.Th
11 116 99 13 11 27 65 52 52 22 52 58 72 112 153

12 15/17 14/16 14 17 16 15 18 14 15 17 19 19 22 25
cultstcult.F cult.I CWR CPG drk.cr dero1 der.S dopel drow drw.fdrdr.1drw.vdrw.Edrw.ch
9 33 18 22 57 17 24 47 52 13 32 123 58 71 112


17 12 11/14 16 16 16 10 14 11 12 13 14 16
EFG.1 etn.dr fthmr foul.gfoul.m frg.sh frg.T. frg.W ogre1 ogr.H ogr.w Cclps Oni
45 85 52 59 59 26 19 9 59 30 103 138 110

15 17 17 15 14 13 16 16 17 19 18 17 20 17 17
Gob.1gob.Bgob.ShBoyag grndr Grd.t.grd.1 grd.A grd.rpgrd.elf hob.1hob.cpthob.whob.z hob.Z Hnd.R.
7 21 27 40 33 4 11 11 32 58 11 55 97 32 45

15 12 12 16 14 16 13 18 17 16 19 12 18 14
Liz.1 liz.m L.M.S. L.M.Q. mnk.stmnk11 orc.1orog.1orc.shorc.cf Pal.5 Pirt.1 P.B.E.P.C.W.
22 22 33 76 22 60 15 42 45 93 39 11 45 52

13 14 15 14 12/15 19 13/16 13 20 11 14 10 18
Scout.1 Spy 1 shd.dc sor.cwcSor.5sorc.ESor.9 thg.1 thg.A trogldtrg.ch U.S.L vetrn
16 27 71 60 22 78 49 32 42 13 59 4 58

19 Lgnd. 20 15 14 15 12 12 13 10 17
ablth. A.A.1 anim.t ankhg ant lio ape.1ape.G Awak.H. bdgr.G blhn.
135 Lair 33 39 39 93 19 157 37 13 114

13 14 14 15 16 14 12 19 15 12
Crwl.1 chmra chtn.1chldrth chuul1 clkr.1 crps.fl coutl. crb.G drknb. destra
51 114 18 66 93 78 127 97 13 27

16 16 15 5 6 6 9 10 11 11
galeb buldr gargl gs.spr. gltn.cb g.gltn.cb gibr.1 Goat goat2h GoatG glm.B
85 85 52 1 84 158 67 4 19 19

11 12 20 20 11 13 11 15 10 10
harpy hwk.B helm1 HHB1 hpgrf. hmnc. hrs.w hk.hrr hrs.D hrs.R
38 7 60 102 19 5+ 19 75 19 13

12 13 15 16 13 11 16 7 8 5 8 8
ndl.blt nereid nthc.1 oblexoblx.S octps.g Oni oz.blk oz.gryoz.grnoz.H.gyoz.ocr otyug
11 44 45 115 18 52 110 85 22 5 152 45

8 10 12 12 14 19 11 21 13 20
rot.grb rothe rug.S rug.s.g rst.m Scldr1 scrcrw scrp.w shrk.g sh.grd Shrkr1
22 15 33 99 27 94 36 84 126 142

12 11 12 16 16 16 15 14 15 13 13 18
Tiger toad.Gtoad.Ic Top.Sent. Trnt1 tree.A Troll Trl.chTrl.Sh twg.b T-rex umbr
37 39 32 105 138 138 84 42 84 4 136 93

13 14 17 21 12 19 Lair 15 32
Destrct.Wv. 15
Allip adze1 anbst A.Dth. bansh bhld.dthE.raysbhld.z D.Knt Oathbrkr. drd.W. eidln.
40 51 190 33+ 58 187 93 180 26

11 13 21 23/25 21 21 21
29 Lgnd. Staff of Swarming
12 Insects11a 13 13 14
mum1mmy.c1mu.W1mumC mWswmWswmWsw M.Lrd Lair Glyph pltrg1 redd. rvnt.1 rvrt.1 shade
58 85 66 66 300 672 1632 97+30Heart 19 103 136 136 110

23 Abilit. 16 15 13 14 15 14 18 21 15 16 18 19 13
vampLgnd.vmp.bvmp.sabilit. vp.mstvpmswvpmsw wght wt.btl.wgt.k1wtSw1wtSw1wtSw1 wisp wrth.
144 32 52 45 204 456 45 45 85 180 360 720 22 67
of Power +2 a AC.31 Haste Shld.Faithβ Tasha's Guiseβ$ Warding Bond$ Bigby's HanAC.40 ShieldƦ AC.45

19 Lgnd. 18 18 34 Lgnd. 18 22 Lgnd. 25 Lgnd.

Drg.Gd.Adlt. Drg.Gd.Yng. Drc.Gr.Yng Drg.Gr.Adlt Drg.Gr.Yng Drg.R.An Drg.R.Ad M.A. Drg.R.Yng
256 178 136 Lair 212 Lair 136 Lair 546 256 Meta.

17 17 25 24 15 28 16 15 16 11 19
cdvrC cmb.hcmbn cmb.f chsm1 dem.w devour dvl.brb dev.chn drtch1 grstro drglth
189 77 82 82 84 90 178 110 85 18 310

16 17 18 18 18 18 31 13 18 17 28
mrgnmrgsw1mrgsw1 mzlth1 nbsu. Nlfsh.NlfsW ntmr. nyclth oinlth Pit Fnd quasit
45 180 360 75 190+ 184 184 Glyph 68 123 126 300
16 16 16 17 15 14 18 Lgnd. 13 12
E.L.1 E.M.1 E.O.1 E.Ruin E.Sa.1 E.Sm.1 E.W.1E.W.A. gru.A. gru.E.
102 114 126 114 90 114 324 14 22

15 14 14 14 15 15 15 25 25 25 15 17 18
ObTcL shrd.1shd.N shd.R shd.swshd.sN shd.sR Cryst. Crst.N Crst.R slmnd Thoq.Thq.L
66 9 18 18 45 60 60 105 126 126 90 16 78

28 14 26 13 21 16 17 15 17 15 17 22 26 24
wrlrd Brd.5Brd.15 brsrk BEG Bgbr.1Bgbr.m blywg clr.boc Clr.3 Clr.5 Clr.9 Clr.B Clr.13
299 27 86 67 39 27 39 11 31 17 27 49 81 71

21 18 18 15/1815/1814/17 17/19 23 25/27 14/18 17 19 19 16

drw.ch drw.Rdrw.ddrw.sh drw.so drw.wdrw.w drw.acdrw.Pdrw.HP dru.5 duerg.durg.Odurg.Pduer.S
50 42 45 37 45 45 13 74 91 27 26 37 32 36

14 10 12 13 17 21 18 23 24/26 14 15 13 14 17 16 12 30 22
gnt.C gc.kid gnt.E E.gnt.Egf.wlp gf.w.fb gnt.fi fg.F.B.gt.F.C gt.for G.frstgnt.hl MoG G.stnG.strmG.SQ. Gish1 gthy.k
200 8 85 150 126 126 162 224 136 149 138 105 105 126 230 230 123 109

18 13 14 19 19 16 29 13 12 15 17 16 13 13
Hnd.R. hhi.1 hrcn1 Ilthd.1ilth.arc Ilth.NIlth.U Kenku Kob.1 Kb.alcKb.chfKb.Ds Kb.w kuo.t
237 9 33 71 71 325 127 13 5 44 82 44 7 18

13/16 16 13 17 14 18 18 15 16 19 23 19 17
P.E.F.P.H.H. quag1 rzrblst RPsld RP.ofcrRPsgt Rog.6a Rog7 Rog.13 Rog.15a rvka.E scorw sahgn
52 45 45 122 32 37 58 36 35 58 86 130 94

18 18 13 12 12 12 19 12/15 21 13/1612/1514/1713/16 18 20 22 33 Spec.

vetsw1vetsw1 wrbatwrjakl wrratwrtgr wiz.F wiz.5skwvr wiz.db wiz.R8 wiz.w Wiz.9 Wiz.12Wiz.13Wiz.15 Zulkir stf.P
232 464 44 18 33 120 22 22 40 40 36 39 49 66 70 81 99 8/8 wishes

E.raysE.rayssumn. Lair
15 12 11 13 12 13 17 18 18 14 15 7
Lair+ bslsk. bat.sw bear.Bbear.Obear.P btl.f.1 behir bhldr.bhd.mbhld.sbhld.z blk.pd.
52 22 34 59 42 4 168 180 218 39 93 85

18 13 12 12 12 12 14 16 13 12 13 12
destra Dsplc. dog.Ddg.D+dog.wadog w drk.grd dryd.H eel.ltn elphnt etrcp flmph
93 85 39 39 26 5 52 18 42 76 44 10

Lair pic pic pic pic

17 14 17 9 20 17 17 13 14 15 13 18 17 16 20 16 19 19
glm.Bglm.clglm.cr glm.fl glm.irglm.s1Glm.Stbrz.s1brzPswbrzPswIcbra1HF.engL.SerpObltr1stl.prdstn.def grgn. G.rnd
142 133 178 93 210 178 178 18 72 144 45 216 168 58 107 52 114 189

15 11 12 12 14 15 13 12 5 10
hydra hyen1 lion liz.G. mntcr medsa merw mimic mld.y Mule
172 11 26 19 68 127 45 58 5 11

14 12 12 15 20 14 13 10 13 14 10 14 13
otyug pnthr Pegas prcr.1 p.wrm PW.y qpr.sw rat rat.drrat.K.rat.swrat.sw.g.rat.ur rmraz
114 13 59 22 264 93 28 1 22 76 24 72 34

5 9 13 12 12 14 14 13 13 14 14 14
Shrkr1 shrb1 Siren snk.c snk.esnk.F.snk.p Spd.G spdr.p spd.snstdr.1 Sprt.Wep. strg.1 tht.etr
13 10 58 60 60 28 11 11 32 26 30 2

14 14 20 12 13 14 13 13 13 20
umbr VG.Gr. Vinlng. wf.tit wsp.G Wlf.1 wlf.D wlf.w worg wvrn xilon1
105 4 125 13 11 37 75 26 110 93

9/9 wGlyph
9 19 13 15/1818/21 13 12 18 13 Lgnd. 11 13 34 Lgnd. 28
eidln.scrd.st f.skulFS.Grt.FS.Spr. gha.1 ghl.1Oghl.1ghl.L gho.1gho.c Lich Lair Dmilch
63 95 40 68 68 36 22 42 66 45 45 189 splbk. 210

12 14 13 16 19 14 16 12 14 16 31 16 10 12
shade Shad1Shd.as skel.1skel.wskel.Dskel.fSkl.ogskl.swskl.swskl.sw Skl.L. Lgnd skl.LL S.o.K. spct.1
16 78 13 13 182 52 67 52 104 208 105 Glyph-Thnd.
83 171 22

14 15 16 14 14 15 17 8 10 10 8 11 8 9 8 8 8 8
wrth.t2wrth.t3wrth.t4wrth.nwr.swwr.swwr.sw Zom1 zm.a1Z.br.G zom.c Z.deroZm.GntZom.Q zmb.Rzm.swzm.swzm.sw zmb.L
105 161 204 85 268 536 1072 22 22 48 22 31 59 22 22 100 232 544
Drg.R.Yng M.A.
178 Meta.

15 19 29
drglthglbrz. glbrZ.
123 157 157

13 16 19 13
quasit Rkshsa rtrvr. shd.d
7 110 110 66
13 12 14
gru.F. gru.W. invs.s
22 30 104

27/29 32 10
Clr.15 WP. comnr
86 156 4

16 14+3
etr.a e.anch
65 33

19 15 13
gthy.w gnoll.1gnl.Pl
63 22 22

13 11
97 65

12 16 18 12 18
22 76 228 33 117


8/8 wishes

13/19 11 12 17
blk.pd. Blckthrn Boar boar.G Bulet
152 11 42 94

17 11 5
flmph fly.swd frg.G fung.v
17 18 18

12 14 18 12
G.rnd grell Grick grk.a grfn.
55 27 75 59

12 13 15 16
mcnd mcnS nga.bnnga.sp
22 60 58 75

17 12 15 20
rmrazrmrz.h Roc ropr.1
195 45 248 93

12 11
tht.etr trn.stgr
21 32

12 12 15
yet.y yeti yeti.A
22 51 137


13 14 16 13 14
sp.sw sp.sw sp.sw tmb.htmb.E
88 176 352 26 38

zmb.L Lgnd
Factions: Harpers Order of the Gauntlet Emerald Enclave
Spellcasting Services Met Met Met Met


Item Cost
Ale 23 17/19 19 22 16
Gallon 2 sp Agrak Asala Aleyd Aquas arat.a
Mug 4 cp 60 13 95 121 110
Banquet (per person) 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp
Cheese, hunk 1 sp 16 22 Lgnd. 33 Lgnd.
Inn stay (per day) Cress KraknAbilit. Epic Dendr Dissonant Dengr
Squalid 7 cp 200 630 900
Poor 1 sp
Modest 5 sp 17 16 13 13/17 20
Comfortable 8 sp Fydor ghared Ixas Ixusa Karsev
Wealthy 2 gp 162 36 33 40 36
Aristocratic 4 gp
Meals (per day) 19 16 21 14 19
Squalid 3 cp Mrdvc Meira Mifru Murssv. Nalifarn
Poor 6 cp 66 98 40 90 32
Modest 3 sp
Comfortable 5 sp
Wealthy 8 sp 15 34 Lgnd. 25 11/14 14/16
Aristocratic 2 gp Strmgl Tarul Theara Theg
Meat, chunk 3 sp 66 105 80 33
Common (pitcher) 2 sp
Fine (bottle) 10 gp Dragons
SERVICES 22 Lgnd. 19 21 Size 23
Service Pay Doz.G. Felgo Ntscl. Lair Ntscl3 Lair
Coach cab 546 212 134 140
Between towns 3 cp per mile
Within a city 1 cp
Skilled 2 gp per day +3 +3
Untrained 2 sp per day
Messenger 2 cp per mile speed
Road or gate toll 1 cp Lv. Bless
Ship's passage 1 sp per mile 18 18
Spiritual WeaponMeira
Wylan β
Sowing Rumors 78 98
Emerald Enclave Lord’s Alliance Zhentarim Mercenary Guild Merchant's Consortium
Met Loans Met Met Met

9/9 wishes
12 16 19 34 Lgnd. 19 22 15 18 17 13
arat.a arat.h arat.n arat.K Arctri Lair Ariz1 Ariz2 Bhun Breex Brtlf. f.shrd
52 66 105 189 splbk. 58 71 67 73 200 51

10/10 wishes
24 14 15 18 10 21 35 Lgnd. 19 19
Dengr Deriel Elsnd.4 pic Elsnd.5 pic Mr.Bill Erlich Ezzat Lair Farvn fzrian
224 24 21 26 8 59 207 splbk. 58 200 Lair

19 23 Abilit. 12/15 19/21 16 Lgnd. 16 21 Lgnd.

Karsev Kaxat KeresLgnd. Khelri1 Khelri2 Ldy.GspAbilit. ltl.wng Mrial
76 144 45 45 144 52 195

19 18 18 14 22 13 19 Lgnd. 14 17
Nalifarn Nimira rog.tht Lair Rorr Snsri shalnd Shelav. sibrix Skov Snrvn.
64 71 26 208 65 52 150 45 51

9/9 wishes
14/16 35 splbk. 14 V.spn 20 24 19 21 25 14/18 24 Lgnd. 24
Thul. Trobri. ULFE abilit. mk/cl Clr.13Rog.13Wiz.13 Velas Vyrls. Wen.TMyth.Wen.R
200 210 105 78 97 97 96 221 48 683 473

splbk Lgnd. Items Spellwrt.Tattoo Level Smite 3/3

24 17 18 Lair 10 Cntrspl.Ʀ 2 LoH 20 33 Lgnd.
Ntscl4 Ryth. Scorlworyx 29 10 ShieldƦ 1 Ring - Spl.Stor.ra UmbraxDrg.Sh
147 33 178 Taem 8 Misty Stepβ 2 Lv.1 Comp.Lang.® 437 Lair
560 15 Healing Wordβ 1 Lv.4 Polymorph
Knights of Cormyr Red Wizards
Met Met

14/17 17 10
f.shrd skywvr Capt. Cassy
44 58 9

Snrvn. Spern

Lgnd. 20 18 13/16
Myth. Wylan Yegeor Xaxan
Mortifying 78 45 22

Lgnd. 24 Lgnd.
Othbrk Vorg. Lair
8.8' per turn = 1mph.
Useful Dragon Parts Value of Components
DC.25breath organ
DC.20brain Slave Prices
DC.15tongue NPC Recipes
DC.15blood bad stuff xplos pois. luz.2 luz.1 1/2 Potion Variant Chart from DMG pg.14
DC.15claws both work normally
DC.15teeth numerical effects and duration of 1 potion doubles
DC.12bones only one potion works, but is permanent

Giant Strengt
Potions: anim clair clmb compDex.L Dex. Dx.Grdimin Ethr. f.brth. fly g.frm. Hill
1 Animal Friendship anim
2 Clairvoyance clair
3 Climbing clmb pois.
4 Comprehension comp 1/2 1/2 1/2
5 Dexterity Lesser Dex.L luz.2 1/2 comp
6 Dexterity Dex. anim 1/2
7 Dexterity Greater Dx.Gr dex.g luz.1
8 Diminution dimin luz.1 luz.1 pois.
9 Etherealness Ethr. 1/2 xplos luz.2 luz.2
10 Fire Breath f.brth. 1/2 luz.2 f.brth.luz.1
11 Flying fly luz.1 pois. luz.1 pois.
12 Gaseous Form g.frm. luz.1 xplos f.brth. 1/2
13 Hill Giant Strength Hill luz.1 luz.1 1/2 luz.2 Ethr.
14 Frost/Stone Giant Strength Frost 1/2 g.frm.
15 Fire Giant Strength Fire pois. pois.
16 Cloud Giant Strength Clod. luz.2 Clod. luz.1
17 Storm Giant Strength L Strm. 1/2 1/2 luz.1 pois.
18 Growth grth. luz.2 grth. 1/2 pois. pois.
19 Harming harm. luz.1 luz.2 Dex.L 1/2 1/2 luz.2 1/2
20 Harming - Greater Grtr. luz.2 luz.2 hrmG luz.1 g.frm. luz.2
21 Harming - Superior Super luz.1 1/2 Dex. 1/2 luz.2 1/2 luz.1
22 Harming - Supreme Supre 1/2 1/2 1/2 luz.2 1/2 1/2 hrmS hrmS
23 Healing Heal. luz.2 luz.2 luz.2 luz.1 pois.
24 Healing Greater Grtr. luz.2 luz.1 xplos 1/2 Ethr. luz.1 luz.2
25 Healing Superior SuperSuper 1/2 luz.2 heals luz.2 g.frm.
26 Healing Supreme Supre comp luz.1 1/2 pois. Hill
27 Heroism hero luz.1 luz.2 luz.1 pois. luz.2 xplos luz.2
28 Invisibility Invis. 1/2 climb 1/2 1/2 1/2 dimin luz.2 pois. 1/2
29 Invulnerability invul xplos luz.1 1/2 1/2 invul
30 Longevity Lngv. luz.1 pois. Ethr. 1/2 1/2 Lngv.
31 Love Love love love 1/2 1/2 luz.1 luz.1
32 Mana-Minor mmin. luz.1 clair mmin 1/2 luz.2 luz.2 Hill
33 Mana-Moderate mmod.luz.2 pois.mmod. 1/2 luz.1 xplos luz.2
34 Mana-Major mmaj. 1/2 Dex.G pois.
35 Mana-Ultimate mult. luz.2 luz.1 1/2 Dex. 1/2 pois. mult.
36 Mind Contrl-Beast mc.B luz.1 luz.1 1/2
37 Mind Contrl-Humnd. mc.H pois. luz.2 pois. pois.
38 Mind Contrl-Monster mc.M pois. 1/2 luz.2 pois.
39 Mind Reading mnd. luz.2 pois. dimin luz.1
40 Poison pois. 1/2 luz.2 luz.1 1/2 pois. luz.1
41 Rainbow potion rnbw
42 Res.acid Acid acid Dex.L pois. Ethr. 1/2
43 Res.force Frc. Frc. Frc. luz.2f.brth. 1/2
44 Res.Cld. Cold luz.2 Cold luz.2 Cold f.brth. 1/2 pois. pois.
45 Res.Fire Fire climb luz.1 1/2 pois.
46 Res.Ltn. Ltn. xplos pois. Dex. pois. Ltn.
47 Res.poison Pois climb luz.2 pois.
48 Res.psychic Psyc. luz.1 1/2 Psyc. luz.2 Hill
49 Res.radiant Rad. pois. 1/2 comp luz.2 1/2
50 Res.necrotic Nec. luz.2 climb pois. luz.1 1/2 luz.2
51 Res.Thndr. Thnd 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 luz.1f.brth. Thnd
52 Slipperiness slpry. luz.2 luz.1 pois. luz.2 1/2 luz.1
53 Soothsalts sth.slt 1/2 luz.1 luz.2 luz.2 luz.1 luz.1f.brth. fly luz.1
54 Speed spd. luz.1 luz.2 Dex. Ethr. spd. pois.
55 Swimming swim pois. luz.2 luz.1 g.frm. pois.
56 Timelessness time luz.1 time luz.1 rnbw
57 Topaz potion topaz pois. luz.2 1/2 topaz luz.1
58 Vitality Vital. pois. pois. 1/2 1/2 Vital. 1/2
59 Watchful Rest Wtch. pois. luz.1 1/2 pois. rest 1/2 1/2 luz.1
60 Water Breathing Wat. wat. 1/2 luz.2 1/2 luz.1 1/2 pois.
61 Potion - Keoghtom's OintmenK's.O pois. comp pois. luz.1 1/2 1/2 1/2
62 1800
64 pois.
65 Wat. Frost Frost x2
67 mmod.rnbw invul time x2
69 hSpre
70 rnbwmult. mult. rnbw Hill mult. x2 Lv. 9 slots
72 mc.H
73 rnbwmmaj.mmaj.x2 Lv. 6 slots
75 Dex.L
76 mmod. mmod.Lv. 4 slot

rnbwmmaj.mmaj.x2 Lv.3 slots
rnbw time Supre

invul Supre <=1/2

Lngv.hSpre x2

rnbw K's.Ommaj.x2

Hill mult. x2

mmod.time x2

can use: Heal.Suprm.x2, *Invul.(1/2w/heal), Man.Ult.x2, Spd.,

ant Chart from DMG pg.140

Giant Strength Harming Healing

Frost Fire Clod. Strm. grth. harm. Grtr. SuperSupreHeal. Grtr. SuperSupre hero Invis.invul. Lngv. Love mmin.mmod.


hrmG 1/2
1/2 hrms 1/2 luz.1
Fire pois. 1/2 pois.
pois. pois. 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
Frost 1/2 hrmS
1/2 luz.1 pois.
luz.2 1/2 luz.1 Heal. xplos
Invis. pois. luz.1 luz.2 luz.1 luz.2
luz.2 pois. luz.1 1/2
pois. Lngv. 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Supre xplos 1/2
1/2 luz.2 mminhrmG luz.1 1/2
luz.2 pois. luz.2 1/2 invul luz.2
1/2 luz.2 1/2 1/2 luz.1 luz.2 1/2 pois.
Fire luz.1 pois. 1/2 luz.1 1/2
Frost luz.1 luz.1 harm. 1/2 luz.2 xplos mult. pois. pois. pois. xplos
luz.1 pois. luz.1 mc.B pois. Heal. luz.2 1/2 luz.2 1/2
mc.H luz.2 luz.2 1/2 luz.1 mc.H luz.1 mc.H luz.1 mmaj.
luz.1 luz.2 1/2 pois. mc.M luz.1 pois. 1/2 luz.1
pois. luz.2 pois. pois. pois. 1/2 1/2 luz.1
Frost luz.1 Strm. pois. pois. 1/2 pois. pois. pois. luz.1

luz.1 luz.2 luz.1 1/2 1/2 1/2 pois. acid luz.2 1/2 acid acid
Frc. 1/2 hrms Frc. 1/2 luz.1 pois. Frc. luz.2 Frc.
luz.1 Cold 1/2 Super pois. Lngv. pois. luz.1
1/2 luz.2 pois. luz.2 luz.1 luz.1 luz.2 fire luz.2 1/2 pois.
luz.2 1/2 luz.1 luz.1 1/2 1/2 Ltn. luz.1 luz.2 1/2
1/2 rPois 1/2 1/2 Super pois.
xplos luz.1 Psyc. pois. 1/2 pois. pois. Invis. luz.1 1/2 1/2
luz.1 luz.1 1/2 1/2 pois. luz.2
pois. pois. luz.1 1/2 1/2 luz.1 luz.1 love luz.2
luz.2 pois. 1/2 1/2 Thnd luz.2 1/2 1/2 mmaj.
luz.1 luz.1 1/2 luz.1 luz.2 1/2 slpry. luz.2 luz.1 slpry.
1/2 1/2 1/2 pois. 1/2 luz.1
1/2 luz.2 healG luz.1 luz.2 invul luz.2
spd. luz.1 pois. luz.2 1/2
Strm. 1/2 harm. 1/2 hrms pois. pois. xplos 1/2 swim 1/2
pois. luz.1 pois. 1/2 1/2 rnbw luz.2 rnbw time time time
pois. topaz 1/2 pois. luz.2 luz.1 luz.2
luz.1 luz.2 luz.1 1/2 luz.1 luz.1 vital. pois. luz.1 hero 1/2
luz.1 luz.1 pois. 1/2 Wtch. luz.2 1/2 Wtch.
Frost pois. luz.1 luz.2 luz.1 luz.2 1/2 wat.
Frost K's.O 1/2 K's.O pois. K's.O luz.1 pois. luz.2 mmin. 1/2

Grtr. vital. hero x2 no suprm heal
K's.O compmmin.x2 invul x2
G.Fire spd. x2
spd. rPois Super x2
rnbwSuper rPois Super x2
mmaj. mult. mc.B mc.H mc.Mmnd. pois. rnbw Acid Frc. Cold Fire Ltn. Pois Psyc. Rad. Nec. Thnd. slprysth.slt
luz.2 luz.2
mmaj. luz.1
luz.1 1/2 pois.

pois. luz.2 pois. luz.2 pois.

mult. pois. 1/2 luz.1 pois.
luz.1 Cold 1/2
luz.1 fire pois. luz.2 pois.
luz.2 xplos luz.2
luz.1 pois. pois. luz.2
luz.1 mc.H pois. Fire 1/2
1/2 luz.1 luz.2
1/2 luz.2 pois. Fire luz.2 luz.2 pois. Rad.
mmaj. luz.1 luz.1 luz.1 1/2 1/2 luz.1 1/2 1/2
slpry. slpry. luz.1 luz.1 1/2 luz.2 slpry. slpry. pois. luz.1 xplos 1/2
luz.1 luz.2 luz.1 luz.1 luz.1 luz.1 pois.
1/2 1/2 luz.1 1/2 rPois luz.1 luz.2 1/2
luz.2 luz.1 luz.1 1/2 1/2 luz.1 1/2 1/2 luz.2 luz.1 1/2 pois. swim
rnbw luz.1 luz.1 luz.1 pois. 1/2 pois.
1/2 topaz pois. pois. rPois topaz pois. luz.1
pois. pois. luz.2 pois. pois. Cold luz.2 xplos 1/2
1/2 luz.2 Wtch. pois. luz.1 luz.1 luz.1 luz.2 pois. Rad. Wtch. luz.1
pois. luz.2 xplos wat. 1/2 luz.1
mmaj. pois. luz.1 1/2 luz.1 1/2 pois. 1/2

1/2 luz.1 luz.2 pois. xplos

spd. swim time topaz Vital. Wtch. Wat. K's.O

luz.1 pois.
1/2 luz.1 luz.1 luz.2 luz.2
pois. luz.1
Spell Areas 6 squares
0 Force Bolt D20 with advantage 15' cone
0 Minor Darkness 1 0.25% 5' r
0 Sun Bolt 2 0.75% 4 squares
3 1.25%
1 Darkness Lesser 4 1.75%
1 Deflect SpellƦ 5 2.25%
1 Magic Missile Stream$ 6 2.75% 10' r
1 Psychic Shout 7 3.25% 12 squares
1 Sunwave 8 3.75%
1 Zombie Touch 9 4.25%
10 4.75%
2 BlindsightH 11 5.25% 75%
2 Block SpellƦ 12 5.75%
2 Clutter Swarm-Lesser 13 6.25% 15' r
2 Force Missile Swarm 14 6.75% 24 squares
2 Mind Shatter 15 7.25% 51%
2 Nerve Shatter 16 7.75%
2 Silnt.Lrg.Imag. 17 8.25%
2 Sun Spray 18 8.75%
2 TremorsenseH 19 9.25%
2 Zombie Ray 20 9.75%
‽ 100%
3 Antivermin Shell 20' r
3 Clutter Swarm 54 squares
3 Force Blast
3 Force Missile Swarm Improved
3 Secudlos' Flying Disk.®
3 Silnt.Hg.Imag.
3 Xano Blast
Sphr.Vol. Radius
4 Bright 670637907 543 Sm.
4 Clutter Swarm-Greater 1000000 NA Wish Volume
4 Force Missile Cloud 200 NA # of Wishes
4 Force Screen 870637907 592.36 Lg.
4 Mental Maze 30' r
4 Silnt.Gnt.Imag. 106 squares
4 Summon Greater Devil
4 Yokuball$H

5 Greater Dispel Magic

5 Refuse Swarm-Lesser
5 Silnt.Ttn.Imag.
5 Yoku Cone$H
5 Zeus Cone

6 Contingency-Improved$
6 Greater Magic Jar$
6 Maj.Ttn.Illus.
6 Negate Gravity
6 Refuse Swarm
6 Zeusbeam

7 Limited WishH
7 Prst.Ttn.Illus.
7 Psychic Storm
7 Refuse Swarm-Greater
7 Simulacrum-Multi-Improved$
7 Simulac.Sansuri's$
7 Sun Storm
7 Symbol$ Elder
7 Thunder Storm

8 Antimagic Cone$
8 Dragon's Headβ
8 Force Missile Storm
8 Negate Inertia
8 Rubble Swarm-Lesser

9 Astral Projection+$
9 Chain Contingency$
9 Death Scream
9 Disjunction
9 Rain of Sun Bolts
9 Rubble Swarm
6 squares

15' c 15' c
6 squares 6 squares

70' diameter circle at end

30' cone 30' cone 60' cone

21 squares 21 squares 78 squares

30' cone
21 squares

60' cone 65' diameter circle at end 90' diameter circle at end
78 squares

60' cone
78 squares
45' r
224 squares

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