Dworkin’s Cloud Island

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Dworkin’s Cloud Island:

The whole cloud is 2,400 ft long by 1,755 ft wide, and 120 ft deep. The Main Keep is 625 ft
across diagonally, and 100 ft tall. The whole thing can be encased in a 485.464 million cubic ft
ellipsoid with 6.89794 million sqft surface area.

• The Fate Weavers have a Demiplane the size of the ellipsoid area.
• Antipathy is on the whole island ellipsoid plus 160 feet beyond all buildings/walls. (DC 35).
• Guards and Wards, (6th) fills the main castle.
1. Corridors are filled with fog making it heavily obscured.
2. Doors are locked as per arcane lock.
• Hallow (5th) is on the whole island (DC 35).
1. Cannot be charmed frighten by celestials, fey, fiends, and undead.
2. People allowed in the area have resistance to all elemental damage types.
3. People who are not allowed have vulnerability to all elemental damage types.
4. Extra dimensional interference. Creature without permission cannot teleportation or extra
planar travel.
5. Skills for allies: Advantage with Arcana.
6. Tongues, creature can understand all languages if allowed.
• Invisibility Purge is on the whole island.
• Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum (4th) is on the whole island.
1. The area appears dark and foggy if activate to outsiders,
2. Blocks divination spells,
3. Nothing can teleport into the area,
4. Planar travel is blocked.
• In 2A (forge) There is a permanent planar bound fire elemental in the forge if you poke at it or
break it.

Glyphs of Warding
1. Each window and entrance has a permanent glyph of alarm.

2. Each entrance has a set of 8 permanent glyph (Lv.3) that blow up on unwanted people.
2x of each fire, cold, acid, lighting (5d8 damage each).

3. There are 7620 glyphs (254 sets) spread around the island.
They are in sets of (30) 3 Force Missile Swarm-Improved, 3 Radiant Missile Swarm-
Improved, 3 Thunder Missile Swarm-Improved, 6 Dispel Magic, and 15 Counterspell.
Each set is concealed by a Nondetection spell.
a. The stables (x2) have 10 sets. A set at each of the 5 doorways, and a set as far
inside away from each doorway (a backup) which attack intruders.
b. The Barracks (x2) have 22 sets. A set and backup on each of the 5 towers, a
set and backup for the main gates, a set and backup for the main doors, and a
set on each of the 4 smaller outside doors.

c. The Guest Keep has 56 sets. A set and backup at each of the 2 Barbican
entrances, a set and backup on each of the 3 stairs of both floors of the Main
Keep, and a set and backup on each of the 19+1 towers (largest tower has 2).

d. The Main Keep has 56 sets. A set and backup at each entrance and stairway
(18), and a set and backup for each bedroom and throne room entrance (10).

e. The Underwater Network has 80 sets. A set and backup at both sides of each
‘entrance’ to each generator cluster (12), and 16 sets in the control chamber.

• Active electrification.
i. The castle can turn off its beam weapon to build up a charge. It takes 4 minutes
to fully charge. After 1 minute a buzzing and crackling can be heard throughout
the island and castle. Once fully charged, it can pulse every 12 seconds and hits
the entire castle. When unleashed it is like getting hit by the beam weapon.
• There are 46,000 unmodified Symbols (DC 27) and Elder Symbols around the island. They will
not go off if an ally who can be damaged by them is in the area unless an archmage or LS.S
enables it.
• There are Teleportation Circles connecting the courtyard/main area of each building. They only
work for members of the Fate Weavers’ forces who have been authorized that day.

The secondary control chamber has permanent glyphs which destroy all the air in the
chamber, and cast an Antimagic Field in the whole chamber. It takes an hour for the air to return
to the chamber.
The primary control chamber is in the underground grotto. It is surrounded by multiple layers
of differing materials which inhibit various magical travel through them.
1. The Eye of Xxifu and a Cube of Force have been merged with the Control Crystal. It can
manifest the following powers over the whole island for 1 hour using its 36x100 charges,
and it regains (4d6+2)x100 expended charges daily.
a. 1 Gases, wind, and fog can't pass through the barrier.
b. 2 Nonliving matter can't pass through the barrier. Walls, floors, and ceilings can
pass through at your discretion.
c. 3 Living matter can't pass through the barrier.
d. 4 Spell effects can't pass through the barrier.
e. 5 Nothing can pass through the barrier.
f. Can Plane Shift the island 1x/day.
g. Can Teleport the island 1x/day.
2. Morkoth’s Island Core is now embedded into the floor of the chamber.
a. Can Plane Shift the island 1x/day.
3. There are two Pools of Gazing next to the control crystal which are maintained by the
The control crystal has been enhanced to act as a crystal cannon when shooting the beam. A
wand of the archmage+3 has also been merged into it.

Magic Beam
This is the main weapon of Cloud Giant Castle: The beam can shoot continuously and can be
aimed. The beam is 60 ft wide and can shoot up to 3 miles. If someone is in the area of the
attack, they take 20d6+60 + 20d6+60 of any combination of (lightning, radiant, or thunder)
damage, and is stunned for 1d6 rounds on a failed DC 25 Con save. On successfully save, you
take half damage and are not stunned.
The beam ignores damage resistance, magic resistance, and spell immunity. (this punches
through effects like Circle of Power). *this uses up the last of the excess energy from the
The beam may be moved up to 120 ft in a round while still doing full damage the whole way.
Moving it farther reduces or negates the damage done along the path from the previous position
to the new position.

Industrial Mana Generators

*It took 32x Storm Elementals to power the magic beam. An industrial mana generator normally
generates 14.2 times as much energy as a storm elemental.

• 16 (4 groups of 4) industrial mana generators feed the primary control chamber. They maintain
sets of 4 Arcane Gates each, which create a heavy flow of water to power them. With the high
flow of water, the generators work at double capacity. They maintain their magical field, and
produce “mana generation” at the same time. The mana generation is used to power the beam
and enhancements of the beam.

• There are 100 (6 clusters of 8, 2 clusters of 10, and 1 cluster of 32) industrial mana generators
around the underwater network which maintain the beneficial and negative mana fields around
the island, and power the cannons and guns.
1. Beneficial:
a. Antimagic is negated within this area, and Dispelling attempts against permanent
effects is at a disadvantage.
b. Metamagic and Spell Power points are twice as effective within this area.
c. When summoning or transporting into or within the area, the caster can make a
DC 25 Arcana check to retain the spell slot used to cast the spell.
2. Detrimental:
a. Their spell save DC's and spell ability rolls are reduced by 5.
b. Their spells and other magical effects do 25% less damage.
c. They have disadvantage on concentration checks.

• There is a cluster of 50 backup generators connected to the primary control chamber which
can maintain a level 9 version of Leo’s Hut around the whole island. If an area is breached, it
opens a 200 foot diameter circle in the wall. This can reset 1x per minute.

• There is a cluster of 108 special generators connected to the primary control chamber which
can maintain a Stormmatic Wall around the island. If an area is breached, it opens a 200 foot
diameter circle in the wall. This can reset 1x per minute.

• There is a cluster of 108 patch generators fill in gaps of the Stormmatic Wall. It takes 12 per
200' diameter circle patch. They can fill 9 patches per minute.

• There are Crystal Auto Turrets every 10 feet on all walls (1,200 total):
1. 80 on each hangar. (x2 hangars)
2. 520 on the outer walls.
3. 520 on the inner walls.
a. Each can cast Block Spell at will.
b. Each can cast one of these at will (Guiding Bolt, Chill Touch, or Xano Blast). All
of these are enhanced. Xano Blast can only be cast every other round.

• There are Crystal Auto Defense Turrets around the cloud (4,700 total):
1. 6 in each hangar. (x2 hangars)
2. 14 around the docks.
3. 40 in each barracks. (x2 barracks)
4. 80 in the Guest Keep.
5. 160 in the Main Keep.
6. 800 around the grounds inside the walls.
7. 3,700 in the underwater network.
a. Each can cast Block Spell at will.
b. Each can cast one of these at will (Force Missile Swarm, Zombie Ray, or Spirit
Guardians). All of these are enhanced.

• There is a fleet of 50 Spelljammer fighter saucers in the converted stables.

• Sansim Archliches of the party live in the main keep (6).
• Half of the Archmages and High Mages live in the main keep (40+32+?).
• Half of the LS.S’s, LS.s’s, and LS.G’s patrol the grounds (10+8+15+?).
• All the “outsiders” except the beholders and imps live in the guest keep (114+?).

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