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67dy Vault of the Dracolich Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money

0day The Red Wizards have put the Fate Weavers to a test. They are to take a mission for the wizard
Imani to to infiltrate the dracolich Dretchroyaster's lair and recover the Diamond Staff of
Chomylla. They will be two of the four parties sent in, and are to steal the staff by any means
possible. The Fate Weavers must then present the staff to the Red Wizards in order to gain
acceptance into the fold.
The party paid to have Nondetection cast on them before heading to Imani's place.
Before they left, the Fate Weavers made a deal with the church of Hextor to resurrect them if the
should be killed. $45,000 total.
Imani gave them items to help them on their missions, and sent them in via teleportation circles.

Portals Team 1: temple of Bhaal, Team 2: underground lake, Team 3: troglodyte village, and
Team 4: Dretchroyaster's vaults
The Fateweavers divided their brooms of flying and bags of holding so there were two of each in
each party. The leaders flew with Holmesta and Vathana riding in their bags of holding, while two
wolves rode in the other bag of each team.
Team 1 flew right over the first traps on their brooms, and began scouting the area. They slew all
they found. Most were dead before others could hear the battle. Some were asleep. Eventually,
they got into a loud battle though. A swarm of cultists charged out of the next room to join the
fight. The team fought a retreating battle in illusionary darkness, and won decisively.
They repeated this tactic in the preparation room. At this time they had cleared out a solid area,
they went back to loot a bit.

In the guard hall, they noticed a secret door from vestry to area 25, but decided to clear out their
assigned area before exploring it.
They also learned, while in the vestry, how to manipulate the portals' magic so that each one can 50
connect to any other portal in the lair. This could be useful knowledge later.
The team found and disabled a magical trap in the altar to Baal room. 50

They found that the high priest, Silakul, had not succumbed to his injuries. Beldroth revived the
man, and placed him under a Suggestion to serve them with the help of a Portent. They would
thoroughly interrogate him about everything in the dracolich's lair later.
13. Upper Lake - They noticed the glowing treasure, and the deadly vines. Spernik decided to use
Spiritual Weapon to clear the vines so that they could retrieve the treasure.

They got swarmed by the water snakes, but defeated them handily. After a short rest to regain
spells and abilities, Team 2 headed on.
A similar event happened with lizardfolk. Once they were defeated, and the area searched, Team
crossed the lake to an area marked as possible treasure on their map. Nalifarn's hawk familiar
spotted the hydra swimming under the water, and warned the party.
They slew the beast, almost loosing their cleric in the process, and swam down to loot its nest.
Ghared was selected to do the swimming. His armor was the easiest to doff and don. While the
rogue was swimming back from his last trip, Team 1 attacked. They had walked up, and asked if
Team 2 needed any help. Instead of help, they gave death.
With the help of a Portent, Varitan charmed Ghared with a Suggestion spell. They kept him for
later interrogation.


Team 3 had multiple people with good social skills, so they tried the diplomatic route with the
inhabitants they met. They claimed that they were merely investigating cult activity in the area,
and would like passage, if not aid. The troglodites, being rather stupid creatures, never suspected
Team 3 did not want to waste resources with unnecessary fighting, so they talked their way out o
the gladiator tests.
The party tried to talk the chief into helping them, but he said that they must prove themselves b
killing the cultists at the Elven Vessel, and bringing back the workers unharmed before they could
talk of such things.
They easily talked their way past a looney treant, and caught the cultists by surprise. It was still a
rough fight though, so Team 3 took a short rest before leading the workers back to the troglodyte
When they got back to the troglodyte village, they found complete carnage. Bodies of troglodytes
lay splattered and impaled with arrows everywhere. The chief's hut was a collapsed pile of rubble

Rounding a corner, the group came face to face with Team 4 waiting for them. Thalawin used a
Portent to take control of Rorr with a Suggestion, and Holmesta did the same to Spya. Daetris used
the same spell to take control of Thuga. Team 4 told them to kill Karsev, them kill all the trogs.

All of Team 3 fell in the fight except for Rorr, who was kept for later interrogation.


Team 4 immediately disabled all the wards in the vault, and looted the treasure. They held off
taking the idol until all teams were ready.
They bypassed the trap to the Hall of Artifacts by flying over it on their brooms. Since they didn't
have the carrying capacity to take any of the artifacts, the wraiths in that room never attacked.
The team noticed the animated statues in the Chamber of Guardians before they moved, so they
were able to manipulate them to make the fight easier and more at range.
After defeating the statues, the party disabled the ward, and made note of the mechanical trap.
Holmesta and Thalawin quickly disabled the summoning circle in the Summoning Room.
Holmesta and Thalawin quickly disabled the glyph trap in the Hall of Trophies before looting the

After slaying all their foes, and looting, Team 4 was still ahead of the other teams, so they decide
to explore a bit. At that point, Team 3 reported their encounter with the treant in the Lost Forest
area. Team 4 went over to stir up trouble. With the help of a Portent, Thalawin took control of the
treant using a Suggestion. She made it animate a couple of trees, and sent it to attack the
troglodytes. The party followed behind, lending support fire to ensure the destruction of the
Once the tribe had been decimated, Team 4 proceeded to the monster pens, slew a couple of
choice monsters, and made the trees fight each other to the death. Then they harvested all the
parts, and waited for Team 3 to arrive. (see above in Team 3 entry)

Team 1's downtime had given them a chance to ask Silakul what to expect when they breached t
staff chamber.
When the Fate Weavers had control of the whole lair, they grabbed all four idols at once, and
flew to the Chamber of the Diamond Staff. Beldroth, Daetris, Varitan, and Vathana piloted the
brooms with See Invisibility spells on. The rest of the party followed with Silakul in tow. The other
two prisoners were put to death. All were under the effects of Dust of Disappearance, and Daetris
had cast Mage Hand just before they used the dust. Varitan and Vathana maintained Tenser's
Disks 30' away from the Staff Chamber's doors. Holmesta and Thalawin waited just outside the
doors. Beldroth flew around to the warded side of the room with an idol. When he was ready, th
sorcerer flew through the north wards (the idol lowered them), and used her Mage Hand to snatc
the staff. Lightning shot out to fry the culprit that would steal the staff, but the spectral hand coul
not be damaged. At the same time, Daetris used telepathy to tell his companions to open the doo
on the other side of the room.
All the cultists were caught off guard, and stood confused as a spectral hand suddenly carried the
staff away. Daetris flew out the doors, and Holmesta and Thalawin closed them immediately. At
the same time, the two mages fled to the waiting Tenser's Disks, casting high powered clouds of
daggers to fill the doorway as they ran.
As the Fate Weavers flew away, some cultists tried to sprint through the cloud, but were sliced to
ribbons by the magical daggers. Others tried to run all the way around the other way, but the
adventurers were gone by the time they circumvented the Staff Chamber.

Roars of fury were heard as the Fate Weavers exited the dracolich's lair. Dretchroyaster was too
slow though. They stepped onto the temporary teleportaion circle the Red Wizards had set up for
them, and vanished without a trace. They would have to be sure to keep divination wards up fro
now on.

1day The Fate Weavers rested at Bloodgate Keep. They were rewarded with honorary membership to
the Red Wizards, and access to the keep. They would have to earn more renown before they wer
fully accepted inte the fold though.
In the meantime, the Red Wizards began diverting some resources to experimenting with the staff
They hoped to unlock the secrets of Uvaeren, and discover the knowledge of its libraries.

66day The Fate Weavers went back to their new mansion, fortified it, studied, trained, traded magical
items, and researched and scribed new spells until they were called upon again.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing

Team 1 Team 4 Team 2

P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 10 10 14 10
Initiative: +8â +7â +7â +2 +2 +3â +7â +7â +2 +2 +0 +2 +3 +2

AC 24 17/18 16/17 13/15 13/15 17/18 17/18 23/24 13/15 13/15 20 18 16 19

turn Hit Points Beld Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Daet Holm Thala Wlf.3 Wlf.4 0 thg.A SperngharedNalifarn
21 18 18 11 11 18 18 18 11 11 42 33 36 32

Team 1
P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 2. Audience Hall
Initiative: +8â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
20 26 25 17 6 18 16 14 17 10
AC 24 17/18 16/17 13/15 13/15 16 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Beld Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 510 Silakul thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4 thg.5 thg.6 thg.7 thg.8
1 21 18 18 11 11 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
2 4 19b 18b 18b 18b 18b 21vn 21vn 21vn 27vn
3 11 1vn 0vn 0vn 9vn 11w1 17va 12va 12va 18va
4 -5va -6va -3va 6va 4w2 12vn -3vn -3vn 11vn
5 KO KO KO -2w1 -2w1 4va KO KO 4va
Vatha VathaVatha KO KO -6b Vrtn Vrtn -10b
stable W1 W1 KO K K KO
sugst. Beldr Beldr
Team 1 Beldr
P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 7. Altar to Bhaal
Initiative: +8â +7â +7â +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
17 20 20 3 17 2 5 9 11 2 14 8 7 17 18

AC 24 17/18 16/17 13/15 13/15 16/1816/1816/1816/1816/1816/1816/1816/1816/1816/18

turn Hit Points Beld Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 630 Adpt1Adpt2Adpt3Adpt4 Adpt5 Adpt6Adpt7 Adpt8 Adpt9Adpt10
6 21 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
7 -2 -4 -1vn -1vn -2w2 -1b -1vn 5vn -1vn -1vn 4vn 8vn
8 d,d d,d KO KO KO KO KO -5va KO KO -7va -3va
11 8 Vrtn Vrtn W2 Beldr Vrtn KO Varit Varit KO KO
Vatha VathaVatha
Team 1
P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 9. Dretchroyaster's Audience Chamber
Initiative: +8â +7â +7â +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0
21 16 21 21 11 7 16 9 4 16 12

AC 24 17/18 16/17 13/15 13/15 16/1816/1816/1816/1816/1816/18 13 13 13 13

turn Hit Points Beld Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 180 Adpt1Adpt2Adpt3Adpt4 Adpt5 Adpt6 thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4
1 16 21 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 32 32 32 32
Silakul 5 8 7b 7b 7b -6b -6b -6b 28b 24b 24b 15b
4 11 -5va 1va 1va KO KO KO 26va 18va 18va 1va
sugst. KO -10vn-10vnBeldr Beldr Beldr 21vn 7vn 7vn -9vn
Beldr Vatha KO KO 10b 2vn -4va KO
Vrtn Vrtn 0vn -11va KO Vrtn
Exp. 1715 KO KO Vatha
Vrtn Vatha

Team 2
P.P. 10 10 14 10 10 14. Pool of Serpents
Initiative: +0 +2 +3 +2 +2 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4
4 14 21 22 8 24 14 13 12 11 8 8 7 5

AC 20 18 16 19 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
turn Hit Points thg.A SperngharedNalfrn Hawk 295 snk.p snk.p snk.p snk.p snk.p snk.p snk.p snk.p snk.p
1 42 33 36 32 7 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
30 23 sugst. 21 -6b -12g 3n 7n 7n 7n -1n 5n -1n -7g
24b 33 Vrtn 26 KO K -3g -11t -1s -8t K -3t K K
22vn 26 K 16 Beldr K K K K K
9va 15 24
-3w2 7 11b
KO 24 6vn
W2 1 -7va
10 KO
-3b Vatha

Team 3
P.P. 10 11 16 11 14+ 25. Guard Huts 25. Guard Huts
Initiative: +0 +1â +2 +2 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
5 19 5 9 11 12 2 10 19 13
liz.G. liz.G. liz.G. liz.G.
AC 20 20 14 18 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
turn Hit Points thg.AKarsevSpy A Rorr Rat trogl1 trogl2 trogl3 trogl4 trogl5 trogl6 trogl7 trogl8 trogl9trogl10
1 42 36 30 26 1 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
3d -1t1 0t1 2t1 -4t2 2t2 -2t2 -6t3 -4t3 1h
-6t KO KO -14t1 KO -13t2 KO KO KO -8h
KO T1 T1 KO T2 KO T2 T3 T3 KO
Thlwn T1 T2 Holm
Team 3
P.P. 10 11 16 11 14+ *Holding Pens (tunnel to NE)
Initiative: +0 +1â +2 +2 +1 -1 +2 +0 +0 +1 +2
19 18 13 8 4 6 20 2 7

AC 20 20/22 14 18/23 10 15 13 14 14 13 12
turn Hit Points thg.AKarsevSpy A Rorr Rat bslsk. Dsplc. ankhgankhg bear.O lion
1 42 36 30 26 1 52 85 39 39 59 26
34 14 sugst.sugst. 23t1 50t2
sugst. 1r HolmThlwn 9d 15t3
Daetr 0t 25 17 3h -17t1
17 KO 19 13 -5t KO
6 Thlwn 4 K KO T1
-2 -5 Thlwn
Team 3
P.P. 10 11 16 11 14+ 20. Elven Vessel 20. Elven Vessel
Initiative: +0 +1â +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
5 20 5 3 7 11 6 4 14 8 12 20 19 17

AC 20 20 14 18 10 16/1816/18 13 13 13 13 11 11 11
turn Hit Points thg.AKarsevSpy A Rorr Rat Adpt1Adpt2 thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4 trogl1 trogl2 trogl3
1 42 36 30 26 1 11 11 32 32 32 32 13 13 13
35 19 1r 0k 16s 22r 21k 26t -20 2ta 2h
19 -3 8 9 13r 2s 11t -1s K -1s -8t
10 5 -2r -2r -4k -3k 1k 5 KO KO
-7 -5 K K K K -7t -1t Thlwn
5 9 K K
34 -2
Team 4
P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 26. Alchemical Lab 27. Scrying Room
Initiative: +3â +7â +7â +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1
21 20 22 4 4 15 14 19 5

AC 17/18 17/18 23/24 13/15 13/15 16/1816/1816/1816/18 16/1816/1816/18 16/18

turn Hit Points Daet Holm Thala Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1700 Adpt1Adpt2Adpt3Adpt4 prst.Dprst.D prst.D Adpt1
1 18 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 33 33 33 11
2 -3 1 0d 4h -4h -4h 14h 14h 14h -8h
3 5 11 KO -3t KO KO 3t 3t 3t KO
4 Daet KO Holm Holm -5w3 9 12 Holm
5 Thlwn KO 2h -2h
6 W3 -6t KO
7 KO Holm
8 Thlwn

Team 4 Team 1
P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+ 33. Chamber-Staff
Initiative: +3â +7â +7â +2 +2 Initiative: +8â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2
17 21 26 8 3 21 16 21 21 11

AC 17/18 17/18 23/24 13/15 13/15 AC 24 17/18 16/17 13/15 13/15 16/1816/18
turn Hit Points Daet Holm Thala Wlf.3 Wlf.4 turn Hit Points Beld Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 2595 prst.Dprst.D
1 18/23 18 18 18 11 11 1 16 16 21 18 18 11 11 33 33
5 Silakul 5 8
4 11

P.P. 23 22 25 24 24 24 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ Beans Beans

Initiative: +8â +3â +7â +7â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2 -1 -1 +0
22 18 20 24 22 17 1 5 13

AC 24 18 18 24 18 18 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 16 16 17

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thala Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1967 Trnt1 Trnt1 Bulet
1 18/23 21 18 18 18 18 18 11 11 11 11 138 138 94
96b 120b 64h
42d 71d 37t
12t 9t 23vn
Exp. 3095 -38vn-61vn 7va
K K -2d
Interacting with objects
10 Team 3
+1 10 11 16 11 14+
+0 +1â +2 +2 +1

Hawk Bld. 20 20 14 18 10
7 thg.AKarsevSpy A Rorr Rat
42 36 30 26 1

3. Kitchen 4. Dormitory 4. Dormitory 5. Guard Hall

+0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +2 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0
sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep 4 11

13 16 16 16 16 16 16 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
thg.1 Adpt1Adpt2Adpt3Adpt4Adpt5Adpt6 thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4 Wlf.1 Wlf.2 thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4
32 11 11 11 11 11 11 32 32 32 32 11 11 32 32 32 32
26w1 0vn 0va 1b 6vn -6b 2w1 21vn 23b 21vn 24vn 5b 1vn 20vn 20vn 20vn 22vn
18w2 KO KO -7w2 -4va KO -5w2 14va 12vn 10va 12va -9w1 -15va 7va 7va 7va 9va
5b Vrtn Vatha KO KO Beldr KO 9b -6va 2b 2b KO KO -1w1 0w2 -3b 2w2
-2vn W2 Vatha W2 2w1 KO -2w1 -2w1 W1 Vatha KO KO KO -5vn
KO -8w2 Vatha KO KO W1 W2 Beldr KO
Varit KO W1 W1 Vrtn
Beldr K W2 K

8. Prep Room 11. Red Cells

+1 +1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0
18 20 7 8 8 21 8 7 16 6 1 14

16/1816/18 9 13 13 13 13 13 16/1816/18 13 13 13 13
Adpt11Adpt12 glm.fl skel.1skel.2skel.3skel.4skel.5 Adpt1Adpt2 thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4
11 11 93 13 13 13 13 13 11 11 32 32 32 32
4vn 4vn 89w1 2vn 4b 5va -1vn 7va sleep sleep sleep 14va 23va 23va
-7va -7va 86w2 -3va -1vn -6w1 K -3b K K K 4b 3b 20vn
KO KO prone K K KO Varit KO -2vn -3vn 9w2
VathaVatha 71vn Vatha Vrtn W1 Beldr K K 1w1
61va Vrtn Vrtn -4va
59w1 20vn K
+0 +0 53w2 16va Vatha
48vn 13w1
39va 6w2
13 13 34b 1vn
thg.5 thg.6 30w1 -8va
32 32 27w2 K
15b 24b proneVatha
1va 17va
-9vn 12vn
KO 4w1
Vrtn -5w2

17. Pit of Teeth 15. Hydra's Den

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1
20 19 19 18 17 12 11 5 1 1 1 14
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 4/7
Liz.1 Liz.2 Liz.3 Liz.4 Liz.5 Liz.6 Liz.7 Liz.8 Liz.9 Liz.10Liz.11 hydra Idol-poison
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 172
14s 4n 4n 4n 4n 11n 11n 11n 15s -1g -1s 158n 96g
-11g -4t -4t -21g -7n 4s -17g -2n 1t K K 154n 89s
K K K K K -4t K K -12g 143s 66t
K K 173 44n
142t 21g
129n -2s

25. Guard Huts 24. Upper Village 24. Upper Village 24. Upper Village
+1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
2 2 14 21 10 2 8 6 19 17 7 15 17 20 17 18 10

12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
trogl10 liz.G. liz.G. liz.G. liz.G. trogl1 trogl2 trogl3 trogl4 trogl5 trogl6 trogl7 trogl8 trogl9trogl10 trogl1 trogl2 trogl3
19 19 19 19 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
3t1 0t1 2t3 14t -6t3 -8t3 -4t1
-6t1 9t -6t2 -5t1 -9t1 -7t2 6d 2t3 -6t3 3h
-6t KO -10h -6t3 KO KO KO KO 1d KO KO KO KO 0h -5t3 KO -1t
KO T1 KO KO T3 T3 T1 T1 -8t T2 T1 T1 T2 KO KO T3 KO
Holm Thlwn Holm T3 KO Holm T3 Thlwn
22. Chief's Cavern
+2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
11 11 7 19 4 4 7 20 14 8 9 5
Baal Idol-Hold Person
12 12 12 12 11 14/16 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
lion ape.1ape.1ape.1 Urbn. druid trogl1 trogl2 trogl3 trogl4 trogl5 trogl6 trogl7 trogl8 trogl9trogl10
26 19 19 19 19 27 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
10h 8h -6h 4h -6h -6h 4h 4h 4h -6h 2t -11t1
1d -1d KO 0d KO KO -5d 0d -5d KO -5t KO
-6h KO Holm KO Holm Holm KO KO KO Holm KO T1
KO Daet Daet Daet Daet Daet Thlwn

Team 4
20. Elven Vessel 20. Elven Vessel P.P. 23 24 24 13+ 13+
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Initiative: +3â +7â +7â +2 +2
15 14 12 9 5 5 5 4 3 17 21 26 8 3

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 AC 17/18 17/18 23/24 13/15 13/15

trogl4 trogl5 trogl6 trogl7 trogl8 trogl9trogl10trogl11trogl12 turn Hit Points Daet Holm Thala Wlf.3 Wlf.4 3475
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1 18 18 18 11 11
7d 2h 6t 8r 8r 2r 8r -1t -1t 2 5
0d -4d -6r 2r -4h -12t -6t KO KO 3
KO KO KO -9t KO KO KO ThlwnThlwn 4
Daet Daet KO HolmThlwnThlwn

29. Chamber of Guardians 21. Lost Forest

+1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1
14 9 6 18 2 14

16/1816/18 15 15 15 15 16
Adpt2Adpt3 gargl gargl gargl gargl Trnt1
11 11 52 52 52 52 138
3w4 -3h 32h 32h 46h 40h sugst.
-7w3 KO 17t 17t 28t 22t Thlwn
KO Holm -1d 5h 10d 4d
W3 K -13t 4t -2t
Daet K 0w3 K
Thlwn K Thlwn

33. Chamber-Staff
+2 +2 +1

16/1816/18 18
prst.Dprst.D Dretch Drg.Gr.Yng
33 33 136
24. Upper Village 24. Upper Village 23. Lower Village 23. Lower Village
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
11 14 8 6 15 18 20 14 6 20 20 13 8 17 11 18 7

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
trogl4 trogl5 trogl6 trogl7 trogl8 trogl9trogl10 trogl1 trogl2 trogl3 trogl4 trogl5 trogl6 trogl7 trogl8 trogl9trogl10
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
-4t1 -5t1 -14t2 -7t3 -18t2 2d -13 -5h 8t -11t1 0t3 -7t3 -4t2 -1h 6h 6h 6h
KO KO KO KO KO -8t K KO 3t KO KO KO KO KO -7t2 -13t3 -1d -10t2
T1 T1 T2 T3 T2 KO T1 Holm -5t T1 T3 T3 T2 Holm KO KO KO
Thlwn Thlwn KO T2 T3 Daet
21. Lost Forest
-1 -1 -1
4 6 4

16 16 16
Trnt1 tree.A tree.A
138 138 138
103 124 133
74 119 107
60 111 84
55 106 82
46 71 72
26 40 60
9 14 31
3 4 25
0 -3 23
K K 6
23. Lower Village
+1 +1 +1 +1
18 19 12 2

12 12 12 12
liz.G. liz.G. liz.G. liz.G.
19 19 19 19
5h 12h 5h 5h
-10t2 -5t3 -3h -4t
T2 T3 HolmThlwn
53dy Search for the Daimond Staff Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
1day The Red Wizards contacted the Fate Weavers with another opportunity to earn favor with them.
The party is to accompany the transportation of the Diamond Staff to the vaults of Uvaeren. The
payment would be a 50% cut of the treasure found, but Daetris talked the price up to 75%.

The exhibition teleported to a town called Hap, which was the closest they could get to the ruins
by that means. They had a meeting, made final preparations, and got rooms for the night. Before
anyone had a chance to get settled, alarm bells began going off, and people began shouting abou
an orc attack.
Daetris decided to try out one of the new spells they had created. He cast an illusion of a massive
swarm of smokey black eels, and directed it around the battlefield while his companions attacked
from inside it.
The orcs fell pathetically against the superior tactics of intelligence casters. A quick interrogation
revealed that the orcs had been paid to create a distraction for another attack. They flew to wher
the Red Wizards were staying, and found a mess. Orcs had swarmed the place, and killed everyon
there. Dead bodies, mostly orcs and orogs, littered the place. A few orcs were left, fighting off a
flesh golem guarding the room.
The Fate Weavers watched in amusement as the golem struck down a few orcs before being take
down itself, then they finished the remaining orcs with a couple volleys of ranged attacks.
A servant who survived the fight told them that an orc had tapped the staff with a wand, dispellin
the wards on it, and ran off with the staff.
The adventurers easily and swiftly tracked the orcs, catching up to them well before they got to
their lair. The party did not kill them though, preferring to find out where the lair was.

The party surprised the orcs and their accomplices, and defeated them before any retaliation was
mounted. To their dismay, they found that the wizard was a fellow Zhentarim agent. They let him
go with all his gear after he told them all he knew about his employer and mission.

Since the party hadn't spent a lot of resources so far, they decided to pick up the tracks of the
Zhent party leader, Phoedele. She was supposed to meet her employer, Imani, at Sandersal Manor
in southern Battledale.
1day Seeing that her tracks headed for Peldan’s Helm in Mistledale and the vaults of Uvaeren instead of
toward her employer, the party chose to go surprise Imani first. The adventurers used magic to
disguise themselves as the orcs and Zhent agents, then approached the manor.
Beldroth masterfully whipped up a story to put Imani and his companions off guard. After that, it
was a simple thing to surprise them, and take them down. They came up with an agreement to
go after the 'traitorous' Phoedele together. As Imani's group followed out of the carraige house,
they became close enough together to blast with sonic blasts. Imani's group never got to return
fire. Imani was interrogated under the influence of magic, then killed along with his companions.

1day After looting, the Fate Weavers went back to tracking Phoedele. They quickly made their way to
Peldan’s Helm to find her and the staff. Even with a nice rest, the adventurers were able to make
it there in less than a day. Speeding on their brooms made the overland travel easy and fast. They
settled into an inn, and prepared for Phoedele to arrive. Familiars patrolled regularly in the forest
1day When Phoedele's party came into town, Holmesta went to spy on them (invisible and flying) as
they approached, and for the next 8 hours. A couple of times, she used magic to read the
thoughts of the various party members. She was able to discern their general strength, abilities,
and destination plans.
The Fate Weavers decided to wait until they left the town, follow them, and attack when they
were sleeping. Beldroth and Daetris flew down while invisible, and used Portents to help them
cast Suggestions on the two night watch guards.
It was easy to assassinate the whole camp after that. Phoedele and the wizard were interrogated
under the effects of Suggestion, thanks to Portents. After the Fate Weavers had extracted all they
needed, they slew their captives. Breaking a contract was not allowed in the Zhentarim.

1day Once the bodies were burned and buried, the party rested for the night. The next morning, they
entered the ruins. Their sharp eyes spotted some nasty little humanoid spider creatures hiding in
ambush. The creatures had clearly seen them flying around, so gaining information was the best
option. They hailed the creatures for a parlay. As soon as they got close enough, Beldroth used hi
psionics combined with a Portent and Suggestion to take control of the spider leader. Interrogation
ensued, and the party learned all they could about these creatures called chitines, and what
knowledge they had about the ruins.
The Fate Weavers had the Choldrith they charmed take them to the rest under the guise of maki
a deal for exploration rights. When they were close, the adventurers used Portents and Suggestions
to take control of those three leaders as well. This gave them control of the whole nest of spider
people. After some more consultation, the chitines were set to guard against any other intruders,
and lead them into a trap. This left the adventurers to explore the ruins with relative ease.

The chitines did in fact end up having a very heated battle against two squads of cultists that
followed in search of the staff. The spider folk drove them off, but both sides suffered heavy

With the staff, there were no obstructions to hinder the Fate Weavers' progress. They walked righ
into the crystal vault, and began inspecting the contents. With preparation, study, and the very
1day best Portents (20x4), the elves of the party were each able to utilize the Vault of Song for the
Selu’kii whole party (Arcana checks 39, 40, 39, 44).
They thought of keeping the chitines under mind control as guards while they studied, but it wou
have been to much trouble. Instead, they just slew the creatures, and looted the area. Beldroth a
Daetris set up physical and magical traps all over the place to protect against intruders while they
studied the vault.
1day The next day, Darfin was brought out to help utilize the vault further. Daetris made teleportation
trips back to Waterdeep to call in favors from the church. Armed with high level bardic inpiration,
16day warding bond, and the enhancements the Fate Weavers could muster, they used 3 Wishes to
access the vault 3 more times (Arcana checks 57, 57, 57). As they retrieved each set of knowledge,
Darfin used a Wish to extract it as a Selu’kiira crystal so that they could use it again later.
Knowing that they had pushed their luck to the limit, the adventurers teleported back to Bloodga
Keep, and handed over the staff.

30day The Fate Weavers went back to their mansion, fortified it, studied, trained, traded magical items
and researched and scribed new spells until they were called upon again.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing

P.P. 23 22 26 25 25 25 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 5gp each

Initiative: +8â +3â +7â +7â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
6 6 6 6 6 6 14 20 14 11 12

AC 24 19 19 25 19 19 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 17 18 13 13 13

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 492 orog.1orc.1 orc.2 orc.3
1 31 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 45 42 15 15 15
2 34b 14h 1b 1va 3b
3 10h 1t -8vn -21h 1vn
4 1vn -8va KO KO -8vn
5 -8b KO Vrtn Holm KO
6 KO Vatha Vrtn

P.P. 23 22 26 25 25 25 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+

Initiative: +8â +3â +7â +7â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +0 +1
28 22 23 20 24 27 20 16 17 12 8 20

AC 24 19 19 25 19 19 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 12/15 21 21 18

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 350 wiz.* Z.sldr.Z.sldr. orog.1
1 31 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 22 39 39 42
5vn 25b 32b 34vn
-8va 18h 16h 21va
KO 5t 10t 9vn
Vatha -2w1 -7vn 1va
KO KO -14d
W1 Vrtn KO

P.P. 23 22 26 25 25 25 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 10 horses

Initiative: +8â +3â +7â +7â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0
16 11 11 17 11 23 9 8 19 4 10 sleep sleep sleep sleep

AC 24 19 19 25 19 19 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 20 12/15 21 21 21

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 604 Phdl. wiz.* Z.sld.1Z.sld. Z.sld.
1 31 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 52 22 39 39 39
12 -18 -1 -1 -1
KO stable K K K
sugst. K
P.P. 23 22 26 25 25 25 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
Initiative: +8â +3â +7â +7â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
16 11 11 17 11 23 9 8 19 4 17 19 18 17 11
AC 24 19 19 25 19 19 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 15/17 14 14 14 14
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 617 chldrth chtn.1chtn.2chtn.3chtn.4
1 31 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 66 18 18 18 18
sugst. -13 13 1 10
Beldr psi 3 -2 -2 -5
22 stable K stable

+2 +2 +2 +1 +1
6 8 6 19 16

13/16 14/16 14/16 12 12

0 wiz.db cult.Fcult.F bndt1bndt2
40 33 33 11 11
32 18 17 held -1
misty -4 -2 -11 KO
web KO KO K stable
22 K K
P.P. 23 22 26 25 25 25 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
Initiative: +8â +3â +7â +7â +7â +7â +2 +2 +2 +2
16 11 11 17 11 23 9 8 19 4

AC 24 19 19 25 19 19 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1000
1 31 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11

Exp. 4054
Interacting with objects

+1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 TREASURE TABLE
21 17 3 17 17 18 14 13 20 20 18 15 12 10 d20 Result
1-2 +1 armor
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 3-4 +1 weapon
orc.4 orc.5 orc.6 orc.7 Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 glm.fl orc.1 orc.2 orc.3 orc.4 orc.5 orc.6 5 Ring of protection
15 15 15 15 11 11 11 93 15 15 15 15 15 15 6 Ring of feather falling
1h 1b 1h 1vn -5b -14t -2vn 84 1 1 1 2 1b 3b 7 Wand of magic missil
-11va -10h -8t -8va KO KO KO 67 -12gl -12gl -21gl 1vt -8va 1b 8 Wand of enemy dete
KO KO KO KO Beldr Thwn Vrtn 49 KO KO KO -8vn KO -11t 9 Spellguard shield
VathaHolm ThwnVatha 35 KO Vatha KO 10 Glamoured studded
13 Vrtn Thwn 11 Potion of climbing
0 12-15 Potion of healing
K 16 Potion of heroism
17 Potion of invisibility
hiding in rafters 18 Bracers of defense
+1 +1 +2 +1 +3 +1 +3 19-20 Cloak of elvenkin
18 17 23 11 8
13 13 13/16 19 16 18 16
orc.1 orc.2 992 Imani Farvn ghared vetrn ltl.wng
15 15 49 58 36 58 52
8b 1b 38b 53b 25b 53b 41b
1h 1h 21va 36va 18va 36va 33va
-12t -12t 3vn 27vn 9vn 27vn 15vn
KO KO -19h 5h -1h 16h -7h
ThwnThwn KO -1d KO 10d KO
Holm KO Holm -5t Holm
stable Daet K KO K
K K Thwn

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0
sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

21 21 21 21 21
Z.sld. Z.sld. Z.sld. Z.sld. Z.sld.8
39 39 39 39 39
-1 -1 -1 sugst.sugst.
KO KO KO -1 -1
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
10 4 19 17 7 19 16 14 11 9 3 3
Spirit.Wep.t.Wep. Spirit.Wep.
14 14 15/17 15/17 15/17 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
chtn.5chtn.6 chldrthchldrthchldrth chtn.1chtn.2chtn.3chtn.4chtn.5chtn.6chtn.7
18 18 66 66 66 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
-13 -13 sugst.sugst.sugst. 12 3 12 13 14 -13 3
KO KO HolmThlwn Varit 4 -19 -2 -17 KO -12
K K 26 26 51 -27 K 4 KO stable KO
stable -5 -5 22 K -11 K stable
5 5 KO
2 -6 stable
-29 6
5 -8
-7 6
6 -12
+1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
13 13 8 7 11 11 22 19 15 11 10 8 7

12 12 12 12 13/16 14/16 14 12 12 12 12 12 12
bndt3bndt4bndt5bndt6 wiz.db cult.Fcult.F bndt1bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5bndt6
11 11 11 11 40 33 33 11 11 11 11 11 11
held -4 -10 -2 web 2 web web 3 -2 web web web
-12 KO KO KO 18 -14 14 -1 -2 KO -4 -3 -3
K K K stable misty KO 5 KO KO K KO KO KO
13 stable -13 K K K K K
Grtr.Invis. KO
Fly K

1-2 +1 armor
3-4 +1 weapon
5 Ring of protection
6 Ring of feather falling
7 Wand of magic missiles
8 Wand of enemy detection
9 Spellguard shield
10 Glamoured studded leather
11 Potion of climbing
12-15 Potion of healing
16 Potion of heroism
17 Potion of invisibility
18 Bracers of defense
19-20 Cloak of elvenkind
30dy Dead in Thay Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
0day Several circles of The Cult of the Dragon have united to assult the Red Wizards, and take back the
Diamond Staff of Uvaeren. Dretchroyaster has even sent the best simulacrum of himself that he
could muster to help with the fight.
Mennek bypassed all the security to the elemental nodes, and helped the cultists teleport their
sqauds into each chamber for a concerted attack.

The four teams fought their way through the elemental nodes to claim the keys and collapsed the
gates. They suffered heavy casualties, but were successful.

As the gates collapsed, the survivors of the assult were teleported into the Bloodgate Nexus. As t
first group made it there, Mennek teleported in with a large group of cult forces including a full
simulacrum of Dretchroyaster.
Also arriving at this time was the Fate Weavers. Combat ensued immediately, throwing the whole
room into chaos.

The Fate Weavers went all out, and wiped out most of the enemies by themselves. As the fight
progressed, more cultists completed their objectives, and came through the gates, only to be
quickly struck down. One group took too long, because they were having trouble. Only the wizard
survived, and he was met with battle wights before he could make it to his gate. The wights and a
red wizard took down the cult wizard, and the fire nexus was saved from collapsing.

The Fate Weavers claimed the loot from most of the enemies they killed, and took the two most
experienced cult wizards as captives.

Tarul Var and his acolytes were able to finish stablizing the nexus gate to Thay in spite of the set
backs of collapsed elemental nodes. The few surviving cultists were magically interrogated, then
used as sacrifices to that end. Dretchroyaster was found out to be the one behind the attack, and
now had made enemies of the Thayans.
The interrogation of Mennek's corpse turned up evidence that Baazka had been trifling in Thayan
business in ways he shouldn't. The pit fiend would have the Thayans poking back now.

The Thayans were used to infighting and backstabbing, but it was time to really tighten down
security around their gates. This was too close a call to be ignored.

Tarul Var commended the Fate Weavers for their role in stopping the assult, and made note of
them as valuable allies.

30day The Fate Weavers went back to their mansion, fortified it, studied, trained, traded magical items
and researched and scribed new spells until they were called upon again.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing

P.P. 24 26 31 25 25 25 Sprt.Wep. Air Node pg.10

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +3 +1
7 22 12 15 16

AC 27 23 23 26 23 23 13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0 wiz.db cult.Fcult.F assn.Cbndt1
1 61 47 47 52 42 47 turn 40 33 33 32 11
1 24 22 28 17 6
2 31 1 19 -10 2
arrive 3 turns after (alarm=turn 6?) 3 25 -11 prone 9 -2
4 4 -6 -6 K
5 7 6

Sprt.Wep. Fire Node pg.12

+2 +2 +2 +3 +1
15 16 4 20 20
13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12
0 wiz.db cult.Fcult.F assn.Cbndt1
turn 40 33 33 32 11
1 31 30 24 3
2 25 20 19 -9
3 19 19 9 K
4 10 -4 5
5 -11 K -6
6 K K
need to run to key

Sprt.Wep. Water Node pg.12

+2 +2 +2 +3 +1
8 20 5 14 21

13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12

0 wiz.db cult.Fcult.F assn.Cbndt1
turn 40 33 33 32 11
1 25 23 19 ddash -3
2 grapl grapl K
3 15 4
Grtr.Invis. 4 1 10
5 -10 17
6 K 1
7 grapl
exit 9

Sprt.Wep.Earth Node pg.14
+2 +2 +2 +3 +1
8 14 11 5 21
13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12
0 wiz.db cult.Fcult.F assn.Cbndt1
turn 40 33 33 32 11
1 25 -17
2 3 K
3 -14
4 4

rnds. 9
Bloodgate Nexus pg.14Sprt. Sprt.Wep. Bloodgate pg.14
+1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3â
8 8 7 6 22 17 11 23 17 16 14 11 11 14
Mir.Img. GreateGreater Invisibility flying
18 16 18/20 18/20 13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12 12 12 12 12 34
2583 Drc.Sim MenkWiz.12Wiz.12 wz.db5clt.F6 clt.F7 asn.4 bndt6bndt7bndt8bndt9bndt10 Tarul
turn 136 38 66i 66i 40 33 33 32 11 11 11 11 11 105
10 132b 2b 57b 57b 4b -3b -3b -4b -25b -25b -25b -25b -28
11 128h -32h 49h 40h -30h -37h -37h KO K K K K K
12 113t K 29t 30t K K K K
95vn 17vn 6vn
78va 9va -11va
breath 21 21
8t 11d 1b
-16vn -6h -3h
Air Water
+2 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 +2
8 13 9 6 13 13 19 6 8 9 12 12
13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12 12 13/16 18/20 15 12 12 12/15
164 wz.db1clt.F1 clt.F2 asn.1 bndt1bndt2 124 wz.db3clt.F3 asn.2 bndt3bndt4 aprnt1
turn 40 33 33 32 11 11 turn 40 33 32 11 11 22
10 25 4 7 6 4 -11vn 11 25 1 22 0 -11h sacrifice
11 12va -23va-20va -7vn -1 K 12 31 -26b -34b stable K
12 -33h KO KO KO K -23b K K 8
K K K KO -46b
stable K

Earth Fire
+2 +2 +2 +3 +1 +2
18 15 6 4 18 18
flying Grtr.Invis.
13/16 18/20 18/20 15 12 13/16
160 wz.db4clt.F4 clt.F5 asn.3 bndt5 wz.db2 Fire Node saved!
turn 40 33 33 32 11 turn 40
12 27 6 4 5 -3 20 26
13 -18t -39t -9 -40t stable 18 10
K K KO K -30 25
stable K 21
Interacting with objects

+1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 +3 +5 +5 +5 +5
15 5 5 2 20 13 9 7 20 17 15 8 Survivors
+2 +2 +2 +3
12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15
bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5 gru.A. gru.A. gru.A. gru.A. E.A.1 E.A.2 E.A.3 E.A.4
11 11 11 11 14 14 14 14 90 90 90 90 13/16 18/20 18/20 15
4 -27 -3 5 5 -6 -10 wind 63 wind 78 wz.db1cult.Fcult.F assn.C
K K -4 2 K K 73 47 55 41 turn 40 33 33 32
K 0 46 28 22 40 9 25 4 7 6
K 22 25 16 36
0 wind 13 33
K 3 -20 26
-2 K 7
K -20

+1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4
19 15 12 7 19 15 6 4 21 16 12 8 Survivors
12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14
bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5 gru.F. gru.F. gru.F. gru.F. E.F.1 E.F.2 E.F.3 E.F.4 Grtr.Invis.
11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 102 102 102 102 13/16
1 9 4 2 17 19 19 19 87 71 84 71 wz.db2
-9 -1 -4 -8 5 7 7 -2 66 56 69 56 turn 40
K K K K 2 4 -3 K 64 45 55 25 19
-3 -2 K 61 14 30 -9
K K 31 -16 15 K
24 K -13
14 K

r Node pg.12
+1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
18 10 9 6 14 8 8 4 19 17 9 7 Survivors
+2 +2 +3
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14
bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5 gru.W.gru.W.gru.W.gru.W. E.W.1 E.W.2 E.W.3 E.W.4
11 11 11 11 30 30 30 30 114 114 114 114 13/16 18/20 15
-5 0 -6 29 1 16 27 80 whlmwhlmwhlm wz.db3cult.F assn.C
K stable K 25 0 0 5 whlm 97 111 81 turn 40 33 32
18 K K 4 64 whlm 78 69 10 25 1
-1 -26 52 81 74 45 stable
K K 48 69 56 whlm
24 45 54 29
-8 whlm 21 27
K 38 14 14
30 7 -6
29 -12 K
16 K

Node pg.14
+1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1 -1 -1 -1
15 15 6 5 20 14 9 5 19 4 3 1 Survivors
+2 +2 +2
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 17
bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5 gru.E. gru.E. gru.E. gru.E. E.E.1 E.E.1 E.E.1 E.E.1 flying
11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 126 126 126 126 13/16 18/20 18/20
-21 -16 2 -3 20 19 19 19 109 trn3 trn3 trn3 wz.db4cult.Fcult.F assn.C
K K -16 stable 18 12 3 -3 97 122 92 92 turn 40 33 33
K -1 10 -5 K 77 116 60 68 11 4
K -4 K 54 88 48 58
K 39 44 26 55
31 27 11 7
24 10 -2 -8
14 8 K K
-6 4
K -2
14 14 14
wght1wght2wght3 arrive on turn 9
Bloodgate pg.14 15 Reinforcements 45 45 45 P.P.
+1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 Initiative:
14 2 22 21 14 9 7 7 4 3 4 5
Greater Invisibility
12/1512/15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 AC
wiz.R8 wiz.R8 wt.btl1wt.btl2wt.btl3wt.btl4wt.btl5wt.btl6wt.btl7wt.btl8 drknb.drknb. turn Hit Points
Lgnd. 36 36 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 27 27 10
37 17 26 37 -12 11
14 10 33 K 12
-3 26 -6 13
K -1va K 14
K 15

+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
19 9 15 6 17 16 4 16 20 5 5 14 3

12/15 12/1512/15 12/1512/15 12/1512/15 12/1512/15 12/1512/15 12/1512/15 12/15

aprnt2 aprnt3aprnt4 aprnt5aprnt6 aprnt7aprnt8 aprnt9aprnt10 aprnt11
aprnt12 aprnt13
aprnt14 aprnt15
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice -1 -1

Exp. 3031
+1 +1
15 5

12 12
assn.C bndt2bndt3
11 11

+1 +1
12 12
11 11

+3 +1
15 12
32 11

arrive on turn 9
24 26 31 25 25 25
+8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â
24 24 24 24 24 14

24 23 23 26 23 23
Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath
61 47 47 52 42 47
+2 +2
13 14

22 22
32dy Dungeon of the Mad Mage Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
1day After another month of studying, the Fate Weavers needed to get out, and stretch their legs and
minds. The Yawning Portal seemed like a convenient place to do this.
Obaya Upon arriving, the party met Obaya Uday, who they fully took advantage of to sell magical items
A young noblewoman, Esvele Rosznar asked the party to keep an eye out for her brother,
Kressando who wears a platinum signet ring bearing the Rosznar family crest (a diving white falcon
on a field of blue) and an inscription of the family motto ("Fly high and stoop swift").
The party scanned her mind with Detect Thoughts while asking probing questions. They found that
Esvele's brother, Kressando, was sent to Skullport to conduct secret meetings with the Xanathar
Guild and gauge interest in setting up a s lave trade in Skullport, far from the eyes of Waterdavian

Volothamp Geddarm told them about an alabaster throne belonging to the northern elves that
may be hidden in the dungeon.

Level 1
pg.15 Area 1
They paid the gold for passage, and flew down the well. Hearing footsteps pattering away from a
secret door, the party blasted away the side of the door that had the hinges on it, and followed.
They easily defeated the bandits, interrogated, looted, posed as bandits to get the drop on the
other bandits, and repeated.
After dispatching both bandit leaders, the flesh golem was fooled into believing Beldroth was its
Beldroth tricked one of the bandits into triggering the elder rune in the spider hall.

pg.21 Area 18
Vathana Suggested a troll for use as a minion, and later a supply of enchantment components.

pg.17 Area 2b
Took out the fleeing bugbears and thought eaters, Suggested one though eater for information,
then killed it.


The Fate Weavers sent their familiars and the troll to distract the next group from one side, and
came from the other side to blast them with sonic attacks. The bugbears and thought eaters fell
before anyone could react. Most of the goblins did too. The rest surrendered, cowering in fear.
The goblins desperately told the party everything they knew about the dungeon, and agreed to ac
as guides to the Xanathar Guild.


Gate 10 The party killed the gelatinous cube, and found the gate to level 10.


The party made a deal with the revenant for Varitan to study it at the mansion in exchange for
them killing its former allies, and bringing it their heads.
Level 2
pg.31 1E. YEK THE TALL
The party intimidated the goblins with illusions, hiding within them, and slew the goblin leader.
They told the rest of the goblins that all they wanted was the dwarf's head.
Along with the head, the party was gifted with Glom, a female goblin to act as a guide to level 3.


Gate 4 The party searched for the other two traitors, and found a gate to level 4.


Gate 5 The party searched for the last traitor, and found a gate to level 5.


After destroying the lightning skull, the adventurers used Mage Hands to scoop up the shards of
the skull, and trap them in a ceramic jug. When the skull reformed, they had a nice long chat with
her, probing with careful questioning and Detect Thoughts. Much of her mind was a wreck, but
there was still useful information in there. It was just difficult to find. They decided to take her
home for further study and questioning. When they were finished, Beldroth mimicked Trenzia's
voice to command the flesh golem to follow and obey the party.

pg.34 9B. SHUNN'S GANG

The Fate Weavers earned some favor with the Xanathar Guild by telling them that they had
gotten rid of the flesh golem on the first floor for them.


Midna Tauberth was rude, fell instantly, and was interrogated under Suggestion. She didn't know
anything of value about the dungeon, but they figured out how she was able to command the
unseen servants. After killing her, and disposing of the body, Beldroth shifted to look like her, and
commanded them to follow the orders of no one but the party.

pg.37 13g. STRIKE IT RICH

Rex the Hammer was found fighting a loosing battle. They blasted both he and his enemies to the
ground. He was only worth his head. The others were worth harvesting. They even stablized one,
and interrogated it about itself and the dungeon while under Suggestion. They used the nothic to
escourt them to some of their bretheren, and get them to cooperate with the party. After getting
some good information from the creatures, the Fate Weavers slew and harvested the lot.


The adventurers originally planned on killing the wererats and mage for the Xanathar Guild, but
changed their minds when they realized he was a fellow Zhent agent. They all had a nice chat, an
Rizzeryl told them some secrets about the dungeon and Skullport. They promised to come back the
next day, after they had taken their loot home, and destroy the Xanathar Guild outpost on this
1day level. They made good on their promise, and he passed the information of their deeds to the
pg.39 20c. ARCH GATE TO LEVEL 6
Gate 6 The party made their way toward the stairs to level 3, and found a gate to level 6.

Level 3
The Fate Weavers used Rizzeryl's directions and name to go directly to the temple, and gain an
audience with the drow priestess T'rissa Auvryndar with Beldroth in the form of a male drow.
With the help of Portents (1, 2, 20), Beldroth was able to win the drow over. She paid them $3k to
rid her of the LEGION OF AZROK and the SEA HAGS OF THE SARGAUTH. She would also owe them a
big favor for each task, and they would be considered allies of House Auvryndar.

T'rissa gave directions to the hags' lair, and the adventurers quickly found it. They predended to
sympathetic to what the hags were saying to put them at ease. The party surprised the hags with
nice quick death, except for one. Beldroth took control of her with a Suggestion for a while.
She told them of an agent they had, Anderian Dusk, the lantern merchant of Skullport.

It wasn't long until the party returned to T'rissa with the heads of all three hags. She was happy
about this, and saw use in these surface dwellers.
The Fate Weavers headed west, then north to find Azrok's area. It was easy to fool the goblinoids
into trusting them. Once they got their papers, and gifted Azrok with a handful of coins, the party
went back down to the Contested Cavern. They placed a spell of Silence behind them, and killed all
of the guards in the tunnels.

Returning to Azrok, the Fate Weavers cast a huge illusion of roiling shadows to hide in. Fear and
confusion struck the court as death screams mixed with strange "ping" sounds. One hobgoblin fle
to get reinforcements, but everyone in the court was dead by the time they got back. Following
more of the same sounds, the reinforcements found the roiling shadows of death, and valiantly
hurled javelins into it. All this did was draw attention to themselves though. Soon the only thing
heard in the entire goblinoid town was faint whimpers here and there as the the shadow moved
through, leaving no survivors in its wake.

Vathana interrogated an intellect devourer with the Suggestion spell. It told her of the Xanathar
Guild plans to take over this area, and Skullport. It explained all about its abilities, how to block
them, and all about illithids. Before she killed it, the thought eater even told her secret passwords
and locations of the Xanathar Guild in Skullport.

T'rissa was exstatic with the news of the goblinoids' demise. She would gain favor for this back
home. The priestess immediately sent word for more drow to be sent to inhabit her new territory

30day The Fate Weavers went back home to sell loot, research their findings, study, and do some tradin
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 6. UNDERTAKERS' WATCH POST

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +4 +4 +3

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 14 14 15

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 408 dopeldopel Uktarl bndt1
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 52 52 65
-14b 39vn 56va
KO 18h 47vn
K 10b 22h
-12b K

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +3 +3 +3
22 21 18 22 22 22 19 20 15

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 15 14 14 14

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 Troll 1175 mntcrmntcrmntcr
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 84 68 68 68
sugst. 58b 55t 62b sugst.
47va 42b 38h Vatha
27h 27va 27vn
14t 19vn 12va
8b -3d -6vn
1va KO KO
-7vn K K

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 23B. SHATTERE D STATUE

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +2
22 21 18 22 22 22 6

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 15 16 12 16

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 Troll ^^ Bgbr.1tht.etr Bgbr.1
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 84 27 21 27
sugst. 13b 7b 13b
-7t -13t -7t
P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 -4 +2
18 21 25 27 29 14 4

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 15 6 17

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 Troll 292 gltn.cb gob.B L.skul
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 84 84 21
sugst. 25 -10
-26 KO

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +0 +0
25 22 18 26 19 17

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 15 18 10

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 Troll 267 Clr.5 U.S.L
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 84 45 4
sugst. -2 ours

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +0 +3 +3
20 16 20 26 25 21 6 7 11

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 15 18 15 15

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 Troll 758 mzlth nthc.1nthc.2
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 84 75 45 45
sugst. 70t 35t 35t
52vn 17vn 26vn
41va 6va 15va
37h 2h 11h
22b -13b -4b
-7d KO KO
KO stable K
K sugst.
P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +4
24 24 29 23 29 21 11 8 22 8

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 16 16 16 22

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1008 Bgbr.1Bgbr.2Bgbr.3 drw.E
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 27 27 27 71
12t 12t 8 66h
10b 7b 0 54vn
-1h -4h stable 42b
KO KO sugst. 38va
K K K 14d
P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +3 +1 +3 +1
26 28 24 23 14 9 17

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 14 15 14 15 14

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 738 hag.S1 crb.G hag.S2 crb.G hag.S3
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 52 13 52 13 52
23d -1h 33t -2t sugst.
-11h KO 18vn KO Beldr
KO K -10va K K

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 21D. ARMORY 21E. HOB.BARRACKS

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1

AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 18 18 18 18

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 892 hob.1hob.2 hob.1hob.2
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
-11b -3t 0t 0t

P.P. 23 26 31 25 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 21 N. AZROK'S HALL

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +2 +2
26 11 29 18 21 28 2 13 5
Lord Rosznar 's Ring
AC 29 26 26 28 23 23 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 18 18 20 17
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1158 hob.1hob.2 Azrk. Lurk.
1 79 62 62 68 62 62 11 11 11 11 11 11 97 55
-7va -7b 73va 31va
KO KO 59vn 7vn
K K 47t -5t
41h KO
31b K

Exp. 6696
Interacting with objects
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 -1 +4 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

12 12 12 12 12 12 15 9 14 12 12 12 12 12
bndt1bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5bndt6 Harriaglm.fl dopel bndt1bndt2bndt3bndt4bndt5
11 11 11 11 11 11 65 93 52 11 11 11 11 11
0b 2va -7va -7va 2va -55b 45va ours
KO -7vn -26vn-26vn -7vn K 33vn
K KO K K KO 13t
K K -24h

+1 +2 +2 23A. NIMRAITH'S FATE

20 19 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
7 19 14 21 10 21
15 16 12 16 12
Troll Bgbr.1tht.etr Bgbr.1tht.etr 15 15 15 15 15 15
84 27 21 27 21 Gob.1Gob.2Gob.3Gob.4Gob.5Gob.6
sugst. -10t -9b 16h -16t 7 7 7 7 7 7
Vatha KO KO 3va KO 2d -3d -3d -3d
K K -16t 6 KO KO KO
KO sugst.
K Beldr


+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
6 11 10 4 6 21 7 14 12 11

12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
tht.etr Gob.7 Gob.8 Gob.9 ob.10 ob.11 ob.12 ob.13 ob.14 ob.15
21 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
14b -3d -7b -7b -3d 2d -3d -3d
+3 -1
21 11

13 9
L.skul glm.fl
40 93
-11 ours

-1 -1 -1 -1
14 11 3 19

9 9 9 9
gibr.1 gibr.1 gibr.1 gibr.1
67 67 67 67
0 52b 49vn 51t
K 38d 36va 24vn
pois. 4h 21b 6va
-7t 10d -7b
KO -30h KO


+0 +3 +3 +3 +3

20 15 15 15 15
nthc.2 thg.A nthc.1nthc.1nthc.1 nthc.2nthc.2nthc.2nthc.2
42 K K K 45 45 45 45
22 32d 19d 19d 19d
12t 10h -3h 8h -3h
-6vn -2vn KO -3vn KO
+2 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
4 12 19 7 8 12 9 15 17 2 15 3

13 12 13 12 13 13 13 13 16 16 13 13 13 13 13 13
drw.E thg.1 tht.etr thg.1 tht.etr thg.3 thg.4 thg.5 thg.6 Bgbr.1Bgbr.2 brsrk thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4 thg.5
32 21 32 21 32 32 32 32 27 27 67 32 32 32 32 32
27h 19h 27h 16h 27h 27h 30h 27h 20d 20d 52h 17h 12b 12b 25h 17h
21vn 7vn 15vn 10vn 21vn 15vn 18vn 21vn 9h 9h 29vn -6vn -4d 4d 14vn -6vn
9b -5b 9b -2b 15b 3b 6b 9b 1t 1t 12b KO KO -13t -3b KO
0va KO 0va KO 11va -1va -3va 0va -10vn-10vn -4d K K KO KO K
stable K
sugst. silence to keep sleeping bugbears from hearing


+3 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2

15 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16
crb.G hob.cpt hob.1hob.2hob.3hob.4hob.5hob.6hob.7hob.8hob.9hob.10
hob.11 Bgbr.1Bgbr.2Bgbr.3Bgbr.4
13 55 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 27 27 27 27
-5vn 46va 2va 2va 2va 2va 2va 2va 2va 5d 2va 2va 2va -7b 10d 10d 10d
KO 38vn 8d -15vn-15vn -6vn -15vn -6vn -15vn-15vn 1h -15vn-15vn-15vn KO -1vn 5vn -1vn
K 28b 4h K K KO K KO K K -18h K K K K KO -6h KO
14t -7t K K K K KO K
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
16 15 16 16 11 12

18 18 18 18 19 17 12 15 12 15 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15
hob.3hob.4hob.5hob.6 mndflgob.Btht.etrGob.1tht.etrGob.2tht.etrtht.etrtht.etr Gob.1 Gob.2 Gob.3 Gob.4 Gob.5
11 11 11 11 71 21 21 7 21 7 21 21 21 7 7 7 7 7
0t 0t 0t 0t 58b 8b 8b -6b 8b 1b 15b 11t 11t -23h -23h -23h -5b 1b
KO KO KO KO 36t -14t -14t KO -3t -7b 10b charmcharm K K K KO -16h
K K K K Plnshft KO KO K KO K 0b ThlwnThlwn K K
K K K KO sugst. K
K Vatha

+1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1
11 19 10 22 9 13 8 8 10 18 11 15 8 15 15
osznar 's Ring
13 13 16 16 12 18 18 18 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 18
worg worg Bgbr.1Bgbr.2 tht.etrhob.1hob.2hob.3hob.4Gob.1 Gob.2 Gob.3 Gob.4 Gob.5 Gob.6 hob.cpt hob.1
26 26 27 27 21 11 11 11 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 55 11
14va 20h 16b 15va 9va -4vn -9h -1va 8h -15b -12h -12va -6vn -6h -18t 49h -1h
7vn 15b -14d -7b -11b KO KO KO -2b K K K KO KO K 19d KO
1t -4h KO KO KO K K K KO K K 2d K
0h KO K K K K -10t
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2
16 14 9 9 9

16 16 16 16 16
27 27 27 27 27
23b 12h 12h 12h 12h
15d -13vn-13vn-13vn-13vn


+2 +2 -1 -5 -5 -5

16 16 15 5 5 5
Bgbr.5Bgbr.6 bhld.z
27 27 93 1 1 1
19d 10d
8vn -1vn
-14t KO

sleeping 21J. 21K. CAPT.BRKS

+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 17 17
Gob.6 Gob.7 Gob.8 Gob.9 ob.10 ob.11 ob.12 hob.1 hob.cpt hob.cpt
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11 55 55
-5b -5b -5b 1b -5b -5b 1b 31h 31h
KO KO KO -17h KO KO -13h 1d 1d
K K K K K K K -16d -16d

Patrol 21S.
+1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
15 15 11 13 8 15 21 11

18 18 17 18 18 18 18 18
hob.2hob.3 hob.cpt hob.1hob.2hob.3 hob.1hob.2
11 11 55 11 11 11 11 11
-6d -1h 39vn -21vn-21vn -5vn
KO KO 17va K K KO
K K 1vn K
35dy Dungeon of the Mad Mage Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
0day Once the Fate Weavers were finished with their R&R, they headed back to The Yawning Portal to
continue exploring the dungeon.
First they took a look around level 4. The drow at the gate told them that the river water was
becoming poisoned, and asked the adventurers to do something about it to further prove their
usefulness to the Auvryndar house. Daetris convinced them to give a little information about this
level's inhabitants as partial payment up front.
Level 1
Gate 10 pg.23
Level 2
Gate 4 pg.32
Gate 5 pg.36
Gate 6 pg.39
Level 4
The Fate Weavers randomly took the north path first, on the way to find the alchemist they had
been told of by the drow. They found Darrib, and struck up a conversation. Beldroth spied on her
thoughts with a spell. He also learned that her familiar was a quasit via the same means. They us
a Portent to have Vathana take control of the mage with a Suggestion spell, and moved on. They
killed a couple ropers on the way, and stored their bodies in portable holes.


When they got to the alchemist, Daetris used Detect Thoughts on it during their conversation, and
discovered its secrets. The control gem, and the green slaad would be theirs. For the time being,
they used a Portent to help Holmesta take control of it with a Suggestion.

pg.68 20. Kuo-TOA REFUGE

Next, the Fate Weavers and their minions scouted the river. They soon came upon the kuo-toa
which the drow had spoken of distastefully. Seeing that they posed no threat, the adventurers ha
the peons take them to their leader. She was clearly insane, so they took control of her mind as
well with a Portent and Suggestion (Varitan). The control gem was easy to notice, so they took that
as well. The Slaad confirmed what it was. Beldroth immediately attuned to it so that they could
maintain better control of the alchemist.
During their interrogation of the kuo toa priestess, it was revealed that an aboleth had moved int
the area, and driven the kuo toa away from a nearby lake. Between them, the Fate Weavers had
enough knowledge to figure out that the aboleth was the cause of the poisoned water, and that i
was a powerful, psychic creature of illusions and mental slavery. They would have to continue wi
Given their resources, the adventurers could do little to prepare for the final battle of this level.
They cast a few long lasting spells to help them, and headed over to the aboleth's lake. As they
entered, the aboleth projected an image of itself warning them to leave. Instead, Baldroth, who
could see it, used a Portent to ensure that his Suggestion via telepathy was successful. While he
interrogated the fish monster, Beldroth had the aboleth tell all the troglodytes to execute each of
their members in turn. The last one was to swim into the water. There the chuul slew it before
gathering on the shore of the island where the party liquified them with sonic attacks.
Once they had finished interrogating the aboleth, and looting its horde, the party returned to the
kuo toa camp, took mental control of the rest of the casters, had the priestess gather all the rest
the tribe into one corner of a cave for "a special ritual", and massacred them with sonic attacks.
They returned to the drow, reported their success, and took all their prisoners back home. The
aboleth rode in a portable hole filled with water. Beldroth gave it an amulet of adaptation so that
it could breath indefinitely in there.
1day Back home, the caster prisoners were told to prepare certain spells, then they had their fingers,
tongues and eyes removed, and were chained up in cells until Varitan could figure out how to tur
them into lightning skulls.

34day The Fate Weavers went back home to sell loot, research their findings, study, and do some tradin
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing

P.P. 24 26 30 26 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 -1 -1

AC 29 26 26 28 25 25 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/16 13 20 20

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1633 Wiz.9 quasit ropr.1ropr.2
1 79 68 74 74 68 68 25 25 25 25 49 7 93 93
sugst. 42 33 sugst.
Vatha 5 -16 Holm
-4 KO control
KO Beldr

P.P. 24 26 30 26 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ Area 21A. Area 21B.

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +0 +2

AC 29 26 26 28 25 25 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 13 11 11 13
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 450 kuo.AP kuo.whkuo.wh kuo.t
1 79 68 74 74 68 68 25 25 25 25 97 65 65 18
sugst. sugst.sugst. 4va
Varit DaetrDaetr -5vn

P.P. 24 26 30 26 26 26 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+

Initiative: +8â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +2 -1 +0 +0 +0
24 8 21 27 24 18 11 19 4 18

AC 29 26 26 28 25 25 13/15 13/15 13/15 13/15 19 Lgnd. 16 16 16

turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath Wlf.1 Wlf.2 Wlf.3 Wlf.4 1258 ablth. chuul1chuul2chuul3 kuo.wh
1 79 68 74 74 68 68 25 25 25 25 135 Lair 93 93 93
sugst. 55b 55b 55b control
Beldr 37d 37d 37d Ablth
30h 22h 30h
15t 7t 15t
-1vn -9vn -1vn

Exp. 3342
Interacting with objects


Area 21B. Area 20 Area 20 Area 20

+2 +2 +2 +0 +0 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2

13 13 13 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
kuo.t kuo.t kuo.t kuo.whkuo.wh kuo.t1 kuo.t2 kuo.t3 kuo.t4 kuo.t5 kuo.t6 kuo.t7 kuo.t8 kuo.t9 uo.t10 uo.t11 uo.t12 uo.t13
18 18 18 65 65 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
11va 4va 4va sugst.sugst. 4va 4va 4va 11va 4va 4va 11va 4va 4va 11va 4va 11va 4va
2vn 0vn -5vn HolmThlwn -5vn -5vn 0vn 2vn 0vn -5vn 2vn -5vn -5vn 2vn 0vn 2vn -5vn
-7t KO KO KO KO KO -7t KO KO -7t KO KO -7t KO -7t KO

+0 +2 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
12 1 9 11 4 16 3 12 17 8 12 9 8 20 12 4

11 13 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
kuo.wh kuo.t kuo.t trgld1 trgld2 trgld3 trgld4 trgld5 trgld6 trgld7 trgld8 trgld9rgld10rgld11rgld12rgld13rgld14rgld15rgld16
65 18 18 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
control11va 4va excutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcutexcut
Ablth 2vn -5vn K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K
-7t KO
Area 20
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2

13 13 13 13 13 13 13
uo.t14 uo.t15 uo.t16 uo.t17 uo.t18 uo.t19 uo.t20
18 18 18 18 18 18 18
4va 4va 4va 4va 4va 4va 4va
-5vn -5vn 0vn 0vn 0vn 0vn 0vn

+0 +0
1 12

11 11
13 13
74dy Dungeon of the Mad Mage Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
0day Once the Fate Weavers were finished with their R&R, they headed back to The Yawning Portal to
continue exploring the dungeon.
They decided to continue in order, and took a gate on level 2 down to level 5.

Level 1
Gate-10 pg.23
Level 2
Gate-4 pg.32
Gate-5 pg.36, has a quick path down to Level 7.
Gate-6 pg.39
Level 5
pg.73 4. CLOAKER DEN
The first area they explored had a few cloakers which needed to be cleared out. Once they were,
the adventurers found a very interesting cave filled with sound and light enhancing crystals. The
1day party immediately set about harvesting the crystals for later study. They made a trip home to gra
Crystalextra bodies and materials. To move the massive pillars, The four wizards and their familiars (usin
wands) cast Levitation, and Darfin cast Telekinesis, on each pillar to cut down the weight. They
used many pitons and ropes with the help of 16 Dread Warriors(only needed 6), and even brought
in a dozen Living Unseen Servants to help steady the slabs.
They also used their Brooms of Flying to brace a large carpet of flying to help reduce the weight o
the pillars by another 4,000 pounds.
Dread Warriors to carried the pillars into Demiplanes that Darfin created (30 per Demiplane) for
They were only able to successfully harvest 9 pillars per day (out of 10 tries at 1.5 hours per try), s
38day it took 38 days, 341 pillars, and 12 Demiplanes before they were finished.
The wizards maintained their divination casting rituals throughout the days.
They also captured wererat from level 1 for study. The lycanthropy immunity was interesting.


The Fate Weavers had already killed the cloakers by the time they met Wyllow, so she was quite
amiable to them. Besides, her divinations had shown that it would be extremely bad for her if she
did not make allies of these adventurers. She freely told them all about her level of the dungeon,
and explained how the gates worked.
The adventurers were disappointed with her knowledge. They decided that the dragon and its litt
horde of treasure would suffice to ease her lack of helpfulness. They slew the dragon, harvested
its parts, and looted the treasure.

pg.82 Level 6
Gate-9 pg.85
The party ran into some silly little dwarves who wanted to die. They magically interrogated one o
them before killing it, and found out about the other dwarves and some of the monsters on that
The adventurers took control of Skella, the leader of the scampy dwarves via a Suggestion spell.
They took her treasure out of sight of the other dwarves, and had her tell them all she knew abou
this level.
Gate-10 pg.88
After defeating a couple of Helmed Horrors, the party collected their remains for reanimation.


The Fate Weavers carefully collected the crystal battleaxes, and locked them in a chest after
identifying them. They would later reprogram them to be loyal to the party.

pg.90 29D. God AND DEMONS

Their many divinations had told them about the demons, so the adventurers were ready. They pu
the statues in portable holes, took them home, and broke each within a Magic Circle. The demon
were each questioned under magical persuasion, killed, and harvested for parts.


Daetris got the jump on a gray slaad, and used a Suggestion to take control of it. The party later
took it back home where Darfin used a Wish to create a control gem for it.
Gate-12 pg.91
Gate-7 pg.91
They got the jump on two gray slaads, and used a Suggestion to take control of them. The party
later took them back home where Darfin used Wishes to create a control gems for them.
pg.94 41. PRIVIES
Vathana got the jump on a gray slaad, and used a Suggestion to take control of it. The party later
1day took it back home where Darfin used a Wish to create a control gem for it.
Gate-13 pg.95
Gate-18 pg.95

34day The Fate Weavers went back home to sell loot, research their findings, study, and do some tradin
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 19 4

P.P. 25 26 30 27 27 26 4. CLOAKER DEN

Initiative: +9â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +2 +2 +2 +1
20 11 27 22 29 27 20 3 4 2

AC 30 26 27 30 26 25 14 14 14 18 13
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 1560 clkr.1 clkr.2 clkr.3 Drg.Gr.Yng wrbat archdrd
1 94 81 81 88 81 81 78 78 78 136 Lair 44
71h 63h 6h 102vn
57vn 49vn -8vn 71h
52va 44va KO 36va
40t 32t K 7t
17b 9b -15b
3d -7d KO
-15h KO K


Initiative: +9â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +0 +0 +0 +0 +2 +0 +0
21 16 17 29 27 26 8 6 19 15 13 4 6

AC 30 26 27 30 26 25 17 17 17 17 14 17 17
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 930 duerg.duerg.duerg.duerg. clkr.1 duerg.duerg.
1 94 81 81 88 81 81 26 26 26 26 78 26 26
16b 16b 16b 16b 68b 13h 13t
-1t -1t -1t -1t 60t -1d 9vn
KO KO KO KO 39va KO -7va
K K K stable 12vn K KO
sugst. -3d K

P.P. 25 26 30 27 27 26 15B. DAIS Area 18. Area 26.

Initiative: +9â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +0 -1 +1 +1 +1 +2
21 16 17 29 27 26

AC 30 26 27 30 26 25 17 14 20 20 18 17
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 420 Skella helm1 helm1 umbr fly.axe
1 94 81 81 88 81 81 26 133 60 60 93 17
sugst. 48d 48d 81d
39h 44h 62b
26t 38t -9wizs
14vn 26vn K
-2va 10va
K 0b

P.P. 25 26 30 27 27 26 Area 32 Area 34A

Initiative: +9â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â +3 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3
26 19 28 29 26 24 9 16 12 19 14 14

AC 30 26 27 30 26 25 18 18 18 18 18 18
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0 umbr umbr invs.s
1 94 81 81 88 81 81 127 93 93 127 127 127
sugst. 86b 86b sugst.sugst. sugst.
75h 75h -31vn
64t 64t
58vn 51vn
40va 33va
24d 17d
10b 2t
-11h -11vn
Interacting with objects



+0 +0 +0 +0 +0
9 13 14 16 13

17 17 17 19 19
duerg.duerg.duerg. xorn xorn
26 26 26 73 73
19b 19b 19b 70vn 66b
3t 11t 3t 64va 58t
-10t 5t -10t 54b 52t
KO -8t KO 51h 49vn
K KO K 43d 43va
K 30t 33b
22vn 30h
6va 22d
-3b 9t
KO 1vn
K -15va


+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +2

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 15 15
fly.swdfly.swdfly.swdfly.swdfly.swdfly.swdfly.swdfly.swdfly.swd glbrz. hezr1vrock brlgr.
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 157 136 104 68

Area 47A
+4 +4
14 15

14 14
104 104
24t 47b
-31vn -6h
6dy Thayan Invasion Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
1day The Thayans now had enough resources to implement their invasion of the sword coast. With
twenty mummy lords and their troops aiding, the red wizards brought their own living and undea
troops to swarm over Waterdeep with overwhelming force.
5day The city fell in a day. The Thayan armies spread north and south. Daggerford was consumed two
days later, and Neverwinter in a week. From there, they began fortifying their hold on the northe
Sword Coast.
The Fate Weavers aided the Thayans while in disguise. The party members each leaked a bit of
information to the Zhentarim, carefully playing the two sides against each other a little bit. The
adventurers were careful to keep their business and information contacts as safe as possible, so
they could maintain their resources.

Total Gain: 1 renown for Thay, and 1 renown for each main faction.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 5 0

P.P. 25 27 31 27 29 27
Initiative: +9â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â

AC 30 26 27 30 26 25
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0
1 94 88 88 88 88 81
Interacting with objects
0dy Adventure Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Healing init. 13 0

P.P. 25 27 31 27 29 27
Initiative: +9â +4â +9â +9â +9â +9â

AC 30 26 27 30 26 25
turn Hit Points Beld Daet Holm Thlwn Varit Vath 0
1 94 88 88 88 88 81
Interacting with objects
Experience Points By Challenge Rating
Random encounter tables


19 Lgnd. 17 15 19 Lgnd. 18 18 18
Drg.Brnz.Adlt Drg.Blk.Wrm. drag.F Drg.Gd.Adlt. Drg.Gd.Yng.Drc.Gr.Yng Drg.Gr.Yng Drg.R.A.
212 Lair 33 14 256 178 136 Lair 136 Lair

15 18 25 17 15 28 16 15 16 11
brlgr. bblth. cmbn camb.h chsm1 dem.w devour dvl.brb dev.chn drtch1
68 150 82 77 84 90 178 110 85 18

13 19 13 12 14 15 16 18 21 15
quasit rtrvr. shd.d sld.R sld.B succu vrock
7 110 66 10 93 123 127 127 66 104


17 17 17 15 17 14 16 16 16
A.Serv azer1 E.A.1 E.E.1 E.F.1 E.I.1 E.L.1 E.M.1
39 46 77 90 126 102 114 102 114

12 11 11 15 17 18 13 19
mpht.D mpht.i mph.m slmnd Thoq. Thq.L w.wrd. xorn
17 21 27 90 16 78 58 73


16 32 33 12 15 12 15 14 13
Adept archdrd archmg stf.P Arkra assn.C bndt1 B.cap Bard brsrk
11 132 99 13 32 11 65 27 67

15 17/19 18 22 17 23 21 18 15 13/16
drow drw.d drw.E drw.f drw.P drw.R drw.w
13 13 42 71 32 74 50 45 37 45

14 14 10 12 17 14 15 13 17 16
frg.W gnt.C gc.kid gnt.E gt.for G.frst gnt.hl G.stn G.strm
9 200 8 85 162 149 138 105 126 230

18 17 20 18 13 14 13 19 16 18
hob.1 hob.cpt hob.w Hnd.R. hhi.1 hrcn1 Kenku Knt. knt.dt Knt.Th
11 55 97 237 9 33 13 52 58 153

11 12 13 16 13 17 18 12 18 14
ogre1 ogr.H ogr.w Oni orc.1 orog.1 Pirt.1 P.B.E. P.C.W.
59 30 103 110 15 45 42 11 45 52

14 12/15 19 14 13 20 11 10 18 18
sor.cwc sorc.1 sorc.E Spy 1 thg.1 thg.A trogld U.S.L vetrn wrlrd
60 22 78 27 32 42 13 4 58 299


19 Lgnd. 20 15 14 12 12 13 10 15
ablth. A.A.1 anim.t ankhg ape.1 ape.G Awak.H. bdgr.G bslsk. bear.B
135 Lair 33 39 39 19 157 37 13 52

14 14 15 16 14 19 15 12 18 13
chmra chtn.1 chldrth chuul1 clkr.1 coutl. crb.G drknb. destra Dsplc.
114 18 66 93 78 97 13 27 93 85

6 9 10 11 11 14 9 17 19 14
g.gltn.cb gibr.1 Goat goat2h GoatG glm.fl glm.s1 grgn. Grick
158 67 4 19 19 133 93 178 114 27

10 10 15 11 12 12 14 15 10 12
hrs.D hrs.R hydra hyen1 lion liz.G. mntcr medsa Mule mcnd
19 13 172 11 26 19 68 127 11 22

10 13 14 10 13 17 12 20 8 12
rat rat.dr rat.K. rat.sw rat.ur rmraz rmrz.h ropr.1 rot.grb rug.s.g
1 22 76 24 34 195 45 93 22 99

14 14 12 12 11 12 16 16 16 Sprt.Wep. strg.1 tht.etr Tiger toad.G toad.Ic Top.Sent. Trnt1 tree.A
26 2 21 37 39 32 105 138 138

14 17 21 12 19 15 23 15 13
adze1 anbst A.Dth. bansh bhld.dthRays bhld.zmb D.Knt drd.W. f.skul gha.1
51 190 33+ 58 187 93 180 26 40
11 13 13 12 13 19 14 21 16
redd. rvnt.1 rvrt.1 Shad1 skel.1 skel.D skel.f Skl.L. Lgnd skl.LL Skl.og
103 136 136 16 13 182 52 105 83

16 Abilit. 16 15 14 18 20 19 13 14
vampLgnd. vmp.b vmp.sabilit. wght wt.btl. wght.k wisp wrth. wrth.t2
144 32 52 45 45 75 22 67 105

22 Lgnd. 18 19 Lgnd. 18 Lgnd. 22 Lgnd.

Drg.R.A. Drg.R.Yng Drg.Slv.Adlt. Drag.Wht.Adlt. Drag.Wt.Yng. KraknAbilit.
546 178 243 200 Lair Lair 630

17 13 16 15 7 9 18 18 18 13
drtch1 glbrz. Imp hezr1 h.hnd Lemr. mane mzlth nbsu. Nlfsh. ntmr.
157 10 136 45 13 9 75 190+ 184 68

16 17 15 14 18 Lgnd. 13 12 13
E.M.1 E.O.1 E.Ruin E.Sa.1 E.Sm.1 E.W.1 E.W.A. gru.A. gru.E. gru.F. gru.W.
126 114 90 114 324 14 22 22

21 16 13 17 10 12 15/17 14 17 14
BEG Bgbr.1 Clr.5 clr.boc comnr cultst cult.F CWR CPG Cclps
39 27 27 31 4 9 33 22 57 138

13/16 19 14/16 17 19 19 16 14+3 17 12 11/14

drw.w drw.v druid duerg. durg.O durg.P duer.S e.anch EFG.1 etn.dr fthmr
58 27 26 37 32 36 33 45 85 52

22 19 15 13 15 17 17 14 16 16
G.strm gthy.k gthy.w gnoll.1 gnl.Pl Gob.1 gob.B gob.Sh grndr grd.1 grd.A
109 63 22 22 7 21 27 33 11 11

12 13 13 13 11 15 12 12 16 19 16
Knt.Th Kob. Kb.w kuo.t kuo.APkuo.wh Liz.1 liz.m L.M.S. L.M.Q. mndfl mnk11
5 7 18 97 65 22 22 33 76 71 60

13/16 16 16 17 18 14 19 17 13 21
P.C.W. P.E.F. P.H.H. Rksh. rzrblst RPser RPsld rvka.E scorw Scout.1 skwvr
52 45 110 122 58 32 130 94 16 40

13 12 12 19 12/15 13/16 12/15 13/16 18 33

wrlrd wrbat wrjakl wrrat wiz.F wiz.5 wiz.db wiz.R8 Wiz.9 Wiz.12 Zulkir
44 18 33 22 22 40 36 49 66 99

11 13 12 13 17 18 14 15 7 13/16
bear.B bear.O bear.P btl.f.1 behir bhldr. bhld.s bhld.z blk.pd. Blckthrn
34 59 42 4 168 180 39 93 85 152

12 12 12 12 14 16 13 17 11 5
Dsplc. dog.D dg.D+ dog.wa dog w drk.grd dryd.H eel.ltn fly.swd frg.G fung.v
39 39 26 5 52 18 42 17 18 18

18 12 17 14 11 12 20 20 11 13
grk.a grfn. hag.G hag.S1 harpy hwk.B helm1 HHB1 hpgrf. hmnc.
75 59 82 52 38 7 60 102 19 1+

13 13 15 11 16 8 14 12 18 14
mcnd mcnS nereid nthc.1 octps.g Oni oz.gry otyug pnthr p.wrm PWY
60 44 45 52 110 22 114 13 247 93

12 14 11 21 17 5 9 13 12 12
rug.s.g rug.S rst.m scrcrw scrp.w sh.grd Shrkr1 shrb1 skel.1 snk.c snk.e
33 27 36 84 142 13 10 13 60 60

15 18 14 14 20 12 13 14 13 13
Troll umbr Vn.Grd.Grt. Vinlng. wf.tit wsp.G Wlf.1 wlf.D wlf.w worg
84 93 105 4 125 13 11 37 75 26

13 12 13 Lgnd. 11 13 17 Lgnd. 11 13 21 Lgnd.

gha.1 ghl.1 ghl.L gho.1 gho.c Lich Lair mum1 mmy.c1 M.Lrd Lair
36 22 66 45 45 135 58 85 97 Heart
16 10 12 13 14
Skl.og S.o.K. spct.1 tmb.h tmb.E
67 171 22 26 38

15 16 14 8 8 13 8
wrth.t2 wrth.t3 wrth.t4 wrth.n Zom1 zom.c zmb.L zmb.R
161 204 85 22 22 82 22
ntmr. Pit Fnd

12 14
gru.W. invs.s
30 104

16 15 18 14 dero1 der.S dopel
17 24 47 52

11/14 16 16 16 10
fthmr foul.g foul.m frg.T.
59 59 26 19

19 17 13
grd.A grd.elf grd.rp Grd.t.
58 32 4

14 18
mnk11 ofcr.rp
22 37



11 12 17 15 13
Boar boar.G Bulet blywg Crwl.1
11 42 94 11 51

16 15 5 6
fung.v galeb gargl gs.spr. gltn.cb
85 52 1 84

11 15
hmnc. hrs.w hk.hrr
19 75

13 13
quag1 qpr.sw
45 28

14 14 13 13
snk.F. snk.p Spd.G spdr.p
28 11 11 32

13 20 12
wvrn xilon1 yeti
110 93 51

Lgnd. 12
Heart 19
Factions: Harpers Order of the Gauntlet Emerald Enclave
Spellcasting Services Met Met Met Met


Item Cost
Ale 23 17/19 19 22 16
Gallon 2 sp Agrak Asala Aleyd Aquas arat.a
Mug 4 cp 60 13 95 121 110
Banquet (per person) 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp 16 22 Lgnd. 33 Lgnd.
Cheese, hunk 1 sp Cress KraknAbilit. Epic Dendr Dissonant Dengr
Inn stay (per day) 200 630 900
Squalid 7 cp
Poor 1 sp 17 16 13 13/17 20
Modest 5 sp Fydor ghared Ixas Ixusa Karsev
Comfortable 8 sp 162 36 33 40 36
Wealthy 2 gp
Aristocratic 4 gp 19 16 21 14 19
Meals (per day) Mrdvc Meira Mifru Murssv. Nalifarn
Squalid 3 cp 66 98 40 90 32
Poor 6 cp
Modest 3 sp
Comfortable 5 sp 18 15 34 Lgnd. 25 11/14
Wealthy 8 sp Spern Strmgl Tarul Theara
Aristocratic 2 gp 33 66 105 80
Meat, chunk 3 sp
Common (pitcher) 2 sp Dragons
Fine (bottle) 10 gp splbk
22 Lgnd. 19 21 Size 23
SERVICES Doz.G. Felgo Ntscl. Lair Ntscl3 Lair
Service Pay 546 212 134 140
Coach cab
Between towns 3 cp per mile
Within a city 1 cp
Hireling +3 +3
Skilled 2 gp per day
Untrained 2 sp per day speed
Messenger 2 cp per mile Lv. Bless
Road or gate toll 1 cp 18 18
Ship's passage 1 sp per mile Spiritual WeaponMeira
Wylan β
78 98
Sowing Rumors KO
Emerald Enclave Lord’s Alliance Zhentarim Mercenary Guild Merchant's Consortium
Met Met Met Met

12 16 19 19 22 15 18 17 13 14/17
arat.a arat.h arat.n arat.K Ariz1 Ariz2 Bhun Breex Brtlf. f.shrd skywvr
52 66 105 58 71 67 73 200 51 44

24 14 15 18 10 21 19
Dengr Deriel Elsnd.4 pic Elsnd.5 pic Mr.Bill Erlich Farvn
224 24 21 26 8 59 58

19 12/15 19/21 16 Lgnd. 16

Karsev Kaxat Khelri1 Khelri2 Ldy.GspAbilit. ltl.wng
76 45 45 144 52

19 18 18 14 22 13 19 Lgnd. 14 17
Nalifarn Nimira rog.tht Lair Rorr Snsri shalnd Shelav. sibrix Skov Snrvn.
64 71 26 208 65 52 150 45 51

11/14 14/16 14 25 14/18 24 Lgnd. 24 Lgnd. 18 18 13/16

Theg Thul. ULFE Velas Vyrls. Wen.TMyth.Wen.RMyth. Wylan Yegeor Xaxan
33 200 105 221 48 683 473 Mortifying 78 45 22

splbk Lgnd. Items Spellwrt.Tattoo Level Smite 3/3

24 17 18 Lair 10 Cntrspl.Ʀ 2 LoH 20 24 Lgnd.
Ntscl4 Ryth. Scorlworyx 29 10 ShieldƦ 1 Ring - Spl.Stor.ra Vorg. Lair
147 33 178 Taem 8 Misty Stepβ 2 Lv.1 Comp.Lang.® 385
560 15 Healing Wordβ 1 Lv.4 Polymorph
Knights of Cormyr Red Wizards
Met Met

17 10
Capt. Cassy
58 9



8.8' per turn = 1mph.
Useful Dragon Parts Magical Item Search and Price Negotiation Press F9 to roll.
DC.25breath organ Investigation Persuasion Sale
DC.25heart Bonus Bonus Modifier
DC.20brain 19 26 0
DC.15tongue Find Buyer Persuasion
DC.20skin Roll Roll or Seller Roll Roll %Roll
DC.20wings 7 2 20 6 Yes 14 20 15 14 7 20
DC.15blood 15 14 12 11 Yes 5 5 15 9 18 85
DC.15claws 16 11 2 11 Yes 7 3 17 2 18 86
DC.15teeth 9 3 14 4 Yes 17 10 1 7 4 80
DC.12bones 3 1 16 7 Yes 6 15 14 2 12 55
13 11 13 2 Yes 14 12 7 4 20 65
16 6 4 6 Yes 10 12 5 15 11 73
Value of Components 14 20 2 20 Yes 14 13 10 17 7 38
6 2 2 5 Yes 10 4 12 6 14 79
3 9 11 1 Yes 14 19 7 1 13 9
Slave Prices 17 1 2 4 Yes 9 9 13 16 9 20
16 9 18 15 Yes 5 20 6 8 9 51
6 4 9 4 Yes 17 5 20 9 3 87
20 9 1 12 Yes 17 5 17 9 6 59
16 16 15 13 Yes 14 6 2 13 11 14
10 20 4 4 Yes 7 2 10 3 20 13
17 10 2 4 Yes 16 4 8 17 5 34
8 2 13 5 Yes 3 9 1 11 9 35
12 2 5 8 Yes 2 8 7 11 10 74
15 9 3 8 Yes 19 20 16 14 16 44
20 15 4 5 Yes 12 9 10 11 12 20
5 7 2 9 Yes 3 1 8 15 4 60
18 16 10 6 Yes 11 3 7 4 8 38
19 11 12 19 Yes 1 18 1 5 9 38
20 20 16 4 Yes 11 1 12 11 13 35
10 1 13 12 Yes 19 2 4 2 1 90
19 8 9 3 Yes 17 18 16 14 8 94

bad stuff xplos pois. luz.2 luz.1 1/2 Potion Variant Chart from DMG pg.140
both work normally
numerical effects and duration of 1 potion doubles
only one potion works, but is permanent

Giant Strength
Potions: anim clair clmb compDex.L Dex. Dx.Grdimin Ethr. f.brth. fly g.frm. Hill Frost
1 Animal Friendship anim
2 Clairvoyance clair
3 Climbing clmb
4 Comprehension comp
5 Dexterity Lesser Dex.L
6 Dexterity Dex.
7 Dexterity Greater Dx.Gr
8 Diminution dimin
9 Etherealness Ethr.
10 Fire Breath f.brth.
11 Flying fly
12 Gaseous Form g.frm.
13 Hill Giant Strength Hill
14 Frost/Stone Giant Stre Frost
15 Fire Giant Strength Fire
16 Cloud Giant Strength Clod.
17 Storm Giant Strength LStrm.
18 Growth grth.
19 Harming harm.
20 Harming - Greater Grtr.
21 Harming - Superior Super
22 Harming - Supreme Supre
23 Healing Heal.
24 Healing Greater Grtr.
25 Healing Superior Super
26 Healing Supreme Supre
27 Heroism hero
28 Invisibility Invis.
29 Invulnerability invul
30 Longevity Lngv.
31 Love Love
32 Mind Contrl-Beast mc.B
33 Mind Contrl-Humnd. mc.H
34 Mind Contrl-Monster mc.M
35 Mind Reading mnd.
36 Poison pois.
37 Rainbow potion rnbw
38 Res.acid Acid
39 Res.force Frc.
40 Res.Cld. Cold
41 Res.Fire Fire
42 Res.Ltn. Ltn.
43 Res.poison Pois
44 Res.psychic Psyc.
45 Res.radiant Rad.
46 Res.necrotic Nec.
47 Res.Thndr. Thnd
48 Slipperiness slpry.
49 Soothsalts sth.slt
50 Speed spd.
51 Swimming swim
52 Topaz potion topaz
53 Vitality Vital.
54 Watchful Rest Wtch.
55 Water Breathing Wat.
56 5329
Press F9 to roll. SELLING A MAGIC ITEM


Total Type of Buyer and Price Deal 1 0.67

66 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
129 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
130 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
123 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
96 A shady buyer offering one and a half times the base price, no questions asked.
111 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
114 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
81 A buyer offering the full base price.
119 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
54 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
62 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
97 A shady buyer offering one and a half times the base price, no questions asked.
133 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
102 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
54 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
59 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
77 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
72 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
111 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
90 A buyer offering the full base price.
58 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
101 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
75 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
82 A buyer offering the full base price.
74 A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
135 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
138 A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
0 0
Buy 0 0
Sell 0 0
Total: 0
Avg.$ #DIV/0!

Buy #DIV/0!

Sell 0

hart from DMG pg.140

Giant Strength Harming Healing
Fire Clod. Strm. grth. harm. Grtr. SuperSupreHeal. Grtr. SuperSupre hero Invis.invul. Lngv. Love mc.B mc.H mc.M
0.44 2

0 0 0 Price
0 0 0 500
0 0 0
mnd. pois. rnbw Acid Frc. Cold Fire Ltn. Pois Psyc. Rad. Nec. Thnd.slprysth.slt spd. swim topaz Vital. Wtch.
Spell Areas 6 squares
0 Force Bolt D20 with advantage 15' cone
0 Sun Bolt 1 0.25% 5' r
2 0.75% 4 squares
1 Deflect SpellƦ 3 1.25%
1 Magic Missile Stream$ 4 1.75%
1 Psychic Shout 5 2.25%
1 Sunwave 6 2.75% 10' r
1 Zombie Touch 7 3.25% 12 squares
8 3.75%
2 BlindsightH 9 4.25%
2 Block SpellƦ 10 4.75%
2 Force Missile Swarm 11 5.25% 75%
2 Silnt.Lrg.Imag. 12 5.75%
2 Sun Spray 13 6.25% 15' r
2 TremorsenseH 14 6.75% 24 squares
2 Zombie Ray 15 7.25% 51%
16 7.75%
3 Antivermin Shell 17 8.25%
3 Force Blast 18 8.75%
3 Secudlos' Flying Disk.® 19 9.25%
3 Silnt.Hg.Imag. 20 9.75%
3 Xano Blast ‽ 100%
20' r
4 Bright 54 squares
4 Force Missile Cloud
4 Force Screen
4 Silnt.Gnt.Imag.
4 Summon Greater Devil

5 Silnt.Ttn.Imag.

6 Contingency-Improved$
6 Maj.Ttn.Imag.

7 Prst.Ttn.Imag. 30' r
7 Psychic Storm 106 squares
7 Simulac.Sansuri's$
7 Sun Storm

8 Force Missile Storm

9 Chain Contingency$
9 Death Scream
9 Rain of Sun Bolts
6 squares

15' c 15' c
6 squares 6 squares

70' diameter circle at end

30' cone 30' cone 60' cone

21 squares 21 squares 78 squares

30' cone
21 squares

60' cone 65' diameter circle at end 90' diameter circle at end
78 squares

60' cone
78 squares
45' r
224 squares

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