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1. Complete the sentences with SOME, ANY, NO, A, AN or THE.

E.g.: There is A TV in THE house.

a) There are _______ books on the table.

b) My mother doesn’t have ________ car.
c) Would you like ________ coffee?
d) I have ________ money, I’m very poor.
e) Where is _____ pen? ______ pen is in that bag.
f) That is ______ beautiful car.
g) _____ bottle is empty. Could you get us ______ water please?
h) There is ____ elephant in the zoo! I heard it is very big!

2. Use an adjective to describe the items below:

E.g.: Turtles are SLOW.

a) Bill gates is ______________________.

b) LeBron James is _____________________.
c) Coffee is usually _____________________.
d) Elephants are ______________________.
e) Ice-cream is ______________________.
f) Grandpa is _____________________.
g) Racing cars are ______________________.
h) This exercise is _______________________.

3. Describe what is in your refrigerator.

E.g.: In my refrigerator there are some eggs, a bottle of water and some fruits. There is a
pinapple, some grapes and a few apples…


4. Complete the sentences with COMPOUNDS (SOME, ANY, NO + ONE, BODY, THING, WHERE)
E.g.: Would you like SOMETHING to drink?

a) Where is my wallet? I’m sure it’s ______________________________ around here.

b) Is there ___________________________ in the bathroom? I really want to go.

c) There is __________________________ in your teeth.
d) This exercise is really difficult! ___________________________ knows the answer
e) He is a nice boy, there is ____________________________ wrong with him.
f) My keys aren’t __________________________ around here.

5. Write the three words in parentheses to describe each noun in the correct order.
E.g.: That is a __________ house (yellow, old, big).
That is a BIG OLD YELLOW house.

a) It’s a _________________________________ car (blue, Italian, beautiful).

b) That is a ______________________________ table (wooden, square, old).
c) What a _______________________________ dress (cotton, ugly, long).
d) She is a _______________________________ girl (young, beautiful, Japanese, short).
e) I love this _____________________________ song (Mexican, old, popular).
f) Mmmm… these are some _________________________ cookies (chocolate, dark, delicious).

6. Correct the text below.

E.g.: I have any NO problems with Math. It is really easy!

My name is Rick. I am 60 years old, and I have a really big family. I have four daughters, but I
don’t have no sons. I have any grandchildren, I don’t even know the number. I love animals. I
have a dog, but I don’t have no cats. I always gather all my family in my house for dinner on
Sundays. We always have any pizza, soda and ice-cream. My grandchildren love it, but their
mothers not so much. They think we should try no healthier options.

7. Look at the images below and describe what you see. Remember to use SOME / ANY / A / AN
and adjectives. The more you write the better!

a) __________________________________________ d) _________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


b) __________________________________________ e) _________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

c) __________________________________________ f) _________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

8. Complete the sentences with THERE IS/THERE ARE/THERE ISN’T/ THERE AREN’T and SOME/
E.g.: There are SOME colored pencils in my pencil case.

a) If you’re thirsty, ________________________ water in the refrigerator.

b) _____________________________ cars on the street.
c) _____________________________ books in your bag?
d) ______________________ dogs in my house because my mom hates them.

9. Read the text below about Jared’s diet and then write about yours.

Hi, my name is Jared. Every day I have some bread, and eggs for breakfast. I always drink coffee
without any sugar or milk. For lunch I always have some salad, a steak and some rice. I don’t
have any dessert because I am on a diet. In the afternoon I usually eat some grapes or an apple
for a snack. For dinner I just have some soup. It’s a very hard diet!


answer keys
1. 5.
a) some a) beautiful blue Italian
b) a b) old square wooden
c) some c) ugly long cotton
d) no d) beautiful short young Japanese
e) the/The e) popular old Mexican
f) a f) delicious dark chocolate
g) the/some
h) an 6.
My name is Rick. I am 64 years old, and I have a really
2. big family. I have four daughters, but I don’t have ANY
Answers may vary. Some possible answers are: sons. I have SOME grandchildren, I don’t even know how
a) Rich / Old many. I love animals. I have a dog, but I don’t have ANY
b) Tall / Strong / Rich cats. I always gather all my family in my house for dinner
c) Hot / good / bad on Sundays. We always have SOME pizza, soda and ice-
d) Big / beautiful / ugly cream. My grandchildren love it, but their mothers not so
e) Cold / Good / Cheap much. They think we should try SOME healthier options.
f) Old
g) Fast
h) Easy / Difficult 7.
Answers may vary.
Answers may vary
4. a) there is some
a) somewhere b) there are some
b) anybody/anyone c) are there any?
c) something d) there aren’t any / there are no
d) nobody/no-one
e) nothing 9.
f) anywhere Answers will vary.


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