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Adolescence 16th Edition Santrock Test Bank

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Steinberg Test Bank
Chapter 6
Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Which of the following statements regarding sex and the media is TRUE?

A. Sex is portrayed as a recreational activity.

B. Sex is often portrayed in a stereotypical way.
C. Women are portrayed as sex objects.
D. All of these are true.

2. Which of the following was a finding from several research studies of adolescents who watched
sexually explicit TV shows?

A. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
initiation of dating.
B. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and the
initiation of sexual intercourse.
C. Adolescents who watched "sexy" shows were less likely to endorse sexual stereotypes than
adolescents who did not watch these shows.
D. None of these was a finding.

3. Which of the following statements regarding development of a sexual identity is NOT true?

A. Western societies place few constraints on adolescents' sexual behavior.

B. Developing a sexual identity is a lengthy process.
C. Sexual identity involves an indication of sexual orientation.
D. Social and cultural factors play a role in the development of a sexual identity.

4. Obtaining information about adolescent sexuality has been difficult because

A. those with conservative sexual attitudes are less likely to respond to sexual surveys than those
with more liberal attitudes.
B. some people refuse to answer questions about sex asked by a stranger.
C. some people give socially acceptable answers rather than truthful answers.
D. all of these.
5. Research shows that by age 20, what percentage of U.S. youth have engaged in sexual

A. 54
B. 77
C. 82
D. 90

6. Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and gender is NOT true?

A. Adolescent females are less likely than males to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable
B. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to be sexually active.
C. Adolescent males are less likely than adolescent females to report sexual intercourse as an
enjoyable experience.
D. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to engage in sexual intercourse.

7. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to have had a sexual experience before age

A. Abby, a non-Latino White teen

B. Zach, an African American teen
C. Lynda, an Asian teen
D. Josie, a Latino teen

8. Studies of Latino adolescents' sexual behavior found that, as acculturation proceeded, all of the
following happened, EXCEPT

A. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of African-
American adolescents.
B. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of non-Latino
White adolescents.
C. sexual behavior was initiated earlier.
D. condom use increased.

9. In a national survey, approximately what percentage of both 15- to 19-year-old males and
females said that they had engaged in oral sex?

A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 65
10. Which of the following statements regarding abstinence-only sex education programs is TRUE?

A. They delay the onset of sexual intercourse.

B. They reduce HIV-risk behavior.
C. They do not delay the onset of sexual intercourse.
D. They are preferred by the majority of parents.

11. For many adolescents, oral sex is

A. restricted to the confines of an intimate relationship.

B. a casual activity.
C. carefully considered behavior.
D. none of these.

12. Liz engages in oral sex with her boyfriend Trevor. Which of the following statements regarding
beliefs about oral sex is Liz MOST likely to hold?

A. Oral sex has no health risks.

B. Oral sex is safer than sexual intercourse.
C. Oral sex is not really sex.
D. All of these.

13. Which differences exist among different cultures with respect to the timing of teenage sexual

A. In developing nations, sexually experienced females, ages 15-19, are married; in developed
nations, sexually experienced teens of the same age are not married.
B. In developing nations, sexually experienced males and females, ages 15-19, are likely to be
C. There is very little difference in the timing of sexual behaviors among developed nations such
as the United States, Sweden, and Australia.
D. In most Asian countries, first intercourse occurs somewhat earlier than in the United States.

14. A stereotyped pattern of role prescriptions for how individuals should behave sexually is known as

A. sexual edict.
B. sexual script.
C. sexual role.
D. sexual norm.
15. Girls commonly cite all of the following reasons for being sexually active EXCEPT

A. being in love.
B. pressure from males.
C. curiosity.
D. pressure from female friends.

16. Sheila, age 16, has just begun to be sexually active with her boyfriend Ted. Which of the following
reasons would Sheila MOST likely say is the main reason she is sexually active?

A. She is in love with Ted.

B. She was the last of her group of girlfriends to be sexually active and she liked Ted well enough.
C. She was curious about sex.
D. She wanted to rebel against her parents' strict religious rules.

17. Adolescent boys are MORE likely than adolescent girls to cite ______ as a reason for becoming
sexually active.

A. being in love
B. peer pressure
C. curiosity
D. none of these

18. A recent study showed that college women who ______ made more responsible decisions
regarding sexuality than women who did not engage in this behavior.

A. attended weekly religious services.

B. volunteered in their communities at least five hours per week.
C. had a prior STI.
D. frequently set personal goals.

19. Early sexual activity has been linked to all of the following behaviors EXCEPT

A. delinquency.
B. eating disorders.
C. drug use.
D. school-related problems.
20. Which of the following adolescents is MOST at risk for engaging in sexual activity?

A. Charlotte, age 14, whose older sister became pregnant at age 16

B. Howie, age 15, who lives with his biological parents in a middle-class neighborhood
C. Juanita, a 16-year-old Latina whose parents monitor her closely
D. Cole, age 17, who is active in three sports and has a close relationship with his parents

21. Reviews of recent research have found that Latino adolescents were less likely to engage in risky
sexual behavior when

A. their fathers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
B. their mothers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
C. their grandmothers or older aunts talked to them about the possible negative consequences of
D. they were confined to their homes after school and on weekends.

22. A cognitive factor implicated in sexual risk-taking in adolescence is

A. attention problems.
B. negative peer pressure.
C. poor self-regulation.
D. all of these.

23. A protective factor against sexual risk-taking in African American adolescents is

A. positive peer role models.

B. positive adult role models.
C. involvement in religion.
D. all of these.

24. The average age for marriage in the United States is _____ for men and ______ for women.

A. 27; 24
B. 28; 25
C. 27; 25
D. 29; 25
25. Which of the following statements regarding patterns in heterosexual behavior for men and
women in emerging adulthood is NOT true?

A. Males have more casual sexual partners than females.

B. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in young adulthood.
C. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults to have had sexual experiences with two or
more partners.
D. Emerging adults have sex more frequently than young adults.

26. The current trend in sex education in schools in the United States is increasingly focused on

A. safer sex.
B. abstinence.
C. comprehensive sex education.
D. decreasing sexually-transmitted diseases.

27. The majority of sexual minority (same-sex) individuals experience their first sexual behavior in

A. adolescence.
B. late childhood.
C. emerging adulthood.
D. young adulthood.

28. Which of the following statements regarding heterosexual behavior and same-sex attraction is

A. Patterns of attraction to sexual partners are determined in adolescence and do not change
after that.
B. People are either heterosexual or have same-sex attraction.
C. The term "bisexual" really means someone who is same-sex identified but afraid to admit it.
D. The use of the term "homosexual" has been replaced by the term "same-sex attraction."

29. Catherine identifies herself as a lesbian. Which of the following is probably TRUE for Catherine?

A. She shares her sexual orientation with five to six percent of women in the United States
B. She has the same physiological responses to arousal as heterosexual women.
C. Her brain structure, particularly in the area of the hypothalamus, is different than the brains of
heterosexual women.
D. She has a higher level of testosterone than heterosexual women.
30. Russell, a gay man, participated in a research study in which he was given injections of
androgens to see what, if any, change there would be on his sexual orientation. According to
research, which of the following was the most likely outcome for Russell in this study?

A. He became more sexually interested in women.

B. He experienced an increase in desire but had no change in sexual orientation.
C. He experienced a decrease in desire but no change in sexual orientation.
D. None of these

31. Researcher Simon LeVay said that he found that a tiny area of the hypothalamus that governs
sexual behavior is twice as large in heterosexual men as in same-sex men. LeVay's research has
been criticized, however, by those who point out that

A. he did not have a large enough sample from which to draw conclusions.
B. he did not have a balance between heterosexual men and same-sex attraction men.
C. many same-sex attraction men in LeVay's study had AIDS, which could have affected their
D. many of the heterosexual men in LeVay's study had Alzheimer's disease, which could have
affected their brains.

32. Research suggests that sexual attraction is determined by

A. genetic factors.
B. hormonal factors.
C. environmental factors.
D. all of these.

33. Molly, age nine, is being raised by her biological mother and her mother's lesbian partner.
Research suggests that Molly will

A. probably grow up to be a lesbian.

B. probably grow up to be heterosexual.
C. decrease her chances of being a lesbian if she chooses a strong heterosexual woman for a
role model.
D. increase her chances of becoming a lesbian if she chooses a strong male role model.
34. If Roland, a gay male, followed the developmental pattern of many same-sex attraction men and
women, all of the following are true EXCEPT

A. he was not aware of his same-sex attraction until late adolescence.

B. he did not engage in heterosexual dating.
C. he recognized that he was gay in early adulthood.
D. he never had any sexual interest in females.

35. Ivy realizes that she is strongly sexually attracted to other females. According to research on
disclosure, Ivy is most likely to FIRST tell her

A. sister.
B. mother.
C. friend.
D. father.

36. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent disclosure of their same-sex orientation is

A. Mothers are more likely than fathers to know about their adolescents' same-sex attraction.
B. Fathers are usually told before mothers.
C. Siblings are usually told before friends.
D. Parents are usually told before friends.

37. Having irrational, negative feelings against individuals who have same-sex attractions is called

A. stigma.
B. humorosity.
C. stereotyping.
D. homophobia.

38. Mary believes that all child molesters are gay men and she goes out of her way to avoid a
colleague whom she believes is a gay man. Mary's beliefs and behavior could be labeled as

A. sexual harassment.
B. stigmatizing.
C. homophobia.
D. gay bashing.
39. Hiding one's real social identity is known as

A. covering.
B. closeting.
C. passing.
D. posing.

40. Phil is a gay man, but he dates women and has told nobody about his sexual orientation. Phil is
engaged in a form of self-devaluation called

A. passing.
B. closeting.
C. covert lying.
D. covering.

41. Which of the following is NOT an area of similarity in the lives of heterosexual, same-sex
attraction, and bisexual adolescents?

A. friendship quality
B. relationships with parents
C. academic orientation
D. perception of school climate

42. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to report victimization as a result of sexual

A. Jacob, who is a bisexual

B. Zully, who is a lesbian
C. Katie, who is a heterosexual
D. Conrad, who is a gay male

43. Which of the following statements regarding sexual orientation and mental health is TRUE?

A. Significantly more same-sex youth commit suicide than heterosexual youth.

B. Same-sex youth have higher perceived stress than heterosexual youth.
C. Sexual minority youth have less mastery of their lives than heterosexual youth.
D. Sexual minority youth have higher rates of depression and anxiety than heterosexual youth.
44. The most common sexual outlet for adolescents is

A. oral sex.
B. petting.
C. masturbation.
D. sexual intercourse.

45. Which of the following statements regarding masturbation is NOT true?

A. More males masturbate than females.

B. Information on masturbation is based on self-reports.
C. Masturbation is a more stigmatized behavior for females than for males.
D. Most adolescents today feel guilty about masturbation.

46. Which of the following statements regarding the use of contraceptives is TRUE?

A. Adolescents have increased their use of contraceptives.

B. Many sexually active adolescents do not use contraceptives consistently.
C. Sexually active younger adolescents are less likely to use contraceptives than older
D. All of these are true.

47. Condom use has been associated with

A. educational level.
B. friends' use of condoms.
C. socioeconomic status.
D. access to health care.

48. Daughters of teenage mothers are at increased risk of

A. dropping out of school.

B. poor health.
C. being teenage mothers themselves.
D. none of these.
49. The highest rates of adolescent pregnancies and childbearing in the developed world occur in
which nation?

A. Canada
B. England
C. United States
D. France

50. Adolescents in a European country are more likely than adolescents in the United States to be

A. told that childbearing is an adult activity.

B. accepted by adults for being sexually active with responsibility.
C. told to protect themselves and their partners from pregnancy and STIs.
D. all of these.

51. Adolescents in the United Sates are less likely than their counterparts in Canada to

A. have access to a comprehensive sex-education program in school.

B. have access to reproductive health services.
C. be provided with free contraceptives.
D. all of these.

52. A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and contraceptive
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these

53. Which of the following girls is MOST likely to become pregnant while a teen?

A. Amy, a non-Latino white girl.

B. Robin, an African American girl.
C. Sally, a Latina.
D. All of them have an equal probability of becoming pregnant while still a teen.
54. Two reasons for the rise in the proportion of adolescent births that are nonmarital are because
marriage has become quite rare in adolescence and because

A. pregnancy is no longer seen as a reason to get married.

B. the fathers of these babies are not able to support them as well as their mothers.
C. most of these children are given up for adoption, so there is no need to marry.
D. none of these.

55. Which of the following statements regarding abortion in the United States is NOT true?

A. The experiences of adolescents who want to have an abortion vary by state and region.
B. Some areas of the country have more providers for abortions than others.
C. Some states require parental permission before performing an abortion on an adolescent.
D. The right to an abortion has been guaranteed by the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision.

56. In the United States, approximately what fraction of teen pregnancies ends in abortion?

A. one-half
B. one-quarter
C. one-third
D. two-thirds

57. Senator Gorson makes the case to his colleagues that there should be national legislation
mandating parental consent for adolescent girls' abortions. He calls abortion a "medically
dangerous procedure" and one that will "scar these young women for life." Research on his
statements would seem to indicate that Senator Gorson is

A. correct about the medical risk; research has shown that abortion is medically dangerous.
B. correct about the psychological risks; girls who have had abortions are at high risk for
C. incorrect on both positions; first trimester abortion is medically safe and a study of girls who
had abortions showed they had a decrease in anxiety.
D. incorrect about the medical risk, but correct about the psychological risk.

58. Which of the following is NOT a rationale for stricter abortion laws for adolescents?

A. There is a high risk of physical harm from abortions.

B. Adolescents cannot make an adequate informed choice to have an abortion.
C. Adolescents and their parents will hinder communication if they have to make decisions
D. Research has shown that many adolescents will not suffer psychological harm after an
59. Naomi, who is 16 years old, has just given birth to her first child, Seth. Which of the following is
most likely TRUE of Naomi and Seth?

A. Naomi will continue her high school education at an alternative regional school.
B. Seth is likely to be a low birth weight baby.
C. Seth is likely to be a fairly healthy baby.
D. Naomi will catch up to her peers economically after three to five years.

60. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent pregnancy is NOT true?

A. Adolescent mothers often drop out of school.

B. Adolescent mothers generally do not catch up economically with women who postpone
childbearing until their twenties.
C. Adolescent mothers are most likely to come from middle-class socioeconomic backgrounds.
D. Many adolescent mothers were not good students before they became pregnant.

61. Anna is a 24-year-old woman who is pregnant with her first baby. Her neighbor, Trish, is 16 and
pregnant with her first child. Which of the following is most likely to be TRUE of these women?

A. Anna is more likely than Trisha to be receiving prenatal care.

B. Anna is more likely than Trisha to have a premature birth.
C. Trisha's baby is likely to weigh more than Anna's baby.
D. Both mothers will be equally competent caregivers for their babies.

62. Noah, age three, was born to a teenage mother. According to research, Noah is more likely than
his counterparts who were born to older mothers to

A. have behavioral problems.

B. score poorly on intelligence tests.
C. have a mother who is less competent in her child-rearing skills.
D. all of these

63. Stephen, age 17, is the father of 16-month-old Jared. If he is typical of most adolescent fathers,
Stephen will

A. stay in school.
B. have a close relationship with his son.
C. have a lower income than an older father.
D. all of these.
64. Which of the following was NOT one of the recommendations that John Conger offered for
reducing the rate of adolescent pregnancy?

A. sex education and family planning

B. access to contraceptive methods
C. broad community involvement and support
D. having pregnant teens educated in separate classrooms from their peers

65. Research showed that the Baby Think It Over experience produced all of the following results
among ninth-grade Latino girls EXCEPT

A. increased the age at which they planned to have a child.

B. produced a greater interest in being a wife and mother than in engaging in a career.
C. raised their concerns about how having a baby might interfere with their plans for an
D. produced a greater interest in career planning.

66. According to recent research, adolescents who look to the future and see that they have the
opportunity to become self-sufficient and successful may be motivated to

A. reduce their risk of pregnancy.

B. go to college.
C. marry wealthy, established men.
D. none of these.

67. If the United States wanted to model community support for preventing adolescent pregnancy,
which of the following countries has a comprehensive model in place?

A. Brazil
B. The Netherlands
C. Italy
D. Honduras

68. Which of the following statements regarding pregnancy prevention strategies in the Netherlands
is NOT true?

A. The Netherlands has a mandated sex-education program for all students.

B. Adolescents can obtain contraceptive counseling at government sponsored clinics for a small
C. The Dutch media play a role in educating the public about sex.
D. Sexually active adolescents are not stigmatized in the Netherlands.
69. The Teen Outreach Program (TOP) focuses on:

A. providing ways for adolescents to become more successful academically.

B. helping teenage mothers to learn basic child care from more experienced mothers.
C. engaging adolescents in community volunteer opportunities.
D. engaging adolescents in the political process at the grass-roots level.

70. Girls' Inc has a program, Will Power/Won't Power, that is targeted toward increasing ______ in
12- to 14-year-old girls.

A. assertiveness training
B. resistance to persuasion skills (RPS)
C. body image awareness and acceptance
D. volunteerism

71. Girls' Inc.'s nine-session program aimed at older girls, which emphasizes career planning, along
with sexuality, reproduction, and contraception information, is called

A. Teen Outreach Program (TOP).

B. Taking Care of Business.
C. Will Power/Won't Power.
D. Health Bridges.

72. Sandra tells you that she and her mother are participating in a series of five, 2-hour workshops
sponsored by her local Girls' Inc. office. They are talking about making responsible decisions
about pregnancy, and encouraging her motivation to avoid pregnancy until she is older. Sandra is
describing which program?

A. Growing Together
B. Health Bridges
C. Taking Care of Business
D. The Resistance to Persuasion

73. A consideration that is especially important for younger teens as they plan to avoid pregnancy is

A. engaging in oral sex rather than sexual intercourse.

B. delaying dating until they are 18.
C. dating in small groups, rather than individual dating situations.
D. abstinence.
74. Which of the following statements about sexually transmitted infections is NOT true?

A. They are contracted primarily through sexual contact.

B. They are an increasing health problem.
C. They cannot be contracted through oral sex.
D. They can be contracted through anal-genital contact.

75. Which of the following STIs is caused by a virus?

A. genital herpes
B. gonorrhea
C. syphilis
D. chlamydia

76. The greatest concern about AIDS is in ______, where it has reached epidemic proportions.

A. the United States

B. Thailand
C. sub-Saharan Africa
D. Argentina

77. Which of the following statements about AIDS is TRUE?

A. A higher percentage of adolescent AIDS cases than adult cases are acquired through IV drug
B. A special set of legal and ethical issues is involved in testing and informing partners and
parents of adolescents.
C. Adolescents have less access to contraceptives and are less likely to use them than are
D. A higher percentage of African-American and Latino AIDS cases occur in adolescence than in

78. Which of the following people is MOST at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS?

A. Astrid, a non-Latino white teen who is not yet sexually active.

B. Max, an 18-year-old gay male who practices safe sex.
C. Perry, a 20-year-old who is addicted to prescription narcotic pills.
D. Pam, a 21-year-old woman whose sex partner is a bisexual man.
79. HIV can be transmitted by all of the following methods EXCEPT

A. sexual contact.
B. insect bites.
C. sharing of needles.
D. blood transfusions.

80. More than 40 percent of men and women in a recent study said that they would

A. understate the number of their sexual partners.

B. lie to a partner in order to have sex.
C. have unprotected sex with a stranger.
D. lie about the results of an HIV blood test.

81. How effective are small-group discussions with an emphasis on open communication and
repetition of messages in teaching adolescents about AIDS?

A. Not very effective; adolescents prefer to learn about AIDS from parents.
B. Quite effective; adolescents can learn and share information about AIDS with their peers.
C. Not effective at all; adolescents will be too self-conscious to ask questions in a small group.
D. There is no data on the efficacy of small-group format in teaching about AIDS.

82. Which of the following approaches has been shown to be effective in teaching high-risk groups
about HIV/AIDS?

A. culturally tailored outreach programs

B. population-specific rewards for attending programs
C. peer educators
D. all of these

83. Which of the following is an initial symptom of genital herpes?

A. fever
B. itching and tingling at the site of infection
C. appearance of painful sores or blisters at the site of infection
D. enlarged lymph nodes in the groin
84. A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and contraceptive
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these

85. Linnia has a viral sexually transmitted infection that is characterized by frequent outbreaks of
painful sores in her genital area. Linnia most likely has

A. genital herpes.
B. syphilis.
C. gonorrhea.
D. genital warts.

86. Which of the following statements regarding genital herpes is NOT true?

A. It is spread by direct contact with the sores.

B. It is caused by bacteria.
C. It can be spread via contraceptive foam and creams.
D. It has no known cure.

87. The most common STI for individuals of ages 15-24 in the United States is

B. gonorrhea.
C. genital warts.
D. genital herpes.

88. The vaccine that the CDC recommends be given to 11- to 12-year-old girls to help fight off HPV
and cervical cancer is called

A. Niospan.
B. Diovan.
C. Geosporin.
D. Gardasil.
89. Harry tells his friend that he is going to see his doctor because he is afraid that his unprotected
sexual encounter has left him with "the clap." Harry is concerned that he has contracted

A. gonorrhea.
B. syphilis.
C. chlamydia.
D. trichomoniasis.

90. Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is NOT true?

A. The incidence of gonorrhea has declined.

B. Early symptoms in males are discharge from the penis and burning on urination.
C. Females may not detect any early symptoms.
D. It is caused by a virus.

91. Marlene, who is in her third month of pregnancy, has just contracted syphilis. Which of the
following is TRUE if Marlene is treated immediately with penicillin?

A. Syphilis will still be transmitted to the fetus but the effects will be diminished.
B. Syphilis will not be transmitted to the fetus.
C. Syphilis will be transmitted to the fetus because Maureen has not been treated before the end
of the second month of pregnancy.
D. Syphilis can never be transmitted to a fetus.

92. In its early phases, syphilis can be treated with

A. Valtex.
B. Acyclovir.
C. Podophyllin.
D. Penicillin.

93. Which of the following is NOT one of the four phases of syphilis?

A. terminal
B. primary
C. latent
D. tertiary
94. About what percentage of college students have chlamydia?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

95. Which of the following statements regarding chlamydia is NOT true?

A. It is highly infectious.
B. Many females infected with chlamydia are asymptomatic.
C. The incidence of chlamydia is less than that of gonorrhea.
D. Untreated chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility in females.

96. Which of the following statements about rape is TRUE?

A. Legal definitions of rape vary from state to state.

B. In some states, marital rape is legal.
C. Rape is pervasive in American culture.
D. All of these are true.

97. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to romanticize sexuality?

A. Kurt, age 13.

B. Nadia, age 16.
C. Julia, age 19.
D. All of them are likely to romanticize sexuality equally.

98. Men who rape women are likely to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

A. they are angry at women in general.

B. aggression increases their sense of power.
C. they want to hurt their victims.
D. they are likely to be under the influence of heroin or other opiates.
99. Carla, a 19-year-old college sophomore, is a victim of rape. Which of the following statements
about her rape is most likely to be TRUE?

A. Her assailant was a stranger.

B. She knew the person who raped her.
C. She reported the rape to the police.
D. She reported the rape to campus security.

100.Which of the following statements about the aftermath of rape is NOT true?

A. About 40 percent of rape victims have made a suicide attempt.

B. Sexual dysfunctions occur in 50 percent of rape victims.
C. Many rape victims make lifestyle changes, such as moving to another apartment or home.
D. Many rape victims experience depression, fear, and anxiety for months or years.

101.Which of the following statements about coping with rape is TRUE?

A. Social support is an important factor in recovery.

B. Professional counseling is an important factor in recovery.
C. A woman's psychological adjustment prior to an assault is a factor in coping.
D. All of these are true.

102.A recent study of adolescent girls indicated that

A. approximately 90 percent of the girls had experienced athletic sexism.

B. approximately two-thirds of the girls had experienced academic sexism.
C. most of the girls had experienced sexual harassment at least once.
D. none of these.

103.Dana, age 15, has to deal with constant comments from the boys in her science class about her
breast size, skin blemishes, and large hips. Her teacher does nothing to stop these offensive
remarks. As a result, Dana's grade in science is compromised. Dana is a victim of

A. quid pro quo sexual harassment.

B. hostile environment sexual harassment.
C. third-party sexual harassment.
D. rude boys, but no type of sexual harassment.
104.Which of the following statements regarding adolescents' sources of sexual information is NOT

A. Male adolescents are more likely to talk to their fathers about sex than their mothers.
B. Adolescents get information about sex from the Internet.
C. Female adolescents are more likely to have conversations about sex with their mothers than
with their fathers.
D. Many parents are uncomfortable talking about sex with their adolescents.

105.List some of the components of developing a sexual identity.

106.Discuss the sexual initiation of African American, Asian American, and Latino adolescents, as
compared to non-Latino White adolescents. Discuss how acculturation might affect the sexual
behavior of Latino youth.

107.Discuss the factors that have been associated with adolescents who engage in oral sex.
108.Define a sexual script. Compare the differences in sexual scripts between males and females.

109.List at least four risk factors associated with sexual activity.

110.Describe at least three patterns found in the sexual behavior of emerging adults.

111.List and describe at least three factors that have been associated with the development of a
sexual minority identity.
112.Glen is a gay male who has yet to disclose his sexual identity. Based on what you know of the
research that has been done on the coming-out process, predict how Glen will probably go about
disclosing his sexual identity.

113.What similarities and differences exist between heterosexual and same-sex attraction

114.Using cross-cultural data, discuss three reasons why the United States continues to have one of
the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in the developed world.

115.Karena is 16 years old and pregnant. According to research, what may Karena and her child
experience that would not be true for older mothers?
116.List and explain John Conger's four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent

117.Describe the cause, biological course, prevalence, methods of transmission, and prevention of

118.Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the STDs caused
by viruses.

119.Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the three most
common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases.
120.Describe why rape is so pervasive in American culture. List three characteristics of rapists.

121.Define and compare and contrast the two types of sexual harassment.

122.Explain why more parents are supporting sex education in schools, and describe the types of sex
education programs available.

123.Which of the following statements regarding sex and the media is TRUE?

A. Sex is portrayed as a recreational activity.

B. Sex is often portrayed in a stereotypical way.
C. Women are portrayed as sex objects.
D. All of these are true.
124.Which of the following was a finding from several research studies of adolescents who watched
sexually explicit TV shows?

A. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
initiation of dating.
B. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
the initiation of sexual intercourse.
C. Adolescents who watched "sexy" shows were less likely to endorse sexual stereotypes than
adolescents who did not watch these shows.
D. None of these was a finding.

125.Which of the following statements regarding development of a sexual identity is NOT true?

A. Western societies place few constraints on adolescents' sexual behavior.

B. Developing a sexual identity is a lengthy process.
C. Sexual identity involves an indication of sexual orientation.
D. Social and cultural factors play a role in the development of a sexual identity.

126.Obtaining information about adolescent sexuality has been difficult because

A. those with conservative sexual attitudes are less likely to respond to sexual surveys than
those with more liberal attitudes.
B. some people refuse to answer questions about sex asked by a stranger.
C. some people give socially acceptable answers rather than truthful answers.
D. all of these.

127.Research shows that by age 20, what percentage of U.S. youth have engaged in sexual

A. 54
B. 77
C. 82
D. 90

128.Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and gender is NOT true?

A. Adolescent females are less likely than males to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable
B. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to be sexually active.
C. Adolescent males are less likely than adolescent females to report sexual intercourse as an
enjoyable experience.
D. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to engage in sexual intercourse.
129.Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to have had a sexual experience before age

A. Abby, a non-Latino White teen

B. Zach, an African American teen
C. Lynda, an Asian teen
D. Josie, a Latino teen

130.Studies of Latino adolescents' sexual behavior found that, as acculturation proceeded, all of the
following happened, EXCEPT

A. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of African-
American adolescents.
B. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of non-Latino
White adolescents.
C. sexual behavior was initiated earlier.
D. condom use increased.

131.In a national survey, approximately what percentage of both 15- to 19-year-old males and
females said that they had engaged in oral sex?

A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 65

132.Which of the following statements regarding abstinence-only sex education programs is TRUE?

A. They delay the onset of sexual intercourse.

B. They reduce HIV-risk behavior.
C. They do not delay the onset of sexual intercourse.
D. They are preferred by the majority of parents.

133.For many adolescents, oral sex is

A. restricted to the confines of an intimate relationship.

B. a casual activity.
C. carefully considered behavior.
D. none of these.
134.Liz engages in oral sex with her boyfriend Trevor. Which of the following statements regarding
beliefs about oral sex is Liz MOST likely to hold?

A. Oral sex has no health risks.

B. Oral sex is safer than sexual intercourse.
C. Oral sex is not really sex.
D. All of these.

135.Which differences exist among different cultures with respect to the timing of teenage sexual

A. In developing nations, sexually experienced females, ages 15-19, are married; in developed
nations, sexually experienced teens of the same age are not married.
B. In developing nations, sexually experienced males and females, ages 15-19, are likely to be
C. There is very little difference in the timing of sexual behaviors among developed nations such
as the United States, Sweden, and Australia.
D. In most Asian countries, first intercourse occurs somewhat earlier than in the United States.

136.A stereotyped pattern of role prescriptions for how individuals should behave sexually is known
as a

A. sexual edict.
B. sexual script.
C. sexual role.
D. sexual norm.

137.Girls commonly cite all of the following reasons for being sexually active EXCEPT

A. being in love.
B. pressure from males.
C. curiosity.
D. pressure from female friends.

138.Sheila, age 16, has just begun to be sexually active with her boyfriend Ted. Which of the
following reasons would Sheila MOST likely say is the main reason she is sexually active?

A. She is in love with Ted.

B. She was the last of her group of girlfriends to be sexually active and she liked Ted well
C. She was curious about sex.
D. She wanted to rebel against her parents' strict religious rules.
139.Adolescent boys are MORE likely than adolescent girls to cite ______ as a reason for becoming
sexually active.

A. being in love
B. peer pressure
C. curiosity
D. none of these

140.A recent study showed that college women who ______ made more responsible decisions
regarding sexuality than women who did not engage in this behavior.

A. attended weekly religious services.

B. volunteered in their communities at least five hours per week.
C. had a prior STI.
D. frequently set personal goals.

141.Early sexual activity has been linked to all of the following behaviors EXCEPT

A. delinquency.
B. eating disorders.
C. drug use.
D. school-related problems.

142.Which of the following adolescents is MOST at risk for engaging in sexual activity?

A. Charlotte, age 14, whose older sister became pregnant at age 16

B. Howie, age 15, who lives with his biological parents in a middle-class neighborhood
C. Juanita, a 16-year-old Latina whose parents monitor her closely
D. Cole, age 17, who is active in three sports and has a close relationship with his parents

143.Reviews of recent research have found that Latino adolescents were less likely to engage in risky
sexual behavior when

A. their fathers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
B. their mothers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
C. their grandmothers or older aunts talked to them about the possible negative consequences of
D. they were confined to their homes after school and on weekends.
144.A cognitive factor implicated in sexual risk-taking in adolescence is

A. attention problems.
B. negative peer pressure.
C. poor self-regulation.
D. all of these.

145.A protective factor against sexual risk-taking in African American adolescents is

A. positive peer role models.

B. positive adult role models.
C. involvement in religion.
D. all of these.

146.The average age for marriage in the United States is _____ for men and ______ for women.

A. 27; 24
B. 28; 25
C. 27; 25
D. 29; 25

147.Which of the following statements regarding patterns in heterosexual behavior for men and
women in emerging adulthood is NOT true?

A. Males have more casual sexual partners than females.

B. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in young adulthood.
C. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults to have had sexual experiences with two or
more partners.
D. Emerging adults have sex more frequently than young adults.

148.The current trend in sex education in schools in the United States is increasingly focused on

A. safer sex.
B. abstinence.
C. comprehensive sex education.
D. decreasing sexually-transmitted diseases.
149.The majority of sexual minority (same-sex) individuals experience their first sexual behavior in

A. adolescence.
B. late childhood.
C. emerging adulthood.
D. young adulthood.

150.Which of the following statements regarding heterosexual behavior and same-sex attraction is

A. Patterns of attraction to sexual partners are determined in adolescence and do not change
after that.
B. People are either heterosexual or have same-sex attraction.
C. The term "bisexual" really means someone who is same-sex identified but afraid to admit it.
D. The use of the term "homosexual" has been replaced by the term "same-sex attraction."

151.Catherine identifies herself as a lesbian. Which of the following is probably TRUE for Catherine?

A. She shares her sexual orientation with five to six percent of women in the United States
B. She has the same physiological responses to arousal as heterosexual women.
C. Her brain structure, particularly in the area of the hypothalamus, is different than the brains of
heterosexual women.
D. She has a higher level of testosterone than heterosexual women.

152.Russell, a gay man, participated in a research study in which he was given injections of
androgens to see what, if any, change there would be on his sexual orientation. According to
research, which of the following was the most likely outcome for Russell in this study?

A. He became more sexually interested in women.

B. He experienced an increase in desire but had no change in sexual orientation.
C. He experienced a decrease in desire but no change in sexual orientation.
D. None of these
153.Researcher Simon LeVay said that he found that a tiny area of the hypothalamus that governs
sexual behavior is twice as large in heterosexual men as in same-sex men. LeVay's research has
been criticized, however, by those who point out that

A. he did not have a large enough sample from which to draw conclusions.
B. he did not have a balance between heterosexual men and same-sex attraction men.
C. many same-sex attraction men in LeVay's study had AIDS, which could have affected their
D. many of the heterosexual men in LeVay's study had Alzheimer's disease, which could have
affected their brains.

154.Research suggests that sexual attraction is determined by

A. genetic factors.
B. hormonal factors.
C. environmental factors.
D. all of these.

155.Molly, age nine, is being raised by her biological mother and her mother's lesbian partner.
Research suggests that Molly will

A. probably grow up to be a lesbian.

B. probably grow up to be heterosexual.
C. decrease her chances of being a lesbian if she chooses a strong heterosexual woman for a
role model.
D. increase her chances of becoming a lesbian if she chooses a strong male role model.

156.If Roland, a gay male, followed the developmental pattern of many same-sex attraction men and
women, all of the following are true EXCEPT

A. he was not aware of his same-sex attraction until late adolescence.

B. he did not engage in heterosexual dating.
C. he recognized that he was gay in early adulthood.
D. he never had any sexual interest in females.

157.Ivy realizes that she is strongly sexually attracted to other females. According to research on
disclosure, Ivy is most likely to FIRST tell her

A. sister.
B. mother.
C. friend.
D. father.
158.Which of the following statements regarding adolescent disclosure of their same-sex orientation
is TRUE?

A. Mothers are more likely than fathers to know about their adolescents' same-sex attraction.
B. Fathers are usually told before mothers.
C. Siblings are usually told before friends.
D. Parents are usually told before friends.

159.Having irrational, negative feelings against individuals who have same-sex attractions is called

A. stigma.
B. humorosity.
C. stereotyping.
D. homophobia.

160.Mary believes that all child molesters are gay men and she goes out of her way to avoid a
colleague whom she believes is a gay man. Mary's beliefs and behavior could be labeled as

A. sexual harassment.
B. stigmatizing.
C. homophobia.
D. gay bashing.

161.Hiding one's real social identity is known as

A. covering.
B. closeting.
C. passing.
D. posing.

162.Phil is a gay man, but he dates women and has told nobody about his sexual orientation. Phil is
engaged in a form of self-devaluation called

A. passing.
B. closeting.
C. covert lying.
D. covering.
163.Which of the following is NOT an area of similarity in the lives of heterosexual, same-sex
attraction, and bisexual adolescents?

A. friendship quality
B. relationships with parents
C. academic orientation
D. perception of school climate

164.Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to report victimization as a result of sexual

A. Jacob, who is a bisexual

B. Zully, who is a lesbian
C. Katie, who is a heterosexual
D. Conrad, who is a gay male

165.Which of the following statements regarding sexual orientation and mental health is TRUE?

A. Significantly more same-sex youth commit suicide than heterosexual youth.

B. Same-sex youth have higher perceived stress than heterosexual youth.
C. Sexual minority youth have less mastery of their lives than heterosexual youth.
D. Sexual minority youth have higher rates of depression and anxiety than heterosexual youth.

166.The most common sexual outlet for adolescents is

A. oral sex.
B. petting.
C. masturbation.
D. sexual intercourse.

167.Which of the following statements regarding masturbation is NOT true?

A. More males masturbate than females.

B. Information on masturbation is based on self-reports.
C. Masturbation is a more stigmatized behavior for females than for males.
D. Most adolescents today feel guilty about masturbation.
168.Which of the following statements regarding the use of contraceptives is TRUE?

A. Adolescents have increased their use of contraceptives.

B. Many sexually active adolescents do not use contraceptives consistently.
C. Sexually active younger adolescents are less likely to use contraceptives than older
D. All of these are true.

169.Condom use has been associated with

A. educational level.
B. friends' use of condoms.
C. socioeconomic status.
D. access to health care.

170.Daughters of teenage mothers are at increased risk of

A. dropping out of school.

B. poor health.
C. being teenage mothers themselves.
D. none of these.

171.The highest rates of adolescent pregnancies and childbearing in the developed world occur in
which nation?

A. Canada
B. England
C. United States
D. France

172.Adolescents in a European country are more likely than adolescents in the United States to be

A. told that childbearing is an adult activity.

B. accepted by adults for being sexually active with responsibility.
C. told to protect themselves and their partners from pregnancy and STIs.
D. all of these.
173.Adolescents in the United Sates are less likely than their counterparts in Canada to

A. have access to a comprehensive sex-education program in school.

B. have access to reproductive health services.
C. be provided with free contraceptives.
D. all of these.

174.A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and contraceptive
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these

175.Which of the following girls is MOST likely to become pregnant while a teen?

A. Amy, a non-Latino white girl.

B. Robin, an African American girl.
C. Sally, a Latina.
D. All of them have an equal probability of becoming pregnant while still a teen.

176.Two reasons for the rise in the proportion of adolescent births that are nonmarital are because
marriage has become quite rare in adolescence and because

A. pregnancy is no longer seen as a reason to get married.

B. the fathers of these babies are not able to support them as well as their mothers.
C. most of these children are given up for adoption, so there is no need to marry.
D. none of these.

177.Which of the following statements regarding abortion in the United States is NOT true?

A. The experiences of adolescents who want to have an abortion vary by state and region.
B. Some areas of the country have more providers for abortions than others.
C. Some states require parental permission before performing an abortion on an adolescent.
D. The right to an abortion has been guaranteed by the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision.
178.In the United States, approximately what fraction of teen pregnancies ends in abortion?

A. one-half
B. one-quarter
C. one-third
D. two-thirds

179.Senator Gorson makes the case to his colleagues that there should be national legislation
mandating parental consent for adolescent girls' abortions. He calls abortion a "medically
dangerous procedure" and one that will "scar these young women for life." Research on his
statements would seem to indicate that Senator Gorson is

A. correct about the medical risk; research has shown that abortion is medically dangerous.
B. correct about the psychological risks; girls who have had abortions are at high risk for
C. incorrect on both positions; first trimester abortion is medically safe and a study of girls who
had abortions showed they had a decrease in anxiety.
D. incorrect about the medical risk, but correct about the psychological risk.

180.Which of the following is NOT a rationale for stricter abortion laws for adolescents?

A. There is a high risk of physical harm from abortions.

B. Adolescents cannot make an adequate informed choice to have an abortion.
C. Adolescents and their parents will hinder communication if they have to make decisions
D. Research has shown that many adolescents will not suffer psychological harm after an

181.Naomi, who is 16 years old, has just given birth to her first child, Seth. Which of the following is
most likely TRUE of Naomi and Seth?

A. Naomi will continue her high school education at an alternative regional school.
B. Seth is likely to be a low birth weight baby.
C. Seth is likely to be a fairly healthy baby.
D. Naomi will catch up to her peers economically after three to five years.
182.Which of the following statements regarding adolescent pregnancy is NOT true?

A. Adolescent mothers often drop out of school.

B. Adolescent mothers generally do not catch up economically with women who postpone
childbearing until their twenties.
C. Adolescent mothers are most likely to come from middle-class socioeconomic backgrounds.
D. Many adolescent mothers were not good students before they became pregnant.

183.Anna is a 24-year-old woman who is pregnant with her first baby. Her neighbor, Trish, is 16 and
pregnant with her first child. Which of the following is most likely to be TRUE of these women?

A. Anna is more likely than Trisha to be receiving prenatal care.

B. Anna is more likely than Trisha to have a premature birth.
C. Trisha's baby is likely to weigh more than Anna's baby.
D. Both mothers will be equally competent caregivers for their babies.

184.Noah, age three, was born to a teenage mother. According to research, Noah is more likely than
his counterparts who were born to older mothers to

A. have behavioral problems.

B. score poorly on intelligence tests.
C. have a mother who is less competent in her child-rearing skills.
D. all of these

185.Stephen, age 17, is the father of 16-month-old Jared. If he is typical of most adolescent fathers,
Stephen will

A. stay in school.
B. have a close relationship with his son.
C. have a lower income than an older father.
D. all of these.

186.Which of the following was NOT one of the recommendations that John Conger offered for
reducing the rate of adolescent pregnancy?

A. sex education and family planning

B. access to contraceptive methods
C. broad community involvement and support
D. having pregnant teens educated in separate classrooms from their peers
187.Research showed that the Baby Think It Over experience produced all of the following results
among ninth-grade Latino girls EXCEPT

A. increased the age at which they planned to have a child.

B. produced a greater interest in being a wife and mother than in engaging in a career.
C. raised their concerns about how having a baby might interfere with their plans for an
D. produced a greater interest in career planning.

188.According to recent research, adolescents who look to the future and see that they have the
opportunity to become self-sufficient and successful may be motivated to

A. reduce their risk of pregnancy.

B. go to college.
C. marry wealthy, established men.
D. none of these.

189.If the United States wanted to model community support for preventing adolescent pregnancy,
which of the following countries has a comprehensive model in place?

A. Brazil
B. The Netherlands
C. Italy
D. Honduras

190.Which of the following statements regarding pregnancy prevention strategies in the Netherlands
is NOT true?

A. The Netherlands has a mandated sex-education program for all students.

B. Adolescents can obtain contraceptive counseling at government sponsored clinics for a small
C. The Dutch media play a role in educating the public about sex.
D. Sexually active adolescents are not stigmatized in the Netherlands.

191.The Teen Outreach Program (TOP) focuses on:

A. providing ways for adolescents to become more successful academically.

B. helping teenage mothers to learn basic child care from more experienced mothers.
C. engaging adolescents in community volunteer opportunities.
D. engaging adolescents in the political process at the grass-roots level.
192.Girls' Inc has a program, Will Power/Won't Power, that is targeted toward increasing ______ in
12- to 14-year-old girls.

A. assertiveness training
B. resistance to persuasion skills (RPS)
C. body image awareness and acceptance
D. volunteerism

193.Girls' Inc.'s nine-session program aimed at older girls, which emphasizes career planning, along
with sexuality, reproduction, and contraception information, is called

A. Teen Outreach Program (TOP).

B. Taking Care of Business.
C. Will Power/Won't Power.
D. Health Bridges.

194.Sandra tells you that she and her mother are participating in a series of five, 2-hour workshops
sponsored by her local Girls' Inc. office. They are talking about making responsible decisions
about pregnancy, and encouraging her motivation to avoid pregnancy until she is older. Sandra is
describing which program?

A. Growing Together
B. Health Bridges
C. Taking Care of Business
D. The Resistance to Persuasion

195.A consideration that is especially important for younger teens as they plan to avoid pregnancy is

A. engaging in oral sex rather than sexual intercourse.

B. delaying dating until they are 18.
C. dating in small groups, rather than individual dating situations.
D. abstinence.

196.Which of the following statements about sexually transmitted infections is NOT true?

A. They are contracted primarily through sexual contact.

B. They are an increasing health problem.
C. They cannot be contracted through oral sex.
D. They can be contracted through anal-genital contact.
197.Which of the following STIs is caused by a virus?

A. genital herpes
B. gonorrhea
C. syphilis
D. chlamydia

198.The greatest concern about AIDS is in ______, where it has reached epidemic proportions.

A. the United States

B. Thailand
C. sub-Saharan Africa
D. Argentina

199.Which of the following statements about AIDS is TRUE?

A. A higher percentage of adolescent AIDS cases than adult cases are acquired through IV drug
B. A special set of legal and ethical issues is involved in testing and informing partners and
parents of adolescents.
C. Adolescents have less access to contraceptives and are less likely to use them than are
D. A higher percentage of African-American and Latino AIDS cases occur in adolescence than in

200.Which of the following people is MOST at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS?

A. Astrid, a non-Latino white teen who is not yet sexually active.

B. Max, an 18-year-old gay male who practices safe sex.
C. Perry, a 20-year-old who is addicted to prescription narcotic pills.
D. Pam, a 21-year-old woman whose sex partner is a bisexual man.

201.HIV can be transmitted by all of the following methods EXCEPT

A. sexual contact.
B. insect bites.
C. sharing of needles.
D. blood transfusions.
202.More than 40 percent of men and women in a recent study said that they would

A. understate the number of their sexual partners.

B. lie to a partner in order to have sex.
C. have unprotected sex with a stranger.
D. lie about the results of an HIV blood test.

203.How effective are small-group discussions with an emphasis on open communication and
repetition of messages in teaching adolescents about AIDS?

A. Not very effective; adolescents prefer to learn about AIDS from parents.
B. Quite effective; adolescents can learn and share information about AIDS with their peers.
C. Not effective at all; adolescents will be too self-conscious to ask questions in a small group.
D. There is no data on the efficacy of small-group format in teaching about AIDS.

204.Which of the following approaches has been shown to be effective in teaching high-risk groups
about HIV/AIDS?

A. culturally tailored outreach programs

B. population-specific rewards for attending programs
C. peer educators
D. all of these

205.Which of the following is an initial symptom of genital herpes?

A. fever
B. itching and tingling at the site of infection
C. appearance of painful sores or blisters at the site of infection
D. enlarged lymph nodes in the groin

206.A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and contraceptive
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these
207.Linnia has a viral sexually transmitted infection that is characterized by frequent outbreaks of
painful sores in her genital area. Linnia most likely has

A. genital herpes.
B. syphilis.
C. gonorrhea.
D. genital warts.

208.Which of the following statements regarding genital herpes is NOT true?

A. It is spread by direct contact with the sores.

B. It is caused by bacteria.
C. It can be spread via contraceptive foam and creams.
D. It has no known cure.

209.The most common STI for individuals of ages 15-24 in the United States is

B. gonorrhea.
C. genital warts.
D. genital herpes.

210.The vaccine that the CDC recommends be given to 11- to 12-year-old girls to help fight off HPV
and cervical cancer is called

A. Niospan.
B. Diovan.
C. Geosporin.
D. Gardasil.

211.Harry tells his friend that he is going to see his doctor because he is afraid that his unprotected
sexual encounter has left him with "the clap." Harry is concerned that he has contracted

A. gonorrhea.
B. syphilis.
C. chlamydia.
D. trichomoniasis.
212.Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is NOT true?

A. The incidence of gonorrhea has declined.

B. Early symptoms in males are discharge from the penis and burning on urination.
C. Females may not detect any early symptoms.
D. It is caused by a virus.

213.Marlene, who is in her third month of pregnancy, has just contracted syphilis. Which of the
following is TRUE if Marlene is treated immediately with penicillin?

A. Syphilis will still be transmitted to the fetus but the effects will be diminished.
B. Syphilis will not be transmitted to the fetus.
C. Syphilis will be transmitted to the fetus because Maureen has not been treated before the end
of the second month of pregnancy.
D. Syphilis can never be transmitted to a fetus.

214.In its early phases, syphilis can be treated with

A. Valtex.
B. Acyclovir.
C. Podophyllin.
D. Penicillin.

215.Which of the following is NOT one of the four phases of syphilis?

A. terminal
B. primary
C. latent
D. tertiary

216.About what percentage of college students have chlamydia?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
217.Which of the following statements regarding chlamydia is NOT true?

A. It is highly infectious.
B. Many females infected with chlamydia are asymptomatic.
C. The incidence of chlamydia is less than that of gonorrhea.
D. Untreated chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility in females.

218.Which of the following statements about rape is TRUE?

A. Legal definitions of rape vary from state to state.

B. In some states, marital rape is legal.
C. Rape is pervasive in American culture.
D. All of these are true.

219.Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to romanticize sexuality?

A. Kurt, age 13.

B. Nadia, age 16.
C. Julia, age 19.
D. All of them are likely to romanticize sexuality equally.

220.Men who rape women are likely to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

A. they are angry at women in general.

B. aggression increases their sense of power.
C. they want to hurt their victims.
D. they are likely to be under the influence of heroin or other opiates.

221.Carla, a 19-year-old college sophomore, is a victim of rape. Which of the following statements
about her rape is most likely to be TRUE?

A. Her assailant was a stranger.

B. She knew the person who raped her.
C. She reported the rape to the police.
D. She reported the rape to campus security.
222.Which of the following statements about the aftermath of rape is NOT true?

A. About 40 percent of rape victims have made a suicide attempt.

B. Sexual dysfunctions occur in 50 percent of rape victims.
C. Many rape victims make lifestyle changes, such as moving to another apartment or home.
D. Many rape victims experience depression, fear, and anxiety for months or years.

223.Which of the following statements about coping with rape is TRUE?

A. Social support is an important factor in recovery.

B. Professional counseling is an important factor in recovery.
C. A woman's psychological adjustment prior to an assault is a factor in coping.
D. All of these are true.

224.A recent study of adolescent girls indicated that

A. approximately 90 percent of the girls had experienced athletic sexism.

B. approximately two-thirds of the girls had experienced academic sexism.
C. most of the girls had experienced sexual harassment at least once.
D. none of these.

225.Dana, age 15, has to deal with constant comments from the boys in her science class about her
breast size, skin blemishes, and large hips. Her teacher does nothing to stop these offensive
remarks. As a result, Dana's grade in science is compromised. Dana is a victim of

A. quid pro quo sexual harassment.

B. hostile environment sexual harassment.
C. third-party sexual harassment.
D. rude boys, but no type of sexual harassment.

226.Which of the following statements regarding adolescents' sources of sexual information is NOT

A. Male adolescents are more likely to talk to their fathers about sex than their mothers.
B. Adolescents get information about sex from the Internet.
C. Female adolescents are more likely to have conversations about sex with their mothers than
with their fathers.
D. Many parents are uncomfortable talking about sex with their adolescents.
227.List some of the components of developing a sexual identity.

228.Discuss the sexual initiation of African American, Asian American, and Latino adolescents, as
compared to non-Latino White adolescents. Discuss how acculturation might affect the sexual
behavior of Latino youth.

229.Discuss the factors that have been associated with adolescents who engage in oral sex.

230.Define a sexual script. Compare the differences in sexual scripts between males and females.
231.List at least four risk factors associated with sexual activity.

232.Describe at least three patterns found in the sexual behavior of emerging adults.

233.List and describe at least three factors that have been associated with the development of a
sexual minority identity.

234.Glen is a gay male who has yet to disclose his sexual identity. Based on what you know of the
research that has been done on the coming-out process, predict how Glen will probably go about
disclosing his sexual identity.
235.What similarities and differences exist between heterosexual and same-sex attraction

236.Using cross-cultural data, discuss three reasons why the United States continues to have one of
the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in the developed world.

237.Karena is 16 years old and pregnant. According to research, what may Karena and her child
experience that would not be true for older mothers?

238.List and explain John Conger's four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent
239.Describe the cause, biological course, prevalence, methods of transmission, and prevention of

240.Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the STDs caused
by viruses.

241.Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the three most
common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases.

242.Describe why rape is so pervasive in American culture. List three characteristics of rapists.
243.Define and compare and contrast the two types of sexual harassment.

244.Explain why more parents are supporting sex education in schools, and describe the types of sex
education programs available.
Chapter 6 Key

1. Which of the following statements regarding sex and the media is TRUE?
(p. 194-

A. Sex is portrayed as a recreational activity.

B. Sex is often portrayed in a stereotypical way.
C. Women are portrayed as sex objects.
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #1

2. Which of the following was a finding from several research studies of adolescents who
(p. 194- watched sexually explicit TV shows?

A. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
initiation of dating.
B. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
the initiation of sexual intercourse.
C. Adolescents who watched "sexy" shows were less likely to endorse sexual stereotypes than
adolescents who did not watch these shows.
D. None of these was a finding.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #2

3. Which of the following statements regarding development of a sexual identity is NOT true?
(p. 195)

A. Western societies place few constraints on adolescents' sexual behavior.

B. Developing a sexual identity is a lengthy process.
C. Sexual identity involves an indication of sexual orientation.
D. Social and cultural factors play a role in the development of a sexual identity.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #3
4. Obtaining information about adolescent sexuality has been difficult because
(p. 195-

A. those with conservative sexual attitudes are less likely to respond to sexual surveys than
those with more liberal attitudes.
B. some people refuse to answer questions about sex asked by a stranger.
C. some people give socially acceptable answers rather than truthful answers.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #4

5. Research shows that by age 20, what percentage of U.S. youth have engaged in sexual
(p. 196) intercourse?

A. 54
B. 77
C. 82
D. 90
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #5

6. Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and gender is NOT true?
(p. 196-

A. Adolescent females are less likely than males to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable
B. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to be sexually active.
C. Adolescent males are less likely than adolescent females to report sexual intercourse as an
enjoyable experience.
D. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to engage in sexual intercourse.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #6

7. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to have had a sexual experience before age
(p. 197) 13?

A. Abby, a non-Latino White teen

B. Zach, an African American teen
C. Lynda, an Asian teen
D. Josie, a Latino teen
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #7

8. Studies of Latino adolescents' sexual behavior found that, as acculturation proceeded, all of
(p. 197) the following happened, EXCEPT

A. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of African-
American adolescents.
B. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of non-
Latino White adolescents.
C. sexual behavior was initiated earlier.
D. condom use increased.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #8

9. In a national survey, approximately what percentage of both 15- to 19-year-old males and
(p. 197- females said that they had engaged in oral sex?

A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 65
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #9

10. Which of the following statements regarding abstinence-only sex education programs is
(p. 223) TRUE?

A. They delay the onset of sexual intercourse.

B. They reduce HIV-risk behavior.
C. They do not delay the onset of sexual intercourse.
D. They are preferred by the majority of parents.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #10
11. For many adolescents, oral sex is
(p. 198)

A. restricted to the confines of an intimate relationship.

B. a casual activity.
C. carefully considered behavior.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #11

12. Liz engages in oral sex with her boyfriend Trevor. Which of the following statements regarding
(p. 198) beliefs about oral sex is Liz MOST likely to hold?

A. Oral sex has no health risks.

B. Oral sex is safer than sexual intercourse.
C. Oral sex is not really sex.
D. All of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #12

13. Which differences exist among different cultures with respect to the timing of teenage sexual
(p. 198) activities?

A. In developing nations, sexually experienced females, ages 15-19, are married; in

developed nations, sexually experienced teens of the same age are not married.
B. In developing nations, sexually experienced males and females, ages 15-19, are likely to
be married.
C. There is very little difference in the timing of sexual behaviors among developed nations
such as the United States, Sweden, and Australia.
D. In most Asian countries, first intercourse occurs somewhat earlier than in the United States.
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #13
14. A stereotyped pattern of role prescriptions for how individuals should behave sexually is
(p. 198) known as a

A. sexual edict.
B. sexual script.
C. sexual role.
D. sexual norm.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #14

15. Girls commonly cite all of the following reasons for being sexually active EXCEPT
(p. 199)

A. being in love.
B. pressure from males.
C. curiosity.
D. pressure from female friends.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #15

16. Sheila, age 16, has just begun to be sexually active with her boyfriend Ted. Which of the
(p. 199) following reasons would Sheila MOST likely say is the main reason she is sexually active?

A. She is in love with Ted.

B. She was the last of her group of girlfriends to be sexually active and she liked Ted well
C. She was curious about sex.
D. She wanted to rebel against her parents' strict religious rules.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #16

17. Adolescent boys are MORE likely than adolescent girls to cite ______ as a reason for
(p. 199) becoming sexually active.

A. being in love
B. peer pressure
C. curiosity
D. none of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #17

18. A recent study showed that college women who ______ made more responsible decisions
(p. 203) regarding sexuality than women who did not engage in this behavior.

A. attended weekly religious services.

B. volunteered in their communities at least five hours per week.
C. had a prior STI.
D. frequently set personal goals.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #18

19. Early sexual activity has been linked to all of the following behaviors EXCEPT
(p. 200)

A. delinquency.
B. eating disorders.
C. drug use.
D. school-related problems.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #19

20. Which of the following adolescents is MOST at risk for engaging in sexual activity?
(p. 200)

A. Charlotte, age 14, whose older sister became pregnant at age 16

B. Howie, age 15, who lives with his biological parents in a middle-class neighborhood
C. Juanita, a 16-year-old Latina whose parents monitor her closely
D. Cole, age 17, who is active in three sports and has a close relationship with his parents
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #20

21. Reviews of recent research have found that Latino adolescents were less likely to engage in
(p. 200) risky sexual behavior when

A. their fathers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
B. their mothers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
C. their grandmothers or older aunts talked to them about the possible negative consequences
of sex.
D. they were confined to their homes after school and on weekends.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #21

22. A cognitive factor implicated in sexual risk-taking in adolescence is

(p. 200)

A. attention problems.
B. negative peer pressure.
C. poor self-regulation.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #22

23. A protective factor against sexual risk-taking in African American adolescents is

(p. 200)

A. positive peer role models.

B. positive adult role models.
C. involvement in religion.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #23

24. The average age for marriage in the United States is _____ for men and ______ for women.
(p. 209)

A. 27; 24
B. 28; 25
C. 27; 25
D. 29; 25
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #24

25. Which of the following statements regarding patterns in heterosexual behavior for men and
(p. 201) women in emerging adulthood is NOT true?

A. Males have more casual sexual partners than females.

B. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in young adulthood.
C. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults to have had sexual experiences with two
or more partners.
D. Emerging adults have sex more frequently than young adults.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #25

26. The current trend in sex education in schools in the United States is increasingly focused on
(p. 223)

A. safer sex.
B. abstinence.
C. comprehensive sex education.
D. decreasing sexually-transmitted diseases.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #26

27. The majority of sexual minority (same-sex) individuals experience their first sexual behavior in
(p. 202)

A. adolescence.
B. late childhood.
C. emerging adulthood.
D. young adulthood.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #27

28. Which of the following statements regarding heterosexual behavior and same-sex attraction is
(p. 203) TRUE?

A. Patterns of attraction to sexual partners are determined in adolescence and do not change
after that.
B. People are either heterosexual or have same-sex attraction.
C. The term "bisexual" really means someone who is same-sex identified but afraid to admit it.
D. The use of the term "homosexual" has been replaced by the term "same-sex attraction."
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #28

29. Catherine identifies herself as a lesbian. Which of the following is probably TRUE for
(p. 204) Catherine?

A. She shares her sexual orientation with five to six percent of women in the United States
B. She has the same physiological responses to arousal as heterosexual women.
C. Her brain structure, particularly in the area of the hypothalamus, is different than the brains
of heterosexual women.
D. She has a higher level of testosterone than heterosexual women.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #29

30. Russell, a gay man, participated in a research study in which he was given injections of
(p. 204) androgens to see what, if any, change there would be on his sexual orientation. According to
research, which of the following was the most likely outcome for Russell in this study?

A. He became more sexually interested in women.

B. He experienced an increase in desire but had no change in sexual orientation.
C. He experienced a decrease in desire but no change in sexual orientation.
D. None of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #30

31. Researcher Simon LeVay said that he found that a tiny area of the hypothalamus that governs
(p. 207) sexual behavior is twice as large in heterosexual men as in same-sex men. LeVay's research
has been criticized, however, by those who point out that

A. he did not have a large enough sample from which to draw conclusions.
B. he did not have a balance between heterosexual men and same-sex attraction men.
C. many same-sex attraction men in LeVay's study had AIDS, which could have affected their
D. many of the heterosexual men in LeVay's study had Alzheimer's disease, which could have
affected their brains.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #31

32. Research suggests that sexual attraction is determined by

(p. 203)

A. genetic factors.
B. hormonal factors.
C. environmental factors.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #32
33. Molly, age nine, is being raised by her biological mother and her mother's lesbian partner.
(p. 207) Research suggests that Molly will

A. probably grow up to be a lesbian.

B. probably grow up to be heterosexual.
C. decrease her chances of being a lesbian if she chooses a strong heterosexual woman for a
role model.
D. increase her chances of becoming a lesbian if she chooses a strong male role model.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #33

34. If Roland, a gay male, followed the developmental pattern of many same-sex attraction men
(p. 204) and women, all of the following are true EXCEPT

A. he was not aware of his same-sex attraction until late adolescence.

B. he did not engage in heterosexual dating.
C. he recognized that he was gay in early adulthood.
D. he never had any sexual interest in females.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #34

35. Ivy realizes that she is strongly sexually attracted to other females. According to research on
(p. 204) disclosure, Ivy is most likely to FIRST tell her

A. sister.
B. mother.
C. friend.
D. father.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #35

36. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent disclosure of their same-sex
(p. 204) orientation is TRUE?

A. Mothers are more likely than fathers to know about their adolescents' same-sex attraction.
B. Fathers are usually told before mothers.
C. Siblings are usually told before friends.
D. Parents are usually told before friends.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #36

37. Having irrational, negative feelings against individuals who have same-sex attractions is
(p. 204) called

A. stigma.
B. humorosity.
C. stereotyping.
D. homophobia.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #37

38. Mary believes that all child molesters are gay men and she goes out of her way to avoid a
(p. 204) colleague whom she believes is a gay man. Mary's beliefs and behavior could be labeled as

A. sexual harassment.
B. stigmatizing.
C. homophobia.
D. gay bashing.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #38

39. Hiding one's real social identity is known as

(p. 204)

A. covering.
B. closeting.
C. passing.
D. posing.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #39
40. Phil is a gay man, but he dates women and has told nobody about his sexual orientation. Phil
(p. 204) is engaged in a form of self-devaluation called

A. passing.
B. closeting.
C. covert lying.
D. covering.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #40

41. Which of the following is NOT an area of similarity in the lives of heterosexual, same-sex
(p. 204) attraction, and bisexual adolescents?

A. friendship quality
B. relationships with parents
C. academic orientation
D. perception of school climate
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #41

42. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to report victimization as a result of sexual
(p. 204) orientation?

A. Jacob, who is a bisexual

B. Zully, who is a lesbian
C. Katie, who is a heterosexual
D. Conrad, who is a gay male
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #42

43. Which of the following statements regarding sexual orientation and mental health is TRUE?
(p. 204-

A. Significantly more same-sex youth commit suicide than heterosexual youth.

B. Same-sex youth have higher perceived stress than heterosexual youth.
C. Sexual minority youth have less mastery of their lives than heterosexual youth.
D. Sexual minority youth have higher rates of depression and anxiety than heterosexual youth.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #43
44. The most common sexual outlet for adolescents is
(p. 205)

A. oral sex.
B. petting.
C. masturbation.
D. sexual intercourse.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #44

45. Which of the following statements regarding masturbation is NOT true?

(p. 205)

A. More males masturbate than females.

B. Information on masturbation is based on self-reports.
C. Masturbation is a more stigmatized behavior for females than for males.
D. Most adolescents today feel guilty about masturbation.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #45

46. Which of the following statements regarding the use of contraceptives is TRUE?
(p. 206)

A. Adolescents have increased their use of contraceptives.

B. Many sexually active adolescents do not use contraceptives consistently.
C. Sexually active younger adolescents are less likely to use contraceptives than older
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #46

47. Condom use has been associated with

(p. 206-

A. educational level.
B. friends' use of condoms.
C. socioeconomic status.
D. access to health care.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #47
48. Daughters of teenage mothers are at increased risk of
(p. 208-

A. dropping out of school.

B. poor health.
C. being teenage mothers themselves.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #48

49. The highest rates of adolescent pregnancies and childbearing in the developed world occur in
(p. 208) which nation?

A. Canada
B. England
C. United States
D. France
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #49

50. Adolescents in a European country are more likely than adolescents in the United States to
(p. 208) be

A. told that childbearing is an adult activity.

B. accepted by adults for being sexually active with responsibility.
C. told to protect themselves and their partners from pregnancy and STIs.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #50

51. Adolescents in the United Sates are less likely than their counterparts in Canada to
(p. 208)

A. have access to a comprehensive sex-education program in school.

B. have access to reproductive health services.
C. be provided with free contraceptives.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #51
52. A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that
(p. 222)

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and

contraceptive information.
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #52

53. Which of the following girls is MOST likely to become pregnant while a teen?
(p. 208)

A. Amy, a non-Latino white girl.

B. Robin, an African American girl.
C. Sally, a Latina.
D. All of them have an equal probability of becoming pregnant while still a teen.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #53

54. Two reasons for the rise in the proportion of adolescent births that are nonmarital are because
(p. 209) marriage has become quite rare in adolescence and because

A. pregnancy is no longer seen as a reason to get married.

B. the fathers of these babies are not able to support them as well as their mothers.
C. most of these children are given up for adoption, so there is no need to marry.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #54

55. Which of the following statements regarding abortion in the United States is NOT true?
(p. 209-

A. The experiences of adolescents who want to have an abortion vary by state and region.
B. Some areas of the country have more providers for abortions than others.
C. Some states require parental permission before performing an abortion on an adolescent.
D. The right to an abortion has been guaranteed by the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #55
56. In the United States, approximately what fraction of teen pregnancies ends in abortion?
(p. 210)

A. one-half
B. one-quarter
C. one-third
D. two-thirds
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #56

57. Senator Gorson makes the case to his colleagues that there should be national legislation
(p. 210) mandating parental consent for adolescent girls' abortions. He calls abortion a "medically
dangerous procedure" and one that will "scar these young women for life." Research on his
statements would seem to indicate that Senator Gorson is

A. correct about the medical risk; research has shown that abortion is medically dangerous.
B. correct about the psychological risks; girls who have had abortions are at high risk for
C. incorrect on both positions; first trimester abortion is medically safe and a study of girls who
had abortions showed they had a decrease in anxiety.
D. incorrect about the medical risk, but correct about the psychological risk.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #57

58. Which of the following is NOT a rationale for stricter abortion laws for adolescents?
(p. 210)

A. There is a high risk of physical harm from abortions.

B. Adolescents cannot make an adequate informed choice to have an abortion.
C. Adolescents and their parents will hinder communication if they have to make decisions
D. Research has shown that many adolescents will not suffer psychological harm after an
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #58
59. Naomi, who is 16 years old, has just given birth to her first child, Seth. Which of the following
(p. 210) is most likely TRUE of Naomi and Seth?

A. Naomi will continue her high school education at an alternative regional school.
B. Seth is likely to be a low birth weight baby.
C. Seth is likely to be a fairly healthy baby.
D. Naomi will catch up to her peers economically after three to five years.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #59

60. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent pregnancy is NOT true?
(p. 210)

A. Adolescent mothers often drop out of school.

B. Adolescent mothers generally do not catch up economically with women who postpone
childbearing until their twenties.
C. Adolescent mothers are most likely to come from middle-class socioeconomic
D. Many adolescent mothers were not good students before they became pregnant.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #60

61. Anna is a 24-year-old woman who is pregnant with her first baby. Her neighbor, Trish, is 16
(p. 210) and pregnant with her first child. Which of the following is most likely to be TRUE of these

A. Anna is more likely than Trisha to be receiving prenatal care.

B. Anna is more likely than Trisha to have a premature birth.
C. Trisha's baby is likely to weigh more than Anna's baby.
D. Both mothers will be equally competent caregivers for their babies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #61
62. Noah, age three, was born to a teenage mother. According to research, Noah is more likely
(p. 210- than his counterparts who were born to older mothers to

A. have behavioral problems.

B. score poorly on intelligence tests.
C. have a mother who is less competent in her child-rearing skills.
D. all of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #62

63. Stephen, age 17, is the father of 16-month-old Jared. If he is typical of most adolescent
(p. 211) fathers, Stephen will

A. stay in school.
B. have a close relationship with his son.
C. have a lower income than an older father.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #63

64. Which of the following was NOT one of the recommendations that John Conger offered for
(p. 211) reducing the rate of adolescent pregnancy?

A. sex education and family planning

B. access to contraceptive methods
C. broad community involvement and support
D. having pregnant teens educated in separate classrooms from their peers
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #64

65. Research showed that the Baby Think It Over experience produced all of the following results
(p. 211- among ninth-grade Latino girls EXCEPT

A. increased the age at which they planned to have a child.

B. produced a greater interest in being a wife and mother than in engaging in a career.
C. raised their concerns about how having a baby might interfere with their plans for an
D. produced a greater interest in career planning.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #65

66. According to recent research, adolescents who look to the future and see that they have the
(p. 212) opportunity to become self-sufficient and successful may be motivated to

A. reduce their risk of pregnancy.

B. go to college.
C. marry wealthy, established men.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #66

67. If the United States wanted to model community support for preventing adolescent pregnancy,
(p. 212) which of the following countries has a comprehensive model in place?

A. Brazil
B. The Netherlands
C. Italy
D. Honduras
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #67

68. Which of the following statements regarding pregnancy prevention strategies in the
(p. 212) Netherlands is NOT true?

A. The Netherlands has a mandated sex-education program for all students.

B. Adolescents can obtain contraceptive counseling at government sponsored clinics for a
small fee.
C. The Dutch media play a role in educating the public about sex.
D. Sexually active adolescents are not stigmatized in the Netherlands.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #68
69. The Teen Outreach Program (TOP) focuses on:
(p. 213)

A. providing ways for adolescents to become more successful academically.

B. helping teenage mothers to learn basic child care from more experienced mothers.
C. engaging adolescents in community volunteer opportunities.
D. engaging adolescents in the political process at the grass-roots level.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #69

70. Girls' Inc has a program, Will Power/Won't Power, that is targeted toward increasing ______ in
(p. 212- 12- to 14-year-old girls.

A. assertiveness training
B. resistance to persuasion skills (RPS)
C. body image awareness and acceptance
D. volunteerism
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #70

71. Girls' Inc.'s nine-session program aimed at older girls, which emphasizes career planning,
(p. 212- along with sexuality, reproduction, and contraception information, is called

A. Teen Outreach Program (TOP).

B. Taking Care of Business.
C. Will Power/Won't Power.
D. Health Bridges.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #71

72. Sandra tells you that she and her mother are participating in a series of five, 2-hour workshops
(p. 212- sponsored by her local Girls' Inc. office. They are talking about making responsible decisions
about pregnancy, and encouraging her motivation to avoid pregnancy until she is older.
Sandra is describing which program?

A. Growing Together
B. Health Bridges
C. Taking Care of Business
D. The Resistance to Persuasion
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #72

73. A consideration that is especially important for younger teens as they plan to avoid pregnancy
(p. 213) is

A. engaging in oral sex rather than sexual intercourse.

B. delaying dating until they are 18.
C. dating in small groups, rather than individual dating situations.
D. abstinence.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #73

74. Which of the following statements about sexually transmitted infections is NOT true?
(p. 213)

A. They are contracted primarily through sexual contact.

B. They are an increasing health problem.
C. They cannot be contracted through oral sex.
D. They can be contracted through anal-genital contact.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #74

75. Which of the following STIs is caused by a virus?

(p. 216)

A. genital herpes
B. gonorrhea
C. syphilis
D. chlamydia
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #75

76. The greatest concern about AIDS is in ______, where it has reached epidemic proportions.
(p. 213)

A. the United States

B. Thailand
C. sub-Saharan Africa
D. Argentina
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #76

77. Which of the following statements about AIDS is TRUE?

(p. 213-

A. A higher percentage of adolescent AIDS cases than adult cases are acquired through IV
drug use.
B. A special set of legal and ethical issues is involved in testing and informing partners and
parents of adolescents.
C. Adolescents have less access to contraceptives and are less likely to use them than are
D. A higher percentage of African-American and Latino AIDS cases occur in adolescence than
in adults.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #77

78. Which of the following people is MOST at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS?
(p. 215)

A. Astrid, a non-Latino white teen who is not yet sexually active.

B. Max, an 18-year-old gay male who practices safe sex.
C. Perry, a 20-year-old who is addicted to prescription narcotic pills.
D. Pam, a 21-year-old woman whose sex partner is a bisexual man.
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #78

79. HIV can be transmitted by all of the following methods EXCEPT

(p. 215)

A. sexual contact.
B. insect bites.
C. sharing of needles.
D. blood transfusions.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #79

80. More than 40 percent of men and women in a recent study said that they would
(p. 215-

A. understate the number of their sexual partners.

B. lie to a partner in order to have sex.
C. have unprotected sex with a stranger.
D. lie about the results of an HIV blood test.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #80

81. How effective are small-group discussions with an emphasis on open communication and
(p. 221) repetition of messages in teaching adolescents about AIDS?

A. Not very effective; adolescents prefer to learn about AIDS from parents.
B. Quite effective; adolescents can learn and share information about AIDS with their peers.
C. Not effective at all; adolescents will be too self-conscious to ask questions in a small group.
D. There is no data on the efficacy of small-group format in teaching about AIDS.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #81

82. Which of the following approaches has been shown to be effective in teaching high-risk groups
(p. 221) about HIV/AIDS?

A. culturally tailored outreach programs

B. population-specific rewards for attending programs
C. peer educators
D. all of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #82

83. Which of the following is an initial symptom of genital herpes?

(p. 216)

A. fever
B. itching and tingling at the site of infection
C. appearance of painful sores or blisters at the site of infection
D. enlarged lymph nodes in the groin
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #83
84. A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that
(p. 222)

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and

contraceptive information.
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #84

85. Linnia has a viral sexually transmitted infection that is characterized by frequent outbreaks of
(p. 216) painful sores in her genital area. Linnia most likely has

A. genital herpes.
B. syphilis.
C. gonorrhea.
D. genital warts.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #85

86. Which of the following statements regarding genital herpes is NOT true?
(p. 216)

A. It is spread by direct contact with the sores.

B. It is caused by bacteria.
C. It can be spread via contraceptive foam and creams.
D. It has no known cure.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #86

87. The most common STI for individuals of ages 15-24 in the United States is
(p. 216)

B. gonorrhea.
C. genital warts.
D. genital herpes.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #87
88. The vaccine that the CDC recommends be given to 11- to 12-year-old girls to help fight off
(p. 221) HPV and cervical cancer is called

A. Niospan.
B. Diovan.
C. Geosporin.
D. Gardasil.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #88

89. Harry tells his friend that he is going to see his doctor because he is afraid that his unprotected
(p. 216) sexual encounter has left him with "the clap." Harry is concerned that he has contracted

A. gonorrhea.
B. syphilis.
C. chlamydia.
D. trichomoniasis.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #89

90. Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is NOT true?

(p. 216-

A. The incidence of gonorrhea has declined.

B. Early symptoms in males are discharge from the penis and burning on urination.
C. Females may not detect any early symptoms.
D. It is caused by a virus.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #90

91. Marlene, who is in her third month of pregnancy, has just contracted syphilis. Which of the
(p. 217) following is TRUE if Marlene is treated immediately with penicillin?

A. Syphilis will still be transmitted to the fetus but the effects will be diminished.
B. Syphilis will not be transmitted to the fetus.
C. Syphilis will be transmitted to the fetus because Maureen has not been treated before the
end of the second month of pregnancy.
D. Syphilis can never be transmitted to a fetus.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #91

92. In its early phases, syphilis can be treated with

(p. 217)

A. Valtex.
B. Acyclovir.
C. Podophyllin.
D. Penicillin.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #92

93. Which of the following is NOT one of the four phases of syphilis?
(p. 217)

A. terminal
B. primary
C. latent
D. tertiary
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #93

94. About what percentage of college students have chlamydia?

(p. 217)

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #94

95. Which of the following statements regarding chlamydia is NOT true?

(p. 217)

A. It is highly infectious.
B. Many females infected with chlamydia are asymptomatic.
C. The incidence of chlamydia is less than that of gonorrhea.
D. Untreated chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility in females.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #95
96. Which of the following statements about rape is TRUE?
(p. 218)

A. Legal definitions of rape vary from state to state.

B. In some states, marital rape is legal.
C. Rape is pervasive in American culture.
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #96

97. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to romanticize sexuality?

(p. 222)

A. Kurt, age 13.

B. Nadia, age 16.
C. Julia, age 19.
D. All of them are likely to romanticize sexuality equally.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #97

98. Men who rape women are likely to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
(p. 218)

A. they are angry at women in general.

B. aggression increases their sense of power.
C. they want to hurt their victims.
D. they are likely to be under the influence of heroin or other opiates.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #98

99. Carla, a 19-year-old college sophomore, is a victim of rape. Which of the following statements
(p. 219) about her rape is most likely to be TRUE?

A. Her assailant was a stranger.

B. She knew the person who raped her.
C. She reported the rape to the police.
D. She reported the rape to campus security.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #99
100. Which of the following statements about the aftermath of rape is NOT true?
(p. 219)

A. About 40 percent of rape victims have made a suicide attempt.

B. Sexual dysfunctions occur in 50 percent of rape victims.
C. Many rape victims make lifestyle changes, such as moving to another apartment or home.
D. Many rape victims experience depression, fear, and anxiety for months or years.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #100

101. Which of the following statements about coping with rape is TRUE?
(p. 219)

A. Social support is an important factor in recovery.

B. Professional counseling is an important factor in recovery.
C. A woman's psychological adjustment prior to an assault is a factor in coping.
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #101

102. A recent study of adolescent girls indicated that

(p. 219)

A. approximately 90 percent of the girls had experienced athletic sexism.

B. approximately two-thirds of the girls had experienced academic sexism.
C. most of the girls had experienced sexual harassment at least once.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #102

103. Dana, age 15, has to deal with constant comments from the boys in her science class about
(p. 219) her breast size, skin blemishes, and large hips. Her teacher does nothing to stop these
offensive remarks. As a result, Dana's grade in science is compromised. Dana is a victim of

A. quid pro quo sexual harassment.

B. hostile environment sexual harassment.
C. third-party sexual harassment.
D. rude boys, but no type of sexual harassment.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #103
104. Which of the following statements regarding adolescents' sources of sexual information is
(p. 221) NOT true?

A. Male adolescents are more likely to talk to their fathers about sex than their mothers.
B. Adolescents get information about sex from the Internet.
C. Female adolescents are more likely to have conversations about sex with their mothers
than with their fathers.
D. Many parents are uncomfortable talking about sex with their adolescents.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #104

105. List some of the components of developing a sexual identity.

(p. 195)

Forming a sexual identity is multifaceted. It involves learning to manage sexual feelings, such
as sexual arousal and attraction, developing new forms of intimacy, and learning the skills to
regulate sexual behavior to avoid undesirable consequences. An adolescent's sexual identity
involves an indication of sexual orientation, activities, interests, and styles of behavior.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #105

106. Discuss the sexual initiation of African American, Asian American, and Latino adolescents, as
(p. 196- compared to non-Latino White adolescents. Discuss how acculturation might affect the sexual
behavior of Latino youth.

Sexual initiation varies according to ethnic group in the United States. African Americans are
more likely to engage in sexual behaviors earlier than other ethnic groups. Asian Americans
are more likely to engage in sexual behaviors later than other ethnic groups. Fewer first-
generation Latino adolescents engage in sexual intercourse before 18 years of age, and fewer
first- and second-generation Latino adolescents use contraceptives consistently at 17 years of
age, than third-generation Latino adolescents. Thus, as acculturation proceeds, the sexual
behavior of Latino adolescents begins to more closely resemble that of non-Latino White
adolescents, featuring earlier sexual initiation and increased use of condoms.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #106
107. Discuss the factors that have been associated with adolescents who engage in oral sex.
(p. 197-

A recent study found that, compared to those who had not engaged in oral sex, adolescents
who engaged in oral sex were older, had engaged in heavy drinking in the past month,
perceived their peers to be sexually active, and thought their friends would approve of their
sexual activity. In addition, it was found that adolescents who had participated in oral sex
indicated that they were less connected to their school and had a lower level of religiosity than
their counterparts who had not engaged in oral sex. Teens who participate in oral sex seem to
do so casually. These adolescents do not see oral sex as sex, and they are unaware of the
health risks of oral sex.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #107

108. Define a sexual script. Compare the differences in sexual scripts between males and females.
(p. 198-

A sexual script is a stereotyped pattern of role descriptions for how individuals should behave
sexually. By the time individuals reach adolescence, females and males have been socialized
to follow different sexual scripts. Female adolescents learn to link sexual intercourse with love.
Females are more likely than males to report being in love as the main reason they are
sexually active. Other reasons that females give for being sexually active include giving in to
male pressure, gambling that sex is a way to get a boyfriend, curiosity, and sexual desire that
is unrelated to love and caring. Adolescent boys experience considerable peer pressure to
have sexual intercourse. Their sexual script includes making sexual advances; girls' sexual
scripts include the mandate to limit the sexual overtures of males.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #108
109. List at least four risk factors associated with sexual activity.
(p. 199-

In early adolescence, sex is linked with drug use, delinquency, and school-related problems.
Low socioeconomic status, family/parenting issues, peer relationships, academic
achievement, and having older siblings who became pregnant as teens or who are sexually
active can all affect teens' risk of becoming sexually active at an early age. In addition, a
recent study revealed that not feeling close to their parents, having low self-esteem, and
watching television extensively were linked to adolescents being sexually active at 15 years of
age. Other studies have found that earlier onset of sexual intercourse was related to living with
someone other than one's own biological parents, having a lower level of parental monitoring,
and poor communication about sex with mothers.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #109

110. Describe at least three patterns found in the sexual behavior of emerging adults.
(p. 201)

Males have more casual sex partners; females report being more selective about their choice
of a sexual partner. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults in their late twenties
and thirties to have sexual intercourse with two or more individuals. Emerging adults have sex
less frequently than young adults. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in
young adulthood. Religious emerging adults have fewer sexual partners and engage is less
risky sexual behaviors than their less religious counterparts. Alcohol is a factor in casual sex
and risky sexual behaviors. Emerging-adult women who engaged in casual sex were more
likely than emerging-adult men to report having depressive symptoms.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #110
111. List and describe at least three factors that have been associated with the development of a
(p. 203- sexual minority identity.

There has been much research and speculation about why some people have same-sex
attractions and others do not, but no firm and clear answers are available. The results of
hormone studies have been inconsistent. For example, sexual-minority men who were given
androgens experienced increased sexual desire but no change in sexual orientation. Looking
at hormonal influence in the prenatal period suggests that exposure of the fetus to hormone
levels characteristic of females might cause the individual (male or female) to become
attracted to males. Simon LeVay found that tiny area of the hypothalamus that governs sexual
behavior is twice as large in heterosexual men as in sexual-minority men. Critics of LeVay's
work point out, however, that many of the men he studied had AIDS, which could have
affected the structure of their brains. Research on the sexual orientations of identical twins
found that a high number of identical twin pairs share the same sexual orientation. This finding
suggests that there may be a genetic component to sexual orientation. Researchers in this
field believe that sexual identity is a result of genetic, cognitive, environmental, and hormonal

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #111

112. Glen is a gay male who has yet to disclose his sexual identity. Based on what you know of the
(p. 204) research that has been done on the coming-out process, predict how Glen will probably go
about disclosing his sexual identity.

The first person that Glen will likely tell of his same-sex attraction is a friend. Parents are
seldom the first people that adolescents tell about their same-sex attraction, but mothers are
more likely than fathers to be told about their children's sexual identity. Glen will probably tell
his mother first, because he may have a more distant relationship with his father. He may tell
his siblings but it would be unlikely that he would share this information with them first.

Blooms Taxonomy: Synthesis

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #112
113. What similarities and differences exist between heterosexual and same-sex attraction
(p. 204- adolescents?

Similarities across sexual orientation occurred for friendship quality, academic orientation, and
perception of school climate. Studies on bisexual adolescents reported the most negative
results, including in areas of their lives such as relationships with parents, psychological
functioning, and victimization. Same-sex attraction adolescents experienced similar negative
experiences as bisexual youth but to a lesser extent. Same-sex attraction adolescents had the
positive experiences of intrapersonal strengths, such as academic orientation and good
friendships. One study found that sexual minority youth had a higher rate of depression and
anxiety than heterosexual youth, but there were no significant differences in perceived stress,
self-esteem, or mastery.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #113

114. Using cross-cultural data, discuss three reasons why the United States continues to have one
(p. 208) of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in the developed world.

1) In European countries, as well as Canada, adolescents are given the strong and consistent
message that childbearing is an adult activity. Adolescents clearly understand that they are
expected to delay childbearing until such time as they have finished their education, have
become employed and financially independent of their parents, and are living in stable
relationships. In the United States, this attitude is much less strong and much more variable
across groups and areas of the country. 2) Adults in other countries are much more realistic
and accepting of adolescent sexuality. There is an expectation that sex will take place within a
committed relationship and that the partners will take the needed precautions to prevent
pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections. The sex-education programs in other countries
are more comprehensive, and the media supports safer, more responsible sexual choices. 3)
In some other countries, teens have better access to contraceptives and reproductive health
services. In Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden these services are provided free or at a low
cost. In the United States, many sexually active adolescents cannot get birth control as part of
their health care.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #114
115. Karena is 16 years old and pregnant. According to research, what may Karena and her child
(p. 210- experience that would not be true for older mothers?

Adolescent pregnancy creates health risks for both the baby and the mother. Infants born to
adolescent mothers are more likely to have low birth weights and to have more neurological
problems and childhood illnesses than babies born to older mothers. Karena has to guard
against developing anemia, and she has to be sure to secure prenatal care early. Good
prenatal care can help to prevent low birth weight and premature delivery.
Characteristics of adolescent mothers that have been related to their likelihood of having
problems as emerging adults include a history of school problems, delinquency, hard
substance use, and mental health problems. Even if she has none of these characteristics,
Karena may drop out of school, as is the case with many teenage mothers. Although they
often resume their education later in life, adolescent mothers generally do not catch up
economically with women who postpone childbearing until their twenties.
Adolescent mothers are also less competent at childrearing and have less realistic
expectations of their infants' development than older mothers. Children born to adolescent
mothers had lower achievement test scores and more behavioral problems than children born
to older mothers.

Blooms Taxonomy: Application

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #115

116. List and explain John Conger's four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent
(p. 211) pregnancy.

Conger's four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent pregnancy are: sex
education and family planning; access to contraceptive methods; the life options approach;
and broad community involvement and support. Age-appropriate family-life education benefits
adolescents. There are a number of programs that attempt to show adolescents the reality of
life with an infant. In addition to family-life and sex education, adolescents need access to
contraceptive methods. These needs can often be met through adolescent clinics. However,
access to birth-control methods is only part of the equation. Adolescents must be motivated to
reduce their risk of pregnancy. They need to see a future that includes the opportunity to
become self-sufficient, successful adults. Adolescents need resources to improve their
academic skills, career-related skills, job opportunities, life-planning consultations, and mental-
health services. Finally, we need broad community involvement and support. For example,
outreach programs that focus on helping teens to stay busy and productive in their
communities have been shown to be a factor in decreasing teen pregnancy.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #116
117. Describe the cause, biological course, prevalence, methods of transmission, and prevention of
(p. 213- AIDS.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

This virus destroys the body's immune system, making it more vulnerable to germs that the
body would normally destroy. While AIDS is found in many countries of the world, it is at
epidemic proportions in sub-Saharan Africa. HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, the
sharing of needles of infected persons, and blood transfusions. AIDS can be prevented by
education about the modes of transmission, and avoiding practices that are particularly risky.
Education programs that target the needs of a specific group and programs that are offered in
small group formats have been shown to be particularly effective.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #117

118. Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the STDs
(p. 216) caused by viruses.

Besides AIDS, the two major sexually transmitted infections that are caused by viruses are
genital herpes and genital warts. Genital herpes is actually caused by a number of different
viruses. The major early symptoms are itching and tingling at the site of infection, three to five
days after contact. This is followed by the development of painful sores and blisters. It is direct
contact with the sores that transmits the virus to the partner. The attacks of sores and blisters
can recur as frequently as every few weeks or as infrequently as every few years. There is no
known cure for genital herpes. Drugs such as Acyclovir can alleviate symptoms but cannot
eliminate the virus from the body. Support groups have been established for people who suffer
from genital herpes and these groups may prove beneficial for some people. The other viral
sexually-transmitted infection is genital warts. This STI is caused by the human papilloma
virus (HPV) and is it is very contagious even when there are no obvious symptoms. Genital
warts usually appear as small, hard, painless bumps on the penis, in the vaginal area or
around the
anus. Treatment options include the use of a topical drug, freezing, or surgery. Genital warts
may return despite treatment, and in some cases they have been linked to cervical cancer.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #118
119. Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the three most
(p. 216- common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases.

The three most common sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria are gonorrhea,
syphilis, and chlamydia. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
which thrives in moist mucous membranes. The bacterium is spread by contact between the
infected moist membranes of one individual and the membranes of another. Early symptoms
of gonorrhea are more likely to appear in males, who may have a discharge from the penis
and burning during urination. The early sign of gonorrhea in females, often undetectable, is a
mild, irritating vaginal discharge. Gonorrhea can be successfully treated with penicillin or other
antibiotics. Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. This organism needs a
warm, moist environment to survive and is transmitted by sexual contact. It can also be
transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus after the fourth month of pregnancy. If
untreated, syphilis may progress through four stages. In primary syphilis, sores known as
chancres appear. Secondary syphilis is characterized by a general skin rash. The third stage,
latent syphilis, can last for years in which no overt symptoms are present. Finally, tertiary
syphilis manifests as cardiovascular disease, blindness, paralysis, skin ulcers, liver damage,
mental problems, and even death. Syphilis can be effectively treated in the early stages with
penicillin. Chlamydia spreads through sexual contact and infects the genital organs of both
sexes. Many females with chlamydia have no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they
include disrupted menstrual periods, pelvic pain, elevated temperature, nausea, vomiting, and
headache. Possible symptoms of chlamydia in males are a discharge from the penis and
burning on urination.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #119

120. Describe why rape is so pervasive in American culture. List three characteristics of rapists.
(p. 218)

Some feminists believe that American males are socialized to be sexually aggressive, to
regard females as inferior beings, and to view their own pleasure as the most important
objective. Researchers have found the following characteristics among rapists: aggression
enhances their sense of power or masculinity; they are angry at females in general; and they
want to hurt their victims. Rape is more likely to occur when alcohol and marijuana are being

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #120
121. Define and compare and contrast the two types of sexual harassment.
(p. 220)

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a school employee threatens to base an
educational decision (such as a grade) on a student's submission to unwelcome sexual
Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs when students are subjected to unwelcome
sexual conduct that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it limits the students' ability to
benefit from their education. Such a hostile environment is usually created by a series of
incidents, such as repeated sexual overtures.

Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #121

122. Explain why more parents are supporting sex education in schools, and describe the types of
(p. 222- sex education programs available.

Several large studies have found that approximately 90 percent of parents are in favor of a
sex-education program in high schools. A slightly lower number of parents support the
introduction of sex education in middle and junior high schools. The dramatic increase in
HIV/AIDS and other STIs is the main reason that Americans have increasingly supported sex
education in schools in recent years. The nature of sex education in schools is changing. U.S.
schools today increasingly focus on abstinence and are less likely to present students with
comprehensive teaching that includes information about birth control, abortion, and sexual
The two main types of sex education programs are abstinence-only programs and
comprehensive programs, which include abstinence but also offer information on
contraceptives. Despite the popular belief that teaching adolescents about sex causes them to
engage in sexual behaviors, research has shown that this is not the case. In fact, adolescents
who were taught in a comprehensive program were less likely to report adolescent
pregnancies than their counterparts who were educated in an abstinence-only program.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #122
123. Which of the following statements regarding sex and the media is TRUE?
(p. 194-

A. Sex is portrayed as a recreational activity.

B. Sex is often portrayed in a stereotypical way.
C. Women are portrayed as sex objects.
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #1

124. Which of the following was a finding from several research studies of adolescents who
(p. 194- watched sexually explicit TV shows?

A. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
initiation of dating.
B. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and
the initiation of sexual intercourse.
C. Adolescents who watched "sexy" shows were less likely to endorse sexual stereotypes than
adolescents who did not watch these shows.
D. None of these was a finding.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #2

125. Which of the following statements regarding development of a sexual identity is NOT true?
(p. 195)

A. Western societies place few constraints on adolescents' sexual behavior.

B. Developing a sexual identity is a lengthy process.
C. Sexual identity involves an indication of sexual orientation.
D. Social and cultural factors play a role in the development of a sexual identity.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #3

126. Obtaining information about adolescent sexuality has been difficult because
(p. 195-

A. those with conservative sexual attitudes are less likely to respond to sexual surveys than
those with more liberal attitudes.
B. some people refuse to answer questions about sex asked by a stranger.
C. some people give socially acceptable answers rather than truthful answers.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #4

127. Research shows that by age 20, what percentage of U.S. youth have engaged in sexual
(p. 196) intercourse?

A. 54
B. 77
C. 82
D. 90
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #5

128. Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and gender is NOT true?
(p. 196-

A. Adolescent females are less likely than males to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable
B. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to be sexually active.
C. Adolescent males are less likely than adolescent females to report sexual intercourse as an
enjoyable experience.
D. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to engage in sexual intercourse.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #6

129. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to have had a sexual experience before age
(p. 197) 13?

A. Abby, a non-Latino White teen

B. Zach, an African American teen
C. Lynda, an Asian teen
D. Josie, a Latino teen
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #7
130. Studies of Latino adolescents' sexual behavior found that, as acculturation proceeded, all of
(p. 197) the following happened, EXCEPT

A. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of African-
American adolescents.
B. the sexual behavior of Latino adolescents came to more closely resemble that of non-
Latino White adolescents.
C. sexual behavior was initiated earlier.
D. condom use increased.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #8

131. In a national survey, approximately what percentage of both 15- to 19-year-old males and
(p. 197- females said that they had engaged in oral sex?

A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 65
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #9

132. Which of the following statements regarding abstinence-only sex education programs is
(p. 223) TRUE?

A. They delay the onset of sexual intercourse.

B. They reduce HIV-risk behavior.
C. They do not delay the onset of sexual intercourse.
D. They are preferred by the majority of parents.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #10

133. For many adolescents, oral sex is

(p. 198)

A. restricted to the confines of an intimate relationship.

B. a casual activity.
C. carefully considered behavior.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #11

134. Liz engages in oral sex with her boyfriend Trevor. Which of the following statements regarding
(p. 198) beliefs about oral sex is Liz MOST likely to hold?

A. Oral sex has no health risks.

B. Oral sex is safer than sexual intercourse.
C. Oral sex is not really sex.
D. All of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #12

135. Which differences exist among different cultures with respect to the timing of teenage sexual
(p. 198) activities?

A. In developing nations, sexually experienced females, ages 15-19, are married; in

developed nations, sexually experienced teens of the same age are not married.
B. In developing nations, sexually experienced males and females, ages 15-19, are likely to
be married.
C. There is very little difference in the timing of sexual behaviors among developed nations
such as the United States, Sweden, and Australia.
D. In most Asian countries, first intercourse occurs somewhat earlier than in the United States.
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #13

136. A stereotyped pattern of role prescriptions for how individuals should behave sexually is
(p. 198) known as a

A. sexual edict.
B. sexual script.
C. sexual role.
D. sexual norm.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #14
137. Girls commonly cite all of the following reasons for being sexually active EXCEPT
(p. 199)

A. being in love.
B. pressure from males.
C. curiosity.
D. pressure from female friends.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #15

138. Sheila, age 16, has just begun to be sexually active with her boyfriend Ted. Which of the
(p. 199) following reasons would Sheila MOST likely say is the main reason she is sexually active?

A. She is in love with Ted.

B. She was the last of her group of girlfriends to be sexually active and she liked Ted well
C. She was curious about sex.
D. She wanted to rebel against her parents' strict religious rules.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #16

139. Adolescent boys are MORE likely than adolescent girls to cite ______ as a reason for
(p. 199) becoming sexually active.

A. being in love
B. peer pressure
C. curiosity
D. none of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #17

140. A recent study showed that college women who ______ made more responsible decisions
(p. 203) regarding sexuality than women who did not engage in this behavior.

A. attended weekly religious services.

B. volunteered in their communities at least five hours per week.
C. had a prior STI.
D. frequently set personal goals.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #18

141. Early sexual activity has been linked to all of the following behaviors EXCEPT
(p. 200)

A. delinquency.
B. eating disorders.
C. drug use.
D. school-related problems.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #19

142. Which of the following adolescents is MOST at risk for engaging in sexual activity?
(p. 200)

A. Charlotte, age 14, whose older sister became pregnant at age 16

B. Howie, age 15, who lives with his biological parents in a middle-class neighborhood
C. Juanita, a 16-year-old Latina whose parents monitor her closely
D. Cole, age 17, who is active in three sports and has a close relationship with his parents
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #20

143. Reviews of recent research have found that Latino adolescents were less likely to engage in
(p. 200) risky sexual behavior when

A. their fathers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
B. their mothers talked to them about the possible negative consequences of sex.
C. their grandmothers or older aunts talked to them about the possible negative consequences
of sex.
D. they were confined to their homes after school and on weekends.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #21

144. A cognitive factor implicated in sexual risk-taking in adolescence is

(p. 200)

A. attention problems.
B. negative peer pressure.
C. poor self-regulation.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #22
145. A protective factor against sexual risk-taking in African American adolescents is
(p. 200)

A. positive peer role models.

B. positive adult role models.
C. involvement in religion.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #23

146. The average age for marriage in the United States is _____ for men and ______ for women.
(p. 209)

A. 27; 24
B. 28; 25
C. 27; 25
D. 29; 25
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #24

147. Which of the following statements regarding patterns in heterosexual behavior for men and
(p. 201) women in emerging adulthood is NOT true?

A. Males have more casual sexual partners than females.

B. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in young adulthood.
C. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults to have had sexual experiences with two
or more partners.
D. Emerging adults have sex more frequently than young adults.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #25

148. The current trend in sex education in schools in the United States is increasingly focused on
(p. 223)

A. safer sex.
B. abstinence.
C. comprehensive sex education.
D. decreasing sexually-transmitted diseases.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #26
149. The majority of sexual minority (same-sex) individuals experience their first sexual behavior in
(p. 202)

A. adolescence.
B. late childhood.
C. emerging adulthood.
D. young adulthood.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #27

150. Which of the following statements regarding heterosexual behavior and same-sex attraction is
(p. 203) TRUE?

A. Patterns of attraction to sexual partners are determined in adolescence and do not change
after that.
B. People are either heterosexual or have same-sex attraction.
C. The term "bisexual" really means someone who is same-sex identified but afraid to admit it.
D. The use of the term "homosexual" has been replaced by the term "same-sex attraction."
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #28

151. Catherine identifies herself as a lesbian. Which of the following is probably TRUE for
(p. 204) Catherine?

A. She shares her sexual orientation with five to six percent of women in the United States
B. She has the same physiological responses to arousal as heterosexual women.
C. Her brain structure, particularly in the area of the hypothalamus, is different than the brains
of heterosexual women.
D. She has a higher level of testosterone than heterosexual women.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #29
152. Russell, a gay man, participated in a research study in which he was given injections of
(p. 204) androgens to see what, if any, change there would be on his sexual orientation. According to
research, which of the following was the most likely outcome for Russell in this study?

A. He became more sexually interested in women.

B. He experienced an increase in desire but had no change in sexual orientation.
C. He experienced a decrease in desire but no change in sexual orientation.
D. None of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #30

153. Researcher Simon LeVay said that he found that a tiny area of the hypothalamus that governs
(p. 207) sexual behavior is twice as large in heterosexual men as in same-sex men. LeVay's research
has been criticized, however, by those who point out that

A. he did not have a large enough sample from which to draw conclusions.
B. he did not have a balance between heterosexual men and same-sex attraction men.
C. many same-sex attraction men in LeVay's study had AIDS, which could have affected their
D. many of the heterosexual men in LeVay's study had Alzheimer's disease, which could have
affected their brains.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #31

154. Research suggests that sexual attraction is determined by

(p. 203)

A. genetic factors.
B. hormonal factors.
C. environmental factors.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #32
155. Molly, age nine, is being raised by her biological mother and her mother's lesbian partner.
(p. 207) Research suggests that Molly will

A. probably grow up to be a lesbian.

B. probably grow up to be heterosexual.
C. decrease her chances of being a lesbian if she chooses a strong heterosexual woman for a
role model.
D. increase her chances of becoming a lesbian if she chooses a strong male role model.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #33

156. If Roland, a gay male, followed the developmental pattern of many same-sex attraction men
(p. 204) and women, all of the following are true EXCEPT

A. he was not aware of his same-sex attraction until late adolescence.

B. he did not engage in heterosexual dating.
C. he recognized that he was gay in early adulthood.
D. he never had any sexual interest in females.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #34

157. Ivy realizes that she is strongly sexually attracted to other females. According to research on
(p. 204) disclosure, Ivy is most likely to FIRST tell her

A. sister.
B. mother.
C. friend.
D. father.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #35

158. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent disclosure of their same-sex
(p. 204) orientation is TRUE?

A. Mothers are more likely than fathers to know about their adolescents' same-sex attraction.
B. Fathers are usually told before mothers.
C. Siblings are usually told before friends.
D. Parents are usually told before friends.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #36

159. Having irrational, negative feelings against individuals who have same-sex attractions is
(p. 204) called

A. stigma.
B. humorosity.
C. stereotyping.
D. homophobia.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #37

160. Mary believes that all child molesters are gay men and she goes out of her way to avoid a
(p. 204) colleague whom she believes is a gay man. Mary's beliefs and behavior could be labeled as

A. sexual harassment.
B. stigmatizing.
C. homophobia.
D. gay bashing.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #38

161. Hiding one's real social identity is known as

(p. 204)

A. covering.
B. closeting.
C. passing.
D. posing.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #39
162. Phil is a gay man, but he dates women and has told nobody about his sexual orientation. Phil
(p. 204) is engaged in a form of self-devaluation called

A. passing.
B. closeting.
C. covert lying.
D. covering.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #40

163. Which of the following is NOT an area of similarity in the lives of heterosexual, same-sex
(p. 204) attraction, and bisexual adolescents?

A. friendship quality
B. relationships with parents
C. academic orientation
D. perception of school climate
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #41

164. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to report victimization as a result of sexual
(p. 204) orientation?

A. Jacob, who is a bisexual

B. Zully, who is a lesbian
C. Katie, who is a heterosexual
D. Conrad, who is a gay male
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #42

165. Which of the following statements regarding sexual orientation and mental health is TRUE?
(p. 204-

A. Significantly more same-sex youth commit suicide than heterosexual youth.

B. Same-sex youth have higher perceived stress than heterosexual youth.
C. Sexual minority youth have less mastery of their lives than heterosexual youth.
D. Sexual minority youth have higher rates of depression and anxiety than heterosexual youth.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #43
166. The most common sexual outlet for adolescents is
(p. 205)

A. oral sex.
B. petting.
C. masturbation.
D. sexual intercourse.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #44

167. Which of the following statements regarding masturbation is NOT true?

(p. 205)

A. More males masturbate than females.

B. Information on masturbation is based on self-reports.
C. Masturbation is a more stigmatized behavior for females than for males.
D. Most adolescents today feel guilty about masturbation.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #45

168. Which of the following statements regarding the use of contraceptives is TRUE?
(p. 206)

A. Adolescents have increased their use of contraceptives.

B. Many sexually active adolescents do not use contraceptives consistently.
C. Sexually active younger adolescents are less likely to use contraceptives than older
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #46

169. Condom use has been associated with

(p. 206-

A. educational level.
B. friends' use of condoms.
C. socioeconomic status.
D. access to health care.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #47
170. Daughters of teenage mothers are at increased risk of
(p. 208-

A. dropping out of school.

B. poor health.
C. being teenage mothers themselves.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #48

171. The highest rates of adolescent pregnancies and childbearing in the developed world occur in
(p. 208) which nation?

A. Canada
B. England
C. United States
D. France
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #49

172. Adolescents in a European country are more likely than adolescents in the United States to
(p. 208) be

A. told that childbearing is an adult activity.

B. accepted by adults for being sexually active with responsibility.
C. told to protect themselves and their partners from pregnancy and STIs.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #50

173. Adolescents in the United Sates are less likely than their counterparts in Canada to
(p. 208)

A. have access to a comprehensive sex-education program in school.

B. have access to reproductive health services.
C. be provided with free contraceptives.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #51
174. A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that
(p. 222)

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and

contraceptive information.
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #52

175. Which of the following girls is MOST likely to become pregnant while a teen?
(p. 208)

A. Amy, a non-Latino white girl.

B. Robin, an African American girl.
C. Sally, a Latina.
D. All of them have an equal probability of becoming pregnant while still a teen.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #53

176. Two reasons for the rise in the proportion of adolescent births that are nonmarital are because
(p. 209) marriage has become quite rare in adolescence and because

A. pregnancy is no longer seen as a reason to get married.

B. the fathers of these babies are not able to support them as well as their mothers.
C. most of these children are given up for adoption, so there is no need to marry.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #54

177. Which of the following statements regarding abortion in the United States is NOT true?
(p. 209-

A. The experiences of adolescents who want to have an abortion vary by state and region.
B. Some areas of the country have more providers for abortions than others.
C. Some states require parental permission before performing an abortion on an adolescent.
D. The right to an abortion has been guaranteed by the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #55
178. In the United States, approximately what fraction of teen pregnancies ends in abortion?
(p. 210)

A. one-half
B. one-quarter
C. one-third
D. two-thirds
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #56

179. Senator Gorson makes the case to his colleagues that there should be national legislation
(p. 210) mandating parental consent for adolescent girls' abortions. He calls abortion a "medically
dangerous procedure" and one that will "scar these young women for life." Research on his
statements would seem to indicate that Senator Gorson is

A. correct about the medical risk; research has shown that abortion is medically dangerous.
B. correct about the psychological risks; girls who have had abortions are at high risk for
C. incorrect on both positions; first trimester abortion is medically safe and a study of girls who
had abortions showed they had a decrease in anxiety.
D. incorrect about the medical risk, but correct about the psychological risk.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #57

180. Which of the following is NOT a rationale for stricter abortion laws for adolescents?
(p. 210)

A. There is a high risk of physical harm from abortions.

B. Adolescents cannot make an adequate informed choice to have an abortion.
C. Adolescents and their parents will hinder communication if they have to make decisions
D. Research has shown that many adolescents will not suffer psychological harm after an
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #58
181. Naomi, who is 16 years old, has just given birth to her first child, Seth. Which of the following
(p. 210) is most likely TRUE of Naomi and Seth?

A. Naomi will continue her high school education at an alternative regional school.
B. Seth is likely to be a low birth weight baby.
C. Seth is likely to be a fairly healthy baby.
D. Naomi will catch up to her peers economically after three to five years.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #59

182. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent pregnancy is NOT true?
(p. 210)

A. Adolescent mothers often drop out of school.

B. Adolescent mothers generally do not catch up economically with women who postpone
childbearing until their twenties.
C. Adolescent mothers are most likely to come from middle-class socioeconomic
D. Many adolescent mothers were not good students before they became pregnant.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #60

183. Anna is a 24-year-old woman who is pregnant with her first baby. Her neighbor, Trish, is 16
(p. 210) and pregnant with her first child. Which of the following is most likely to be TRUE of these

A. Anna is more likely than Trisha to be receiving prenatal care.

B. Anna is more likely than Trisha to have a premature birth.
C. Trisha's baby is likely to weigh more than Anna's baby.
D. Both mothers will be equally competent caregivers for their babies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #61
184. Noah, age three, was born to a teenage mother. According to research, Noah is more likely
(p. 210- than his counterparts who were born to older mothers to

A. have behavioral problems.

B. score poorly on intelligence tests.
C. have a mother who is less competent in her child-rearing skills.
D. all of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #62

185. Stephen, age 17, is the father of 16-month-old Jared. If he is typical of most adolescent
(p. 211) fathers, Stephen will

A. stay in school.
B. have a close relationship with his son.
C. have a lower income than an older father.
D. all of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #63

186. Which of the following was NOT one of the recommendations that John Conger offered for
(p. 211) reducing the rate of adolescent pregnancy?

A. sex education and family planning

B. access to contraceptive methods
C. broad community involvement and support
D. having pregnant teens educated in separate classrooms from their peers
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #64

187. Research showed that the Baby Think It Over experience produced all of the following results
(p. 211- among ninth-grade Latino girls EXCEPT

A. increased the age at which they planned to have a child.

B. produced a greater interest in being a wife and mother than in engaging in a career.
C. raised their concerns about how having a baby might interfere with their plans for an
D. produced a greater interest in career planning.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #65

188. According to recent research, adolescents who look to the future and see that they have the
(p. 212) opportunity to become self-sufficient and successful may be motivated to

A. reduce their risk of pregnancy.

B. go to college.
C. marry wealthy, established men.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #66

189. If the United States wanted to model community support for preventing adolescent pregnancy,
(p. 212) which of the following countries has a comprehensive model in place?

A. Brazil
B. The Netherlands
C. Italy
D. Honduras
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #67

190. Which of the following statements regarding pregnancy prevention strategies in the
(p. 212) Netherlands is NOT true?

A. The Netherlands has a mandated sex-education program for all students.

B. Adolescents can obtain contraceptive counseling at government sponsored clinics for a
small fee.
C. The Dutch media play a role in educating the public about sex.
D. Sexually active adolescents are not stigmatized in the Netherlands.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #68
191. The Teen Outreach Program (TOP) focuses on:
(p. 213)

A. providing ways for adolescents to become more successful academically.

B. helping teenage mothers to learn basic child care from more experienced mothers.
C. engaging adolescents in community volunteer opportunities.
D. engaging adolescents in the political process at the grass-roots level.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #69

192. Girls' Inc has a program, Will Power/Won't Power, that is targeted toward increasing ______ in
(p. 212- 12- to 14-year-old girls.

A. assertiveness training
B. resistance to persuasion skills (RPS)
C. body image awareness and acceptance
D. volunteerism
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #70

193. Girls' Inc.'s nine-session program aimed at older girls, which emphasizes career planning,
(p. 212- along with sexuality, reproduction, and contraception information, is called

A. Teen Outreach Program (TOP).

B. Taking Care of Business.
C. Will Power/Won't Power.
D. Health Bridges.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #71

194. Sandra tells you that she and her mother are participating in a series of five, 2-hour workshops
(p. 212- sponsored by her local Girls' Inc. office. They are talking about making responsible decisions
about pregnancy, and encouraging her motivation to avoid pregnancy until she is older.
Sandra is describing which program?

A. Growing Together
B. Health Bridges
C. Taking Care of Business
D. The Resistance to Persuasion
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #72

195. A consideration that is especially important for younger teens as they plan to avoid pregnancy
(p. 213) is

A. engaging in oral sex rather than sexual intercourse.

B. delaying dating until they are 18.
C. dating in small groups, rather than individual dating situations.
D. abstinence.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #73

196. Which of the following statements about sexually transmitted infections is NOT true?
(p. 213)

A. They are contracted primarily through sexual contact.

B. They are an increasing health problem.
C. They cannot be contracted through oral sex.
D. They can be contracted through anal-genital contact.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #74

197. Which of the following STIs is caused by a virus?

(p. 216)

A. genital herpes
B. gonorrhea
C. syphilis
D. chlamydia
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #75

198. The greatest concern about AIDS is in ______, where it has reached epidemic proportions.
(p. 213)

A. the United States

B. Thailand
C. sub-Saharan Africa
D. Argentina
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #76

199. Which of the following statements about AIDS is TRUE?

(p. 213-

A. A higher percentage of adolescent AIDS cases than adult cases are acquired through IV
drug use.
B. A special set of legal and ethical issues is involved in testing and informing partners and
parents of adolescents.
C. Adolescents have less access to contraceptives and are less likely to use them than are
D. A higher percentage of African-American and Latino AIDS cases occur in adolescence than
in adults.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #77

200. Which of the following people is MOST at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS?
(p. 215)

A. Astrid, a non-Latino white teen who is not yet sexually active.

B. Max, an 18-year-old gay male who practices safe sex.
C. Perry, a 20-year-old who is addicted to prescription narcotic pills.
D. Pam, a 21-year-old woman whose sex partner is a bisexual man.
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #78

201. HIV can be transmitted by all of the following methods EXCEPT

(p. 215)

A. sexual contact.
B. insect bites.
C. sharing of needles.
D. blood transfusions.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #79

202. More than 40 percent of men and women in a recent study said that they would
(p. 215-

A. understate the number of their sexual partners.

B. lie to a partner in order to have sex.
C. have unprotected sex with a stranger.
D. lie about the results of an HIV blood test.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #80

203. How effective are small-group discussions with an emphasis on open communication and
(p. 221) repetition of messages in teaching adolescents about AIDS?

A. Not very effective; adolescents prefer to learn about AIDS from parents.
B. Quite effective; adolescents can learn and share information about AIDS with their peers.
C. Not effective at all; adolescents will be too self-conscious to ask questions in a small group.
D. There is no data on the efficacy of small-group format in teaching about AIDS.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #81

204. Which of the following approaches has been shown to be effective in teaching high-risk groups
(p. 221) about HIV/AIDS?

A. culturally tailored outreach programs

B. population-specific rewards for attending programs
C. peer educators
D. all of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #82

205. Which of the following is an initial symptom of genital herpes?

(p. 216)

A. fever
B. itching and tingling at the site of infection
C. appearance of painful sores or blisters at the site of infection
D. enlarged lymph nodes in the groin
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #83
206. A recent survey of parents in Minnesota revealed that
(p. 222)

A. almost 90 percent of the parents recommended teaching about abstinence and

contraceptive information.
B. most parents favored an abstinence-only curriculum.
C. most parents said that sex education should be introduced in junior high school.
D. none of these
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #84

207. Linnia has a viral sexually transmitted infection that is characterized by frequent outbreaks of
(p. 216) painful sores in her genital area. Linnia most likely has

A. genital herpes.
B. syphilis.
C. gonorrhea.
D. genital warts.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #85

208. Which of the following statements regarding genital herpes is NOT true?
(p. 216)

A. It is spread by direct contact with the sores.

B. It is caused by bacteria.
C. It can be spread via contraceptive foam and creams.
D. It has no known cure.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #86

209. The most common STI for individuals of ages 15-24 in the United States is
(p. 216)

B. gonorrhea.
C. genital warts.
D. genital herpes.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #87
210. The vaccine that the CDC recommends be given to 11- to 12-year-old girls to help fight off
(p. 221) HPV and cervical cancer is called

A. Niospan.
B. Diovan.
C. Geosporin.
D. Gardasil.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #88

211. Harry tells his friend that he is going to see his doctor because he is afraid that his unprotected
(p. 216) sexual encounter has left him with "the clap." Harry is concerned that he has contracted

A. gonorrhea.
B. syphilis.
C. chlamydia.
D. trichomoniasis.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #89

212. Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is NOT true?

(p. 216-

A. The incidence of gonorrhea has declined.

B. Early symptoms in males are discharge from the penis and burning on urination.
C. Females may not detect any early symptoms.
D. It is caused by a virus.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #90

213. Marlene, who is in her third month of pregnancy, has just contracted syphilis. Which of the
(p. 217) following is TRUE if Marlene is treated immediately with penicillin?

A. Syphilis will still be transmitted to the fetus but the effects will be diminished.
B. Syphilis will not be transmitted to the fetus.
C. Syphilis will be transmitted to the fetus because Maureen has not been treated before the
end of the second month of pregnancy.
D. Syphilis can never be transmitted to a fetus.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #91

214. In its early phases, syphilis can be treated with

(p. 217)

A. Valtex.
B. Acyclovir.
C. Podophyllin.
D. Penicillin.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #92

215. Which of the following is NOT one of the four phases of syphilis?
(p. 217)

A. terminal
B. primary
C. latent
D. tertiary
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #93

216. About what percentage of college students have chlamydia?

(p. 217)

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #94

217. Which of the following statements regarding chlamydia is NOT true?

(p. 217)

A. It is highly infectious.
B. Many females infected with chlamydia are asymptomatic.
C. The incidence of chlamydia is less than that of gonorrhea.
D. Untreated chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility in females.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #95
218. Which of the following statements about rape is TRUE?
(p. 218)

A. Legal definitions of rape vary from state to state.

B. In some states, marital rape is legal.
C. Rape is pervasive in American culture.
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #96

219. Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to romanticize sexuality?

(p. 222)

A. Kurt, age 13.

B. Nadia, age 16.
C. Julia, age 19.
D. All of them are likely to romanticize sexuality equally.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #97

220. Men who rape women are likely to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
(p. 218)

A. they are angry at women in general.

B. aggression increases their sense of power.
C. they want to hurt their victims.
D. they are likely to be under the influence of heroin or other opiates.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #98

221. Carla, a 19-year-old college sophomore, is a victim of rape. Which of the following statements
(p. 219) about her rape is most likely to be TRUE?

A. Her assailant was a stranger.

B. She knew the person who raped her.
C. She reported the rape to the police.
D. She reported the rape to campus security.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #99
222. Which of the following statements about the aftermath of rape is NOT true?
(p. 219)

A. About 40 percent of rape victims have made a suicide attempt.

B. Sexual dysfunctions occur in 50 percent of rape victims.
C. Many rape victims make lifestyle changes, such as moving to another apartment or home.
D. Many rape victims experience depression, fear, and anxiety for months or years.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #100

223. Which of the following statements about coping with rape is TRUE?
(p. 219)

A. Social support is an important factor in recovery.

B. Professional counseling is an important factor in recovery.
C. A woman's psychological adjustment prior to an assault is a factor in coping.
D. All of these are true.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #101

224. A recent study of adolescent girls indicated that

(p. 219)

A. approximately 90 percent of the girls had experienced athletic sexism.

B. approximately two-thirds of the girls had experienced academic sexism.
C. most of the girls had experienced sexual harassment at least once.
D. none of these.
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #102

225. Dana, age 15, has to deal with constant comments from the boys in her science class about
(p. 219) her breast size, skin blemishes, and large hips. Her teacher does nothing to stop these
offensive remarks. As a result, Dana's grade in science is compromised. Dana is a victim of

A. quid pro quo sexual harassment.

B. hostile environment sexual harassment.
C. third-party sexual harassment.
D. rude boys, but no type of sexual harassment.
Blooms Taxonomy: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #103
226. Which of the following statements regarding adolescents' sources of sexual information is
(p. 221) NOT true?

A. Male adolescents are more likely to talk to their fathers about sex than their mothers.
B. Adolescents get information about sex from the Internet.
C. Female adolescents are more likely to have conversations about sex with their mothers
than with their fathers.
D. Many parents are uncomfortable talking about sex with their adolescents.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #104

227. List some of the components of developing a sexual identity.

(p. 195)

Forming a sexual identity is multifaceted. It involves learning to manage sexual feelings, such
as sexual arousal and attraction, developing new forms of intimacy, and learning the skills to
regulate sexual behavior to avoid undesirable consequences. An adolescent's sexual identity
involves an indication of sexual orientation, activities, interests, and styles of behavior.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1
Santrock - Chapter 06 #105

228. Discuss the sexual initiation of African American, Asian American, and Latino adolescents, as
(p. 196- compared to non-Latino White adolescents. Discuss how acculturation might affect the sexual
behavior of Latino youth.

Sexual initiation varies according to ethnic group in the United States. African Americans are
more likely to engage in sexual behaviors earlier than other ethnic groups. Asian Americans
are more likely to engage in sexual behaviors later than other ethnic groups. Fewer first-
generation Latino adolescents engage in sexual intercourse before 18 years of age, and fewer
first- and second-generation Latino adolescents use contraceptives consistently at 17 years of
age, than third-generation Latino adolescents. Thus, as acculturation proceeds, the sexual
behavior of Latino adolescents begins to more closely resemble that of non-Latino White
adolescents, featuring earlier sexual initiation and increased use of condoms.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #106
229. Discuss the factors that have been associated with adolescents who engage in oral sex.
(p. 197-

A recent study found that, compared to those who had not engaged in oral sex, adolescents
who engaged in oral sex were older, had engaged in heavy drinking in the past month,
perceived their peers to be sexually active, and thought their friends would approve of their
sexual activity. In addition, it was found that adolescents who had participated in oral sex
indicated that they were less connected to their school and had a lower level of religiosity than
their counterparts who had not engaged in oral sex. Teens who participate in oral sex seem to
do so casually. These adolescents do not see oral sex as sex, and they are unaware of the
health risks of oral sex.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #107

230. Define a sexual script. Compare the differences in sexual scripts between males and females.
(p. 198-

A sexual script is a stereotyped pattern of role descriptions for how individuals should behave
sexually. By the time individuals reach adolescence, females and males have been socialized
to follow different sexual scripts. Female adolescents learn to link sexual intercourse with love.
Females are more likely than males to report being in love as the main reason they are
sexually active. Other reasons that females give for being sexually active include giving in to
male pressure, gambling that sex is a way to get a boyfriend, curiosity, and sexual desire that
is unrelated to love and caring. Adolescent boys experience considerable peer pressure to
have sexual intercourse. Their sexual script includes making sexual advances; girls' sexual
scripts include the mandate to limit the sexual overtures of males.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #108
231. List at least four risk factors associated with sexual activity.
(p. 199-

In early adolescence, sex is linked with drug use, delinquency, and school-related problems.
Low socioeconomic status, family/parenting issues, peer relationships, academic
achievement, and having older siblings who became pregnant as teens or who are sexually
active can all affect teens' risk of becoming sexually active at an early age. In addition, a
recent study revealed that not feeling close to their parents, having low self-esteem, and
watching television extensively were linked to adolescents being sexually active at 15 years of
age. Other studies have found that earlier onset of sexual intercourse was related to living with
someone other than one's own biological parents, having a lower level of parental monitoring,
and poor communication about sex with mothers.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #109

232. Describe at least three patterns found in the sexual behavior of emerging adults.
(p. 201)

Males have more casual sex partners; females report being more selective about their choice
of a sexual partner. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults in their late twenties
and thirties to have sexual intercourse with two or more individuals. Emerging adults have sex
less frequently than young adults. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in
young adulthood. Religious emerging adults have fewer sexual partners and engage is less
risky sexual behaviors than their less religious counterparts. Alcohol is a factor in casual sex
and risky sexual behaviors. Emerging-adult women who engaged in casual sex were more
likely than emerging-adult men to report having depressive symptoms.

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #110
233. List and describe at least three factors that have been associated with the development of a
(p. 203- sexual minority identity.

There has been much research and speculation about why some people have same-sex
attractions and others do not, but no firm and clear answers are available. The results of
hormone studies have been inconsistent. For example, sexual-minority men who were given
androgens experienced increased sexual desire but no change in sexual orientation. Looking
at hormonal influence in the prenatal period suggests that exposure of the fetus to hormone
levels characteristic of females might cause the individual (male or female) to become
attracted to males. Simon LeVay found that tiny area of the hypothalamus that governs sexual
behavior is twice as large in heterosexual men as in sexual-minority men. Critics of LeVay's
work point out, however, that many of the men he studied had AIDS, which could have
affected the structure of their brains. Research on the sexual orientations of identical twins
found that a high number of identical twin pairs share the same sexual orientation. This finding
suggests that there may be a genetic component to sexual orientation. Researchers in this
field believe that sexual identity is a result of genetic, cognitive, environmental, and hormonal

Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #111

234. Glen is a gay male who has yet to disclose his sexual identity. Based on what you know of the
(p. 204) research that has been done on the coming-out process, predict how Glen will probably go
about disclosing his sexual identity.

The first person that Glen will likely tell of his same-sex attraction is a friend. Parents are
seldom the first people that adolescents tell about their same-sex attraction, but mothers are
more likely than fathers to be told about their children's sexual identity. Glen will probably tell
his mother first, because he may have a more distant relationship with his father. He may tell
his siblings but it would be unlikely that he would share this information with them first.

Blooms Taxonomy: Synthesis

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #112
235. What similarities and differences exist between heterosexual and same-sex attraction
(p. 204- adolescents?

Similarities across sexual orientation occurred for friendship quality, academic orientation, and
perception of school climate. Studies on bisexual adolescents reported the most negative
results, including in areas of their lives such as relationships with parents, psychological
functioning, and victimization. Same-sex attraction adolescents experienced similar negative
experiences as bisexual youth but to a lesser extent. Same-sex attraction adolescents had the
positive experiences of intrapersonal strengths, such as academic orientation and good
friendships. One study found that sexual minority youth had a higher rate of depression and
anxiety than heterosexual youth, but there were no significant differences in perceived stress,
self-esteem, or mastery.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2
Santrock - Chapter 06 #113

236. Using cross-cultural data, discuss three reasons why the United States continues to have one
(p. 208) of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in the developed world.

1) In European countries, as well as Canada, adolescents are given the strong and consistent
message that childbearing is an adult activity. Adolescents clearly understand that they are
expected to delay childbearing until such time as they have finished their education, have
become employed and financially independent of their parents, and are living in stable
relationships. In the United States, this attitude is much less strong and much more variable
across groups and areas of the country. 2) Adults in other countries are much more realistic
and accepting of adolescent sexuality. There is an expectation that sex will take place within a
committed relationship and that the partners will take the needed precautions to prevent
pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections. The sex-education programs in other countries
are more comprehensive, and the media supports safer, more responsible sexual choices. 3)
In some other countries, teens have better access to contraceptives and reproductive health
services. In Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden these services are provided free or at a low
cost. In the United States, many sexually active adolescents cannot get birth control as part of
their health care.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #114
237. Karena is 16 years old and pregnant. According to research, what may Karena and her child
(p. 210- experience that would not be true for older mothers?

Adolescent pregnancy creates health risks for both the baby and the mother. Infants born to
adolescent mothers are more likely to have low birth weights and to have more neurological
problems and childhood illnesses than babies born to older mothers. Karena has to guard
against developing anemia, and she has to be sure to secure prenatal care early. Good
prenatal care can help to prevent low birth weight and premature delivery.
Characteristics of adolescent mothers that have been related to their likelihood of having
problems as emerging adults include a history of school problems, delinquency, hard
substance use, and mental health problems. Even if she has none of these characteristics,
Karena may drop out of school, as is the case with many teenage mothers. Although they
often resume their education later in life, adolescent mothers generally do not catch up
economically with women who postpone childbearing until their twenties.
Adolescent mothers are also less competent at childrearing and have less realistic
expectations of their infants' development than older mothers. Children born to adolescent
mothers had lower achievement test scores and more behavioral problems than children born
to older mothers.

Blooms Taxonomy: Application

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #115

238. List and explain John Conger's four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent
(p. 211) pregnancy.

Conger's four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent pregnancy are: sex
education and family planning; access to contraceptive methods; the life options approach;
and broad community involvement and support. Age-appropriate family-life education benefits
adolescents. There are a number of programs that attempt to show adolescents the reality of
life with an infant. In addition to family-life and sex education, adolescents need access to
contraceptive methods. These needs can often be met through adolescent clinics. However,
access to birth-control methods is only part of the equation. Adolescents must be motivated to
reduce their risk of pregnancy. They need to see a future that includes the opportunity to
become self-sufficient, successful adults. Adolescents need resources to improve their
academic skills, career-related skills, job opportunities, life-planning consultations, and mental-
health services. Finally, we need broad community involvement and support. For example,
outreach programs that focus on helping teens to stay busy and productive in their
communities have been shown to be a factor in decreasing teen pregnancy.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #116
239. Describe the cause, biological course, prevalence, methods of transmission, and prevention of
(p. 213- AIDS.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

This virus destroys the body's immune system, making it more vulnerable to germs that the
body would normally destroy. While AIDS is found in many countries of the world, it is at
epidemic proportions in sub-Saharan Africa. HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, the
sharing of needles of infected persons, and blood transfusions. AIDS can be prevented by
education about the modes of transmission, and avoiding practices that are particularly risky.
Education programs that target the needs of a specific group and programs that are offered in
small group formats have been shown to be particularly effective.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #117

240. Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the STDs
(p. 216) caused by viruses.

Besides AIDS, the two major sexually transmitted infections that are caused by viruses are
genital herpes and genital warts. Genital herpes is actually caused by a number of different
viruses. The major early symptoms are itching and tingling at the site of infection, three to five
days after contact. This is followed by the development of painful sores and blisters. It is direct
contact with the sores that transmits the virus to the partner. The attacks of sores and blisters
can recur as frequently as every few weeks or as infrequently as every few years. There is no
known cure for genital herpes. Drugs such as Acyclovir can alleviate symptoms but cannot
eliminate the virus from the body. Support groups have been established for people who suffer
from genital herpes and these groups may prove beneficial for some people. The other viral
sexually-transmitted infection is genital warts. This STI is caused by the human papilloma
virus (HPV) and is it is very contagious even when there are no obvious symptoms. Genital
warts usually appear as small, hard, painless bumps on the penis, in the vaginal area or
around the
anus. Treatment options include the use of a topical drug, freezing, or surgery. Genital warts
may return despite treatment, and in some cases they have been linked to cervical cancer.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #118
241. Describe the major symptoms for males and females and treatment options for the three most
(p. 216- common bacterial sexually transmitted diseases.

The three most common sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria are gonorrhea,
syphilis, and chlamydia. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
which thrives in moist mucous membranes. The bacterium is spread by contact between the
infected moist membranes of one individual and the membranes of another. Early symptoms
of gonorrhea are more likely to appear in males, who may have a discharge from the penis
and burning during urination. The early sign of gonorrhea in females, often undetectable, is a
mild, irritating vaginal discharge. Gonorrhea can be successfully treated with penicillin or other
antibiotics. Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. This organism needs a
warm, moist environment to survive and is transmitted by sexual contact. It can also be
transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus after the fourth month of pregnancy. If
untreated, syphilis may progress through four stages. In primary syphilis, sores known as
chancres appear. Secondary syphilis is characterized by a general skin rash. The third stage,
latent syphilis, can last for years in which no overt symptoms are present. Finally, tertiary
syphilis manifests as cardiovascular disease, blindness, paralysis, skin ulcers, liver damage,
mental problems, and even death. Syphilis can be effectively treated in the early stages with
penicillin. Chlamydia spreads through sexual contact and infects the genital organs of both
sexes. Many females with chlamydia have no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they
include disrupted menstrual periods, pelvic pain, elevated temperature, nausea, vomiting, and
headache. Possible symptoms of chlamydia in males are a discharge from the penis and
burning on urination.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #119

242. Describe why rape is so pervasive in American culture. List three characteristics of rapists.
(p. 218)

Some feminists believe that American males are socialized to be sexually aggressive, to
regard females as inferior beings, and to view their own pleasure as the most important
objective. Researchers have found the following characteristics among rapists: aggression
enhances their sense of power or masculinity; they are angry at females in general; and they
want to hurt their victims. Rape is more likely to occur when alcohol and marijuana are being

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #120
243. Define and compare and contrast the two types of sexual harassment.
(p. 220)

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a school employee threatens to base an
educational decision (such as a grade) on a student's submission to unwelcome sexual
Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs when students are subjected to unwelcome
sexual conduct that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it limits the students' ability to
benefit from their education. Such a hostile environment is usually created by a series of
incidents, such as repeated sexual overtures.

Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3
Santrock - Chapter 06 #121

244. Explain why more parents are supporting sex education in schools, and describe the types of
(p. 222- sex education programs available.

Several large studies have found that approximately 90 percent of parents are in favor of a
sex-education program in high schools. A slightly lower number of parents support the
introduction of sex education in middle and junior high schools. The dramatic increase in
HIV/AIDS and other STIs is the main reason that Americans have increasingly supported sex
education in schools in recent years. The nature of sex education in schools is changing. U.S.
schools today increasingly focus on abstinence and are less likely to present students with
comprehensive teaching that includes information about birth control, abortion, and sexual
The two main types of sex education programs are abstinence-only programs and
comprehensive programs, which include abstinence but also offer information on
contraceptives. Despite the popular belief that teaching adolescents about sex causes them to
engage in sexual behaviors, research has shown that this is not the case. In fact, adolescents
who were taught in a comprehensive program were less likely to report adolescent
pregnancies than their counterparts who were educated in an abstinence-only program.

Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension

Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4
Santrock - Chapter 06 #122
Chapter 6 Summary

Category # of Questions
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis 30
Blooms Taxonomy: Analysis 30
Blooms Taxonomy: Application 20
Blooms Taxonomy: Application 20
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension 12
Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension 12
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge 59
Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge 59
Blooms Taxonomy: Synthesis 1
Blooms Taxonomy: Synthesis 1
Difficulty: Basic 46
Difficulty: Difficult 14
Difficulty: Moderate 184
Learning Goal: 1 16
Learning Goal: 2 92
Learning Goal: 3 122
Learning Goal: 4 14
Santrock - Chapter 06 244
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of A kontárság

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Title: A kontárság kultusza

Author: Émile Faguet

Translator: Gyula Szánthó

Release date: December 15, 2023 [eBook #72419]

Language: Hungarian

Original publication: Budapest: Franklin-Társulat, 1919

Credits: Albert László from page images generously made

available by the Library of the Hungarian Academy of

















A «Les études contemporaines» sorozatában Párisban megjelent

s a jelen korra vonatkozó kritikai és oknyomozó művek közt, úgy
tárgyánál, valamint irányánál fogva egyik legbecsesebb kiadvány, a
nagyhírű irodalomtörténész, æsthetikus, moralista és szociológus
Faguet Emil «Le culte de l’incompétence» cím alatt közzétett kritikai,
szociálpolitikai és erkölcs-bölcsészeti könyve, melyet «A kontárság
kultusza» cím alatt a tisztelt olvasóközönség számára az 1912.
évben megjelent 17-ik kiadás után magyarra fordítottam és
magyarázó jegyzetekkel elláttam.
Faguet becses művének lefordítása és közzététele által kettős
cél lebegett szemem előtt; először az, hogy megismertessem a
tisztelt olvasóközönséggel azon uralkodó eszméket, amelyek mai
napság a nagy francia köztársaság politikai, társadalmi és tudós
köreit mozgatják, áthatják és foglalkoztatják, másodszor, hogy a
becses könyvben foglalt fejtegetések, következtetések és leszűrt
igazságok ne csak Franciaország, de hazánk számára is –
egyrészről követendő például, másrészről pedig elrettentő tanulságul
szolgáljanak. A tudós szerző a modern demokrácia túlkapásait,
gyöngéit és fogyatkozásait és a demagogia veszélyeit és
államromboló ténykedéseit ostorozza, azzal az itt-ott maró, de
mindig finom gúnnyal, tanulságos példákkal és meggyőző
okoskodással, mely az ő külön sajátsága s amelynek megkapó voltát
még inkább fokozza a szerző hamisítatlan francia szellemtől és
szellemességtől duzzadó, ragyogó stilusa, pompás előadása.
Midőn az antique-világ klasszikus írói tanításai- és előadásaival
párhuzamba helyezi a modern politikai társadalombölcsészeti és
egyéb jeles írók munkáiból vett találó idézeteit, mintegy szemünk elé
tárja s majdnem kétségbevonhatatlanul bizonyítja be a modern
demokrácia túlkapásai által okozott rombolásokat, az «értelmi és
erkölcsi hivatottság» kiküszöbölése és a «kontárság kultuszának»
minden téren való elterjedése és alkalmazása folytán.
Kétségtelen, hogy szerző itt-ott nagyon élénk színekkel fest és
néha fokozott mértékben suhogtatja meg a humor és gúny ostorát,
ámde mindezt egyedül azért alkalmazza és használja, hogy annál
inkább szembeszökővé tegye állításainak, fejtegetéseinek és
elveinek igazságát és annál inkább kimutassa úgy nemzete,
valamint mindnyájunk előtt a helytelenül alkalmazott demokrácia
túlzásait és a demagógia veszélyeit és káros következményeit.
Faguet tehát nem a demokráciának, de a demokrácia túlkapásainak
és a demagógiának ellensége. Ezen állításunk megerősítésére
szolgáljon szerzőnek műve XI. fejezetében foglalt azon kijelentése,
mely szerint a demokratikus népelem «különös szükségét»
hangsúlyozva, annak úgy a társadalmi, valamint az állami életben
mindenirányú érvényesülését követeli.
Akadnak néhányan, – de csak a felületesen ítélkezők között –
akik Faguet irányát és javaslatait a reakció vádjával illetik s
megtagadva művétől minden belső értéket, annak egyedüli értékét
külső megjelenésében, fényes stílusában és a mindvégig
lebilincselő, megkapó előadás varázsában találják. Nagy tévedés! A
mű beltartalmát képező összes tételek és az általa felölelt és
fejtegetett mindazon kérdések, melyek a kormányformák alapelveire,
a hivatásos törvényhozókra, a demokrácia törvényeire, a
kormányzat, bíráskodás körében és egyebütt fennforgó kontárságra,
a közerkölcsökre, a hivatásszerű szokásokra s a bajok ellen
megkísérelt orvosszerekre vonatkoznak, úgy az állami, valamint a
társadalmi élet körében oly nagy jelentőségűek és oly nagy értékkel
bírók, hogy azoknak kritikai méltatása, bölcsészeti és politikai
szempontból való beható megvizsgálása s az ezekből eredő
tanulságok megállapítása és levonása nemcsak mellőzhetetlenül
szükséges, de amellett hasznos és háládatos feladatot képez s
mindez a tudós szerzőnek – szerény ítéletem szerint – valóban
elismerésre méltó módon sikerült.
A mű fordításánál arra törekedtem, hogy egyrészről lehetőleg
megőrizzem és megközelítsem a szerző jellegzetes stílusát s
amennyire lehet visszaadjam és megérthetővé tegyem szellemes
szójátékait, megjegyzéseit, hasonlatait és mondásait, másrészről
pedig, hogy érthető magyar nyelven tüntessem fel és jelezzem a mű
szellemét és irányát s hűségesen tolmácsoljam a szerző gondolatait
és fejtegetéseit. Mennyiben sikerült ez, annak megítélését a tisztelt
olvasóközönség ítéletére bízom.
Budapest, 1913 október hó.
Dr. Szánthó Gyula.


Állandóan fennforgott az a kérdés, hogy mi a különböző

kormányformák azon alapelve, amellyel mindeniknek bírnia kell,
vagyis az a kérdés, hogy mi az általános érvényű, lelketadó
alapgondolata minden politikai kormányformának?

Montesquieu1 például bebizonyítja, hogy a monarchia alapelve a

becsület, az önkényuralomé az elrettentés, a köztársaságé pedig az
erény, vagyis a hazafiság és hozzáteszi még nagyigazán, hogy a
különböző kormányzatok alapelvük érvényesítésének túlhajtása,
vagy annak elejtése által hanyatlanak le, illetőleg enyésznek el.
S ez valóban így van, noha az állítás paradox. Első tekintetre
ugyanis nem látjuk be, miért kell elenyészni az önkényuralomnak az
elrettentés alkalmazása, tehát épen azáltal, ami fennállását
leginkább biztosítja; továbbá a mérsékelt monarchiának a nagyon
kifejlesztett becsvágy által és a köztársaságnak azért, mert nagyon
sok erény felett rendelkezik. S ez mégis így van.
Az elrettentéssel való visszaélés ugyanis elernyedést szül és
méltán idézhetjük itt Quinet Edgarnak2 következő kiváló mondását:
«Midőn elrettentést alkalmazunk, biztosaknak kell lennünk abban,
képesek vagyunk-e azt állandóan is alkalmazni.» A monarchia pedig
nem rendelkezik elég sok kitüntetéssel, mert ha mindent csak a
becsvágy kielégítésére alapít, akkor sokszorosítania kellene a
méltóságokat, a külső kitüntetéseket, a katonai tollforgókat,
vállrojtokat és a hivatalokat, minthogy pedig mindezeket nem
sokszorosíthatja a végtelenségig, ellene lesznek úgy azok, akik
ilyenek nélkül vannak, mint azok, akiknek van azokból részük, de
nem elég.
És végül kétségtelen az, hogy az ember sohasem bírhat
elegendő erénnyel s kiváltképen elegendő hazafisággal s ekkor
történik az, hogy a kormányzatok inkább elenyésznek azáltal, ha
cserbenhagyják alapelvüket, mintha visszaélnek avval. Egyébként
nem igaz-e, hogy az országtól túl sok áldozatkészséget követelve,
kimerítjük a polgárok erőit és elernyesztjük az önmaguk által pazarul
felajánlott erényeket?
Ez esett meg Napoleonnal is, aki talán nem szándékosan,
túlságos sokat követelt Franciaországtól «a nagyobb Franciaország»
Ámde ez nem volt köztársaság! Az áldozatokat tekintve,
amelyeket a polgároktól hazájukért követeltek, a római
köztársasághoz és az 1792. évi francia köztársasághoz volt hasonló.
Mindent a haza dicsőségéért és «még több hősiességet, mindig
hősiességet». Ebből állott. A polgárok erényétől túlsokat követelve,
kimerült az.
Nagyon igaz tehát, hogy a kormányzatok alapelvük túlzása által
nemkevésbé teszik magukat tönkre, mint annak elhagyásával.
Montesquieu ezt az általános érvényű gondolatot Aristotelesből3
merítette, aki nem minden humor nélkül mondja a következőket:
«Azok, akik azt képzelik magukról, hogy megtalálták valamely
kormányformának alapelvét, ennek következményeit szélsőségekbe
hajtják: nem veszik figyelembe, hogy ha az emberi orr eltér az
egyenes, tehát a legszebb vonaltól és sasorrá vagy piszeorrá alakul
át, szépségének egyrészét még megtartja ugyan, ámde hogy ha ez
az eltérés túlságba menne, akkor ennek a testrésznek éppen azon
helyes mérete veszne el, amivel bírnia kell, nem is szólva arról, hogy
beállhatna bizonyos esetben az az eredmény is, hogy orra
egyáltalában nem is volna az embernek.» Ez a hasonlat minden
kormányformára egyaránt alkalmazható.
Ezen alapgondolatból kiindulva gyakran felvetettem azt a
kérdést: hogy mi a demokraták elve kormányzatuk lényegét illetőleg
és nem került nagy erőfeszítésembe annak megállapítása, hogy ez
az elv a kontárság kultusza.
Tekintsünk meg egy jól berendezett és virágzó kereskedőházat
vagy ipartelepet; mindenki azt a munkát végzi itt, amit elvégezni
megtanult és amit jól elvégezni leginkább képes. Itt működik a
munkás, a számvevő amott, a kezelő távolabb, a külső ügyek főnöke
a maga helyén. Senkinek sem jutna eszébe, hogy a számvevőt az
utazó ügynök útjára küldje el és hogy őt ezalatt akár magával az
utazó ügynökkel, akár az üzletvezetővel, akár a gépésszel
Figyeljük meg az állatvilágot; minél magasabb fokon állanak az
egyes állatok a szerves lények közt, annál nagyobb lesz az élettani
működés megoszlása és annál határozottabb lesz az egyes szervek
külön kialakulása. Egyik szerv gondolkozik, a másik cselekszik, ez a
szerv az emésztést, amaz a lélekzést végzi stb. Vannak-e oly
állatok, melyeknek csak egy szervök van, vagy jobban mondva
amelyek csak egy szervből állanak, amely lélekzik, érez, emészt és
mindent egyszerre végez el? Bizonyára vannak. Mint ilyet az
amoebát4 említik. Csakhogy az amoebat az állatvilág legalsóbb
fokán van s még a növénynél is sokkal alsóbbrendű.
Éppen így kétségtelen, hogy az a jól szervezett emberi
társadalom, amelyben minden szervnek megvan a maga
határozottan kijelölt tevékenységi köre, vagyis amelyben azok
igazgatnak, akik megtanulták az igazgatást, azok hoznak
törvényeket vagy kijavítják a már meglevőket, akik törvényhozást
tanultak; azok ítélkeznek, akik jogtudományt tanultak és a falusi
levélhordó munkáját nem bízzák béna emberre. A társadalomnak a
természettől kell eljárásában mintát venni. Már pedig a természet a
jól megalkotott lényeknél akként jár el, hogy elkülöníti egymástól a
szerveket; «a természet semmit sem alkot silányul – mondja
Aristoteles – mint a delfoszi késműves, akinek kései többféle célra
szolgálnak; a természet minden egyes darabot külön alkot meg és
eszközei közül nem az a legtökéletesebb, amely többféle – de amely
csupán egy munkára alkalmas.» «Karthagóban – mondja továbbá –
nagy megtiszteltetés többféle hivatalnak egy kézben való
összehalmozása; már pedig egyszerre az ember jól csak egyetlen
dolgot végezhet el, a törvényhozónak tehát meg kell előznie ezt a
helytelenséget és nem szabad megengednie ugyanannak az
egyénnek, hogy cipőt is készítsen és hogy flótán is játszék.» Jól
szervezett társadalom továbbá az, ahol nem bíznak mindenkire
mindenféle tevékenységet, ahol nem mondják magának a tömegnek
vagy az egész társadalmi testnek: «te kormányozz, te igazgass, te
hozz törvényeket». Az a társadalom, melyben a dolgok így
állanának, amoeba-társadalom lenne.
Valamely társadalom annál előrehaladottabb az emberi
társadalmak sorában, minél jobban fel van osztva benne a
társadalmi munka, minél határozottabban vannak benne elkülönítve
a szervek s minél pontosabban vannak a munkakörök a
rátermettség szerint elosztva.
Ámde a demokráciáknak legalább is erős hajlandóságuk van
arra, hogy ne legyenek ezen a nézeten, hanem éppen annak az
ellenkezőjén. Volt Athénben egy főtörvényszék, amely a törvény
ismeretére tanított bírákból állott, akik tehát törvénytudók voltak és a
törvényeket pontosan alkalmazták. A nép azonban nem szívlelhette
ezen bíróságot és minden erejével azon volt, hogy önmagával a
néppel helyettesítse. A nép okoskodása a következő volt: «jól tudom
alkalmazni a törvényeket, mert én hozom azokat». A következtetés
(conclusio) helyes volt, amit meg lehet támadni, az a syllogismus
altétele (propositio minor). A nép okoskodására ezt lehetne felelni:
«kétségtelenül alkalmazhatod a törvényeket, mert te hoztad azokat,
de talán nincs igazság abban, hogy te hozod azokat.» Annyi
bizonyos, hogy a nép belefogott a törvények alkalmazásába, sőt mi
több, meg is fizettette magát érte s ennek az lett az eredménye,
hogy éppen a legszegényebb polgárok ítélkeztek napközben, miután
a többiek nem akarták elvesztegetni egész napjukat hat drachmáért.
Ez a plebejus-törvényszék igen sokáig ítélkezett. Leghíresebb ítélete
Socrates halálos ítélete volt.5 Lehet, hogy megbánták ezt az ítéletet,
de hát meg volt mentve az elv: sértetlen a kontárság souverainitása.
Úgy látszik, a modern demokráciák is ugyanezen elvet vallják.
Lényegükben amoebaszerűek. Egy hírneves demokráciának a
fejlődése következő volt:
Ezzel az eszmével kezdte meg működését: legyen egy király és
a nép, legyen demokratikus királyság és királyi demokrácia. A nép
hozza a törvényt, a király végrehajtja és pedig bizonyos befolyással
a törvény felett, amennyiben felfüggesztheti oly új törvény
végrehajtását, mely ítélete szerint akadályozhatná a
kormányzásban. Itt még mindig fennmaradt tehát a hatáskörök
elkülönítésének bizonyos foka. Nem azon egy személyiség – akár
egyén, akár kollektiv személy – hozta a törvényeket és végezte a
kormányzást is.
Ez nem tartott sokáig. A királyságot megszüntették. Megmaradt a
demokrácia. Fennmaradt mégis a hivatottságnak bizonyos fokú
megbecsülése. A nép, a tömeg, a közönség nem tulajdonította
magának azt a jogot, hogy közvetlenül maga kormányozzon, sem
azt, hogy közvetlenül hozzon törvényt.
Sőt nem tulajdonította magának azt a jogot sem, hogy
közvetlenül választhassa meg a törvényhozókat. A törvényhozókat
két fokú választás mellett rendelte ki: kiszemelte a választókat, akik
megválasztották a törvényhozókat, vagyis ily módon maga fölébe
kétféle arisztokráciát helyezett, t. i. a választók – és ezeken felül a
választókon kívül – a választottak arisztokráciáját. Ugyancsak
messze állott tehát az atheni demokráciától, amely pontosan
mindent önmaga végzett el a Pnyxen.6
De azért még sem mondhatni, hogy a rátermettséggel túlságosan
törődött volna. Mert a kiszemelt választókat semmiféle különös
hivatottság nem képesítette arra, hogy törvényhozókat
választhassanak, viszont a választók által kirendelt választottak sem
bírtak semmiféle hivatottsággal arra, hogy törvényhozók lehessenek.
Mindazonáltal mégis volt ez esetben két pseudo-hivatottság,
legalább vélelmezett hivatottság. A tömeg, vagyis inkább az
alkotmány azt vélelmezi, hogy a kirendeltjei által megválasztott
törvényhozók sokkal hivatottabbak a törvények hozatalára, mint
maga a tömeg.
Ezt a kissé bizarr hivatottságot nevezem én átruházás útján való
hivatottságnak. Semmi sem jelzi, hogy ennek – vagy annak a
polgárnak a legkisebb törvényhozói, azaz jogi hivatottsága is lenne,
ámde megadom neki ezt a hivatottságot a benne helyezett
bizalomból kifolyólag, aminek létezését bizonyítom be akkor, amidőn
őt megválasztom, vagy pedig rábízom a választást azokra, akiket
avégből rendelek ki, hogy törvényhozókat válasszanak s akik a
választás megejtése által megadják a hivatottságot nekik.
Az átruházott hivatottság bizonyára nem felel meg a közönséges
józan ész követelményeinek, de annak bizonyos látszata mégis
mellette szól, sőt valamivel több is a látszatnál.
Nincs meg ugyan a közönséges értelme, minthogy a semmiből
(ex nihilo) való teremtés, minthogy nem a hivatott kreálja a
hivatottakat s a zérus eredményez egyet. Az átruházás eléggé
jogosult, ha illetékes testülettől származik; ámbár alkalmazását sehol
sem szeretem. A baccalaureatussal7 nem bíró tudóst valamely
egyetem a baccalaureatus, licentiatus8 vagy tudorság9 fokozatával
ruház fel, hogy kebelébe felvegye; az egyetem ezt teheti, mert képes
megítélni, vajjon egyedül a körülmények okozták-e, hogy a tudós
nem szerzett magának semmiféle hivatalos tudós-címet. De ha
olyanok ruháznának fel valakit, tegyük fel a mathematikai
tudományok tudorságával – akik baccalaureatussal nem birnak, ez
már paradoxnak, de ezen kívül nagyon komikusnak is látszhatik. Az
illetéktelenek által adott illetékesség semmiesetre sem egyezik a
közönséges józan ésszel.
Ámde bizonyos látszat mégis mellette szól, sőt valami kevéssel
több is a látszatnál. Vegyük csak figyelembe, hogy a szépirodalmi és
drámaírói tudori fokozatot az illetéktelenek – azaz a közönség –
szokta konferálni és megadni.
A közönségnek ugyan mondhatjuk: «hiszen te nem értesz az
irodalmi dolgokhoz, sem a drámaíráshoz»; mire a közönség ezt
feleli: «egyáltalában nem értek ezekhez, de meg vagyok hatva s aki
engem meghat, annak megadom a tudori fokozatot». A népnek
ebben teljesen igaza van, sőt a nép a politikai tudori fokozatot
megadja azoknak, akik megindítják s kellő kifejezést adnak
szenvedélyeinek. A nép által kreált doktorok szenvedélyes képviselői
a nép szenvedélyeinek, azaz a legrosszabb törvényhozók, –
körülbelül, csakugyan, de nem teljesen. Nagyon helyén van, ha a
szociális élet csúcsán, vagyis jobban mondva a szociális élet csúcsai
körül helyet foglalnak a népies szenvedélyek képviselői, hogy
megtudhassuk egyik vagy másik irányban veszély nélkül meddig
mehetünk el, hogy továbbá megtudhassuk, nem amit a néptömeg
gondol – hiszen a tömeg nem gondolkodik – hanem hogy mit érez,
nehogy túlságosan ellene szegüljünk – s még inkább nehogy
túlságosan engedelmeskedjünk neki, egyszóval, hogy
megtudhassuk, mire – és mivel kell hatnunk. A mérnökember azt
mondaná: «ez az anyagok ellenállásának a tudománya».
Egy medium biztosít, hogy beszélgetett XIV. Lajossal, aki a
következőket mondta neki: «Az általános szavazati jog kitünő dolog
a monarchiában; felvilágosít és tájékoztat. Jelzi azzal, amit rendel,
mit nem szabad cselekednünk. Ha rendelkezésemre állott volna és
ha tanácsot kérhettem volna tőle a nantesi edictum10
visszavonására nézve, bizonyára hatalmas többséggel tanácsolta
volna nekem az edictum visszavonását és én tájékozva lettem volna,
hogy mit kell cselekednem: nem vontam volna vissza az edictumot.
Hogy elrendeltem az edictum visszavonását, azért történt, mert
egynehány miniszterem, akiket politikai képességgel bíróknak
ítéltem, így tanácsolta. Sőt ezenfelül megismerve ilymódon
Franciaország közvéleményét, megtudtam volna, hogy emiatt már
elég háborúja, elég hadihajófelszerelése s elég kiadása volt az
országnak. Ez már nem is szenvedély, hanem szenvedés. Ami a
szenvedélyeket illeti, egyenesen szembe kell szállni a nép
közvéleményével, erre nézve az általános szavazati jog ujjmutatásul
és nagyon is helyénvaló ujjmutatásul szolgál; ami pedig a
fájdalomkitörést illeti, itt is számot kell vetni és pedig alaposan
számot kell vetni az általános szavazati joggal; mert a
fájdalomkitöréseket elnyomni nem szabad. A monarchiának az
általános szavazati jogra a tájékozódás címén van szüksége.»
Amint nekem mondják, ekként gondolkozik mostanában XIV.
Az átszármaztatott hivatottság tehát a törvényhozás terén: teljes
képtelenség; álhivatottság lesz, ha a nép fiziológiai állapotáról
akarunk értesülni; amiből következnék, hogy éppen oly rossz a
köztársaságban, mint amilyen üdvös volna a monarchiában. Végre is
tehát egészen rossznak nem mondható.
A szóban forgó demokrácia, miután tíz évig kormányozták
delegáltjainak delegáltjai: tizenöt éven át egyetlen delegáltnak veti
magát alá s végeredményben nem igen lelte benne örömét.
Tehát harminc éven át hivatásszerű eljáráshoz folyamodott. Úgy
gondolta, hogy azokat a választókat – akik a törvényhozók
választásával vannak megbizva, ne neki magának kelljen
kirendelnie, hanem társadalmi állásuk, azaz vagyonuk jelölje ki
azokat. Azok lennének tehát a választók, akik bizonyos összeg
drachmával11 bírnak.
Miféle hivatottság ez? Ez is hivatottság ugyan, de nagyon
szükkörű. Ez is egyike a hivatottságnak, mert egyrészről annak,
akinek vagyona van, inkább érdekében fekszik, mint másoknak,
hogy a közügyek helyesen végeztessenek, – az érdek pedig felnyitja
az ember szemét és felvilágosít, másrészről, mert akinek némi
vagyona van és azt el nem veszti, sohasem lehet egészen
Csakhogy ez a hivatottság nagyon szükkörű, mert egyedül azon
körülmény, hogy valakinek bizonyos mennyiségű drachmája van,
még nem elegendő ok arra, hogy a tudományok legnehezebbikét, a
törvényhozást és a politikát ismerje, amely rendszer azon nagyon
vitás axiomához vezetne, hogy «minden gazdag ember
szociologus». Ez tehát a hivatottságnak ugyan egyik fajtája volt,
azonban nagyon rosszul alkalmazott hivatottság és felette szükkörű.
Ezen uralom letünt és az a demokrácia, amelyről szó van – rövid
interregnum után – tizennyolc éven át kormányoztatta magát, miként
már egy izben megtette – egyetlen delegált által s végeredményben
ebben sem volt szerencsés. Ekkor elfogadta és gyakorlatilag
alkalmazta, a majdnem tisztán demokratikus kormányzatot. Azért
nevezem ezt majdnem tisztán demokratikus kormányzatnak, mert a
tisztán demokratikus kormányzat abban áll, hogy a nemzet
delegáltak nélkül, folytonos plebiscitum által közvetlenül
kormányozza önmagát. A franciaországi demokrácia ezelőtt is
alkalmazta és még mindig alkalmazza a majdnem tisztán
demokratikus kormányzatot, jobban mondva a nemzetnek
közvetlenül általa kirendelt delegáltjai, még pedig szorosan és
kizárólag ezen delegáltjai által ellátott uralmat, ami ez esetben a
kontárságnak majdnem teljes uralomra jutását jelenti.
Ezen hivatottságot tetszés szerint átszármaztatott hivatottságnak
lehet nevezni. Így tett az egyszeri püspök is, aki az őzpecsenyét
megkóstolván, ezt mondá: «Én téged pontynak keresztellek.» A nép
pedig ezt mondja választottainak: «Én téged jogtudósnak, – téged
államférfinak, – téged szociológusnak keresztellek». Lentebb látni
fogjuk, hogy a keresztelés még messzebbre is terjed, ha a nép
képes lenne megítélni azoknak jogi vagy lélektani tudományát, akik
szavazatát kérik, ez esetben az átszármaztatás nem lenne
hivatásellenes és elég jó eredményt szülne; ámde a nép először is
nem képes erre, azután pedig, ha képes volna is, mitsem nyernénk
Mitsem nyernénk vele, mert a nép úgy sem helyezkedik erre az
álláspontra. A nép soha sem teszi ezt. Előtte nem a tudományos
érték irányadó, hanem az erkölcsi érték. Mindenesetre ez is ér
valamit, s a hivatottságnak egy neme ez is. Igaz ugyan, hogy a
törvényhozók nem lesznek képesítve arra, hogy törvényeket
hozzanak, ámde legalább becsületes emberek lesznek. Ez az
erkölcsi hivatottság nekem eléggé tetszik.
Legyünk óvatosak! Először is nem a legbecsületesebb embernek
kell adnunk a vasúti állomásfőnökséget, de olyan becsületes
embernek, aki ezenfelül igen jól ismeri a vasutak ügykezelését; és

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