Unit IV

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Unit IV: Computers and Communication

Computer Network:
A network is a set of devices (often referred to as nodes) connected by communication links. A node can be a
computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the
network. Software modules in one system are used to communicate with one or more software modules in the
distance System. Such interfaces across a distance are termed as “peer-to-peer” interfaces; and the local
interfaces are termed as “service” interfaces. The modules on each end are organized as a sequence of functions
called “layers”. The set of modules organized as layers is also commonly called a “protocol stack”.
Over the years, some layered models have been standardized. The ISO Open Systems Interconnection (ISO/OSI)
layered model has seven layers and was developed by a set of committees under the auspices of International
Standards Organization (ISO).

Classification of Computer Networks:

1) Based on Transmission Mode:

Transmission mode defines the direction of signal flow between two linked devices. There are three types of
transmission modes.
A) Simplex:

In simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional. Among the stations only one can transmit and the other
can only receive.

B) Half-Duplex:

In half-Duplex mode, the communication is bidirectional. In this both station can send and receive but not at the
same time.

C) Full-Duplex:

In Full-Duplex mode, both stations can transmit and receive simultaneously.

2. Based on Time in Transmission Type:

A) Synchronous Transmission:

In synchronous Transmission both the sender and the receiver use the same time cycle for the transmission. We
send bits one after another without start/stop bits or gaps. It is the responsibility of the receiver to group the bits.
Bit stream is delivered with a fixed delay and given error rate. Each bit reaches the destination with the same time
delay after leaving the source.
B) Asynchronous Transmission:

In Asynchronous Transmission we send one start bit at the beginning and one stop bit at the end of each byte.
There may be a gap between each byte. Bit stream is divided into packets. Packets are received with varying
delays, so packets can arrive out of order. Some packets are not received correctly.

3. Based on Authentication:

A) Peer to Peer Connection:

In peer-to-peer networks, there are no dedicated servers. All the computers are equal and, therefore, are termed as
peers. Normally, each computer functions as both a client and a server. No one can control the other computers.

B) Server Based Connection:

Most networks have a dedicated server. A dedicated server is a computer on a network which functions as a
server, and cannot be used as a client or a workstation. A dedicated server is optimized to service requests from
network clients. A server can control the clients for its services.

4) Based on Size:

A) Local Area Networks (LAN):

LAN is a small high speed network. In LAN few numbers of systems are interconnected with networking device to
create network. As the distance increases between the nodes or system it speed decreases. So it is limed to few
meters only. Networks which cover close geographical area. LAN used to link the devices in a single office, building
or campus. It provides high speeds over short distance. Systems are connecting directly to Network. The LAN is
owned by private people.
Example: A computer lab in a school
B) Wide Area Network (WAN):

WAN is collection of network (or LAN). This network speed is less than the LAN network speed.WAN network
connects systems indirectly. WAN spread over the world may be spread over more than one city country or
continent. Systems in this network are connected indirectly. Generally WAN network are slower speed than LAN’s.
The WAN network are owned or operated by network providers. If it is owned by a single owner then it is called
Enterprise network. Often these types have combination of more than one topology.
Best example is the internet.

C) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network):

Metropolitan area network is an extension of local area network to spread over the city. It may be a single network
or a network in which more than one local area network can share their resources.
Example: Organization with different branches located in the city.

Other types:

A) WLAN (Wireless LAN):

A LAN that uses high frequency radio waves for communication. Provides short range connectivity with high speed
data transmission.

B) PAN (Personal Area Network):

Network organized by the individual user for its personal use.

C) SAN (Storage Area Network):

Connects servers to data storage devices via fiber-optic cables.
Example: Used for daily backup of organization or a mirror copy

5. Based on Reliability:
Reliability is maintained by authentication.

A) Connection-oriented:
This type of communication establishes a session connection before data can be sent. This method is often called
a "reliable" network service. It can guarantee that data will arrive in the same order.

B) Connection less:
This type of communication does not require a session connection between sender and receiver for data transfer.
The sender simply starts sending packets to the destination. A connectionless network provides minimal services.
Topology refers to physical layout including computers, cables, and other resources; it determines how
components communicate with each other.
Today’s network designs are based on three topologies:
 Bus consists of series of computers connected along a single cable segment
 Star connects computers via central connection point or hub
 Ring connects computers to form a loop
All computers, regardless of topology, communicate by addressing data to one or more computers and
transmitting it across cable as electronic signals. Data is broken into packets and sent as electronic signals that
travel on the cable. Only the computer to which the data is addressed accepts it.

Physical Topology:
The term physical topology refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically. Two or more devices
connect to a link; two or more links form a topology. The topology of a network is the geometric representation of
the relationship of all the links and linking devices (usually called nodes) to one another.
There are four basic topologies possible: mesh, star, bus, and ring

A) Mesh:
A mesh topology is the one where every node is connected to every other node in the network.

A mesh topology can be a full mesh topology or a partially connected mesh topology. In a full mesh topology, every
computer in the network has a connection to each of the other computers in that network. The number of
connections in this network can be calculated using the following formula (n is the number of computers in the
network): n(n-1)/2 In a partially connected mesh topology, at least two of the computers in the network have
connections to multiple other computers in that network. It is an inexpensive way to implement redundancy in a
network. In the event that one of the primary computers or connections in the network fails, the rest of the
network continues to operate normally.

Advantages of a mesh topology:

 Can handle high amounts of traffic, because multiple devices can transmit data simultaneously.
 A failure of one device does not cause a break in the network or transmission of data.
 Adding additional devices does not disrupt data transmission between other devices.

Disadvantages of a mesh topology:

 The cost to implement is higher than other network topologies, making it a less desirable option.
 Building and maintaining the topology is difficult and time consuming.
 The chance of redundant connections is high, which adds to the high costs and potential for reduced

B) Star:

A star network, star topology is one of the most common network setups. In this configuration, every node
connects to a central network device, like a hub, switch, or computer. The central network device acts as a server
and the peripheral devices act as clients. Depending on the type of network card used in each computer of the star
topology, a coaxial cable or a RJ-45 network cable is used to connect computers together.

Advantages of star topology:

 Centralized management of the network, through the use of the central computer, hub, or switch.
 Easy to add another computer to the network.
 If one computer on the network fails, the rest of the network continues to function normally.
 The star topology is used in local-area networks (LANs), High-speed LANs often use a star topology with a
central hub.

Disadvantages of star topology;

 Can have a higher cost to implement, especially when using a switch or router as the central network
 The central network device determines the performance and number of nodes the network can handle.
 If the central computer, hub, or switch fails, the entire network goes down and all computers are
Disconnected from the network

C) Bus:

A line topology, a bus topology is a network setup in which each computer and network device are connected to a
single cable or backbone.

Advantages of bus topology:

 It works well when you have a small network.
 It's the easiest network topology for connecting computers or peripherals in a linear fashion.
 It requires less cable length than a star topology.

Disadvantages of bus topology:

 It can be difficult to identify the problems if the whole network goes down.
 It can be hard to troubleshoot individual device issues.
 Bus topology is not great for large networks.
 Terminators are required for both ends of the main cable.
 Additional devices slow the network down.
 If a main cable is damaged, the network fails or splits into two.

D) Ring:

A ring topology is a network configuration in which device connections create a circular data path. In a ring
network, packets of data travel from one device to the next until they reach their destination. Most ring topologies
allow packets to travel only in one direction, called a unidirectional ring network. Others permit data to move in
either direction, called bidirectional. The major disadvantage of a ring topology is that if any individual connection
in the ring is broken, the entire network is affected. Ring topologies may be used in either local area networks
(LANs) or wide area networks (WANs).

Advantages of ring topology:

 All data flows in one direction, reducing the chance of packet collisions.
 A network server is not needed to control network connectivity between each workstation.
 Data can transfer between workstations at high speeds.
 Additional workstations can be added without impacting performance of the network.
Disadvantages of ring topology:
 All data being transferred over the network must pass through each workstation on the network, which can
make it slower than a star topology.
 The entire network will be impacted if one workstation shuts down.
 The hardware needed to connect each workstation to the network is more expensive than Ethernet cards
and hubs/switches.

E) Hybrid Topology:
A network can be hybrid. For example, we can have a main star topology with each branch connecting several
stations in a bus topology as shown in Figure
Protocols mean set of rules. It is a formal description of message formats and the rules two or more machines has
follow to exchange messages. The key elements of a protocol are syntax, semantics and timing.
1) Syntax:
Syntax refers to the structure or format of the data, meaning the order in which they are presented.

2) Semantics:
Semantics refers to the meaning of each section of bits.

3) Timing:
Timing refers to when data should be sent and how fast it can be sent.

Network Devices:
Network devices are components used to connect computers or other electronic devices together so that they can
share files or resources. Some of the common network devices are as follows:
4) HUB

1) Modem:

Modem stands for ‘MOdulator DEModulator’. It refers to a device used for conversion between analog signals and
digital bits. We know computers store and process data in terms of 0s and 1s. However, to transmit data from a
sender to a receiver, or while browsing the internet, digital data are converted to an analog signal and the medium
(be it free-space or a physical media) carries the signal to the receiver. There are modems connected to both the
source and destination nodes. The modem at the sender’s end acts as a modulator that converts the digital data
into analog signals. The modem at the receiver’s end acts as a demodulator that converts the analog signals into
digital data for the destination node to understand. Figure above shows connectivity using a modem.

2) RJ45 connector:

RJ 45 or Registered Jack-45 is an eight-pin connector (Figure 10.10) that is used exclusively with Ethernet cables
for networking. It is a standard networking interface that can be seen at the end of all network cables. Basically, it
is a small plastic plug that fits into RJ-45 jacks of the Ethernet cards present in various computing devices.
3) Ethernet Card:

Ethernet card, also known as Network Interface Card (NIC card in short) is a network adapter used to set up a
wired network. It acts as an interface between computer and the network. It is a circuit board mounted on the
motherboard of a computer as shown in Figure above. The Ethernet cable connects the computer to the network
through NIC. Ethernet cards can support data transfer between 10 Mbps and 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps). Each NIC has
a MAC address, which helps in uniquely identifying the computer on the network.

4) Hub:

An Ethernet hub is a network device used to connect different devices through wires. Data arriving on any of the
lines are sent out on all the others. The limitation of Hub is that if data from two devices come at the same time,
they will collide.

5) Switch:

A switch is a networking device that plays a central role in a Local Area Network (LAN). Like a hub, a network
switch is used to connect multiple computers or communicating devices. When data arrives, the switch extracts
the destination address from the data packet and looks it up in a table to see where to send the packet. Thus, it
sends signals to only selected devices instead of sending to all. It can forward multiple packets at the same time. A
switch does not forward the signals which are noisy or corrupted. It drops such signals and asks the sender to
resend it. Figure shows Cables connected to a network switch Ethernet switches are common in homes/offices to
connect multiple devices thus creating LANs or to access the Internet

6) Repeater:

A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal, amplifies it and then retransmits it on the network so that
the signal can cover longer distances. Network repeaters regenerate incoming electrical, wireless or optical signals.
An electrical signal in a cable gets weaker with the distance it travels, due to energy dissipated in conductor
resistance and dielectric losses. Similarly a light signal travelling through an optical fibre suffers attenuation due
to scattering and absorption. With physical media like Ethernet or Wi-Fi, data transmissions can only span a
limited distance before the quality of the signal degrades. Repeaters attempt to preserve signal integrity by
periodically regenerating the signal and extend the distance over which data can safely travel.
7) Bridge:

A bridge is a network device that establishes an intelligent connection between two local networks with the same
standard. Bridge main objective is to connect various LANs. Bridges are smart enough to know which computers
are on which side of the bridge. As a packet arrives, the bridge examines the physical destination address of the
packet to decide whether or not to let the packet cross.

8) Routers:

A router is a network device that can receive the data, analyse it and transmit it to other networks. A router
connects a local area network to the internet. Compared to a hub or a switch, a router has advanced capabilities
as it can analyse the data being carried over a network, decide/alter how it is packaged, and send it to another
network of a different type. For example, data has been divided into packets of a certain size. Suppose these
packets are to be carried over a different type of network which cannot handle bigger packets. In such a case, the
data is to be repackaged as smaller packets and then sent over the network by a router.
A router can be wired or wireless. A wireless router can provide Wi-Fi access to smart phones and other devices.
Usually, such routers also contain some ports to provide wired Internet access. These days, home Wi-Fi routers
perform the dual task of a router and a modem/ switch. These routers connect to incoming broadband lines, from
ISP (Internet Service Provider), and convert them to digital data for computing devices to process.

9) Gateway:

As the term “Gateway” suggests, it is a key access point that acts as a “gate” between an organisation's network
and the outside world of the Internet. Gateway serves as the entry and exit point of a network, as all data coming
in or going out of a network must first pass through the gateway in order to use routing paths. Besides routing
data packets, gateways also maintain information about the host network's internal connection paths and the
identified paths of other remote networks. If a node from one network wants to communicate with a node of a
foreign network, it sends the data packet to the gateway, which then routes it to the destination using the best
possible route.

10) Wi-Fi Card:

Wi-Fi cards are small and portable cards that allow your desktop or laptop computer to connect to the internet
through a wireless network. Wi-Fi transmission is through the use of radio waves. The antenna transmits the
radio signals and these signals are picked up by Wi-Fi receivers such as computers and cell phones equipped with
Wi-Fi cards. These devices have to be within the range of a Wi-Fi network to receive the signals. The Wi-Fi card
then reads the signals and produces a wireless internet connection. Once a connection is established between
user and the network, the user will be prompted with a login screen and password if the connection being
established is a secure connection. Wi-Fi cards can be external or internal. If a Wi-Fi card is not installed in your
computer, you may purchase a USB antenna attachment and have it externally connected to your device. Many
newer computers, mobile devices etc. are equipped with wireless networking capability and do not require a Wi-Fi

Introduction to the Internet:

The internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suit (TCP/
IP) to link devices worldwide.
It is a network that consist of private, public, academic, business and government networks of global scope, linked
by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.
The internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services such as the inter-linked hypertext
documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony and peer to peer networks
for file sharing.

History of the Internet:

Internet was originally conceived by the Department of Defence as a way to protect government communications
systems in the event of a military strike.
The original network, dubbed ARPNet (for Advanced Research Projects Agency that developed it) evolved into a
communications channel among contractors, military, personnel and university researchers who were
contributing to ARPA projects.
The network employed a set of standard protocols to create an effective way for these people to communicate and
share data with each other.
ARPAnet’s popularity continued to spread among researchers and in the 1980’s the National Science Foundation,
whose NSFNet, linked several high-speed computers and took charge of what had come to be known as the
By the late 1980’s thousand of cooperating networks were participating in the Internet. In 1991, the U.S. High
performance Computing Act established the NREN high speed networks for research and education and to
investigate commercial uses for the Internet.
The rest, as they say, is history in the making. The Internet has been improved through the developments of such
services as Gopher and the World Wide Web. Even though the Internet is predominantly thought of as a research
oriented network, it continues to grow as an informational, creative and commercial resource every day and all
over the world.

Applications Areas of Internet:

The Internet has many important applications. Of the various services available via the Internet, the following are
the areas where internet use.
1) Communication::
It is used for sending and receiving messages from one and other through internet by using electronic mail.
Some of the web sites providing this service are yahoomail.com, Hotmail.com, rediffmail.com etc.

2) Job Searches:
Getting information regarding availability of job in different sectors and areas. We can publish our resume
online for a prospective job. Some of the websites providing these services are naukri.com, monster.com,
summerjod.com, recruitmentindia.com etc.

3) Finding Books and Study Material:

Books and other study material stored around the world can be easily located through the internet. Latest
encyclopaedias are available online.

4) Health and Medicine:

The Internet provides information and knowledge about the field of health medicine people can have
information about various diseases and can receive help. Patient can be taken to virtual check where they
can meet doctors.

5) Travel:
One can use the Internet to gather information about various tourist place. It can be used for booking
Holiday tours, hotels, train and flights.
Some of the websites providing this service are indatravelog.com, rajtravel.com, makemytrip.com.

6) Entertainment:
One can download jokes, songs, movies and the latest sports through the internet. Some of the websites
providing this service are cricinfo.com, movies.com, espn.com. we can also watch online videos through the
internet with the help of Youtube.
7) Shopping:
Internet is also used for online shopping. By just giving accounts details we can perform the transactions.
We can even pay our bills and perform bank related transactions.

8) Stock Market Updates:

We can sell or buy shares while sitting on a computer through the internet. Several websites like
ndtvprofit.com, moneypore.com provide information regarding investment.

9) Research:
A large number of people are using the intenet for research purposes we can downoad any kind of
information by using the internet.

10) Business Use of Internet:

There are differnet ways by which the inernet can be used for business are
a) Information about the product can be provided online to the computer.
b) Provide market information to the business EX. – Stock Market
c) It help business to recruit talented people.
d) Help in locating suppliers of the product.
e) Feedback and reviews about company’s product.
f) Eliminate middlemen and have direct contact with a customer.
g) Providing information to the investor by providing companies backgroung and financial information on

Internet Service Provider (ISP):

An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides customers with Internet access. The ISP may be organized
in various form such as commertial community – owned. Non profit or privately owned. Data may be transmitted usng
several technoligies, including dial-up,DSL, cable modem, wireless or dedicated high – speed interconnects.

Typically, ISPs also provide their customers with the ability to communicate with one another by providing Internet
email accounts, usually with numerous email addresses at the customer’s discretion.
Other services, such as telephone and television services, may be provided as well. The services and service
combinations may be unique to each ISP.
An Internet service provider is also known as an Internet access provider (IAP). Some ISP in Nepal are
1) WorldLink Communication Pvt. Ltd.
2) Infocom. Pvt.Ltd.
3) Vianet Communication
4) Communication and Communication
5) Mercantile Communication
6) Subisu cable Network
7) Broadlink Network and Communication Pvt. Ltd.
8) Himalayan Online Services Pvt. Ltd.
9) Namche Network Pvt. Ltd.
10)Websurfer Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
11)Square Network Pvt. Ltd.
12)Himal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
13)Radius Communications Pvt. Ltd.
14)Zentech International
15)Net Max Technology Pvt. Ltd.
16) Cherry World Pvt. Ltd.
17)Classic Tech Pvt. Ltd.
18)Hotlink Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
19)Prati Dhawani Media
20)Fiber Online Pvt. Ltd.
Network Protocol:
A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communications between network devices. Network protocols
include mechanisms for devices to identify and make connections with each other, as well as formatting rules that
specify how data is packaged into messages sent and received.
Some protocols also support message acknowledgement and data compression designed for reliable and / or high
performance network communication.
Modern protocols for computer networking all generally use packet switching techniques to send and receive messages
in the form of packets- messages subdivided into pieces that are collected and re- assembled at their destination.
Hundreds of different computer network protocols have been developed each designed for specific purposes and

Protocols used in Internet:

1) TCP / IP ( Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol):
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol) are two different protocols that are often linked
together. The linking of several protocols is common since the functions of different protocols can be
complementary so that together they carry out some complete task.
The combination of several protocols to carry out a particular task is often called a “stack” because it has layers
of operations. In fact, the term “TCP /IP” is normally used to refer to a whole suit of protocols, each with different
TCP/IP defines how electronic device (like a computer) should be connected over the internet and how data
should be transmitted them. It is asset of rule that an application can use to package its information for sending
across the network of networks.
a) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol):
When information is sent over the Internet, it is generally broken up into smaller pieces or “packets”. The
use of packets facilitates speedy transmission since different parts of a message can be sent by different
routes and then reassembled at the destination.
It is also a safety measure to minimize the chances of losing information in the transmission process. TCP
is the means for creating the packets, putting them back together in the correct order at the end and
checking to make sure that no packets got lost in transmission. If necessary, TCP will request that a
packet be resent.

b) IP (Internet Protocol):
Internet Protocol (IP) is the method used to route information to the proper address. Every computer on the
Internet has to have its own unique address known as the IP address. Every packet sent will contain an IP
address. Every packet sent will contain an IP Address showing where it is supposed to go.
A packet may go through a number of computer routers before arriving at its final destination and IP
controls the process of getting everything to the designated computer.
Note that IP does not make physical connections between computers but relies on TCP for this function. IP
is also used in conjunction with other protocols that create connections.

2) Common Types of TCP / IP are:

a) HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol):
HTTP is a communication protocol. It defines a mechanism for communication between the browser and
the web server. It is also called request and response protocol because the communication between
browser and server takes place in request and response pairs.

b) HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer):

HTTPS was first introduced by Netscape. HTTPS takes care of secure communication between a web
server and a web browser. HTTPS typically handles credit card transactions and other sensitive data. A
Web page using this protocol will have https: at the front of its URL.

c) FTP (File Transfer Protocol):

File Transport Protocol is a program that allows users and computers to send and receive large portions of
data through a private or public network.
It can also be used to send configuration files and software updates to network devices, such as switches
and routers. FTP uses ports for communications and also uses encryption to protect the information being
received and sent.

d) SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

SMTP is TCP /IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail. However, since it is limited in its ability to
queue messages at the receiving end, it is usually used with one of two other protocols POP3 or IMAP that
let the user save the messages in a server mailbox and download them periodically from the server.
In other words, users typically use a program that uses SMTP for sending e-mail and either POP3 or IMAP
for receiving e-mail. On UNIX bases systems, Send mail is the most widely used SMTP server for e-mail.
e) UDP (User Datagram Protocol):
The user Datagram Protocol is one of the core members of the internet protocol suit. UDP uses a simple
connectionless transmission model with a minimum of protocol mechanism.
UDP provides checksum for data integrity, and port numbers for addressing different functions at the
source and destination of the datagram. It has no handshaking dialogues, and thus exposes the user’s
program to any unreliability of the underlying network and so there is no guarantee of delivery, ordering
or duplicate protection.
If error correction facilities are needed at the network interface level, an application may use the TCP or
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) which are design for this purpose.

WWW (World Wide Web) and Its Evolution:

The World Web Wide (Abbreviated WWW or the Web) is an information space where documents and other web
resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locaters. (URLs) interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via
the Internet.
English scientist Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989, He wrote the first web browser computer
program in 1990 while employed at CERN in Switzerland.
The Web browser was released outside of CERN in 1991, first to other research institutions starting in January 1991
and to the general public on the Internet in August 1991.

The World Wide Web has been central to the development of the Information Age and is the primary tool billions of
people use to interact on the Internet. Web pages are primarily text documents formatted and annotated with
Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML).
In addition to formatted text, web pages may contain images, video, audio and software components that are rendered
in the user’s web browser as coherent page of multimedia content. Embedded hyperlinks permit users to navigate
between web pages.
Multiple web pages with a common theme, a common domain name, or both makeup a website. Website content can
largely be provided by the publisher or interactive where users contribute or the content depends upon the user or
their actions.
Websites may be mostly informative, primarily for entertainment or largely for commercial, governmental or
nongovernmental organizational purposes.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator):

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the internet. It is also referred to
as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts including a protocol and domain name that tells a web browser how
and where to retrieve a resource.
End – users use URLs by typing them directly into the address bar of a browser or by clicking a hyperlink found on a
webpage, bookmark list, in an email or from another application.

How is a URL structured?

The URL contains the name of the protocol needed to access a resource, as well as a resource name. The first part of a
URL identifies what protocol to use as the primary access medium. The second part identifies the IP address or domain
name and possibly sub domain where the resource is located.
URL protocol include HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HTTP Secure) for web resources, mail to for email
addresses, FTP for file on a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) followed by a colon and two forward slashes; “mail to” is
followed only by a colon.
Optimally, after the domain, a URL can also specify:
1) A path to a specific page or file within a domain
2) A network port to use to make the connection
3) A specific reference point within a file, such as a named anchor in an html file and
4) A query or search parameters used commonly found is urls for search results
Web Server:
A Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the files that form Web pages to users,
in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers HTTP clients. Dedicated computers and
appliances may be referred to as web servers as well.

The process is an example of the client / server model. All computers that host web sites must have web server
Leading web servers to include Apache (the most widely – installed engine X) from NGNIX. Other web servers include
Novell’s Netware server, Google Web Server (GWS) and IBM’s family of Domino servers.
Web servers often come as part of a larger package of Internet and intranet related programs for serving email,
downloading requests for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) files, and building and publishing Web pages.
Considerations in choosing a Web server include how well it works with the operating system and other servers, its
ability to handle server side programming, security characteristics, and the particular publishing, search engine and
site building tools that come with it.

Web Browser:
A browser is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World
Wide Web. The word “browser” seems to have originated prior to the Web as a generic term for user interfaces that let
you browse (navigate through and read) text files online.

Technically, a Web browser is a client program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to make requests of Web
servers throughout the Internet on behalf of the browser user.
Most browsers support E-Mail and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) but a Web browser is not required for those Internet
protocols and more specialized client programs are more popular.
The first Web browser, called World Wide Web, was created in 1990. That browser’s name was changed to Nexus to
avoid confusion with the developing information space known as the World Wide Web. The first Web browser with a
graphical user interface was Mosaic, which appeared in 1993.
The most popular web browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (preceded by Internet Explorer), Safari, Opera and

Domain Name:
When referring to an Internet address or name a domain or domain name is the location of a website.
For example, the domain name “google.com” points to the IP address “”, but it is generally easier to
remember a name rather than a long string of numbers.
A domain name can be a maximum of sixty – three characters with one character minimum, and is entered after the
protocol in the URL.
When deciding on a domain name, it’s good idea to keep it simple, something that is easy to remember, Additional
promoting tips for websites is on our promotion page. To register or lookup a domain name, we recommend visiting
GoDaddy or Network solutions; both companies are domain name registers.
When referring to a computer network, a domain is a group of resources assigned to a specific group of individuals. It
is used divide global areas or departments of a corporation. A domain may need to be specified when mapping a
network computer or drive.
Domain Name Hierarchy:

There are millions of websites available on the Internet to make finding an address the domain naming is broken into a
hierarchical structure. Below is how DNS is structured on the Internet and an example of three different addresses.
In the above example, all websites are broken into regional sections based on the top level domain (TLD). In the
example of http://support.computerhope.com, it has a “.com” TLD, with “computerhope” as its second level domain
that is local to the .com TLD, and “support” as its subdomain, which is determined by its server.

Issues Related to Domain Name Registration:

1) Typosquatting:
Where a person registers a domain name similar to a real domain name, but with a typo, in hopes that web
sufers reach it by accident. These sites are usually filled with paid adverting links that generate revenue for the
typosquatter, not to mention the web sufer has been tricked into believing he is on the correct site.
This diverts traffic away from the intended site. Sometimes they are routed to a competitor’s site or a
pornographic site.

2) Cybersquatting:
When someone registers a domain name, in bad faith, violating the rights of the trademark owner. They
usually intend to extort payment from the trademark owner, and they keep the names to sell later to the
highest bidder.

3) Pagejacking:
When the offender copies part of an existing website and then puts it up on a different website to make it look
like the original. Pagejacking is used in phishing schemes, where the fake page gathers account numbers,
passwords and personal information from the unsuspecting user.

4) The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP):

It is a cost – effective and faster alternative to a lawsuit, when there is a domain name dispute that needs to be
resolved. This was set up by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the group
responsible for domain name registration.

Domain Name System:

The domain name system (DNS) is a naming database in which internet domain names are located and translated into
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
The domain name system maps the name people use to locate a website to the IP address that a computer uses to
locate a website.
For example, if someone types example.com into a web browser, a server behind the scenes will map that name to the
corresponding IP address, something similar in structure to

Web browsing and most other internet activities rely on DNS to quickly provide the information necessary to connect
users to remote hosts. DNS mapping is distributed throughout the internet in a hierarchy of authority.
Access providers and enterprises, as well as governments, universities and other organizations, typically have their own
assigned ranges of IP addresses and an assigned domain name.
They also typically run DNS servers to manage the mapping of those names to those addresses. Most URLs are built
around the domain name of the web server that takes client requests.
How DNS Works?
DNS servers answer questions from both inside and outside their own domains. When a server receives a request from
outside the domain for information about a name or address inside the domain, it provides the authoritative answer.
If that server does not know the answer or the authoritative source for the answer, it will reach out to the DNS servers
for the top level domain e.g. for all of .com or .edu. Then, it techtarget.com or stkate.edu. The answer will back along
the same path will pass the request down to the authoritative server for the specific domain e.g. techtarget.com or
stkate.edu. The answer will flow back along the same path.

DNS Structure:
A domain name is made of multiple parts, called labels. The domain hierarchy is read from right to left with each
section denoting a subdivision. The top level domain is what appears after the period in the domain name.
A few examples of top level domains are .com, .org and .edu, but there are many others that can be used, some may
denote a country code or geographic location such as .us for the United States or .ca for Canada.

Each label to the left denotes another subdomain to the right. So for example, “techtarget” is a subdomain of .com and
“WWW” is a subdomain of techtarget.com. There can be up to 127 levels of sub domains, and each label can have upto
63 characters.
The total domain character length can have upto 253 characters. Other rules include rules include not starting or
ending labels with hyphens and not having a fully numeric top – level domain name.
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has specified rules considering domain names in RFC 1035, 1123, 2181
and 5892.

IPv4 Addresses:
IPv4 is the fourth Internet Protocol (IP) version. It is a unique set of numbers used to identify devices connected to the
An IPv4 address consists of a string of 32 bits, usually written in a format like “” Each address is crucial to its
connecting devices. It is used by devices to communicate with each other within a network and with the broader
IPv4 addresses have five classes developed to assign the nearly 4.3 billion IP addresses worldwide. Continue reading to
learn more about the IP classes and their ranges.
 There are classes of IPv4 addresses: Class A, B, C, D, E. each one is designed with a specific IP address that
determines the capacity of devices on a network.
 Class A is designed for large networks (i.e., organizations). It ranges from 0 to 127.
 Class B is best for medium-sized networks (i.e., multinational companies). It ranges from 128 to 191.
 Class C is used for smaller networks (i.e., schools and colleges). It ranges from 192 to 223.
 Class D is suitable for multicasting, which simultaneously allows a single host to transmit data to numerous
recipients over the Internet. However, it is not used for assigning IP addresses to devices. It ranges from 224 to
 Class E is reserved for future, experimental, and developmental purposes. It is not given to hosts or for general
use. It ranges from 240 to 255.
 IPv4 addresses send data in 3 ways: unicast, broadcast, and multicast.
An IPv4 address is divided into four octets, which are bytes that range from 0 to 255. These octets are then converted
to binary to represent the actual IP address.
The IP address format is typically split into these two sections:
 Network: This section uniquely identifies the network of the host or device.
 Host: This identifies the device within a specific network.
Specific networks within the address space are reserved for private use. These networks employ internal IP addresses
not routed across the public Internet. This segregation allows private networks to utilize IPv4 addresses without
interfering with other networks.
There are five IPv4 classes: Class A, B, C, D, and E. each one encompasses a specific IP address range that determines
the capacity of devices on a network.

Key Takeaways:
 There are classes of IPv4 addresses: Class A, B, C, D, E. Each one is designed with a specific IP address that
determines the capacity of devices on a network.
 Class A is designed for large networks (i.e., organizations). It ranges from 0 to 127.
 Class B is best for medium-sized networks (i.e., multinational companies). It ranges from 128 to 191.
 Class C is used for smaller networks (i.e., schools and colleges). It ranges from 192 to 223.
 Class D is suitable for multicasting, which simultaneously allows a single host to transmit data to numerous
recipients over the Internet. However, it is not used for assigning IP addresses to devices. It ranges from 224 to
 Class E is reserved for future, experimental, and developmental purposes. It is not given to hosts or for general
use. It ranges from 240 to 255.
 IPv4 addresses send data in 3 ways: unicast, broadcast, and multicast.

5 Classes Of IPv4 Addresses:

An IPv4 address is divided into four octets, which are bytes that range from 0 to 255. These octets are then converted
to binary to represent the actual IP address.
The IP address format is typically split into these two sections:
Network: This section uniquely identifies the network of the host or device.
Host: This identifies the device within a specific network.
Specific networks within the address space are reserved for private use. These networks employ internal IP addresses
not routed across the public Internet. This segregation allows private networks to utilize IPv4 addresses without
interfering with other networks.
There are five IPv4 classes: Class A, B, C, D, and E. Each one encompasses a specific IP address range that determines
the capacity of devices on a network.
The sections below will provide an in-depth discussion of each IPv4 class.

1) Class A:
The Class A IP address is designed for large networks, like large organizations. This class allocates 8 bits for
the network portion and 24 bits for the host. The first bit is always set to 0.
IP addresses in Class A have a range from 0 to 127. The public IP range is from to The
private IP range lies from to
An example of an IP address in IPv4 Class A is
The number of networks in this class is 128, with 16,777,216 addresses per network. It accommodates a total
of 2,147,483,648 unique addresses.

2) Class B:
Medium-sized networks, like multinational companies, use Class B IP addresses. In this class, the network
and host portions consist of 16 bits. In binary form, the first bits are 10.
Class B addresses range is from 128 to 191. The range of public IP addresses within this class goes from to On the other hand, the private IP range is from to
A sample of an IPv4 Class B address would be
Class B provides 16,384 networks, each capable of accommodating 65,536 addresses. This means the overall
number of available IPv4 Class B addresses is 1,073,741,824.
3) Class C:
The Class C IP address is typically used for smaller networks like colleges. This class allocates 21 bits for the
network portion and 8 for the host. The first bits assigned are 110.
The address range of Class C falls between 192 and 223. For public IP addresses, the range spans from to The private IP range lies from to
This is an example of an IPv4 Class C address:
Class C offers a total of 2,097,152 networks, each accommodating 256 addresses. Consequently, there are a
total of 536,870,912 addresses available under this class.

4) Class D:
Class D allows multicasting. It permits a single host to simultaneously transmit data to numerous recipients
over the Internet.
However, this class of IPv4 is not utilized for assigning IP addresses to devices.
The first bits of Class D IPs are 1110, lacking any segregation between host and network addresses. Its range
extends from 224 to 239. The starting address for this class is, ending in
An example of an IP address belonging to IPv4 Class D would be
The exact count of networks and addresses per network remains undefined. However, it is estimated that there
are 268 million addresses in this class.

5) Class E:
Class E addresses are reserved for future use, experimental, or research and development purposes. They are
not given to hosts or for general use.
The first bits of Class E addresses are designated as 1111. Its range spans from 240 to 255, starting with the
address and ending with
A sample IP address from IPv4 Class E is
Like Class D, this class does not define specific networks or addresses per network. The estimated total
number of addresses for Class E is 268 million.
How Do IPv4 Addresses Work?
IPv4 is a significant part of the IP system that helps devices communicate online. It uses a unique addressing system to
identify and send data between computers.
This version has three ways of sending data:
1) Unicast:
Data is sent to just one host. The destination address field has the computer's address it’s going to.
A computer transfers data to a specific server. It’s similar to sending an email to one person.

2) Broadcast:
Data is sent to all hosts on a network. The destination address field has a particular broadcast address.
Every computer on the network will get the data, and any host that receives the packet will handle it. It’s similar
to sending a message to everyone on a mailing list.

3) Multicast:
Data is sent to a group of hosts. The destination address includes a unique address.
More than one computer can receive it. It’s like reaching a specific group, similar to targeting a marketing
campaign to people in a particular country.
The broadcast mode is similar to the process of sending messages to everyone. Meanwhile, the multicast method
is more focused and reaches specific audiences.

Class Address range

Class A –
Class B –
Class C –
Class D –
Class E –

A gadget is a new, often expensive, and relatively unknown hardware device or accessory that makes your life or using
another device easier or more enjoyable.

How Do Smart Devices Work?

Smart devices rely on the IoT to connect to sensors. These sensors are attached to objects or other network-connected
devices and gather data from their surroundings. Smart devices can then store this data, share it with other smart
devices and conduct data analyses to provide insights to users.
If multiple smart devices are connected to the same network, a single platform or device can be used to operate
different smart devices. As long as there’s an internet connection, smart devices have the ability to exchange
information and communicate with one another, making it easier to send data and monitor devices.
A smart device has three main features:
(1) Context awareness,
(2) Autonomous computing and
(3) Connectivity.

Smart Devices Have Context Awareness:

Context awareness is a system or system component’s ability to gather information about its environment at any given
time and adapt behaviors accordingly. Cameras, microphones and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers, radar
and LIDAR sensors are all potential sources of data for context-aware computing. A context-aware system may gather
data through these and other sources and responds according to pre-established rules or through computational

Smart Devices Have Autonomous Computing:

The key aspect of autonomous computing is a device or multiple devices performing tasks autonomously without the
direct command of the user. For example, our smartphones make suggestions based on our relocation or the weather.
To accomplish this seemingly simple task, a Smartphone needs to be autonomous and use context data to make

Smart Devices Have Connectivity:

Connectivity refers to the ability of a smart device to connect to a data network. Without connectivity, there is no point
in a smart device being autonomous and having context awareness. Network connectivity, whether wired or wireless, is
a crucial feature that enables a device to be a part of the IoT.

Functioning and features of smart gadgets:

The gadget is a small electronics and technology based device that performs some specific functions. A phone that is
used to make calls, a watch that shows time is the gadgets. People move from one place to another, wants to stay
updated with everything that is happening in the whole world, so this is not possible with an ordinary gadget. Now in a
technical era, gadgets have become so advanced with the updated technology and are called Smart Gadgets. Smart
Gadgets are Smartphone, smart watches, smart TV and many other smart devices. In today’s modern era, everybody
from any age group has their own smart gadget either it is a smart phone or smart watch or smart TV. These smart
gadgets have made the human life much easier as compared to before.
1) Smart Phone:
Phone with an advanced mobile operating system is a Smartphone. All the computer based functions can also
be done on this pocket-size device. It has many built-in applications and many paid and free applications. Paid
and free applications are available on a device’s respective app store. A Smartphone user can connect with a
person who is in another country within seconds. Nothing much is required to do so.
Only internet connection is the primary need of the Smartphone if you want to use it effectively. Built in apps
are calendar camera, phone book, email, weather, music player, etc. Countless applications are on Google play
store that can be downloaded easily. Application for any purpose is available but the condition is you have to
download that application.

2) Smart Watch:
Smart watch is a wearable computerized wristwatch. While in the starting, some basic functions were
supported by these type of watches. Now, smart watch runs many apps using a mobile-based operating
system. It is like having a small Smartphone on your wrist. You can connect your smart watch with your
Smartphone, and then you will get all notifications on your smart watch that arrives on a Smartphone.
Advantages of having smart watch are -getting directions while driving, connects with your phone, voice search
is also enabled on a smart watch, get alerts about what happening around the world. It also measures how
many steps you have followed in a day. Now, a smart watch is also acted like a Smartphone because, in the
market, smart watches with sim card slot are also available.

3) Smart TV:
TVs are better and advanced than ever. And now they are cheaper to use. TVs have become so smart using the
android based operating system. The smart remote control allows us to connect with the internet and no extra
boxes required to add with TV because Wi-Fi enabled system is built-in. Now, you can enjoy the multiple apps
that run on your smart TV. High-quality sound, HDMI ports, USB ports, ECO sensor and Anynet+ technology
are other features of the smart TV.

4) Smart phones:
A Smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated
with telephones, such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications.

Important features:
One of the most important features of a Smartphone is its connection to an app store. An app store is a centralized
portal where users can search for and download software applications to run on their phones. A typical app store offers
thousands of mobile apps for productivity, gaming, word processing, note-taking, organization, social media and more.
The following are some of the other key features of a Smartphone:
1) internet connectivity;
2) a mobile browser;
3) the ability to sync more than one email account to a device;
4) embedded memory;
5) a hardware or software-based QWERTY keyboard;
6) wireless synchronization with other devices, such as laptop or desktop computers;
7) the ability to download applications and run them independently;
8) support for third-party applications;
9) the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously;
10) touch screen;
11) Wi-Fi;
12) a digital camera, typically with video capability;
13) gaming;
14) unified messaging;
15) GPS -- global positioning system.
A Smartphone also has the ability to support accessories, including Bluetooth headphones, power charging cables and
extra speakers. Because of the fragile outer casing of most smartphones, users often also purchase screen protectors
and more durable cases in which to put their phones.

Popular uses:
Many consumers use their smartphones to engage with friends, family and brands on social media. Social media
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn all have mobile apps that a user can download from their
phone's app store. These apps make it easier for Smartphone users to post personal updates and photos while on the
go rather than at their desktop.
Another common use for smartphones is health and wellness tracking. Third-party wearable devices, such as smart
watches, can connect with a Smartphone to monitor an individual's health statistics, such as heart rate, and send
information to be aggregated on the phone.
Mobile payment is another popular use for smartphones. Wallet features allow users to save credit card information on
their phones to use when purchasing items at retail stores.

4K smart television gadgets:

A smart TV, also known as a connected TV (CTV), is a traditional television set with integrated Internet and interactive
"Web 2.0" features which allows users to stream music and videos, browse the internet, and view photos. Smart TV is a
technological convergence of computers, television sets and set-top boxes. Besides the traditional functions of
television sets and set-top boxes provided through traditional broadcasting media, these devices can also provide
Internet TV, online interactive media, over-the-top content (OTT), as well as on-demand streaming media, and home
networking access.
Smart TV should not be confused with Internet TV, IPTV or Web television. Internet TV refers to receiving television
content over the Internet instead of traditional systems (terrestrial, cable and satellite) (although Internet itself is
received by these methods). IPTV is one of the Internet television technology standards for use by television
broadcasters. Web television is a term used for programs created by a wide variety of companies and individuals for
broadcast on Internet TV.
In smart TVs, the operating system is preloaded or is available through the set-top box. The software applications or
"apps" can be preloaded into the device, or updated or installed on demand via an app store or marketplace, in a
similar manner to how the apps are integrated in modern smartphones.

Smart TV devices also provide access to user-generated content to interactive services and Internet applications, such
as YouTube, many using HTTP Live streaming adaptive streaming. Services offer users a means to track and receive
reminders about shows or sporting events, as well as the ability to change channels for immediate viewing. Some
devices feature additional interactive organic user interface / natural user interface technologies for navigation controls
and other human interaction with a Smart TV, with such as second screen companion devices, spatial gestures input
like with Xbox Kinect, and even for speech recognition for natural language user interface. Smart TV develops new
features to satisfy consumers and companies, such as new payment processes.

Social networking some smart TV platforms come prepackaged, or can be optionally extended, with social networking
technology capabilities. The addition of social networking synchronization to smart TV and HTPC platforms may
provide an interaction with both on-screen content and other viewers than is currently available to most televisions,
while simultaneously providing a much more cinematic experience of the content than is currently available with most
Some smart TV platforms also support interactive advertising, addressable advertising with local advertising insertion
and targeted advertising and other advanced advertising features such as ad telescoping[39] using VOD and DVR,
enhanced TV for consumer call-to-action and audience measurement solutions for ad campaign effectiveness.

There is evidence that a smart TV is vulnerable to attacks. Some serious security bugs have been discovered, and some
successful attempts to run malicious code to get unauthorized access were documented on video. There is evidence
that it is possible to gain root access to the device, install malicious software, access and modify configuration
information for a remote control, remotely access and modify files on TV and attached USB drives, access camera and

Restriction of access:
Internet websites can block smart TV access to content at will, or tailor the content that will be received by each
platform.[50]Google TV-enabled devices were blocked by NBC, ABC, CBS, and Hulu from accessing their Web content
since the launch of Google TV in October 2010. Google TV devices were also blocked from accessing any programs
offered by Viacom’s subsidiaries.

High-end Samsung Smart TVs stopped working for at least seven days after a software update. Application providers
are rarely upgrading Smart TV apps to the latest version; for example, Netflix does not support older TV versions with
new Netflix upgrades.

Kindle is a line of Android-powered portable e-book reader devices developed by Amazon that enable users to shop for,
download and read electronic versions of books, newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs and more. Amazon's basic
Kindle devices primarily compete with similar e-book devices like Barnes & Noble's Nook, while the more advanced
Kindle Fire competes with mobile devices like Android powered tablet computers and Apple's iPad.
The entry-level Kindles' primary purpose is for reading books, and the devices utilize Electronic Ink ("E Ink") technology
called E Ink Pearl to improve the reading experience. Compared to the LCD screens utilized by most mobile devices, the
Kindle's E Ink Pearl technology and monochrome matte screen combine to provide sharp, clear text and reduced glare
for extended reading with less eye fatigue. Kindle devices also offer built-in Wi-Fi capabilities for downloading e-books
and apps, as well as basic Web browsing, and Kindle users can take advantage of free Wi-Fi access at AT&T hotspots.
The Kindle line consists of:
1. The original Kindle device, which is now in its fourth generation
2. The Kindle Touch, Kindle that offers a touch-sensitive screen
3. The Kindle Keyboard, which includes a built-in keyboard
4. The Kindle DX, a Kindle that features larger screen than the original device
5. The Kindle Fire, a tablet computer that offers a full color display.

Key benefits and features of a Kindle:

1. Stores up to 1,400 books.
2. Special high-contrast screen allows you to read even in bright sunshine with no glare.
3. Clear text and fonts, and a sharp display – what you see resembles a book page.
4. Adjustable text size.
5. Built-in wifi or 3G connection.
6. Battery life of at least a month if wifi is turned off.
7. Page-turning functions so you feel as if you’re reading a real book.
8. Integrates with Facebook and Twitter and allows searching on Wikipedia.
9. Never heats up like a laptop.
10. Books can be categorized or stored as collections.
11. Automatic archive function: you can delete books and download them another time.
12. Screen can be rotated for better viewing of pictures, diagrams, maps, etc.
13. Also able to read newspapers, magazines and web pages.
14. In-built keyboard enables searching within a book, a library or online.
15. You can add your own annotations to the text.
16. Automatic bookmark.
17. Built-in Oxford English Dictionary.
18. Password protection.

The Game Gadget is an open source gaming handheld that supports music and video playback, open game
development, and some e-reader features. It was available in one color (white). It was released on April 6, 2012.
1. CPU MIPS Ingenic JZ4750 @ 433Mhz
2. RAM 64MB
3. Internal Storage 2GB flash
4. Additional Storage SD/SDHC
5. Input D-Pad, 2 shoulder, 4 face, Start & Select buttons, Mic.
6. Outputs Stereo Speakers, Headphone Jack & TV-out
7. I/O Micro USB
8. Display 3.5" LCD, 320x240 resolutions
9. Audio Playback MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, RA
10. Software Support Free official SDKs Available

Popular gaming gadgets:

Steel series Wireless Controller: This has been designed to work with your PC or Mac, which is pretty standard – but it
also works with mobile devices via Bluetooth. Just hook it up to your Android or iPhone and bam, proper gaming on
the go. Fully charged, it gives you 10 hours of non-stop playing time.
Razer destructor 2: The Destructor 2 is only 2.2mm thick and is pretty much the perfect mouse pad for gamers. Its
surface is micro-textured for easy sliding and works with both laser and optical mice.
WD My Passport Portable Hard Drive: Avoid the PC gamer's dilemma and get this two-terabyte external hard drive and
you'll never need to worry about those Steam games filling up your hard drive. It's USB powered (2.0 and 3.0
compliant) and will run with a Mac or PC. Logitech G19s gaming keyboard: The new keyboard from Logitech features a
customisable display that allows you to track your gaming stats even if you aren't currently in game. There are also 12
programmable keys, with 36 different functions. Its two USB ports mean you don't have to worry about not having
enough slots for other kit, either.
Mad Catz Cyborg Fly 5 Joystick: An affordable joystick that doesn't compromise on features. It has 10 buttons, a dual-
throttle lever and an adjustable handle height. There's no need for batteries either; it runs off your USB port.

Fitness Gadgets and alike:

An activity tracker, also known as a fitness tracker, is a device or application for monitoring and tracking fitness-
related metrics such as distance walked or run, calorie consumption, and in some cases heartbeat.
An activity tracker, also known as a fitness tracker, is a device or application for monitoring and tracking fitness-
related metrics such as distance walked or run, calorie consumption, and in some cases heartbeat. It is a type of
wearable computer. The term is now primarily used for smart watches that are synced, in many cases wirelessly, to a
computer or Smartphone for long-term data tracking. There are also independent mobile and Facebook apps. Some
evidence has found that the use of these types of devices results in less weight loss rather than more. Sleep tracker
devices have a tendency to under detect wakefulness.
The advanced fitness technology we have now will allow you to analyze every aspect of your workout performance and
your body, allowing you to stabilize your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses. It can be a pain trying to keep
up with your fitness goals, especially when you factor in optimizing aspects like hydration, heart rate, calorie intake,
and other data to help you complete your objectives. Smart fitness gadgets will help you crush your goals, maintain
your health, and achieve your desired level of athleticism. If you are a serious athlete or health nut, our list of carefully
selected smart fitness gadgets will get you to the next level and beyond. Most Common Features of a Fitness Band
1. Distance Tracker
2. Calorie Tracker
3. Sleep Monitor
4. Smartphone Integration
5. Heart Rate Monitor
6. BP Checker
7. Exercise Recognition
8. GPS Tracking

ISP: Internet Service Provider:

The Full Form Of ISP is an Internet Service Provider.
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) refers to an organization that can provide you access to the Internet to somebody who
pays the organization. To use this service, the customers have to pay the ISP organization some amount depending on
their package. This amount also varies according to the quantity of data they use or the data plan which they want to
purchase. An Internet Service Provider is also acknowledged as an Internet Access Provider or an online service

ISP History:
Telenet was the first Internet Service Provider (ISP). It was introduced in 1974. Telenet has recognized the first
commercial version of ARPANET. Come to the internet, the first internet service provider for the internet is considered
to be “The World” introduced in 1989.
Properties Of ISP:
 An outstanding ISP will offer super-fast speeds.
 A reliable internet service provider should be consistent with its services and should have minimum downtime.
 An incredible internet service provider always provides you with the finest technical support.
 Many ISPs provide an email address to their users.
 This is one of the best qualities. Many ISPs provide spam blocking features to their consumers.
 Some of the ISPs offer web hosting services as well.

Benefits Of ISP:
 ISPs offer a very high level of authenticity and availability.
 The customers do not have to fret about any technicalities. An internet service provider can promptly do this
for its customers.
 Many internet service providers are providing their customers with high-speed internet with minimal
 When it comes to ISP, you don’t have to worry about viruses. The ISPs are secure and they provide amazing
protection against viruses.
 Users do not require to spend on the user’s web server.

Limitation Of ISP:
 We know that there are many ISP providers available in this highly competitive world. However, some ISPs
have been involved in violating the consumers’ trust in terms of pricing and data losses.
 Internet service providers can directly affect users if it gets blacklisted.
Connecting to internet: ISP (Internet Service Provider):
Once you've set up your computer, you may want to purchase home Internet access so you can send and receive
email, browse the Web, stream videos, and more. You may even want to set up a home wireless network, commonly
known as Wi-Fi, so you can connect multiple devices to the Internet at the same time.

Types of Internet service:

The type of Internet service you choose will largely depend on which Internet service providers (ISPs) serve your area,
along with the types of service they offer. Here are some common types of Internet service.

1) Dial-up:
This is generally the slowest type of Internet connection, and you should probably avoid it unless it is the only
service available in your area. Dial-up Internet uses your phone line, so unless you have multiple phone lines
you will not be able to use your landline and the Internet at the same time.

2) DSL:
DSL service uses a broadband connection, which makes it much faster than dial-up. DSL connects to the
Internet via a phone line but does not require you to have a landline at home. And unlike dial-up, you'll be able to
use the Internet and your phone line at the same time.

3) Cable:
Cable service connects to the Internet via cable TV, although you do not necessarily need to have cable TV in
order to get it. It uses a broadband connection and can be faster than both dial-up and DSL service; however,
it is only available where cable TV is available.

4) Satellite:
A satellite connection uses broadband but does not require cable or phone lines; it connects to the Internet
through satellites orbiting the Earth. As a result, it can be used almost anywhere in the world, but the
connection may be affected by weather patterns. Satellite connections are also usually slower than DSL or

5) 3G and 4G:
3G and 4G service is most commonly used with mobile phones, and it connects wirelessly through your ISP's
network. However, these types of connections aren't always as fast as DSL or cable. They will also limit the
amount of data you can use each month, which isn't the case with most broadband plans.

Choosing an Internet service provider:

Now that you know about the different types of Internet service, you can do some research to find out what ISPs are
available in your area. If you're having trouble getting started, we recommend talking to friends, family members, and
neighbors about the ISPs they use. This will usually give you a good idea of the types of Internet service available in
your area.
Most ISPs offer several tiers of service with different Internet speeds, usually measured in Mbps (short for megabits
per second). If you mainly want to use the Internet for email and social networking, a slower connection (around 2 to
5 Mbps) might be all you need. However, if you want to download music or stream videos, you'll want a faster
connection (at least 5 Mbps or higher).
You'll also want to consider the cost of the service, including installation charges and monthly fees. Generally
speaking, the faster the connection, the more expensive it will be per month. Although dial-up has traditionally been
the least expensive option, many ISPs have raised dial-up prices to be the same as broadband. This is intended to
encourage people to switch to broadband. We do not recommend dial-up Internet unless it's your only option.

Hardware needed:
1) Modem:

Once you have your computer, you really don't need much additional hardware to connect to the Internet. The primary
piece of hardware you need is a modem.
The type of Internet access you choose will determine the type of modem you need. Dial-up access uses a telephone
modem, DSL service uses a DSL modem, cable access uses a cable modem, and satellite service uses a satellite
adapter. Your ISP may give you a modem—often for a fee—when you sign a contract, which helps ensure that you have
the right type of modem. However, if you would prefer to shop for a better or less expensive modem, you can choose
to buy one separately.

2) Router:

A router is a hardware device that allows you to connect several computers and other devices to a single Internet
connection, which is known as a home network. Many routers are wireless, which allows you to create a home
wireless network, commonly known as a Wi-Fi network.
You don't necessarily need to buy a router to connect to the Internet. It's possible to connect your computer directly
to your modem using an Ethernet cable. Also, many modems include a built-in router, so you have the option of
creating a Wi-Fi network without buying extra hardware.

Setting up your Internet connection:

Once you've chosen an ISP, most providers will send a technician to your house to turn on the connection. If not,
you should be able to use the instructions provided by your ISP—or included with the modem—to set up your Internet
After you have everything set up, you can open your web browser and begin using the Internet. If you have any
problems with your Internet connection, you can call your ISP's technical support number.

Home networking:
If you have multiple computers at home and want to use all of them to access the Internet, you may want to create a
home network, also known as a Wi-Fi network. In a home network, all of your devices connect to your router, which
is connected to the modem. This means everyone in your family can use the Internet at the same time.
Your ISP technician may be able to set up a home Wi-Fi network when installing your Internet service. If not, you can
review our lesson on How to Set Up a Wi-Fi Network to learn more.
If you want to connect a computer that does not have built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, you can purchase a Wi-Fi adapter
that plugs into your computer's USB port.

Connecting to the Internet:

A device has to be connected to the Internet before you can access it. If you plan to use the Internet at home, you'll
usually need to purchase an Internet connection from an Internet service provider, which will likely be a phone
company, Cable Company, or the government. Other devices usually connect through Wi-Fi or cellular Internet
connections. Sometimes libraries, cafes, and schools offer free Wi-Fi for their patrons, customers, and students.

Basics of internet connectivity related troubleshooting:

Troubleshooting Access Problems
There is No Internet Access
The following steps assume there is NO Internet access. Specific websites and ISPs can have outages that have nothing
to do with your computer or its settings. Troubleshooting Steps. Try the following series of steps, in order, to see if
this fixes your problem. You can stop when you resolve the issue(s) you are having.
1) Check the network icon (or wireless connection settings) to see if you have Internet access. Ensure that your
network adapter is not turned off.
2) Check for changes to proxy settings.
3) Check the network cables if your computer is wired to the router.
4) Reset your router.
5) Check your firewall or security software. There are specific troubleshooting steps for Zone Alarm issues.
6) Check your browser access issues or email problems.
Check the Network:
Check the network connection on your computer. This connects other computers in your network as well as providing
access to the Internet via your ISP. Depending upon your operating system and your settings, there may be a network
icon at the top or bottom of the screen or it may be hidden. Your Internet connection can include either or both wired
and wireless connections (see terminology).
Whichever you're using, there is likely a router involved, whether it is your home network or a public network such as
at a coffee shop or a business network, or a community wireless network). If you're not using your own network, you'll
need to speak to the person responsible for that network for details on how to fix any issues.

Check the Wireless Settings:

If you're connected wirelessly you'll see a listing of available wireless networks. The wireless network you're currently
logged into (if any) should be indicated. Most networks are protected by a security protocol and a password.
 You'll need to verify that your connection is strong enough and that the settings don't indicate any problems.
 If you're having difficulties connecting or if there is a problem with the connection, you'll need to diagnose it.
 If you don't control the network, you'll need to ask for the password and may need additional help diagnosing
the problems.
 Some public networks are heavily used and can be very slow regardless of whether everything is working fine.

Check the Wired Settings:

If you're connected via CAT5 or CAT6 network cables, you should check the following:
 Check the cables to ensure that they aren't unplugged or damaged.
 Be sure that the network adapter isn't disabled.
 You may need to reset the router then reboot your computer.

Network Settings by Operating System:

The following are specific to each operating system. If you’re listed, look for your computer or device documentation.

Windows 7
Windows 7 users can click the network icon (you may need to click the little pyramid icon beside the clock to see all the
settings). The Windows 7 icon changes color according to the condition of your network access:
 White is normal but you may only have access to the network (but not the Internet).
 Red indicates that there is no access to either the network or the Internet.
 Yellow indicates a problem.
Click on Open the Network and Sharing Center which should open a new window.
At the top is a diagram of your network. There should be solid lines between your computer, the network and the

Check the Proxy Settings:

Most users should not touch the proxy settings, leaving them at the default which is System Settings. However,
changing the proxy settings can disable Internet access and is something that many unwanted infections do to
maintain control of your computer.
Browser Proxy Settings:
Each browser has proxy settings but most make the changes in the System settings.
System Proxy Settings:
If you're in an office where your computer is provided by your employer you'll want to verify the settings with whoever
is responsible for the network).
It is generally not recommended that users change these, but it is possible your Internet connection isn't working
because something else changed the proxy settings such as malware or a program installed by a scammer (more
Windows users will find these in the Internet Options. Click on the Connections tab then click the LAN Settings button.
Only automatically detect settings should be checked. Uncheck Use a proxy server for your LAN then verify that you
have Internet access.

Check the Cables:

The troubleshooter may prompt you to check the router settings, but first you'll need to ensure that the network cables
are firmly attached and that your modem is connected to either the cable outlet or the phone line (depending upon
which ISP's service you're using) and that the cables are not damaged.
 Check the connections at both ends of all the wires. This may sound silly, but things get pulled or simply
 Check the connection to the cable jack or phone line as well as the CAT5 or CAT6 network cables between the
modem and/or router as well as the computers.
 On most systems there should be a green LED lit if the network cable connection is working.
Try replacing the cables. If the connector retainer (a small, springy plastic that holds the cable firmly in place) is
broken or has lost its ability to retain a firm connection then the connection may be weak or intermittent.
Reset the Router:
If instructed by the network troubleshooter (or if you've completed the steps above) you'll need to ensure that the
problem isn't with your router.

Recycling Power to Your Router:

Start by recycling the power to your router (and modem if they are separate):
1) Turn off the power to the modem (then the router), and wait for two minutes.
2) Turn the modem on and wait for the lights to settle (you should see a steady light on the modem) then turn on
the router.
3) Wait 30 seconds.
4) Turn your computer on.
This process will force a new IP lease from your ISP and everything should now work.
Recycling the power is necessary because your ISP (Shaw, Rogers, Telus, etc.) changes dynamic IP addresses every so
often, disabling those that have been running for too long.

Try Without the Router:

If you continue to have problems and you have a separate modem you can try your modem without the router. If the
Internet is accessible, try to run it with the router again. If that fails, proceed to the next step in resetting and setting
up your router.

Resetting Your Router:

If you continue to have problems, you should try resetting the router.
 Factory settings are the defaults that came with your router. Resetting your router will remove any customized
 Make a note of any existing settings before resetting your router (if possible). Many provide a method of saving
settings to your computer.
 Most have a recessed reset button. To restore factory settings, hold down the button for a minute or two with
the tip of a ball point pen or paper clip.

Configuring the Router:

You will then have to configure your router to set up your network and connect to your ISP.
 Ensure that your computer is connected to the router with a network cable during the setup process.
 Never alter your router settings while connected through a wireless connection — you will lose access to the
router when it reboots during the setup process.
You may wish to have some professional help to ensure you retain the maximum security and correct settings
for your network.
At the very least you should read the manual provided with your router so you understand the process and
what each of the settings will change.
 You can obtain the instructions for your particular router from the manufacturer's website or from the
documentation that came with your router.
 Never retain default settings as this compromises your network security.
 Change the default settings (especially the password) to protect your network from malicious attacks.

Web browsing software:

A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for accessing information on the World
Wide Web. Each individual web page, image, and video is identified by a distinct Uniform Resource Locator (URL),
enabling browsers to retrieve these resources from a web server and display them on a user's device.
A browser, short for web browser, is the software application (a program) that you're using right now to search for,
reach and explore websites. Whereas Excel is a program for spreadsheets and Word a program for writing documents,
a browser is a program for Internet exploring (which is where that name came from).
Browsers don't get talked about much. A lot of people simply click on the "icon" on our computers that take us to the
Internet—and that's as far as it goes. And in a way, that's enough. Most of us simply get in a car and turn the key...we
don't know what kind of engine we have or what features it has...it takes us where we want to go. That's why when it
comes to computers:
1) There are some computer users that can't name more than one or two browsers
2) Many of them don't know they can switch to another browser for free
3) There are some who go to Google's webpage to "Google" a topic and think that Google is their browser.

So for some basic browser education sake, let's cover a few points:
1) Know your browser. Look at the very far-upper-left corner of your screen. You'll see the name of your browser.
2) Get the latest version. Browsers get updates and updated regularly, usually because computers and technology
change fast also. You can check what version of your browser you're currently using by going to
3) Try a different browser. You can switch to another browser at any time. It won't affect your computer and it will
give you an idea of how they are different.
The leading Internet Browsers are:
1) Google Chrome
2) Mozilla Firefox
3) Apple Safari
4) Microsoft Internet Explorer
5) Microsoft Edge
6) Opera
7) Maxthon

The most popular browsers have a number of features in common. They allow users to set bookmarks and browse in a
private mode. They also can be customized with extensions, and some of them provide a sync service. Most browsers
have these user interface features:
1) Allow the user to open multiple pages at the same time, either in different browser windows or in different tabs
of the same window.
2) Back and forward buttons to go back to the previous page visited or forward to the next one.
3) A refresh or reload button to reload the current page.
4) A stop button to cancel loading the page. (In some browsers, the stop button is merged with the reload button.)
5) A home button to return to the user's home page.
6) An address bar to input the URL of a page and display it.
1) A search bar to input terms into a search engine. (In some browsers, the search bar is merged with the address

Web browsers are popular targets for hackers, who exploit security holes to steal information, destroy files, and other
malicious activity. Browser vendors regularly patch these security holes, so users are strongly encouraged to keep their
browser software updated. Other protection measures are antivirus software and avoiding known-malicious websites.

Instant Messaging:
Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A
LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between
two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".
Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by
character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice
over IP, or video chat. An instant message (IM) is a real-time, text-based communication similar to chat. IM uses a
shared software client between or among two or more people using personal computers, iPhones or other devices. The
communication is done over a network, often the Internet, and may include advanced modes with live voice or video.
File transfers are also sometimes allowed but are limited in size.
Although included in the online chat category of technologies, IM differs in that the communicating parties are selected
from a known list, called a “buddy list,” “friend list” or “contact list." Users are typically alerted when someone on their
list is online. However, online chat allows communication in a multiuser environment among users that are usually
Some IM systems permit messages to be sent when the recipient is not online. In these cases, IM is much like email; in
fact, the message may even be sent to the recipient's email address.

Features of instant messaging:

The exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The
ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook
Messenger even enables users to send money via IM. Numerous clients now support the escalation from IM to other
modes of communication, such as group chat, voice calls or video conferencing.
Presence enables users to see the availability of their contacts -- not only whether they are online or offline, but also
whether they have indicated their status is free or busy. Some clients also enable users to set an "away message"
providing more detail about their limited or lack of availability. Within an active session between two users, most
clients can also indicate to one user in real time when the other user is typing.
Popular instant messaging software: While some IM clients are distinctly consumer services or explicitly for enterprises,
some crossovers exist. The following is a list of popular consumer, prosumer and enterprise IM clients:
1) Apple Messages (formerly iMessage)
2) Cisco Jabber (based on Jabber)
3) Google Hangouts (formerly Google Talk)
4) Microsoft Skype (includes Skype for Business)
5) Facebook Messenger
6) IBM Sametime
7) ICQ
8) Line
9) Pidgin
15)WhatsApp Messenger
16)Windows Live Messenger
17)Yahoo Messenger

"Netiquette" refers to Internet etiquette. This simply means the use of good manners in online communication such as
e-mail, forums, blogs, and social networking sites to name a few. It is important to use netiquette because
communication online is non-verbal. Most often online communication consists of reading something someone else has
typed. This type of communication does not allow each person to see facial expressions, body language, or hear
intonation. Because of this, messages can often be misinterpreted. By following netiquette, online communication
becomes clearer. Especially in business and career related online communications netiquette should be used to ensure
that correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are put in place to project professionalism. Netiquette also includes
the use of emoticons (such as :) :( ;) and others) to explain an emotion.
In e-mail, netiquette means not flooding someone's inbox with forwarded messages or spam mail.
Following netiquette will help you to maintain and establish positive online relationships as well as develop a positive
online reputation.
While there is no official list of netiquette rules or guidelines, the general idea is to respect others online. Below are ten
examples of rules to follow for good netiquette:
1) Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive comments online (a.k.a flaming).
2) Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information, photos, or videos that another person may not
want published online.
3) Never spam others by sending large amounts of unsolicited email.
4) Show good sportsmanship when playing online games, whether you win or lose.
5) Don't troll people in web forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying them.
6) Stick to the topic when posting in online forums or when commenting on photos or videos, such as YouTube
or Facebook comments.
7) Don't swear or use offensive language.
8) Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments. Instead, break the cycle with a positive
9) If someone asks a question and you know the answer, offer to help.
10) Thank others who help you online.

Skype calling and Messenger services:

There are different ways of communicating and sharing through the Internet. Other than e- mail, the Internet has
many applications which allow instant communication with friends, family, business associates, and co-workers. One
such method is the use of Chat Messenger applications. You may also want to share your documents and discuss your
plans, publicity material, sales trends, and details of stock in hand with your colleagues at different locations. This will
help you make quick decisions based on sound information.
You can do it by using Skype for voice or video calling on the Internet. You can send your files to your colleagues or
share your screen so that they can see the files and participate in discussions. Skype is free downloadable software. It
is used for chatting, sharing information etc. on the Internet. While many services in Skype are free, subscriptions
need to be paid for a few. Advantages of using Skype:
 You can call across the world at very economical rates.
 You can work more flexibly with instant messaging and share large files at the click of a button.
 Customers can call your Online Number from anywhere in the world and you answer the call on Skype.
 You can keep your travel and communication costs low, allows focus on growing business. What you will
require for these?
 Skype application downloaded and installed on your computer.
 A Skype ID and password.
 Skype ID of the other person with whom you want to communicate.
 Internet connectivity.
 External or built-in web cameras for video calls

How to create and use Skype:

1) Download and install Skype.
2) You must download and install Skype if it is not already installed on your computer.
3) Start the web browser. (See, Help Guide, Web Technologies Skill 1.1 or 3.1)
4) Click to place your cursor in the Address or Location bar. Type http://www.skype.com
5) Press the Enter key on your keyboard or click the Go button. Then, wait as the web page loads on your
6) Search for the link “Download Now” on the page that appears.
7) Download the Skype Free application (SkypeSetup.exe) and save it at an appropriate location on your
8) Double click on the SkypeSetup.exe file and install Skype.

To create a Skype account:

1) Double click on the Skype icon on your desktop to start Skype.
2) Click on “Create a new Account” which will take you to the registration page of Skype’s web site.
3) Enter the details required in the Registration form. First you should enter your name and e-mail address.
4) Then enter your profile information e.g., Birth Date, Gender, Country, City, Language, and Mobile Phone
Number. These details would be helpful for your friends to locate you on Skype.
5) Next enter the purpose of using Skype. If you select “Mostly business conversations,” you should provide
company details.
6) Next Enter your Skype Name and Password. The Skype Name should be unique as you will be recognized on
Skype by this name. The web site suggests few unique names for you. You may select one of them or choose to
type one for yourself
7) Next enter the security words displayed in the box. This is just to verify that you’re a real person. Then, click
on “I agree – Continue.”
8) Your Skype account is created and it opens a page to introduce you to Skype credits which you need to
purchase if you wish to use the paid services only e.g.,
9) Video conferencing. Click on “No Thanks” and then “Continue

Sign in to Skype:
1) Double click on the Skype icon on your desktop to start Skype.
2) Enter your Skype name and password and click on “Sign me in.”
3) When you sign in for the first time, it takes you through a 2 step process of testing your microphone and
webcam and selecting a profile picture. The profile picture can be uploaded from an existing photo on your
computer or you can capture your image using the webcam. You may also skip these steps and do them later.
You are signed in and ready to use Skype.

Adding Contacts:
1) You will need to add contacts before you can actually start communicating with Skype.
2) You may click on the “Add Contact” option in the “Contact” Menu or click on the “Add a contact” link on the
lower left corner of the window.
3) You will get the screen below to add contacts. The more details you provide in the add contacts windows, the
easier it becomes to locate your friend. Once you have located your friend by providing details, click on “Add”
to continue.
4) You will get the screen below. If you want to send a personal message, type in the message box and click on
“Send request.
5) A request will be sent to your friend and when he/she accepts the request, he/she will get added to your
contact list.
6) You may click on the “Add another contact” in the request sent confirmation screen to keep adding contacts.

Accept Contact requests:

1) You may also receive contact requests from others. You have to accept contact requests sent by others to add
them to your contact list. Ask a few participants to send you a contact request and accept those contacts.
2) When someone adds you to his/her contact list you will get a message on top of your contact list as given
below. Click on the contact request
a) You will get the following buttons which can be used for various purposes.
b) To add a contact, click the Add to Contacts button. Note: Do not accept contacts of people whom you
do not know. Add only contacts of those people who you know personally or professionally.
c) To view the profile of the person sending the contact, click View Profile. This will show you the
information regarding the person.
d) Click Ignore to reject the contact request.
e) Click Block if you wish to reject the contact request and block the person.
Note: Blocking a person will disable the person from sending you contact requests again.

Send instant messages:

By sending instant messages or chatting online using Skype you can share your business idea description with friends.
1) In your Skype window, go to the Contacts tab and click the name of the person or the group you wish to start
the chat conversation with. You will notice a chat window with the person’s or group’s name will appear.
2) Click to place your cursor in the chat box and type your message. Then, click Send Message, or press Enter on
your keyboard.
3) Your message along with your contact’s reply to the message will be shown in the chat transcript window.
4) To continue chatting, repeat steps 2-3.
5) If you wish to chat with another person, go to the Contacts tab, and choose the other person’s name. The chat
window for that person will be shown. Repeat steps 2-4 to start a chat.
6) You can have multiple chat conversations at the same time. To navigate between the different chat windows,
click on the contact, whose chat window you wish to see. Typically, there will be an orange circle next to the
contact that has sent you a message. You may also receive an audio beep.

Sign out of your Skype account:

Once you have finished sharing your business idea with all the group members, sign out of your Skype account. To
sign out, in your Skype window,
click Skype -> Sign Out in the Menu Bar

Similarities and differences between internet and intranet:

Computerization networks and the internet have taken over modern-day life to a very extensive level. A situation has
been created where it’s impossible to get anything done without referring to the internet first – be it at work or at home.
The World Wide Web has also introduced numerous terminologies; two common ones that stick out are the internet
and the intranet; though they are similar-sounding, they are two different entities.

It is available to every person on a global scale. Anyone can access it for uploading and downloading files. It consists of
a global interconnection of networks from different computers globally and consists of numerous sources of
information. These connections are governed by a standard protocol such as IP (internet protocol) or TCP-IP with each
computer having a separate IP address. Aside from this, there is the DNS (Domain Name Server) which gives a name to
an IP address.
An internet can consist of numerous intranets.

Intranet, on the other hand, consists of a smaller system of private interconnected computers within an organization.
The intranet could be designed for use within a school, a company or some government office. It enables sharing of
information and files within a defined area among a bunch of PCs – such as within a company’s secured website. An
intranet only offers specific web information.
An intranet offers greater security as well as easy access, management and maintenance of data. This data is hidden
from the public and only available to the organization’s employees.
The internet is a public network while the intranet is a private one. They are however interconnected as the intranet is
a part of the internet.
Similarities between the internet and intranet:
 Both the internet and the intranet need an IP (internet protocol) address for communication purposes. These
include protocols like the FTP and TCP-IP.
 Both have instant messaging platforms. The intranet has a messaging service similar to G-Talk or yahoo
 Both need to be accessed through a web browser. Both have websites – with intranet users also needing a
customized web browser to access their own specific hosted websites.
 Both use similar security features enabling data encryption and decryption, as well as a firewall. Intranet users
might use different encryption techniques, however, to protect their data further.
Though there are differences exist between the two also, at the end of the day, the intranet servers are dependent on
the internet too.

Difference between Internet and Intranet:

Sr. No. Internet Intranet
Internet is used to connect different networks of
1 Intranet is owned by private firms.
computers simultaneously.
2 On the internet, there are multiple users. On an intranet, there are limited users.
3 Internet is unsafe. Intranet is safe.
4 On the internet, there is more number of visitors. In the intranet, there is less number of visitors.
5 Internet is a public network. Intranet is a private network.
6 Anyone can access the Internet. In this, anyone can’t access the Intranet.
7 The Internet provides unlimited information. Intranet provides limited information.
Using Social media on your phone or researching A company used to communicate internally with its
resources via Google. employees and share information
The Internet is a global network that connects An intranet is a private network that connects
millions of devices and computers worldwide. devices and computers within an organization.
It is open to everyone and allows access to public An intranet is only accessible to authorized users
information, such as websites and online services. within the organization.
It is used for communication, sharing of An intranet is primarily used for internal
11 information, e-commerce, education, communication, collaboration, and information
entertainment, and other purposes. sharing within an organization.
12 Users can access the Internet from any location Access to an intranet is restricted to authorized
with an Internet connection and a compatible users within the organization and is typically
device. limited to specific devices and locations.
Security measures, such as firewalls, encryption,
Intranets employ similar security measures to
and secure sockets layer (SSL) protocols, are used
13 protect against unauthorized access and ensure the
to protect against threats like hacking, viruses, and
privacy and integrity of shared data.
The Internet is a public network that is not owned Intranets are private networks that are owned and
by any particular organization or group. managed by the organization that uses them.
Examples of Internet-based services include email, Examples of intranet-based services include
15 social media, search engines, and online shopping internal communications, knowledge management
sites. systems, and collaboration tools

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