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Fact sheet

What is a healthy relationship?

How can I tell if my relationship is healthy, unhealthy or abusive?
Maintaining a healthy relationship takes time, energy and care. Healthy relationships make everyone feel
respected, happy and safe. The chart will help you compare healthy relationships to unhealthy or abusive ones.

Healthy Relationship Unhealthy Relationship Abusive Relationship

Sharing You feel safe and strong enough You feel awkward telling your You are afraid to tell your partner
Feelings to tell your partner how you really partner how you really feel. how you really feel because you
feel. fear getting put down or

Communicating You respect and listen to each Your partner ignores you and Your partner treats you with
other even when you have does not respect your disrespect and ignores or makes
differing opinions on a topic. opinions when there is a fun of your ideas and feelings.
difference of opinion.

Disagreements You can have disagreements Your disagreements often You are afraid to disagree
and still talk respectfully to each turn into fights. because you do not want to
other. You resolve your unleash your partner’s anger and
disagreements. violence. The disagreement is an
excuse for abuse.

Intimacy and Both of you can be honest about You are embarrassed to say Your partner ignores your needs
Sex your feelings about physical how you feel because you and wants. Your partner pushes
affection and sex. Neither of you think your partner may not you into situations that make you
feels pressured to do anything listen or care. You “go along” uncomfortable, frighten or
you do not want to do. with some things. degrade you.

Trust You trust each other. You are Your partner feels jealous Your partner accuses you of
comfortable with your partner when you talk to other flirting or having an affair, and
spending time with other people. people. You feel jealous orders you not to talk to others.
when your partner talks to
other people.

Time Alone You can each spend time alone You think there may be Your partner does not allow you
and consider this a healthy part something wrong if you want to spend time doing things on
of your relationship. to do things without your your own. Your partner sees this
partner. Your partner tries to as a challenge or threat to your
keep you to themself. relationship.

Violence You and your partner take care There have been a few There is a pattern of increasing,
not to speak harsh words or incidents of emotional abuse ongoing abuse in your
make mean comments. There is or controlling behaviour in relationship: emotional, physical,
no physical violence in your your relationship. There is no sexual and/or intimidation.
relationship. pattern of abuse or violence.

©2019 Government of Alberta | Published: October 2019
If you are in an abusive
Find people and resources to support you
You are not alone. Others have had this experience
and lived through it. Once you start looking for
Make sure you and your children are safe sources of help, you will meet people who
Visit for information understand your situation and can help you learn
on safety. more about available resources.

Get professional help

Contact a qualified counsellor that understands
Make sure you are safe
abuse and violence in intimate relationships. If the
If you are in immediate danger, call 911. first counsellor is not a good fit, try someone else.
Call the Family Violence Info Line at People who work in the area of family violence may
310-1818 for 24/7 help in over 170 be able to help you find an appropriate counsellor.
Care for yourself
Go to to chat with the
Family Violence Info Line staff. Keeping yourself and others safe requires a lot of
energy. Self care is important to renew your energy
and stay connected to others who may help when
you need them.

Know you are not responsible for the abuse

Spend time with supportive people
Abuse is never the victim’s fault. Abuse can happen
Being with supportive people and fostering healthy
to people of all ages, abilities, cultural and spiritual
relationships will be a rewarding experience and will
backgrounds, gender identities and sexual
give you a support network in times of need.
orientations. Abuse can happen when you least
expect it.
Help is available

Understand that the abuse and violence will See what supports are available in your community
likely continue without intervention by visiting
Abuse and violence usually become more frequent
and more severe over time. When you are thinking
about your choices, be as realistic as you can be in
determining what the risks are in your Get support
Visit for
Tell someone you trust information and supports for the costs of
Secrecy gives abuse more power. When you tell
another person, you are using your power to Visit
improve the situation. Tell someone who will listen Even if you do not plan to stay at your local
and offer support. Keep telling people you trust until shelter, you can call them for help.
you get the help that you need.
The Family Violence Info Line (310-1818)
can help in all these areas.

©2019 Government of Alberta | Published: October 2019

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