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14dy Harried in Hillsfar Magic/other Social interaction Combat Money

0day The Birth:

The characters are contacted by their faction representatives, and sent to explore the Hillsfar are
and investigate anything strange. After a thourough investigation, they are to return to the factio
camp, and report their findings. They are not to hamper the investigations of other factions in an
way. All the factions are tentatively cooperating at this time. $25 per information set.

Prophecy They meet an old, ragged human on the road near Hillsfar.
pg.9 The party took the old man's body to a nearby Red Plume patrol, and nearly got into a fight with
them. The situation was just barely smoothed over, and they started their search for clues.
Brick tried to help with the children, but ended up terrifying them with his ugly grin instead. Enol
helped a great deal in the kitchen while Nar and Galio left to run errands. Fortunately, Galio ran
into his trouble before Nar got too far away. The demon goats surrounded Galio, and started
wearing him down, but Nar put all the little ones to sleep. This turned the fight in the party's favor
and Enola got the kill shot on big one.

The party took their time getting to the far fields to save Punroth, and as a result, Beralt was slain
by the wild dogs.
That night, Nar sent his familiar to give a message to the Zhentarim. They came, and stole all the
dead bodies away in the night.

1day The Growth:

pg.17 The party listened to Constance, though skeptically. They eventually followed her into the inner
basement. When inpecting Arrizz, all but Enola nearly mummified themselves in strips of cloth to
help ward off the contagion.
The duergers' plan was foiled by Enola. She had been skulking back by the door, and opened it up
as soon as they closed it.
The battle was fierce! Nar and Enola fell unconscious, but with the help of Nar's familiar, Mr. Eyes
and Constance, they prevailed. They also freed Joyella from a sack the duerger had dropped.
Nar and Brick took Arrizz to a nearby town, and paid a priest to cast a spell to help him survive th
disease a while longer. Will Gleeson (priest of Chantee got paid and bribed).

1day Take Arrizz back to Zhentarim headquarters, turned him over, got debriefed, and sold some loot.
Nar did some investigation about Canstance, and her relatives regarding the farm.

1day The Life:

pg.25 Nar discovered the werejackles' ruse before the attack. The battle was still heavy, and Zook and
Wittel had to step in with some help.
The whole party gained the blessing of Mielikki, and Nar gained it doubly for extra efforts of
completing the dead pilgrims' quest for them all.

1day Went back to camp, turned the bodies and information in to their superiors, bought some supplie
rested for the night, and headed back out.

Brick stayed back, because he spent the night drinking and fighting.
0day The Death:
pg.33 Lady Ineddra (elf Lords' Alliance agent) sent Mal'Cazar to investigate the Allano rothé farm.
The party and Mal'Cazar were suspicious of each other at first, but decided to work together for
the time being.

The party got hurt a lot by statues, but figured out their mistake on the last name eventually.
The Goristro did get summoned, just barely.
Nar and Galio tried to take one of the statues, but gave up when they realized that it would keep
attacking them while they moved it.

Nar 24 arcana to deduce harvestable parts from demons. Kept 2 manes to dissect.

Went back to camp, turned the bodies and information in to their superiors, bought some supplie
1day rested for the night, and headed back out.

3day The Afterlife:

pg.39The party did wonderfully against the cultists and shadow in the crypts. They nursed the priest
back to consciousness, questioned him, and received a $200 reward once he got home to Hillsfar.

Mr. Eyes spotted a fire in the Darkwoods in the middle of the night. The party went to investigate
and found a party of elves fighting the goristro they had accidentally set loose. Brick and Galio
ignored their companions' advice to stay back. Galio pretended to help kill the goristro, and Brick
got himself killed by standing too close to a dragon's breath weapon.

The elves are going to visit the Zhentarim camp to retrieve the errant elf who summoned the

Nar stole all the runed braziers when everyone else left.
The party found and purchased a diamond to resurrect Brick, and headed to Elventree to get Elani
to do the job.

1dayMal'Cazar spoke to a minor noble, Jenben Uriric.

Nar spoke to a sage who told him that cults of Graz'zt, a greater demon lord, have been popping up
in the region.
Galio found a non-lethal, weekly pit fight to join, won some money, and earned the local name,
"Goat Kicker."
They stayed at the The Little Bird Pub in Elventree.

1day The party decided to go to Hillsfar to investigate cultists, churches, and the docks for information
Those who went into the city that night, found that it was an extremely debaucherous atmosphere.

Enola got hit on a lot, and picked some pockets.

Nar found a buyer for the farm he was planning on stealing.
Mal'Cazar got his purse cut a little bit. He and Brick did some magic detection, and found that there
was a chaotic aura that seemed to faintly manifest around large groups of conscious people.

1day Caesia Trebius came through the Hillsfar docks. She had two shady guards with her, and seemed
like she was doing quick business (a few days) before heading back to Mulmaster.
Nar, Brick, and Mal questioned a noble woman with two hooded guards who was making her way
back to a ship headed to Mulmaster. She said her name was Beli Trenholm, and was not interested
in talking at all.
Heard about a strange girl hanging around the docks one day, constantly talking to a creepy goat.

1day The party stayed at the same inn for the next night.

They all poured over the map that Nar had copied, and Brick noticed that there was one spot that
had not been marked on the map. There is an abandoned temple to an evil deity called, "The Dar
Prince" near Yulash. No cults are yet shown in the records to have taken up residence there.

1day The party decided to look for the weird girl before anything else.
They didn't find her, but they wandered south of the faction camps because Galio spotted a figur
in a corn field.
They ended up talking to a goat farmer who had seen her, then an animal handler in Elventree.
Nar was interested in having the animal handler train exotic beasts for him.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. Mid May
P.P. 11 14 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +0

AC 12 11 14 15 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal dog.wa dog wdog wdog wdog wdog w goat2h
8 7 15 9 8 26 5 5 5 5 5 19
K K K K K K K sleep

P.P. 11 14 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 +0 +0 +1

AC 12 11 14 16 11 17 17 17 11
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal dwf.d dwf.d dwf.d Ariz1
8 7 15 9 8 26 26 26 58
handed over to Zhents

P.P. 11 14 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2
5 15 5 20 18 10 7 19
round 2 round 3
AC 12 11 14 16 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal wrjaklwrjakl wrjaklwrjaklwrjakl wrjaklwrjaklwrjakl
8 7 15 9 8 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
P.P. 11 14 11 9 10 only run toward corpse to fuel ritual
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 -1 -1
3 8 3 13 11 5 11 13
pic pic
AC 12 11 14 16 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal manemanemanemane manemanemanemane mane
13 11 25 16 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

+0 +0
5 8 5 3 5 7 8 8
pic pic
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
drtch1drtch1drtch1drtch1 drtch1drtch1drtch1drtch1
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Initiative: +1 +1 -2
15 12 7 -1 13 11

AC 12 12 8 8 12 12
turn Hit Points cultstcultst zmb.Rzmb.R cultstcultst
9 9 22 22 9 9

P.P. 11 14 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
22 3 18 2 12 19 9 6

AC 12 16 14 16 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Shad1 cult.1cult.2cult.3cult.4cult.5cult.6 cult.1
13 11 25 16 8 16 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Interacting with objects
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

10 10 10 10 10 10 exp 122
Goat Goat Goat Goat Goat Goat max 100
4 4 4 4 4 4
sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep
tied tied tied tied tied tied

+1 +1 +1 +1

16 16 16 16 exp 120
grd.1 grd.1 grd.1 grd.1 max 100
11 11 11 11


15 exp 160
wrjakl drag.F max 100
appear, one at a time as each mane dies
-1 -1
0 10 18 8 7 3 9 8
pic pic
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
manemanemanemane manemanemanemane
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

exp 140
max 100

+1 +1 +1
17 4 8

12 12 12 exp 130
cult.2cult.3cult.4 max 100
9 9 9

exp 100
max 100
6dy Bane of the Tradeways Magic/otheSocial interactionCombat Money
3day Part 1. The Decision
pg.7 The party headed over toward Yulash where they had heard there might be cultists residing in an
abandoned temple near there.

The party helped the Red Plumes. It was a pitched battle, but none of the characters fell, and mos
of the Red Plumes were saved.
The Red Plumes took one bandit for questioning, and Nar secretly took one as well. He also told
his guard and servant to gather the bodies of all the fallen bandits so that they could loot them
The party was allowed to take a war horse each as payment for helping to turn the tide of the
battle to the side of law.
Sgt. Reginald Lucretius gave them $50 out of his own pocket as well.
Sgt. Tertius Clemens offered them another $50 if they would help escourt the caravan to the
roadside shrine.
The wizard, Lumír Volf, was impressed by the mages of the party.

pg.11 Part 2: The Chase

Mal'Cazar finished up his business, and headed out to catch up with his companions. He came
across a terrible battle scene. He left his guard to help clean up, and took one of the dead bandits
horses. He galloped hard to catch up, and entered the chase in the middle of the fight.

see explosion from fireball as the wizard blasts a group of flanking bandits 2x

pg.16Part 3: The Roadside Shrine

1day Stayed overnight with the guards at the shrine. Mal'Cazar and Enola scared off four bandits durin
the night.
Nar let his captive go the next morning, after questioning him thoroughly.

The party made their way to the abondoned temple, accosted a suspicious character in the templ
He told them all he knew, and got knocked out by a trap on a door beneath a secret door they
found in the back room. Mal'Cazar knocked himself out with a backlash of a Thunderwave spell he
used to blast down the door.
Inside, they found a room with braziers, a dormant teleportation circle, and 2 coffins in it. They
removed the braziers, bound one of the coffins, and opened the other to find a hostile mummy in
it. After a heavy battle, the mummies once again rested.

1day After a rainy night, Enola persuaded Nino (the pawn) to give misinformation to the cultists.

The next day, they spied on the meeting with the cultists, then set a trap for them at the temple.
The ambush went very poorly, but they won. Nar took one cultist fanatic as a prisoner, questione
him, and sent a message to the Zhents to pick him up.

1day After resting for 8 hours at the town, the party went to watch Brick in a fight to the death. He wo
quickly, but then made the crowd angry by stablizing the drow opponent. They jeered and threw
things at him, and he made them more angry by taunting them, and throwing things back. He
barely made it out of the situation by running away.
There were some angry words exchanged between Mal'Cazar and Brick when they all got back to
the inn.
Enola managed to steal $50 from the bookie while Mal'Cazar distracted the man to get his betting

Galio made $37 profit from betting on Brick's fight.

Galio bought a potion of healing from Nar when they stopped by Hillsfar.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. June 1
P.P. 11 14 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
10 17 17 8 4 16 4 9

AC 12 11 14 16 11 18 18 17 17 17 17 13 13
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal ofcr.rpofcr.rp grd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rp thg.1 thg.2
8 7 15 9 8 37 37 32 32 32 32 32 32

P.P. 11 14 11 9 10 The Slave Caravan The Slave Caravan

Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 +3 +2 +0 +0
14 20/17 12 5 19 17 13 5 13

AC 12 11 14 16 11 18 13 12/15 17 15 17 15
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal ofcr.rp quasit wiz.* grd.rpwgn.A grd.rpwgn.A grd.rp
8 7 15 9 8 37 7 22 32 80* 27 80*

Total loot from bodies

27 std.Lth.
25 buckler
-1 -1 25 mace
2 5 25 Hv.crossbow
2 Hnd.crossbow
11 11 2 shortsword
mum1 mum1 2 scimitar
58 58 4 dagger
max 600
Joyella 18 17/19
Spiritual Weaponβ orog.1 turn
Sacred Flame 42 1 15
14/1614/16 12 12 12 26 K
turn cult.Fcult.F cultstcultstcultst 17
1 33 33 9 9 9 7
2 KO K K K K 1
3 stable -5
4 turn over to Zhents KO
5 Galio
11 rounds

exp 230
Interacting with objects
8 7 11 9 4 5
their horses are nearby
13 13 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 10 10 10 10
thg.3 thg.4 thg.5 thg.6 thg.7 thg.8 grd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rp hrs.D hrs.D hrs.R hrs.R
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 19 19 13 13
net net

+0 +0
18 2 11 13 12 9
? ? ? ? ? ?
17 17 17 13 13 13
grd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rp thg.1 thg.1 thg.1
32 32 32 32 32 32

The Slave Caravan The Chase The Chase The Chase

+0 +2 +0 +0 +3 +3
20 18 20 4 7 19 7 6 7 18 16

17 15 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 15
grd.rp wgn.A Spy 1 Spy 1 thg.1 thg.1 thg.1 thg.1 thg.1 thg.1 B.capB.cap ofcr.rp
27 80* 27 27 32 32 32 32 32 32 65 65

Total loot from bodies gp.

std.Lth. 608 The Buyers The Buyers
buckler 62.5 +0 +0 +2 +2 +0
mace 62.5 15 6 7 18 10 16 2
Hv.crossbow 625
Hnd.crossbow 75 18 17 12 12 17 13 13
shortsword 10 Jkdrar dwf.d dog.Ddog.D dwf.d worg worg
scimitar 25 26 26 39 39 26 26 26
dagger 4
Total: 1492
+0 +0
16 17

17 17
32 32
38dy Shakles of Blood Magic/otheSocial interactionCombat Money
1day Each character has received a personal invitation to attend a theatrical event, The Poppet's History
pg.6 of Hillsfar, playing one night only at the Cloverwall Roadhouse. Each elaborately styled invitation
has been delivered to the character by unusual means; found in a character's boot in the morning
appearing at the bottom of a mug of ale or even dropped at their feet by an unusual bird.
pg.8 Introduction: The Puppeteer’s Offer
The party readily accepted the offer to retrieve the Tinfellows. They stopped by Hillsfar on the wa
to pick up some supplies.

pg.10 Part 1: Tinfellow Valley
The party spoke to the old lady at the mill, and also the human settlers. Galio intimidated the
truth out of the farmer, and got a bit more information.
The party noticed the elf ranger woman, spoke to her as well, and fell for her ruse. The ambush
went off very well. Most of the party was easily subdued, but Nar escaped by casting an illusion t
simulate a teleport, and turning into a rock in the stream.

Brick memorized the two guard's faces who netted and knocked him out.

pg.16 Part 2: The Road to Hillsfar

2day Breex jeered, taunted, and poked the characters the whole way to Hillsfar.

Meanwhile, Nar did some investigating. He found that the ranger was a local, the capture of the
party was unsanctioned, and Arizz was the dark elf he had turned over to the Zhents. He also fou
out that his companions and the Tinfellows were in the arena prison. He bought nearly exact
duplicates of the tinfellows, and bribed the guards to switch out the slaves for the Tinfellows. Nar
sent the halflings to the Harper camp with his guard as an escourt. With all his money spent, and
no more resources to help his allies, the shapeshifter took a seat in the arena to watch the fight.

pg.20 Part Three: The Bell in the Depths

The fight started poorly. Two of the party members were badly hurt by the enemy druid's storm
spell right away. Fortunately, Mal'Cazar disrupted her concentration by putting her to sleep. The
fight was brutal. At times it seemed as though the party would all die. They pulled through though
By the time the match was over, the crowd had worked themselves into an excited frenzy. They
began to riot.
Breex took this opportunity to climb down into the ring with a couple guards to finish off the
non-human filth. He did well, but fled when the tide turned against him. Nar had been healing th
party from within the stands, and blasted the halforc from behind with a strong spell. The had a
brief battle, and Nar killed the brute.

The rest of the party used the riot as a distraction to flee the arena. Enola picked the lock to the
gates, and they made their way through the twisting tunnels. After getting lost, they freed an elf
so that he could lead them out. They tried to stick to the shadows, but two guards spotted them
on the streets. After badly botching attempts to deceive and persuade the guards, it looked like
things would be going badly for the adventurers again.
Just as the guards were drawing their swords, a dirty teenage human girl started bugging the
guards to help her find her goat. This gave the adventurers the distraction they needed.
Elisande heals the druid as she wanders away. "Oh, you seem to be busy… Huh, she is hurt."
The party took advantage of the distraction to get the jump on the guards, and beat them down.

1day Mal'Cazar was able to lead them on a hurried escape from the city via back alleys, and talk past t
only guard who took notice of them. Once they were free, Mal'Cazar cleaned himself up, and wen
back in through a different entrance to speak to officials about a noble like himself being treated
in such a way. The others headed down to the docks. The halfling druid helped Enola lift some
purses while Brick and Galio rested in a corner of a tavern. She got enough money to buy a room
and some food.
Later, Mal'Cazar returned, telling them that he had managed to get them all accomodations at a
nice place in the city for the night. He also found that Nar likely had all their belongings.

2day The party made it back to the faction camps with no trouble, and found Nar with their belongings
With the help of the halfling druid, Galio was able to hunt and find water for the party as they

Joyella secretly contacts Enola, and asks her to help 'liberate' some archeological items from a
collector in Hillsfar. (Crime - Xan's pg.288)
Enola 'found' a stone tablet with a map on it, written in a strange, archaic rune language. With
help from the party, Mal'Cazar was able to make sense of it. It is a map to the lost city of Mahuizoh.

30day Brick found a shield trainer, lost a couple galdiator matches, commissioned ankheg armor, and
bought a wand of smiles.
Galio won a few gladiator matches, bought some new gear, and hunted an ankheg.
Enola went on a crime spree, succeeding in a few heists with Joyella.
Mal'Cazar began researching a new spell, and worked with the Lord's Alliance to raise renown.
Galder's Tower
Nar spent time at the church to gain inspiration, traded magic items, scribed spells into his
spellbook, and scribed scrolls for money.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. June 7

P.P. 11 14 11 9 10 Hunter's Markβ Haste

Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
17 2 12 11 5 19 1 19

AC 14 16 14 16 11 14 21 18/20 17 17 17 17 17
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Deriel ErlichBreex grd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rp
18 18 35 16 14 24 59 73 32 32 32 32 32

Crowd Excitement 9 Inspiration

The Arena

Healing Spiritβ
Hail of Thorns
Callβ Lightning
P.P. 11 14 11 9 10 Hunter's Mark
Dustβ Devil Longstrider
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
3 5 18 12 5 6 14 11 5 8

AC 14 16 14 16 11 14 14/16 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Deriel druid Spy 1 Spy 2 thg.1 thg.2 thg.3 thg.4 thg.5 thg.6
18 18 35 16 14 24 27 27 27 32 32 32 32 32 32

Healing Spiritβ
Hail ofCall
P.P. 11 14 11 9 10 Hunter's
DustMark β Haste
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0
3 5 9 6 3 7 6 7 7
? ? ? ? instead
AC 14 16 14 16 11 14 14/16 18/20 16 16 16 16 13 13
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Deriel druid Breex grd.A grd.A grd.A grd.A thg.1 thg.1
18 18 35 16 14 24 27 73 11 11 11 11 32 32

P.P. 11 14 11 9 10 Dust Devil

Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 16 1 0 0
14 5 11 5

AC 14 16 14 16 11 12 14/16 17 17 15
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal grd.elf druid grd.rpgrd.rp Elsnd.4 pic
18 18 35 16 14 58 27 32 32 21
grab staff

27 17 14
15 12/15 turn drw.f turn ankhg
14/16 turn Rorr turn sorc.1 1 32 1 39
Myrtle 1 13 1 13 2 21
27 6 11 3 14
7 4 20
5 7
6 -6 antennae
7 eyes 300
acid sack800
chitin 375
Interacting with objects

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
16 9 7 15 16 16 9 9 5
arrive in 5 rounds if alerted
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 14 11
grd.rp grd.rpgrd.rp grd.rp grd.rpgrd.rpgrd.rp Spy 1 Boar
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 27 11

0 3 3 3 3
20 7 21 11 11

13 13 13 13 13
thg.7 qpr.swqpr.swqpr.swqpr.sw
32 28 28 28 28
2 2 2
15 20 10
instead instead
14 14 14 Enola 900
Spy 1 Spy 1 Spy 1 exp Galio 900
27 27 27 max 1200 Mal. 1800


14 17
mnk.stturn Kenku
22 1 13
11 2 3
-8 3 -8
KO 4
54dy No Foolish Matter Magic/otheSocial interactionCombat Money
0day The factions sent the party to investigate a sting of deadly, maddening disease outbreaks which
seem to be trailing a traveling carnival. The next destination for the carnival is a small town called
pg.7 Part 1: Welcome to Hillpicket
2day It takes 2 days to reach Hillpicket. Mal'Cazar was able to hire Myrtle (halfling druid) to join them
for this trip.
Mal'Cazar made nice with the mayor, Hope Kellar, and left her on a happy note.

pg.9 Part 2. Doctor Jubal’s Carnival of Curiosities

1day Overheard a party of adventurers talking about hunting gryffons with poison and alchemy.

Confronted Dr. Jubal. He read all their minds, and got much information.

1day Rested overnight, and prepared for a final confrontation.

pg.14 Part 3. When the Looking Glass Looks Back

Allied with Tak, and let her keep her items.

2day Headed back to the faction camps.

Study the ancient stone tablet. Enola helped Nar research over three weeks, and pinpointed the
area that the map referred to.

48day Downtime:
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. July 15

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
6 5 3 20 16 4 13

AC 14 17 16 16 14 14/16 13 13 13 10 10 12 12
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Myrtle thg.1 thg.1 thg.1 rat.swrat.sw rat.G rat.G
Mdns 18 23 49 23 20 27 32 32 32 24 24 7 7

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 4 0 0 0 4
6 6 13 14 10
AC 14 17 16 16 14 14/16 15 pipes 13 13 10 15
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Myrtle Tak Lair thg.1 thg.1 rat.sw Tak Elsnd.4
18 23 49 23 20 27 52 32 32 24 52

a pair of large shards of strangely silvered glass that glow with faerzress amongst the
shattered mirrors; to an alchemist or wizard in a large city these will be worth 50 gp
each as components
27 exp
max 600
Interacting with objects

0 0 0 0 0 0
2 6 17 13 10 20
? ? ? ? ?
13 13 13 10 10 10
thg.1 thg.1 thg.1 rat.swrat.sw comnr
32 32 32 24 24 4

1 0
17 8

15 10
Elsnd.4 pic Goat
21 4
18dy Quelling the Horde Magic/otheSocial interactionCombat Money
2day Rumors of goblin attacks on some northwestern outlying homesteads have reached the Hillsfar.
Most people just laugh at the stories, but some are concerned about the oddities of the tale. The
goblins were supposedly riding all manor of strange beasts into battle.
While on their way to the hills north of Teshwave to hunt griffons, a runner stipped the party.
A hooded woman named Ymmeline contacts the party as a Zhentarim agent, and asks them to
investigate the disappearance of a rust monster herd near The Stop.
pg.7 Part 1: Aftermath of Madness
They investigated the Callidell Homestead, the Arcrus Ranch, and the Lumbus Farm. After Windon
told them what happened, and after an investigation of the area, the party decided to send Enola
and Mal'Cazar to take the boy to the next farm to the north. The two made the trip quickly, and
got back in time to rest for the night.

pg.11 Part 2: The Passage Downward

The party defeated the door guards, and questioned the goblin boss with the help of a Suggestion.
He told them all he knew about the cave, its inhabitants, and their activities.

pg.13 Part 3: Skullspike Caves

The party came up with a plan to disguise themselves as goblins and likeminded races, and have
the captured (and Suggested) goblin knight escourt them right to the big boss. All went well until
Brick saw the corpses of fellow dwarves strewn about the blacksmith's room. He went berserk,
attacking the goblins, and causing a great deal of noise. The party fought well, but had to flee
when Lord Agrak and his elites joined the fray. The adventurers were chased out of the cave, and
persued for a bit before escaping. In their flight, they got separated, and had to regroup at the las
farm they had visited.
During their rest, Joyella joined them, informing them that it was she who had hobbled some of
their persuers. She had previously infiltrated the camp as part of her missions into the underdark.
The party paid her to help them complete their mission, and to give them some valuable
Info. information about the nearby area of the underdark.

1day The new plan was to sneak into the goblin caves, and assassinate as many as possible before any
woke up.

The party defeated Mardivec, and Galio convinced the goblins to accept him as their leader. The
adventurers rested, searched the cave, and set themselves up the new leaders of the clan.

1day Enola stole all Galio's money while he slept, because he had gotten charmed by the incubus, and
badly hurt the party.

Joyella told of a Drow city, Visildriesh, that the tunnel in the goblin cave lead to, and drew a map
to the location. It's a small, little known city.
Odilo Seezid, a male scout, is a contact sympathetic to the surface dwellers.
legend Among the final treasure is a map to Khundrukar in the Stone Tooth hills.

3day They went back to the faction camps to get Mal raised. Galio and Brick stayed back at the goblin
cave to manage the goblins.

8day The three at the faction camps did their best to sell the loot they had acquired, then headed back
to rejoin their companions.

3day The adventurers then continued their trip toward the Dragonspine Mountains to look for gryffons
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. September 9
P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 Callidell Homestead
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 13 14 6 18 8 10
? ? ?
AC 14 17 17 16 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal 800 scrcrwscrcrwscrcrwscrcrw 600 scrcrw scrcrw scrcrw
23 23 49 30 26 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

joined main guar

P.P. 1a. Stable 1b. Training Yard

Initiative: 1 1 1 2 2 >> >>
6 3 13 12 8

AC 14 14 14 15 15 15 15
turn Hit Points 700 rst.m rst.m rst.m Gob.1Gob.1 Gob.1Gob.1
27 27 27 7 7 7 7
joined main guard

P.P. 4. Feast Hall

Initiative: 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 6 3 11 8 14
? ? ?
AC 12 12 12 12 11 11
turn Hit Points 1800 boar.Gboar.G boar.G boar.G 200 Boar Boar
42 42 42 42 11 11
P.P. run? Prison
Initiative: 3 0 2 2 0 0 0
19 13 10 6 13 15 19
AC 14 19/21 11 18 18 20 20 20
turn Hit Points Joyella 1150 Mrdvc drtch1 1200 gob.Bgob.B A.A.B A.A.B A.A.B
27 66 18 21 21 33 33 33
76 K K KO
charmed Galio stable
drugs does 3 dam to Ulfe per turn

exp. 9330
max. 1200
Interacting with objects
2 << 2 << 2 <<
3 6 21
cave entrance
18 12 15 12 15 12
650 gob.Bdog.D Gob.1dog.D 250 Gob.1dog.D
21 39 7 39 7 39
joined main guard

3. The goblin warrens. Most are hiding from the boars.

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
17 21 22 18 7 9 7 5 18 11 17 6 10
replace 2 gob?
11 18 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
toad.G 400 gob.Bgob.B 900 Gob.0 Gob.0Gob.0Gob.0 Gob.0 Gob.0Gob.0Gob.0 Gob.0Gob.0 Gob.0
39 21 21 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
K K K K sleep sleep K K K K
Joy. Joy. Joy.

0 0
15 9
? ?
11 11
Boar Boar
11 11
Lord Agrak’s Chamber
0 3 << 2 << 2 << 2 << 2 << 0 2 <<
3 8 12 9 6 17 11 10
? ? ?
20 23 13 18 12 18 12 18 12 18 11 12 18 14
A.A.B 3400 AgrakCrwl.1 gob.Bdog.Dgob.Bdog.D gob.Bboar.Ggob.Btoad.G boar.Ggob.Brst.m
33 60 51 21 39 21 39 21 42 21 39 42 21 27
stable stablestable 4
to Ulfe per turn K -3
Fortified chain shirt+1r, Shield+1u, Periapt-Proof-Pois.r, KO

r hide 480 resistance

iding from the boars.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
9 21 12 9 18 8 3 8

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Gob.0 Gob.0Gob.0 Gob.0Gob.0Gob.0 Gob.0Gob.0
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Nar's Goblin Village Encounters 13
7 1 hill giant gnt.hl 17 17
3 1d3 stone giants 2 105 G.stn G.stn 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
4 2d4 giant goats 7 gave toad 126 126 GoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatG
8 1d3 stone giants 2 900xp flee flee 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
5 1 warlock of the archfey friend
5 2d4 winged kobolds 5
2 3d6 tribal warriors 8 11 11
7 1 ogre led by 1 ogre bolt launcher ogre1 ogre1 11 11 11 11 11 11
1 2d4 giant goats 6 59 59 GoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatG 11
7 1 ogre with 2 half-ogres slunk away 19 19 19 19 19 19 ogre1
4 2d4 giant goats failed to befriend, and annoyed a little 59
slunk away
GoatG 17 17
G.stn G.stn 16
126 126 ltl.wng 13 13 13 13 13
hide hide 52 Kb.w Kb.w Kb.w Kb.w Kb.w 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
43 7 7 7 7 7 blywgblywgblywgblywgblywgblywgblywgblywg
31 friendfriendfriendfriendfriend 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 17 1 -3 0 4 -1 2 6 -5
ogr.Hogr.H -1 11 11 11 11 11 11 -7 K K -2 K -7 -1 K
30 30 K GoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatGGoatG K K K K
slunk away 19 19 19 19 19 19
229dy Forge of Fury Magic/otheSocial interactionCombat Money
0day If the adventurers don't explore the map on their own, Baron Althon, a local noble, hires the party
to search for the legendary cache of weapons forged by Durgeddin the smith. He shows the
characters a broken blade bearing the smith's mark, and tells them that it was discovered near a
rocky hill called the Stone Tooth. Baron Althon provides directions and promises to reward the
characters richly for each of Durgeddin's blades they recover. He will pay the characters 20 gp each
just for bringing back information about the dwarven complex, and an additional 100 gp if they
provide detailed maps. He will raise his price by 50% with a successful Persuasion check DC.20, or
double it with a Persuasion check DC.30.
pg.35 Blasingdell is WNW of Teshwave, near the Dragonspire Mountains. It is a 150 mile journey to

The party decided to hunt griffons before taking on the Durgeddin job.

5day Teshwave. It is another 30 miles (1 day) travel to the spot in the hills where Khundrukar is marke
Half way between Yulash and Teshwave, a human cleric of Boccob passes the party on the road.
She is an old woman dressed in travelers clothes. She asks for a donation of 5gp. Each character
who exceeds this will be blessed with inspiration. If all members of the party receive inspiration,
the woman will tell them that there is a valuable secret in the lake they are heading toward.
1day In the afternoon, the party sees two griffons kill a black bear.

2day The party battled well against the griffons, and defeated them. They managed not to kill any but
the youngling. The matron of the flock fought most valiantly.
3day Found a merchant to buy griffon parts.
6day Found a buyer for the live owlbear for $500.
2day Came across Blasingdale while tracking where the griffons came from.
Nar stayed in Teshwave for 5 extra days to find a slave collar, then headed out to catch up to the
rest of the party.

The adventurers came across a band of orc scouts with two dire wolves. They tried diplomacy, an
1day the orcs demanded payment for travel through their territory (Stone Tooths of the Great Ulfe).
Brick convinced the party to fight anyway. They beat the orcs, though one worg got away to warn
its allies. Most of the captives were stablized, and Nar used Suggestion to question one. Brick
made a tentative agreement with the worg to team up when they find each other next.

The party found and searched the Black Lake, eventually saw through the dragon's illusion, Brick
and Nar ended up antagonizing Nightscale into attacking. She killed Mal'Cazar and Selphi, and
seriously injured Galio with one breath. The party pleaded with the dragon, gave her magical items,
and leant her their spellbooks in return for being allowed to leave. Mal'Cazar did his best to forge
a possible future alliance, maybe even becoming a Warlock with Nightscale as a patron.
7day The party headed back to town to take care of some things while waiting for the mages spellbook
to be returned to them. Mal'Cazar threw a festival for Blasingdale during that week. Galio let it sli
that there was a dragon nearby, and tried to cover it up. The cleric of the town is suspicious of th
30day Downtime:
Brick finished learning the shield skill, made money in pit fights, and studied a tome on dragons.
Galio spent time placating the goblins, made money in pit fights, and researched charm resistanc
Nightscl. Mal'Cazar tomes of politics & diplomacy? Loan to start a business? Lord's Alliance/investigate?
Enola did well with her heists with Joyella.
Nar went to Elventree, and had a master trainer begin training the griffons for 4gp per day. He al
did some trading for profit.

It was windy, and a little snowy when they ambushed another orc patrol. They quickly killed them
and told the worgs to get their kin out of the fortress. After a failed scouting mission by Enola and
the invisible Mal, they grouped up at the cave entrance, and taunted the orcs out. This backfired,
and all of the orcs came out at once with their leaders leading the charge.

Galio died, Mal'Cazar and Enola almost died in alchemist fire, and Nar helped the party escape
3day using a Tenser's Disk and bag of holding. They went back to Teshwave to recover and gather
16day The party took some time to plan and gather resources, mostly at Teshwave. (ends Dec.14)
Nar found a stealthy druid to help, and Mal hired two rogues as well.
9day They went to the goblin cave to convince them to help on Galio's behalf. They were successful, a
escourted the goblins to the Teshwave area, then on to the Stone Tooth fortress.
3day They took back roads, and used familiars to scout so that they could avoid encountering anyone.
4day After picking up more adventurers at Teshwave to help them, the caravan finally arrived at the
their destination.
weather The party decided to scout around, and go down a chimney during the night. They stealthily killed
some sleepiing orcs, and explored much of the orc's fortress before dire wolves caught their scent
and began making noise to wake the orcs. In the middle of a pitched battle between both forces,
Mardivec charmed Mal, and had him Suggestion Brick to help him betray the party.
1day The party took all the loot they could carry, and headed back to Blasingdale. They spent the night
2day there, then headed to Teshwave.
McLovin appeared to Enola in his new Reverent form at the end of the first week.
48day Spent 8 weeks preparing for the next forray into the Stone Tooth fortress. Mal worked for
Nightscale to smoothe things over, then joined the party at Teshwave.
3day Made it back to Stone Tooth Fortress, found that Mal had been filling the orc level with zombies,
and went down to the duerger level.

A. Door Mountain Door Mdns

E. Lake



5. ORC CAVE - second raiding party lives here.




9. SHAMAN'S LAIR - Burdug the shaman, an orc Eye of Gruumsh, and 2 female orcs.

10. THE GRAND STAIR - goes to The Foundary


12. GREAT ULFE - rapier+1 w/Durgeddin's smith-mark


pg.44 14. BUNK ROOM - handaxe w/Durgeddin's smith-mark




36. THE GREAT HALL - Locked stone door DC.20 to pick, DC.30 to force, AC.18, 100 hit points.


A heavy battle ensued, and most of the dwarves were killed. Biddy animated 2 of the corpses.
Nar captured Ghared, but Snurrevin escaped with Nimira slung over his shoulder. McLovin showed
up briefly, knelt in fealty to Enola, and left, stating that he would bring back the heads of her
enemies. After questioning Ghared, they let him go home.
The adventurers took a long rest, then continued exploring the fortress.

38. THE CHASM - goes to area 50 in The Black Lake

38A. CHAIN LADDER - goes to area 50 in The Black Lake, more safely


40. DURGEDDIN's QUARTERS - pickhammer+1d6rad. w/Durgeddin's smith-mark




Brick wandered off while the party was searching, and got himself knocked out by some undead.
The rest of the party heard his cries, and saved him from being killed and turned into a zombie by
a wight.
Justin got charmed by a succubus, and beaten into unconsciousness by the party. They tied and
gagged him until the charm wore off.
Enola wandered off in search of loot while the party was resting, got possessed by a ghost, and w
beaten almost into unconsciousness before the ghost left her, and was defeated.








50. THE CASCADE - comes down from area 38



53. NIGHTSCALE'S HOARD - greataxe+2 w/Durgeddin's smith-mark

54. THE DRAGON'S PASSAGE - leads to The Black Lake

1day Rested and looted thoroughly.

3day On the way back to Teshwave, the party sees Elisande walking with her creepy, blind goat.

18day Searched for a buyer for the dwarven throne and trap statues.
1day Found a buyer for the dwarven plate+2.
60day Spent some time resting, reflecting on what they had learned, shopping, etc.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. September 27
P.P. 11 19 11 9 10
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 1 +0 +2 +1
17 4 20

AC 14 17 17 16 11 17 15 15 18 Snare traps
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal clr.boc Slphi Savo vetrn wagon bunkers
23 23 49 30 26 31 17 10 58 people bunkers
50 horses

Brick's dream 1

+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
17 11 18 10 20 14 atk. 6 7 17 14 2
/roll {2d20}kh1+6 atk.
12 12 12 12 12 12/roll 1d8+4 13 13 13 13 /roll 13 {2d20}kh1+5
grfn.m grfn. grfn. grfn. grfn. grf.y
/roll 2d6+4 408 wrg.3wrg.4wrg.5wrg.6wrg.7
/roll 2d6+3
59 59 59 59 59 25 dam. 26 26 26 26 26 dam.

Hills Fertile map

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 Orc Patrol 1
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 +2 1 1 1 1 +1 +1
4 7 8 3 13 3 20

AC 14 17 17 16 11 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Slphi Savo 400 orc.1 orc.2 orc.3 orc.4 wrg.1wrg.2
23 23 49 30 26 17 10 15 15 15 15 32 26
set free K K K set free

Red Plumes
+1 +2 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Healing Spiritβ
15 13 13 18 18 17 17 17 17
druid Scout.1Scout.1 ofcr.rpofcr.rp grd.rp grd.rp grd.rpgrd.rp
27 16 16 37 37 32 32 32 32

*15/19 13 13 13
Onvyr gnt.hlgnt.hlgnt.hl
37 105 105 105
30 31 9
10 16 -9
-8 -10 K
Brick's dream 2 K K


+3 to hit (range 150/600 ft.); (1d8+1) piercing damage

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 1. The Door 4. Archer Stations 4.A
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 8 18 15 6 13 10
AC 14 17 17 16 11 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Slphi 800 orc.1 orc.2 orc.1 orc.2 orc.3 orc.1
23 23 49 30 26 17 15 15 15 15 15 15

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 9.Shaman's Lair 10. THE GRAND STAIR

Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3
4 15 7 5 13 10 9 17 5
AC 14 17 17 16 11 15 17 13 13 14 14 14 14 14
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Slphi 800 orc.shorc.1 orc.2 strg.1strg.2strg.3strg.4strg.5
23 23 49 30 26 17 45 15 15 2 2 2 2 2

kills a goblin each turn

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 12. GREAT ULFE 14. BUNK ROOM
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 -1a 2 2 1 <<< 1 1
4 7 6 6 3 8 17
Bless Dancing flail a
AC 14 17 17 16 11 15 15 14 14 20 13 13
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Slphi 1950 ULFE wlf.D wlf.D orog.1 flail orc.1 orc.2
23 23 49 30 26 17 105 37 37 42 15 15
/roll {3d20}kh1+7+1d4
Mrdvc kills a goblin boss every 3 turns
75 or 2 goblins every 3 turns
kills a goblin boss every 6 tur
got Mal kills a goblin bosses every turn or a goblin every other turn
or 1 AA every 2 turns
or 3 goblins each turn

P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 area 35 36. THE GREAT HALL 37. THE BLADEWORKS
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 na na 3 0 0 0 1
19 15 11 6 11
AC 14 17 17 16 11 18 18 16 17 17 17 10
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal 100 statuestatue 850 ghared dwf.d dwf.d 850 Snrvn.brwn.
23 23 49 30 26 60 60 600+ 36 26 26 51 1
stable K K
animated by Biddy
14 8
dwf.d Zom1 Zom.O
22 59


P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 area 39 area 40 area 41 42. DESECRATED SHRINE

Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 0 0 -1 2 5
1 16 17 7 10

AC 14 17 17 16 11 17 19 15 17 16
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal 1350 dwf.d Nimira anim.t 2100 wght Skl.og
23 23 49 30 26 26 64 39 45 67
P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 area 43,44,46 area 45 area 47
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
16 18 11 21 6 19 11

AC 14 17 17 16 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal 1100 arund 300 skel.1skel.2skel.3skel.4skel.5skel.6 1100
23 23 49 30 26 45 13 13 13 13 13 13


exp 1508
max. 3000

tentacle shadow
P.P. 11 19 11 9 10 Ballista familiar
Initiative: +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 2 3 +2 +2 +1 +1
10 allies 17 15 12 21 2
splbk.hoard x4
AC 14 17 17 16 11 21 Size 15 18 18 12 12
turn Hit Points Enola Nar Galio Brick Mal Ntscl. Lair quasit cult.F cult.F cultstcultst
23 23 49 30 26 158 7 38 38 9 9

Warding Bond$
0/20 Ballista Bless Bless Bless
2 3 +2 +0 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3
10 17 16 19 8 12 17 21
splbk. x4
21 15 16 15 14 17 17 17 17
Ntscl.quasit Brick Clr.3 Bard Elf.Ft1Elf.Ft2Elf.Ft3Elf.Ft4
158 7 30 17 16 26 26 26 26
1 0
21 5

15 10
Elsnd.4 pic Goat
21 4
Interacting with objects
griffon head $125 +1 +1 +2 +2
griffon eggs $1,750 18 20 17
griffon-young $2,500
14 13 12 12
Troll bear.O grfn. grfn.
42 59 59 59
sugst. KO K K


14. live in BUNK ROOM

Orc Patrol 2
1 1 1 1
9 10 4 2

13 13 13 13
400 orc.1 orc.2 orc.3 orc.4
15 15 15 15

The Buyers The Buyers

+0 +0 +0 +2 +2 +0
18 17 17 12 12 17 17 13 13
Jkdrar dwf.d dwf.d dog.Ddog.D dwf.d dwf.d worg worg
26 26 26 39 39 26 26 26 26

cing damage Orc Patrol 2?

3.Rift Hall 5. Orc Cave
1 1 1 1 1 1
6 14 5 21 21 13
15 15 13 13 13 13
orc.1 orc.2 ? orc.1 orc.2 orc.3 orc.4
15 15 15 15 15 15


3 1 1 1 1
15 21 21 11 20

14 13 13 13 13 13
strg.6 400 orc.1 orc.2 orc.3 orc.4 Scout.1
2 15 15 15 15 16

1 1 0 0 0 2 << 2 << 2 << 2 << 2 <<
5 2 20 9

13 13 20 20 20 18 12 18 12 18 14 18 11 18 11
orc.3 orc.4 A.A.B A.A.B A.A.B mclovdog.Dgob.Bdog.Dgob.Brst.mgob.Btoad.Ggob.B hrs.w Gob.1
15 15 33 33 33 21 39 21 39 21 27 21 39 21 19

kills an orc every 2 turns

does 3 dam to Ulfe per turn or does 5 dam to Ulfe per turn or does 3 dam to U
ills a goblin boss every 6 turns
or a goblin every other turn
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 16 12

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Gob.1Gob.2Gob.3Gob.4Gob.5 Gob.1Gob.2Gob.3Gob.4Gob.5 Gob.1
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


0 0 kills an orc every 6 turns
3 15 6 or does 2 dam to Ulfe per 2 turns
17 17 12
brwn. dwf.d dwf.d Shad1
26 26 16


area 47 area 48 area 44,46,49
2 0 3
17 14 6

12 20 21
rug.s.g 200 A.A.1 1100 Idalla
99 33 70
K K flee

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
20 19 14 13 4 9 20 18

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
cultstcultstcultst cultst cultstcultstcultstcultst
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

+3 +3 +3
6 5 14

17 17 17
26 26 26
2 2 2 2 2

15 15 15 15 15
7 7 7 7 7

kills an orc every 5 turns

or does 3 dam to Ulfe per 2 turns
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Gob.2Gob.3Gob.4Gob.5 Gob.1Gob.2Gob.3Gob.4Gob.5
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
69dy Herald of the Moon Magic/otheSocial interactionCombat Money
2day The party is approached outside of the gates of Hillsfar by a young elven messenger named Nari,
soliciting help in exchange for offered gold. Interested parties should make haste to Elventree, an
seek out the Moonsilver Herald, Elanil Elassidil. The party is paid $200 each up front, and promised
another $200 each when the job is complete.

pg.7 Part 1: Ghosts of the Past

1day 80 mi. Elventree to the Rimwood Mdns

pg.12 1. Rimwood
They pushed their mounts hard. Enola's and Nar's mounts suffered 1 level of exhaustion.

1day Half the party scouted ahead (and got lost for a day), while the others stayed behind to harvest
the bulettes (and caught up by flying).

1day 10 mi. Rimwood to the Midwood

pg.13 2. Midwood
A. Sticks and Stones OR
Killed the giants, and harvested what they could.

Mal and Biddy combined their spells to do an hour long ritual, animating a giant boar as a zombie

B. Secret Mission: Emerald Enclave

0.5day25 mi. Midwood to the Starwood
pg.16 3. The Starwood
Nar spotted the temple in the trees.

Half the party walked up, and addressed the drow in elven. Justin did well to impress Drava, and
she made a forceful pass at him. He wriggled out of her embrace, and talked his way out of it. Th
party was allowed to pass, and headed to the tree wich held the temple.

1.5day50 mi. Starwood to Eventide Abbey

pg.20 Part 3: Eventide Abbey
1. The Winding Stair

pg.21 2. Hall of Welcome

3. Consultation Chambers

pg.22 7. Archive
pg.22 10. Archivist’s Office

pg.23 12. Living Mural

pg.2417. The Fane of the Lastsun

1day The party went back to negociate with the drow, but Slavi picked a fight with them, getting
himself and Justin killed in the process. Mal'Cazar got knocked unconscious, but survived. When i
was all over, Enola negociated the release of the bodies, and Mal negociated a tentative trade de
with the new drow leader (Qaran).

5day The party put the bodies into Biddy's genie ring, and flew the living back in bags of holding. While
reporting to Elanil, they got her to raise their dead for the normal fee.

2day Went to Hillsfar to do trading.

54day Spent some time resting, reflecting on what they had learned, shopping, etc.
Biddy researched a level 3 spell, Shadow Ball.
Fire Cold Sonic Ltn. Psy. Force Rad. Nec. Acid Pois. April 28 Init. 12 2
P.P. 0 11 25 15 10 13
Initiative: +2 +3 +1 +4 +1 -1

AC 18 14 18 15 11 22
turn Hit Points BiddyEnola Nar Justin Mal Slavi Elanil
33 28 28 33 32 49

Mdns P.P. 0 11 25 15 10 13
Initiative: +2 +3 +1 +4 +1 -1 0 0 0
19 16 12

AC 18 14 18 15 11 22 17 17 17
turn Hit Points BiddyEnola Nar Justin Mal Slavi 5400 Bulet Bulet Bulet
33 28 28 33 32 49 94 94 94
got brain
got brain got brain
got eyes
got all chitins

P.P. 0 11 25 15 10 13 A. Sticks and Stones B. Secret Mission: Emer
Initiative: +2 +3 +1 +4 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1
0 5 16 7 14 16 7
is a druid?
AC 18 14 18 15 11 22 13 13 13 12 12 17 16
turn Hit Points BiddyEnola Nar Justin Mal Slavi 6300 gnt.hlgnt.hlgnt.hl boar.Gboar.G ### Brtlf. tree.A
33 28 28 33 32 49 105 105 105 42 42 200 138

15 decep.20
P.P. 0 11 25 15 10 13 Drow Camp Drow Camp
Initiative: +2 +3 +1 +4 +1 -1 2 2 3 3 4 2 2
16 8 6 7 15 10 22
AC 18 14 18 15 11 22 13/1613/16 13 13 21/*19 15 15
turn Hit Points BiddyEnola Nar Justin Mal Slavi ### drw.wdrw.w shd.dshd.d drw.E drow drow
33 28 28 33 32 49 45 45 66 66 71 13 13
takes 2 tries 48 K K

P.P. 0 11 25 15 10 13 2. Hall of Welcome
Initiative: +2 +3 +1 +4 +1 -1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
23 10 22 18 25 26 10

AC 18 14 18 15 11 22 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
turn Hit Points BiddyEnola Nar Justin Mal Slavi 3150 wisp1wisp2wisp3wisp4wisp5wisp6wisp7
33 28 28 33 32 49 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

P.P. 7. Archive 12. Living Mural

Initiative: -3 -3 -3 -3 1
3 15 15 3 2

AC 7 7 7 7 11
turn Hit Points 4400 blk.pd.blk.pd.blk.pd.blk.pd. 1100 gho.1
85 85 85 85 45
P.P. 0 11 25 15 10 13 17. The Fane
Initiative: +2 +3 +1 +4 +1 -1 3 2 2 2 2
19 18 20 17 20
Hunter's Markβ
AC 18 14 18 15 11 22 16 12 12 12 12
turn Hit Points BiddyEnola Nar Justin Mal Slavi 8300 Meira banshbanshbanshbansh
33 28 28 33 32 49 98 58 58 58 58
Potion of InPotion of Invulnerability
### $307 each ectoplasm

After first 38 downtime

Enchant. Days total left
Biddy Tremsns. 50 34

exp. 9258
max. 6000
Interacting with objects

B. Secret Mission: Emerald Enclave

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 14 17 10 2 1 2 18

16 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 12
tree.A tree.A tree.A vnblt.vnblt.vnblt. vnblt.vnblt.vnblt.
138 138 138 26 26 26 26 26 26
Drow Camp
2 2 2 2 2 2
14 12 19 20 5 4

15 15 15 15 15 15
drow drow drow drow drow drow
13 13 13 13 13 13
Experience Points By Challenge Rating
Random encounter tables


19 Lgnd. 17 15 19 Lgnd. 18 22 Lgnd. 18

Drg.Brnz.Adlt Drg.Blk.Wrm. drag.F Drg.Gld.Adlt. Drg.Gld.Yng. Drg.R.A. Drg.R.Yng
212 Lair 33 14 256 178 546 178

15 25 17 15 28 16 15 16 11 17
brlgr. cmbn camb.h chsm1 dem.w devour dvl.brb dev.chn drtch1 glbrz.
68 82 77 84 90 178 110 85 18 157

13 12 14 15 18 21 15
shd.d sld.R sld.B sld.Y succu vrock
66 10 93 123 127 66 104


17 17 17 15 17 14 16 16 16
A.Serv azer1 E.A.1 E.E.1 E.F.1 E.I.1 E.L.1 E.M.1
39 46 77 90 126 102 114 102 114

12 11 11 15 17 18 13 19
mpht.D mpht.i mph.m slmnd Thoq. Thq.L w.wrd. xorn
17 21 27 90 16 78 58 73


16 33 12 15 12 15 14 13 21
Adept archmg stf.P Arkra assn.C bndt1 B.cap Bard brsrk BEG Bgbr.1
11 99 13 32 11 65 27 67 39

17 22 21 18 15 13/16 19 14/16 15 18
drw.f drw.E drw.R drw.w drw.v druid dero1 der.S
32 71 50 45 37 45 58 27 24 47

14 10 12 17 14 15 13 17 16 22
gnt.C gc.kid gnt.E gt.for G.frst gnt.hl G.stn G.strm gthy.k
200 8 85 162 149 138 105 126 230 109

17 13 14 13 19 16 18 12 13 13
hob.cpt hhi.1 hrcn1 Kenku Knt. knt.dt Knt.Th Kob. Kb.w kuo.AP
55 9 33 13 52 58 153 5 7 97

16 13 17 18 12 18 14 13/16 16 13
Oni orc.1 orog.1 Pirt.1 P.B.E. P.C.W. P.E.F. P.H.H. qto.AP
110 15 45 42 11 45 52 52 45 97

14 12/15 19 14 13 20 11 18 18 12
sor.cwc sorc.1 sorc.E Spy 1 thg.1 thg.A trogld vetrn wrlrd wrjakl
60 22 78 27 32 42 13 58 299 18


19 Lgnd. 20 15 14 12 12 13 10 15
ablth. A.A.1 anim.t ankhg ape.1 ape.G Awak.H. bdgr.G bslsk. bear.B
135 Lair 33 39 39 19 157 37 13 52

14 14 15 16 14 19 15 12 18 13
chmra chtn.1 chldrth chuul1 clkr.1 coutl. crb.G drknb. destra Dsplc.
114 18 66 93 78 97 13 27 93 85

6 9 10 11 11 14 9 17 19 12
g.gltn.cb gibr.1 Goat goat2h GoatG glm.fl glm.s1 grgn. grell
158 67 4 19 19 133 93 178 114 55

10 10 15 11 12 12 14 15 10 12
hrs.D hrs.R hydra hyen1 lion liz.G. mntcr medsa Mule mcnd
19 13 172 11 26 19 68 127 11 22

10 13 14 10 13 17 12 20 8 10
rat rat.dr rat.K. rat.sw rat.ur rmraz rmrz.h ropr.1 rot.grb rothe
1 22 76 24 34 195 45 93 22 15

13 14 14 12 12 11 12 16 16
spdr.p Sprt.Wep. strg.1 tht.etr Tiger toad.G toad.Ic Top.Sent. Trnt1
32 26 2 21 37 39 32 105 138

14 17 21 12 19 15 23 15 13
adze1 anbst A.Dth. bansh bhld.dthRays bhld.zmb D.Knt drd.W. f.skul gha.1
51 190 33+ 58 187 93 180 26 40
11 13 12 13 19 14 21 16 16
redd. rvnt.1 Shad1 skel.1 skel.D skel.f Skl.L. Lgnd skl.LL Skl.og S.o.K.
103 136 16 13 182 52 105 83 67

16 Abilit. 16 15 14 18 20 19 13 14
vampLgnd. vmp.b vmp.sabilit. wght wt.btl. wght.k wisp wrth. wrth.t2
144 32 52 45 45 75 22 67 105

19 Lgnd. 18 Lgnd. 22 Lgnd.

Drg.Slv.Adlt. Drag.Wht.Adlt. Drag.Wt.Yng. KraknAbilit.
243 200 Lair Lair 630

13 16 15 7 9 18 18 18 13 19
glbrz. Imp hezr1 h.hnd Lemr. mane mzlth nbsu. Nlfsh. ntmr. Pit Fnd
10 136 45 13 9 75 190+ 184 68 300

16 17 15 14 18 Lgnd. 13 12 13
E.M.1 E.O.1 E.Ruin E.Sa.1 E.Sm.1 E.W.1 E.W.A. gru.A. gru.E. gru.F. gru.W.
126 114 90 114 324 14 22 22

16 15 13 17 10 12 14 14 17 14
Bgbr.1 Clr.3 Clr.5 clr.boc comnr cultst cult.F CWR CPG Cclps
27 17 27 31 4 9 33 22 57 138

17 19 19 16 14+3 17 12 11/14 19 16
duerg. durg.O durg.P duer.S e.anch EFG.1 etn.dr fthmr ftr.3 foul.g
26 37 32 36 33 45 85 52 27 59

19 15 13 15 17 17 14 16 16 19
gthy.w gnoll.1 gnl.Pl Gob.1 gob.B gob.Sh grndr grd.1 grd.A grd.elf
63 22 22 7 21 27 33 11 11 58

11 15 12 12 16 19 16 14 18 11
kuo.AP kuo.wh Liz.1 liz.m L.M.S. L.M.Q. mndfl mnk11 ofcr.rp ogre1
65 22 22 33 76 71 60 22 37 59

11 16 17 18 14 19 17 13 21
qto.AP qto.wh Rksh. rzrblst RPser RPsld rvka.E scorw Scout.1 skwvr
65 110 122 58 32 130 94 16 40

19 12/15 13/16 13/16 18 33 Spec.

wrjakl wiz.F wiz.* wiz.db Wiz.9 Wiz.12 stf.P
22 22 40 49 66 99

11 13 12 13 17 18 14 15 7 13/16
bear.B bear.O bear.P btl.f.1 behir bhldr. bhld.s bhld.z blk.pd. Blckthrn
34 59 42 4 168 180 39 93 85 152

12 12 12 12 14 16 13 17 11 5
Dsplc. dog.D dg.D+ dog.wa dog w drk.grd dryd.H eel.ltn fly.swd frg.G fung.v
39 39 26 5 52 18 42 17 18 18

14 18 12 17 17 14 11 12 20 20
Grick grk.a grfn. hag.G hag.N hag.S1 harpy hwk.B helm1 HHB1
27 75 59 82 112 52 38 7 60 102

13 15 16 13 15 11 16 8 14 12
mcnd mcnS nga.sp nereid nthc.1 octps.g Oni oz.gry otyug pnthr
60 58 75 44 45 52 110 22 114 13

12 12 14 11 21 17 5 9 13 12
rothe rug.s.g rug.S rst.m scrcrw scrp.w sh.grd Shrkr1 shrb1 skel.1 snk.c
99 33 27 36 84 142 13 10 13 60

16 15 14 18 14 14 20 12 13 14 13
tree.A Troll umbr Vn.Grd.Grt. Vinlng. wf.tit wsp.G Wlf.1 wlf.D wlf.w
138 84 42 93 105 4 125 13 11 37 75

13 12 13 Lgnd. 11 13 17 Lgnd. 11 13 21 Lgnd.

gha.1 ghl.1 ghl.L gho.1 gho.c Lich Lair mum1 mmy.c1 M.Lrd Lair
36 22 66 45 45 135 58 85 97 Heart
10 12 13 14
S.o.K. spct.1 tmb.h tmb.E
171 22 26 38

15 16 14 8 8 10 13 8 8
wrth.t2 wrth.t3 wrth.t4 wrth.n Zom1 zom.c zmb.L Zm.Gnt zmb.R
161 204 85 22 22 48 82 59 22
Pit Fnd quasit

12 14
gru.W. invs.s
30 104

16 15 17/19 18 drow drw.d
17 13 13 42

16 16 10 14
foul.g foul.m frg.T. frg.W
59 26 19 9

17 13
grd.elf grd.rp Grd.t.
32 4

12 13
ogre1 ogr.H ogr.w
30 103

11 12 17 13
Boar boar.G Bulet Crwl.1
11 42 94 51

16 15 5 6
fung.v galeb gargl gs.spr. gltn.cb
85 52 1 84

11 13 11 15
hpgrf. hmnc. hrs.w hk.hrr
19 1+ 19 75

18 14 13 13
pnthr p.wrm PWY quag1 qpr.sw
247 93 45 28

12 14 14 13
snk.e snk.F. snk.p Spd.G
60 28 11 11

13 13 20 12
wlf.w worg wvrn xilon1 yeti
26 110 93 51

Lgnd. 12
Heart 19
Factions: Harpers Order of the Gauntlet Emerald Enclave
Spellcasting Services Met Met Met Met


Item Cost
Ale 23 17/19 19 22 16
Gallon 2 sp Agrak Asala Aleyd Aquas arat.a
Mug 4 cp 60 13 95 121 110
Banquet (per person) 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp 16 22 Lgnd. 33 Lgnd.
Cheese, hunk 1 sp Cress KraknAbilit. Epic Dendr Dissonant
Inn stay (per day) 200 630 900
Squalid 7 cp
Poor 1 sp 17 16 17 13 13/17
Modest 5 sp Fydor ghared Grim Ixas Ixusa
Comfortable 8 sp 162 36 32 33 40
Wealthy 2 gp
Aristocratic 4 gp 15 19 16 21 14
Meals (per day) ltl.wng Mrdvc Meira Mifru Murssv.
Squalid 3 cp 52 66 98 40 90
Poor 6 cp
Modest 3 sp
Comfortable 5 sp 13 15 25 14/16 14
Wealthy 8 sp Spern Strmgl Theara Thul. ULFE
Aristocratic 2 gp 33 66 80 200 105
Meat, chunk 3 sp
Common (pitcher) 2 sp Dragons
Fine (bottle) 10 gp splbk
22 Lgnd. 19 21 Size 23
SERVICES Doz.G. Felgo Ntscl. Lair Ntscl3 Lair
Service Pay 546 212 134 140
Coach cab
Between towns 3 cp per mile
Within a city 1 cp
Cleric Lv.3 10 gp per day
Skilled 2 gp per day
Untrained 2 sp per day
Messenger 2 cp per mile
Road or gate toll 1 cp
Ship's passage 1 sp per mile

Sowing Rumors
Emerald Enclave Lord’s Alliance Zhentarim Mercenary Guild Merchant's Consortium
Met Loans Met Met Met

12 16 19 19 22 15 18 17 13 14/17
arat.a arat.h arat.n arat.K Ariz1 Ariz2 Bhun Breex Brtlf. f.shrd skywvr
52 66 105 58 71 67 73 200 51 44

14 24 14 15 18 10 21 17
Deriel Dengr Deriel Elsnd.4 pic Elsnd.5 pic Mr.Bill Erlich Farvn
24 224 24 21 26 8 59 58

13/17 18 19 12/15 19/21 16 Lgnd.

Karsev Kaxat Khelri1 Khelri2 Ldy.GspAbilit.
33 76 45 45 144

19 18 15 14 13 19 Lgnd. 14 17
Murssv. Nimira rog.tht Lair Rorr Snsri Shelav. sibrix Skov Snrvn.
64 71 22 208 52 150 45 51

25 14/18 24 Lgnd. 24 Lgnd. 18 18 13/16

Velas Vyrls. Wen.TMyth.Wen.RMyth. Wylan Yegeor Xaxan
221 48 683 473 Mortifying 78 45 22

splbk Lgnd. Items Spellwrt.Tattoo Level Smite 3/3

24 17 18 Lair 10 Cntrspl.Ʀ 2 LoH 20 24 Lgnd.
Ntscl4 Ryth. Scorlworyx 29 10 ShieldƦ 1 Ring - Spl.Stor.ra Vorg. Lair
147 33 178 Taem 8 Misty Stepβ 2 Lv.1 Comp.Lang.® 385
560 15 Healing Wordβ 1 Lv.4 Polymorph
Knights of Cormyr Red Wizards
Met Met

17 10
Capt. Cassy
58 9

8.8' per turn = 1mph.
Useful Dragon Parts Magical Item Search and Price Negotiation Press F9 to roll.
DC.25breath organ Investigation Persuasion Sale
DC.25heart Bonus Bonus Modifier Rarity
DC.20brain 6 7 0 uncommon
DC.15tongue Find Buyer Persuasion
DC.20skin Roll Roll or Seller Roll Roll %Roll Total Type of Buyer and P
DC.20wings 10 10 No
DC.15blood 4 1 No
DC.15claws 8 17 Yes 17 20 64 91 A shady buyer offer
DC.15teeth 14 10 Yes 10 17 89 113 A buyer offering on
DC.12bones 14 20 20 18 4 18 43 A buyer offering ha
1 1 No
14 11 Yes 8 17 52 76 A buyer offering ha
Value of Components 10 13 No
8 7 No
Slave Prices 9 3 No
20 11 20 19 8 63 89 A buyer offering the
3 1 No
11 7 No
10 8 No
14 2 Yes 16 9 17 40 A buyer offering a q

bad stuff xplos pois. luz.2 luz.1 1/2 Potion Variant Chart from DMG pg.140
both work normally
numerical effects and duration of 1 potion doubles
only one potion works, but is permanent

Giant Strength
Potions: anim clair clmb Dex.L Dex. Dx.Grdimin Ethr. f.brth. fly g.frm. Hill Frost Fire
1 Animal Friendshipu anim
2 Clairvoyancer clair
3 Climbingc clmb
4 Dex.L.u, Dex.L
5 Dex.r, Dex.
6 Dex.Gr.vr, Dx.Gr
7 Diminut.r dimin
8 Ethr.r Ethr.
10 Fr.Brth.u, f.brth.
9 Flyingvr, fly
11 Gas.Frm.r g.frm.
12 Hill Giant Strength u Hill
13 Frostr
Frost/Stone Giant Strength
14 Fire Giant Strength r Fire
15 Cloud Giant Strength vrClod.
16 Storm Giant Strength LStrm.
17 Growthu grth.
18 Heal.c, Heal.
19 Heal.-Greateru, Grtr.
20 Heal.-Superiorvr, Super
21 Heal.-Supremevr, Supre
22 Heroismr hero
23 Invis.vr Invis.
28 Invuln.r invul
25 Longevityvr Lngv.
27 Mind Contrl-Beastu mc.B
29 Mind Contrl-Humnd.u mc.H
30 Mind Contrl-Monsterr mc.M
26 Mind Readingr mnd.
31 Poisonu pois.
32 Res.acidu Acid
33 Res.forceu Frc.
34 Res.Cld.u Cold
35 Res.Fireu Fire
36 Res.Ltn.u Ltn.
37 Res.poisonu Pois
38 Res.psychicu Psyc.
39 Res.radiantu Rad.
40 Res.necroticu Nec.
41 Res.Thndr.u Thnd
42 Slipperinessc slpry.
43 Soothsaltsc sth.slt
44 Speed.vr spd.
45 Swimmingc swim
46 Vitalityvr Vital.
47 Water Breathingu Wat.

0.67 0.44 0.3

Type of Buyer and Price Deal 1 0.67 0.44 2

A shady buyer offering one and a half times the base price, no questions asked.
A buyer offering one and a half times the base price.
A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.

A buyer offering half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.

A buyer offering the full base price.

A buyer offering a quarter of the base price, and a shady buyer offering half the base price.
0 0 0
Buy 0 0 0
Sell 0 0 0
Total: 0
Avg.$ #DIV/0!

Buy #DIV/0!

Sell 0

hart from DMG pg.140

Giant Strength Healing Resistances

Clod. Strm. grth. Heal. Grtr. SuperSupre hero Invis.invul. Lngv. mc.B mc.H mc.Mmnd. pois. Acid Frc. Cold Fire
rolls are according to Quelling the Horde. PC rolls before then override current rolls.
0 0 Price
0 0 500
0 0

Ltn. Pois Psyc. Rad. Nec. Thnd. slprysth.slt spd. swim Vital. Wat.
Days Party Adventure Exp. Total Exp. Lv. The Zhentarim are on s
14 1 Lv.1-2 Harried in Hillsfar 550 0 1 Goristro on the loose. E
6 2 Lv.3 Bane of the Tradeways 600 1150 300 2 Earned the respect of s
38 3 Lv.3 Shakles of Blood 1200 2350 900 3
54 3 Lv.3 No Foolish Matter 600 2950 2,700 4
18 4 Lv.3 Quelling the Horde 1200 4150 Find an entrance to the
229 4 Lv.3 Forge of Fury 3000 7150 6,500 5 Find a black dragon
69 5 Lv.5 Herald of the Moon 6000 13150 Disguises self as:
5 Lv.8 Occupation of Szith Mor
6000 19150 14,000 6
6 Lv.8 The Quest for Sporedom3000 22150
6 Lv.8 Writhing in the Dark 3000 25150 23,000 7
7 Lv.8 The Malady of Elventree
6000 31150
7 Lv.8 The Way Down 6000 37150 34,000 8
8 Lv.8 Szith Morcane Unbound 6000 43150
8 6000 49150 48,000 9
9 8000 57150
9 8000 65150 64,000 10
10 Lv.12 Its All in the Blood 23000 88150 85,000 11
11 Lv.13 Assault on Maerimydra 23000 111150 100,000 12
12 Lv.1-20 Out of the Abyss 111150
428 111150 120,000 13
111150 140,000 14
111150 165,000 15
111150 195,000 16
111150 225,000 17
111150 265,000 18
111150 305,000 19
111150 355,000 20

The Zhentarim are on speaking terms with the fire giant force, and are conspiring to get revenge on those cities that refused to help them
Goristro on the loose. Elves killed it. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Earned the respect of some Red Plumes. ●

Find an entrance to the Underdark

Find a black dragon Ntscl.
Disguises self as: Drg.Slv.Adlt.Yng.
Party Enemies Party Allies potential allies Party Acquaint.
20/22 21 14 14/16 14 13 13
drugs Mrdvc Idalla Joyella Myrtle wrg.1wrg.2 Ntscl.
75 70 27 27 42 32 26 sheet

18 18 12/15 *15/19
ofcr.rp ofcr.rpwiz.* Onvyr
37 37 22 37

18 12
mclov dog.D
sheet 39
ties that refused to help them in their time of need.

Party Acquaint.


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