25089403-304-Persis (1)

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Ea Grade 4 Prestige Series James L. Hosay PERSIS James L. Hosay PERSIS Ona PROGRAM NOTE: “Pere” (Greek wort for Pers sa Fatay-Overture, which tl the story ofa madem-day Artin man who travels bac trough tet the ancient Pesan cy of Peep. He begs e wild and wonder adventure a he esenly surounded by magncent archtocure, gard marble sus, and beetfal wks of ath one ofthe ene known ‘altred cvlatons. Then, be turns and ses 2 beau Pesan woman in 2 flwerden courtyard. she the mot Tenuta woman he has ever soem nis Me, and hee coletayeapned by har He cry aprons er, a eels, de recrics Hin a someone she had known befor in another plac and ie They eae oe share a Iie, bes moment together But is presence nthe Royal courtyard i fobiten and he shina being chased by ‘med wars here frail tough the conor of he cy heretic sadly onthe rrance tat might have ben “This plc is deat to my wonder wife, Melody Ghar Hosay, whose needle grace and beauty served as the ieptton fsenatic and agave we. NOTE TO THE CONDUCTOI Inthe Intense altenton must be gen to lanaton and precon of union and octave es I ments 9020, ‘the aces very important Inthe low brass and iow woodwind pas From measure 24 to 32, al pars wih he union ‘ody Ine mut ian to each oe to ie good tonston an preckon, Ulewis, al ter pas wth the stop ‘phthnte ut nen to each eter for good pac. In menses 28193, the accent masangr inthe a tht Rave 8 ‘eh notes pe mesure are very inpotan. i mesaues 32 to 49, cae tienen should be pad fo ation and Symanic masngs. Watch fr the sudden tempo and se change at mesure 6. At eases 7 to 6, the Epeniam and Basoon must steno eah ther to ensue good intonation and precson. Throughout ths slow, also, prope ath ‘port and tone conto is esenfal From mess 114 to 14, the scent martings en he pers wth 8 eth nes per motone, 2 belo, ate very Hngoiant. Ako, tonto, and prcon tong prs withthe sre ine and balance between each ofthe nes cul ini secon. Measure 143 begins the restatement ofthe previous at etn, ad ll onalerstions shoul be as before In meni 174 t 197, the ovr lance ofthe enc ky, each ee that Presonted hae mit be heard ley rom mess 19 1 the end, lane, precio, afston, and dss ae of most impartanee 4 FOCUS ON ACHIEVEMENT ‘ACCOLADE SERIES grade 3 Heady Tite ‘ranged by tlt Dal age ca onaF ‘fection James Cuno ‘ cP 017398 ‘ona Seat Sephen alla ‘ca 011396 Coser James Curnow cx 022199 ‘Grant and Caprio 7 ames Cuno cae 017498 ‘Chapel Forge Overtire Stephen due ‘ci 001098 Ccyscapes Doves cout ‘cx 023929 Conhatons James Cow ‘co 9.96 Dykasong abet ose ‘cP 024199 ana of he Balls Wile Cordon ‘cao 005495 Fatae Majste ym Coron ‘cao 015397 Hab Park Hoy Janes Hoa ‘cao 006296 Ina Festvo Stephen bate ‘car 097.96 JF in emer Jes Cun ‘cao 001795 {hse Mountain Overt Douglas Court cao 011296 Lane Star Celeaton Snes Caron ‘cao 002695 Nach Cece Stephen Bu car 003895 asers ofthe Sent Screen w/Optonal Video) Ma Hac oa 025298 swe 30 ‘Stephen Bula co o79¢ Mi. st Golden bee Overtre Damar Cuan ‘cup otieae Muse for Festal Bhan Connery cone 003.95 Pre, Hj and Fugue James Hoey copa Soutwinds Doulas Court cb on1098 “ake Cote Stage ovale Court ‘CaP 0442.00 ‘The Highlander. Douglas Cour cc 0180398 “The OLS Mao the Mounin Samer Como oS CCP o1stn Freedom's Prom. James L Hoan ‘cae 010.00 ‘The Vtuour& the Brave Mie ance ‘cP 0429.00 ‘Tunderead March ie Haniel coponass Tourer Stephen Bue cue 015487 Under Tee Fags James Caron cap 001295 Wiere Mica Beings Pay Samer Cimon ‘cup 024099 PRESTIGE SERIES grade 4 Bay eka Son uP ss egy and Clobrton Stephen dla ‘cp o18597 ‘eae ana ures Jes Cur Sup oot69s Freed Rand James Cun ‘CaP 002195 Ful Spectnin Sais any cn 02598 (Gisele of Pee Janes Hosa 7 02599, eater Rage Stes ’ Stephen Bula “co? 085000, Heras for en Ozesion . ‘open Bul + cme 00s 95 Northwest Passage James Curnow ‘ewe 013597 (OfPide Untated ‘Sepen Bute cup 01687 ‘Obmple Fanfare and Theme James Cumon ‘car 010895 ‘Ovaten Overture Janes Hoy (iar 005795 ~ Poss James Hoy (uP 0852.09 Prod and Calebrabon Sames Curnow ue 0088 98 Pradamaton James Cnow (cab 0451.00 Geneva Vaitions Steen Bulle cup o1a298 Rhapsody 2 Amerian Shaped Note Mloies Samer Comoe ‘cup 025996 Tory Wout Wing ‘nes ro cup aoage Winds of range Senet Camo cop 26799 wi Prestige Svs Grade 4 Perormance Tne 8:10 James L. Hosay PERSIS 4 condor 2-BAioSooptone 38 Ate Soprone? ‘Curnow Muse Press Inc. - RO. Box 142- Wilmore, KY 40390 -0142 - USA. ‘ABOUT THE COMPOSER mes Homy & nave of Halle, Tennese, but has sent most of i in ie Moped tate of Vig. Growing up fx Nofol he began arangig fo He shool band stage 13 He evenly wrote fit orga eompoation tg ers er, ‘Aer gadustng itn high choo, Hosay fed the ety a tape playe, xe tended th US Amed Fores School of Mase. After gadution, he served 8 & Pe ‘copy forthe US Army Band. Dung thie tie he developed his compton and ‘chestan si by studying the technics wed by tp qty arangers 1981, aercompeting aga fel fin ae itary writers, Host ebtaibed his arent poston of Arangec/Conposr for the US Ary Band (Perlng’s Own ‘esting, DC. Sc tha ne he has become sce ea puced compost He centres in Reson; Vegi, wha nthe Spring of 1995 he began wing me oe concert band ee ra Band cerca for CURNOW MUSIC PRESS. ‘COMPLETE PERFORMANCE RECORDING 5 : ON COMPACT DISC Ee DOWN FROM THE SHIMMERING SKY ‘ORCHESTRA OF THE LITHUANIAN ARMED FORCES caroots-2 ToMy Doar rena Mstegy Ghote PERSIS Orethee sero Hg scary sreieeeusrati rai Sy ) CTR oa ce een Wingo iw) + Sor > TE Amen det) are" OF ase Se 2 Eee @s@.e i iin 2s = EE = fl, zi te z EST iY EO . = oS ee 5 Fone efile E 2 =i Bt xe eta, z i Be a eS se rue scar Seema aces renner me oe : 7 Penh SEER ps Sata Dyce tos & == SS SSS Setnetensl~~ Bree. fetteres: ia po litictcen ten tee Z 2 ep leet eeiee F cro Ente = : e ee = feck Eee 3 Sp GEC ain ape (sos saute cream RD Figg meme ree: | connate = QReHIVO) ) ai rma 1-09 lew Sein CR EER eR OE ghee pe f AER ES pie ce Bee @ 7 Aa po Webne nk Fe ce m oe eae (l eegeet oe nek aa # Peso peect i E, aS (em 4s = Ss Ses, pa, See ates ipa2s PL AGEEEF EEE a SE erp del Sage Pe kh = 32 ee PELEGRL Liss May 2005 PERSIS-REQUEVTO | PaRsis -RPQUNSTO 3 —= ‘PELEOR. Lia, My 2005 PELEGRE Lita, Mn 2008 ‘anQUIVO MUSICA a Branciice, Qeseira ‘eaten # BH = fe mom | | BESS Co Cae - ES FPR i =f ae Vee | nee | =nsi8t [i] ares cone, i—— fr By Lig ene eS eT alee ctote 9 a | BASSOON 2 [jaien one a oe + = e [Tid] tern cone 3 @) s Pls Ma aw & ' &i » Sens | See iF aie S (Co ere | A Antec 'lipate enter ee bien eer 5 pte diccpiapeel olin aigerits ich izle of oe gees eaees =~, a Ge E — | seine tn strane ]atere i eo = NES Byeeneenatte 9 ome a a SSE emeeceraaee a come Sica aE i ar iz ewe, Bonar Saxophone sacle eecpeeatsre cone eames ce” a Stemmpet . seen a ae Ss i ne A pitas te tee tpop ovr ay | Peete eS (antec g Bos Mw» Bs FF 5 ' seep EE tee anes Fee = Z SEU memcwaae Binmnpot2 tee See ee Ti] moran ls Ms My i. : br, Fito 1.2 __ Bro ti sion Matecrnive Ri iiie wemraae a Sonpogt i Set ce geen TROMGONE 1 a [Ey peeiecnns Re a ed sareets emcee * Ko) omens PE eh ate. eee Trombone 2 ® 5 Pay Feat : : = Censors oso i ee Trombone 2 fom Dea Fteec Maca Garon PERSIS Guerre | n— Lf | Sepcote peyote pen | Pee Wiel rave see tf [5] Anta cain El P [Eaters conn Y bv n= & Seuphonen| f Btn of & | er Oe fi ene | es Matmcpcte 28 [Td] Aber oe ee (ES Pe #€ toe 1 tech seem or fee crcl etecinn pert et Sr [G] Andante can [] Andante canabite 2 a) 9 Bos ay oltre ee [ss] Moto espresive fe [Tid] Atrsmnse = |g 9 q | TIMPANI Setanta Sup Cen. =n atets Pa a “a, sun.om 2) 7 Pap 4 Miter ‘Mali xresiv ls 3 2—=F fs |; Pf se [Ta] ater cn tio 3 Fl sg Sep. cate 2—— empite Peccmanen fecha oe See Stee SES aa SRR a Meret ce cate

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