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Salesforce LWC Integration Project

LWC Component calling Apex Class method with

Steps to be followed:
1. Check Apex code to get data from API (Anonymous
2. Create new project in VS Code.
3. Create Apex Class, @AuraEnabled method and add
above code in it.
4. Create App Page in Salesforce Org and add it to
Nav bar of any app (e.g. Sales App).
5. Create LWC Component.
6. Add Search Bar, Search Button.
7. Call Apex Class Method from LWC Component.
8. Result String should be parsed in JavaScript file.
Save result in an Array.
9. Fetch result from an Array in HTML file by using for
each loop.
1. Check Apex code to get data from API (Anonymous

Example: IMDB API

// Create a new HTTP request object
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
// Set the endpoint URL of the external service

// Set the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.)
// Set any request body if necessary
// req.setBody('Your request body here');

// Add any headers needed for the request

req.setHeader('Authorization', 'apikey

// Create a new HTTP object to send the request

Http http = new Http();
try {
// Send the HTTP request and store the response
HttpResponse res = http.send(req);

// Parse and handle the response as needed

// For example:
if (res.getStatusCode() == 200) {
// Successful response
String responseBody = res.getBody();
// Process responseBody
} else {
// Handle error response
String errorMessage = 'Error: ' + res.getStatusCode() + ' - ' +
// Process errorMessage
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle any exceptions that occur during the HTTP request
System.debug('Exception occurred: ' + e.getMessage());

2. Create new project in VS Code.

3. Create Apex Class, @AuraEnabled method and add

above code in it.

4. Create App Page in Salesforce Org and add it to Nav

bar of any app (e.g. Sales App).
5. Create LWC Component.

6. Add Search Bar, Search Button.

For Salesforce predefined components, search on
Google Lightning Component Library.
For SLDS predefined css classes, search on Google
SLDS Utility Classes.

Padding is said to be the inner space of an
element, i.e., the padding is the space inside of the
element's border.
Margin is said to be the outer space of an element, i.e.,
the margin is the space outside of the element's

7. Call Apex Class Method from LWC Component.

8. Result String should be parsed in JavaScript file.

Save result in an Array.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Creating an Object from a JSON String</h2>
<p id="demo"></p>

let txt = '{"name":"John", "age":31, "city":"New York"}';
let obj = JSON.parse(txt);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = + ", " +


9. Fetch result from an Array in HTML file by using for

each loop.
<lightning-layout multiple-rows>
<template for:each={movies} for:item="movie">
<lightning-layout-item size="3" key={movie.imdbID} class="slds-p-
around_medium" style="border-style: groove;">
<img src={movie.Poster} alt="No image found" style="max-height:
300px; width:90%"/>
<br>Title: {movie.Title}
<br>Year: {movie.Year}
<br>imdbID: {movie.imdbID}
<br>Type: {movie.Type}

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