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Moving the head in different directions stimulates the various canals in the vestibular
system. Stimulating the different canals increases attention and focus in the brain and
nervous system.

11) Windmills

Stand with feet wider than shoulder width. Arms are held straight to the sides. Bend at
the hips (keep legs straight) and touch opposite hand to opposite foot. Return to
standing and repeat on the other side. Do 6-10 touches.

12) Toe Touches

Reach down and touch toes, pause at the bottom. When kids return to a standing
position, they can look at a target or chart and read a sequence of letters or words.
Students can pair up for this activity to read a chart or read rotating cards held by the

13) Head and Neck Movements

The leader calls out directions, or kids pair up with a partner and mirror the partner’s
movements. For example, right ear to right shoulder, look down, look to the left, left ear
to left shoulder, look up, look to the right, etc.

14) Side to Side Sways

Hands on hips, feet still, and bend side to side. Vary the speed of the side bends.
Focus on a fixed stationary target to strengthen the eye muscles.


Visual tracking activities are great eye exercises for kids that they need for reading
and daily tasks. Add a balance or movement activity as an added challenge.

15) Infinity Loop

Imagine a number 8 laying on its side. Trace the loop in the air. Start in the center and
go up to the left and continue around several times. Switch hands, use pointer fingers
or thumbs.

This is an excellent exercise for kids! See Visual Tracking Activities Using the Infinity
Loop for more ideas. It shares how to use it with several learning activities.

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