2022-Peak shaving benefit assessment joint operation of nuc andbat energy storage power stations

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Energy 239 (2022) 121897

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Peak shaving benefit assessment considering the joint operation of

nuclear and battery energy storage power stations: Hainan case study
Xiaojiao Chen a, Liansheng Huang a, b, **, Junbo Liu c, Dongran Song c, *, Sheng Yang d
Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, China
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
School of Automation, Central South University, Changsha, China
School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The rapid development of battery energy storage technology provides a potential way to solve the grid
Received 12 May 2021 stability problem caused by the large-scale construction of nuclear power. Based on the case of Hainan,
Received in revised form this study analyses the economic feasibility for the joint operation of battery energy storage and nuclear
14 July 2021
power for peak shaving, and provides an effective solution framework for construction scale and battery
Accepted 24 August 2021
Available online 28 August 2021
type determination. Under the proposed framework, a novel cost model for the large-scale battery en-
ergy storage power station is proposed. Then, economic analysis is conducted to get the most economical
battery type and construction scale by considering the comprehensive economic benefit of the joint
Battery energy storage
operation under the limit of the load factor. On this basis, sensitivity analysis of economic indicators to
Nuclear power station control parameters and economic parameters is performed to further demonstrate the economic feasi-
Peak shaving bility of the joint operation. Comparative analysis shows that 270 MW lithium iron phosphate battery
Economic indicator energy storage power station has the best and stable comprehensive performance in terms of the IRR,
Sensitive analysis PBP and LCOE, which are 16.27%, 6.27 year and 0.464¥/kWh, respectively. In comparison with the
pumped storage, the battery energy storage has lower initial investment, faster capital recovery and
smaller floor area under the joint operation mode. Moreover, sensitivity analysis illustrates that the
large-scale application of battery energy storage still depends on the trade-off between the cost per-
formance of battery and the real-time electricity price.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nuclear power generation technology, the total installed capacity

and unit capacity of nuclear power station are increasing. At pre-
In this section, the research background of Hainan and nuclear sent, the largest nuclear power station installed capacity and the
power is firstly introduced. Then, the literature review is per- largest single unit capacity in China are 6564 MW and 1750 MW,
formed. Following that, the contribution and organization of the respectively [3]. However, the large-scale construction and insta-
work are given. bility of nuclear energy bring about a series of power grid stability
problems, of which the peak load regulation problem is the most
1.1. Background prominent.
Taking Hainan as an example, according to the 13th five-year
With the rapid development of China's economy, the demand plan and 14th five-year plan of Hainan power grid, it is estimated
for electricity is increasing day by day [1]. To meet the needs of that by 2026, nuclear energy will account for 24% of the total
electricity and low carbon emissions, nuclear energy has been installed capacity, and the maximum unit capacity will reach
largely developed in recent years [2]. With the development of 1200 MW. After the No.3 and No.4 units of Changjiang nuclear
power station are put into operation, there will be a large gap of
peak load regulation in Hainan power grid in the short term, and
* Corresponding author. the maximum peak load regulation gap will reach 1550 MW.
** Corresponding author. Meanwhile, with the transformation of energy structure, the
E-mail addresses: huangls@ipp.ac.cn (L. Huang), songdongran@csu.edu.cn
(D. Song).
development of traditional power supply such as thermal power is

0360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

restricted and cannot meet the demand of ancillary services [4]. To

No comparison and selection of construction scale
solve this problem, an energy storage system is needed to improve

Not considering the market influence on initial

power system flexibility [5]. Due to the limitation of construction

Not considering the loss cost and the market

period and environmental protection requirements, the con-
No battery type and construction scale

struction scheme of a pumped storage power station, which is

Not considering joint operation mode

Not considering joint operation mode

Not suitable for joint operation mode

Not suitable for joint operation mode
often used to improve the stability of nuclear power, is not
applicable at this time. In this context, there is an urgent need for

influence on initial capital cost

other more flexible energy storage systems to improve the sta-
bility of nuclear power.

1.2. Literature review

selection scheme

capital cost

Traditional energy storage technology mainly includes me-

chanical energy storage and electrochemical energy storage [6].
These energy storage systems for ancillary services have been
widely concerned by clean energy research community, and
related material selection and design methods continue to be
presented in a vast number of researches. The energy storage
Life cycle cost modelling and economic analysis for
Benefit assessment system of joint operation mode
Joint optimization framework for ancillary services

technology, capacity scale, research target, contribution and lim-

Solution framework for location and construction
Techno-economic analysis under power system

itations of some existing researches are summarized in Table 1.

These researches have verified the technical and economic feasi-
Size design based on sensitivity analysis
Battery market operation modelling for

bility of these energy storage systems under various capacities,

and provided solutions for location, material and construction
scale determination. However, there are few researches on the
joint operation of energy storage system and the power station,
especially in nuclear power.
Life cycle cost modelling

At present, the utilization of the pumped storage is the main

scale determination

scheme to solve the problem of nuclear power stability, such as

ancillary services

peak shaving, frequency regulation and active power control [7].

peak shaving

[8] has proved that the joint operation of nuclear power station

and pumped storage power station can peak shave more flexibly
and economically. However, due to its long construction period
and great environmental pollution, it has difficulties in urgent
peak shaving demand satisfaction and site selection [9]. In
contrast, electrochemical energy storage power station repre-
Techno-economic analysis

Techno-economic analysis

Techno-economic analysis

Techno-economic analysis

Techno-economic analysis

sented by battery energy storage has no site selection restriction

and can be installed in either the power generation, transmission,
Design optimization

Design optimization
Design optimization

distribution or consumption system [10]. Battery energy storage

Research target

systems have been widely used in the practical power system to

stabilize the output power and improve the operation efficiency
[11]. It has good performance in peak load regulation [12], fre-
quency modulation [13], demand response [14] and suppression
of renewable energy fluctuations [15]. With the energy market
Some existing researches about the energy storage technology application.

transforms, the grid structure will likely see increased reliance on

battery technology to improve its stability [16]. Meanwhile, re-
1e100 MW

1e100 MW

1e100 MW
1e100 MW

searches on the stability [17] and economic feasibility [18] of

>100 MW

>1 MW

>1 MW

>1 MW

battery energy storage systems to replace peak power station of

commercial users are conducted, which verify that the current
installation of battery energy storage power station has economic
and technical feasibility. However, there are still a series of chal-
lenges in large-scale application of battery energy storage system.
Electrochemical energy storage

In order to analyze the economic feasibility and get the optimal

Mechanical energy storage,
Energy storage technology

construction scale and material selection scheme, an effective cost

Battery energy storage

Battery energy storage

Battery energy storage

Battery energy storage

model is essential. A life cycle cost model of energy storage system

Battery energy storge
Battery energy storge

is proposed in [19], and various energy storage systems are

Pumped storage

compared and analyzed by using the annualized storage life cycle

cost and levelized cost of energy. In [20], a detailed life cycle cost
model of lithium-ion batteries recycled from electric vehicles is
proposed, and the comparative analysis is carried out concerning
different interest-subjects in three techno-economic status. On
the basis of the established life cycle cost model [21], proposes a
sizing method with sensitivity analysis for battery-supercapacitor


hybrid energy storage systems, and verifies the influence of

Table 1





different factors on the system cost. Similarly, on the basis of



existing cost models, there have been a lot of studies on energy

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

storage materials and scale design [22]. proposes a bi-level optimal C Sensitivity of economic indicators of different types of bat-
location and scale model for grid-side battery energy storage sys- tery energy storage power stations to control factors and
tem with coordinated planning and operation, which effectively economic factors under the joint operation mode is analyzed,
reduces the operation cost and loss. Based on a real time control and the influence of market on the application prospect of
algorithm [23], proposes a dimensioning optimization to battery battery energy storage is explained.
energy storage systems used for peak shaving, which improves the
peak shaving performance of the energy storage system. In [24], the The remainder of this study is organized as follows: the case
impact of demand side management is considered, and a more background description and technical evaluation of energy storage
economical energy storage scale design scheme is provided for the batteries are presented in section 2, and section 3 introduces the
residential battery energy storage system. solution framework and life cycle cost model for large-scale battery
This series of research verifies the feasibility about building energy storage power station construction; after that, solution
battery energy storage system for solving stability problems in framework validation and results discussion are presented in sec-
power grid, and provides an effective solution for the construction tion 4, and section 5 finally concludes the study and gives the future
of battery energy storage system. However, the above research direction.
mainly focuses on the economic feasibility analysis of battery en-
ergy storage system itself. In terms of the joint operation, the 2. Case descriptions and technical evaluation of energy
maximization of comprehensive benefits between energy storage storage technologies
system and power station can not to be guaranteed. Moreover,
there is no research on economic feasibility about the joint oper- The main work of this section is to elaborate the structure of
ation between battery energy storage power station and nuclear Hainan power grid and the peak shaving problems caused by the
power for peak shaving, and the existing life cycle cost model is not construction of Changjiang nuclear power station. Then, the per-
detailed and mainly focuses on small and medium-sized energy formance is analyzed and compared among five kinds of commonly
storage system with energy storage capacity less than 100 MW. On used energy storage technologies, which include lithium battery,
the other hand, due to the large single capacity and high safety lead-acid battery, liquid flow battery, super capacitor and pumped
demand of nuclear power station, more constraints to be consid- energy.
ered in the capacity design of battery energy storage power station,
are not included in the literature. 2.1. Case descriptions

1.3. Contribution and organization The transformation of energy structure has brought a great
challenge to Hainan power grid, especially the peak shaving
Under the background of Hainan Power Grid and considering problem caused by large-scale nuclear power construction. Firstly,
the shortcomings of the existing research, this study analyses the the current situation of Hainan power grid is described, and then
economic feasibility of the joint operation of battery energy storage the joint operation mode of nuclear power station and energy
and nuclear power for peak shaving. To do this, an effective solution storage station is analyzed based on peak shaving demand.
framework is proposed for battery type and construction scale
determination, considering the comprehensive profit between 2.1.1. Background of Hainan Power Grid
battery energy storage power station and nuclear power station Hainan, located in the southernmost part of China, is a tourist
and the safe operation requirements of nuclear power. On this city. As shown in Fig. 1, Hainan has formed a 220 kV main grid
basis, a detailed life cycle cost model is established for economic structure around the island, but the grid structure is still weak. The
comparative analysis, considering the non-linear change of initial unbalanced power supply layout and less installed capacity in the
investment and operation and maintenance cost with construction east and south, which has brought a great pressure to the grid
scale caused by market competition and the cost of loss. The construction and safe operation and maintenance. Different from
comparative analysis is conducted to provide the best selection the isolated island power grid, Hainan power grid has a 500 kV
scheme for battery energy storage power station, and to evaluate external transmission channel, which is connected with the main
the economic benefits between the battery energy storage and the grid of China Southern Power Grid through Fushan substation. As a
pumped storage under the joint operation mode. Through sensi- special economic zone, Hainan province needs to undertake a lot of
tivity analysis, the economic feasibility of combined operation of import and export trade and capital introduction, which has higher
battery energy storage and nuclear power is further illustrated. The requirements for the grid infrastructure. From the perspective of
major contributions of this study are summarized as follows: geographical structure, Hainan power grid structure has the char-
acteristics of both island power grid and large power grid branches,
C Based on the Hainan case study, the economic feasibility which can provide reference for island city or island state power
about joint operation of battery energy storage power station construction. From the perspective of industrial development,
and nuclear power station for peak shaving is the first time to Hainan case can also provide the reference for power planning of
be analyzed. tourism island or economic island.
C A feasible solution framework for the construction scale and The total installed capacity of Hainan Changjiang nuclear power
battery type selection of battery energy storage power sta- phase I and II project is 3830 MW, including 130 MW nuclear power
tion is proposed, which offers a new paradigm for the small reactor. Although the construction of large-scale nuclear
planning and designing of energy storage power station power units can effectively solve the problem of power demand, it
when solving stability problem caused by large-scale nuclear also brings new challenges to the safe operation of Hainan power
power construction. grid. On the one hand, with the proportion of electricity con-
C A detailed life cycle cost model for large-scale battery energy sumption of the tertiary industry and residents in Hainan Province
storage power stations is proposed, in which the cost of loss is rising, the load peak valley difference is expanding year by year.
and the impact of market competition on the investment and The large difference of daily load rate has higher requirement for
operation and maintenance of the power station is controlling power generation, and brings great pressure for peak
considered. load regulation of power grid. On the other hand, the single unit
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Fig. 1. Geographic wiring diagram of Hainan Power Grid.

Table 2 and difficult site selection, the original planning of pumped storage
Summary of maximum peak shaving gap value in Hainan power system (unit: MW). power station cannot meet the urgent need of peak shaving. In
Stage 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 contrast, the construction period of battery energy storage power
station is short and there is no difficulty in site selection. Thus, it
Dry season 0 0 100 0 0 0
Flood season 0 360 40 0 0 0 can effectively solve the problem of peak load regulation.
Spring Festival period 0 530 1550 1340 1110 0
Typhoon period 0 600 300 0 0 0
2.1.2. Analysis of joint operation of nuclear power and battery
energy storage system
The joint operation mode of nuclear power and battery energy
capacity of nuclear power station accounts for a large proportion of storage power station depends on the peak load regulation de-
the whole network load, which has an important impact on the mand, and the typical daily peak shaving gap curves in 2026 and
stability of the whole Hainan power grid. 2027 are shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b), respectively. It can be seen that
According to the load forecasting results of the 13th five-year the peak shaving gap in flood and dry seasons in 2026 and 2027 last
plan of Hainan power transmission network and the new gener- for 1e2 h each time, which determines the minimum charging and
ator planning scheme before 2030, with the commissioning of No.3 discharging time of battery energy storage power station. Mean-
and No.4 units of Changjiang nuclear power station in 2026, there while, the real-time price has a great impact on the economic
will be a large short-term peak shaving gap in Hainan power grid, benefits of battery energy storage system. According to the regu-
as shown in Table 2. The duration of spring festival and typhoon lation of Hainan power market, the on-grid price of Hainan nuclear
period is much shorter than that of dry season and flood season, power is 0.415 ¥/kWh. Table 3 shows the real-time electricity price
and the peak shaving gap can be regulated by arrange unit main- of user side in Hainan Province.
tenance. Considering the influence of nuclear power characteristics According to the predicted peak load regulation demand and
and operation experience, nuclear power units cannot participate typical daily peak regulation curve of Hainan power grid, the
in peak load regulation frequently [25]. To alleviate the peak operation mode of battery energy storage power station is deter-
shaving gap, an effective method is to build an energy storage po- mined. Before 2028, the battery energy storage power station will
wer station for joint operation. Due to the long construction period replace the nuclear power station for peak shaving. After 2028, the
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Fig. 2. Typical daily peak shaving gap curve in 2026 and 2027: (a) 2026; (b) 2027.

Table 3
Real-time electricity price of user side in Hainan Province.

Type Peak period Flat period Valley period

Price (¥) 1.03 0.6362 0.33

Duration 10:00e12:00 16:00e22:00 7:00e10:00 12:00e16:00 22:00e23:00 23:00e7:00

battery energy storage power station will operate in the peak disadvantages of lead-acid batteries are obvious, such as low en-
shaving and valley filling mode. Considering the demand of peak ergy conversion efficiency, poor energy density and short life cycle
load regulation, the energy storage power station is set to fully (500e4000 cycles). Especially, lead-acid battery is bulky and not
charge and discharge once a day during 2026 and 2027. Then, the environment friendly, resulting in high maintenance cost. The en-
energy storage power station is operated at fully charge and ergy conversion efficiency is around 70%e90%, and the discharge
discharge twice a day after 2028. When calculating the revenue, the depth is around 75%e85%.
comprehensive revenue in 2026e2027 is the sum of the revenue of
the one full charge and discharge of the energy storage power 2.2.3. Redox flow batteries
station and the revenue of the increased power generation of the Redox flow battery is one of the flow-based batteries, which can
nuclear power station. After 2028, the total revenue will be the be used in many applications due to its independent power and
revenue of peak load reduction and valley filling brought by two full energy ratings [31]. The discharge depth of redox flow battery is
charge and discharge of energy storage power station every day. similar to that of lithium-ion battery, and redox flow battery has
higher energy conversion efficiency and longer life cycle
2.2. Technical evaluation of energy storage technologies (1000e13000 cycles). The liquid characteristics make it have better
environmental protection and safety, but the complex operation
Energy storage technology is widely used in power system and maintenance, large area and high cost limit its utilization in
auxiliary services. There are obvious differences among different large-scale energy storage [32]. The energy conversion efficiency is
types of energy storage technologies, such as discharge depth, en- around 65%e85%, and the discharge depth can reach 100%.
ergy density, energy conversion efficiency, price and decay rate
[26]. The techno-economic specifications of the different energy 2.2.4. Super capacitor
storage technologies used in this study are summarized below. Super capacitor is an ideal energy storage material with high
efficiency, long cycle life (50,000þ cycles), wide working temper-
2.2.1. Lithium-ion batteries ature limit and no maintenance [33]. However, considering the
With the rise of electric vehicle industry, lithium-ion batteries short discharge time, large internal resistance and high price of
represented by lithium iron phosphate batteries have developed super capacitor, it is rarely used in the actual construction of energy
rapidly in recent years [27]. Due to their high energy density, light storage power station. The main disadvantages of super capacitor
weight, high energy conversion efficiency, operational safety and are low energy density and high self-discharge loss [34]. The energy
longer life cycle (4000e8000 cycles), lithium-ion batteries are conversion efficiency of super capacitor is around 90%e97%, and
popular in energy storage system and transportation applications. the discharge depth of super capacitor is around 90%e100%.
Also, lithium-ion batteries have disadvantages such as higher en-
ergy cost and poor cycle stability [28]. The energy conversion effi- 2.2.5. Brief analysis of comprehensive performance
ciency is around 90%e95%, and the discharge depth is around 85%e The economic and technical comparison results of these energy
90% [29]. storage batteries are show in Table 4. It can be seen that different
types of batteries have obvious differences in economic feasibility,
2.2.2. Lead-acid batteries efficiency and environmental protection. Despite higher battery
Lead-acid battery is the oldest and the most developed battery module price, the cycle life and efficiency of redox flow battery and
type, of which the advantages include low energy cost and good super capacitor are better than that of lithium-ion battery and lead-
performance in variable temperature range [30]. However, the acid battery. Lead-acid batteries have the worst comprehensive
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Table 4
Economic and technical comparison of four types of energy storage batteries.

Types Advantages Restrictions

Lithium-ion battery High energy density; No perfect recovery mechanism;

Environment friendly; Poor tolerance of overcharge and discharge
Long cycle life
Lead-acid battery Low price; Low energy density;
Fast charging High cost of operation and maintenance;
Environment pollution
Redox flow battery Long cycle life; Low energy density;
Operation safety; A large area of land is needed;
Self-discharge controllable; Expensive price
Environment friendly
Super capacitor High efficiency; Short discharge time;
Long cycle life; Need to be placed smoothly;
No maintenance required; Expensive price;
Environment friendly Low energy density

performance and the lowest module price. The energy cost of these 3.1. Framework for construction scale and material selection of
energy storage batteries from high to low is super capacitor, redox battery energy storage power station
flow battery, lithium-ion battery and lead-acid battery. Due to the
different structural characteristics, the construction scale of energy When building a battery energy storage power station to solve
storage power station is greatly affected by the control parameters. the peak shaving problem caused by the large-scale nuclear power
construction, the safe operation of nuclear power and the
comprehensive economic benefits between nuclear power and
battery energy storage power station should be fully analyzed. In
2.2.6. Technical comparison between battery energy storage and terms of the safe operation, it is considered that the frequent output
pumped storage reduction of nuclear power units has a great impact on the power
At present, the pumped storage power station has been usually grid, so the construction of battery energy storage power station
used in the practical engineering construction to solve the stability should try to keep the output of nuclear power units at an appro-
problem caused by nuclear power construction. However, with the priate level. In terms of the comprehensive economic benefits, the
prices of labor, materials and fuel go upwards, expenses of reset- goal should be to maximize the overall benefits of the nuclear
tlement and land expropriation go up and the requirement of power unit and battery energy storage power station. Considering
environment protection rises in China, the pumped storage power the above factors, the solution framework for construction scale
station investment will rise as time goes on [9]. Meanwhile, the and battery type selection of battery energy storage power station
great progress in battery energy storage makes it have certain is shown in Fig. 3.
technical and economic superiority than the pumped storage. The For the safe operation requirement part in Fig. 3, the construc-
difference of specific economic indicators between the two types of tion scale boundary, peak shaving gap data and maintenance
energy storage power stations depends on the construction scale. schedule is obtained firstly. Maintenance schedule includes
Some technical and economic indicators are presented in Table 5. In network line maintenance and unit maintenance. Afterwards, the
terms of the technical feasibility, battery energy storage power load factors of nuclear power units with different construction scale
station has faster response speed, higher comprehensive system battery energy storage power station are calculated, and the con-
efficiency and stable improvement to nuclear load factor. Mean- struction scale corresponding to the load factor value greater than
while, battery energy storage power station has lower construction the load factor restriction is selected as the feasible construction
cost, and the cost can be further reduced. Moreover, the battery scale interval. In the next part, based on the battery performance
energy storage power station has less impact on the environment parameters, feasible construction scale interval, peak shaving gap
and is more flexible. data, real-time electricity price data and the established life cycle
cost model of large-scale battery energy storage power station, the
economic benefit of battery energy storage power station and the
increase revenue of nuclear power unit are calculated. Then, the
3. Methodology
economic indicators considering the comprehensive income be-
tween battery energy storage power station and nuclear power
In this section, a solution framework for battery energy storage
station are calculated. Meanwhile, sensitive analysis is conducted to
power station construction scale and battery type selection is
explore the influence of control parameters and economic param-
proposed, considering the safe operational constraints of nuclear
eters to the economic indicators of each battery energy storage
power units and the comprehensive economic benefits between
power station. Combining with the results of comprehensive eco-
battery energy storage power station and nuclear power station. On
nomic analysis and sensitive analysis, the optimal economic con-
this basis, a detailed life cycle cost model for large-scale battery
struction scale and battery type are selected.
energy storage power station is proposed.

Table 5
Technical comparison between battery energy storage and pumped storage.

Types Efficiency Response time Construction cost Life time Construction time Environment influence

Battery energy storage 70%~90% <10 ms 2000e4000¥/kW 8e20 year 0.5e1 year Good
Pumped storage 65%~75% >1min 4000e7000¥/kW >30 year 5e7 year Bad

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Fig. 3. Solution framework for construction scale and battery type selection.

3.2. Economic indicators

Ccapital þCo&m þCrc þCdc
In order to conduct a comprehensive economic analysis and ð1þiÞ
LCOE ¼ (2)
comparison, three economic indicators are used to make the in- P
vestment decisions, namely internal rate of return (IRR) [35], ð1þiÞ
payback period (PBP) [36] and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) [37].
In this study, IRR and PBP are calculated by comprehensive income, where p represents the proportion of initial investment which is set
and LCOE is calculated by the income of battery energy storage as 0.3, Cloan is the annual repayment of principal and interest
power station. Each indicator provides a unique information about considering the loan ratio of 70%, Ctax stands for various taxes
the cash flow. IRR is defined as the discount rate at which the net considering the input tax, output tax and income tax which are 13%,
present value (NPV) of all cash flows of an investment is equal to 13% and 25%, respectively, r is discount rate, T is the life cycle of
zero, and calculated from the expression of the NPV as the value of battery energy storage power station, and i is the interest rate
the parameter r that reduces the NPV to zero [38]. PBP represents which is set as 0.08, and other parameters are described in detail in
the number of years required to recover the total investment of the the subsequent life cycle cost model.
project, and it is calculated from the NPV as the time t when the In addition to the economic benefits of the energy storage po-
cumulative cash flows turn to positive. The LCOE represents the net wer station, the operation status of the nuclear power station
present value of the power station over its lifetime, and it is related should also be considered. The load factor F is usually used to
to the total investment and total capacity of the power plant in its analyze the safety and stability of nuclear power station operation
life cycle. The NPV and LCOE are calculated as equations (1) and (2), [39]. The average annual load factor F is determined by the annual
respectively. utilization hours of the nuclear power station, and calculated by:

F¼ (3)
NPV ¼  p , Ccapital
  where H0 is the annual utilization hours of nuclear power station.
XT Et , ps  pp  Closs  Cloan  Co&m  Crc  Ctax  Cdc
t¼1 ð1 þ rÞt 3.3. Life cycle cost model of large-scale energy storage power
The key parameters of energy storage economics are used to
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

establish a life cycle cost model of large-scale battery energy stor- 3.3.2. Operation and maintenance cost
age power station. These parameters are initial capital cost, oper- Operation and maintenance cost Co&m is divided into fixed cost
ation and maintenance cost, cost of loss, replacement cost and and variable cost. Fixed cost includes land leasing, tool replacement
decommissioning cost. Initial capital cost includes all investment and equipment maintenance, and it does not depend on the
costs covered before the commercial operation date. Operation and operation phase of the power station. Variable cost includes oper-
maintenance cost refers to all expenditures necessary for the ation and maintenance management, power grid operation and
operation of power station and improvement of energy storage maintenance, equipment insurance, depending on the operation
efficiency during the commercial operation period. Cost of loss phase of the power station. The operation and maintenance cost
refers to the energy loss caused by charging and discharging of Co&m can be calculated by:
battery energy storage power station. Replacement cost refers to
the cost of equipment replacement within the life cycle of the en- X

ergy storage power station. Decommissioning costs include resid-

Co&m ¼ T,Cfixed þ Cv ,ð1 þ iÞt þ Cie ,ð1  i1 Þt þ k,Et
t¼1 t¼1 t¼1
ual value and site clearance costs.

where T is the lifetime of power station, Cfixed is the fixed operation

3.3.1. Initial capital cost
and maintenance cost per year, Cv is the variable operation and
Divided into four main parts, of which the first part is the cost of
maintenance cost per year, Cie is the insurance expenses, i1 is the
battery energy storage system Cbp , the second part is the cost of
insurance rate which is set as 0.04, Et is the annual power gener-
electrical equipment Cee , the third part is the construction and
ation, and k is scale factor which is set as 0.02.
installation engineering cost Cci and the fourth part is the pre-
liminary engineering preparation cost Cpc , the initial capital cost of
3.3.3. Cost of loss
battery energy storage power station Ccapital can be calculated by:
Line loss, auxiliary power, energy conversion efficiency of en-
Ccapital ¼ cbp þ cee þ cci þ cpc (4) ergy storage battery and other factors will lead to a certain amount
of power loss in the charging and discharging process of energy
The cost of battery storage system Cbp includes the cost of bat- storage station. Generally, PCS efficiency is 98%, AC/DC cable loop
tery pack, BMS and container, which can be expressed as a function loss efficiency is 99%, and auxiliary power loss is 1%. Then, the
of the design capacity of energy storage power station. The cost of charge energy efficiency h1 and discharge energy efficiency h2 of
Cbp is given by: the whole circuit of the energy storage power station can be
calculated as:
Cbp ¼ ðcb þ cbms þ cc Þ,Prated ,hd (5) 
h1 ¼ hb  98%  ð1  1%Þ  ð1  1%Þ
where Prated is the rated power of battery energy storage power h2 ¼ 98%  ð1  1%Þ  ð1  1%Þ ¼ 96:05%
station, hd is the charging or discharging time of the energy storage
battery which is set as 2 h, cb , cbms and cc are the unit capacity cost where hb is the energy conversion efficiency of battery.
of the battery, BMS and container, respectively. The cost of loss can be calculated by the charge discharge energy
The cost of electric equipment Cee includes the cost of PCS, efficiency h, real-time price and the annual power generation
transformer, cable and protection devices, which can be calculated considering decay rate:
1  h1
  Closs ¼ Et , , pp þ ð1  h2 Þ , ps (11)
Cee ¼ cpcd þ cptd þ cpe ,Prated (6) t¼1

where cpcd , cptd , and cpe are the unit power cost of the power where Et is the annual power generation considering decay rate, pp
conversion device, power transformation and distribution device and ps are the electricity prices for purchase and sale, respectively.
and protective equipment.
The cost of construction and installation engineering cost Cci 3.3.4. Replacement cost
includes the cost of construction, installation and auxiliary engi- The design life of battery energy storage power station is
neering cost, which can be calculated by: inconsistent with the life of battery, so it may face the problem of
battery and equipment replacement during the operation of battery
Cci ¼ cci ,Prated ,hd (7) energy storage power station [40]. The battery replacement time is
related to the maximum number of cycles, and the market price
where cci is the unit capacity cost of the construction, installation change of energy storage battery needs to be considered when
and auxiliary. replacing the battery. The replacement cost Crc can be calculated as:
Different from other costs, the preliminary engineering prepa-
ration cost of energy storage power station, such as research and Crc ¼ ðcb þ cbms Þ,ð1  rb Þtr ,Prated ,hd (12)
consultation cost and production preparation cost, has a nonlinear
relationship with the construction scale, which is caused by market where rb is the cost reduction rate of energy storage battery cell,
competition. So, the preliminary engineering preparation cost Cpc and the cost of different types of energy storage batteries has
can be expressed as: different downward trend; tr is the replacement time, which is
obtained by dividing the maximum cycle time of the energy storage
Prated 0:8 battery by the average number of cycles per year.
Cpc ¼ cpc , ,10000 (8)
3.3.5. Decommissioning cost
where cpc is the unit cost of the preliminary engineering After the battery energy storage power station reaches its
preparation. operational life, it needs to be decommissioned, including site
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

cleaning, equipment treatment and energy storage battery recov- Table 6

ery [41]. Decommissioning cost and be divided into a percentage of Parameters of four types of energy storage batteries.

the initial capital cost and a residual value of the energy storage Battery type Efficiency Discharge depth Maximum life cycles
power station. The decommissioning cost can be calculated by: Lithium iron phosphate 92.5% 90% 6000
  Lead-carbon 87.5% 80% 4000
Cdc ¼ rp , Cbp þ Cee þ Cci  ðCbsv þ Cesv Þ,rd (13) All vanadium redox flow 87.5% 100% 12,000
Super capacitor 96% 96% 500,000

where rp is decommissioning coefficient and set to 0.1, rd is dis-

count rate which is set to 0.6 in this study, Cesv is surplus value of
equipment after depreciation and Cbsv is surplus value of energy relatively mature. According to the above research report and
storage battery after depreciation. prediction conclusions of related industries, it is considered that by
2025, various energy storage batteries will have their own devel-
opment in terms of the efficiency, discharge depth and maximum
4. Results and discussions cycle times. Based on the effective range of various energy storage
battery parameters given in [20,44], combined with the develop-
Based on the cost model, the proposed solution framework is ment trend of various energy storage batteries, the parameters of
applied to the nuclear power station in Hainan Province to evaluate four types of energy storage batteries are determined and shown in
the economic benefits of different battery energy storage power Table 6. Considering the influence of market fluctuation on per-
stations. Considering safe operational constraints and compre- formance parameters, the subsequent sensitivity analysis focuses
hensive economic benefits, the economic comparison of battery on the possible fluctuation range of these performance parameters,
type and construction scale of various energy storage power station and fully discusses its economic feasibility.
is analyzed. Meanwhile, the economic comparison between battery In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed solution
energy storage and pumped energy storage is conducted to verify framework, some input parameters and experimental setup should
the superiority of battery energy storage. Subsequently, the sensi- be declared. All the simulation works are completed in MATLAB
tive analysis is carried out to verify the influence of various pa- 2018b. In terms of the load factor restriction, considering that not
rameters on the economic indicators. all units will be put into operation in 2026, the maximum annual
utilization hour in 2026 is set as 7320 h. To maintain the safe
4.1. Parameter setting operation requirement, the comprehensive load factor of NO.3 and
NO.4 units should not be less than 0.8. For maintenance schedule,
In order to further compare the economy of battery energy network line maintenance capacity is set as 120 MW. Due to the
storage power station, the specific energy storage materials and short operation time of the new unit, only NO.3 unit will be
their parameters need to be determined. In this study, lithium iron considered for maintenance in the Spring Festival period of 2027.
phosphate battery, lead-carbon battery, all vanadium redox flow Meanwhile, considering the demand of electricity market and to
battery (VRB) and super capacitor are adopted for analysis. Ac- meet the peak shaving needs, the construction scale of battery
cording to the “made in China 2025 - energy equipment imple- energy storage power station is set at a range of 100e600 MW and
mentation plan” [42] and the research results of BNEF [43], it is take 10 MW as the variable step in the simulation.
estimated that the energy cost of energy storage battery module
will drop significantly by 2025, and the downward trend of battery
energy storage module price is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that 4.2. Economic analysis results under different construction scale
the price of super capacitor and VRB module still has a lot of room and batteries
to drop. While the price of lead-carbon battery has little room for
decline, mainly because the technology of lead carbon battery is Based on the established life cycle cost model and the parameter


14000 Lithium iron


10000 Lead-carbon
Energy cost [

All vanadium
6000 redox flow

Super capacitor

2010 2015 2020 2025
Time [year]

Fig. 4. Downward trend of the price of four types energy storage battery modules.

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Fig. 5. Load factor of nuclear power station.

Fig. 7. PBP of different types and construction scales of energy storage power stations.

carbon, VRB and super capacitor varies from 27.21% to 7.75%,

25.84%e5.97%, 8.99%e2.73% and 7.43%e2.92%, respectively. For the
four kinds of energy storage batteries, the IRR values of lithium iron
phosphate and lead-carbon are larger than that of VRB and super
capacitor, and the IRR value of lithium iron phosphate is the largest.
At the same time, due to the lower initial capital costs, the
decreasing trend of IRR value of lithium iron phosphate and lead-
carbon is faster than that of VRB and super capacitor.
Fig. 7 illustrate the PBP value of different types and different
construction scale energy storage power station. It can be seen that
the PBP value increases with the increase of construction scale.
When construction scale increases from 100 MW to 600 MW, the
PBP of lithium iron phosphate, lead-carbon, VRB and super capac-
itor increases from 5.144 to 7.937, 1.189 to 13.134, 9.616 to 12.630
and 10.569 to 13.197, respectively. It is worth noting that the PBP of
the lead carbon battery energy storage power station has greatly
changed when the construction scale is 120 MW and 490 MW, due
to the failure to realize profit before the battery replacement.
Relatively, lithium iron phosphate has lower and stable PBP value.
Fig. 6. IRR of different types and construction scales of energy storage power stations.

of four types of energy storage batteries, the economic benefits of

different types and construction scales of energy storage power
stations and nuclear power stations in joint operation are analyzed.
The load factor of nuclear power station under different con-
struction scale energy storage power station is show in Fig. 5. When
the construction scale varies from 100 MW to 600 MW, the
comprehensive load factor of NO.3 and NO.4 units in 2026 and 2027
varies from 0.7658 to 0.8260 and 0.9202 to 0.9344. It can be seen
that when the construction scale larger than 360 MW, the increase
speed of load factor has a significant decline. In order to ensure the
safe operation of the nuclear power plant, the comprehensive load
factor of NO.3 and NO.4 units is required to be no less than 0.8.
According to the load factor curve in Fig. 5, the construction scale of
energy storage power station should be greater than 270 MW.
The economic indicator IRR of different types and different
construction scale energy storage power station are show in Fig. 6.
It can be seen that with the increase of the construction scale of the
four types energy storage power station, its IRR value is gradually
decreasing, and there is a significant change in IRR near the
maximum peak shaving gap. When the construction scale varies Fig. 8. LCOE of different types and construction scales of energy storage power
from 100 MW to 600 MW, the IRR of lithium iron phosphate, lead- stations.

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

To better illustrate the construction feasibility of battery energy average load rate of Qiongzhong pumped storage power station is
storage power station, economic indicator LCOE is used to assess estimated to be 0.542. Similarly, the 80% loan mode is adopted for
the investment and income of the battery energy storage power pumped storage power stations, and all kinds of taxes are consis-
station. As show in Fig. 8, the LCOE values of different types energy tent with those for battery storage power stations. Under the same
storage power stations decrease with the increase of construction energy storage capacity and joint operation mode, the technical
scale, which is due to the initial capital cost and operation and and economic indicators of the lithium iron phosphate battery
maintenance cost do not change linearly with the construction energy storage power station and Hainan Qiongzhong pumped
scale. With the increase of construction scale from 100 MW to storage power station are shown in Table 8.
600 MW, the LCOE of lithium iron phosphate, lead-carbon, VRB and Comparison results in Table 8 show that, under the same con-
super capacitor decreases from 0.4683 to 0.4612, 0.4642 to 0.4586, struction scale of 600 MW, the lithium iron phosphate battery
0.5352 to 0.5293 and 0.6056 to 0.5997, respectively. The results energy storage power station has larger IRR, shorter PBP, lower
illustrated that lithium iron phosphate and lead-carbon has better LCOE, lower construction cost and smaller floor space which are
potential economic benefits. 7.75%, 7.937 year, 0461¥/kWh, 3502 million yuan, and 0.4 million
Combining with Figs. 5e8, it can be seen that the economic square meters, respectively. Meanwhile, the battery energy storage
feasibility of energy storage power station is decreases with the power station has less impact on the environment and is more
increase of construction scale. Meanwhile, considering the load flexible. The LCOE of Qiongzhong pumped storage power station is
factor constraints, the construction scale should be larger than calculated based on the actual operation data, and is larger than the
270 MW. Therefore, the optimal construction scale is determined as general feasibility planning results, which is related to the influence
270 MW. Some economic index results of four energy storage of seasonal factors and full pumping time. It is indicated that in-
materials in the construction scale of 270 MW are calculated and vestment in the construction of lithium iron phosphate battery
shown in Table 7. It can be seen that when the construction scale is energy storage power station can not only solve the problem of
270 MW, IRR and Profit of Lithium iron phosphate are 16.27%, and short-term peak load regulation, but also obtain better compre-
542.13 million yuan respectively, which are the largest. PBP of hensive economic benefits.
Lithium iron phosphate is 6.27 year, which is the shortest. On the
other side, the LCOE of Lithium iron phosphate is 0.464 ¥/kWh,
4.4. Sensitive analysis
smaller than that of VRB and super capacitor. It is indicated that
lithium iron phosphate has lower investment cost, fastest capital
In this study, control parameters of energy storage battery and
recovery, and highest investment income. Compared with other
economic parameters are key parameters, of which the variation
three types of energy storage materials, Lithium iron phosphate has
has a great impact on the economic feasibility of energy storage
better economic feasibility.
power station construction. In terms of the control parameters, the
maximum number of cycles, discharge depth and efficiency are
4.3. Economic comparison between battery energy storage and selected for analysis, which are the main indicators to evaluate
pumped storage battery performance. In terms of the economic parameters, the cost
of battery module and peak electricity price are selected for anal-
Pumped storage is commonly used to solve the stability prob- ysis, which are the main indicators to reflect the development of
lems caused by nuclear power construction. To further verify the energy storage market. Meanwhile, a single-variable analysis
economic superiority of battery energy storage, a simply compari- method is used to test the sensitivity of three economic indicators
son between lithium iron phosphate battery and Hainan Qiongz- (IRR, PBP and LCOE) of different types of battery energy storage
hong pumped storage is conduced. Hainan Qiongzhong pumped power station to these variables. Considering the feasibility of
storage power station is built with No.1 and No.2 units of Chang- fluctuation range, the battery efficiency and discharge depth fluc-
jiang nuclear power station. According to the data provided in the tuate within ±6%, and the maximum number of cycles, battery
evaluation report of Hainan Qiongzhong pumped storage power module price and peak electricity price fluctuate within ±15%. The
station, the capacity, comprehensive efficiency, total investment economic indicator IRR, PBP and LCOE are taken as the reference
and service life of Qiongzhong pumped storage power station is values when construction scale is 270 MW. The reference values of
600 MW, 75%, 3995.28 million yuan and 35 years, respectively. control parameters are set as Table 6, the reference values of eco-
Considering market change, the total investment of pumped stor- nomic parameters are set as Table 3 and Fig. 4.
age power station in 2025 is 5% lower than that in 2012, which is set As a presentative, sensitive analysis result of IRR of battery en-
as 3795.52 million yuan. Since the evaluation report is put forward ergy storage power station to these five parameters are shown in
in the early stage of the project construction, the calculation of Fig. 9. As shown in Fig. 9(a), when battery efficiency and discharge
power generation should be based on the actual operation data. depth vary from 0.94 times to 1.06 times of reference value, the IRR
Considering seasonal effects, according to the power generation varies from 0.1255 to 0.2028 and 0.1239 to 0.1972, respectively.
data of Qiongzhong pumped storage power station from 2018 to When maximum number cycles, battery module price and peak
2020 provided by Electric Power Design Institute, the annual electrical price vary from 0.85 times to 1.15 times of reference value,

Table 7
Economic indexes of 270 MW various energy storage power stations.

Type Lithium iron phosphate Lead-carbon VRB Super capacitor

Capacity [MW] 270 270 270 270

IRR [%] 16.27 13.88 6.01 4.50
PBP [year] 6.27 8.84 10.86 12.19
LCOE [¥/kWh] 0.464 0.461 0.532 0.603
Profit [million yuan] 542.13 460.17 368.17 376.39
F2026 0.801 0.801 0.801 0.801
F2027 0.926 0.926 0.926 0.926

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Table 8
Economic comparison between the lithium iron phosphate battery energy storage and Qiongzhong pumped storage power stations.

Type lithium iron phosphate battery Qiongzhong pumped storage

Capacity [MW] 600 600

Service life [year] 15 35
IRR [%] 7.75 3.0
PBP [year] 7.937 28.43
LCOE [¥/kWh] 0.461 0.660
Construction cost [¥/kW] 3502 6326
Initial capital cost [million yuan] 2101.2 3995.27
Total profit [million yuan] 822.04 1002.45
Floor space [million square meters] 0.4 2.8

Fig. 9. Sensitive analysis result of IRR to control and economic parameters: (a) lithium iron phosphate; (b) lead-carbon; (c) VRB; (d) super capacitor.

the IRR varies from 0.1431 to 0.1785, 0.2548 to 0.1016 and 0.0193 to to 6.30, 5.43 to 7.13 and 14.52 to 5.07, respectively. The main reason
0.2849, respectively. As show in Fig. 9(b)e(d), it can be seen that for for the decrease of PBP with the increase of the maximum number
different energy storage materials, the sensitivity of IRR to pa- of cycles is the tax increase caused by the decrease of annual
rameters has the same trend, but the influence degree of each depreciation. Combine with Fig. 10(b)e(d), It can be seen that PBP is
parameter on IRR is different under different materials. It is illus- most sensitive to peak electrical price. This is because the NPV is
trated that those economic parameters have more influence to IRR still negative before battery replacement, which leads to further
than control parameters, and IRR is most sensitive to the peak delay of capital recovery.
electricity price. Due to the battery replacement time of the energy The sensitivity of LCOE of battery energy storage power station
storage station set to an integer year, the change trend of IRR is not to these five parameters are shown in Fig. 11. As shown in Fig. 11(a),
smooth when the maximum number of cycles changes. when battery efficiency and discharge depth vary from 0.94 times
Fig. 10 shows the sensitive analysis results of PBP of battery to 1.06 times of reference value, the LCOE varies from 0.465 to 0.463
energy storage power station to these five parameters. As shown in and 0.486 to 0.444, respectively. When maximum number cycles
Fig. 10(a), when battery efficiency and discharge depth vary from and battery module price vary from 0.85 times to 1.15 times of
0.94 times to 1.06 times of reference value, the PBP varies from 6.81 reference value, the PBP varies from 0.479 to 0.453 and 0.422 to
to 5.87 and 6.77 to 5.85, respectively. When maximum number 0.506 respectively. The LCOE does not change with the variation of
cycles, battery module price and peak electrical price vary from peak electrical price, because the LCOE is only related to the in-
0.85 times to 1.15 times of reference value, the PBP varies from 6.24 vestment and total power generation. As show in Fig. 11(b)e(d),

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Fig. 10. Sensitive analysis result of PBP to control and economic parameters: (a) lithium iron phosphate; (b) lead-carbon; (c) VRB; (d) super capacitor.

due to the high investment, the sensitivity of VRB and super module is gradually reduced, and the peak valley price difference of
capacitor to control parameters is much less than that of lithium power grid is gradually reduced. According to the sensitivity anal-
iron phosphate battery and lead carbon battery. Among these five ysis results, it can be seen that the income increase brought by the
parameters, LCOE is most sensitive to battery module price. improvement of battery performance is limited, which is not as
Based on the above sensitivity analysis, it can be concluded that large as the improvement space brought by the change of battery
control parameters and economic parameters have noticeable in- module price and market electricity price. At the same time, the
fluences on the economic indicators of battery energy storage po- impact of peak electricity price on battery energy storage revenue is
wer station. Among the four types of battery energy storage power greater than the cost of battery module, indicating that the grad-
stations, the economic benefit of lithium iron phosphate battery ually reduced peak valley price difference will become an impor-
energy storage power station is relatively more stable. LCOE is most tant factor affecting the economy of battery energy storage.
affected by the price of battery module. In terms of the investment Therefore, the economic feasibility of the future construction of the
income, IRR and PBP are greatly affected by efficiency, discharge battery energy storage power station will not become necessarily
depth, battery module price and peak electricity price, among better, but depends on the tradeoff between the cost performance
which peak electricity price has the greatest influence. It can be of battery and the real-time peak valley price difference.
seen that all kinds of battery energy storage power stations can
achieve positive revenue within the possible fluctuation range of 4.5. Discussion
maximum cycle times, efficiency, discharge depth and battery
module price. However, only lithium iron phosphate battery can In view of the peak shaving problem caused by Hainan nuclear
maintain positive revenue within the possible fluctuation range of power construction, the solution framework of battery type and
peak electricity price. On the one hand, this reflects the economic construction scale selection is proposed for the joint operation of
advantages of lithium iron phosphate battery. On the other hand, battery energy storage power station and nuclear power station, in
the sharp decline of peak electricity price is often caused by market which three economic indicators IRR, PBP and LCOE are selected for
competition, which will inevitably lead to the improvement of comparison. First of all, the construction of battery energy storage
control parameters or the decrease of battery module price. The power station should ensure the safe operation of nuclear power
performance improvement can make up for the lack of economic units, which is mainly reflected in the load factor level of nuclear
benefits caused by the decline of peak electricity price to a certain power station. The results show that in 2026, the construction scale
extent. of energy storage power station with the load factor greater than
At present, the development trend of the market is that the 0.8 should be greater than 270 MW. Generally, if only the benefit of
control parameters are gradually improved, the price of battery battery energy storage power station is considered, the IRR is
X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

Fig. 11. Sensitive analysis result of LCOE to control and economic parameters: (a) lithium iron phosphate; (b) lead-carbon; (c) VRB; (d) super capacitor.

increased with the increase of construction scale until the con- station in terms of the low initial investment, fast capital recovery
struction scale equal to the maximum peak shaving gap value, and and high final income. Due to the low comprehensive efficiency,
IRR is the largest when the construction scale is 360 MW. However, high initial investment and seasonal influence on power genera-
by considering the comprehensive profit of battery energy storage tion, the economic benefit of the pumped storage power station is
power station and nuclear power station, IRR is decreased with the not ideal.
increase of construction scale, and PBP is increased with the in- In order to further analyze the feasibility of construction and the
crease of construction scale, indicating that lower construction impact of using different energy storage materials on economic
scale has better comprehensive economic efficiency. Therefore, the benefits, single-variable sensitive analysis method is used to
most economical construction scale of battery energy storage po- analyze the impact of control parameters and economic parameters
wer station is 270 MW. on various economic indicators of battery energy storage power
Economic comparison results between these four energy stor- station. For different battery types, the sensitivity of economic in-
age batteries in the construction scale of 270 MW show that lithium dicators to parameters has the same trend, but the influence degree
iron phosphate battery energy storage power station has the best of each parameter on economic indicator is different. Sensitive
comprehensive performance in economic feasibility. Benefit from analysis results show that the peak electricity price has the most
lower battery module price and higher efficiency, lithium iron influence to IRR and PBP for each battery energy storage power
phosphate battery energy storage power station has the largest IRR, station, because the peak electricity price directly determines the
shortest PBP and maximum total profit which are 16.27%, 6.27 year income of battery energy storage power station. The maximum
and 542.13 million yuan. Benefit by lower battery module price, the number of cycles has the least influence to IRR and PBP for each
lead-carbon battery energy storage power station has the lowest battery energy storage power station, because the maximum
LCOE which is 0.461¥/kWh. However, economic benefit of lead- number of cycles does not affect the sales revenue. In terms of the
carbon battery is not as good as that of lithium iron phosphate LCOE, the impact of battery module price is much greater than
battery due to its small maximum number of cycles and low battery other parameters, because the cost of battery module accounts for a
efficiency. Due to the higher battery module price, the compre- large proportion of the total initial investment. On the one hand,
hensive economic benefit of VRB and super capacitor energy stor- the fluctuation of various economic indicators of lithium iron
age power station is worse than lithium iron phosphate battery and phosphate battery energy storage power station is the smallest and
lead-carbon battery obviously. Meanwhile, the comparison be- can achieve positive benefits, indicating that its investment income
tween lithium iron phosphate battery energy storage power station is more stable. On the other hand, battery energy storage presents
and pumped storage power station further illustrates the economic the trend of performance improvement and price reduction.
advantages of lithium iron phosphate battery energy storage power Considering the limited space for performance improvement of

X. Chen, L. Huang, J. Liu et al. Energy 239 (2022) 121897

battery energy storage and the gradually decreasing peak valley faced by the power grid. Meanwhile, other uncertainties, such as
price difference, the future economic benefit of battery energy residuals rate and financing ratio will be considered.
storage power station largely depends on the trade-off between the
cost performance of battery and the peak valley price difference. Credit author statement
In view of the peak shaving problems caused by nuclear power
construction, this study proposes a solution framework of battery Xiaojiao Chen: Resources, Writing e review & editing, Super-
energy storage and nuclear power combined peak shaving, which is vision, Data curation. Liansheng Huang: Conceptualization,
also applicable to the grid stability problems caused by the con- Methodology, Software, Investigation, Writing e original draft.
struction of other large-scale power stations. For nuclear power, the Junbo Liu: Resources, Writing e review & editing, Supervision,
load factor is a common indicator used to evaluate the output and Data curation. Dongran Song: Resources, Conceptualization,
stable operation of nuclear power. For other types of power sta- Methodology, Software, Supervision, Writing e original draft.
tions, the load factor can also represent the operator's expectation Sheng Yang: Writing e review & editing.
for the annual output value of the power station. In terms of the
comprehensive economic analysis, the increased revenue of nu- Declaration of competing interest
clear power under the joint operation mode is only related to the
auxiliary service demand size, auxiliary service demand duration, The authors declare that they have no known competing
energy storage capacity and on-grid price. The auxiliary service financial interests or personal relationships that could have
demand and on-grid price are determined based on the grid appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
planning, and the energy storage capacity selection will directly
affect the economic benefits of the energy storage station and nu-
clear power. The significance of sensitivity analysis is to consider
the uncertainty of input parameters and further evaluate the eco-
This work is supported by the Plan for Major Provincial Science
nomic feasibility of different types of energy storage batteries.
& Technology Project of Anhui Province under Grant
Therefore, the proposed solution framework can be applied not
202003a05020019, the Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion
only to nuclear power plants, but also to other large-scale power
Technology under Grant 2018-000052-73-01-001228 and the
plants. On the premise of clear demand for ancillary services, the
Innovation-Driven Project of Central South University (No.
solution framework can be applied to other stability problems
caused by various types of power station construction.
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two power stations, and the proposed solution framework is References
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