Notes on lesson 2 -conditional ifs

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Zero conditional
present simple + present simple
if this thing happens, that thing happens
If you heat water, it boils
If you heat ice, it melts

Uses: Facts which are generally true or scientific

The condition always has the same result
First conditional
present simple + will/won’t + verb
if this thing happens, that thing will happen
If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the plane
If you study, you’ll pass the exam

Uses: A possible situation in the future

Predicting a likely result in the future (if the
condition happens)
Second conditional
past simple + would/wouldn’t + verb
if this thing happened, that thing would happen
If I spoke Spanish, I would be working in Spain
If they sold their house, they would be rich

Uses: Hypothetical or unlikely situations

Unreal or impossible situation now or in the future
Third conditional
past perfect + would have + past participle
if this thing had happened, that thing would have happened
If I had known, I would have worn something smarter
If I hadn’t been sick, I would have gone to your party

Uses: The person is imagining a different past

Imaginary situation that did not happen

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