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The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that

computer packages were downloaded from the internet.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

The data gives information about the downloads of three computer devices from the
world wide web in a period of five weeks. Overall, it is clear the Active X was the most
popular package over time while there were also increases in the figures for Java and Net.

In the first week, Active X had the lead with approximately 80.000 downloads,
outstripping Net by nearly two times and Java who stood over 40.000. Active X continued
rising although it suffered a minor fall in the fourth week to then reach a peak just above

At the same time, the amount of internet users using Java grew steadily throughout the
period, starting at around 50 to end in approximately 80 thousand. As for the Net
packages, there was also a slow increase from the first week number to the fifth (over 30
and around 50 thousand respectively), although a fluctuation can be seen from the third
week when downloads fell to less than 20.000.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

The two diagrams show the main causes why people immigrated to and emigrated from
the UK in 2007. Overall, it is clear that a definite job was the main reason for migrating
and immigrating, and many foreigners also entered the country for educational purposes.

In terms of the British people moving abroad, reasons related to obtaining and searching
employment stood up for around half of the total causes (29% and 22% respectively). On
the other hand, other motives, formal studies and accompany added up to 31% with this
education having the lowest figure. Nearly a fifth of the UK’s immigrants established no
reasons for leaving their country.

As for the foreigners entering Britain, a definite job held the highest proportion at 30%,
4% over immigrants initiating a formal study. Whereas almost a tenth moved to the UK to
look for work and 15% were accompaniers, nearly the same figure as those with other and
no reasons stated combined.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
The figure shows how bricks are made for the construction industry. This 7 step process
begins with the extraction of clay and ends with packages of bricks being sent out. This is
achieved by mixing clay with other materials to mold rectangular shapes that go through a
heating process, which gives the final solid consistency.

The process begins with a digging machine taking out clay from the ground, which then
goes through a metal grid to filter the rocks from the clay dust. Following this, sand and
water are added to the soil to be given rectangular shapes. During this stage, the form of
the bricks starts being produced by 2 alternative methods. The first one uses a wire that
cuts directly through the mass and the other one uses a rectangular mould thas is filled
directly with the mix. Once this stage has been completed, the products pass through a
drying system in an oven from 24 to 48 hours. Afterwards, the group of bricks are
transferred to a kiln that sets up 2 consecutive heating systems, first through a moderate
warmth (200°C-980°C) to a following high temperature mode (870°C-980°C). Before they
are packed, they have to pass through a cooling chamber between 48 and 72 hours, until
they are finally ready to be delivered by a truck to the building industry.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows
the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
The data compares the proportion of travelers coming from and into the UK between
1979 to 1999, with a bart chart showing the most popular destinations for British tourists.
Overall, the amount of UK travelers abroad were significantly higher than those visiting
the country, with France as the most preferred country to visit by UK residents in 1999.

At the beginning of the period, both features were similar standing at around 10 million
people and showing general upward trends towards 1984. Afterwards, UK visitors started
growing considerably while travelers in the UK increased slightly, ending the period in
1999 with over 50 millions and less than 30 million respectively.

As for the destination preferences for British tourists, France was the most visited country
receiving around 11 million tourists, followed by Spain with a figure of approximately 9
million. On the other hand, Turkey, Greece and the USA received less than 5 million British
visitors, with Turkey as the most unpopular destination.

The illustration depicts the changes of an Island after the settlement of tourism
installations. At first glance, it is clear that the new facilities brought considerable
accommodation capacity along with different activities for the visitors.

The main transformations occurred in the middle of the Island where the constructions
took advantage of the empty available land. A main road was developed connecting a new
restaurant up north to a dock down south where people can access boats and go sailing.
The reception was built in the middle of the vehicle track, accompanied on both sides by
housing zones. The right accommodation area has more capacity than the left, and they
both have footpaths for people to walk around. Tourists from the left housing area can
walk across palm trees at the center of the houses and follow the path to access a beach
where no swimming was done before the constructions. In the western part of the Island,
at the right of the big housing area, no installations have been developed, leaving the plot
of land and trees just like it was before.

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