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Sayli Patil Mayuri Bajbalkar 1
Author 1 Affiliation MKSSS’s CCOEW , 2Author 2 Affiliation MKSSS’s CCOEW

About Company Features Future Plans

Verne Global is a UK-based company providing en- Verne Global’s colocation services offer flexible, scal-
terprise and hyperscale data center solutions. they able, and highly optimised data center infrastructures,
provide colocation and cloud services to a wide uniquely located all within the same campus in Iceland
range of companies and hyperscalers in financial Product Features
services, earth sciences, life sciences, engineering, 100 percent renewable power
scientific research, and AI, including BMW, Volk-
Fully redundant(2N) power supplies
swagen, Earlham Institute, DeepL, Peptone, Threat-
metrix, and Datto. Round-the-clock customer support

Cooling Options
Indirect free air cooling 24/365
Direct free air cooling, with rapid deployment Figure 1. Iceland Data center of Verne Global [1]
50kW cabinets air cooled Verne Global To Add 20MW To Ice-
100kW+ cabinets air cooled landic Data Center Campus
Being Green Verne Global is set to considerably expand its
Verne Global capitalises on Iceland’s natural supply of campus in Iceland over the next 12 months
renewable energy to fuel its energy-intensive opera- Verne Global operates a single data center campus
tions, and mitigate the environmental effects of run- on a former NATO site near Keflavik, Iceland
About Data Center ning artificial intelligence and machine learning work- London-based company Digital 9 Infrastucture is
loads. investing £231 million. The company will spend the
We’ve made the land of fire and ice, home. Our mis- Iceland’s temperate climate also means the data center funds on a brand new data hall that will offer
sion is to satisfy your high intensity compute with campus utilises free air cooling to keep its hardware 8.2MW of capacity, and reconfigure some of its
colocation services offering supernatural capability, cool all year round. existing real estate to support another 12.5MW
backed up with the very best customer support you As of May 2022, Verne Global and Landsvirkjun, the worth of IT equipment.
can imagine. We’ve created the perfect environment national power company of Iceland, have announced a
for everyone to thrive. Both you and the planet collaboration which will see Verne Global trial and de-
ploy hydrogen fuel cells to produce back-up power for References
its Icelandic data center campus. The two companies
will work together to enable the transition to green hy- https://verneglobal.com/
drogen power produced with Iceland’s renewable en- https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/coloca-
ergy. tion/verne-global-add-20mw-icelandic-data-
[1] No Idea. Elephants. 2022.

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