9th form review 2nd term

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❶Fill in the blanks with the appropriate personal pronoun: ❷Fill in the blanks with the appropriate object

blanks with the appropriate object pronoun:

1. ___ like to play soccer. 1. She gave ___ a gift.
2. ___ is going to the store. 2. They helped ___ with homework.
3. ___ have a pet cat. 3. He is talking to ___.
4. ___ are my best friend. 4. We saw ___ at the park.
5. ___ like to eat pizza. 5. I love ___.
6. ___ is watching TV. 6. He told ___ a joke.
7. ___ went to the park. 7. They bought ___ a new book.
8. ___ are happy today. 8. She baked cookies for ___.
9. ___ have a red car. 9. We are waiting for ___.
10. ___ want to learn Spanish. 10. He made a sandwich for ___.

❸Circle the right option.

a. I enjoy listening to music and (plays/play/playing) football. d. You must (be/being/was) careful.
b. Everyday, she (go/goes/going) to school by foot. e. For my birthday, I always receive many( flower/gift/presents)
c. The farmer grows fruits like (apples/ figus/peppers). f. When does the party (start/blow/light) ?
❹there is a little boy named Timmy. Timmy is always running around the house, playing and having fun. However, sometimes he forgets to be careful.
One day, Timmy's mom asks him to help her in the kitchen. She wants him to carry a tray of snacks to the living room for their family movie night. Excitedly,
Timmy grabs the tray and dashes off.
But as he rushes through the hall, he doesn't notice his toys scattered on the floor. Suddenly, he trips and the snacks fly everywhere!
"Oh no, Timmy!" exclaims his mom, rushing to help him. "Are you okay?"
Timmy nods, feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't see my toys."
"It's okay, sweetheart," his mom says with a smile, helping him pick up the snacks. "Just remember to slow down and be careful next time."
Timmy nods, realizing he needs to pay more attention when he's moving around the house. From then on, he makes sure to look where he's going and
avoids running too fast indoors.
With Timmy's newfound carefulness, there are fewer accidents in the house, and everyone continues to enjoy their time together.

1. What is the name of the main character in the story ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. What does Timmy's mom ask him to help with in the kitchen ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. What happens when Timmy rushes through the hallway?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. How does Timmy feel after the accident ?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. How does Timmy change his behavior after the accident? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.What does the underlined word refer to ?
She refers to -------------------
❶Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: ❷Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:
1. She __________ (finish) her homework. 1. A person who makes bread is called a __________.
2. They __________ (visit) Paris. 2. Someone who fixes pipes is called a __________.
3. He __________ (not eat) lunch yet. 3. A person who teaches students is called a __________.
4. We __________ (read) that book. 4. A worker who delivers mail is called a __________.
5. I __________ (never be) to Japan. 5. Someone who flies an aircraft is called a __________.
6. They __________ (just arrive) home. 6. A person who takes care of patients in a hospital is called a __________.
7. Sarah __________ (lose) her keys. 7. A person who operates a computer is called a __________.
8. Tom __________ (already see) the movie. 8. Someone who designs buildings is called an __________.
9. The dog __________ (run) away. 9. A person who writes books is called an __________.
10. We __________ (not clean) the house. 10. Someone who takes photographs is called a __________.

❸Smoking is a __________ habit that can have serious ----------------------- for your health. Despite the many ---------------------- about the dangers of smoking,
some people continue to __________ cigarettes regularly. Smoking can lead to a variety of health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and
respiratory issues. Additionally, exposure to secondhand smoke can also negatively -------------------- the health of those around you. Quitting smoking can
greatly improve your overall health and reduce your risk of developing these serious illnesses. If you're ----------------- to quit, consider seeking support from
friends, family, or a healthcare professional. It's never too late to break the habit and lead a healthier life.
smoke/consequences/nasty/ warnings/ affect/ struggling
❹Internet shopping (become)----------------- increasingly popular in recent years. Many people (turn)------------------to online platforms to purchase a wide
variety of goods and services. The convenience of shopping from the comfort of one's own home (revolutionize)------------------- the way we shop.
Furthermore, the availability of numerous online retailers has allowed( consume)---------------to access products from around the world with just a few clicks.
Individuals(embrace)---------------------- this trend, and many (already /experience)------------------- the benefits of internet shopping. For example, they have
bought clothing, electronics, and even (grocery)--------------------- online. Additionally, some (take)------------------- advantage of exclusive deals and discounts
offered by online retailers. As a result, the internet has transformed the shopping experience for countless individuals, making it more
(convenience)--------------------- and accessible than ever before.

1. Pollution has different parts a. it's important to keep our planet clean and safe for everyone.
2. Air pollution comes from cars and factories, b. making the air dirty to breathe and causing sickness.
3. Water pollution happens when trash and chemicals get into rivers c. making it dangerous for fish and other animals.
and oceans, d. that harm our environment and health.
4. Land pollution occurs when
5. All these aspects of pollution show why

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