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Bench Press

Bench Press Mistakes

Here’s a video showing the wrong and right way to perform a bench press for more
chest gains.

▪️ Workout Tips by @yokokofit

❌ Bending the wrist. Elbows flared out.
Shoulder joint stress.
❌ Neutral spine. Less stability.
✅ Rest bar on face of the hand. Elbows tucked in. Safer for shoulder joint.
✅ �� Arching the back. Better stability. There’s are several grips to use during
bench. Here it shows the full grip or thumbless grip, doing either make sure the fist
stays facing the ceiling

Incorrect Form Correct Form

Triceps Pushdown

Rope Triceps Pulldown mistakes

This video shows the wrong vs the right way of performing cable rope triceps pulldowns.

❌ Standing up straight with shoulders up

❌ Keeping elbows out, activating more shoulders
✅ Slightly Rotate knuckles towards each other, keep shoulders down
✅ Keep elbows in close to body, slightly lean forward
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Correct Form
Lateral Raises

Lateral Raises Mistake!

This video shows the wrong vs the right way of performing lateral raises

Save and Pull this up your next push day

❌ Arms bent at 90 degrees. Short moment

❌ Raising in frontal plane. More trap

✅ Arms slightly bent. Longer moment arm.

✅ Raising in scapular plane. Better alignment with medial deltoids.
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Seated Cable Rows

Seated Row Mistake

This video shows the wrong vs the right way of performing seated cable row.

Save and Pull this up your next pull day

❌ Swinging the torso back and forth.

❌ Forearms not aligned with the

✅ Keeping the torso stable.

✅ Forearms aligned with the resistance.
Incorrect Form

Correct Form

Deadlift Mistakes!

This video shows the wrong and right way to do deadlifts.

Save and pull this up your next pull day

❌ Hips dropping too low. Squatting the

❌ Hyperextending the back at the top.
✅ Creating a hip hinge. Proper execution. movement.
✅ Spine neutral at the top. No lower back stress.
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Dumbbell Row

Dumbbell Row Mistakes!

This video shows the wrong and right way to perform dumbbell rows to target the

Save and pull as reference for your next pull day

▪️ Workout Tips by @yokokofit

❌ Rotating your torso as you pull.
❌ Shoulders internally rotating as you pull, leg back on pulling side.
✅ Keep your torso stable as you pull
✅ Shoulders not internally rotating as you pull, leg back on opposite side of pulling

Incorrect Form Correct Form

Overhead Triceps Extension

Over Head Cable Extensions!

Workout Tips by @yokokofit

To best position your triceps for maximum muscle growth with a cable press.
You must allow for your elbows to be flared as it’s the natural best position to
target the triceps and you must make sure the cable and your arms are
aligned correctly.
Incorrect Form

Correct Form

Triceps Skullcrusher Mistakes 🔱

▪️Follow @yokokofit for more gymtips
To best target the triceps with skullcrushers allow for the neck to slightly hang
from the edge of the bench while lying down, allow for the bar to go as low as
mid head and control the weight
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Single Arm Cable Pulldowns

Kneeling PullDown Mistakes 🔱

▪️ Follow @yokokofit for more gymtips
You will best target your lats with single arm pulldowns by placing your feet in
a split stance, for more stability. With your leading leg on the same side to your
pulling arm. As you pull the cable towards you, kneel on one knee for more
control. Pull the cable towards you. Drive your elbow towards the hip like a
seated row, as you slightly lean into the pulling side during each
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Machine Chest Press

Chest Press Mistakes 🔱

▪️ Follow @yokokofit for more gymtips
Are you struggling with feeling your chest with any chest pressing
movements it most likely means you are not retracting your scapula. To best
target your chest with any chest press movements retract the scapula, do so
bring your shoulders up and back as you keep your traps together. And bring
down as you think of engaging the lats
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Dumbbell Chest Press

Dumbbell Chest Press Mistake 🔱

To best target your chest with dumbbell press, you must have your arms at a
45 degrees, while retracting your scapular to allow for less shoulder
involvement. Never leave the arms at 90 degrees as it lead to more injuries
due to the positioning of the arm

Incorrect Form `Correct Form

Dumbbell Shrugs

Traps, Dumbbell Shrug Mistake 🔱

To best target your traps with dumbbell shrugs, you must slightly lean forward
while looking downward and ahead of you. Instead of bringing your shoulders
straight up to the ears, think of rowing your shoulder blades together to fully
engage the traps. start with a light weight and work your way up
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Pec Deck Flys

Pec deck Flys!

Follow me for fitness tips & workouts @yokokofit

If your chest doesn’t feel engage or you don’t feel your chest being worked
during pec deck flys, you are more likely hunched over, making it harder to
adduct the arms and also avoid keeping your elbows bent at the concentric.
So set up, bring up your chest and think of shifting the your weight to the
edge of the seat, fully extend your arms at the end of the motion or as you
bring your arms together
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Rear Delt Pec Deck Flys

Rear Delt Fly Mistakes

Workout Tips by @yokokofit

While doing a rear delt fly, avoid pulling far back, retracting the scapula as
more traps will get involved. Instead pull until the arms are aligned with the
shoulder and keeping your scapula protracted for more rear delt involvement
Incorrect Form

Correct Form
Barbell Rows

Barbell bent over row mistakes

Here is a video showing the wrong way vs the right way of doing Barbell bent
over row.

❌ 1) Spine not neutral. Overextended neck.

❌ 2) Body swinging. Using a lot of momentum.
✅ 1) Neutral spine. Looking at the floor.
✅ 2) Body stable. Not using the momentum.
Romanian Deadlift

Romanian deadlift mistakes!

This video is showing the wrong way vs the right way of performing the
romanian deadlift!

❌ 1). Back rounding. Not bending at the knees. Hyperextending at the top.
Lower back stress.
❌ 2) Bending your knees too much. Losing tension in the hamstrings and
glutes. Plate touching the ground.

✅ 1) Stopping just below the knee level. Max ROM.Back neutral at the top. No
lower back stress.
✅ 2) Slight knee bend. Max tension of glutes and hamstrings.

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