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Report on Extra-Curricular activities done as a part of

AEXC176N Youth Red Cross

Submitted by

Atharva Chavan




Winter Semester, 2022-2023

Table of Activities

S. No Events/Activities Date Hours Spent Page No.

CO 1 To identify and solve problems prevalent in the Hours: 30 Marks:
society 30

Activities : Participation in events like orientation session, training, awareness

programmes, guest lecture, workshop & internal competitions, organized by associated club
and understanding the societal problems
ORIENTATION 18-04-2023 - 3
1 Haemophilia Highlight Trivia 18-04-2023 12 4
2 Unveiling Justice 18-07-23 to 24 5-6
3 Your Vote, Your Voice 15-09-2023 24 7-8
4 Tranquil Trivia: International Day 23-09-2023 24 9-10
of Peace to
5 Stepping towards a Polio-Free 24-10-2023 24 11-12
World to
CO 2 To gain practical knowledge about best practices Hours: 30 Marks:
in chosen domain 30

Activities : Gaining of practical knowledge through participation in outreach activities,

field visits and relevant events
1 <Workshop> <date> 2 21

O/o Students’ Welfare 21BCE0668 1

CO 3 To master team building and leadership skills Hours: 30 Marks:

Activities: Participating / Organizing / Volunteering for events during Riviera organized by

the associated club thereby enhancing and exhibiting the team building and leadership skills
Representing the institute as a part of Club in events or competitions conducted by other
1 <Competition name> <date> 8 30
Quality of the Report (format, spacing, appropriate images),
uploading on time in VTOP

O/o Students’ Welfare 21BCE0668 2

Description of Events/ Activities

1. Orientation
The president and coordinator Dr. Vijaya Chamundeeswari S P
of the Youth Red Cross Club offered a concise overview of the
club's mission during the college orientation session for
freshmen. They provided valuable insights into the founding
principles of the club, elucidating the purpose behind its
establishment and offering a comprehensive understanding of
how the club operates within the college community. This
informative session served to familiarize incoming students with
the club's mission, fostering a sense of connection and
encouraging active participation in its various activities
throughout their college journey.

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2. Haemophilia Highlight Trivia (Google Forms)
The Youth Red Cross Club orchestrated an engaging quiz-based
event, creating an intellectually stimulating platform for
participants. This dynamic event showcased a fusion of fun and
knowledge, challenging participants with diverse and thought-
provoking questions. Focused on fostering teamwork and
critical thinking, the quiz featured rounds that explored a wide
array of topics, from current affairs to humanitarian issues. The
event not only promoted healthy competition but also aligned
with the club's mission of spreading awareness and knowledge.
Participants enthusiastically embraced the quiz, making it a
memorable and enlightening experience that resonated with the
club's commitment to holistic development.
Hours Spent: 12 Hrs

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3. Unveiling Justice (Instagram Stories)
The Youth Red Cross Club organized a captivating quiz-based
event on Instagram Stories, unveiling justice as its central
theme. This innovative approach leveraged the platform's
interactive features to engage participants in a dynamic
exploration of legal and humanitarian principles. Through
thought-provoking questions and visually appealing content, the
event delved into various facets of justice, fostering awareness
and encouraging reflection. Participants navigated the quiz
format seamlessly on Instagram Stories, making it accessible
and interactive for a wide audience. This digital initiative not
only showcased the club's commitment to justice but also
demonstrated its adaptability in leveraging social media for
meaningful and impactful educational events.
Hours Spent: 24 Hrs

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4. Your Vote, Your Voice (Instagram Stories)
The Youth Red Cross Club orchestrated a compelling quiz on Instagram
Stories, centering around the pivotal theme, "Your Voice, Your Vote."
This innovative event aimed to underscore the significance of voting by
weaving together informative questions and visually engaging content.
Participants navigated through thought-provoking inquiries that
emphasized the impact of individual voices in shaping collective
decisions. The interactive nature of the Instagram Stories format
enhanced accessibility and engagement, effectively communicating the
importance of civic responsibility. Through this dynamic quiz, the club
successfully advocated for the empowerment of each participant's voice
and highlighted the transformative influence of exercising one's voting
right in shaping the democratic narrative.

Hours Spent: 24 Hrs


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5. Tranquil Trivia: International Day of Peace (Instagram
The Youth Red Cross Club orchestrated a dynamic quiz event, "Tranquil
Trivia," on Instagram Stories to commemorate the International Day of
Peace, emphasizing the importance of global harmony. Through engaging
questions and visually appealing content, participants navigated a virtual
journey delving into the significance of peace. The quiz seamlessly
blended entertainment and education, fostering awareness and reflection
on the vital role of tranquility in our interconnected world. This digital
initiative showcased the club's commitment to promoting peace and unity,
leveraging the accessible platform of Instagram Stories to reach a diverse
audience and encourage collective contemplation on the profound value
of international peace.

Hours Spent: 24 Hrs Photos/Screenshots:

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6. Stepping Towards a Polio Free World (Instagram
The Youth Red Cross Club orchestrated a compelling quiz event,
"Stepping Towards a Polio-Free World," on Instagram Stories to highlight
the critical role of peace in eradicating polio globally. Through engaging
questions and impactful visuals, participants embarked on a virtual
journey to understand the interconnectedness of peace and health. This
event not only raised awareness about the ongoing efforts to eliminate
polio but also underscored the significance of a peaceful environment in
ensuring public health initiatives succeed. Leveraging Instagram Stories,
the club effectively disseminated crucial information, fostering a sense of
responsibility and collective action towards creating a polio-free world
through the lens of global harmony.

Hours Spent: 24 Hrs

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