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Money is a fundamental condition of the existence of society. Men must live in society or perish.

No human being was ever able

to prolong his existence for any considerable time without the use of what others produce. All the authors on political economy

agree that mere barter without money involves isolation and extermination, which the most primitive savages avert by the

invention of some kind of money. If ever a tribe of savages existed without using sticks, shells or some kind of tokens as money,

the fact has not been recorded and the possibility of such existence is denied.
Money is just a representation of the world’s assets – our energy and our vision. The future of money is the future of how we put

this planet’s immense resources to work. Putting money on the blockchain, making it programmable and enabling it to work with

other services and assets are the keys to giving us choice and power to put our money to work.

The multi-chain
Money protocol
Imagine, if you will, that the year is 2030. Akilah, a young Parisian woman, pulls out her phone to buy a Eurostar ticket from Paris

to London. When she reaches the payment screen, she chooses her primary digital wallet. Switching over to her wallet, Akilah

sees that her digital euro balance has gone down. Nowadays, nobody holds cash savings, as loans can be taken out and paid back

within a person’s wallet depending on the value of any assets they own and are paid back automatically over time.

DeFi and CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency, programmable money) are here to become default tools for banks worldwide.

China is leading the way in following the success of ongoing trials. However, they lean toward greater state control, scrutiny and

censorship. As a result, DeFi might become the primary way that individuals who value freedom choose to manage nances and

to underpin the world nancial system. And because of DeFi’s prominence, we can say goodbye to bank accounts, enabling us to

access and use our money anywhere at any time and loans to be borrowed when required in the future.
This le provides key blockchain-related technical terms that will be used repeatedly in describing and

developing the Opus Dei community governed platform for exchanging digital assets.

Blockchain. A peer to peer (p2p) network that provides a tamper-proof system DeFi. A decentralized application that is focused on providing nancial

for storing information by replicating data across the nodes of the participants services to consumers.

and applies a consensus mechanism to ensure that only veri ed information is

NFT. A non-fungible token that is a special class of digital assets
stored on the network.
providing a unique representation for digital (and physical) objects.

Smart-contract. A software application that runs on top of the blockchain Tokenization involves the creation and exchanging of utility values by
that speci es conditions for execution of de ned business logic it contains. executing certain functions in the smart contracts.

DApp. A decentralized application that is fully, or partly deployed on blockchain Programmable Money. A digital money that can be programmed to act
containing several smart-contract functions for execution de ned business logic. in a certain way based on predetermined criteria.

DAO or a Decentralized Autonomous Organization is an entity with no central Stablecoin. A digital currency that is pegged to a “stable” reserve asset

leadership. Decisions get made from the bottom-up, governed by a community like the U.S. dollar or gold. Stablecoins are designed to reduce volatility

organized around a speci c set of rules written in a smart-contract. relative to unpegged cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Oracles. Agents and interfaces that provide the functionality for applications CBDC or a Central Bank Digital Currency. A central bank digital currency,

deployed on blockchain to interact with external components. a new type of money governments are experimenting with that often has

blockchain at its core.

The Power of Smart Contracts
Programmable money is digital money that can be programmed to act in a certain way based on predetermined criteria. The essential ingredient to programmable money is

smart contracts. They make cryptocurrency programmable. Smart contracts have a number of important advantages over traditional methods of handling payments.

Transparency. Transactions made by smart contracts can take place on

Security. Unlike purchases using credit or debit card numbers, transactions
public blockchains, meaning that anyone can verify each transaction.
on the blockchain don’t require giving a trusted party the information
necessary to make purchases. This means there is much less risk of hackers
Cost Savings. Smart contracts eliminate the need for multiple
stealing data and using it to make fraudulent purchases. Transactions are
intermediaries to process complex payments. Each of these third parties
also nal and irreversible, so there is no risk of chargebacks or canceled
takes a fee for their services, so smart contracts can cut down on costs
transactions, another common route for fraud.

Autonomy. Because smart contracts are autonomous, they eliminate the risk Accuracy. Calculations are made automatically, eliminating human error.
of manipulation by third parties and intermediaries. This can help to make
transactions easier, especially when it comes to international deals where Speed. The automation of calculation, veri cation, and approvals can save
someone might be unsure if companies or institutions in another country hours of work.
are trustworthy.

The revolutionary nature of cryptocurrencies is not about the transaction speed but in their programmability. It is usually said about stablecoins only that their exchange rate is

tied to some stable asset, but innovation is in their programmability. Thanks to stablecoins, new credit markets or DeFi appeared on Ethereum and other blockchains.
DeFi (Decentralized Finance) is any nancial application that runs on a smart contract in the blockchain. It is the nancial system of the future that differs

from traditional systems in basic operating principles. It runs on a decentralized level without the control of regulators and third parties. DeFi provides

access for everyone 24/7 without the involvement of intermediaries. This is the main advantage of a decentralized system for users around the world.

Decentralized nance is changing the way that people all over the world
The DeFi matrix may be to the 2020s what the social graph was to the 2010s.
Once every asset can be represented in a digital wallet – bitcoin and ethereum, think about money faster than any previous nancial revolution. Banks,
yes, but also CBDCs [central bank digital currencies], stocks, loans, bonds, etc. –
which have monopolized the way we’ve accessed money since antiquity,
all these billions of assets will trade against each other every second of every day
around the world. are nally seeing their status being challenged. Now, it’s DeFi which is

starting to provide an alternative that could turn the economic landscape

Balaji Srinivasan

investor, former chief technology of cer of Coinbase and general partner at a16z on its head and democratize access to nance.

This seismic shift in power away from governments and banks and towards real people is long overdue, particularly in developing nations where

DeFi is already emerging as a tool for remittances and small loans. Financial inclusion is another signi cant advantage that DeFi can deliver,

particularly when 1.7 billion adults remain unbanked.

The growth of the DeFi space is staggering. By taking concepts from traditional nance and turning these into transparent protocols through smart contracts, DeFi

provides a trustless ecosystem that delivers anything from insurance to loans to savings accounts. The appeal for DeFi is evident, with the total value of assets held in

DeFi nancial products nearly topping $195 billion.

Right now, it’s the growing development of CBDCs that pose both a threat and an opportunity to

DeFi as more nations experiment with them and governments begin to adopt them. But, just

because CBDCs are gaining pace, that doesn’t mean DeFi can’t nd its place in our future world


Yet, if people want to control their own money and know where it’s coming from while giving

developing nations access to banking, then DeFi is where the future is heading. The core

elements of DeFi infrastructure, such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs), borrowing and lending

protocols, exchange aggregators that automatically nd the best prices and cross-chain bridges,

will also be needed by CBDCs in the future if these government currencies want to be able to

interoperate with each other and be used as fully digital money.

DeFi is therefore playing a role as an innovation laboratory, allowing different infrastructure issues to get tested at a break-neck pace and ensuring that the correct

infrastructure required by CBDCs will already be available when they are being rolled out around the world. CBDCs that adapt to make use of the rapid innovation in

public blockchains and DeFi will bene t through connection to massive liquidity pools, allowing users, for example, to instantly swap between digital pound and

Ethereum, or to use DeFi infrastructure to earn a yield on the digital dirham.

During the year, the total DeFi market reached $ 80 billion.

By the end of the second quarter of 2021, stablecoin capitalization reached $ 154 billion.

*Global cryptocurrency adoption is skyrocketing, "having" grown by over 880% in the last year.

Adaptation and use of cryptocurrencies are expected from 10% in 2021 to 35% of the population by 2030.
*According to the Chainalysis research

Total Value Locked (USD equivalent) on from July to midOctober.

DeFi is succeeding in part because it solves the problem of trust. A big part of traditional nance is the trust factor.

If you deposit money into the bank, you inherently trust that the money will be there. This trust is backed up by the

government, which will enforce laws if the nancial institution does something illegal... maybe ( •ᴗ•
̀ ́)

In DeFi, the trust comes from the open-source code in the smart contract. Smart contracts allow developers to create

nancial applications with rules written in code. Since smart contracts run on the blockchain, they are always active and

follow the rules no matter what. Since the code is open-source, anyone can look under the hood and view how the

contract works. It means, that with programming skills, you can even work on improving the code and contributing to

the platform. The collective efforts of hundreds of developers bring the trust factor to the community.
The Problem
Regardless of the rapid growth of the DeFi sector, the industry is still experiencing problems. The rst problem is related to usability,

because of which it is often di cult for newcomers to use decentralized products, so the bulk of users consists of experienced crypto

enthusiasts. Two other issues, that even leading platforms such as Maker and Sushiswap have faced, are UX and security.

Despite the issues listed above, one of the main concerns about the DeFi sector is the limitations of the Ethereum platform,

on which the lion’s share of DeFi applications are built. Due to the large in ux of users in this network, there are long delays,

and the cost of the transactions themselves making the use of DeFi products unpro table.

The Lending Economy is Broken
Scattered Liquidity in ation Rates
for the Retail Customer

Lending projects experimenting with alternative platforms The in ation comes from “liquidity mining
A single call of the Ethereum Lending Smart Contract
have spread users thin and are diluting liquidity across programs”, which reward protocol users with new
requires 0.025 - 0.1 ETH for gas. The cost of interaction
multiple incompatible blockchains. tokens that enter the circulating supply on a daily
with a lending protocol ($100-$200) exceeds a potential
basis and increase the tokens’ sell pressure.
APY ($60-$150) of lending $1k USDC.
The Solution
Inclusivity and Accessibility
Decentralization and Community Governance
Open-source software and decentralized networks transforming traditional nancial

Our goal is to create the nancial infrastructure that people can rely on. In order to get products into trustless and transparent protocols operated without unnecessary

there, we intend to fully decentralize the Opus Dei protocol - removing bottlenecks and intermediaries that any user of the internet can use. Unlike the traditional nancial

points of failure (including our team), and creating the bulletproof, open protocol that can sector, there are no control supervisors or complicated forms and procedures to

evolve in entirely new ways. We believe it is possible by delivering a governance system follow. Users can interact with smart contracts directly simply by connecting a Tezos

managed by the community - allowing people to suggest, debate, and implement changes wallet to OpusDei.

to Opus Dei - without relying on, or requiring, our team whatsoever.

Moving of Pools Based on an Oracle

We’ve designed a simple governance framework so that you can easily participate in

shaping the direction of Opus Dei. Here’s how it works: Opus Dei protocol introduces in ation trading and interest arbitrage principles as

Anybody with 1% of OPD delegated to their address can propose a governance action; basic mechanisms of mitigating in ationary and de ationary issues in cryptocurrency,

these are simple or complex sets of actions, such as adding support for a new asset, by actually relying on them.

changing an asset’s collateral factor, changing a market’s interest rate model, or changing
any other parameter or variable of the protocol.
UI/UX Flexibility

Proposals are executable code, not suggestions for a team or foundation to implement. OpusDei interface will provide a exible user interface (UI) and user experience

(UX) and implement functionality long-awaited by the Tezos community.

Why Tezos

It's Fast

Tezos is capable of facilitating as much as 40 transactions per second

(TPS). This is much higher than the TPS achieved by Bitcoin and Ethereum,
which is at 4.6 TPS and 15 TPS, respectively.

It's Cheap

*In 24 hours XTZ (Tezo native cryptocurrency) had 12.5 million

transactions at a value of about $85 million.

It's Decentralized DeFi-ready It's Sustainable

As of August 2021, there are about Tezos consumes over two million times less
In addition to the *perfect moment in general,
400 block validating nodes (referred to energy than Proof of Work blockchains like Bitcoin
there are more new DeFi projects and big
as bakers) on the Tezos network or Ethereum. The minimal carbon footprint of
migrating planned in near future
Tezos means developers and users can prioritize
*Source innovation, without compromising sustainability.
The Comparsion
Over the history of humanity, money took many forms. There was barter, physical objects like rocks or shells, precious metals, bank notes, paper bills,

digital money, and nally decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin. Over time, people noticed the most desirable traits that money should have. For

the currency to be useful and convenient, it should be:

Divisible. Can be turned into smaller pieces for certain Durable. Does not wear away or depreciate through Portable. Can be easily carried around.

uses like paying a speci c amount or micro-payments. time or in certain conditions.

Scarce. Cannot be replicated without end.

Non-consumable. Cannot be consumed for purposes Secure. Cannot be counterfeited. Easily transferable.

Recognizable. It is recognized and accepted as a means

other than an exchange of value. Fungible. Each piece has the same value as its
of transaction.

On the next page, we see how gold, at currencies, and cryptocurrencies (on average) compare in the context of these traits.

There is also popular blockchains comparison demonstrating main competitive points.

The Comparsion

Traits Gold Fiat Crypto* Traits Bitcoin Tezos Ethereum Polkadot Cardano
Price* $38,080.22 $3.07 $2,615.82 $19.30 $1.11
Fungible (Interchangeable) High High High
Total Supply 21,000,000 ∞ ∞ 1,159,115,296 45,000,000,000
Non-Consumable High High High
Market Cap $721,893,019,994 $2,685,163,218 $312,723,973,560 $20,786,413,256 $35,778,437,689
Partability Moderate High High
Market Cap Ranking 1 49 2 10 6
Durability High Moderate Moderate/High
Consensus Mechanism PoW Liquid PoS PoW Nominated PoS Ouroboros PoS
Divisibility Moderate Moderate High
Cross-Chain Swaps No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Security (Counterfeit Resistance) Moderate Moderate Moderate/High
Smart Contracts / DApps No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transactability Low High Moderate
Transaction per Second 7 40 15 1,000 250
Scarce (Predictable Supply) Moderate Low Moderate
Transaction Fee ∼$1.5 ∼$0.01 ∼$3.2 ∼$0.15 ∼$0.4
Sovereign (Government Issued) Low High Low
Transaction Finality 30-60 min 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 2 min
Decentralization Low Low High
Transaction Governance Miners Delegates Miners Coin Holder Staking Coin Holder Staking
Smart (Programmable) Low Low High Governance Supervision Node Operators Coin Holders Node Operators Coin Holders Coin Holders
*Depends on a currency
*Price according to CoinGecko on 26-th of January 2022

We see here that both gold and at money lose heavily to cryptocurrencies. However, it is also clear that existing cryptocurrencies (particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum) in their

current form are unable to perform the functions of money. It's not even about the useless consumption of electricity (PoW - Proof of Work), super-oligarchy (PoS - Proof of Stake)

or unprecedented volatility. Stablecoins, on the other hand, can ful l those criteria. The question here is about backing these stablecoins. The answer comes from DeFi and NFT.
The Growing Market
$92B $36,194,358,544 $14,847,858,019 $130,136,238,593
Total Value Locked in DeFi Protocols DEX 24h Trading Volume Total DeFi Market Capitalization
Top Collectibles & NFTs Tokens by Market Capitalization
*According to de pulse *CoinMarketCap *According to CoinMarketCap

From prediction markets to insurance and lending, many industries have the potential to be disrupted by decentralisation.

Source: McKinsey, World Bank

MakerDAO Compound Aave Market capitalization of all DeFi coins (CoinGecko)

Outstanding DeFi loans

In addition to lending/borrowing services, there is a huge opportunity for large market cap assets (such as buildings/land/oil/art) to enter DeFi as

FA1.2s (fungible token standard (TZIP-7) for Tezos) rather than ERC-20s given the ecosystems that are currently built

The environment for ERC-20s is cluttered with nonsense and is dif cult to traverse for someone unfamiliar.

While you have many valuable ERC-20s such as UNI governance tokens and price oracles,

there is a sea of garbage you have to understand how to sift through.

Leading institutions are getting behind decentralised nance

The Roadmap R&D Legal Sales&Marketing

P2P lending and borrowing

with a selectable loan token
and XTZ as a collateral
P2P lending and borrowing
with both loan and collateral
tokens being selectable. Vaults for shared
Supporting NFT tokens ownership of tokens
as a collateral. including NFT
Tools for stablecoin/programmable
Providing liquidity and The multi-sig money creation backed by NFT's
borrowing from the for the third party.
The wallet with a
liquidity pool.
Multi-Chain support
Con dence
Increased rewards with Tools for "document as NFT"
baking (reputation) minting in the Gebo wallet
The wallet with a
Multi-Chain NFT Multi-Chain support functionality DAO and OPD token OPD stablecoin

Lending & borrowing Gebo wallet with On-chain Development of new nancial
Stable business
on Tezos shared NFT ownership credit score tools depending on a DAO
needs ( ash-loans, syntetix etc)

Legal unit in UAE Financial Legal unit for DAO Sharia compliance Financial licensing in
licensing in Switzerland license other islamic countries

Listing on DeFi
analytics and rankings
websites. OPD token sale

Social media & Modern economics, OPD token listing OPD token listing Financial relationships
Community growth nntech and DeFi on token price tracking on centralised exchanges with businesses and
YouTube channels and websites governments
OPD token

Foundation fund: 5%.

Max circulating supply: 76,923,077 OPD with 13 decimals.
Advisory Board: 2%, smart contract locked for 2 years post ICO/IDO.

No mint function. Minting and Slow releasing circulating supply will drive up
Developers/Team Fund: 18%, smart contract released tied to KPI /
in ation pressure, which in turn will decrease the value of the existing supply.
Milestones on the development roadmap.

No burn function. (de ation can be achieved by deliberate trade losses selected Pre-Sale: 1%.

by the DAO). Some de ationary coins use burn functions to arti cially de ate
Private Sale: 9%.
a coin to stabilize or drive its price up. This mechanism is, however, arti cial

which means a false economy has potentially been created, and false economies
Public Sale: 10%.
will always correct at some point. De ation in a currency value can be achieved

by intentional loss trading or carrying debt, which can be voted on through the Partnership Incentives: 2%.
DAO to intentionally engage in contracts that would provide these functions.
Bounties: 2%.

OPD Price. Will be set as 3.14159 of Tezos.

Community/Pools: 51%.
The Team
Jana Belugina/ Advisory Board
Deniss Karpak / Product development
Aleksandr Sokhin / Web Master of law, sales, account and channel
PR, marketing, and social media specialist.
20 years on the IT galley. Web and mobile management in Fintech based in Dubai, UAE.
Blockchain enthusiast and early Tezos community
developer as well as the project manager. Crypto enthusiast, holding a passion for
innovation, self development and sustainability.

Sergei Pangin / Backend

German Korjagin / Product development
Java developer since the rst release (1994).
Another 10 years. This time - software, computer John Christopher Fox / Advisory Board
Experienced backend, DLT's, gambling, and nancial
systems, and nancial business development. 20 years experience in Investment Finance and
services development.
Banking in Australia, Asia, Mongolia, and the UK,
providing Australian Venture Capital for different
industries, providing services like capital raising,
FUX / Artist engagement and media management
Michael Buckland / Advisory Board M&A, and project nance. No crypto or DLT
FUX is one of the well known NFT underground
Tech-savvy cybersecurity project manager, a knowledge at all.
artists on the Solaris network. SolariansNFT
blockchain and mining enthusiast with decent
designer. The identity will be revealed when the
experience in media. Bush- ghter in the cbdc camp.
OPD will get traction.

Tõnis Haavel / Advisory Board

Alex Norta / Advisory Board Chibuzor Udokwu / Advisory Board Knows good and evil sides of the nancial system.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Research Associate and Data analyst. Early Stage Former options trader, market maker, risk analyst
Software at Tallinn University of Technology Researcher at Tallinn University of Technology and statistics from 1993. One of LHV bank founders,
(TalTech), Estonia. QTUM and Black Insurance white (TalTech) and University of Applied Sciences Upper active investor, advisor and learner in media, energy,
papers author. Austria PropTech, video gaming. The executive producer of
games, TV, movies.

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