essays of 2010

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Write an essay of 350-400 words on any ONE of the following topics.

"The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather
the search for common ground and reasonable consensus."

The goal of politics, rather than being the pursuit of an ideal, should be the search for common ground
and reasonable consensus. This perspective acknowledges the complexities and diversity inherent in
human societies, emphasizing the need for pragmatic solutions over utopian aspirations.

Political ideals, while inspiring and aspirational, often represent a singular vision that may not resonate
with or benefit everyone. Ideals are typically rooted in specific philosophical or ideological frameworks,
which can lead to polarization when different groups with divergent ideals clash. This can create a
fragmented society where compromise becomes difficult, if not impossible. Pursuing an ideal often
entails enforcing a particular set of beliefs or policies, sometimes at the expense of minority opinions
and the greater common good. History is replete with examples of ideological zeal leading to conflict,
social division, and even violence.

In contrast, focusing on common ground and reasonable consensus fosters inclusivity and cooperation.
This approach values dialogue and negotiation, recognizing that diverse perspectives can contribute to
more balanced and effective solutions. It is grounded in the understanding that no single ideology holds
all the answers and that the best outcomes often emerge from the synthesis of multiple viewpoints. By
prioritizing consensus, politics can become a platform for collective problem-solving rather than a
battleground for competing dogmas.

Moreover, the pursuit of common ground is more adaptable to the dynamic nature of societies. As
circumstances and values evolve, so too must political responses. A rigid adherence to ideals can hinder
the ability to address new challenges effectively. In contrast, a consensus-driven approach is inherently
flexible, allowing for adjustments and innovations that reflect the changing needs and aspirations of the

This pragmatic stance also aligns with the principles of democracy. True democracy thrives on
participation, compromise, and mutual respect. It is about finding ways to coexist and cooperate despite
differences, ensuring that governance reflects the will of the majority while protecting minority rights.
By seeking consensus, politicians can build policies that are more broadly acceptable and sustainable,
thereby enhancing social cohesion and stability.
In conclusion, while ideals can inspire and guide political action, the primary goal of politics should be
the search for common ground and reasonable consensus. This approach not only mitigates the risks of
polarization and conflict but also promotes a more inclusive, adaptable, and democratic society.
Through dialogue, compromise, and cooperation, politics can serve as a means to harmonize diverse
interests and work towards the collective well-being of all citizens.

Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual

creativity and energy."

Conformity, while providing social cohesion and predictability, often stifles individual creativity and
energy. This phenomenon can be observed across various domains, from the arts to the workplace,
where the pressure to adhere to established norms suppresses originality and innovation.

One of the primary ways conformity deadens creativity is by discouraging risk-taking. Creativity
inherently involves venturing into the unknown and challenging the status quo. When individuals
conform, they tend to prioritize safety and acceptance over exploration and experimentation. This
aversion to risk can lead to a homogenization of ideas and practices, where only safe, conventional
thoughts and behaviors are encouraged and rewarded. In environments where conformity is valued,
such as certain corporate cultures or educational systems, individuals may suppress their unique
perspectives and ideas to fit in, leading to a lack of innovation and progress.

Moreover, conformity often imposes limitations on self-expression. Creativity thrives on diversity of

thought and the freedom to express oneself uniquely. When societal or organizational norms dictate
strict guidelines on behavior, appearance, or thinking, individuals may feel compelled to suppress their
true selves to gain acceptance. This suppression not only dampens individual energy but also deprives
society of the rich tapestry of human creativity and diversity. Artists, for instance, who feel pressured to
conform to popular styles or themes may lose their distinctive voice, resulting in art that is less original
and impactful.

Additionally, conformity can lead to a fixed mindset, where individuals believe that abilities and talents
are static rather than dynamic. In such an environment, people may be less inclined to pursue new skills
or innovative ideas, fearing failure or criticism. This mindset can create a stagnant atmosphere where
personal and collective growth is stifled. Conversely, fostering a culture that values creativity and
encourages questioning and experimentation can lead to remarkable advancements and discoveries.

The deadening effect of conformity on creativity and energy is also evident in historical contexts. Many
of the greatest thinkers, artists, and innovators, from Galileo to Picasso to Steve Jobs, were non-
conformists who challenged prevailing norms and dared to think differently. Their contributions often
came at the cost of social ostracism or criticism, but their willingness to defy conformity resulted in
groundbreaking achievements that have significantly shaped our world.

In conclusion, while conformity can provide social order and predictability, it often stifles individual
creativity and energy. To cultivate a vibrant, innovative society, it is essential to value and encourage
diversity of thought and expression, allowing individuals the freedom to explore, experiment, and take
risks. By resisting the urge to conform and embracing the unique contributions of each person, we can
unlock the full potential of human creativity and drive progress forward.

Write an essay of 350-400 words on any ONE of the following topics.

"Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or
risks than from careful and cautious planning."
Success in any realm of life often hinges on taking chances or risks rather than solely relying on careful
and cautious planning. While planning is essential for setting goals and creating a roadmap, it is the
willingness to embrace uncertainty and step out of one’s comfort zone that frequently leads to
remarkable achievements.

One of the key reasons taking risks is crucial for success is that it opens up opportunities that cautious
planning might overlook. Innovative breakthroughs and significant progress often occur when
individuals or organizations venture into uncharted territories. For instance, many technological
advancements and business successes have resulted from entrepreneurs who dared to challenge
conventional wisdom and pursue bold, untested ideas. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., is a prime
example. His willingness to take risks, from the creation of the Apple I in his garage to the development
of revolutionary products like the iPhone, propelled Apple to unprecedented heights and transformed
multiple industries.

Risk-taking also cultivates resilience and adaptability, which are vital for long-term success. When
individuals take chances, they inevitably encounter failures and setbacks. However, these experiences
provide invaluable lessons and foster a growth mindset. The ability to learn from mistakes and adapt to
changing circumstances is crucial in a world that is constantly evolving. Thomas Edison’s journey in
inventing the light bulb exemplifies this principle. Edison’s countless experiments and numerous failures
ultimately led to one of the most significant inventions in history. His persistence and willingness to take
risks, despite repeated setbacks, underscore the importance of embracing uncertainty and learning from

Moreover, risk-taking can lead to personal and professional growth by pushing individuals beyond their
perceived limitations. Stepping into the unknown requires courage and confidence, which can enhance
one’s skills and broaden one’s horizons. It encourages creativity, as individuals must think outside the
box and develop innovative solutions to overcome challenges. This growth mindset is essential for
achieving success in any field, as it fosters continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence.

While careful planning provides structure and direction, it is often the bold, risk-taking actions that drive
significant achievements. Careful planning can mitigate risks, but it can also lead to stagnation if it stifles
creativity and innovation. Balancing planning with the courage to take risks allows for both stability and
dynamism, creating a fertile ground for success.

In conclusion, success in any realm of life more often stems from taking chances or risks than from
meticulous and cautious planning. While planning lays the groundwork, it is the willingness to embrace
uncertainty, learn from failures, and push beyond boundaries that unlocks true potential and leads to
extraordinary accomplishments.

The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine

the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its
heroes or its heroines
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and
women it chooses as its heroes or heroines. These figures, celebrated for their virtues,
accomplishments, and values, reflect the ideals and aspirations of the society that venerates them.

Heroes and heroines often embody the qualities that a society holds in the highest regard. For instance,
in ancient Greece, figures like Achilles and Odysseus were revered for their bravery, strength, and
cunning. These heroes personified the Greek ideal of arete, or excellence, which was central to Greek
culture. By studying these characters, we gain insight into what the Greeks valued: physical prowess,
intelligence, and a relentless pursuit of honor.
In modern times, the heroes and heroines a society celebrates can reveal its prevailing values and
priorities. In the United States, figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks are honored for their
roles in the Civil Rights Movement. Their courage, determination, and commitment to justice highlight
the American ideals of equality and civil liberties. By examining the reverence for these leaders, we
understand the societal emphasis on fighting for human rights and equality.

Moreover, the way societies choose to honor their heroes and heroines can shed light on their cultural
narratives and collective identity. In Japan, for example, samurai warriors like Miyamoto Musashi are
celebrated not only for their martial skills but also for their adherence to the Bushido code, which
emphasizes loyalty, honor, and discipline. This reverence for samurai heroes underscores the cultural
importance of these values in Japanese society.

However, the character of a society's heroes and heroines can also reveal its flaws and contradictions. In
some cases, individuals who have achieved fame or power through questionable means are still
celebrated, reflecting societal tolerance or even admiration for such behavior. For example, the
glorification of certain business magnates or political figures who may have engaged in unethical
practices can indicate a society’s prioritization of success and power over integrity.

Additionally, the evolution of a society's heroes over time can illustrate shifts in cultural values. In the
past, warriors and conquerors were often celebrated, but in contemporary times, scientists, activists,
and artists are more likely to be revered. This shift indicates a growing appreciation for intellectual
achievement, social progress, and creative expression.

In conclusion, examining the heroes and heroines a society chooses to celebrate offers a profound
understanding of its character. These figures encapsulate the values, ideals, and priorities of their
societies, providing a mirror through which we can discern cultural identity and collective aspirations. By
studying these revered individuals, we gain a deeper appreciation of what a society cherishes and strives
to emulate.

The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the

character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or
Understanding the character of a society can be achieved by examining the men and women it
chooses as its heroes or heroines. These celebrated individuals reflect the values, aspirations, and
ideals that society holds dear, offering a mirror through which its collective character is revealed.

Heroes and heroines often embody the qualities that a society holds in the highest regard. For
instance, in ancient Greece, figures like Achilles and Odysseus were revered for their bravery,
strength, and cunning. These heroes personified the Greek ideal of arete, or excellence, which
was central to Greek culture. By studying these characters, we gain insight into what the Greeks
valued: physical prowess, intelligence, and a relentless pursuit of honor.

In modern times, the heroes and heroines a society celebrates can reveal its prevailing values and
priorities. In the United States, figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks are honored
for their roles in the Civil Rights Movement. Their courage, determination, and commitment to
justice highlight the American ideals of equality and civil liberties. By examining the reverence
for these leaders, we understand the societal emphasis on fighting for human rights and equality.

Moreover, the way societies choose to honor their heroes and heroines can shed light on their
cultural narratives and collective identity. In Japan, for example, samurai warriors like Miyamoto
Musashi are celebrated not only for their martial skills but also for their adherence to the Bushido
code, which emphasizes loyalty, honor, and discipline. This reverence for samurai heroes
underscores the cultural importance of these values in Japanese society.

However, the character of a society's heroes and heroines can also reveal its flaws and
contradictions. In some cases, individuals who have achieved fame or power through
questionable means are still celebrated, reflecting societal tolerance or even admiration for such
behavior. For example, the glorification of certain business magnates or political figures who
may have engaged in unethical practices can indicate a society’s prioritization of success and
power over integrity.

Additionally, the evolution of a society's heroes over time can illustrate shifts in cultural values.
In the past, warriors and conquerors were often celebrated, but in contemporary times, scientists,
activists, and artists are more likely to be revered. This shift indicates a growing appreciation for
intellectual achievement, social progress, and creative expression.

In conclusion, examining the heroes and heroines a society chooses to celebrate offers a
profound understanding of its character. These figures encapsulate the values, ideals, and
priorities of their societies, providing a mirror through which we can discern cultural identity and
collective aspirations. By studying these revered individuals, we gain a deeper appreciation of
what a society cherishes and strives to emulate.

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