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🦧 Orangutan: The Tree-Dwelling Ape

• Native to: Rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia
• Primary: Fruit
• Also eats: Vegetation, bark, honey, insects, and bird eggs
• Arboreal: Most time spent in trees
• Tools: Uses sophisticated tools
• Nests: Constructs elaborate sleeping nests from branches and foliage each night
• Critically Endangered
Interesting Fact
• Medicinal Use: Orangutans use plants to treat wounds, scientists say

🌍 United Nations Conference on Plastics, Ottawa, Ontario

• To iron out a legally binding agreement to “end plastic pollution”.
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC)
• Formed to include government representatives.
• Tasked with creating a timeline for countries to eliminate plastic use and halt production.
Under the Aegis of
• UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

🌱 Carbon Farming: Green Agriculture

Carbon farming uses eco-friendly methods to boost soil health, increase crop yield, and fight climate change
by trapping carbon and reducing emissions.
How It Works
• Rotational Grazing: Moving livestock to prevent overgrazing.
• Agroforestry: Mixing trees with crops.
• Conservation Agriculture: No-till farming, crop rotation, using crop residues.
• Integrated Nutrient Management: Balanced fertilizers for the environment.
• Agro-ecology: Nature-friendly farming methods.
• Livestock Management: Grazing management to cut emissions.
• Land Restoration: Fixing damaged land for better soil and biodiversity.

🔄 Redistribution of Wealth
Constitutional Framework
• Part III guarantees fundamental rights for liberty and equality, while Part IV contains Directive
Principles of State Policy (DPSP) for social and economic justice.
• DPSP, though not enforceable in court, guide the governance of the country.
• Article 39(b) and (c) in Part IV aim at securing economic justice by distributing ownership and control of
material resources for the common good.
Historical Context
• Originally, the Constitution guaranteed the right to property under Article 19(1)(f) and provided
compensation for its acquisition under Article 31.
• In 1978, the 44th Amendment Act omitted right to property as a fundamental right, making it a
constitutional right under Article 300A.
• Private property remains an important constitutional and legal right.
• Acquisition of private property by the state must be for a public purpose and provide adequate

🛡️ Exceptions to Fundamental Rights

To address inadequate government resources and provide flexibility in land acquisition for public welfare,
several amendments have curtailed the right to property. Key exceptions are found under Articles 31A, 31B,
and 31C.
Article 31A
• Amendment & Year: 1st Amendment, 1951
• Brief Explanation: Laws made for the acquisition of estates, etc., shall not be void on the grounds of
violating fundamental rights, including the right to property.
Article 31B
• Amendment & Year: 1st Amendment, 1951
• Brief Explanation: Laws placed under the Ninth Schedule are immune from judicial review on grounds
of violating any fundamental right.
• Significant Case: In the Coelho case (2007), the Supreme Court held that laws placed in the Ninth
Schedule after April 1973 would be subject to judicial review.
Article 31C
• Amendment & Year: 25th Amendment, 1971
• Brief Explanation: Provides primacy to the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) under Articles
39(b) and (c). Laws made to fulfill these principles shall not be void on the grounds of violating
fundamental rights, including the right to property.

🌿 Exotic Plants and Their Impact on Wildlife

West Indian Lantana (kongini) Acacia Mearnsii (Black Wattle) Eucalyptus
Impact on Wildlife
• Removing exotic plants from forest areas will help ensure food for wild elephants.

🛢️ Brent Oil Benchmark

• Brent Crude: Global benchmark for pricing two-thirds of the world's crude oil supplies.
• Origin: Named after the Brent oilfield in the UK.
• India: The world's third-biggest oil importer and consumer.

🌴 India's Palm Oil Imports

• Status: India is the world’s biggest importer of vegetable oils.
• Source: Derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of oil palm fruit.
• Uses: In food manufacturing, beauty products, and as biofuel.
• Production: Accounted for about 36% of global oils from oil crops in 2014.
• Major Producers:
• Indonesia: Produced 60% of the global palm oil in 2022.
• Biodiesel: Indonesia primarily produces biodiesel from palm oil.
• Historical Use: Widely used as a cooking oil in West and Central African countries.

☀️ Solar Power
• India's Achievement: In 2023, India surpassed Japan to become the world’s third-largest producer
of solar power.
• Current Stats: According to NITI Aayog, as of May 2024, solar power constitutes 18% of India’s total
installed electricity capacity (442 GW) but only 6.66% of the actual power produced.
• Global Leader: China is the leading producer of solar power.

📦 Liquid Nitrogen
• Tamil Nadu Regulations: The Tamil Nadu Food Safety Department mandates that liquid nitrogen can
only be used for preserving packaged food.
• Innovation (1991): A London-based company developed a system to enhance food quality and shelf
life using liquid nitrogen droplets in packaging.
• Mechanism: Liquid nitrogen evaporates, displacing oxygen in food packs to prevent microbial action
and preserve freshness.
• Applications: Useful in packing coffee, potato crisps, peanuts, peanut butter, dairy products,
cheese, and dried potatoes.
• Medical Use: Used since the 1960s in cryotherapy to freeze and destroy cancer cells at -196 degrees
C. Also used as cryo-adhesion to remove foreign bodies.

🌍 Methane
• Significance: Methane is the second most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas after CO2, but
it warms the planet more effectively.
• Impact: It has a global warming potential 28 times greater than CO2.
• Sources: Recent reports indicate that microbes are the largest sources of atmospheric methane,
rather than the burning of fossil fuels.

🌍 Sources of Methane
• Two Categories:
• Biogenic Methane: Produced by microbial action.
• Thermogenic Methane: Released when fossil fuels like natural gas or oil are extracted from
deep within the earth's crust.
Microbial Production:
• Methanogens: The microbes producing methane are archaea—single-celled microorganisms distinct
from bacteria and eukaryotes. These are specifically called methanogens.
• Habitat: Methanogens thrive in oxygen-deficient environments such as:
• Digestive tracts of animals
• Wetlands
• Rice paddies
• Landfills
• Sediments of lakes and oceans

🧲 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

• Obtain images of soft tissues within the body.
• Soft tissue refers to any tissue that hasn’t hardened through calcification.
• Non-invasive diagnostic procedure.
• Widely used to image the brain, cardiovascular system, spinal cord, joints, muscles, liver, arteries,
and more.
• Strong magnetic fields can affect individuals with metallic objects (e.g., shrapnel) and metallic
implants (e.g., pacemakers).
• Magnetic fields can wipe the magnetic strip on credit cards if carried during the procedure.
• MRI uses hydrogen atoms in the body part being scanned to create detailed images.

🌐 Interpol (HQ: Lyon, France)

• Interpol is an inter-governmental law enforcement organization facilitating cooperation among law
enforcement agencies in 196 member countries to combat transnational crimes.
• Shares information globally regarding crimes and wanted criminals.
• Provides technical, operational, and investigative support to locate fugitives.
• Each member country has a National Central Bureau acting as a single point of contact with
• 🇮🇳 In India, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the designated nodal agency.
• Uses a ‘colour-coded’ system to share crime-related information among member countries and
global organizations.
• Member countries are not bound by international law to abide by Interpol notices; compliance is
Blue Corner Notice:
• Issued for cases related to missing persons.
• Used to verify identity, location, or criminal record concerning a criminal investigation.
Red Corner Notice:
• Issued against a person wanted for extradition or to serve a sentence based on a court decision or
similar lawful action.

📦 Chabahar Project
• Latest Agreement:
• India promises an outlay of $120 million and a credit line of $250 million for further
• Historical Context:
• 2003:
• Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President Mohammad Khatami discuss
Chabahar during Khatami’s visit to Delhi.
• Delhi Declaration: Agreement to build a sea link from India to Chabahar, connecting
to the National Iranian Rail Road, and extending India's reach to Central Asia and Europe.
• Iran invites India to develop a railway link from Chabahar to Bam, facilitating
connections to Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.
• North-South Corridor (INSTC): Link India through Iran to Russia.
• Key Developments:
• 2005:
• India begins constructing Route-606 (Zaranj-Delaram Highway), connecting the
border crossing from Iran to Afghanistan to facilitate trade.
• 2016:
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and Iranian President
Hassan Rouhani sign an agreement for India to invest $500 million to build the Shahid
Beheshti terminal and a railway line to Zahedan.

🛰️ NISAR Satellite
• NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite
• Synthetic Aperture Radar with two bands: S-band and L-band.
• Tectonic Movements: Monitors with centimetre accuracy.
• Water Bodies: Measures water bodies and identifies water stress areas.
• Vegetation & Snow: Capable of monitoring vegetation cover and snow cover.
• Ground Penetration: Penetrates the ground to a certain depth for detailed analysis

🌳 Baobab Tree
Origin & Habitat:
• Lineage: Originated in Madagascar.
• Locations: Found in Madagascar, parts of Africa, and Australia.
• Habitat: Thrive in dry savannah habitats.
Ecological Importance:
• Wildlife Support: Provide food, shelter, and nesting sites.
• Nutritional Value: Fruits and leaves are edible and offer nutrients and medicines.
• Pollination: Sweet-smelling flowers attract nocturnal pollinators and primates like lemurs in
Madagascar and bush babies in Africa.
• Soil Health: Play a crucial role in slowing soil erosion and enabling nutrient recycling.

🌶️ Ethylene Oxide (EtO)

• Contamination Alert: Possible contamination in spice mixes sold by Indian brands, MDH and
Everest. Complaints highlight EtO presence beyond permissible limits.
• Prohibited Use: EtO is a banned pesticide.
• Chemical Nature: A colorless, flammable gas originally intended for sterilizing medical devices.
• Industrial Use: Used in industrial settings, agriculture, and as a sterilizing agent in food products,
including spices and dried vegetables.

⚗️ Ethylene Glycol
• Health Hazard: Found in Indian-made cough syrups linked to the deaths of over 300 children in
Cameroon, Gambia, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan.

🦠 Salmonella
• Contamination Issue: The FDA discovered Indian products contaminated with salmonella.
• Health Impact: Agents known to cause salmonellosis, a common bacterial food-borne illness.

💰 RBI Transfer Surplus to Centre

Amount Transferred
• Record Transfer: The RBI transferred a record ₹2,10,874 crore as surplus to the Union government.
• Framework: Based on the Economic Capital Framework (ECF) adopted by the RBI in 2019.
• Legal Basis: In accordance with Section 47 (Allocation of Surplus Profits) of the Reserve Bank of India
Act, 1934.
RBI's Income Sources
• Interest: On holdings of domestic and foreign securities.
• Fees and Commissions: From its services.
• Profits: From foreign exchange transactions.
• Returns: From subsidiaries and associates.
Expenditure of RBI
• Printing: Currency notes.
• Interest Payments: On deposits and borrowings.
• Salaries and Pensions: Of staff.
• Operational Expenses: Of offices and branches.
• Provisions: For contingencies and depreciation.

• Full Form: The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation.
• Charter: Open to new members and observers following the historic first charter on May 20.
• Permanent Secretariat: Located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
• Member States: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
• Chairmanship: Follows alphabetical order.
• Established: 1997.

🌞 Solar Storms: Impact and Consequences

1. Trigger Blackouts:
• Solar storms can disrupt power grids on Earth, leading to blackouts and electrical failures.
2. Knock Out Satellites:
• Satellites in space are vulnerable to damage or malfunction due to solar storm activity.
3. Endanger Astronauts:
• Solar storms pose risks to astronauts in space, exposing them to increased levels of radiation.
4. Affect Space Weather:
• Solar storms contribute to disturbances in space weather, impacting communication and navigation
5. Telegraph Wires and GPS Disruptions:
• Historical incidents include telegraph wires catching fire and GPS disruptions due to solar storms.

⚛️ Nitrogen-fixing Organelle: Nitroplast

• Recent Discovery: Represents a groundbreaking advancement in organelle evolution.
• Organelle Evolution: Similar to mitochondria and chloroplasts, which evolved from free-living bacteria.
• Industrial Impact: Holds promise for addressing challenges in industrial ammonia production.
• Environmental Solutions: Offers potential solutions to environmental challenges.

Recognition and Registration of Political Parties

Registration Process:
• Under Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (RP Act), political parties must meet
certain requirements for registration with the Election Commission of India (ECI).
Benefits of Registration:
• Registered parties enjoy:
• Tax Exemption: Donations received are exempted from tax under Section 13A of the Income
Tax Act, 1961.
• Common Symbol: They can contest elections with a common symbol.
• Star Campaigners: Can appoint twenty 'star campaigners' during election campaigns.
National vs. State Party:
• Recognition as a 'national' or 'State' party is determined by the Election Symbols (Reservation and
Allotment) Order, 1968.
• Criteria include winning requisite seats or obtaining a certain percentage of votes in Lok Sabha or State
Assembly elections.
• Lack of De-registration Power: The RP Act does not explicitly empower the ECI to de-register parties for
failing to contest elections, conduct internal elections, or submit required returns.
• Exceptional Circumstances: Parties may be de-registered in exceptional cases such as fraud in
registration, loss of allegiance to the Constitution, or being declared unlawful by the Government.

Europe’s AI Convention
Council of Europe (COE)
• Intergovernmental organization
• Formed in 1949
• 46 members currently
AI Convention
• Adopted by COE on May 17
• Named Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the
Rule of Law
Framework Convention
• Legally binding treaty
• Specifies broader commitments and objectives
• Sets mechanisms to achieve objectives
U.S. Membership
• The U.S. is also a member of the COE
• Article 3.2: Protection of national security interests
• Article 3.3: Research, development, and testing
• Article 3.4: National defence
• Military applications of AI are not covered by the AI convention

Instability and Chaos Persist in Haiti

• Capital and largest city of Haiti
Current Situation
• The health system is on the verge of collapse
• Faced with violence, mass displacement, dangerous epidemic, and increasing malnutrition

'AI Office'
EU Initiative
• EU creates ‘AI Office’ to regulate technology under tough new law
AI Regulation
• The EU approved the world’s first comprehensive rules to govern AI
• Focus on powerful systems like ChatGPT

Sudan’s El-Fasher
• In Darfur city of El-Fasher, western Sudan
Conflict Impact
• Since the war began in April last year, tens of thousands of people have been killed
• Up to 15,000 killed in a single West Darfur town, according to UN experts
AMRUT Scheme
Full Name
• Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
• Covers 500 cities and towns with a population of over one lakh and notified municipalities
• Financial assistance from the Centre
• Additional share mobilized by both States and respective cities
• Ensure every household has access to a tap with assured water supply and a sewerage connection
• Increase the value of cities by developing greenery and well-maintained open spaces such as parks
• Reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non-motorised transport
Administering Body
• Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs

🛤️ Railway Installation
Animal Detection:
• Railways to install an optical fibre-based system to detect elephant crossings.
• The optical fibre network will detect the presence of animals, big and small, through vibrations and send
real-time alerts to the intrusion monitoring cell, stationmasters, and loco pilots.
Optical Fiber
• An optical fiber, or optical fibre, is a flexible glass or plastic fiber that can transmit light from one end to
the other.
• Widely used in fiber-optic communications, permitting transmission over longer distances and at
higher bandwidths (data transfer rates) than electrical cables.
• Immune to electromagnetic interference.
• Light is kept in the core by the phenomenon of total internal reflection, causing the fiber to act as a
• Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information by sending pulses of infrared or
visible light through an optical fiber.
• Preferred over electrical cabling when high bandwidth, long distance, or immunity to electromagnetic
interference is required.
• Can transmit voice, video, and telemetry through local area networks or across long distances.

WTO Agreement on Agriculture

• Concluded on December 15, 1993, during the Uruguay Round multilateral trade negotiations.
• Formally ratified in April 1994 at Marrakesh, Morocco.
• Implementation began on January 1, 1995.
• Developed countries: Complete reduction commitments within 6 years (by 2000).
• Developing countries: Complete reduction commitments within 10 years (by 2004).
• Least developed countries: No reduction commitments required.
• Includes typical agricultural products.
• Excludes fishery, forestry products, rubber, jute, sisal, abaca, and coir.
Salient Features
1. Market Access:
o Includes tariffication, tariff reduction, and access opportunities.
2. Domestic Support:
o Reduction commitments based on Total Aggregate Measure of Support (AMS).
o Developed countries to reduce by 20%; developing countries by 13.3%.
o Supports below 5% of production value for developed countries and 10% for developing
countries are excluded from reduction commitments.
3. Green Box Policies (Annex 2):
o Policies with minimal trade-distorting effects are exempt from reduction commitments.
o Includes services/benefits to agriculture, public stock-holding for food security, and domestic
food aid.
4. Export Subsidies:
o Provisions to reduce export subsidies.

India Trade Deficit

Major Trading Partners (2023-24):
• China: India’s largest trading partner with $118.4 billion of two-way commerce, surpassing the U.S.
Free Trade Agreements:
• India has a free trade agreement with four of its top trading partners:
o Singapore
o Korea
o Indonesia (as part of the Asian bloc)
Trade Surplus:
• Countries with Trade Surplus:
o U.S.: One of the few countries with which India has a trade surplus.
o U.K., Belgium, Italy, France, Bangladesh
Impact of Trade Deficit:
• A trade deficit can cause the country’s currency to depreciate due to increased demand for foreign
currency for imports.
• This depreciation makes imports more expensive.
Trade Balance (in $ million):
Country Trade Balance
China -85,087
Russia -57,170
Iraq -26,650
Saudi Arabia -20,244
Indonesia -17,422
South Korea -14,719
UAE -12,393
Hong Kong -12,206
Singapore -6,787
U.S. 36,742

Tobacco Epidemic in India

Global Context:
• After China, India has the world’s highest number of tobacco consumers — nearly 26 crore (260
million), according to an estimate in 2016-2017.
Health Impact:
• Absorption of tobacco through the skin can cause various diseases.
Environmental Impact:
• Tobacco is a highly erosive crop that rapidly depletes soil nutrients.
• Requires more fertilizers, further worsening soil quality.
• Major contributor to deforestation.
Status of Tobacco Use in India
International Commitment:
• India is one of the 168 signatories of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC),
launched in 2005.
• Aims to reduce tobacco usage worldwide by helping countries develop demand and supply reduction
Law to Govern Tobacco Sales in India
COTPA 2003:
• Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and
Commerce, Production, Supply, and Distribution) Act.
National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) 2007:
• Launched to improve the implementation of COTPA and FCTC.
Prohibition of Electronic Cigarette Act (PECA) 2019:
• Banned e-cigarettes in India.
Tobacco Production
Major Producing States:
• Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh contribute significantly to India’s tobacco production.
Central Tobacco Research Institute:
• Located in Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh).
• Under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

RBI Income Sources

Foreign Exchange Transactions:
• Gains from foreign exchange transactions.
Foreign Securities:
• Income from foreign securities.
Foreign Investments:
• Revenue from foreign investments.
🪙 Gold:
• Income generated from gold holdings.
Loans and Advances:
• Income from loans and advances.

RBI Unveils
Pravaah Portal:
• The Pravaah portal will make it convenient for any individual or entity to apply online for various
regulatory approvals in a seamless manner.
Retail Direct Mobile App:
• The Retail Direct Mobile App will provide retail investors with the ease of transacting in G-Secs
(Government Securities).
Fintech Repository:
• Will contain information on data of Indian FinTech firms.
Prevalence in India:
• India has the highest prevalence of sickle cell disease in South Asia.
Sickle Cell Disease:
• One of the most common monogenic disorders of haemoglobin.
• A myelosuppressive agent.
• Effective for treating patients with sickle cell disease and thalassemia.
National Mission:
• National Mission to eliminate Sickle Cell Anaemia/SCD by 2047.

Tonga Volcano
Hunga Tonga Underwater Volcano:
• Produced little smoke but a significant amount of water vapour.
Climate Impacts of the Eruption
• The eruption created a tsunami.
Ozone Hole:
• Contributed to a large ozone hole.
Cooling Smoke Cloud:
• The eruption resulted in a cooling smoke cloud containing sulphur dioxide.
• Sulphur dioxide transforms into sulphate aerosols, which reflect sunlight back into space, causing a
temporary cooling of the Earth's surface.

• Microcephaly is a condition where a baby’s head is much smaller than normal.
• Small brain
• Poor motor function
• Poor speech
• Abnormal facial features
• Intellectual disability
• Diagnosed before birth using foetal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.
The SASS6 Gene
• Plays a role in causing microcephaly.

Common Names:
• Known as eucalypts or "gum trees".
• Native to Australia.
• About three-quarters of Australian forests are eucalypt forests.
• Many species have adapted to wildfire:
o Can resprout after fire
o Have seeds that survive fire
Gelephu (Place in News)
• Bhutan.
• Part of the Bhutan smart city project.

🛤️ Railway Installation
Animal Detection:
• Railways to install an optical fibre-based system to detect elephant crossings.
• The optical fibre network will detect the presence of animals, big and small, through vibrations and send
real-time alerts to the intrusion monitoring cell, stationmasters, and loco pilots.
Optical Fiber
• An optical fiber, or optical fibre, is a flexible glass or plastic fiber that can transmit light from one end to
the other.
• Widely used in fiber-optic communications, permitting transmission over longer distances and at
higher bandwidths (data transfer rates) than electrical cables.
• Immune to electromagnetic interference.
• Light is kept in the core by the phenomenon of total internal reflection, causing the fiber to act as a
• Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information by sending pulses of infrared or
visible light through an optical fiber.
• Preferred over electrical cabling when high bandwidth, long distance, or immunity to electromagnetic
interference is required.
• Can transmit voice, video, and telemetry through local area networks or across long distances.

🦧 Gibbon
• India’s only ape, primarily found in eastern Assam.
• Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary in Jorhat district has the largest concentration of the Hoolock gibbon.
• Known for its vocalisation.
• Spends much of its time in the upper canopy of tall trees, mostly the hollong.

👑 Ahilyabai Holkar
• 31 May 1725 – 13 August 1795
• Rani of Indore, within the Maratha Confederacy.
• Established Maheshwar (in Madhya Pradesh) as the seat of the Holkar Dynasty.
• Played a significant role in the revival of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple.
• Contributed greatly to the development of the Maheshwari weaving style.
🌍 Catalan Separatist Movement
• The Catalan independence movement is a social and political movement seeking the independence
of Catalonia from Spain.

Grade of Coal Produced in India

Gross Calorific Value (GCV):
• Determines the gradation of coal.
• Higher carbon content means higher quality or ‘grade’ of coal.
• There are 17 grades of coal by this metric.
Uses of Coal:
• Thermal Power Plants: Use non-coking coal to generate heat and run boilers and turbines.
• Steel Production: Requires coking coal to produce coke, with minimal ash content.
Characteristics of Indian Coal
Ash Content:
• Indian coal has high ash content and low calorific value compared to imported coal.
• Average ash content of Indian coal is more than 40%, whereas imported coal has less than 10% ash
Environmental Impact:
• High-ash coal results in higher particulate matter, nitrogen, and sulphur dioxide emissions when
Coal Gasification
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC):
• Steam and hot pressurised air or oxygen combine with coal in a reaction that forces carbon molecules
• Produces syngas (a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, CO2, and water vapour).
• Syngas is then cleaned and burned in a gas turbine to generate electricity.

H5N1 (Bird Flu)

Virus Type:
• H5N1, also known as bird flu, is a subtype of the influenza A virus.
• Influenza virus is stable in unpasteurized milk, posing a potential risk of transmission.
• The virus can infect birds, and it can also infect mammals (including humans) that have been exposed
to infected birds.
Virus Shedding:
• The A/H5N1 virus is shed in the saliva, mucous, and feces of infected birds.
It's important to monitor and take precautions to prevent the spread of H5N1 to protect both avian and
human populations.

Klebsiella pneumoniae Bacteria

Infection Mechanism:
• Columbia University researchers suggest that when Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria are infected by
bacteriophages, they utilize reverse transcriptase to create a specific protein called Neo.
• This protein can induce suspended animation in bacterial cells, effectively halting the infection.
Reverse Transcriptase:
• Contrary to the prevailing belief of the Central Dogma (DNA to RNA to protein), discoveries by Drs.
Temin and Baltimore showed that information can flow from RNA to DNA.
• In diagnostics, reverse transcriptase is used to convert RNA to DNA, aiding in estimating the amount of
viral material in a given sample.
• Widely used in studying RNA viruses such as hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Mount Kanlaon
Volcanic Eruption:
• Mount Kanlaon erupted in the central Philippines, prompting at least 2,800 people to move into
emergency centers on Tuesday.

Netherlands Turns Third-Largest Export Destination

Trade Relations:
• Netherlands has become India’s third-largest export destination after the U.S. and UAE during 2023-
• India has a trade surplus with the Netherlands.

Mullaperiyar Dam
• A masonry gravity dam located on the Periyar River in the Idukki district of the Indian state of Kerala.
Periyar National Park:
• Surrounds the reservoir created by the dam, located in Thekkady.
• Built at the confluence of the Mullayar and Periyar rivers.
Operational Jurisdiction:
• Although located in Kerala on the Periyar River, the dam is operated and maintained by the neighboring
state of Tamil Nadu.
Catchment Area:
• The catchment area of the Mullaperiyar Dam lies entirely in Kerala, making it a matter of interstate
The Mullaperiyar Dam is a significant structure with implications for water management and interstate
relations between Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

AMRUT Scheme
Full Form:
• Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation.
• Aimed to cover 500 cities and towns with a population of over one lakh, along with notified
Financial Assistance:
• Receives financial assistance from the Centre.
• Remaining share mobilized by States and respective cities.
• Ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage
• Increase the value of cities by developing greenery and well-maintained open spaces such as parks.
• Reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non-motorised
Administrative Body:
• Implemented by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs.

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