12 Types of Communication (2023)

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12 Types Of
By Chris Drew (PhD) / September 21, 2023

Communication can be separated into

many different categories or ‘types’.
Generally, we categorize it into the
four main mediums of
communication: verbal, nonverbal,
written, and visual.

However, we can also look at other ways to

distil communication into categories, such

as: informal vs formal, synchronous vs

asynchronous, and intrapersonal vs


Below, each of the main types of

communucation are introduced with a
definition, examples, and brief table

exploring the type’s strengths and




Contents [ show ]

Types Of Communication
1. Nonverbal Communication


Nonverbal communication refers to

any form of communication that is not
transmitted through spoken word.

It can include body language, facial

expressions, gestures, posture, passive

communication strategies, and even what

you wear (which can send signals about

your cleanliness, social class, etc.).



But under this banner we also have other

types of communuication listed below,

including written and visual communication.

Generally, however, when referring to

nonverbal communication we tend to be

talking about body language cues.

We can communicate and receive a lot of

important information through nonverbal

cues. This is why face-to-face

communication (where you can see facial

expressions, etc) leads to far less confusion

than text messages or other low context

means of communication that lack

contextual cues.



In everyday communication events, we

observer other people’s nonverbal cues as a

form of perception checking, which involves

seeing if their nonverbal communication

matches their overt verbal communication,

which can help to affirm that you are

understanding the person effectively.


Facial expressions: Smiling,

frowning, raising eyebrows,

furrowing brow, rolling eyes, etc.

Gestures: Hand gestures, head

nods, shrugging shoulders,

pointing, etc.

Posture: Standing tall, slouching,

leaning forward or backward,

crossing arms, etc.

Eye contact: Direct eye contact,

avoiding eye contact, staring,

glancing, etc.

Touch: Handshakes, hugs, pats

on the back, etc.



Strengths And Weaknesses

Strengths of Weaknesses of

Nonverbal Nonverbal

Communication Communication

Can convey Can be

emotions and misinterpreted or

attitudes more misunderstood

effectively than because it’s often

words alone. implicit not explicit

in style.

Can reinforce or Can be influenced

contradict verbal by cultural or

communication, personal

acting as an differences, leading

augmentation to to intercultural

words. miscommunication.

Can communicate Can be used to

messages when deceive or

verbal manipulate others

communication is due to its often

not possible or ambiguous nature.

appropriate, such

as in the deaf


Can enhance Can create

interpersonal discomfort or

relationships and awkwardness in

rapport. A person some situations if

whose nonverbal the person has

communication is poor nonverbal

calm can calm communication

others, for example. skills (such as

being twitchy).

Can be used to Can be

provide feedback to unintentionally

others, such as distracting,

when a speaker unprofessional, or

uses nonverbal bely a person’s true

cues in their intentions in formal

audience to tell if settings, such as

their audience is when a person rolls

keeping up. their eyes in a




Go Deeper: Nonverbal Communication (Full


2. Verbal Communication


Verbal communication is any form of

communication that occurs through
spoken word. Its key strength is that
it tends to be perceived as a trusted
and authentic form of communication.



For example, people often want to talk to or

hear from a real human when making an

expensive purchase or big decision in their


While face-to-face verbal communication

also has the benefit of allowing for two-way

dialogue between interlocutors, in our

current era, verbal communication can also

be one-way, such as through podcasts or


Verbal communication tends to also have

high-context elements to help with clarity of

messages, such as tone of voice, pitch, and




Verbal communication skills are often taught

at school, and mastery of effective verbal

(and especially public) communication can

be seen as a valuable skill in the workplace.

Effective verbal communication requires not

only the ability to articulate one’s thoughts

and ideas clearly but also convey those

thoughts with confidence in a variety of



Conversations: Speaking with

others in person, over the phone,

or through video conferencing.

Presentations: Delivering

speeches, lectures, video

conferences, or other formal talks

to an audience.
Written correspondence:

Communicating through letters,

emails, memos, text messages, or

other written forms of


Face-to-Face Interviews:

Answering questions posed by a

potential employer in a face-to-

face interview context.

Video and Podcast: Video and

podcast media generally also

contain verbal communication,

such as a person telling a story or

a recording of a conversation

between characters.



Strengths And Weaknesses

Strengths of Weaknesses of

Verbal Verbal

Communication Communication

Can convey Can be

complex ideas and misunderstood or

emotions effectively misinterpreted,

through tone of especially in

voice, pitch, and interactions

urgency. between people of

different cultures.

When face-to-face, Tone, pitch, and

allows people to volume of voice

receive immediate may unintentionally

feedback and change the

clarification from message being

the person they are delivered.

speaking with.

Can easily be Can be influenced

tailored to the by linguistic

audience – for differences even

example, changing within one culture –

the complexity of for example,

language for different accents

younger people. may obscure the

quality of the


Can facilitate Poor language

interpersonal proficiency and the

relationships and presence of speech

bonding as voice is impediments can

seen as the most prevent people

authentic means of from

communication. communication

through this means.

Can be used to Ambient noise can

persuade or easily obscure the

influence others message.

Is central to culture When used in daily

building. People’s communication, it is

language and not recorded and

accent are central therefore prone to

to their sense of mis-remembering

self and sense of (whereas written

community. communication can

be re-visited for




Go Deeper: Verbal Communication (Full


3. Visual Communication


Visual communication means the

transfer of information to a person in
a format that can be read or viewed.



Such formats include physical objects and

models, charts, cards, tables, photos,

videos, drawings, and diagrams.

According to Gophinatan (2022), “…visual

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