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Role of Psychology: India coming out of years of poverty

Submitted by: Varnika Dhyani
Bal Bharati Public School, Rohini, Sector-14


This paper contains a detailed empirical report on ways to help India come out of a state of

abundant poverty. As a psychology as well as political science student, I will list and analyze some

operations which I believe are practical in approach and revolutionary in result. The objective of this

paper is to immerse in extensive research and think of innovative solutions which will benefit all the

sections of the society.

The 2030 Agenda recognizes that ending poverty in all forms and dimensions, including severe

poverty, is the most pressing global challenge and a prerequisite for long-term development. "End

poverty in all its manifestations everywhere," says the first Sustainable Development Goal.

Through socialization processes, Lewi's demonstrated how the poor's behavioral patterns are passed

down from generation to generation. As a result, they are indicators of their socioeconomic status.

Some studies have focused on the poor's psychological traits and characteristics, such as a lack of

entrepreneurial tendencies, a lack of participation in political and association activities, and a lack of

motivation in achieving a career goal. This state is deemed a "poverty trap," in which an individual

perceives that they will be unable to escape their misery unless substantial changes are made.
According to another critic, negative outcome-focused research maintains prejudices and stereotypes

about the impoverished and provokes rage or accusing sentiments.

This paper will highlight solutions to the dilemmas mentioned above and pave India's way towards

an equal and just society.

Role of different branches of psychology in eliminating poverty

Psychological works done traditionally and are poverty-stricken have been labeled as being

reductionist and individualistic. Connolly, a renowned psychologist, states a few factors that analyze

the perception of poverty. These are not environmental factors but also genetic, physical, familial,

social, political factors. Two renowned psychologists argue that psychological studies on poverty can

be developed. They can be a part of a global effort to reduce poverty. In other words, psychological

studies that depict the ability to progress in line with a global awareness in combating poverty should

increase in the coming times.

On the other hand, studies that focus solely on poor people can act as a hindrance to combat poverty.

The reason for the same is that human development is multidimensional. In conclusion, we should

focus on social-psychological findings rather than the initiatives limiting our understanding of both

poverty and the poor.

Considering the factors that matter, we can discuss these sub-categories-

Social Psychology: Because poverty is ultimately a class-based problem contrasted with some of the

arguments of social psychology, a significant contribution can be made to the literature. For instance,

social identity perception seems to be an argument that can make this contribution. On the issue of

poverty, social identity and its arguments have rich literature. It is plausible to think about poverty

with many ideas of Social Identity Theory (such as social comparison, social mobility, intergroup

friction, in-group−/out-group perception). Poverty may be a social category in this sense; it might

not be wrong to consider poor individuals as a disadvantaged social identity. Another area in which

the class-based system should be observable in poverty studies conducted with a social

psychological perspective is affiliated to causal attributions. Learning about the causes of poverty

can surely help the sector, but it may not result in action being made to reduce poverty. Therefore, as

we mentioned above, it is important to include the citations of the rich and the poor in the issue and

try to understand the reason for them needing these citations. Understanding the need in question

will help to reveal the discourses that give rise to or legitimize poverty. The point that should be

highlighted in the poverty attribution of economically located people in different classes is their

perception of their role and how this perception mirrors their lives and lingo in practice.

Persuasion Psychology: It blends with cultural activities in a way that it reaches the masses,

especially to the ones who are at the lower section of the society. It will help the people living below

the poverty line to establish faith in government policies and keep them motivated to strive to come

out of chronic poverty by benefitting from various schemes and opportunities. Smart involvement of

the media, promotion of government schemes and having motivational radio programs are some of

the ways to make full use of persuasion psychology.

Gender Psychology: Why should gender-related views be included as a variable in social

psychology research? The goal of the response to this issue is to contribute to the development of

egalitarian policies for genders (especially women) who face poverty at various levels—learning

from a young age can place women and men in distinct social positions. These positions may

frequently direct women to domestic work and men to jobs aimed at generating economic income.

While investigating the effects of poverty on the individual; The causes of poverty and gender-based

inequalities become seeable; gender-centered meaning worlds of poverty appear. The fact that

female deprivation is becoming more prominent compared to men seems to be related to the impact

of socio-political processes and gender viewpoint. The relation in question regarding poverty and

gender; fertility, contrasts in wages, power relations within the household, and ongoing poverty

between generations. Exemplifying that ladies experience more poverty than men, female poverty, or

feminization of deprivation is an argument that ought to be included in social psychological analysis.

Studies focusing particularly on the gender impact on poverty; can also involve recommendations

that lead to gender equality.

Psychologists have developed entrepreneurial programs directly assisting women who are

homemakers begin businesses and contribute to the family income. The method begins with

organizing women around their day-to-day activities of raising children, planning for their families,

managing household budgets, advocating for their children and husbands and organizing family life.

The ladies are shown how their daily activities are entrepreneurial and have the proficiency and

skills to start small businesses as individuals and /or as collectives. The ladies increase their family

earnings and develop a way of pride and accomplishment that they carry to their daughters.
Political Psychology: Mandatory 6 month training programs for politicians at the very initial stage

when they enter into politics. Till date the political representation in India lacks the voice of the

youth. The majority of the political leaders at the higher rankings never had a proper education or

training in their respective domains of policy making/decision making. As a result, it leads to

ineffective policy planning, superficial changes and inadequate measures. Therefore, having a

holistic training program for politicians/representatives will reap great results in all spheres of the


Every district needs to have a sample population, that is representatives of all zones, all riches,

middle and lower classes; along with a combination of various ethnicities. They will be involved as a

self-governing body and each bringing diverse concerns to the notice of the local bodies as this will

contribute to bringing the real concerns to the table. This will further help the government in

effective policy making and get an insight into the problems of various groups without

wasting/investing more money in multiple surveys.

Also, political reforms like regulation in wages and equity pay, and a supervising independent body

to keep a close eye on NGOs and other organizations working for the welfare of the society will help

in ensuring the success of these measures.

Economic Psychology: The policy of a nation may be a significant determinant of the extent of

poverty within that country. Economic psychology determines the results of policy on the well-being

of the individual. For instance, there's much concern about mandating minimum wages in industries.
There's little question that a living stipend would enhance the lives of millions. However, the

question is whether businesses can persist if forced to pay a living or maybe a wage to its employees.

There's the argument that a wage will mean businesses discontinuing to exist and other people

becoming unemployed then experiencing poverty. The answer is that there's a "tipping point" at

which compensation is often paid, and therefore the company is usually sustainable. This tipping

point is often selected for industries in nations and regions, and a good wage is often paid. Economic

psychologists can choose such moments and help governments develop and execute such policies.

Educational Psychology: Individuals of all ages must be educated to participate in the industrial

revolution of the 21st century. There's a whole psychological discipline committed to research and

teaching within the times. They understand the worth of education and may assist governments in

planning educational programs for all ages to organize them to carry positions during this modern


Furthermore, in order to improve the condition of the education sector and increase employment

opportunities, 3 state supervised autonomous skill development institutes in each district should be

set up for free of cost. The alumni students can voluntarily donate after successfully earning an

income. The centres will make students efficient in personality building, communication, problem

solving and concerned topics like gender equality, diversity, mental health, etc. Since unemployment

is a major cause of poverty, equipping the youth of the country with the industry-required skills will

help combat poverty in return. Moreover, existing educational institutes should incorporate skill

based workshops and learnings that are practical in the approach rather than being simply idealistic,

leading to more successful businesses and ventures.

Organizational/Entrepreneurial Psychology : Jobs that pay a wage are important for eliminating

poverty. Jobs are created by entrepreneurs who understand how to turn thoughts into businesses that

provide jobs for others. Organizational psychologists have devised entrepreneurship training

programs implemented in developing countries in Africa and have led to the event of the latest

businesses and new jobs. Being a thriving entrepreneur may be a function of behavioral and

attitudinal changes which will be learned. As a part of the method, the scholars start businesses while

being mentored by experts.

The governments should create significant jobs and increase and strengthen opportunities for

training about entrepreneurship and income-generating activities, life skills development, and access

to primary, secondary, and better education as important routes to decent work and, therefore,

poverty mitigation. In addition, culturally pertinent psychological assessments should be wont to

help find the foremost effective fit between individual strengths and available job, vocational, or

career opportunities.

We should also call upon people and groups to require immediate, small actions to scale back

poverty, including engaging in volunteering activities to assist the less advantaged, creating petitions

to deal with structural, social, and economic differences, organizing fundraising concerts and other

community events to support existing and new poverty elimination programs, and honoring people

and groups that are making a poverty reduction difference that matters.
Psychosocial Empowerment: Research in psychology indicates that being engaged in decent work

in itself encourages psychosocial empowerment by developing a sense of ownership, optimism, and

efficacy/confidence in one's ability to be practical in dealing with challenges. Designating people to

be productive and resourceful members of their families, communities, and society reduces poverty

and marginalization.

Public Health: One of the most well-established findings in psychiatric epidemiology is the link

between poverty and mental health disorders. According to research, low income and low social

status are regularly linked to the high incidence of mental illness. With the frequency of poverty in

our country on the rise, particularly among women, children, and members of minority groups,

increasing attention to the mental health problems that come with poverty is required.

Eradicating poverty would need not only the provision of adequate healthcare facilities but also

enough nutrition and consideration of the mental health of the poor, particularly children and infants.

This demand of the disadvantaged group could be met by compassionate beings in the form of

exceptional instructors and psychologists.



Putting an end to the issue of poverty in our society ought to emerge as a necessary goal of all

policies if we have any plan of undertaking this purpose in the coming eight years. The eradication

method requires adjustments in mindset and conduct of coverage makers as well as the coverage
implementers. Undoubtedly, it will require the interference of professionals (psychologists) in

bringing about mindset trade and behavioral exchange to diagrams and putting into effect poverty

eradication programs. Psychologists are social scientists who deliver scientific lookup and excellent

practices to the system of altering attitudes and behaviors essential to increase and put in force

packages to eradicate poverty. Psychologists around the globe are required to assist governments

sketch and put in force poverty eradication initiatives.

Here are some of the crucial things in which psychologists can furnish necessary assistance with

regards to the issue of poverty in our society;

EDUCATION- We are very much aware of the fact that individuals of all genders, caste, religion,

nationality, social background, economic background, etc., have the right to education. Along with

education, they should have the practical skills to take part in the technological revolution of the

twenty-first century. Psychologists should be dedicated to lookup and educating in the cutting-edge

world. They can apprehend the cost of schooling and can aid governments in planning academic

packages for a long time to put them together to keep jobs in this current age. Here, we can take the

example of how the New Education Policy, 2020 of India can be improved if the government

supports some psychological interference from professionals.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Jobs that pay a dwelling wage are integral for casting off poverty. Jobs

are created by using entrepreneurs who recognize how to flip thoughts into groups that supply jobs

for others. Organizational psychologists can develop entrepreneurship education applications that

have been applied in creating nations in Africa and have led to the improvement of new companies
and new jobs. As a phase of the method, the college students begin groups whilst being mentored by

psychologists. This mentoring by dedicated psychologists can help solve two major social issues-

Poverty Unemployment.

WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS- Government needs to fund dedicated Psychologists to develop

entrepreneurial packages directly supporting girls who are essentially homemakers beginning groups

and making contributions to the household income. The procedure starts with organizing females

around their everyday things to do:

● Raising children.

● Planning for their families.

● Managing family budgets.

● Advocating for their teens and husbands.

● Organizing household life.

The girls have proven that their everyday things are, in reality, entrepreneurial, and they have the

know-how and abilities to commence small groups as persons and /or as collectives. The females

add to their household earnings and strengthen an experience of pleasure and accomplishment that

they carry to their daughters. Empowering women with the help of psychologists could give a great

push towards success!

CONFLICT RESOLUTION – Conflict inside and between international locations is one of the

most critical contributors to poverty. Under the condition of struggle, there is no job introduction;

however, there is starvation, injuries, death, destruction, dislocation, and an evident increase in

poverty as an alternative to the same. Since, in any such area, the mental trauma is massive,
Psychologists can be deployed for the moral upbringing of the society. This way, the citizens of

conflicted areas will get a ray of hope, leading towards better economic conditions. Therefore, the

coverage of decreasing hostilities is crucial to eradicating poverty, and psychologists can aid in this


ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGISTS– Let's start with an example, there is an awful lot about

mandating minimum wages in industries. There is no doubt that a dwelling wage would enhance the

lives of millions. However, the query is whether or not organizations can proceed to exist if

pressured to pay a residing or even a minimum wage to its employees. There is the argument that a

minimum wage will imply organizations ceasing to exist and human beings turning into unemployed

and then experiencing poverty. The reply should be that there is a "tipping point" at which a wage

can be paid, and the corporation can be sustainable. This tipping factor can be decided for industries

in nations and areas, and fair compensation can be paid. Economic psychologists can decide such

factors and assist governments in strengthening and putting into effect such policies.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGISTS – Nations are composed of many specific businesses of humans

residing in distinct places. For example, human beings stay in city areas and human beings who stay

in rural areas, the latter team being commonly farmers. Suppose the latter crew is unnoticed as

corporations are constructed in city areas. In that case, there is the chance of poverty growing in

rural areas and humans struggling with their penalties or leaving for jobs in city areas. This would

have poor penalties all around. Here, Social Psychologists can play a significant role. They would,

for example, suggest valuable resources to farmers to instruct them on more incredible present-day

methods of farming to enhance their yield. They would suggest the improvement of rural
infrastructure to make the tour and motion of produce and animals less complicated and faster. They

would suggest equality of packages for all components of the nation. Finally, they would recommend

things to do that decrease discrimination in opposition to positive companies and promote a method

of equal possibility for all the distinctive corporations living inside a country.

POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGISTS – A political psychologist would act as the intermediary

between those who apprehend the want for an alternative in coverage, those who improve the range,

and finally, those who should enforce it. In most instances, the want for a coverage exchange derives

from records about a state of affairs that requires alternatives to limit poverty. The political

psychologist will be helping to boost the new coverage so that it reduces poverty & thus meets the

wishes of the authorities and can be accomplished! I believe that the strategies and programs

implemented to eradicate poverty need to be evaluated to ensure their effectiveness and determine

the degree to which the policies are actually working to eliminate poverty. Therefore, I recommend

that measurement and evaluation of poverty eradication initiatives and programs be undertaken.

These measures should be developed and analyzed in consultation with and with the assistance of

psychological experts in program measurement and evaluation.

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