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In general or right now?

Do you want to express that something happens in general or that something is

happening right now?

Simple Present Present Progressive

in general (regularly, often, never) right now

Colin plays football every Tuesday. Look! Colin is playing football now.

present actions happening one after another also for several actions happening at the same time

First Colin plays football, then he watches TV. Colin is playing football and Anne is watching.

Signal words

 always  at the moment

 every ...  at this moment
 often  today
 normally  now
 usually  right now
 sometimes  Listen!
 never
 first
 then


Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present and Present Progressive.

1. I (be) very busy today.

2. At noon I (visit) my friend Tanya.

3. We (want) to have lunch together.

4. In the afternoon I (play) squash with Emily.

5. In the evening, I (meet) Rob.

6. We (go) to the cinema.

7. The film (start) at 8 pm.


Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present and Present Continuous.

1. James (live) in a little village.

2. He (be) in his last year at school.

3. After school, James (want) to become a banker.

4. So this week, he (do) a practical course in a bank.

5. There (be) a bank in a nearby town, but James (have) to take

the bus to get there.

6. The bus (leave) at 5.30 in the morning and (return) at 8.15 in

the evening.

7. James (not / like) to spend so much time in town before and after work,
waiting for the bus.

8. Therefore, this week he (stay) with his aunt, who(live) in town.

9. James usually (wear) jeans and t-shirts, but while he(work) for

the bank now, he (wear) a suit and a tie.

Write the verbs in Present CONTINUOUS.

1. speak - I

2. jump - you

3. bake - she

4. play - they

5. run - we

Write the verbs in Simple Present, 3rd person singular.

1. be - it

2. have - he

3. eat - she

4. can - he

5. wash - she

When to use which tense?

1. For actions happening regularly, often or never, we use .

2. For actions happening now, we use .

3. The verbs 'be', 'have', 'like' and 'want' are normally only used in .

4. The signal word 'usually' indicates that we have to use .

5. The signal word 'now' indicates that we have to use .

Positive sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. Look! They (leave) the house.

2. Brian (cycle) 30 km every day.

3. Samantha (do) her homework at the moment.

4. My parents (shop) right now.

5. He usually (get up) early in the morning.

Negative sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. You (see / not) her every day.

2. The baby (sleep / not) at the moment.

3. I (read / not) a book now.

4. We (go / not) to school on Sundays.

5. He (watch / not) the news every day.

Complete the QUESTIONS . Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. (you / go) on holiday by plane sometimes?

2. (they / play) computer games every day?

3. (she / eat) dinner at the moment?

4. What (they / do) right now?

5. (she / visit) her grandma very often?


1. Look! Jenny (go) to school.

2. On her back, Jenny (carry) her school bag.

3. The school bag (be) very heavy

4. Normally, Jenny (wear) black shoes, but today she(wear) red wellies.

5. And look, she (wear) a raincoat because it (rain) outside.

6. Jenny (not / want) to get wet.

Positive sentences Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. The lesson (start) at 9 o'clock.

2. He often (wear) a black cap.

3. I (meet) my friends in the youth club tonight.

4. My friend (move) house tomorrow.

5. My birthday (be) in September.

Negative sentences Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. She (not / ride) her bike right now.

2. We (not / stay) at home tonight.

3. I (not / like) bananas.

4. They (not / know) the answer.

5. I (not / sit) in the garden at the moment.

Complete the QUESTIONS. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. When (arrive / the plane) ?

2. (visit / you) Jane in hospital today?

3. What time (get up / you) in the mornings?

4. Why (cry / she) now?

5. (swim / they) in the pool at the moment?

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. I (live) in London.

2. This weekend, I (visit) my friends in Brighton.

3. The train to Brighton (leave) London at 6.45 in the morning.

4. In the early afternoon, we (want) to go on a sightseeing tour.

5. In the evening, we (go) to a concert.

6. The concert (start) at 8 o'clock.

7. I (come) back to London on Sunday.

8. My train (arrive) in London at 7.50 in the evening.

Positive sentences Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. We (help) in the canteen this week.

2. Martin usually (drive) to work.

3. But today, he (take) the bus.

4. Listen! She (practise) the piano.

5. My friend (play) the guitar every evening.

Negative sentences Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. He (not / spend) his holidays in Spain each year.

2. I (not / meet) Francis tonight.

3. They (not / fly) to London tomorrow.

4. We (not / work) this week.

5. The film (not / begin) at 7 o'clock.

QUESTIONS. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. (leave / you) the party now?

2. (have / you) any brothers or sisters?

3. (love / she) him?

4. Who (cook) dinner tonight?

5. (send / he) you an e-mail every day?

Text Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. Maria (want) to improve her English.

2. Therefore, she (do) a language course in London at the moment.

3. She (stay) with a host family and (must) take the tube to get to
her language school.

4. It (be) only a five-minute walk to the nearest tube station.

5. The tube (leave) at half past eight.

6. The first lesson (begin) at 9 o'clock.

7. In the afternoons, the school (offer) sightseeing tours in and around London.

8. Tomorrow, the students of the language school (go) to Windsor.

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