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1 a. What is Arduino?

Explain Arduino Uno Learning board layout

Arduino learning board

1 b. Explain the functions of Arduino Uno pins.
3 a. Interface LED to Arduino Uno Microcontroller and Write a program to Blink LED
3 b. Interface RGB LED to Arduino Uno Microcontroller and Write a program to display
different color (Red, Green and Blue).
The RGB led consists of three different led’s, from the name you can guess that these led’s are red, green and blue.
We can obtain many other colors by mixing up these colors. The Arduino has a analog write function which will help
us in obtaining different colors for Arduino RGB led

Connect the cathode of the RGB led which is the longer pin of RGB led to the GND of Arduino and the other three
pins to the pin 11, 10, 9 of Arduino through the 220 ohm resistors. The resistors will prevent the excess amount of
current to flow through the RGB led. Inside the RGB led, there are three more led’s. So by changing the brightness of
these led’s, we can obtain many other colors. To change brightness of RGB led, we can use the PWM pins of Arduino.
The PWM pins will give signal different duty cycles to the RGB led to obtain different colors.

5. What is Raspberry Pi? Write the specification of different Raspberry Pi Models.

8. Interface LED and Bluetooth (HC-05) to Arduino Uno Microcontroller board. Write a
Program to switch On/Off LED using Smart Phone.
HC-05 is a Bluetooth module which can communicate in two way. Which means, It is
full-duplex. We can use it with most micro controllers. Because it operates Serial Port
Protocol (SSP). The HC-05 can operate in two modes. One is Data mode and other is AT
command mode. When the enable pin is "LOW" the HC-05 is in Data Mode. If that pin
set as "HIGH" the module is in AT command mode. Here we operate this module in
Data Mode.
9 a. Explain different commands for Raspberry Pi.
9 b. Interface LED and Push button Switch to Raspberry Pi. Write a program to control LED
(On/Off) using Push Button switch.

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