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SUBJECT: Health, Safety, Security and Environment in Petroleum Industry.



Dr. Bhaskar Jyoti Saikia Debismita Das (PE-190/20)

Assistant Professor, Irshad Afridi (PE-198/20)
Department of Petroleum Engineering,
DUIET Nitish Kumar Kalita (PE-210/20)

Shantanu Bhattacharjee (PE-220/20)

Himasish Kalita (PE-230/20)


1 Introduction

2 Safety Tools and Equipments

3 Industrial Accidents

4 Case Study: Bhopal Gas Tragedy

5 Key Aspects of Industrial Safety

6 Acts Related to Industrial Safety

7 Conclusion

8 References
Hazard is a term associated with a substance that is likely to cause injury to personnel or one
which may lead to loss of property, products, etc.Industrial hazard may be defined as any
condition created by industries that will cause injury or death to personnel or loss of product or
property. Over the past decades, successive major accidents, more than two thousand deaths
from the deadly toxic gas release in Bhopal, India in 1984 to the Bunce field fire in the United
Kingdom in 2005, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, and the Bento
Rodriguez dam disaster in Brazil in 2015, have caused deaths, numerous injuries, significant
environmental pollution and massive economic loss. Drew world attention to serious chemical
hazards in the industry. Industrial safety refers to reduce the risk of injury or loss and danger to
persons, property from the industrial hazards. Effective management of worker safety and health
protection is a decisive factor in reducing the extent and severity of work-related injuries and
sicknesses and their related costs.

Industrial safety is a comprehensive framework encompassing strategies, protocols, and practices

aimed at safeguarding the well-being of workers, the environment, and assets within industrial
settings. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines and involves the identification, assessment,
and mitigation of potential hazards to ensure a secure and healthy workplace.

Safety in the oil and gas industry is of paramount importance due to the inherently hazardous
nature of the operations involved. The industry encompasses activities such as exploration,
drilling, production, refining, and transportation of hydrocarbons, which present numerous risks
to workers, the environment, and surrounding communities. Effective industrial safety measures
are essential to mitigate these risks and ensure the protection of personnel, assets, and the
environment. With the rapid development of modern oil and gas companies, the number of
important ground projects is increasing. There are always different safety issues in the
development process of oil and gas companies, which cause enormous economic damage and
safety risks to companies and people. Therefore, the production of safety is based on scientific
and effective monitoring and early warning. In the oil and gas production process, real-time
monitoring and abnormal warning of surface technology can significantly reduce the incidence
of accidents and ensure safe production of surface technology.

1. Compliance with Regulations and Standards:

 Ensuring compliance with local, national, and international safety regulations,

standards, and codes is a fundamental objective of industrial safety. Compliance helps
prevent legal liabilities, fines, and penalties while also promoting a culture of
responsibility and accountability.

2. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment:

 Conducting comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential hazards associated

with various activities, including drilling, well completion, production, transportation,
and refining.
 Hazards may include equipment failures, process upsets, hydrocarbon releases, fire,
explosion, chemical exposure, and environmental impacts.
 Utilizing techniques such as hazard and operability studies (HAZOP), job safety
analysis (JSA), and quantitative risk assessments (QRA) to evaluate risks and prioritize
control measures.

3. Engineering Controls and Safety Systems:

 Implementing engineering controls to mitigate risks, such as blowout preventers

(BOPs), pressure relief systems, emergency shutdown systems (ESD), and process
safety systems.
 Employing redundant safety systems and fail-safe mechanisms to prevent catastrophic
 Regular inspection, testing, and maintenance of critical equipment and safety systems
to ensure their reliability and effectiveness.

4. Personnel Training and Competency:

 Providing comprehensive safety training to all personnel, including drilling crews,

operators, maintenance workers, and contractors.
 Training programs should cover topics such as hazard recognition, emergency response
procedures, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and compliance with
regulatory requirements.
 Ensuring workers are competent to perform their assigned tasks safely and effectively
through ongoing training and certification programs.
5. Process Safety Management (PSM):

 PSM encompasses the management of processes, equipment, and procedures to prevent

major accidents, such as explosions, fires, and releases of hazardous substances.
 Elements of PSM include process hazard analysis (PHA), management of change
(MOC), mechanical integrity, emergency preparedness, and incident investigation.
 Implementing PSM programs helps identify and mitigate potential risks associated with
high-pressure systems, flammable substances, and complex chemical processes.

6. Asset Integrity and Maintenance:

 Ensuring the integrity and reliability of equipment, pipelines, and facilities through
regular inspection, maintenance, and testing.
 Implementing asset integrity management (AIM) programs to monitor the condition of
critical assets, identify potential defects or failures, and take proactive measures to
prevent incidents.

7. Emergency Response and Crisis Management:

 Developing comprehensive emergency response plans (ERPs) and crisis management

protocols to address potential incidents such as blowouts, fires, spills, and natural
 Conducting regular drills, exercises, and simulations to test the effectiveness of
emergency response procedures and coordination with regulatory authorities.
 Establishing communication protocols, evacuation procedures, and incident command
systems to manage emergencies efficiently.

8. Environmental Protection:

 Implementing measures to minimize the environmental impact of oil and gas

operations, including spill prevention, waste management, and emissions control.
 Compliance with environmental regulations and standards governing air quality, water
pollution, waste disposal, and habitat preservation.
 Implementing best practices for environmental stewardship, such as habitat restoration,
biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development initiatives.

9. Contractor Management and Safety Culture:

 Establishing rigorous contractor management programs to ensure that contractors and

subcontractors adhere to safety standards and procedures.
 Fostering a culture of safety where all personnel, including employees and contractors,
prioritize safety, communicate openly about hazards, and actively participate in safety
 Promoting safety leadership, recognition programs, and continuous improvement
initiatives to enhance safety culture within the organization.

Cooper (2002) identify that an organization’s safety culture is the product of individual and
group beliefs, behaviors, expectations, competencies and behavioral patterns that define an
organization’s dedication to health and safety management and its style and skills. Positive safety
culture organizations are characterized by interactions based on mutual trust, common views of
the value of protection and confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures. Fan et al. (2016)
defined safety culture as “the product of the beliefs, attitudes, expectations, competencies and
behavioral patterns of individuals and groups that determine the commitment and skills of the
health and safety management of an organization”. According to Carthey (2018) safety culture
refers to employees’ vision of safety conditions which affect safety outcomes. In consistency
with (Carthey, 2018)’s view, safety culture in this study applies to the employees, perception of
safety conditions at the workplace; which then affecting organizational safety effectiveness. The
safety culture in this study refers to employee involvement, perceiving risk, and emergency
response which will be measured using the Safety Culture Scale by (Wu, Lin, & Shiau, 2010).
Researchers in onshore health and safety management practices have also argued that the idea of
safety culture has the ability to provide a shield for both individual and organizational safety
issues (SJ Cox & Cheyne, 2000) and can be used as a tool for further improvements framing.
Psychological safety culture studies have established different dimensions of safety-related
values and practices that are critical for risk management (Cheyne et al., 2002). These include
dimensions such as management dedication to safety (management prioritization of safety),
safety collaborating (group attitudes and safety management activities) incident reporting (to the
degree to which respondents find it safe to disclose incidents of violence), communication (to the
extent to which workers are aware of health-related issues), colleague contribution to safety
(credence’s on the reliability of safetyrelated conduct of colleagues), and safety support
(resource availability and safety management information)(Mearns et al., 2013; Reader &
O’Connor, 2014).

The Importance of Safety Culture in Industry

Haghighi et al. (2017) mentioned that, safety culture has generally accepted that a high
proportion of rail injuries, incidents and near-misses accompany dangerous acts (behaviors) by
employees, improper use of resources, for example, not observing the protocols, human
positions/ reactions, housekeeping. Yet rather than being the instigators, it is typically the cause
that the root causes of injuries and events are dangerous (organizational) environments, which
have been long developing and inherited by humans. Culture is both the first and the last line of
injury and loss prevention. This ensures that workers obey established processes and procedures,
and when those processes fail and those systems collapse (and always do), culture seeks to drive
the right response through the value system in place within the organization. A review of the
accident will almost always demonstrate a chain of events that led to injuries occurring. It’s
never a cause of an accident. Examples of structural organizational deficiencies include lack of
supervision, unclear roles and responsibilities, assessment / insufficient training/instructions/
procedures, poor leadership and communication and safe work processes. Those cases are often
cited as signs of a poor culture of protection (Sue Cox & Flin, 1998).

Safety performance in organizations is essential for maintaining robustness and reducing

accident risks. Measuring safety performance involves assessing safety culture, work
environment, and safety activities. Leading indicators, such as safety audits and behavior, predict
future safety outcomes, while lagging indicators, like incident rates, reflect past performance. By
utilizing both leading and lagging indicators, organizations can proactively manage safety risks
and achieve positive safety outcomes. This comprehensive approach helps in evaluating
management efficacy and enhancing overall safety performance.
Figure 2: ADES (Advanced Energy Systems) achieved safety milestones with
no Lost Time Incidents!


 The function of a safety system is to monitor and control conditions on a machine or process
that are hazardous.
1. Potential risks for machine operators
2. Potential damage to machines/goods
3. Potential damage to environment

1. Potential risks for machine operators:

Safety systems are designed to monitor and control conditions within a machine or process that
pose hazards to machine operators. These hazards can include moving parts, high temperatures,
electrical currents, chemical exposure, and more. Safety systems employ various mechanisms
such as emergency stop buttons, safety interlocks, guards, and protective barriers to prevent
operators from coming into contact with hazardous areas or equipment. Additionally, safety
protocols and training ensure that operators are aware of potential risks and how to mitigate them

2. Potential damage to machines/goods:

In addition to safeguarding human operators, safety systems also aim to protect machines and
goods from potential damage. Malfunctions or errors in equipment operation can lead to costly
damage to machinery, production interruptions, and loss of goods. Safety systems may
incorporate features like overload protection, automatic shutdown mechanisms, and alarms to
prevent such damage. By monitoring parameters such as temperature, pressure, and vibration,
safety systems can detect abnormalities and intervene to prevent further damage.

3. Potential damage to the environment:

Safety systems play a critical role in preventing environmental harm by controlling processes
and equipment that could cause pollution, contamination, or other ecological damage. For
example, in industrial settings involving hazardous materials or processes, safety systems may
include leak detection sensors, containment measures, and emergency shutdown procedures to
mitigate environmental risks. By promptly detecting and responding to leaks, spills, or
emissions, safety systems help prevent harm to ecosystems, water sources, and air quality.

 Systems and components must be designed such that they are safe under normal conditions

Safety systems and components must be inherently safe under normal operating conditions.
This means that even in the absence of faults or failures, safety features should be designed
to prevent accidents and ensure operator protection. This includes factors such as proper
machine guarding, clear signage, ergonomic design, and adherence to safety standards and
regulations. By incorporating safety into the design phase, potential risks can be minimized
from the outset, creating a safer working environment overall.

 Faults, failures and external influences must not result in an undetected loss of safety

One of the critical functions of safety systems is to maintain safety even in the event of
faults, failures, or external factors such as power outages or environmental conditions. Safety
systems employ redundancy, self-monitoring mechanisms, and fail-safe designs to ensure
that any faults or failures are detected and addressed promptly. For example, redundant
sensors or actuators may be used to provide backup functionality, while diagnostic tools and
alarms alert operators to potential issues. Regular maintenance, testing, and inspection help
ensure that safety systems remain reliable and effective over time, minimizing the risk of
undetected safety loss.


Figure 3: Some Basic Safety

Engineering: Safety engineering integrates safety considerations into equipment design and
installation. Engineers conduct risk assessments to identify hazards and incorporate safety
features like guards and emergency stops. Proper installation ensures equipment functions safely.
Prioritizing safety from the start prevents accidents.

Education: Employee training covers hazard recognition, equipment use, and emergency
procedures. Educated employees can identify and mitigate risks, fostering a safety culture.

Enlistment: This necessary arose the interest of employees in accident prevention and safety
consciousness. Enlistment involves commitment from both employees and management.
Management sets the tone by providing resources and leadership, while employees participate in
safety programs and report hazards. A positive safety culture is cultivated when everyone is

Encouragement: Encouragement reinforces safe behaviors through rewards and consequences.

Regular inspections and enforcement of safety rules ensure compliance, promoting a safe work
Safety Tools and Equipments
Safety tools and equipment include a diverse array of devices aimed at accident prevention and
response. Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as helmets and gloves, shields individuals
from hazards. Safety harnesses, fire extinguishers, and first-aid kits provide protection and
emergency response capabilities. Furthermore, safety detectors like smoke alarms and methane,
hydrogen detectors alert occupants to potential dangers, enhancing overall safety measures.

(a) Common types of PPE include:

 Head Protection

 Eye and Face Protection

 Respiratory Protection

 Hearing Protection

 Hand Protection

 Foot Protection

 Body Protection

 Fall Protection

(b) Gas Detectors:

1. Methane Gas Detector

Gas detectors are designed to identify potentially hazardous gas leaks or
air quality issues and provide early warning to prevent accidents, health
hazards, or environmental damage. Methane is a colorless, odorless, and
highly flammable gas that is commonly found in various environments,
including natural gas sources.

Infrared (IR) Sensors:

IR sensors detect changes in the amount of infrared light absorbed by
Methane Gas Detector the methane in the air to determine its concentration. Once the gas
detector detects the presence of methane and its concentration exceeds a
predefined threshold, it activates an alarm to alert individuals in the area. Some advanced gas
detectors can also be connected to central monitoring systems or integrated into industrial
processes for automated safety shutdowns. GDs are installed in the HMGPP and GGS for
detecting methane gas to detect any leakage
2. Open Path Gas Detector
An Open Path Gas Detector (OPGD) is a type of gas detection system
used to monitor the presence of hazardous gases or vapors in the
atmosphere over an open area; mainly monitoring for hydrocarbon
leaks in refineries, processing plants, and pipelines.

The OPGD system consists of two main components:

Transmitter: The transmitter emits a focused beam of infrared (IR) or

ultraviolet (UV) light across the open space. The light beam is directed towards a specific target
area where potential gas leaks or releases might occur.

Receiver: The receiver is placed at a predetermined distance away from the transmitter, and it is
designed to detect the light beam. When the light passes through clean air, it reaches the receiver
without any interruption. However, if the light encounters a gas plume in its path, some of the
light energy will be absorbed by the gas molecules, causing a decrease in the received light

3. Smoke Detector :

A smoke detector is a safety device designed to detect the presence of

smoke in the air and provide an early warning of a potential fire. It is a
crucial component of fire detection and alarm systems, helping to save
lives and protect property by alerting occupants to the presence of
smoke and potential fire hazards. Photoelectric Smoke Detectors:
Photoelectric smoke detectors use a light source (typically an infrared
LED) and a photosensitive sensor. The light beam is directed away from the sensor. When
smoke particles enter the sensing chamber, they scatter the light, causing it to reach the sensor
and trigger the alarm.

4. Hydrogen gas detector

Hydrogen gas detectors are specialized devices designed to detect the

presence of hydrogen gas in the environment. Hydrogen is a colorless,
odorless, and highly flammable gas, making it potentially hazardous when
present in certain concentrations. Hydrogen gas detectors are crucial for
ensuring safety in various industries and applications where hydrogen may
be released or stored

5. Portable Gas Detector

A portable gas detector is a handheld, battery-operated device used to detect
the presence of specific gases in the surrounding environment. These
detectors are designed for easy mobility, allowing users to carry them around
and monitor gas concentrations at various locations. Portable gas detectors are commonly used in
a wide range of industries and applications where gas hazards may be present.

(c) Fire Safety Equipment:

1. Flame Detector

A flame detector is a specialized safety device designed to detect the

presence of an open flame or fire. Flame detectors are crucial for
early fire detection, enabling prompt response and minimizing
potential damages and risks to life and property. Flame detectors
work by sensing the unique characteristics of a flame, such as its
infrared (IR) radiation, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, or both.

Infrared (IR) Flame Detectors: Flames emit significant amounts of infrared radiation, and IR
flame detectors are sensitive to this radiation.

Ultraviolet (UV) Flame Detectors: UV flame detectors work by sensing the ultraviolet
radiation produced by flames. UV detectors are particularly effective in detecting fastburning
and fuel-rich fires.

Combined IR/UV Flame Detectors: Some flame detectors combine both infrared and
ultraviolet sensors to improve accuracy and reliability. These detectors can provide more robust
flame detection across a wider range of fire types.

2. Heat Detector

A heat detector is a fire safety device designed to detect changes in

temperature caused by the presence of fire or excessive heat. It
complements smoke detectors in fire detection systems by providing
an alternative method of fire detection.While smoke detectors are more
effective at detecting smoldering fires, heat detectors are particularly
useful for detecting rapid changes in temperature, such as those caused
by fast-burning fires.

3. Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are essential safety devices designed to suppress small fires.
They contain agents such as water, foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide,
tailored to extinguish specific types of fires. Properly maintained extinguishers
are strategically placed throughout buildings to provide quick access in case of
fire emergencies. Regular inspection, maintenance, and employee training
ensure their effectiveness in preventing fire-related disasters.
4. Fire Blanket

Fire blankets are safety tools used to smother small fires by

cutting off the fire's oxygen supply. Made of fire-resistant
materials like fiberglass, they are effective for extinguishing small
fires or wrapping around a person to protect them from flames.
Fire blankets are commonly found in kitchens, laboratories, and
industrial settings for quick fire suppression. They provide a
simple yet effective means of controlling small fires and
preventing them from spreading.

5. Fire Hoses

Fire hoses are essential firefighting equipment used to deliver

water or other extinguishing agents to extinguish fires. They are
typically connected to a pressurized water source and controlled by
firefighters to direct the flow onto flames. Fire hoses come in
various sizes and materials, such as rubber or synthetic fibers, to
withstand high pressure and heat. Proper training in hose operation
and maintenance is crucial for effective fire suppression efforts.

6. Fire Alarm

Fire alarms are crucial safety devices designed to detect and alert
occupants of a building to the presence of a fire. They consist of
sensors that detect smoke, heat, or flames and trigger audible and visual
alerts. Fire alarms are installed throughout buildings and connected to a
central monitoring system to ensure prompt response in case of
emergencies. Regular testing, maintenance, and battery replacement are
essential to ensure the reliability of fire alarm systems.

7. Automatic Fire Suppression Systems

Automatic fire suppression systems are advanced safety

mechanisms designed to detect and extinguish fires without
human intervention. These systems utilize sensors to detect
heat, smoke, or flames and activate suppression agents like
water, foam, or gas. Installed in areas prone to fire hazards,
such as kitchens and server rooms, they swiftly suppress fires,
minimizing damage and risk to occupants. Regular maintenance and testing ensure the
effectiveness of automatic fire suppression systems in protecting lives and property.
(d) MCP (Manual Call Point): The procedure of manually activating a fire alarm involves
using a call point, pull station, or other equipment to sound the alarm. The alert typically sounds
the evacuation signal for the relevant building or zone as a result. Manual fire alarm activation
needs a person to operate it. The person who sees any type of fire or gas leak will pull the nearest
present MCP and there will be Emergency Shut Down in the plant Emergency Shutdown
Systems (ESD): ESD systems are designed to automatically shut down equipment and processes
in the event of an emergency, such as a fire, gas leak, or equipment failure, to prevent accidents
and mitigate potential hazards.

(e) Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD): ESD systems are designed to automatically shut
down equipment and processes in the event of an emergency, such as a fire, gas leak, or
equipment failure, to prevent accidents and mitigate potential hazards.

Functions of Emergency Shutdown (ESD) System

i. Shut down of part systems and equipment

ii. Isolate hydrocarbon inventories
iii. Isolate electrical equipment
iv. Prevent escalation of events
v. Stop hydrocarbon flow
vi. Depressurise/Blowdown.

Precautions: Prior to a fire, proper crew precautions can save lives. The most prepared crews go
through regular training. participate in regular fire drills, and know exactly what to do and what
not to do during a serious fire.

Drills: Every worksite has mandated fire drills. Employees should participate in every fire drill
with active interest. Employees should be familiar with exit routes and should know exact
responsibilities and the exact evacuation plan. Employees should make sure not to block any exit

Reporting: When a fire occurs, your first responsibility is to report it to someone as quickly as
possible. Safe, quick, efficient reporting lets experienced firefighters attack the problem as
quickly as possible.

What Not To Do?

Only use a fire extinguisher if you're authorized to do so; never tamper with one. If you're not
trained, you cannot fight a real fire. Leave that work to the professionals. Also, leave any
medical treatment of burns to professionals

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