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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of






Reg NO B1819843

Under guidance of




Bangalore city university

A study on brand awareness towards Samsung



The concept of marketing is a wide term. The early stages of the growth of this
discipline marketing were considered as selling and no distinction was made between
the two terms Marketing and 'Selling'. Thinkers and even some business managers
would say that marketing was advertising. It is true that selling and advertising are
parts of marketing. Marketing is much more than selling and advertising. Today the
term 'marketing' has been clearly defined. Many organizations are involved in
developing marketing activities to satisfy the needs of various groups of customers.

Particularly in developing countries like India, marketing is occupying a vital place in

business activity. Market driven economies are gaining power at the global level.
Even the socialist countries have started studying the marketing concepts in a
scientific way, to introduce them actively in their internal distribution system. The
whole economy would be sluggish if marketing did not exist. Marketing is of critical
importance because it maintains stability in the economic condition. Marketing is an
existing, dynamic and contemporary field. It is recognized as the most significant
activity in the society.

Marketing has a widest connection which includes in its fold selling, buying.
Transportation, warehousing , pricing and packaging. All these activities geared up
together to reach strong preferences for particulars.


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This marketing philosophy has undergone a thorough and gradual change since the
great Industrial Revolution that took place during the latter-half of the 18th and first
half of the 19th centuries. This gradual change can be traced under four periods and
captions namely, production orientation period, sales-orientation period, customer
orientation period and social orientation period.

Production Orientation Philosophy

Sales Orientation Philosophy

Customer Orientation Philosophy

Social Orientation Philosophy

1. Production Orientation Philosophy:

Till 1930s, there prevailed a strong feeling that whenever a firm has a good product, it
results in automatic consumer response and that needed little or no promotional
efforts. This production-oriented marketing concept was built on "Good wine needs
no push." That is, if the product is good and the price is reasonable, there is no need
for special marketing efforts.

The assumptions of this concept are:

(i) Anything that can be produced can be sold,

(ii) The most important task of management is to keep the cost of production down.

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(iii) A firm should produce only certain basic products.

2. Sales Orientation Philosophy:

The failures of the production orientation philosophy of 1930s paved the way for
change in the outlook that was possible during 1940s. This reshaped philosophy was
sales-orientation that holds good to a certain extent even today. It states that mere
making available the best product is not enough; it is futile unless the firm resorts to
aggressive salesmanship.

Effective sales-promotion, advertising and public relations are of top importance.

High pressure salesmanship and heavy doses of advertising are a must to move the
products of the firm.

The essence of sales orientation philosophy is "Goods are not bought but sold." The
maker of product must say that his product is best, and he fails if he keeps mum.

The assumptions of this philosophy are:

a) Producing the best possible product.

b) Finding the buyer for the product
c) The management's main task is to convince the buyers through high pressure
tactics, if necessary.

The philosophy has been prevailing since 1940. It is more prevalent in selling all
kinds of insurance policies, consumer non-durables and consumer durable products,
particularly the status-symbols.

3. Customer Orientation Philosophy:

This philosophy was brought into play during 1950s and points out that the
fundamental task of business undertaking is to study and understand the needs, wants,
desires and values of potential consumers and produce the goods in the light of these
findings so that consumer specifications are met totally.

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Here, the starting point is the customer rather than the product. The enterprise is to
commence with the consumer and end with the requisite product. It emphasizes the
role of marketing research well before the product is made available in the

The assumptions are:

a) The firm should produce only that product as desired by the consumer.
b) The management is to integrate all its activities in order to develop programs
to satisfy the consumer wants.
c) The management is to be guided by "long-range profit goals rather than
"quick sales."

Since 1950, this philosophy is in vogue and will continue so long as consumer is the
King of the market.

4. Social Orientation Philosophy:

There has been a further refinement the marketing concept particularly during 1970s
and 1980s. Accordingly, the new concept goes beyond understanding the consumer
needs and matching the products accordingly. This philosophy cares for not only
consumer satisfaction but for consumer welfare or social welfare. Such social welfare
speaks of pollution-free environment and quality of human life.

Thus, a firm manufacturing a pack of cigarettes for consumer must i only produce the
best cigarettes but pollution-free cigarettes; an automobile not only fuel efficient but
less pollutant one.

In other words, the firm is to discharge its social responsibilities. Thus, social welfare
becomes the added dimension.

The assumptions of social-orientation philosophy are:

(i) The firm is to produce only those products as are wanted by the consumers.

(ii) The firm is to be guided by long-term profit goals rather than quick sales.

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(iii)The firm should discharge its social responsibilities,

(iv)The management is to integrate the firm's resources and activities to develop

programmed to meet these individual consumer and social needs.

This social oriented philosophy is the latest and is considered as an integrated

concept. This philosophy, as it covers earlier long-standing concepts, is bound to rule
the marketing world for long time.


"The marketing guru has said Marketing is a social and managerial process by which
individuals and group obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and
changing products of value with others".

 According to According to Philip Kotler ,

 American marketing association,

"Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and
services from producer to consumer to user".

By these definitions we can derive that marketing is compressive term that includes
all resource and set of activities necessary to direct and facilitate flow of goods and
services from producer to consumer in the process of distribution.


At the end of all marketing activities, is the satisfaction of human wants and
derivation of profits from them: The following are the most significant objectives of

 Intelligent and effective application of modern marketing: Today economies

changing growth rate, relatively high inflation, high interest rates, rapid

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technological change and new aggressive rivals challenge marketing firm to

adopt and respond to change for survival and prosperity
 To develop the market field: Marketing is the most dynamic field where
change rules the roost. Change is a continuous preoccupation among
 To develop and implement guiding policies for better results: Innovative
marketing guiding policies and their effective implementation to assure better
 To suggest solutions by studying the problems relating to marketing:
Identifying the problems and giving fitting solutions to the problems in
various aspects of marketing is really a challenge to the companies.
 To find sources for further information concerning the market problems: The
world of business is moving based on countless decisions, marketing decisions
are more complex and intricate having impending impact on the very future of
a company
 To take appropriate and opportune action in the course of working. The
marketing information system designed by the marketing organization helps in
identifying the problem, investigating and analysing it and interpreting the
problem for the final decision.



Western smartphone makers like Apple and Google, are increasingly looking eat for
growth, giving countries like India significant influence over the sorts of features they
build to the phones "Normally what happens in emerging markets as they keep frog
others in terms of forging ahead" said Satish Moon forecast analyst at Forrester. 'India
has the advantage of volume they have sufficient volume so they can tell smartphone

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makers to build certain features. The smartphone makers can then by and use them in
the African market and the Mid-Eastern market for example. The African markets
similar problems in terms of purchasing power and penetration of smartphones, said
Meena, indicating towards India's scenario.

Although we all know that India has the fastest growing smartphone market in the
world, the smartphone market in India crossed the 30 Million unit shipments
milestone for the first time ever in a quarter in CY a3 2016 maintaining its healthy
traction with 11% Year on-Year growth.

According to the International Data Corporation's (IDC) Quarterly Mobile Phone

Tracker smartphone shipments clicked 32.3 million units in CY Q3 2016 with 17.5%
growth over the previous quarter. This seasonal spike in third quarter of the year can
be attributed to the channel preparation for the festive season, mega online sales and
early import of smartphones owing to Chinese holidays in October says Karthik J,
Senior Market Analyst. Client Devices, IDC India Mobile subscriptions are expected
to hit 1.4 billion by 2021, according to the Mobility Report, released in June.

Everybody is looking at India as a huge landing ground for their innovation and as a
next big step in that part of the world." said Sanjeet Pandit Qualcomm senior director
for business development and sales for Asia-Pacific and India. Qualcomm chips are
used in about 30% of smartphones in India.

Online share of smartphone increased to 31.6% with impressive 35% Quarter on-
Quarter (QoQ) growth due to strong performance by key online players primarily
from China-based vendors, namely Redmi, Lenovo and Motorola including Korean
tech Samsung.

Also closing weeks of the quarter witnessed incremental supplies as many vendors
were preparing their inventories for the online festivals in October Lenovo Group
continues to lead online channel followed by Xiaomi. "Lenovo Group accounts for
almost one-fourth of total online smartphone shipments driven primarily by Lenovo's
K5 series and Motorola's G4 series models. Also, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 and newly

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launched Redmi 3 fuelled the online shipments to a large extent. In 2012 Samsung
Galaxy S3 introduced the ability to capture photos using voice commands.

4G smartphone shipments grew 24.8% over previous quarter in CY Q3 2016. Rollout

of Reliance Jio network has further increased the share of 4g Enabled smartphones in
India. 7 out of 1 smartphones shipped in Q3 2016 were 4G enabled and 9 out of 10
smartphones sold by Tailors were 4G.


With the opening of the market or the post liberalization period has resulted in many
companies entering the markets with offerings of their goods and services. In the
earlier stages of economic revolution consumer had to accept what the manufacturer
has produced. But today's consumers are much more educated, demanding, expect lot
more to suit their ever-changing lifestyles. There by their quality expectations have
been elevated from time to time in order to rebuild it-self around its customer.

The manufacturer should be able to satisfy, with the type of product and services to
match the ever-changing customer requirements.

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In developing a marketing strategy for products, the sellers must confront the
branding decision. Brand is a major issue in product. Customers have strong
preference for versions and brands of basic goods and services. The manufactures
eventually learn that market power lies with the brand name companies. Consumers
buying decisions are influenced by the brand.

In this competitive world, the "Brand plays an important role and a brand is very
prominent asset owned by an organization. Brand is endowed with awareness,
perceived quality, Associations and brand loyalty. Brand is presented as creative

A brand is a promise of the seller to deliver a specific set of benefits or attributes or

services to the buyer Brand represents a level of quality.


A Brand is symbol, a mark, a name that acts as a means of communication which

brings about an identity of a given product.

A Brand in short is an identifier of the seller or the maker. A brand name consists of
words, letter or numbers that can be vocalized. Brand mark is the visual
representation of the brand like a symbol, design, distinctive colouring of lettering.
Brand creates a bond between the customer and a product.


 According to American marketing association,

"A Brand is defined as a name, item, sign, symbol or special design or some
combination of these elements that is intended to identify the goods or services of one

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seller or a group of sellers. A brand differentiates these products from those of


 According to Philip Kotler

"A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or combination of them. Intended to
identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate
them from those of competitors”.


Brand development is a continuous process which helps a brand grow in the market.
There will be a constant plan to develop a brand further, be contemporary and yet
useful to a customer.

Brand development has four phases, they are:

1) Brand strategy
2) Brand identity
3) Graphic design
4) Brand management

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Brand Brand Brand

development identify



Role of Branding In today's world brand names come to create identity to distinguish
one product from another. The following points to pin down its precise role:

 Brand is a massive asset: Brand is an intangible asset, because it is impossible

to duplicate brand name.
 Brand is promotional tool: The product differentiation is done by a brand
through sales promotion.
 Brand is a weapon to protect Market: A consumer has tried and liked a
product, the brand enables him to identify the product and repeat the purchase.
 Brand is antidote for middlemen's survival: The class of middleman always
tends to go for a successful brand,
 Brand is a means of identification of customers: Brand is the easiest way of
identifying product or service by customers.


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Awareness of a brand is when its presence is registered in the mind of consumers. The
level of awareness can range from mere recognition to recall topping of mind to
dominant. The company is spending money to keep brand in consumer memory.
Strong brand awareness means easy acceptance of new products. Brand with strong
awareness can brought and sold to create brand name with enduring strength.

An organization can put its customer awareness, identify and develop it further to
build strong brand. It is enhanced by creating a brand loyalty and establishing brand
identity of a product

Brand awareness is asset which brand managers create and enhance to build brand
equity. It is related to the nature and features of product. It leads to brand strength,
which is constituted by measuring the variable like leadership, stability, Market,
geographic, trend, support and protection etc...

Creating brand awareness with the use of advertising, promotion event management
etc... a different brand has different kind of awareness which retains recognition.
Brand awareness satisfies a need of the consumer. A consumer as aims, ambitions
motivation drives and desire. Consumer feels more powerful when he uses the brand.
Satisfaction or preference for a brand shows how loyal the consumer is likely to be



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2.1About Samsung Electronics Co Ltd

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd is one of the famous manufacturing and selling of

electronics and computer organisation. It is founded on 13 January 1969 and it’s
headquartered in Suwon, South Korea. Samsung entered the electronic industry in the
late 1960s and the construction and shipbuilding in Mid-1970s. It provides high
quality of home appliances, telecommunication equipment, semiconductors solid state
drives, DRAM ships, automotive chemical, Apparel etc. It also offers services like
construction, entertainment, financial service, device solution, information technology
and mobile communication (Cho, Kim and Kim, 2015). Samsung Company
comprises various affiliated businesses most of them united under the Samsung Brand
and is the largest South Korean. Samsung company have mission is to provide the
high quality of innovative technology and electronic devices and services. The
mission statement of Samsung is related to its vision that is “Inspired the World,
Create the future”

Samsung Company has great organisation culture in terms of innovative driver that
assist in shaping the productive community within firm. It has designed strong culture
for become an innovative corporation and world leader. Samsung Electronic launched

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an exhaustive program in 2012 in order to reform the organisation (Chen and Ann,
2016). For reform the organisation, corporation refined management structure in each
business area to optimise capabilities throughout the whole organisation. With help of
new structure of organisation corporation refocused upon the three business sectors
such as Device solution, IT & Mobile communication and consumer Electronic.
Samsung electronics has committed to global community to improving and
developing the highly advanced innovative services and products in order to everyday
lives of people (Lasserre 2017). Samsung firm recognise its responsibility as a
creative leader and dedicate its hard work, efforts resources to offering new values to
the buyers and industry. It has set the growth targets that desired to achieve by 2020
and it seeks to reach annual sales of USD 400 billion.

Name of the company = Samsung electronics co.Ltd

Address of the company = 20th to 24th Floor, Two Horizon Centre ,Golf Course
Road, Sector-43,DLF PH-V, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122202

Contact information = +91-124-4881234

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As compare to other competitors in the electronic industry, there is no doubt that

Samsung is the leader where Smartphone are concerned (Dolata, 2017). Samsung is
the king of the Smartphone world as there are Samsung Note series, the Samsung
Galaxy series and Galaxy Edge series. There are various competitors of the Samsung
Company such as HTC, Sony, Xiaomi, Apple, Vivo, Microsoft, Intel, LG electronics,
Lenovo group limited, Texas Instruments Inc. etc.

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2.0Table showing the analysis of the firm s competitive position

Company 2016 As a% of 2017 As a% of

revenues revenues

Samsung 13.079 7.3 14.857 7

Apple 10.045 4.7 11.581 5.1

Microsoft 11.989 14.1 13.037 14.5

LG Electronics 2.183 4.5 2.110 3.9

Intel 12.128 21.9 13.098 20.7

2.3 Samsung vision statement

Samsung’s corporate vision is to “Inspire the world with our innovative

technologies, products and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to
social prosperity by creating a new future.” The company follows this vision
statement to maintain profitable technology business operations that contribute to the
improvement of people’s lives. Samsung frequently refers to a shortened version of
this corporate vision: “Vision 2020: Inspire the World, Create the Future.” The
company extensively implements this statement throughout its subsidiaries’
operations in the consumer electronics, computing technology, and semiconductors
industries. The following components are contained in Samsung’s vision statement:

1. Global inspiration

2. Innovation

3. Improvement of lives and future social prosperity

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Based on its vision statement, Samsung’s strategic objectives include the development
of products that inspire. This inspirational aspect requires the company to consider
local and regional market conditions to ensure that its technological products actually
inspire people despite differences in their societal situations. Samsung’s corporate
vision also pushes for a high degree of innovation. Technological innovation is
especially notable in the company’s products, such as smartphones and laptops.
Moreover, the vision statement indicates strategic efforts that include Samsung’s
corporate social responsibility strategy for improving people’s lives and contributing
to social prosperity. This corporate vision means that the company sees itself as a
mover and major contributor to the world’s improvement through consumer
electronics, semiconductors, and other products that add value to people’s lives and
society. In a way related to the mission statement, Samsung’s corporate vision
includes a global scope of application and the aim of contributing to societal

2.4Samsung’s Mission Statement

Samsung’s mission statement is “We will devote our human resources and
technology to create superior products and services, thereby contributing to a
better global society.” This corporate mission was published in the 1990s, when the
company was undergoing rapid global expansion in various semiconductors,
electronics, and related technology markets. Based on its business operations and
current international industry positioning, Samsung focuses on the following
components in its corporate mission:

1. Human resources and technological resources

2. Superiority of products and services
3. Improvement of the global society

Samsung corporate vision statement, corporate mission statement computer

technology electronics business management strategy case study analysis Digital ads
of Samsung and other companies at Times Square. Samsung’s corporate mission
statement and corporate vision statement push for innovation leadership and strategies

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in the consumer electronics, semiconductors, home appliances, and related industries.

(Photo: Public Domain)

Samsung is a technology conglomerate whose corporate mission and vision

statements focus on innovation for global societal improvement through technological
products. The company’s mission statement indicates superiority, which implies
excellence and leadership in the semiconductors, electronics, and other markets. On
the other hand, Samsung’s vision statement promotes an inspiration-focused strategic
objective that makes the business an influencer among people and societies around the
world. Thus, the combination of the corporate vision and mission statements creates
the idea of a technological conglomerate that aims for industry leadership and global
influence. In order to follow Samsung’s corporate mission and corporate vision, the
business organization must ensure competitive advantages against major technology
companies, including Apple, Sony, Intel, Microsoft, and LG. This competitive
landscape imposes strong forces and strategic challenges that require high rates of
innovation and high quality standards in Samsung’s operations and technological
product development and design, as well as the utilization of advanced technologies
to support operations.

For the purpose of this business analysis, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and its
corporate statements are evaluated based on the corporate mission and vision
statements of the Samsung Group. Samsung Electronics does not publish its separate
corporate vision and mission statements and, instead, follows the mission and vision
of its parent company, the Samsung Group. It is assumed that the conglomerate
applies its vision and mission in an overarching manner throughout its various
businesses and subsidiaries, including Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung’s mission statement is “We will devote our human resources and technology
to create superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global
society.” This corporate mission was published in the 1990s, when the company was
undergoing rapid global expansion in various semiconductors, electronics, and related
technology markets. Based on its business operations and current international

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industry positioning, Samsung focuses on the following components in its corporate


a. Human resources and technological resources

b. Superiority of products and services
c. Improvement of the global society

In its mission statement, Samsung identifies human resources and technology as the
two main assets that it uses to pursue its purpose and strategic objectives in its global
industries. This component of the corporate mission requires that the company
maintain highly competitive compensation packages and related human resource
administration and development programs to attract sufficient talent while competing
against technology giants like Apple Inc. and Google LLC. Considering the
significance of human resources, Samsung’s corporate culture is a determining factor
in fulfilling its corporate mission. On the other hand, superiority of products and
services is at the core of fulfilling the consumer electronics company’s corporate
mission. Such superiority emphasizes the importance of strategic management that
directs decisions at Samsung’s headquarters toward operational effectiveness for high
quality organizational outputs in various technology markets. In a way, this
component of the mission statement pushes the corporation to ensure an effective
value chain and achieve its value proposition, such as effective and high quality
consumer electronics.


Samsung organizational structure is divisional and the company is divided into three
key divisions: IT & Mobile Communications (IM), Consumer Electronics (CE), and
Device Solutions (DS). The rationale behind the choice of divisional organizational
structure relates to Samsung’s large product portfolio and differences between
products and services the company offers to the market.

Accordingly, Samsung’s each division is managed separately taking into account the
characteristics of their products that have implications on new product development,

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marketing, selling and other aspects of the business. Moreover, Samsung Electronics
has more than 200 subsidiaries around the world.

Figure below illustrates Samsung organizational structure:

As it is illustrated in figure above, apart from three divisions, Samsung organizational

structure also integrates corporate management office and Samsung Advanced
Institute of Technology (SAIT). Corporate management office deals with overall
management of the group and also has administrative responsibilities. SAIT is
Samsung Group’s R&D hub, established as the incubator for the development of new
products and services.

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The senior management completed its review of optimal organizational structure on

April 2017 and decided not to convert to a holding company structure.[1] Following a
series of recent scandals involving Samsung management that culminated in Jay Y.
Lee, the former de facto head of the Samsung conglomerate being jailed for 5
years[2], it can be argued that Samsung organizational structure will change in the
foreseeable future. Specifically, Samsung organizational structure may change to
make governance and decision making practices more transparent to eliminate or at
least to reduce the cases of future scandals.


Samsung has come a long way to be one of the best reputed electronics manufacturers
in the world. The company started out small and through innovation and brilliant
marketing strategies, managed to share a table with high flying electronics
incorporations, including Apple Inc. One would not be wrong to say that Samsung’s
products have indeed flooded the market. The company has diversified its production
to cover multiple product models and lines including smartphones, cameras, TVs,
entertainment gadgets, Home appliances as well as smart watches. Samsung product
models or line-ups are.

1. Samsung Galaxy Line-up

The Samsung Galaxy line up is perhaps the most popular product line by the South
Korean tech giant. Samsung span to the limelight at a time when its Galaxy
smartphones were performing big in the market. Today, the company is arranging the
release of its next flagship, the Samsung Galaxy S5. Markets across the globe are
always looking forward to the next Galaxy smartphone launch from the company.
This has immensely contributed to Sammy’s expansion especially in western markets.
China and the United States are primarily the company’s top markets.

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2. Galaxy Note line-up

Characterized by super-powerful smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy Note line up is

indeed one of the best Samsung product line-up’s available in the market today. Just
like the Samsung Galaxy smartphones, Galaxy Note devices are becoming
increasingly popular. The need for powerful smartphones that can do extraordinary
things to make life easier has contributed to the immense popularity attached to Note

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3. Samsung Cameras

If you thought that Samsung was all about smartphones, you were down right wrong.
The company has also invested in cameras. The company’s cameras offer a crisp
capture experience that helps you record the best memories in your life. Â To start
with, the NX500 is a 28MP interchangeable lens camera that offers a 16-50mm Power
Zoom Lens and Flash. This is just but one camera. Samsung apparently has over 26
different camera brands in the market. The NX1 is also another popular make,
offering crisp performance with features similar to those of the NX500.

4. Samsung Smart TVs

When it comes to innovation, Samsung has always taken a front-row seat. The
company has been one of the pioneers in the production of TVs that act ‘smart’.
Samsung’s Smart TVs are one of the latest product lines in the market. The company
has won the love of the global market by producing TV sets that allow users to stream
content, apps, games, multimedia and social content. Ideally, the Samsung smart TV
serves as your centre for all things entertainment.

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5. Samsung Computers, pcs and laptops

The company also makes Personal Computers and laptops. Although they might not
be the best PCs you’ve ever seen around anywhere, and they certainly aren’t the
market leader, Samsung PCs are unique in every way. Their ATIV PC features
cutting-edge performance, sleek design and outstanding sharing features. Combine
this with an ultra-powerful, ultra-slim, Samsung-electronics powered device and you
get performance at a whole new level. If you love to keep your electronics Samsung,
the company’s PCs are certainly one of the best product line ups. Currently, Samsung
has about 13 different PC models and laptops.

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6. Samsung Digital Frames

Samsung has also invested in digital frames. Digital photo frames give users an
interesting new way to organize and view their best photos. For instance, the 8” SPF -
85H 8-inch digital photo frame offers an 800 x 600 resolution, and 1GB worth of
internal memory to show your photos in a nice way. It can also be used as a 2nd PC
monitor with a simple USB collection.

7. Samsung Sound Systems

Samsung Giga Sounds Systems are among the best in the market. Featuring
outstanding sound performance, the Giga Sound Systems are the ideal home audio
entertainment system. With the MX-HS9000 Giga System, you get 3400 Watts of
Audio Power. You can remotely control this system via Bluetooth, as well as mix and
share your best music with cool DJ Beat Effects. And this is not all, the sound system
is equipped with a system of LED lights that glow with the rhythm of the music,
making your party amazing all the same. Samsung currently has about 10 different
home audio systems available.

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8.Samsung home appliances

Samsung manufactures home appliances for the better function of consumer daily

Such as refrigerator, ovens , washing machine etc.



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What Is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework

used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning.
SWOT analysis assesses internal and external factors, as well as current and future

A SWOT analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at

the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or within its industry. The
organization needs to keep the analysis accurate by avoiding pre-conceived beliefs or
grey areas and instead focusing on real-life contexts. Companies should use it as a
guide and not necessarily as a prescription.

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The following is the SWOT analysis of Samsung:

Samsung’s Strengths – Internal Strategic Factors

Dominates the Smartphone Market – Samsung has dominated the

smartphone market for years. According to Gartner, in Q1 of 2020, Samsung
has maintained the No. 1 spot globally with a 18.5% market share, where as
Apple is at 13.7% market share.
Research and Development – The foundation of Samsung has always been
on Innovative research and development. Expenditure in these departments
resulted in the company having a wide range of product portfolio among its
competitors. These include tablet, camcorder, mobile phone, camera,
TV/video/audio, Memory Cards, PC, and other accessories. They have 34
R&D (research and development) centres operating worldwide.
Award Winning Brand – Samsung’s position as a pioneer for innovation is
backed with credibility. Samsung has won many awards for its offerings.
Samsung has been awarded the CES (Consumer Electronics showing to its
designs and products for 14 consecutive years. It went on to receive 36 CES

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awards in 2018 along with 400 more awards within a period of 14 years. It
also secured 7 wins at the (IDEA) International Design Excellence Awards.
Ecologically Friendly Innovations – Samsung has enhanced its brand
reputation through its environmentally friendly innovations. It secured its
ranking at 9th position in the Top 30 Tech and Telecom companies of the
EPA’s 2016 Green Power Partner list. It also received the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) annual ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year
Excellence Award for five consecutive years. Other companies do not share
this achievement and hence increases Samsung’s appeal across all business
Stronghold in the Asian Markets – Samsung retains a stronghold in the
Asian markets, particularly India and China. Both India’s and China’s
business markets are growing substantially which is why Samsung has taken
advantage of the opportunity and incentivize in these countries accordingly.

Samsung’s Weaknesses

Heavily dependent on the American Markets – It is estimated that both Apple and
Samsung sold at least 70.8% of smartphones in the USA. While Samsung has
diversified its resources and expanded its operations in Asia, it is still heavily
dependent on the American markets. The American economy is very unpredictable
and another recession could put Samsung’s revenues in jeopardy and can damage its
operational resources. That’s why Samsung needs to involve itself into the Asian and
European markets to ensure sustainability and avoid potential failures if the US
economy ever collapses.

Decline in Smartphone Sales – Samsung has been experiencing a decline in

smartphone sales since 2017. A similar trend was seen in China due to the
price sensitivity of the Chinese market. They dump a lot of those products in
the Indian market at a lower cost which harms the Samsung sales. Samsung
has tried to shift more focus in India, but that strategy did not produce
substantial results for the company.

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Product Failures – Any product that threatens the life of consumers erodes
confidence and trust in the company. Samsung has delivered

several faulty products to the market from the exploding Samsung Galaxy A20e to a
faulty foldable phone.

Dependence on Low-end Smartphones – A large portion of Samsung

revenues come from low-end smartphone sales. Recent events have impacted
this segment more than the high-end smartphone segment, which played a role
in Samsung’s decline from 71 million smartphone sales and 19.1% of market
share in Q1 2019 to 55 million smartphones sold in Q1 2020 with 18.5% of
market share (as per Gartner Report).
Hereditary Leadership – Since its founding, Samsung has always been under
the leadership of the family for three generations. Even though keeping the
leadership within the family has offered Samsung immense stability, the
company can stagnate due to a lack of fresh ideas. After being dogged by
several scandals, Samsung heir Jay Lee has vowed to end dynastic succession.
Bribery Scandal – In 2015, Samsung’s reputation was tainted by the
revelation that the president of the company bribed the government of South
Korea to facilitate a merger. He was found guilty and jailed for about one year
until Feb. 2018, which eroded trust bestowed by consumers in South Korea
and the world over.

Samsung’s Opportunities

Triple Protection Proposition – Samsung is preparing to launch its new air

conditioning product called the ‘Triple Protection Proposition’ that
incorporates cutting edge technology and impeccable construction. The
product is geared towards a target customer base that would ensure maximum
customer retention.

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HR Management – Samsung can make impressive transformational

accomplishments if it invests in its HR management. Not only would it be
good for its sales but it will also give it competitive leverage over its rival. The
company can utilize its brand image and hire highly qualified and skilled
employees to improve employee performance and productivity.
Diversification and Acquisitions – It is critical that Samsung avoids the
mistake of being limited to just one marketplace. It not only invites risks from
an economic perspective, but it also attracts unwanted political polarization
and negative media publicity. That’s why there is a vacuum present in the
Asian and European economies in which Samsung can thrive. It needs to
expand its customer base as well. It can only be achieved through
diversification and acquisitions of other businesses. Samsung is a popular
brand and can generate impressive revenues thanks to its financial standing.
Introduce Innovative Products – The smartphone sector is highly dynamic,
with the latest trends going out of style in an instant. Samsung can attain
immense growth by setting the trend with great and innovative products like
the foldable phone.
5G Technology – As the world moves to 5G, Samsung has the capacity and
know-how to exploit this opportunity. The company is already in active
commercial discussions with operators in the EU to supply 5G and 6G
network equipment. Samsung is one of the top companies in the UK’s list of
potential 5G providers.

Samsung’s Threats

Patent Infringement Controversies – Samsung has been involved in

controversies that have threatened its business. Its rival Apple filed a lawsuit
against Samsung for patent infringement which underwent a heated court
battle for seven long years until finally reaching a settlement. However, the
company suffered consequences when a jury decided that Samsung had indeed

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copied Apple and was to pay $1.049 billion in damages. This suit damaged the
company’s reputation and its sales.
Increased Competition – Competition from opponents especially from those
within the consumer electronics, smartphone products, and computing
industries has reached a record high. Whether it’s Xiaomi, Apple, or Huawei,
all the technological competitors are outmanoeuvring and outperforming each
other to become the best technology company. This only increases the
pressure for Samsung in both competition and finances.
Legal and Regulatory Threats – With the world becoming more globalized
and digitally oriented, governmental authorities have begun issuing their
guidelines which are increasing legal and regulatory threats to companies
around the globe. Samsung is no exception to these rules. Laws differ from
market to market, and these strict regulations cause a hindrance in operations.
Failure to comply could even result in a complete shutdown in the respective
market which may be fatal for Samsung.
Economic Uncertainty – Recent events have catalysed uncertainty in the
global market and led to a decline in new smartphone sales by 20.2% in Q1 of
2020. Financial struggles have forced many consumers to seek recycled or
refurbished phones, which has increased by 24%. Samsung has already
experienced a decline in sales, and it can drop further if uncertainty persists.
Rise of Counterfeiting – According to numerous research studies, Samsung is
by far the most counterfeited phone brand. Statistics from mobile
benchmarking site A highlight that over 36% of all counterfeit smartphones
are Samsung copies. Also, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge holds the record of the
most counterfeited smartphone model.
Impending Court Cases – Any disruption in leadership can affect
performance. A South Korean court is debating whether to send Samsung’s
leader and heir Jay Lee back to jail. New allegations of stock-price
manipulation and audit-rule violations have dogged the executive and threaten
to throw the company into another tumultuous period without leadership.

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Through the SWOT analysis of Samsung, it is clear that the company is still a global
leader in chip making and smartphone brands. It has always sustained sufficient
revenue and profits as it progresses into the future.

The primary challenge it has to face is cutting back on its overreliance on the
American markets and explores the potential to operate in other markets. It needs to
focus mainly on the Asian continent that is developing at an exceeding rate. Its
limited customer base in the US is not reliable enough and may lead to limited
revenue and profits. That can become a persistent issue for the company. They need to
expand internationally and incorporate a new consumer demographic to thrive.


Samsung Mobile Division is one of five divisions within Samsung Electronics,

belonging to the Samsung Group, and consists of the Mobile Communications
Division, Telecommunication Systems Division, Computer Division, MP3 Business
Team, Mobile Solution Centre and Telecommunication R&D Centre.

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Telecommunication Business produces a full spectrum of products from mobiles and

other mobile devices such as MP3 players and laptop computers to
telecommunication network infrastructure. Headquarters is located in Suwon, South

In 2007 Samsung Mobile Division Business reported over 40% growth and became
the second largest mobile device manufacturer in the world.[2] Its market share was
14% in Q4 2007, growing up from 11.3% in Q4 2006.[3] At the end of November
2011, Samsung sold more than 300 million mobile devices which was a close second
after Nokia with 300.6 million mobile devices sold in the first three quarter of 2011.
[4] As of Q3 2012, Samsung is the largest manufacturer of devices running Google's
Android with a 46% market share.

On 19 August 2016, Samsung officially released its Samsung Galaxy Note 7. As of 2

September 2016, Samsung announced a voluntary recall and attached to the new
exchange program, after numerous of report showed that the new Samsung Galaxy
Note 7 burst and exploded. On 10 October 2016, in response to the new incidents,
Samsung announced that it would once again suspend sales of the Galaxy Note 7 and
recall all devices worldwide. The next day Samsung also announced that it would
permanently discontinue the Galaxy Note 7 and cease its production.

As of October 7, comments have emerged from former CSPC experts following its
launch of the investigation into the above incident.[clarification needed]

The lawsuit, filed in the US district court in California, suggests that the tech
malfunctions extend beyond the Galaxy Note 7 and that Samsung “chose to conceal
the problem from the public despite knowing the foreseeable and predictable risk that
the phone may overheat, flame and destruct from the inside presenting a risk of
serious harm or injury”.

The recall had a major impact on Samsung's business in the third quarter of 2016,
with the company projecting that its operating profits would be down by 33% in
comparison to the previous quarter. Credit Suisse analysts estimated that Samsung

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would lose at least US$17 billion in revenue from the production and recall of the
Galaxy Note 7.

Samsung Electronics

 Formerly = Telecommunications Network

 Type = Division
 Industry = Telecommunications
 Founded = 1977; 44 years ago (as Telecommunication Network)Seoul,
South Korea.
 Headquarters = Suwon, South Korea
 Key people = Choi Gee-sung (President)Dong Jin Koh (CEO)[1]
 Products = Telecom equipment Network equipment Mobile
phones Laptop computers.
 Revenue = Increase $95 Billion USD (2017)
 Net income = Increase $70 Billion USD (2017)
 Number of employees = 325,000
 Parent = Samsung Electronics(1977–present)

 Website = Samsung consumer

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1. Tajzadeh Namin A. A; Rahmani Vahid; Tajzadeh Namin Aldin (2012)

Analysed that the process of deciding over a brand may be influenced by situation and
content. The findings suggest a significant relationship between the variables "brand
attitude", "corporate attitude", and "product choice". In addition, no significant
relationship was found between individual decision making processes and product

2. According to Keller (2003)

Stated that Brand awareness can be referred to as the ability of a consumer to

distinguish a brand under various conditions. Keller (2003) also noted that brand
awareness is built and increased by familiarity with the brand as a result of repeated
vulnerability which eventually leads to consumers experience with the brand.
Consumer’s experience of a particular brand could either be by hearing, seeing, or
thinking about it and this will help the brand to stick in their memory.

Awareness also affects decisions about brands in the consideration set, even in the
absence of any brand associations in consumers’ minds. In low involvement decision
settings, a minimum level of brand awareness may be sufficient for the choice to be
final. Awareness can also influence consumer decision making by affecting brand
associations that form the brand image (Keller1998)

4. According to Park et al. (1986)

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The construction and maintenance of the brand image is prerequisite to the

brand management. Theoretically, all products and services could be
demonstrated by functional, symbolic or experimental elements, through
which brand image is established. Throughout prior literature, researchers
define brand image mainly FOUR perspectives: blanket definitions, meanings
and messages, personification, cognitive or psychological elements.

4. Open journal of business and management, (2015)

The concept "brand awareness" has drawn significant attention from academics and
practitioners since it was put forward, because it played an important role in
marketing activities. Although brand image was recognized as the driving force of
brand asset and brand performance, few studies have elaborated on the relationship
between brand image and brand equity, based on the brand awareness theories, this
study reviewed extant studies about the impact of brand image on consumer from
perspective of customer equity. It also presented the shortcomings of current research
and pointed out the trends for future study.

5. Rong Huang, Emine Sarigöllü, (2014)

Combining survey data with real-market data, this research investigates brand
awareness, which relates to consumer behaviours and welfare, from three
perspectives. First, it examines the relation between brand awareness and market
outcome. Second, it explores the relation between brand awareness and brand equity.
Finally, it investigates the effects of marketing mix elements on brand awareness.
Findings reveal consumer's brand usage experience contributes to brand awareness,
implying that experience precedes awareness in some contexts. The results also
confirm positive association between brand awareness and brand equity. Lastly, the
current work demonstrates the importance of distribution and price promotion in
building brand awareness in a consumer-packaged goods category.

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The research problem selected for the analysis is entitled “ A study on Brand
awareness towards Samsung Smartphones in India”.

This topic is selected because SAMSUNG is one of the largest selling smartphone
companies in India and to the strength and weakness of these phones, the study has
been conducted.


1. To determine the awareness level of the consumer about Samsung

2. To determine the consumer perception regarding different attributes of the
3. To know the reason and intentions behind purchasing or not purchasing
Samsung smartphones.
4. To get other suggestion based on the finding for the improvement.


1. Finding out the strength and weakness attributed to the Samsung smartphones,
where it can correct its faculty facts.
2. Finding the number of future purchases.
3. Finding the market potential and awareness of this smartphone company.

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4. Finding the position of the smartphones among the competitors.

5. Finding the perception of consumers about the mobile phone.


3.6.1Sampling design

 Sample procedure for the project work

The sampling method used is convenience sampling, a category of non-

profitability sampling since the respondents were chosen by me and were not
provided by any profit organisation or a company as it was a freelancing
sampling . The area of sampling is in Bangalore city.

 Sample size for project work

It is impossible to collect the response from the total population due to

limitation of time . the total sample size taken for survey is 100 respondents.

3.6.2Method of data collection

 Primary data was collected by asking the respondents to fill out the
 Secondary data was collected from various like reference books on marketing
consumer behaviour ,business and Internet.

Data for project work was collected from primary and secondary source data.

3.6.3 Designing for Questionnaire:

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The designing of questionnaire needs precision and classify the subject so that
respondent easily understands the questions and will reply the answers sincerely and
correctly. The concept of sealing is used to know the satisfactory level for the MI
mobile phones with users.

3.6.4 Analysis of the data:

The data for analysis of project was collected from both the primary and secondary

The data thus collected during the interaction with respondents were organized,
processed and edited before tabulating and drawing the inference from them. The data
so got was analysed using statistical methods and techniques like tables, percentages,
averages and interpret them properly and came to conclusions, Graphical
representation of data was done.


3.7.1 Primary data:

Primary data are collected directly by the researcher from their original sources. The
researcher collects the required data precisely accordingly collect them when he wants
them and, in the form, he needs them. his needs, he can

Methods of collecting primary data:

There are various methods of data collection, the important ones are:

1. Observation method

2. Interview method.

3. Questionnaire method.

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3.7.2 Secondary data:

Secondary sources consist of readily available and already compiled statistical

statements and reports. These sources consist of not only published records and
reports but also unpublished records. Unpublished by the film/organization in the
form of accounting and financial records, personal records, register of members,
minutes of meeting inventory records etc.


1. The study was limited to 100 customers only.

2. Due to size and time constraint the whole population could not be included.

3. Conclusions are based on assumptions. It has been assumed that the answer given
by the respondent are truly and adequate.

4. This survey is only done in Bangalore city only.



1.1 Introduction:

1.1.1 Introduction to marketing

1.1.2 Evolution of marketing concepts

1.1.3 Definitions of marketing

1.1.4 Objectives of marketing

1.2 Industry scenario

1.2.1 An overview of smartphones in India

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1.3 Introduction to brand awareness

1.3.1 Meaning of brand awareness

1.3.3 Brand development

1.3.3 Role of branding

1.3.4 Brand awareness of a product


2.1 Company profile

2.2 Analysis of the firm competitive position

2.3 Vision of the company

2.4 Mission of the company

2.5 Organisational structure of Samsung

2.6 Product line of Samsung

2.7 SWOT Analysis

2.8 Introduction to Samsung smartphones


3.1 Review of literature

3.2 Title of the study

3.3 Statement of problem

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3.4 Objectives of the study:

3.5 Scope of the project

3.6 Methodology of study

3.6.1 Sampling design

3.6.2 Method of data collection:

3.6.3 Designing for Questionnaire

3.6.4 Analysis of the data

3.7 Data collection

3.7.1 Primary data:

3.7.2 Secondary data:

3.8 Limitations of the project:

3.9 Chapter scheme:


Data analysis and interpretation



5.1 Findings

5.2 Suggestions

5.2 Conclusion

Appendices , Annexure and Bibliography

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4.1Gender of the respondents:

Table4.1:Table showing the gender of the respondents towards

Samsung smartphones

SI NO. Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Male 67 67%

2. Female 34 34%

3 others 0 0%

Total 100 100%


Since the population was 100, from the above table it can be analysed that the
male respondents were 67 who form 67% of the result and the female
respondents were 34 who form 34% of the population and others were 0.

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Graph4.1:Graph showing the gender of the respondents towards

Samsung smartphones;



From the above graph we can interpret that the number of male respondents is more
than the female respondents in the population.

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4.2Age of the respondents

Table4.2:Table showing the age of the respondents

SI No. Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Up to 20 years 35 35%

2. 21 – 30 51 51%

3. 31 – 40 4 4%

4. 41 – 50 10 10%

5. Above 50 years 0 0

Total 100 100%


Since the total population is 100, the above table show the highest
percentage 51% of the respondents, that is 51 people approached are between the age
group of 21-30 years. The percentage 35% of the respondents that is 35 respondents
are between the age group of up to 20 years. The lowest percentage 4% that is 4 of the
respondents are between the age group of 31-40 years. The percentage 10% of the
respondents that is 10 respondents are between the age group of 41-50 years.

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Graph4.2:Graph showing the age of respondents

Age of respondents


From the above graph we can interpret that most of the respondents fall between the
age group of 21-30 years.

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4.3Education qualification of the respondents:

Table4.3:Table showing the qualification of respondents.

SI No. Particulars Number of Percentage

1. 12th 13 13%

2. Undergraduate 60 60%

3. Postgraduate 17 17%

4. Others 10 10%

Total 100 100%


The above table shows that 60% respondents are undergraduates. 13% of
the respondents have completed their 12th .17% of the respondents are postgraduates
and 10% of the respondents are having other qualification.

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Graph4.3:Graph showing the qualification of respondents.

Qualification of respondents


The above graph interprets that most of the respondents are undergraduates. We can
also understand that all the respondents are literates with some or the other
qualification and so can read and write.

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4.4Respondents owning Samsung smartphones

Table4.4:Table showing the number of respondent owning Samsung


SI No Response Number of Percentage


1. Yes 23 23%

2. No 67 67%

Total 100 100%


When asked if the respondents had owned Samsung smartphones, 23

people out of 100 respondents responded positively and the other 67 people out of 100
did not own Samsung smartphones.

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Graph4.4:Graph showing the number of respondents owning

Samsung smartphones

Number of respondents



Therefore, 23% people own Samsung out of 100 which mean that the product of
Samsung is recognised to some extent and is popular among people.

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4.5Respondents owning different smartphone brands

Table4.5:Table showing the number of respondents owning different

smartphone brands

SI No Particulars Respondents Percentage

1. Samsung 17 17%

2. Apple 33 33%

3. One plus 13 13%

4. Nokia 7 7%

5. Other 30 30%

Total 100 100%


When asked if the respondents are owning any other smartphones except
Samsung , 33 people out of 100 use Apple smartphone, 13 people out of 100 use
One plus smartphone, 7 people out of 100 use Nokia smartphones, 17 people out of
100 use Samsung smartphones and people 30 out of 100 use other smartphone

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Graph4.5:Graph showing the number of respondents owning

different brands of smartphones


The above graph interprets that the most of the respondents owns different
smartphone brands including Samsung.

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4.6Respondent’s choices of buying a smartphones

Table4.6:Table showing the respondent choices for buying a


SI No Particulars Percentage

1. Business purpose 30%

2. Communication(video& 63.3%
3. Want to keep updated with 63.3%
technology(personal image)
4. Software flexibility 48.4%
(including access to
application from Google
play or apple store, etc.)
5 Sales promotion (discounts 3.2%
and offerings)
6. Frequent updates and 9.7%
variety of models
7. Others 19.4%


When asked the respondents why do you buy a smartphones with

choices (selection of 3 choices in the category)

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Graph4.6:Graph showing the number of respondents choices over

buying a smartphones


Therefore, people choices over purchasing Smartphone is more for communication,

keep updated with technology. And other choices such as for software flexibility for
frequent updates on varieties.

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4.7Respondent’s frequent usage with their smartphones

Table4.7:Table showing the respondents usage with their


SI No Particulars Respondents Percentage

1. Applications( social 45 45%

2. Business purposes 19 19%

3. Music/videos 16 16%

4. games 10 10%

5. Others 10 10%

Total 100 100%


When the respondents were asked what you use more frequently in your

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Graph4.7:Graph showing respondents frequent usage with their



Therefore, 47 people out of 100 frequently use Applications(social media), 17 people

out of 100 frequently use smartphones for business purpose,17 people out of 100
frequently use smartphones for Music/videos,10 people out of 100 frequently use
smartphones for games and other 10 people use smartphones for convenient purpose.

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4.8Respondents important features while purchasing a smartphone

Table4.8:Table showing the important features must while

purchasing a smartphone

SI No Particulars Percentage

1. Design 32.3%

2. Operating system 61.3%

3. Brand 51.6%

4. Camera/video 64.5%
5. Technical 29%
6. Availability of 16.1%
7. Easy to use 32.3%

8. Screen size 9.7%

9. Battery life 54.8%

10. Others 3.2%


When the respondents were asked about how they purchase a smartphone based on
the features listed above, the respondent were given three options to choose it

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Graph4.8:Graph showing the respondents three important features

while purchasing a smartphone


Therefore, this interprets the three features of purchasing decision of the respondents
towards smartphones.

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4.9Means by which the respondents are aware of Samsung


Table4.9:Table representing the means of awareness of Samsung


SI No Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Good previous 29 29%
2. Friends 23 23%
3. Internet reviews 19 19%

4. Social media 1 1%

5. Printed Ads 0 0%

6. TV 1 1%

7. Others 27 27%

Total 100 100%


When the respondents were asked about how they had heard about Samsung
smartphones, 29 people out of 100 had already good experience with the brand,23
people out of 100 heard it through friends recommendations,19 people out of 100
heard it through internet reviews,1people out of 100 heard it through social media,1

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person heard it through TV, 27 people out of 100 heard it from other specific

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Graph4.9:Graph showing the means of awareness of Samsung



Therefore, this interprets that majority of the respondents heard the product through
good previous experience and it was evident that everyone knew the brand.

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4.10Respondents opinion towards the brand Samsung

Table4.10:Table showing the opinion towards Samsung smartphones

SI No. Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Agree 36 36%

2. Strongly Agree 10 10%

3. Disagree 48 48%

4. Strongly disagree 6 6%

Total 100 100%


Since this question was asked 46 people agreed/strongly agreed for the brand, 54
people disagree/ strongly disagree.

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Graph4.10:Graph showing Respondents opinion towards Samsung



Out of 54 respondents, 46% of them agree that Samsung has a very good opinion
towards the market.

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4.11Respondents when asked Samsung smartphones are very stylish

in appearance

Table4.11:Table showing Samsung smartphones are very stylish in


SI No Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Agree 39 39%

2. Strongly agree 13 13%

3. Disagree 35 35

4. Strongly disagree 13 13

Total 100 100%


Since this question was asked 52 people out of 100 agree or strongly agree
that Samsung smartphones are very stylish in appearance, 48 people out of 100
disagree or strongly disagree with the above statement.

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Graph4.11:Graph showing Samsung smartphones being very stylish

in appearance


The respondents gave positive answers considering the total of 100 people. All the
respondents gave positive answers for above question,52 people out of 100 agreed
that Samsung smartphone is very stylish in appearance.

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4.12Respondents opinion towards Samsung smartphones are multi

featured and priced very reasonably

Table4.12:Table showing the opinion towards Samsung smartphones are

multi featured and priced reasonably

SI No Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Agree 42 42%

2. Strongly agree 13 13%

3. Disagree 35 35%

4. Strongly disagree 10 10%

Total 100 100%


Since this question was asked 55 people agreed that Samsung smartphone
are multi featured and priced very reasonably, 45 people out of 100 disagree with the
above statement

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Graph4.12:Graph showing Samsung smartphones are multi featured

and priced very reasonably


Out of 100 respondents, 55 of them agreed that the product is multi featured and
priced reasonably, 45% people disagreed

This interprets that Samsung smartphones are multi featured and priced reasonably

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4.13Respondents willing to pay for Samsung smartphones

Table4.13:Table showing the pricing behaviour of Samsung

smartphones towards people

SI No Particulars Number of Percentage

1. Less than 15000 22 22%

2. 15000-25000 41 41%

3. 25000-50000 15 15%

4. More than 50000 22 22%

Total 100 100%


Since this question was asked the percentage of people was 100 and their
pricing options to purchase Samsung smartphones 41 out of 100 are willing to buy the
product for 20000. Most of the respondents choose their smartphones based on
requirement and then go with pricing

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Graph4.13:Graph showing the respondents pricing behaviour

towards Samsung smartphones


out of 100 people , 22 people are willing to pay more than 50000 to purchase the
product, rest 78 people are willing to pay below 50000.

This interprets that Samsung smartphones are convenient to consumers while

purchasing the product with the budget .

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4.14Respondents when asked do you read the manual describing

usage of Samsung smartphones

Table4.14:Table showing the respondents manual describing usage

Particulars Percentage

Yes 40%
No 60%
Total 100%


when asked the respondents do you read the manual describing usage of Samsung
smartphones , 40 people out of 100 said yes and rest said no.

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Graph4.14Graph showing usage describing manual of Samsung



Therefore the graph interprets that 40 % people view and read the manual other 60%
will not usage the manual given by Samsung.

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4.15Respondents when asked would you recommend Samsung

smartphones to your family or friends?

4.15Table:Table showing the respondents choice of recommending

Samsung smartphones to family and friends

Particulars percentage

Yes 47%
No 53%


Since question asked whether would you recommend Samsung smartphone to family
and friends, 47 people will recommend and 53 people will not

4.15Graph:Graph representing the respondents recommending

Samsung smartphones to family and friends

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Out of 100 people 47 people said yes to recommend Samsung , 53 people said no
and would not recommend to their family or friends.

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 From the research, it is clearly seen that the respondents are brand conscious.
 Male respondents form the opinion group being comparatively more than the
female respondents. It is analysed that female respondents form 34% and the
male respondents form 66% of the population.
 It is shown that 54% of the total respondents approached are between the age
group of 21-30 years. Most people between 21- 30 years are found to be using
Samsung products.
 The study shows the qualification of respondents and 59% of the respondents
are under graduates which forms most of the respondents. The study also
shows that, 17 people out of 100 respondents own the product whereas the
others does not own Samsung products.
 The study clearly shows that 35% of the respondents are aware of the
 Samsung product through the advertisements seen on good previous
experience (referral)and the least is via TV and Social media
 The study also found that all the respondents completely agree and are
satisfied with the fact that the product is multifeatured and priced reasonably
 Also, 44%% of the respondents felt that that Samsung phones are reasonably
priced and usable for a long time.

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A study on brand awareness towards Samsung

 The study also found out that, 41% of the respondents agreed that the
Samsung products have a stylish appearance.
 Also, with the study it was found that, 53% of the respondents would
recommend Samsung products to their friends and peers.


 Samsung can collect useful information and suggestions from the ultimate
customers by giving them list of queries along with the products in its pack.
 In order to promote sale in highly competitive auto market attractive schemes
such as cash discount, complementary gift, lucky draw, etc. can be given to
the customers.
 Complaints and suggestions of each customer can be considered well. It will
help to create loyal consumers and build goodwill.
 Samsung must consider opening small shops in the rural areas for convenient
purchasing. It helps to more awareness about this brand in rural people.
 Samsung can develop their advertising techniques by focusing also on retail
 Samsung must consider solving customer’s complaints without taking more
 Most of the respondent’s suggestions to Samsung were to consider reduce the
price and increase camera quality.
 Samsung has a good brand image in the costumer’s perception as all the
respondents have positively responded.


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A study on brand awareness towards Samsung

The project is an experience on “A Study on Brand Awareness towards Samsung


Samsung is a well-organized and reputed brand in the mobile industry. Samsung

brand is known and has become a familiar mobile company in both urban areas and
rural areas. They never compromise quality of products for anything. People purchase
brand products trust them in quality. Quality and durable products are the highlight of
Samsung brand. All customers are satisfied with after sales service of Samsung brand.

The study reveals data, success of a brand depends upon the satisfaction of consumers
such as quality, availability, price, durability etc. The customers are satisfied with
these factors. The brand provides good care to their customers.

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A study on brand awareness towards Samsung


Questionnaire to ascertain the BRAND AWARENEESS of Samsung


1. Name:
2. Age:
3. 3.Qualification/Occupation:
4. 4.Email Id:
5. 5.Gender:

6. Which smartphone brand are you currently using?

a) Samsung
b) One plus
c) Nokia
d) Apple
e) Others

7. Why do you buy a smart phone? (select maximum 3 choices)

a) Business purposes
b) Communication (video & audio)
c) Want to keep updated with technology (Personal image)
d) Software flexibility (including access to application from Google play
or apple store, etc.)
e) Sales promotion (discounts and offerings)
f) Frequent updates and variety of models
g) Others

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A study on brand awareness towards Samsung

8. What do you use more frequently in your smartphone?

a) Applications( social media)
b) Business purposes
c) Music/videos
d) Games
e) Other

9. What three features are most important to you when you are purchasing a
a) Operating system
b) Brand
c) Camera/video capabilities
d) Technical specification
e) Availability of application
f) Easy to use
g) Battery life
h) Others

10. Samsung smartphones are very stylish in appearance

a) Agree
b) Strongly agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

11. Based on your own experience, how would you rate your satisfaction with the
brand of your Samsung Smartphone?*
a) Agree
b) Strongly agree
c) Disagree

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A study on brand awareness towards Samsung

d) Strongly disagree

12. You make the decision to buy a SAMSUNG Smartphone based on?
a) Good previous experience
b) Friends Recommendations
c) Internet Reviews
d) Social Media
e) Printed Ads
f) TV
g) Other

13. What's the range you are willing to pay for SAMSUNG smartphone ??
a) Less than 15000
b) 15000-25000
c) 25000-50000
d) More than 50000

14. Do you read the manual describing usage of SAMSUNG mobile ?

a) Yes b)No

15. Would you recommend Samsung smartphones to your family or friends?

a)Yes b)No

16. Which outlet do you prefer buying your mobile from ?

a) Mobile shop
b) Hypermarkets & Malls
c) Online stores
d) Doesn't matter (any place)
e) Other

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