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Prayers of Deliverance

& Healing
Prayer is the lifting of the mind and heart to God, the
encounter of God’s thirst with ours1. God has revealed
Himself to us in order to save us2, and prayer is our
intentional communion with Him in the confident hope of
that saving grace which is a loving communication of His
Heart to ours. In this sense, all prayer is “deliverance”
prayer, for all prayer delivers us unto God in order to enter
into His living communion of love, and all prayer delivers
us from the wickedness and snares of evil which would keep
us from the source of true life-giving water in Jesus Christ3.

Christ Himself, when asked by His disciples to teach them

how to pray, allows the crescendo of the “Our Father” to
ring with overt tones of deliverance when He prays, and
teaches his disciples to pray, “deliver us from evil”4. The
evil from which Christ prays that we would be set free is
not a mere “idea”, but rather, personified evil, Satan, whose
being is wrapped up with the plan to foil salvation5.
Similarly, in His “high priestly prayer”, when Our Lord
once again grants us a rare view into His vocal prayer to
His heavenly Father (and this, just before He goes from the

1 cf. Jn. 19:28, “Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said (to
fulfill the scripture), said ‘I thirst’ ”, and CCC 2559, 2560.
2 Cf. CCC 2575.
3 Cf. Jn. 4:14, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will

never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a
spring of water welling up to eternal life”.
4 Mat. 6:13.
5 Cf. CCC 2851, “In this petition, evil is not an abstraction, but refers

to a person, Satan, the Evil One, the angel who opposes God”.

Last Supper into His Passion), He prays explicitly and
demonstrably for deliverance in saying, “I do not pray that
you should take them out of the world, but that you should
keep them from the evil one”6.

Deliverance prayer, then, is a normative part of the life of

prayer, and indeed, of Christian life itself. Through Divine
Revelation, and our own life experiences, we know that we
are beset by powers which are not of God. In the words of
Saint Paul, “We are not contending against flesh and blood,
but against the principalities, against the powers, against
the world rulers of this present darkness, against the
spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”7.
Those powers, though wicked and powerful, are not,
however, more powerful than God, nor numerically more
quantitative than the good angels (and saints!) of Heaven8.
When Catholics pray, we take our place among the Divine
Persons (the Blessed Trinity) Who are our very source,
center, and summit, and among heavenly friends (the
angels and the saints ) who exist in the Church glorified as
our ever-constant and most powerful intercessors.

6 Jn. 17:15.
7 Eph. 6:12.
8 In the book of Revelation, we read that the dragon’s (i.e. the devil’s)

“tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the
earth” (Rev. 12:4). This has been interpreted as one third of the angels
having fallen at Lucifer’s beckoning temptation, leaving a majority—
two third—left as part of the “heavenly host”.

All prayer—including and especially “deliverance”
prayer—should be entered into in a spirit of tranquility and
peace. As Saint Paul tells us, we are to “let the peace of
Christ rule in our hearts”9. But He also reminds us that
Jesus Himself is our peace, a peace which unifies, reconciles,
and heals10. And so, what “rules” our hearts is not
something, but rather Someone: our perfect Friend and
loving Savior, Christ Himself. Avoiding all undue sense of
“drama”, anxiety, agitation, frantic thought or movement
in prayer, we enter into Jesus’ own Heart, and we let His
Spirit pray for us, with us, and through us11.

While the Christian life is itself a battle, there may be times

when we become aware of a more explicit besetting or
perturbation by an evil spirit. This may manifest interiorly
(e.g. in the experience of particularly strong temptations,
perseverant thoughts, depressive feelings, etc.) or
exteriorly (e.g. relational disharmony, especially in the
home or family, or even the “sense” of an evil presence

9 Col. 3:15.
10 Cf. Eph. 2:14 – 16, “For He is our peace, who has made us both one,
and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in His
flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that He might create
in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might
reconcile us both to God in one body through the Cross, thereby
bringing the hostility to an end”.
11 Cf. Rom. 8:15 – 16, 26 – 27, “…You have received the spirit of

sonship. When we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’ it is the Spirit Himself bearing

witness with our spirit that we are children of God…; Likewise the Spirit
helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the
Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. And he who
searches the hearts of men knows what is the mind of the Spirit,
because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God”.

around us or in our home, etc.). We must always go back to
“the basics” when the presence of evil is discerned: A
virtuous life, prayer, Holy Mass, the Sacramental life
(especially frequent confession and Holy Communion),
Eucharistic adoration, the Holy Rosary, reading Sacred
Scripture, and a healthy asceticism. Ask yourself honestly,
“Am I truly living, rooted and grounded in Christ’s love12,
through these tried and true ways of communion with
Him?” If not, it is here where we must “begin again”. And
only with these foundations in place (and the persistence
of the need of such intervention) ought we to move into
prayer which is more explicitly prayer of “deliverance”.

Deliverance prayer carries with it the power of authority.

Authority, properly understood in a Christian context, is
always derived from a legitimate source above oneself.
Authority is never assumed, or worse, usurped or abused.
While all legitimate authority comes from God, when
dealing with the Christian life, this is even more so the case.
Every human person enjoys the “natural” dignity of being
created in the imago Dei—the image of God13. But
Christians also carry with this the unspeakably beautiful
supernatural dignity which is ours by Baptism, completed

12 Cf. Col. 2:6 – 7, “As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so live in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith…”,
and Eph. 3:17 – 19, “…that Christ may dwell in your hearts through
faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to
comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and
height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses
13 Gen. 1:27.

through Confirmation, and nourished through the full
living of the Christian life, especially in the Holy Eucharist.
Through Baptism, we were truly “born again”14, and we
became a temple of the Holy Spirit15. We were
incorporated into Christ’s Mystical Body, the Church, and
a prophetic, priestly, and kingly identity was infused into
our soul through a mystical conformity to Christ’s dying
and rising. It is from these sacred realties—all intrinsically and
intimately tied to Christ’s own life—that we as Christians
derive our power as adopted sons and daughters of the
Heavenly Father16.

It is with this authority that we enter into “deliverance

prayer”. In deliverance prayer, it is always in the Holy Name
of Jesus that we pray, claiming the gift of our authority
under His supreme sovereignty. When we confess that
“Jesus Christ is Lord”17, we align ourselves with His Will
for our lives, and we establish ourselves in a strength that
is not our own. It is at the utterance of His name—and not
our own—that every knee bends “in Heaven, on earth, and
under the earth”18; we are simply friends of the

14 Jn. 3:3, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew, he cannot
see the kingdom of God”.
15 Cf. 1 Cor. 6:19, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of

the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not
your own”.
16 Cf. Eph. 1:5, “He destined us in love to be his sons through Jesus

17 Cf. Phil. 2:11, “[That] every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father”.

18 Cf. Phil. 2:10.

Bridegroom, listening for the sound of the His voice19, and
uniting to Him through our prayer. In this unity of loving
communion with Jesus Christ, His Heavenly Father, and
their All-Holy and Life-Creating Spirit, we may pray with
humble confidence against the spirits of personified evil.

We must always remember that prayer is a loving relationship

with God, and with all of the Church—suffering, militant,
and glorified—in God. Within the context of this relational
love, the following principles and practices are tried and
true ways of praying for deliverance:

• Making the Sign of the Cross20, we adore the blessed

Trinity, the Source of all life and of all love. Prayer
of any kind must begin here!
• Sealing21: Asking God for every blessing and
protection, we seek refuge in His Heart as in a well-
guarded fortress.
• Asking22 for what we need: Freedom, healing,
strength, etc.

19 Jn. 3:29 – 30, “The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the
friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly
at the bridegroom’s voice; therefore this joy of mine is now full. He
must increase, but I must decrease”.
2 Cor. 13:13, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of
God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you”.
21 Psalm 18:2, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer,

My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of

my salvation, my stronghold”. Eph. 4:30, “…the Holy Spirit, by
Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption”.
22 Lk. 11:9, “Ask, and it shall be given to you”.

• Binding23: So as to stop and desist the activity of the
• Rebuking24: So as to establish our dignity over that of
the evil one, and clarify the moral splendor of our
life in Christ.
• Rejecting: So as to clearly distinguish our belonging to
Jesus and distance ourselves from evil,
• Renouncing: So as to definitively separate ourselves
from evil and to strengthen our will in God’s own
Holy Will.
• Naming evil influence and spirits by the
“character” or “kind” of attack we have
experienced (e.g. lust, anger, greed, disharmony,
hatred, unchastity, blasphemy, unforgiveness, etc.).
• Severing any ties which may have been forged with
these spirits (generally accompanied by the Sign of
the Cross).
• Casting out25 these evil spirits from our lives, we
ask that God may send them to the foot of the
Holy Cross.

Mk. 3:27, “No one can break into a strong man's house and take
away his belongings unless he first ties up the strong man.”
24 Mt. 16:23, “Get behind me, Satan!”
25 Acts, 16:18b, “I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come

out of her”; Mat. 17:21, “This kind does not come out except by
prayer and fasting”.

• Calling upon the Holy Spirit26, through the intercession
of Mary’s Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart, we ask Him
to fill us with His good and healing gifts (these gifts
may be named).
• Invoking our great patrons and friends in
Heaven27: Saint Joseph (“terror of demons”), the
angels, and the saints are real and true companions
and guides, and we are building relationships with
them through prayer
• Embracing the gift of our life as sons and
daughters of the Father, we also reject any lies and
indignities which the Evil One would have us
believe about God, ourselves, or others.

Deliverance prayer is meant to free us for a fuller life in

Christ. It is not a matter of “formulae” as much as relational
love with the Blessed Trinity: In this is our strength and our
healing. In the prayers which follow, “seek and find”28 the
prayers which seem and work best for you. Remember, while
we may (and should!) pray for others in a variety of ways
(e.g. for conversion, for safety, for peace, for forgiveness,
etc.)29, when it comes to prayers of deliverance, we are a bit

26 John 16:13, “When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you in
all truth”; Acts 1:8, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit
descends upon you, and you will be my witnesses…”
27 Cf. Col. 1:12, “Sharing the lot of the saints in light”.
28 Mat. 7:7.
29 Cf. James 5:16, “Pray for one another”; Mat. 5:44, “But I tell you,

love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those
who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute

more circumscribed: It is always safe and permissible to
pray for deliverance for yourself if you have reason to
believe in the overt activity of an evil spirit in your life. It
is also safe and permissible to pray for deliverance for
those over whom you have rightful authority (e.g. a father
for his family, a Mother Superior for her religious
community, a priest for his parish, etc.)30. It is best and
safest, however, to leave all other intentions for deliverance
to those who are ordained to the priesthood or otherwise
rightfully delegated for the task.

In this kind of prayer—and at every step of the Christian

life—it is important to remember that we have nothing to
fear. It is said that the phrase “be not afraid” occurs in
Sacred Scripture 365 times (once per day!) to remind us
that we belong to God, and through God, to one another, as
members of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church31. The
devil seeks to isolate us, but Christ’s whole life, death, and
rising were as a continuous prayer to the Father that we may
be one: One with God, and one with one another32. As we
“pray constantly”33, we make of our lives a living prayer,
lifting our mind and heart to God, the “Father of lights,

30 In this case, in the prayers which follow in this booklet (and other
like them), you may change the wording so that it reflects more
accurately the intention of your prayer (e.g. changing “I” to “we”, or
changing “me” to “him” or “her”, etc.).
31 Is. 43: 1, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by

name, and you are mine”; and Rom. 12: 5, “We belong to one another”.
32 Jn. 17:21, “That they may all be one; even as thou, Father, are in me,

and I in thee, that they also may be in us…”

33 1 Thes. 5:17.

and giver of every good and perfect gift”34, in the confident
hope and peaceful security which is His life in us, a life-
giving love without end35.


A Prayer to the Holy Spirit and to the Blessed Trinity

O Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who art
everywhere present and fillest all things: Treasury of
blessings, and Giver of Life, come and abide in us, and
cleanse us from every sin, and save our souls, O Good
One! My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my
shelter is the Holy Spirit. O, Holy Trinity, glory to You!

Renewal of Baptismal Promises

I, N. (your baptismal name here), renounce Satan. I renounce
all of his empty works, and all of his allurements. I believe
in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who
was born into this world and suffered. I believe in the
Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of
saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
body, and life everlasting. Amen.

34 Cf. James 1:17.

35 Cf. Psalm 136, throughout.

Sealing Prayer of Protection
The person seals himself with the Sign of the Cross
(This may be done with blessed/exorcised olive oil, if available)
I ask Jesus to seal me in His most Precious Blood against
any and all incursions of the evil one, in particular against
any clinging, familial, familiar or retaliating spirits, in the
Name of the Father and of the Son ✠ and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

Another Prayer of Protection

Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that You would cover me, my
family, and all of our possessions with Your love and
Your Most Precious Blood, and surround all of us with
Your heavenly Angels, Saints, and the mantle of Our
Blessed Mother. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We ask this in
Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Another Prayer of Protection

(three times) Jesus, I ask You to bind and seal all power
sources attached to me in Your Most Precious Blood, and
I ask You to render them all completely helpless,
impotent, neutralized, paralyzed and ineffective, in the
Name of the Father and of the Son ✠ and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of Authority
Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Name, I ask You to bind and
silence all powers and forces that do not accept You as
Lord and King, in the air, in the water, in the ground, the
netherworld and nature, and the spiritual world. I ask You
to bind all demonic action and demonic communication.
Lord Jesus, seal this whole place, all of us here, and all of
our intentions in Your Precious Blood. Mother Mary, I
ask you to surround us with your mantle of protection
and crush Satan's power in our lives. Saint Michael the
Archangel, I ask you and all of our Guardian Angels to
defend us in battle against Satan and the powers of
darkness. Amen.

A Prayer of Binding
Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, I ask You to render all
spirits impotent, paralyzed and ineffective in attempting
to take revenge against me, my family, friends,
communities, those who pray for me and their family
members, or anyone associated with me. I ask You to
bind and sever and cut off all evil spirits, all powers in the
air, the water, the ground, the fire, the underground, the
netherworld, any satanic forces in nature and any and all
emissaries of the satanic headquarters. I ask You to bind
in Your Blood all of their attributes, aspects and
characteristics, all of their interactions, communications
and deceitful games. I break any and all bonds, ties and
attachments in the Name of the Father, and of the Son ✠
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of Command
In His Name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I
ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the
earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the
satanic forces of nature. By the power of the Holy Spirit
and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any
curses, hexes, or spells and send them back to where they
came from, if it be His Holy Will. I beseech You Lord
Jesus to protect me by pouring Your Precious Blood on
me (my family, etc.), which You shed for me, and I ask
You to command that any departing spirits leave quietly,
without disturbance, and go straight to Your Cross for
You to dispose of as You sees fit. I ask You to bind any
demonic interaction, interplay or communications which
may be in place in this situation, and I place myself (or
this person, place or thing) under the protection of Your
Blood, which You shed for me. Amen.

A Prayer of Renunciation (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

In the name of Jesus, I renounce you, Satan, you evil and
savage tyrant. I no longer fear your power. For Christ has
destroyed that power, having shared His Blood and Flesh
with me, in order that through these He may “destroy
death by death”, so that I may not be forever subject to
slavery. I renounce you, you crafter of plots who, under
the impression of friendship, brought forth all
disobedience and created the apostasy of our forebearers.
I renounce you, Satan, the creator and co-worker of every

A Prayer of Deliverance
✠In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, my God and my All whom I adore, I

pray to You for healing and for deliverance from all evil. I
ask for Your total and sovereign protection over me, my
home, my family, my possessions, and all of my dear
ones. I ask You now to help me pray, seeking only that
your Holy Will be done in and through my life. May I be
truly free to receive Your perfect love, and to love You in
return with a whole and undivided heart. Standing under
your supreme authority, and with the peace that the world
cannot give, I pray now for deliverance:

In the Holy Name of Jesus, I bind, rebuke, reject, and

renounce any spirit(s) of __________. With the Sign of
the Cross ✠, I sever any ties which may have been forged
with these spirits, and in Jesus’ Name, I loose and reclaim
whatever authority I may have given to them, knowingly
or unknowingly. In this same Holy Name, I cast these
spirits out, sending them to the foot of the holy and life-
giving Cross, there to be covered with Jesus’ Precious
Blood, never to return to harm me.

Come, Holy Spirit, come through the intercession of the

Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Your well-
beloved Spouse. Fill my heart, my mind, my body, and
my soul. Send your holy angels of peace, purity, chastity,

humility, forgiveness, wisdom, and piety to teach me, to
guide me, to protect me, and to bless me.

Saint Joseph, chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin, terror

of demons, guardian of the Redeemer, and patron of the
universal Church, intercede for me, and help me to
embrace the gift of my life as a child of the Eternal

In the company of my Guardian Angel, Saint Michael the

Archangel, each Holy Angel of God, all of the Saints of
Heaven, and especially those Angels and Saints whom
God has chosen as my patrons to guard, guide, bless and
protect me, I make this prayer in the presence and power
of the most Blessed Trinity: ✠ Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. Amen.

Carmelite Invocation
Come Holy Spirit with Your seven-fold gifts and anoint
me with Your divine light, wisdom and power. Come
Lord Jesus Christ and anoint me with Your Precious
Blood, freeing me from every snare and stronghold of the
principalities and powers of darkness. O Mother of God,
glorious and Immaculate and ever Virgin Mary, come and
crush the head of the ancient serpent. O great father,
Saint Joseph, terror of demons, come and annihilate the
enemies of my soul. Saint Michael, great prince and
commander of the heavenly army, strike down the
insidious foes who seek to destroy me. Come glorious
band of Apostles, come great Patriarchs and Prophets;

come white robed army of Martyrs, come pure and noble
throng of Virgins. Come to my aid Saint Teresa, Saint
John of the Cross, Saint Elijah, Saint Elisha, Saint
Therese, all you Saints of Carmel (here you may name other
saints), our Guardian Angels, Archangels, and all you Holy
Angels and Saints. Come repulse the attacks and deceits
of our wicked enemies, rendering them impotent and
helpless. Let God arise; let His enemies be scattered, and
let all who hate Him flee before His Holy Face. As smoke
is driven away, so are they driven away; as wax melts
before the fire, so the wicked shall perish at the presence
of God. Amen.

Invocation of the Entire Heavenly Court

O Glorious Queen of Heaven and earth, Virgin Most
Powerful, you who have the power to crush the head of
the ancient serpent with your heel, come and exercise this
power flowing from the grace of your Immaculate
Conception. Shield me under the mantle of your purity
and love, draw me into the sweet abode of your heart,
and annihilate and render impotent the forces bent on
destroying me. Come Most Sovereign Mistress of the
Holy Angels and Mistress of the Most Holy Rosary, you
who from the very beginning received from God the
power and the mission to crush the head of Satan. I
humbly beseech you, send forth your holy legions, that
under your command and by your power they may pursue
the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their
bold attacks and drive them far from me, harming no one
on the way, binding them immobile to the foot of the

Cross to be judged and sentenced by Jesus Christ your
Son, to be disposed of by Him as He wills. Saint Joseph,
Patron of the Universal Church, come to my aid in this
grave battle against the forces of darkness, repel the
attacks of the devil and free me from the stronghold the
enemy has upon my soul. Saint Michael, summon the
entire heavenly court to engage their forces in this fierce
battle against the powers of hell. Come, O Prince of
Heaven, with your mighty sword and thrust into hell
Satan and all other evil spirits. O Guardian Angels, guide
and protect us. Amen.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Heavenly Father, I love You, I praise You, and I worship
You. I thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Who won
victory over sin and death for my salvation. I thank You
for sending Your Holy Spirit Who strengthens me, guides
me, and leads me into fullness of life. I thank You for
Mary, my Heavenly Mother, who intercedes with the holy
Angels and Saints for me. Lord Jesus Christ, I place
myself at the foot of Your Cross and ask You to cover
me with Your Precious Blood, which pours forth from
Your Most Sacred Heart and Your Most Holy Wounds.
Purify me, O Lord, in the living water that flows from
Your Heart. I ask You to surround me, Lord Jesus, with
Your Holy Light.

Heavenly Father, let Your healing grace flow through my
maternal and paternal generations to purify my family line
of Satan and sin. I come before You, Father, and ask
forgiveness for myself, my relatives, and my ancestors, for
any calling upon powers that set themselves up in
opposition to Your or that do not offer true honor to
Jesus Christ. In the Most Holy Name of Jesus, I now
reclaim any territory that was handed over to Satan and
place it under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

By the power of Your Holy Spirit, reveal to me, Father,

any people I need to forgive and any areas of unconfessed
sin. Reveal aspects of my life that are not pleasing to You,
O Father, and ways that have given or could give Satan a
foothold in my life. Father, I submit to You any
unforgiveness; I submit to You my sins; and, I submit to
You all of the ways that Satan has a hold on my life.
Thank You, O Father for this knowledge; thank You, for
Your forgiveness and Your love.

Lord Jesus, in Your Holy Name, I bind all evil spirits of

the air, water, ground, underground, and netherworld. I
further bind, in Your Holy Name, any and all emissaries
of the satanic headquarters, and I ask You to pour Your
Precious Blood upon the air, atmosphere, water, ground,
and their fruits around us, and upon the underground and
the netherworld.

Heavenly Father, allow Your Son Jesus to come now with
the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Angels
and the Saints to protect me from all harm and to keep all
evil spirits from taking revenge on me in any way. Lord
Jesus Christ, fill me with charity, compassion, faith,
gentleness, hope, humility, joy, kindness, light, love,
mercy, modesty, patience, peace, purity, security, serenity,
tranquility, trust, truth, understanding and wisdom. Help
me to walk in Your Light and Truth, illuminated by the
Holy Spirit, so that I may praise, honor, and glorify Our
Father in time and in eternity. For You, Lord Jesus, are
“the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, and You “have come
that we might have life and have it more abundantly”.

The Breastplate (or “Lorica”) of Saint Patrick

I bind myself today to a strong virtue, an invocation of
the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness, with confession of a
Oneness in the Creator of the Universe.

I bind myself today to the virtue of Christ’s birth with His

to the virtue of His crucifixion with His burial,
to the virtue of His resurrection with His ascension,
to the virtue of His coming to the judgment of doom.

I bind myself today to the virtue of ranks of cherubim,

in obedience of angels,
in service of archangels,
in hope of resurrection for reward,

in prayers of patriarchs,
in preaching of apostles,
in faith of confessors,
in innocence of holy virgins,
in deeds of righteous men.

I bind myself today to the virtue of Heaven,

in light of sun,
in brightness of snow,
in splendor of fire,
in speed of lightning,
in swiftness of wind,
in depth of sea,
in stability of earth,
in compactness of rock.

I bind myself today to God’s virtue to pilot me,

God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's Word to speak to me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to secure me,
Against snares of demons,
Against seductions of vices,
Against lusts of nature,
Against everyone who wishes ill to me,

Afar and anear, alone and in a multitude.

So have I invoked these virtues, that they may guard me

Against every cruel, merciless power which may come
Against my body and my soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of heathenry,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of women and smiths and druids,
Against every knowledge that defiles men’s souls.

Christ to protect me today,

Against poison,
Against burning,
Against drowning,
Against death-wound, until a multitude of rewards
come to me!

Christ with me,

Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ below me,
Christ above me,
Christ at my right,
Christ at my left,
Christ in breadth,
Christ in length,
Christ in height!

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me!

I bind myself today to a strong virtue, an invocation of

the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness with confession of a
Oneness, in the Creator of the universe. Salvation is the
Lord’s, salvation is the Lord's, salvation is Christ’s. May
Your salvation, O Lord, be always with me. Amen.

Purification Prayer
Jesus, pour Your Precious Blood over me, my body,
mind, soul, and spirit; my conscious and sub-conscious;
my intellect and will; my feelings, thoughts, emotions and
passions; my words and actions; my vocation, my
relationships, my family, friends and possessions. Protect
all other activities of my life with Your Precious Blood.
Lord I dedicate all of these things to You, and I
acknowledge You as Lord and Master of all.

Mary, Immaculate Conception, pure and holy Virgin

Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, draw me under your
veil; guard me and shield me against all attacks and
temptations that would violate the virtue of chastity.

Lord Jesus Christ, I beg You for the grace to remain

guarded beneath the protective mantle of Mary,
surrounded by the holy briar from which was taken the
Holy Crown of Thorns and saturated with Your Precious

Blood. In the power of the Holy Spirit, with our
Guardian Angels as protectors and guides, I ask this for
the greater glory of the Father, and for my own healing
and purification. Amen.

Prayer to Remove Generational Spirits

Lord Jesus Christ, Incarnate Son of God the Father, You
who have chosen to enter into human history by being
carried in the womb of Your Blessed Mother Mary, grant,
I beseech You, that any demons which may have been
introduced into my generational line by any one of my
ancestors may be blocked from passing to the subsequent
generations. I ask You that if the evil spirit entered the
generational line by the sin of one or more of my
ancestors, that You would pardon the temporal
punishment due to their sin and free us from the demon’s
involvement in our lives.

Blessed Virgin, I ask you to offer the Precious Body,

Blood, Soul and Divinity of your Son to God the Father
in reparation for the sins of those ancestors who may
have introduced any evil spirits into my generational line,
as well as any subsequent sins that may have resulted
from the evil spirits affecting those of the generational
line. If any evil spirit has been introduced into my
generational line as a result of a curse or malefice done by
someone outside my family, I ask you to give me the
grace to forgive them wholeheartedly and I ask You,
Jesus, to break the curse or malefice, if it is still in place.

God the Father, I forgive them for any of the effects of
their sin that they may have committed against my family
line and for any damage it may have caused. Jesus, I ask
You to forgive me of any sins that may be the result of
any generational spirits in my family and I ask You to
block any power the evil spirits may have gained in my
generational line as a result of my own sin. Please heal any
damage in the lives of the members of my family as a
result of the generational spirit. I bind and completely and
utterly reject, with the full force of my will, any sin or
spiritual defect of mine as well as any temptation,
allurements or power that any generational spirit may
have over me as a result of my sin or the sin of any other
person. I do this in the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
and in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is highly recommended that one pray to Our Lady of Sorrows to

ask her to reveal what the nature of the generational spirit is and
how it may have entered the generational line, so that specific
binding prayers may be said against it, and virtues may be developed
to combat it. It is also salutary to have a Holy Mass offered in
reparation for any sin that may be the cause of the generational
spirit, as well as for the healing of the members who may still suffer
the effects of the evil spirit, and for the repose of any souls in
Purgatory that may still be there as a result of sins they committed
at the behest of the evil spirit.

A Prayer of Forgiveness
O My Jesus, I forgive _________ (name of the person(s) one
needs to forgive) totally and completely for any hurt or
transgression committed against me, knowingly or
unknowingly, intended or unintended, real or imagined,
and I ask for mercy and forgiveness for any hurt or
transgression which I have committed against
__________ (name of the same person(s) mentioned above),
known or unknown.

I bring __________ (name of the same person(s) mentioned

above) to You, Heavenly Father, for total conversion to
divine love and to the true Faith, asking for healing of
his/her entire person: body, soul, and spirit. And as I ask
You to heal his/her mind and heart, so I ask you to heal
my own.

I pray in hope that at the end of this life, __________

(name of the same person(s) mentioned above) and I may enjoy
Heaven together as brothers/sisters/brother(s) and
sister(s), and be restored in You to right relationship with
one another in Your perfect Will and in peace. In the
presence and power of the Holy Spirit, I definitively
renounce any harbored or perceived “right” to
resentment, and I forgive, I forgive, I forgive. Amen.

A Prayer of Healing
Lord Jesus, You came to heal our wounded and troubled
hearts. I beg You to heal the torments that cause anxiety
in my heart; I beg You, in a particular way, to heal all who
have led me toward sin. I beg You to come into my life
and heal me of the psychological wounds that may have
stricken me in my early years, and from the injuries that
these wounds may have caused throughout my life. Lord
Jesus, You know my burdens. I lay them all on Your
Good Shepherd’s Heart. I beseech You—by the merits of
the great, open wound in Your Heart—to heal the small
wounds that are in mine. Heal the pain of my memories,
so that nothing that has happened to me will cause me to
remain in pain, anguish, or anxiety. Heal, O Lord, all
those wounds that have led toward evil in my life. I want
to forgive all those who have offended me. Look to those
inner sores that make it so hard for me to forgive. You
Who came to forgive the afflicted of heart, please, heal
my own heart.

Another Prayer of Healing

Holy Spirit, come down and reclaim my body which was
consecrated to You at my baptism, filling my entire
dimensive quantity, from the top of my head to the
bottom of my feet. Fill my faculties with Your presence,
my senses, memory, imagination, cogitative power,
common sense power, intellect, will and appetites. Take
up Your residence in all aspects of my body and soul,
leaving no place unfilled, closing off any doors, caves or
portals to the demons, driving them to the foot of the

Cross of Jesus Christ, never to return again. Heal me of
the wounds of __________ (Name the wounds). In the
Name of the Father, and of the Son ✠ and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

A Longer Prayer of Healing

Heavenly Father, I ask that Your love flow upon me, your
servant/handmaid. May the Blood of Christ cover all my
wounds and restore me to wholeness and life. May the
fire from Our Lady's Heart now enter me, anointing me
with the Holy Spirit and blinding Satan. May Saint Joseph
wrap me with blessings and peace, in the Name of the
Father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Precious Blood of Jesus, flow through me. Mary, Mother

of Divine Love, take the Precious Blood of Jesus to the
throne of God the Father and offer it in sweet and
humble adoration, then send it back flowing by the Holy
Spirit as a healing of body, mind, heart and soul. Eternal
Father, I offer You the wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and the tears of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as she
gazed on the suffering of Christ, and I offer you the
prayers of Saint Joseph, her beloved spouse, to ask you to
grant the favor of my complete and total healing.

Lord Jesus, You came to heal our wounded and troubled

hearts. I beg You to heal the torments that cause anxiety
in my heart. I beg You, in a particular way, to heal all who
are the cause of sin in my life. I beg You to come into my
life and heal me of the psychological wounds that may

have stricken me in my early years, and from the injuries
that they may have caused throughout my life.

Lord Jesus, You know my burdens. I lay them all on Your

Sacred Heart. I beseech You, by the merits of the great
open wound in Your Heart, to heal the smaller wounds
that are in mine. Heal the pain associated with my
memories, so that nothing that has happened to me will
cause me to remain in pain, anguish, or anxiety. Heal, O
Lord, all those wounds that have led toward evil in my
life. I want to forgive all those who have offended me.
Look to those inner wounds that make it difficult for me
to forgive. You Who came to forgive the afflicted of
heart, please, heal my heart.

[Heal me, O Lord, from the pain caused by the death of

my loved ones, which is oppressing me.] Grant that I may
regain peace and joy in the knowledge that You are the
Resurrection and the Life. Make me an authentic witness
to Your Resurrection, Your victory over sin and death,
Your living presence among us. I thank You, Jesus, for all
that You have done, are doing, and will do in my life to
bring me closer to You and to my Heavenly home. Amen.

Aspiratory (shorter) Prayers of Deliverance
Aspiratory (shorter) prayers of deliverance may be said whenever a
person feels particularly or peculiarly vexed, and reasonably suspects
the presence of an evil spirit as part of the disturbance. It may be
helpful to say the prayer(s) three times, in honor of the Blessed

In the name of Jesus, be gone!

In the name of Jesus, never return!

Who is like God? (Quis ut Deus?)

Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be in done unto me

according to Thy word. (Ecce, ancílla Dómini, fiat mihi
secúndum verbum tuum)

My soul magnifies the Lord. (Magníficat ánima mea


Do whatever He tells you. (Quodcúmque díxerit vobis, fácite)

Be gone, Satan! (Vade, Sátana!)

May the Holy Cross be my light; the dragon will never be

my guide. (Crux sacra sit mihi lux, non draco sit mihi dux)


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