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i-+d,/{Or +€ c-nfi -3q / goqoft odo-r s-so 7 ro',. z5.l?- l' g.

fugn sron
ffi 11q fucr.r
sTd fiuIL
GTttI qr"c"c"
erl-{ g@ qfust
+sT t,
sfr ftrarffi,
a R'ars t

frcio ,..*.../ 3./zozo qeqr,

ftsq "qd-drfi-ERqrEft" qfuqr=r d il6d srd-qft-6 €{q} d
ff<r< W frqr M.,r o.rd d rs-{'e { r

$Fr[ :- f{'ryFfrq q{ifi -4670, ftHio-oo.oa.zozo

sq{-fr frE{6 crmFrfi c.{ 6nI "qd-fifi-ERutd}" olft=qr< d a-ro
qrffi+o +ri d trqR
frqr Fnfur dd d €Gier fr cnfuo' fttv frqr.rqr
t t ffiq q{ zors-zo oo d as d ergvn do wrea 3rft.iTur fr{rrr ErcI gft
rtqrqd g6 erre 01 qs t qa B3B7 or(E qd-dfofi tqi 6r trati
o-d fu-qr
qr so^t Eert d trqR vq eiqr Frqi"r or 6rd rtqrqft {rq
l4rTzT ErT frrin qqr t t

2) do wr*ea 3{ft+e"r f+qFr q qfr qsmd \rfi sffi< qdufto +n d

tr-61r od of q@ mw os fr q;q r d-dwrf, tq qrffir-o t rt or
drf-qR otd riqrqd d wt t or{ qrqt
3) lrtffi{o zfiert d art} il$F qrflq 7-10 fie or qfi-c urst sqdeT d, drFf
+it d qrt dtrn Platform 3ih frwr or ffirr ord o-trqr qr sd t

4) oilo wrcea oTfuieur ful-ir E-t{I tqR fug rlg r{Fr6 qfffidl d siltrR q{
Site Specification Estimate aiqftd il6ffi g6rqiD fM d-qR of ql\"fr Vs
lfiTrrflq q*io-+sgs, frqio-tg.oz.zors d 3nd6 n a-offiZqTrr*IF-fi
ffi fr urr,frr
s) gc d or-qr wdfl-A .ts gs sf,{flo fio-wg d crc qH of nqd €qm{r t
erogq od 6tri d q.{ sfdd gqmr sq-6{uil d qrsr <er rwqtt t fr 6d
otr+ gfrtra-o fu-q'qr+t
6) wlffi6 t ri or Desitting (qr< s-.srfr) ordwett Kerb (ufo) do A -6-{r{
uil-rl I well Kerb Kn t
fin ft-S o-eriZv-sr$ 6flfr T€t o-tr{ qrq t rofi+1
s5r{6 {q EI-fl ot vfiq-qa tt
fo qK B-srfr or ord well Kerb d-6 iDtl
fr.r$ B l

7) Desilting d gq{l.rI Recharged Water iFI p1t1n1ss1i6n 6fd cqrqr 3Trq{{6 t t

s) qrffi6 +n d ffqR t
ord qr{q 6{i {d Pre-work Certification (fra
gqe-I) Sq o-[d qqrk d sqqra Post-Work certification (d"a ura-u ) on
fr qrq r gtrrr rwrr tg d-s qcr- l$iII\4il'{ t t

e) o.d cnT d{i d Td €"t of ilHfuf, fuift, rns ssrfr or ord ild gc vs
qfr o.rd tqrw +i d scnr< ffi Rft tD-I Geo-tagged photograph d-q o-t
G-a-fiq-c-6ffi Portal!-t 3lrdis ft'.qr qrcr tt
l0) tolt qtT sq*q tTq-d of dsos Grq qft orqT +fr T6ri, edq qft crrr$,
qm{tt d fii cs r6ri {flrR d S qrqrqflq fu-qr qrq t

rt; ord d rg.ron tg fr[d d erer qiq qq-r-ilI doffi s6rqo ?5I crilut-q-{
\rs stdtfrr E-f,r{ or=IT errswo drfit
t2) {rd-cfn-6 €.il ol trqR
cs frqr M"r 6d luui l+< enqtq d riea
oEEH at qrRr oqr{ qrq t

r:; f+ffio qaw-tq({o)/qq{q, fr{i6-16.06.2020 Err ffi

o} {rRT GrEiEf,
o1w g+1tr
qlo:-(i)frd sIrr-IVEII I

(ii) qrT6 g-rffi-eFr I

h ,(,
(qfd fiqr)

Erqio:- 3clgoriofroq)- / 5.ltlrqo{ro,

1s-s6/ 2o1B u#.#.#*.
cfrftTfr,- q'1t sc fio-ors ergm, fraq,zq,fi fuf,r q-qrfa qM qqTEfrrfr, ff6R
o) q4flPf gi enqr+o ofu & nRd r

t' 2 -n
\v (uaa aro fiw)
3Ic{ g@ qfus
ftert wron
ffi vrq f+cr.r
qEIctr{-I (Pre-work certifi cation)
ffi:d-$ mfiaR ord t-g €qi 01turft or erro-a-c
fudr- IlEts - qqr{kl -
qlq - Location - qrd d.-
ten qrfofuo €qftr t t q r$t -
2 {w wroffi qffc qr t qr f+fr qfi-c w -
3 tfien afun t scd,r il t qr r€t -
4 Fffiqfu6lilqGNa€o-

5 @orffiqdRI-
6 BTr-fiffi@ (',ttGu.taq-
7 qdqn fuift - E qr c-€i
qRBd ffi eotfu
qr€r t qr c-St
I tF3It -ol il{$ T{3Yr EEfl
qR $q-+t
q-{qfr al oTrqrrddl t qr c-€i
I {en d srt ilrs qrfr s-ra (q t qr<t
qro qte t 6q
10 t-{ 5_fr arn i'q.r€t -
11 ffiG o-q-i t qr r€t -

d-f,fi+t s6r{6 tht 6Rre|t riErqd sfus @-r EffiTsr{ gfuor or rwar

ffi {rq frqFr
qFI C[' - [ @ost-work certifi cation)
<N itr ifl slliftFl
fuf,r- q-gs - q-{r{rf, -
qFI Location - qr€ qo-
1 De-watering $3II eII {I
1eu-p retaai ot k{/qJ or s,f{)
2 Original silt level en?

Well Kerb tFI depth trtII il

fu-t{ depth EiF desilting $3[I?
qrrqffi .rtt-= d
gs r< d grpfl-q rfr eirnt
3 Desil t,rrg d qr{ qrfr recharge t) ro B fu rS
ilt fuRET qtfr t (waterlevel)
4 sfi crfr oi dis-infectfo-qt fu -r€f? furq"ft d t

Dis-infection ti sq-d.r frtd .r$ o1 ft-qqot q

5 ffi a g"TqnT "f-s fuqT.rqr t 1o. T€i cfti-({ rioq oit '

6 criri-c q,t fu -
7 +s-ri -
I ChainPulleysrd/T$ kqr fu r-fr
I Grill Coverfo-fl rtqr B fu Tdt
10 WIMCgt{r q3rT d ffqR d {Eiq q qdaq -
sge/srqrq/orfrgw (3rtaeT dnr r{r qrhTT)
11 ten qrd-oF-o sqqtr q B q fu rdi
12 dqTr ffiq E3Tr t qT T&
13 frql or enon arqr$ x M x .ril{
14 T{dt t mGT ot (fr
15 3i-a[al

E-o'-ffi s6r{6 6r EtrreT{ C-ql{A HfuS 6I E€TEN gfuw or rwex

Model Estimate for Renovation of 2.0 M Dia X'l 5 M Deeo W e c ircular) with 2.13
meter wide circular olatform & 1. 0 M Dia X 2.0 M deep Soakpit
s.N. Particulars atv Unit Rate Amount
)')\ Pumping out water 0.786 2 2 6 18.86 P/Kl Rs.92.20 Rs.1,738.89

CleaninB of welltill well curb & disposal

of taken out sludge to dispoasal point
as per direcrection of E/|.
2/3 of total volume (as per annex-21 2/3 x3.74 x 2x2x3/4= sfsz] g, rvr
-nrli,gle3g- ns.s,
Supplying materials and labours for
providing (1:3) Cement mortar flush
3- pointing in staining wall including
13.56.1 curring centering and scaffoldiog etc. all
3.74 2 3 1.8.84 Sq M Rs.94.30 Rs.1,776.61

complete job as per specification and

direction of Engineer in charge.

Repairing of circular parapet wall with

4- B/work using 1:4 cement mortar with
6.L.12 provision of two brick columns for
1.00 LS Rs.3,500.00 Rs.3,500.00

resting pulley.
Cement Plaster (1:4) with neat cement
q- punning of parapet wall (12 mm
tc-rz I a"runt plaster 1:4 ( 1 cement:4coarse
sand) finished with a floating coat of
near cement)
On Parapet Wall 1 3.14 2.9 0.6 5.45 sqM
1 3.14 ?.45 0.45 3.46
On columns 4 0.45 0.75 1.35 Sq M
4 0.25 0.75 0.15 qM S

I 11!1 lqrvl tI.1l7.1t !L1,qs!61

Finishing walls with water proofing
cement paint of approved brand and
6 manufacture and of required shade to
give an even shade and writing on the
parapet '11.02 Sq M Rs.68.30 Rs.752.67

Providing and placing 40mm G.l.pipe

including cutting, hoisting, fixing in 2.9 Plm 799.73 579.22
position as per direction of E/t

Providing pulley, rope (18M) & 1MS
L5 Rs.1,350.00

Providing 2.3M circular appron all

9 around the well for clean envoirnment
of well with 150mm dia drain

Providing designation 1OO A one brick

flat soling joints filled with local sand
including cost of watering, taxes, 0.785 (7.77x7.71-2.9x2.9)= 33.75 Sq M Rs.277.50 Rs.9,36S.63
royalty all complete as per building
specification and direction of E/1,

s.N. Particulars Qty Unit Rate Amount
Providing and laying in position cement
(ii) concrete of specified grade
4.1.3 exludint the cost of centring and
shuttering-all work upto plinth level.
1:2:4(1 Cement: 2 coarse sand:4 graded
stone aggreBate 20 mm
nominal size)
0.7 85 17.77 xl.ll -2.9x2.9)x0.05m 1.67 Cu M Rs.4.151.40 Rs.6,932.84

Cement Plaster (1:4) with neat cement

punning of parapet wall (12 mm
cement plaster 1:4 ( l cement: 4coarse
sand) finished with a floating coat of
near cement)
! 33.7! Sq M Rs.177.10 Rs.5,977.13
Providing and fixing the M.S. grill of
-lt required pattern in frames of windows
etc. with M.S. flat. Square or round bars
etc. all complete 1.00 Ls Rs.4,000.00
Providing 150mm wide brick drain in
cement mortar (1:6) with av.150mm clear
depth and 125mm apron concrete (1:4r8),
over one brick designation 100-A flat soling
'L2 in proper grade and slope at the base, the
drain duly plastered in CM, (1:3) with
punning over exposed surface all complete
as per building specification and direction of
For connecting to soakpit 1.000 PM Rs.564.50 Rs.564.50
Providing 1.0M dia x 2.0M deep circular
soakpit etc. all complete as per building
specification and direction of E/|. (Analysis
attached at Annex.-1) 1 No. Rs.7,451.00 Rs.2451.00
Total Rs.55,092.40
GST 12% Rs.6,611.09
Add 10% Seniorage on minerals Cost Rs.1s0.00
Add 1% Contingency Rs,550.92
Say Rs. Rs.52,400.00

Annerurz- - L
,| Making soak pit 1.0m diameter 2.0 metre deep with dry brick honey comb shaft with
bricks of class designation 1008 For well
A Earth work in excavation over areas (exceeding 1.5 in
depth, 1.5m in width as well as '10 sqm in plan)
including disposal of excavated earth, lead up to 50m
and lift up to 1.5m, disposed earth to be levelled and
neatly dressed.
2.8 Soak Pit- 0.785 x (1.25M)2 x2M= 2.45 M3 P/M3 Rs.319.60 Rs.784
B Brick work with bricks of class designation 1008 in
foundation and plinth in
6.1.'l4B Cement mortar 1 :6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
3.'14 x 1.25M x2.0Mx0.125M = 0.981
Less for honey comb masonary
2!o/o of O.g81M3 = 0.196
lJEs ut P/M3 Rs.4,509.70 Rs.3,540
c Reinforced cement concrete work in
suspended floors, roofs having sloe up to 15, landing,
balconies, shelves, chaijas, lintals, bands, plain
windows sills, stairc€se and spiral stair cases up to
floor five level excluding cost of centring, shuttering,
finishing with cement concrete 'l:2:4 (1 cement: 2
coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
5.',| .2 0.785 x (1.25MF x O.1OM = 0.123 M3 P/M3 Rs.4,902 30 Rs.601
D Reinforcement for RCC work including stragihtening,
cutting, bending & placing in position and binding all
5.22.7 A I mm dia T.M.T. bars 8 Kg. P/Kg Rs.77.40 Rs.619

E providing brick bats 22 mm to 40 mm size for filling

soak pit as per approved etc. all complete including
carriage of brick bats.
362 0.785 x (1.0M)
1.0M = 0.785 M3 P/M3 Rs.1,165.00 Rs.915
F Carriage of materials.
(a) Bricks ( 7 Km. Pucca & 1 Km Kaccha lead) 319 No. Plo/o0 Rs.856.38 Rs.273
(c) Coarse Sand ( 50 Km. lead) 0.40 M3 P/M3 Rs.900.05 Rs.360
(d) Slone Chips ( 200 Km. lead) 0.1'1 M3 P/M3 Rs.3,248.26 Rs.359
Say Rs, 7,451.00

AnnerutZ- - L
Supplying labours, tools and tackles for cleaning

filled up well etc in 3M lift and disposal of soil


upto a lead of 50M all complete as per

specification & direction of E/|.

a Khalasi (0106) 1.5 No Each Rs.254.00 Rs.381.00
b Khalasi (0106) for liftin of soil upto 12M 3.0 No Each Rs.254.00 Rs.762.00
Add for rope, bucket and other tools 5% Rs. 57.15
Add sundries 2% Rs.22.86
a Rs. 1,223.01

b Earthwork item no. 2.8.'l 1 M3 p/M3 319.60 Rs. 319.60

For tools, bamboo, bucket, rope cane etc L,S Rs.25.00
Rs. 344.60
Add 15% Contractor Propfit and overhead
15 o/o
Rs. 51.69
b Rs. 396.29
Grand Total a+b Rs. 1,619.30
So, Rate per cum Rs. 1,619.30

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