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Totally Isn’t Tron I Swear

Life is a Glitch
Preface 4

User Interfacing: Playing the Game 5

User/Assets/Disposable : Unit Profiles 6

Core Attributes 6
Frame Attributes 6
Functions 7

Electronic Countermeasure Services: Combat on the Grid 9

Initiative 9
Movement Actions 9
Melee Combat Actions 10
Ranged Combat Actions 10
Ability and Tool Actions 11
Hacking Actions 11
Cover and Surviving the Fight 12

Jumper=True: Stack Jumper Creation and Costs 13

List Creation - Quick Reference 13
Squad Number 15
Core Attribute Costs 15
Frames 16
Frames (Tier 1) 17
Frames (Tier 2) 19
Frames (Tier 3) 22
Functions 26
Mod Chips 31
Booster Chips 31
Ability Chips 31
Firmware Chips 32
Software Chips 32
Daemons 33

Boreal Stack Jumper Emporium: Equipment and Tools 35

Melee Weapons 35
Shields 38
Firearms 39
Tags 43
Utility Equipment 44
Hacks 45

Warzones 50
Deployment 50
Objectives 51
Terrain 52
Cover, Blockers, and Hexes 53
Glitches 54

Career 55
Stack Jumpers as People 55
Stack Jumpers as Mercenaries 56
Stack Jumpers as Disposable 57
With any Commission Project I often find myself debating the finer points of a
pitch, but TITS interested me because of a previous "Tactics" project, with a bit more
freedom to flex my game design chops I've been tasked with making another Tactics
game. The one major requirement was a dual world of a Skirmish game as well as a
RPG proper, focused characters, yet not. It’ll be an odd duck, but that’s half the fun.
So here it is, a game designed around being a robot fighting in Cyber-Reality in a
never ending mission to acquire more Cryptocurrency.
User Interfacing: Playing the Game
TITS is played with a set of dice
from D4 to D20 (preferably a couple of
each), three to five players for Career, or
two players for a healthy bout of
When a Unit attempts an action,
they will make a Check. The Character
rolls the appropriate Attribute Die with the
attempt at hitting a 4 or Higher (4+) for a
Success. If a Character rolls any number
divisible by 4 (8, 12, 16, etc) they will gain
additional Success for each step1. Most
actions require only one, but more
Successes do allow for additional
damage, faster actions, or speedier
In Warzones, each side is
composed of Stack Jumpers and their
Daemons, both sides will determine the
appropriate amount of BYC (Byte Coins) to
act as a balancing factor. Different
scenarios or objectives may give one side
a bonus or penalty in their BYC amounts.

A Character rolls a 8 would have two Successes, but a Character who rolls a 15 would have 3.
User/Assets/Disposable : Unit Profiles
There are powers beyond normal comprehension, administrators act as petty
gods in the vast and terrible world of cyberspace and reality, bleeding into one another
as a cancer attempting to find purchase in the body of the world. Administrators fight
for Byte Coins, the currency that keeps the world running in an endless holding pattern,
but rather than risk themselves, they send Stack Jumpers and goons to do their dirty
All Units in a game of TITS are assigned a set of Attributes to reflect their abilities
and skill on the battleground.

Core Attributes
Core Attributes will persist with the Unit regardless of what Frame they are in, this
forms the core basis of their abilities on the field. Each Core Attribute is assigned a Die
Value from D4 to D12 to reflect their skill in the particular field.

● Firearm Skill (FS) - The Unit’s Ability to use Ranged Weaponry.

● Gridwork (GW) - The Unit’s Ability to interface with local Grid Infrastructure and
use Hacks.
● Melee Skill (MS) - The Unit’s Ability to use Melee Weapons.
● Resolve (RS) - The Unit’s Ability to Resist Hack Effects and Morale Checks.

Frame Attributes
Frame Attributes are locked to the Frame being employed by the Stack Jumper.
Frames have locked Attributes that cannot change unless the Admin uses their Limited
Mod Chips to edit them.
● Armor (AR) - The Amount of Damage that is Negated when the Frame is hit by an
● Durability (DR) - The Amount of Damage that the Frame can sustain before they
are taken offline and destroyed.
● Function Limit (FL) - The number of Functions the Frame can handle at once.
● Mod Chip Slots (MCS) - The Amount of Mod Chips the Frame can upload into
their body.
● Movement (MV) - The number of Spaces the Frame can move on their turn.
Most Stack Jumpers will be employing a Function, which acts as a set of abilities
and skills they have access to while on the field. Functions are tied to the Frame they are
using. Some Frames can use multiple Functions, allowing them to tap into many of the
abilities of both Functions.
● Assault - Focused and determined attackers, focusing primarily on larger
firearms and bringing to bear the heaviest equipment.
● Black Hats - Offensive Hackers who specialize in maximizing RAM usage to
destroy enemy Jumpers and Emplacements.
● Engineers - Support workers that focus on keeping their teammates working on
the field.
● Goliath - Aggressive sentinels, positing themselves at the heart of the fight to act
as a destructive sentry.
● Judas - Information exploiters, tapping into the Glitches that plague the
mainframe to bring against their opponents.
● Juggernaut - Heavily armored and durable, trading raw firepower for survivability
and protective instruments.
● Nodesinger - Supporters who employ a host of Daemons instead of fighting
● Rangers - Long distance fighters, preferring to pick enemies off using precise
● Ravager - Quick and deadly, these Jumpers close the gap and disrupt enemy
backlines with dangerous melee and assassinations.
● Trojan - Silent assassins that stalk behind enemy lines or cloak themselves to
hunt exposed enemies.
● White Hats - Defensive Hackers who employ a variety of defensive hacks and ICE
to prevent enemies from infiltrating allied systems.
Example: Příklad, the Disposable Stack Jumper
Příklad is a generic Stack Jumper that will be used as an example throughout
this rulebook to explain basic gameplay terms as well as demonstrate some effects.
Příklad's Profile looks like this:

Core Attributes
● Firearm Skill (FS) - D6
● Gridwork (GW) - D6
● Melee Skill (MS) - D6
● Resolve (RS) - D6

Frame Attributes: Basic Battle Droid (Tier 1)

● Armor (AR) - 3
● Durability (DR) - 20
● Function Limit (FL) - 2 (Engineer / Black Hat)
● Mod Chip Slots (MCS) - 3
● Movement (MV) - 4
Electronic Countermeasure Services:
Combat on the Grid
Stack Jumpers will be deployed into a variety of situations requiring combat
skills to succeed in their deployment. Once deployed on the field, there are various
actions and procedures to claim victory on the field.
Combat is divided into Turns and Rounds, each Turn represents a single Unit
acting, while the Round is every single Unit acting. During a Units Turn, they may
perform two Simple Actions or One Complex Action.

Each Unit will have a set initiative dependent on their Resolve. A Character with a
base higher Resolve (larger die) will always act first. If two or more units have the same
Resolve, then both will roll, the highest value acting first and descending. If ties are
present, the Character with the highest amount of BYC invested acts first2. Daemons will
always act last, in an order of their Stack Jumper’s RS.

Movement Actions
When performing a Movement Action, a Character will move a number of spaces
equal to their Frame's MV. A Character who ends their movement early may not move
the additional spaces.
A Character performing Vertical Movement has the Character expend 2 MV for
every Vertical Hex (Footnote: a Hex at Height 1 when the CHaracter is at Height 0, would
take 2 MV to move up), but Characters jumping down from a location do not need to
expend additional MV.
Hostile Terrain may incur additional costs to the Character's MV or body integrity.

● Dash (Simple) - The Character moves up to their MV in spaces.

● Sprint (Complex) - The Character moves up to triple their MV in spaces.

During Career, the Player Character will always act first on ties.
Melee Combat Actions
When the Character is adjacent to a Target they may engage in Melee Combat,
employing their weapons meant to bludgeon, cut, slice, or various other nasty things
toward an opposing Stack Jumper.
The Attacker will roll their Melee Skill, on a 4+ they will hit the target dealing
damage equal to their weapon. Every subsequent success (8, 12, 16, etc) adds a bonus
to the attack in question.
A Character who is engaged in melee combat must make a Resolve Check to
break away from them, if they fail, a Simple Action is consumed.

● Flurry (Complex) - The Attacker rolls their Melee Skill, each success adds an
additional strike with the weapon, can be used against multiple foes3.
● Power Strike (Complex) - The Attacker rolls their Melee Skill, each Success
multiplies the damage of the attack4.
● Strike (Simple) - The Attacker rolls their Melee Skill, each success adds +2
Damage to the attack.

Ranged Combat Actions

A Character engaging in ranged combat must be within range of an enemy and
be able to draw a line of sight to them. A Character will then roll their Firearm Skill and
attempt to hit a 4+ to strike the target. If successful, the target is dealt damage.
Ranged Attacks do not gain any bonuses for scoring additional successes, the
only benefit of scoring additional successes is hitting targets who are obscured or in

● Aimed Shot (Complex) - The Character adds the Weapon's Aim Bonus to their
Attack Roll.
● Overwatch (Simple) - The Character takes up position and designates a line in
front of them that if a Target moves across, the Character will take a Snap Shot.
● Snap Shot (Simple) - The Character rolls their Firearm Skill, if successful, deals
● Suppressive Fire (Complex) - The Character shoots blindly at a location
attempting to suppress the Target. The Target rolls a Resolve Check, if they fail,
they are only able to perform a Simple Action their next turn.

I roll an 8, meaning I hit the target with two attacks from my weapon, applying any effects twice
I roll an 8, I hit the target for double damage
Ability and Tool Actions
Individual Stack Jumpers may come with additional tools and abilities to turn the
tide of battle, a Character can employ these when needed.

● Daemon Trigger (Complex) - The Character triggers all of their Daemons to

perform a Simple Action.
● Function Ability (Simple / Complex) - The Character uses a Function Ability,
resolving the effects or applying the bonuses as appropriate.
● Switch Weapon (Simple) - The Character switches out their currently equipped
weapon for any other weapon in their possession.
● Use Complex Item (Complex) - The Character uses a complex item in their
possession, applying the effects to the field.
● Use Simple Item (Simple) - The Character uses a small item in their possession,
quickly applying the effects.

Hacking Actions
Hacking is a valuable part of a Stack Jumper's arsenal and allows them to tap
into the Mainframe to disorient, damage, confuse, or disable enemies, or protect their
allies from these problems.
All hacking is based off of the Administrator's RAM, each Administrator has a
default of 10 RAM, but additional Mod Chips and other purchases in the pre battle may
grant additional. Every Hack has a RAM Cost which is taken away from the total until the
Hack is successful or cancelled.
A Character must be able to draw a connection from themselves to the Target by
using allied Stack Jumpers or Data Points on the field, every Jump requires additional
time and resources to be successful. By default a Hack can move 3 Hexes.

● Hop (Simple) - The Character Jumps their Hack to a nearby Friendly Target or to
the Target of the Hack.
● Initiate Hack (Simple) - The Character begins the process of initiating a Hack
against a Target, if the Target is not within range, it will Jump to the Friendly
Target of the Character's choice.
● Leap (Complex) - The Character Jumps their Hack twice bouncing off of Friendly
Targets or to the Target of the Hack.
● Terminate (Simple) - The Character terminates the Hack, refunding the RAM
Cover and Surviving the Fight
During a battle, the Stack Jumpers will be fighting in open fields or burn out
cityscapes all attempting to survive the brutal conflicts of the mainframe.
A Character who enters Cover is protected from a majority of firearms used by
the less competent and allows them to successfully bunker down and hit targets as
necessary. If a Character is ever flanked (exposing themselves behind the cover), they
do not gain the benefits of the cover. Melee is not affected by cover.
Cover comes in three common varieties

● Light Cover - Simple cover that breaks apart with time. +1 Success to Hit with
ranged Attacks.
● Medium Cover - Harder and more durable, able to take a beating. +2 Successes
to Hit with Ranged Attacks.
● Heavy Cover - A bunker that is nearly impossible to be destroyed. +3 Successes
to Hit with Ranged Attacks.

Throughout the Stack Jumper's career, they may encounter unique cover which
only provides protection against certain damage types, such as energy shields or
ballistic protection units. These change the nature of the cover and give them bonuses
and drawbacks for being behind them.
Jumper=True: Stack Jumper Creation and
Each Administrator will be deploying a set of their Stack Jumpers, dedicated
fighters and hangers-on used to exert their will on the Mainframe. Stack Jumpers form
the core of the Administrator’s forces and act as the enforcers of their will on the Grid.
Every Strike Force will be composed of 1 to 10 Stack Jumpers as well as the
various Daemons in their employ, if all Stack Jumpers are eliminated, the Administrator
is forced to pull back and reassess their plans. Stack Jumpers are always backed up in
the Administrator's servers, death is expected, and sacrifice rarely rewarded.
Each Stack Jumper is a unique individual, with names and history, but as an
Administrator, don’t care about them, they are but assets meant to be exploited.

List Creation - Quick Reference

This is a quick reference sheet for those wanting to create a List.

1) Choose Number of Stack Jumpers

A Player is allowed 1 to 5 Stack Jumpers for free, but they may purchase
additional Jumpers at 10 BYC each.

2) Core Attribute your Stack Jumpers

A Player must then assign their Core Attributes to their Stack Jumpers, buying
the Firearm Skill, Gridwork, Melee Skill, and Resolve of each of their Jumpers. Players
may purchase a Full Suite to have all Attributes be the same Die Value.
This must be done for each Stack Jumper being deployed.

3) Choose Frame
The Player will then choose a Frame for each of their Stack Jumpers. Higher Tier
Frames are often better, but more expensive. Military Frames also unlock the ability to
purchase Functions which further enhance the abilities of their Stack Jumper.
4) Choose Function
If the Player chooses a Military Frame, they may choose to invest 10 BYC into a
Function. A Function grants the Stack Jumper a series of abilities dictated by their
Frames Tier.
For example, a Ronin Frame (Tier 3) with the Juggernaut Function, has the Body
Check, Paladin Protocols, and Reinforcement Protocols. However, a Fridge Frame (Tier
1) would only possess Body Check.

5) Purchase Mod Chips

Mod Chips allow the Player to augment a Stack Jumper's frame with additional
abilities and bonuses. Each Mod Chip costs 5 BYC to install, but each Frame also has
only a number of Chips available to them.

6) Purchase Daemons
Daemons are tied to the Stack Jumper, granting them additional power at the
cost of Actions. A Stack Jumper normally can only support 2 Daemons at a time, but
modifications may change that amount.

7) Purchase Weapons and Equipment

Each Stack Jumper is able to equip two Weapons and two pieces of Utility
equipment. Most weapons have a series of Tags which grant them different abilities and
unique properties.
Squad Number
The Administrator deploys a number of Stack Jumpers they can support, with the
average Squad Size being 5. If an Administrator wishes to have more Stack Jumpers,
they will pay a cost of 10 BYC.
Administrator's are free to have less than 5 if they so choose.

Core Attribute Costs

The first step in designing a Stack
Jumper is determining their Core Attributes,
each of the four Core Attributes must be
purchased individually. These form the core
concept of the Stack Jumper and their
When a Stack Jumper is asked to Roll
their Attribute, they will roll the die. However,
if they are asked to Add their Attribute, they
will add the value of the dice instead5. If a
Jumper ever receives a +X or -X, they will add
or subtract the result from the dice.
A Stack Jumper must have a
minimum of a D4 in each Attribute.

Attribute Die BYC Cost BYC Cost

Value per Attribute Full Suite
D4 0 0
D6 4 16
D8 8 32
D10 12 48
D12 16 64

So if I put down “Add RS” and I have an RS of D6, I will add 6 to the result.
With the digitized age upon us, most individuals find themselves wrapped in
metallic forms called Frames. A Frame allows the Stack Jumper to interact with the
Mainframe and use the tools of war on the battlefield. All Stack Jumpers must have a
Frame to be deployed onto the field.
The Tier of the Frame reflects the quality of the natural attributes it possesses. If
a Frame has a Boost, they add a flat modifier to the Attribute it is tied to.

Frame Equation for Notepad and Contributors.

(Armor + (Durability / 5) + MCS + MV + (2 x Boosts) + (Abilities x 5) = Frame Value)

Military BYC Value

Frame Value

18 10

20 15

22 20

24 25

26 30

28 35

30 40

32 45

34 50

36 55

38 60

40 65
Frames (Tier 1)
Prole Function Mod Chip
Armor Durability Movement BYC Cost Boosts
Frames Limit Slots
Drone 0 20 0 3 3 0 None
Drones are barely functional automated Frames designed for menial work on the field, those
deployed for combat excursions are good as dead.

Hound 0 20 0 2 5 5 None

Hounds are quadrupedal companion Frames, while still inhabited by a functional human in a
demeaning position, some enjoy the sensation of speed.
1 25 0 2 2 5 None
Micro Thrusters: The Frame has integrated microthrusters in their feet, allowing vertical
movement at no additional MV cost.
Service Droids are focused on repair work and other functions related to maintaining the Grid.
They are not combatants.

Showpiece 0 20 0 5 3 5 None

Showpiece droids are heavily moddable and easy for those in the know to fix up and make
their own.
Military Function Mod Chip
Armor Durability Movement BYC Cost Boosts
Frames Limit Slots
Bouncer 3 30 2 3 4 10 +1 MS
Often used as showboats and cheap muscle for hubs, Bouncers can take a hit and deal one
right back when needed.
Fridge 5 40 2 2 3 15
Fridge’s, dubbed due to their size, are tanks on the field and quickly find themselves disposed
of when the battle has concluded

Grunts 2 30 2 4 4 10 +1 FS

Grunts are by far the most common of the Military Frames, cheap and easy to replace in times
of need.

Pioneer 3 30 2 4 3 10 +1 GW

Pioneer’s are built for dangerous sections of the Grid’s infrastructure to maintain and repair,
disposable to the highest degree.
Frames (Tier 2)
Prole Functional Mod Chip
Armor Durability Movement BYC Cost Boosts
Frames Limit Slots
Civilian 1 25 0 4 3 5 None
NEW and IMPROVED Drone Frames with additional dopamine injectors to make YOU feel the
best YOU.
Enginseer 2 30 0 2 2 15 None
Third Assistant Arm: The Frame has a third arm for mechanics work, it can hold additional
weapons or tools.
Enginseer Frames are odd individuals, sacrificing their human form for additional labor
specific enhancements, often foramen in the BYC Factories.
RIPeD 0 25 0 6 3 10 None
A Replaceable Integrated Part Droid are heavily moddable and customizable, allowing the user
to do whatever they wish with their canvas.
Scavdog 0 20 0 3 5 15 None

Scavenger: The Frame will regain +5 Durability if they destroy an opposing Frame.
Scavdogs are independent Stack Jumpers that wander the Grid in a quadrupedal Frame, often
accompanying Pioneers or other Long-Distance Frames.
Military Function Mod Chip
Armor Durability Movement BYC Cost Boosts
Frames Limit Slots
Barbarian 0 40 2 3 6 30 2 MS
Adrenaline Spike - The Frame may make a Melee Attack for free after a Dash Action.
Welded together through sheer force of will and a determination to not break, Barbarian
Frames are as quick and deadly as they are breakable.
Clanker 5 40 2 4 4 30
Explosive Plating - All Characters adjacent to this Frame when it takes damage are dealt 2d6
Scraped together, Clankers are strapped with explosive plating turning them into a walking
Demos 5 35 2 4 3 25
Autoloader - The Frame has a dedicated autoloader, all Items are reduced by one step actions,
including Simple Actions to Free.
Called Packrats, Demos are often carrying around valuable explosives to the battle.
EYEs 2 25 2 5 5 20
Analyzed - The Frame designates a Target within Line of Sight, that Target has one less tier of
With a large monocular lens, EYEs are employed as forward scouts and spies for
Administrators seeking an advantage on their enemies.
Guardian 7 50 2 2 3 30 2 RS
Built tough and strong, Guardian Frames are used as the vanguard for major offenses, often
seen crashing into the lines of the enemy with reckless abandon.
IHoP 2 25 2 6 4 30 2 GW
RAM Head - The Frame naturally produces +2 additional RAM for use in combat.
Integrated Hacking Protocol Frames have a large RAM Stick inserted into their spinal column
for easy access to the data stream.
Samurai 5 45 2 3 4 25 2 MS
Extravagant and detailed, Samurai Frames are popular among more “Traditional”
Soldiers 3 35 2 4 4 20 2 FS
Soldier Frames are designed to be efficient and tough in a fight, often employed as upper-level
troops to fight on the front.
Frames (Tier 3)
Prole Functional Mod Chip
Armor Durability Movement BYC Cost Boosts
Frames Limit Slots
Cerberus 3 30 0 3 5 30 None

RIpper Teeth: The Frame Ignores all Armor with Melee Attacks.

Cerberus Guard Frames are more of a power play than anything, threatening passersby with a
large and imposing frame designed to chew through most metals.
4 35 0 4 3 20 None
Deluxe, Shiny, and the Elite of what it means to be a Civilian, to be a Chromeman is to be
COME 0 30 0 8 4 20 None
Civilian Operating Mod Environment is a heavily modded Frame with a deep focus on creating
the ideal body for the aspiring modder.

Octopus 2 35 0 2 2 20 None

Four Integrated Arms: The Frame has four additional arms emerging from their back, all able
to hold various equipment and tools for their trade.
The final evolution in a majority of civilian engineering frames, Octopus Frames excel at
multitasking environments in intense situations.
Military Function Mod Chip
Armor Durability Movement BYC Cost Boosts
Frames Limit Slots
5 50 2 2 4 40 2 RS
Walking Bunker - The Bunker Walker can take 1 Stack Jumper with them as they move,
counting as Medium Cover.
Towering above most Frames by three meters, Walking Bunkers are a shield against most
firesupport leveled against an Administrator’s Coterie.
Busters 6 40 2 5 4 45 2 RS
Shield Breaker - The Frame ignores all Armor for all Melee and Ranged Attacks
With servo mechanical arms as well as being pumped with combat stimulants, the half-mad
Buster Frames are a sight to behold as they rip a frame in half.
Castles 9 60 2 3 2 40 2 RS
Lumbering juggernauts of the field, plodding along to defend points of interest as well as hold
the line for their allies. Large targets at the best of times.
1 GW
Docs 4 40 2 4 3 35
1 RS
Multi-Core-Threading - The Doc can use a Simple Action twice for the same Action, once per
With a majority of their nervous system being pumped full of artificial stimulants, Doc Frames
are twitchy and quick, often performing a series of actions in seconds.
Doombas 4 30 2 5 7 35
Doomcore - Deploy a radiation spike that deals 4d10 Damage to All Adjacent Targets and the
Doomba, 3d10 Damage to Targets 2 Hexes Away, and 1d10 Damage to Targets 3 Hexes Away
once a combat.
A feared nightmare creature from the Mainframe, rolling with unparalleled speed toward the
enemy, Doombas “Spike” the ground under them in a cacophony of radiated hell.
G4mers 3 35 2 6 5 30
1080 Quickscope - The Frame gains a +4 to FS or MS if they have not attacked the Target this
With a majority of their neural interface taken up by montges and other hyper-violence sims,
G4mer Frames have earned a reputation as dangerous and unpredictable foes.
Gentoons 1 25 2 7 2 30 3 GW
Open Operating Systems - Hacks can Jump an additional time after any Hack Action.
Using a budget open operating system framework, Gentoon Frames are an evolution of a
Prole Code Monkey Frame for expert computer technicians (and hackers).
Gladiators 3 50 2 3 5 40 2 MS
Execution - If the Frame successfully kills a target in Melee, they may take an additional
Simple Action.
Gladiator Frames are often found in mercenary deathmatches, customizable and reliable in
most combat situations.
Immortals 5 45 2 4 5 45 2 FS
Hover - The Frame hovers off the ground, able to move vertically without an MV Cost as well
as being unaffected by Terrain.
Hovering off the ground, Immortals lay claim over the field in an imposing and menacing aura.
Inhuman as they are uncomfortable.
1 30 2 5 5 40 3 GW
Data Dancer - Complex Actions to claim a Node are reduced to Simple Actions.
Matrix Runners are a special class of Frame designed for Node Claiming, customized ones
may even be able to defend themselves.
2 FS
R4MB0 2 35 2 3 5 40
2 MS
Critical Strikes - The Commando, once a battle, may deal double damage against a Target of
their choice.
Elite and expensive Frames for the practical Administrator, R4MB0’s are usually experts at all
combat operations, even in the least qualified hands.
1 MS
Ronin 1 45 2 5 6 40
1 RS
Flowing River Strike - The Frame may make a Melee Attack anytime they move adjacent to a
Light and deadly, Ronin make a name for themselves usually as a cheap Mercenary Frame for
the starting Stack Jumper, those who can use the savvy find great mileage out of them.
Scouts 0 25 2 5 7 30 2 FS
Shotcaller - As long as a Target is within Line of Sight of the Scout, all allies gain a +1 FS to
shoot them.
With eight different vision methods including the heavily impractical 290x scope (with flash
protection!) the Scout Frame lives up to its rather dull name.
Slayer 2 60 2 3 6 35
Glutamate Inhibitors - The Frame gains a +1 to FS / MS for every adjacent hostile target.
With most instances of fear or intelligent thought replaced by serotonin rewards for combat
victories, Slayer Frames are a rampaging force of destruction.
1 FS
Warbots 6 55 2 3 4 35
1 MS
Built strong and tough, Warbots are deployed everywhere on the Mainframe as warriors and
combat specialists, often as commanders of Soldier and Grunt Frames.
Warlord 2 45 2 4 6 45 3 RS
Override Protocols - The Frame uses a Simple Action to force another Allied Stack Jumper or
Daemon to take a Simple Action, the Warlord Chooses.
An integrated command protocol allows the remote access to most allied Frames motor
functions for a purpose filled violence cheerleader.
The Frame is the body, the Function is the Soul of the Stack Jumper, a complex
series of algorithms and firmware upgrades that allow the Stack Jumper to perform a
specific role of the battlefield. Each Tier of Frame the Stack Jumper is in unlocks more
the Function's potential abilities and passives, further augmenting the playstyle of
individual Jumpers on the field.
Each Function costs 10 BYC to purchase, with each Frame having a number of
Functions they are able to process.

(P) Run and Gun - The Assault, during a Dash Action, is able to make a
Tier 1
Snap Shot for their second Simple Action mid move.
Tier 2 (P) Focus Fire - The Assault adds +1d4 Damage to their Firearms..
(A) Spray and Pray (Complex) - The Assault attacks up to four Targets
Tier 3
within range with a Ranged Weapon in their possession.
(A) Slide Burst (Simple) - The Assault moves up to their MV and makes a
Tier 4
ranged attack at a Target, if they kill the Target, refund the Simple Action.

Black Hats
(A) Jacked Jump (Simple) - The Black Hat Jumps the Hack into an
Tier 1
opposing Stack Jumper.
(A) Split Hack (Complex) - The Black Hat divides the Hack into two,
Tier 2
travelling along two different points.
(P) Cutting Corners - The Black Hat reduces the RAM Cost of Offensive
Tier 3
Hacks by 2.
(P) Virtual Contagion - The Black Hat's Offensive Hacks have an
Tier 4 increased Range of 2 and once it hits the Target, has an Area of Effect of
2 Hexes.
(P) Frame Repair Specialist - The Engineer increases the uses of
Tier 1
Durability Restoring Equipment by NULL.
(A) Active Repair Module (Simple) - The Engineer may restore GW + D6
Tier 2
Durability to themselves or an Adjacent Allied Frame.
(P) Support Specialist - The Engineer, during a Move Action, may drag an
Tier 3
allied Stack Jumper along with them, to reposition them freely.
(A) Jumpstart (Complex) - The Engineer jumpstarts a fallen Stack
Tier 4 Jumper restoring GW + D6 Durability to the Frame. They are treated as a
Daemon of the Engineer.

(P) Armored Up - The Goliath, if they do not move that turn, doubles their
Tier 1
Frames Armor.
(P) Shield of the Team - The Goliath, if they do not move that turn, acts as
Tier 2
Medium Cover for all allies.
(P) Sentinel - The Goliath, if they do not move that turn, gains a +2 to all
Tier 3
FS and MS Checks.
(P) Pillbox - The Goliath, if they do not move that turn, restores RS
Tier 4
Durability at the end of the turn.

(A) H4rm0ny (Simple) - The Judas renders a Glitched Out Node or Terrain
Tier 1
usable by their allies if they are within 5 Hexes of the Glitch.
(A) W0rd5 0f W15d0m (Simple) - The Judas, if within 5 Hexes of the
Tier 2
Glitch, is able to spread the Glitch RS Hexes of their Choice.
(A) 3MBR4C3 (Complex) - The Judas opens a tear in the Terrain,
Tier 3
Glitching Out a piece of Terrain within 3 Hexes of them.
(A) 0bl1v10n (Complex) - The Judas infects a Stack Jumper or Daemon
Tier 4 within 5 Hexes of them, after the end of the next turn, they will explode,
Glitching Out all Adjacent Tiles and the one they are standing on.
(P) Body Check - If the Juggernaut ends a movement adjacent to an
Tier 1
enemy, they may choose to move the enemy one Hex.
(P) Paladin Protocols - The Juggernaut adds their RS Attribute to their
Tier 2
(P) Reinforcement Protocols - The Juggernaut adds RS Attribute to their
Tier 3
(P) Unkillable.exe - The Juggernaut doubles the Reinforcement Protocols
Tier 4
and Paladin Protocols bonus.

Tier 1 (P) Host Program - The Nodesinger can control up to 4 Daemons
(P) Range Extension - The Nodesinger's Daemons can move twice their
Tier 2
MV from the Nodesinger.
(A) Suicide Batch File Extension (Simple) - The Nodesinger detonates a
Tier 3
Daemon, dealing its RS x 2 Damage to all adjascent enemies.
(A) Force Conscription (Complex) - The Nodesinger forcefully seizes a
Tier 4
Daemon of an allied or opposing Stack Jumper.
(A) Set-Up (Simple) - The Ranger sets up their weapon, they will always
Tier 1
add their Aim bonus to attacks as long as they do not move.
Tier 2 (P) Stabilizers - The Ranger increases the Range of any weapon by 3.
(A) Hunter-Killer (Complex) - The Ranger takes a shot with a weapon
Tier 3 toward a vital section, if the attack hits, they ignore the Armor of their
(P) Core Shot - The Ranger adds their FS to their Damage when using a
Tier 4

(A) Bothandle (Simple) - The Ravager moves an adjacent Target to any
Tier 1
other Hex Adjacent to them.
(P) Punishment - The Ravager may exchange Melee Successes to shove
Tier 2
the enemy a number of Hexes in a single direction.
(A) Disrupting Strike (Simple) - The Ravager makes a Melee Attack, if
Tier 3
successful, the Stack Jumper's Functions are disabled for the turn.
(P) Cortex Smash - The Ravager adds their MS to their Damage when
Tier 4
using a Melee Weapon.
(P) Silent Running - A Trojan may move up to double their MV at the start
Tier 1
of a mission, but cannot attack or interact.
(A) Infiltrator - A Trojan starts with Stealth, they cannot be targeted until
Tier 2 they make an Action against a Target, Interact with a Node, Step into a
Glitch, Take Damage, or are within 2 Hexes of a Hostile Target.
(P) Backstabber - A Trojan deals double damage if they attack an enemy
Tier 3
from Stealth, applied after rolls and modifiers.
(A) Masking (Simple) - A Trojan becomes Stealthed and is able to make a
Tier 4

White Hat
(P) Comrade Jump - The White Hat's Hack can immediately jump to
Tier 1
another Friendly Stack Jumper after jumping.
(P) Linked Command Prompts - The White Hat's Hack affects all Allied
Tier 2
Stack Jumpers it jumps to.
(A) ICE (Simple) - The White Hat immediately ends a hostile Hack if they
Tier 3
are within 3 Hexes of an Opposing Hack.
(A) ECM Bomb (Complex) - The White Hat reduces enemy RAM to 0 for
Tier 4
the rest of the turn, but all Active Hacks are still in Operation.
Mod Chips
Moddability is an essential component to many Frames on the Grid, the ability to
adapt to the situation and deploy into a situation with an advantage may be the
difference between failure and success. When constructing a list, the Administrator may
purchase a number of Mod Chips to "plug into" their Stack Jumper's Frames. A Stack
Jumper can only have as many Mod Chips as their Frames MCS Value.
Mod Chips do Stack, with each Chip costing 5 BYC to insert.

Booster Chips
● Adrenaline Rootkit - +1 MS
● Endorphin Rush - +1 RS
● Expanded Memory Core - +1 GW
● Lock Systems - +1 FS

Ability Chips
● Emergency Repair (Complex) - The Jumper restores Durability equal to a GW Roll.
● Energy Shield (Simple) - The Jumper triggers an Energy Shield, negating one
piece of Energy Damage.
● Gatcha Spin (Simple) - The Jumper rolls a 1d8
○ 1-3: -3 to the Next Roll
○ 4-5: Nothing Occurs
○ 6-8: +3 to the Next Roll
● Magnet Lockers (Simple) - The Jumper triggers a set of magnets on their body,
they cannot be moved from a position until it is disabled.
● Overclock Trigger (Simple) - The Jumper performs their next action twice.
● Rocket Gliders (Simple) - The Jumper triggers a set of rockets on their Frame's
legs, they will move double their MV in a straight line, they cannot stop.
● Self-Detonate (Complex) - The Jumper willingly blows themselves up, causing RS
x 5 damage to all Adjacent Targets.
Firmware Chips
● Energy Defenses - The Jumper begins play with an Energy Shield, negating one
piece of Energy Damage.
● Fireteam Optimizations - The Jumper increases the damage of Firearms by +1
● Hands-Ocular-Coordinator - The Jumper can use two ranged weapons with
Akimbo at once, holding one in each hand.
● Integrated Hardware Driver (Firearms) - The Jumper is allowed to Integrate a
firearm into their body, they lose function of a limb, but the Weapon cannot be
remotely shut down or disarmed.
● Integrated Hardware Drivers (Melee) - The Jumper is allowed to Integrate a piece
of melee equipment into their body, they lose function of a limb, but the Weapon
cannot be remotely shut down or disarmed.
● Mantis Implants - The Jumper can use two melee weapons that are not
Two-Handed at once.
● Node Interactions - The Jumper has the Interact with Node Action only be a
Simple Action.
● RAM Stick - The Jumper gives the Administrator +1 RAM.
● Samurai Shodown - The Jumper increases the damage of Melee Weapons by +1
● Shade Hat - The Jumper begins the Mission with Stealth.

Software Chips
● ADC Chip - The Jumper can take an additional Simple Action, but they cannot use
the Mod Chip Again.
● Daemon Dancer - The Jumper can control an additional Daemon.
● Malware Shutdown - The Jumper can immediately stop a hostile Hack into their
system, but they are unable to use the Mod Chip again.
● Nanite Trigger - The Jumper, if they reach less than 10 Durability on their Frame,
will restore 2d6 Durability.
● System Monitor - The Jumper can force a Jump of Hack within their system to
any Friendly Target within range.
● System Optimizations - The Jumper reduces the cost of all Hacks they use by 1
RAM, to a minimum of 1.
Daemons are bound entities to a Stack Jumper, creatures that have limited
self-reliance abilities or automated drones that follow orders without free will. Every
Stack Jumper can have two Daemons attached to them without modifications, but if the
Stack Jumper were to ever perish, then the attached Daemons will also fail.
Daemons do not have Gridwork or Resolve, being creatures without an
automated soul, anytime they are forced to use a GW or RS Check, they immediately fail.
Daemons will always act last in the turn order.

Daemons FS MS Damage Armor Durability MV BYC Cost

Ballistic Gun
D6 D0 2d6 (B) 2 10 3 4
Flight - The Gun Drone hovers and is not affected by Terrain modifiers.
Gun Dones are perhaps one of the most common Daemons on the Grid, used for personal
defense and reconnaissance
Energy Gun
D6 D0 1d6 (E) 2 10 3 4
Flight - The Gun Drone hovers and is not affected by Terrain modifiers.
Gun Dones are perhaps one of the most common Daemons on the Grid, used for personal
defense and reconnaissance
Goblin D4 D4 1d6 (B) 0 10 4 4
Stealth - The Goblin cannot be targeted by Abilities or Attacks until they are within 3 Hexes
of a Hostile.
Goblin Daemons are automated runners that ferry physical resources through the Grid.
Battle Bots D0 D8 2d6 4 15 2 4
Battle Bots are traditionally seen as distractions for the proles, fighting and dying in rigged
fights, but occasionally they find themselves in military service.
RADical D0 D0 0 0 10 4 4
Remote Service Device - The RADical allows the Stack Jumper to operate Nodes and use
Equipment remotely.
Remote Automation Drones allow workers to successfully operate distant Nodes and
Terminals without being directly nearby. Radical!
Example: Příklad, the Disposable Stack Jumper (79 BYC)
Příklad is a generic Stack Jumper that will be used as an example throughout
this rulebook to explain basic gameplay terms as well as demonstrate some effects.
Příklad's Expanded Profile looks like this, with the BYC Cost in parenthesis.

Core Attributes (24)

● Firearm Skill (FS) - D6
● Gridwork (GW) - D6
● Melee Skill (MS) - D6
● Resolve (RS) - D6

Frame Attributes: Pioneer Frame (Tier 1) (10)

● Armor (AR) - 3
● Durability (DR) - 30
● Function Limit (FL) - 2
○ Black Hat (10) - (A) Jacked Jump (Simple) - The Black Hat Jumps the
Hack into an opposing Stack Jumper.
○ Engineer (10) - (P) Frame Repair Specialist - The Engineer increases the
uses of Durability Restoring Equipment by NULL.
● Mod Chip Slots (MCS) - 0 / 5
○ Expanded Memory Core II - +2 GW (10)
○ Emergency Repair (5)
○ System Optimizations II - -2 RAM Cost to Hacks (10)
● Movement (MV) - 3
● Boosts - +1 Gridwork

Side Note: This Seems Like a Lot

One of the Core things to remember about TITS is there is an emphasis on
front-loaded development as well as a majority of the team being done relatively soon.
A Player should have their personally tweaked team to their desired point at the time
of the game. If they notice something wonky, then it's going back and tweaking the list
to get the most out of it.
It takes time to build a list, but once it's built, it mostly won't radically change
unless it is severely needed.
Boreal Stack Jumper Emporium:
Equipment and Tools
Stack Jumpers entering the field aren't expected to simply go unarmed and hope
for the best, before they are deployed, each Stack Jumper is armed and equipped with
tools to help them succeed in their mission.
Stack Jumpers can have two weapons and two utility items on them at any point.

Melee Weapons
Melee Weapons require the Stack Jumper to be adjacent to their target to strike
them, while all Melee Weapons will bypass Energy Shields, some Melee Weapons will
inflict different conditions on the unsuspecting.
Melee Weapons have a Damage Class which reflects how much damage the
weapon will do on a successful melee attack, Armor will reduce the strike’s damage by a
flat amount.

Damage Weapon
BYC Cost
Class Damage
Basic 2 3
Light 4 6
Medium 6 9
Heavy 8 12
Superheavy 10 15
Axe Damage
Category Class
Pierce 3 and
Battle Axe Heavy

Chain Axe Medium Pierce 2, Shredder

Executioner Pierce 2, Shredder, and

Axe Two-Handed
Medium Hardlight, Pierce 2
ICE Pick Light Pierce 3, Jugular

Mace Damage
Category Class
Battle Claw Medium Pierce 1, Stun 1
Light Explosive (3d6)
Gauntlet Basic
Juggernaut Stun 3 and
Maul Two-Handed
Man Wrench Light Stun 2
Orange Drill Heavy Hardlight, Pierce 2
Rocket Trigger (Damage Up),
Hammer Stun 2
Medium Stun 1
Stun 2 and
Warhammer Heavy
Spear Damage
Category Class
Ashigaru Long-Distance Melee,
Spear Two-Handed
Long-Distance Melee,
Superheavy Shredder, and
Long-Distance Melee,
Hero Spear Medium
Long-Distance Melee,
Lunge Mine Light
Explosive (4d6)
Long-Distance Melee,
Naginata Heavy
and Two-Handed

Sword Damage
Category Class
Extendo Trigger (Long Distance
Sabre Melee)
Flying Sword Medium Trigger (Damage Up 2)
Glo-Sabre Heavy Energy
Medium Hardlight
Stiletto Light Jugular
Light Energy
Vibro Knife Medium Jugular and Shredder
Two-Handed and
Zweihander Superheavy
Shields are equipped with tools of war, increasing the Armor or Energy Defense
of the Stack Jumper as long as they are holding the weapon. However, Shields, if not
integrated, prevent the use of heavier two-handed weapons.

Armor Value Energy

Shield Type Shield Weight
(AV) Defense (ED)
Dueling Bucker 3 0 Light

Eater Shield 2 4 Medium

Genoan 5 4 Heavy
Rondache 4 2 Medium

Round Shield 2 1 Light

Scrapper Shield 0 3 Light

Tortoise 4 5 Heavy
War Door 6 6 Superheavy
Firearms are the most
conventional means of warfare on the
Grid, allowing Stack Jumpers to
successfully destroy their enemies
from a range without placing
themselves in danger (much).

Range Hex Range

Point Blank 1
Short 5
Medium 10
Long 15
Far 20
Unlimited Unlimited
Firearms BYC
Damage Range Aim Bonus Tags
(Assault) Cost
Assault Rifle 5d6 (B) Medium 2 6
Designated Scoped,
5d6+4 (B) Far 4 8
Marksman Rifle Ranged
Light Machine Heavy,
4d6 (B) Long 0 8
Gun Suppressive
Squad Automatic
3d6 (B) Long 1 Heavy 6
Energy Assault
4d6 (E) Medium 2 Heavy 8

Energy Energy,
Designated 4d6+2 (E) Far 4 Scoped, 10
Marksman Rifle Ranged

Energy Light
3d6 (E) Long 0 Heavy, 10
Machine Gun

Energy Squad
Automatic 2d6 (E) Long 1 8
Firearms BYC
Damage Range Aim Bonus Tags
(Handguns) Cost
Auto-Pistol 1d6+4 (B) Medium 0 6
Heavy Handgun 4d6+2 (B) Short 2 6
Light Handgun 2d6+3 (B) Short 1 4
Revolver 3d6 (B) Short 1 6
1d4+2 (E) Medium 0 Energy 8
Energy Heavy
3d6+1 (E) Short 2 Energy 8
Energy Light
1d6+1 (E) Short 1 Energy 6

Firearms BYC
Damage Range Aim Bonus Tags
(Rifle) Cost
Battle Rifle 6d6+2 (B) Medium 2 Scoped 10
Carbine 2d6+2 (B) Long 3 Scoped 8
Sniper Rifle 4d8+2 (B) Unlimited 4 10
Energy Battle
5d6+1 (E) Medium 2 Scoped 10
Energy Carbine 1d6 + 1 (E) Long 3 Scoped 8
Energy Sniper Scoped,
3d8 + 1 (E) Unlimited 4 10
Rifle Ranged
Firearms BYC
Damage Range Aim Bonus Tags
(Shotgun) Cost
2d6 (B) Medium 2 Shotgun 12
Pump Shotgun 3d6 (B) Medium 0 Shotgun 10
Sawed Off
4d6 (B) Short 0 Shotgun 8
Energy Automatic Shotgun,
1d6 (E) Medium 2 14
Shotgun Energy
Energy Pump Shotgun,
3d6 (B) Medium 0 12
Shotgun Energy

Firearms BYC
(SMGs) Damage Range Aim Bonus Tags Cost
Submachine Gun 2d6+3 (B) Medium 2 10
Light Submachine
Gun 2d6+1 (B) Short 0 Akimbo 8
Personal Defense
Weapon 4d6+1 (B) Medium 1 12
Energy Heavy
Submachine Gun 1d6 +1 (E) Medium 2 10
Energy Light
Machine Gun 1d6 (E) Short 0 Akimbo 8
Energy Personal
Defense Weapon 3d6 (E) Medium 1 12
Tag Name Tag Effect Tag Name Tag Effect
This weapon has a -4/-8 to
This weapon can be held in
Akimbo Ranged hit when at Short or Point
one hand with relative ease.
Blank Range.
The weapon is an energy
weapon and bypasses all
The weapon can be aimed
Physical Armor, but cannot
Energy Scoped for as many rounds as
pierce Hardlight Shields and
reduces damage by Energy
The weapon is explosive, once The weapon increases
triggered, it will explode damage by +2d6 for every
Explosive Shotgun
dealing damage to everyone Range Increment closer they
adjacent to it. are to their target.
The weapon is made of The weapon is a gory mess,
Hardlight, and is easily swung, the Target must make a RS
Hardlight the Stack Jumper gains a free Shredder Check if hit, on a failure, the
success if they hit with the Enemy loses one of their
weapon. Simple Actions.
The weapon takes a round to The weapon Stuns the target,
Heavy set up and a round to pick Stun they have a penalty to all
back up. actions for the Stun Value.
The weapon excels at pinpoint
The weapon, if on Overwatch,
strikes. A Character may forgo
Jugular Suppressive is allowed to make 3 Snap
any Success Bonuses to
bypass all armor.
Long The Weapon is a melee The Weapon is thrown, and
Range weapon that can attack a Thrown once it leaves the Character’s
Melee target one Hex away. hand, it’s gone.
For a Simple Action, the
The Weapon bypasses the
Pierce Trigger weapon has an additional
Pierce Value in Armor.
Effect that can be triggered.
Utility Equipment
Utility Equipment gives the Stack Jumper the needed abilities on the field that
may be able to change the fight in their favor. Each piece of equipment can be used
once before it is expended. However, equipment can be purchased twice.

Equipment Effect Action BYC Cost
Berserker Gain +2d6 Damage to Melee for the
Key Round Simple 4
Booster Unit is considered flying for the rest of
Boots the Round Simple 4
Bug Bomb Hex is considered to be Glitched Out Simple 4
Grenage Explosive (2d6 (E)), Range 1d6+2 Simple 4
Grenade Explosive (3d6), Range 1d6+2 Simple 4
Remove Hostile Hack From Self or
MalwareByte Adjacent Ally Complex 8
Nanite Pod Restore Durability by 2d6 Simple 4
RAM Spike Restore 2 RAM Simple 4
Reboot Daemon can be brought back if they are
Module destroyed Complex 8
Restore Durability by 4d6 of self or
Repair Kit Adjacent ally. Complex 8
Safe Mode Unit cannot be affected by Glitched Out
Screen Terrain until the end of the next round. Complex 8
Skeleton Key Automatically Hack a Adjacent Node Simple 4
Administrators are gods of the Mainframe, vast and powerful creatures within
their own domain, when fighting on Grid, they must work through the proxy of their Stack
Jumpers. To influence the battlefield, they employ a number of Hacks their Stack
Jumpers can trigger on the field.
Any Offensive Hack can be
countered by succeeding at a RS
Check, but the Administrator may
dedicate additional RAM to increase
the number of successes needed to
resist the effect by spending 1
Additional RAM. One key thing to
note is that the Administrator does
not need to reveal which Hack they
are using, only the current amount of
RAM Dedicated to it. When the Hack
has been completed, the RAM cost is
Defensive Hacks will stay
attached to the Stack Jumper until it
is canceled or its effect used.
Multiple Defensive hacks can trigger
at once if a single Hostile Hack were
to bounce between them.
Effect RAM Cost BYC Cost
Autotargeting The Hack seizes control of the Frame's farms, forcing
4 5
Software it to attack an allied unit within range.
The Hack fries the circuits of the Frame affected,
Burner Brain 2 5
they take 3d6 Heat Damage
The Hack forces a Heat Vent procedure in the Stack
Core Heat
Jumper's Frame, exposing their Core. The next attack 5 5
bypasses all Armor.
Daemon The Hack shuts down all Daemons of the affected
4 5
Dance Stack Jumper for two rounds.
The Hack does nothing but send meaningless data to
an enemy.
The Hack immediately reduces a rival Stack Jumper
DUMMY2 7 5
to 1/2 Durability
The Hack interrupts Function Services of a Stack
Jumper, they are unable to use any of their Function 4 5
Abilities for the next round.
The Hack takes control of the Stack Jumper's hands,
Hands On 6 5
dealing their weapon damage to themselves.

The Hack shuts down all motorics in the legs of an

IVAR enemy, they are unable to move for the rest of the 4 5

The Hack overloads the sensors of a Stack Jumper,

Meme Magic reducing their MV to 1 and weapon range to Point 5 5
The Hack targets Utility Equipment in the Stack
Pin Popper 4 5
Jumper's possession, immediately setting it off.
The Hack takes control of the Stack Jumper's motor
Puppeteer functions, allowing the Administrator to move that 4 5
Stack Jumper up to their MV in any direction.
The Hack shuts down the Stack Jumper's weapons
Weapon Lock 3 5
for the next round.
Effect RAM Cost BYC Cost
Block A Hostile Hack is immediately ignored 4 5
When a Hostile Hack reaches this Stack Jumper, they
will take the full effect.
When a Hostile Hack reaches this Stack Jumper, the
CLOWN2 7 5
Rival Admin Node takes 1d6 Damage.
A Hostile Hack, if landing on this Stack Jumper, is
Consume immediately destroyed and RAM is given to the 5 5
Administrator as temporary RAM.
When triggered, the Hack creates a MEDIUM Cover
Erect 4 5
obstacle adjacent to the Stack Jumper.
A Hostile Hack cannot be triggered or recovered until
Faraday Cage 4 5
this Hack Ends or the Stack Jumper dies.
A Hostile Hack is sent back toward the original user.
Feedback 5 5
If it reaches them, they suffer the effects.
When a Hostile Hack reaches this Stack Jumper, they
immediately deploy a Hunter Killer virus toward the
Hunter Killer 6 5
nearest enemy Stack Jumper, dealing 2d6 Durability
to them.
A Hostile Hack is redirected to an Allied Stack
Pass Off 3 5
Jumper within jumping distance.
A Hostile Hack is immediately jumped to another
Redirect 3 5
When a Hostile Hack reaches this Stack Jumper, they
Trace may immediately deploy an allied Hack, attempting 4 5
to reach the Target which sent it.
Example List: Muskovite Kill Squad
500 BYC
4 Stack Jumpers

● St. Jermaine (101 BYC)

○ FS D4, GW D6, MS D12+2 , RS D10 (28 BYC)
○ Samurai Frame (60 BYC)
■ 3 Armor, 45 Durability, 4 MV, 3 Mod Chips
■ Samurai Shodown II - +2 Melee Damage
■ ADC - Take additional Simple Action, but destroy the chip.
■ Juggernaut Function
● Body Check
● Paladin Protocols - Add RS to Durability
■ Ravager Function
● Bothandle (Simple)
● Punishment - Melee Success for Shoves
○ Flying Sword - Medium, Trigger (DMG up 2) (9 BYC)
● St. Prkvald (113 BYC)
○ FS D8, GW D10+2, MS D4, RS D8 (24)
○ Gentoon Frame (75)
■ 1 Armor, 25 Durability, 2 MV, 7 Mod Chips
■ Expanded Memory Core II - +2 GW
■ Overclock Trigger (Simple)
■ System Optimizations II
■ Black Hat
● Jacked Jump (Simple)
● Split Hack (Complex)
● Cutting Corners
■ White Hat
● Comrade Jump
● Linked Command Prompts
● ICE (Simple)
○ Auto-Pistol - Medium Range (1d6+4 B Damage), 0 Aim. (6 BYC)
○ RAM Spike - Restore +2 RAM (4 BYC)
● St. Onyx (133)
○ FS D10, GW D4, MS D4, RS D12+2 (24)
○ Castle Frame (85)
■ 9 Armor, 60 Durability, 2 MV, 3 Mod Chips
■ Integrated Hardware Driver (Firearm)
■ Fireteam Optimizations II - +2 DMG to Firearms
■ Goliath
● Armored Up - Double Armor, Don't Move
● Shield of the Team - Act as Medium Cover
● Sentinel - +2 FS / MS, Don't Move.
■ Ranger
● Set-Up (Simple) - Always have Aim Bonus
● Stabilizers - Increase Range by +3
● Hunter Killer (Complex) - Ignore Armor Attack
○ Energy Sniper Rifle (3d8 +1 E Damage), 4 Aim (10 BYC)
○ Battle Rifle (6d6+2 B Damage), 2 Aim (10 BYC)
● Doge (108 BYC)
○ FS D4, GW D4, MS D12, RS D10 (28)
○ Cerberus Frame (45)
■ 3 Armor, 30 Durability, 5 MV, 3 Mod Chips
■ Shade Hat - Start Mission Stealthed
■ Rocket Gliders - Move double MV in a straight line
■ Energy Shield - Negate Energy Damage once
○ Orange Drill - Heavy (Hardlight + Pierce 2)
○ Guardian Thorn - Superheavy (Shredder, Two-Handed)
○ Berserker Key - Add +2d6 Melee Damage
○ Skeleton Key - Auto Hack a Node
● Hacks (30)
○ Burner Brain (4 RAM)
○ Function Shutdown (4 RAM)
○ Pin Popper (4 RAM)
○ Consume (5 RAM)
○ Faraday Cage (4 RAM)
○ Feedback (5 RAM)
Administrators duel over the BYC Currents of the world, allowing them to extend
their power and influence over the Mainframe. These BYC Currents are infrequent, but
when they do manifest, the locations quickly become a Warzone.
Warzones act as the Skirmish Sized tactics game mode of TITS, having
Administrators duke it out using their Stack Jumpers to claim victory on the field.
Each Warzone is split up into a series of Hexes which represent various places
the Stack Jumpers can move and interact with. On average a Warzone is composed of
around 168 2in Hexes which will take up a 24 x 28 in. area. Smaller maps may be used
for more claustrophobic fights, or different Z-Levels to be employed.

At the start of the match, both Administrators will reveal the amount of BYC they
have spent on their Lists. The Administrator who has spent the least will choose an
edge of the battlefield to place down their Admin Node and place their Stack Jumpers,
then the other Administrator will do the same, but on the opposite edge of the
Special matches may have different deployment rules or locations, those will
always take priority over these ones.
The Objective of the match is determined before the game begins, Administrators
may choose their objective or randomly roll on this chart.

1. Assault Zones - The Administrator's Stack Jumpers fight to hold specific territory
Nodes, each Node builds up the victory count by 1. At 10 Victory Points, that
Administrator is victorious. If a Tie is reached, then whoever has suffered the
casualties loses.
2. Combat - The Administrators Stack Jumpers duke it out over the battlefield, after
10 turns, whoever has suffered the most casualties (in BYC) or sustained the
most damage (in Durability) has lost.
3. Data Drop - In the center of the field, a Node containing valuable data is present,
both teams fight over the Node and when it is successfully hacked the data must
be escorted back to the Admin Node of that player. Whoever possesses the data
cannot use weapons.
4. Data Hack - One Administrator's forces is considered to be on the offense, while
the other on defense. The Offensive Team must successfully Hack into the
Defenders Admin Node to achieve victory, while the Defender must stop them
within 10 Turns.
5. Node Capture - The Administrators Stack Jumpers fight over a central control
Node, if either force successfully captures the Node and holds it for three rounds,
they are successful.
6. VIP - One Administrator's forces must defend a VIP designated among their
Stack Jumpers, if the VIP is alive at the end of 10 Turns, then that side is

At any point, if an Administrator is “Tabled” losing all of their Stack Jumpers, they
will immediately lose. Each Administrator also has an Admin Node with 20 Armor and
10 Durability. If the Admin Node is ever destroyed, then they will also automatically lose.
Don’t lose the Admin Node.
Terrain in a Warzone is dependent on the location of the battlefield, since the
Merge, various locations throughout the Mainframe have become messy, blending parts
of the world together as the Servers crash into one another.
Terrain falls into three distinct categories:

● Safe Terrain - Terrain considered Safe can freely be moved through without any
penalties to movement.
● Hostile Terrain - Terrain considered Hostile cost 2 MV to move through
successfully, however, a Stack Jumper may move normally through it, but will
take 1d6 Durability for every Hex they do move through.
● Impassable Terrain - Terrain considered Impossible cannot be walked through.

Stack Jumpers or Daemons with Flying can mitigate the problems associated
with Terrain, allowing them to freely move across it without issue. Terrain with cover is
represented on the Borders of the Hex, representing debris, natural cover, or buildings
able to protect them.
Cover, Blockers, and Hexes
A Hexes Border indicates where the cover is properly, when tracing a line of fire, if
the line were to cross any part of the cover, then the Cover bonuses apply. If a Stack
Jumper is behind two or more sets of cover, then they will only apply the heaviest
version of that cover.
Using an example Hex, the
Orange line represents Heavy
Cover, while the Blue Line
indicates Light Cover. The Yellow
line would represent a wall,
unable to be shot through, while
the Black lines indicate open
areas. If a Stack Jumper were to
get shot through the Orange line,
then they would possess Heavy
Cover, but if they were flanked
from the sides, and shot through
the black lines, then they would
be able to get hit without issue.
Melee attackers ignore Cover as
long as it is not fully blocked off,
for example, by the Yellow wall.
Our second example has
three bunkers fighting one
another with a piece of terrain in
the middle, blocking two of them.
A can shoot B, but not C because
of the blocking terrain, if the
Terrain was not present or items
were used to remove it, then A
could shoot at C.
Since the Merging, parts of the world have begun to fall apart, collectively
referred to as "Glitches." To most Stack Jumpers, Glitches are a death sentence, as
moving through a Hex affected by a Glitch begins to wreak havoc on their Frames.
When a Stack Jumper moves onto a Hex infected with a Glitch, not only is it
considered Hostile Terrain, the Stack Jumpers Functions are shut down, the Frame will
take an additional +1d6 Durability Damage for every Hex moved regardless if they
moved through it slowly or quickly, and if the Frame ends their movement on an infected
Hex, they they will only have a Simple Action to perform next round.
When a Stack Jumper leaves an infected Hex, they will roll RS requiring a number
of successes equal to the number of turns spent inside of the infected Hexes. If they
fail, they are Infected, and are unable to use any of their Functions until it clears the next
turn. Should an infected Stack Jumper die, the Hex they were standing is now
considered Infected with a Glitch.
At the start of a match, both Administrators will designate a point which is their
Origin Point for their Glitches. Then they will roll a 1d10, assigning a number of Glitched
Hexes. At the end of the Round, the Glitches expand by one in any direction.
Career Mode has the Players take the role of a Stack Jumper Squad, individually
controlling units in a curated battle for their lives against a malevolent Game Master.
In Career Mode, the Characters operate the exact same as they do in Warzones,
but with added personality and individualism. To reflect that individualism, there are
some bonus rules to be added to each Stack Jumper.

Stack Jumpers as People

As a Stack Jumper, you are a professional mercenary / disposable asset, a being
designed to be used and exploited by the Administrator's and their godlike hold on
reality. However, you still have the autonomy to act independently and struggle against
the injustices of this world.
Each Stack Jumper is assigned 50 BYC to assign to their Core Attributes. Outside
of the regular 4 Attributes, Stack Jumpers during Career have two additional Attributes.

● Guts (GT) - Guts represents the Stack Jumper gusto and charismatic ability in the
field and in local hubs.
● Frame Operations (FO) - Frame Operations allows the Stack Jumper to employ
their Frames to great affect and manipulate things with them.

Both of these represent aspects of the Character that normally would not factor
into gameplay in Warzones. However, they do go by the same costs.
Stack Jumpers as Mercenaries
As a Stack Jumper, it is your job to be an asset on the field and delve into
combat-heavy situations to assist Administrators and their whimsical desires. Most
Mercenary Stack Jumpers already possess a Frame fit for combat, however individual
Administrators may grant Frames for specific missions or loan them out for a piece of
the profits.
When creating a Character, they have 50 BYC to spend on a Frame, Mod Chips,
Functions, and Weapons. Unlike their Warzone counterparts, Stack Jumpers can freely
acquire new equipment should the need arise by amassing wealth from missions.
Missions will pay a certain amount of FYD's or BYC depending on the goals.
Federal Yalta Dollars is the prole currency and is mostly used throughout the Mainframe,
Byte Coins (BYC) is the currency of royalty, which is hard pawn off outside of
Administrator or Corporate settings.
1 BYC equals 2,500 FYDs. With most Administrator's being worth hundreds of
billions of BYC, which is often converted into DCC's (Deluxe Crypto Currency) at a 10,000
BYC to 1 DCC conversion.
When purchasing additional equipment the Stack Jumpers have the option of
either Renting for a Mission for the cost listed, or paying triple the amount to buy the
licence fee to use the equipment permanently. Utility Equipment, due to its fragile
nature, is simply the base cost.
Frames, due to their cost, are often assigned payment plans unless the Stack
Jumper can afford to pay triple the Frame's value up front. Destroyed Frames can often
be retrofitted for the cost of the base Frame itself, but one is going to need to get rid of
the individual inhabiting it first.
Stack Jumpers as Disposable
Being a Stack Jumper means that the Character is a disposable asset to the
Administrators, at best, you're to return in one piece with the job done, at worst, you're
supposed to get the job done.
So what happens to a Stack Jumper when they reach 0 Durability in their Frame
and die tragically. They will simply be reuploaded into an available Frame and meet back
with their crew at the end of the Mission. Death means little when your mind is uploaded
into the Cloud.
However, dying still has issues, notably, Cloud Fees. With your mind being backed
up, you're paying a premium to make sure that 85% of your brain isn't being mined for
Crypto Currency for one of the major corporations. As such, when you tragically pass,
the current host will take a small cut of your current net worth (often around 5-10 BYC or
with excessive wealth (30+BYC) half of your current net worth) as a fee to make a copy
of your mindscape.
Should a Stack Jumper be unable to pay their fees, then they will reduce one of
their Attributes by one die level, representing a part of their brain being redesignated to
mine FYD for the Prole masses. Bodies are not cheap, the Cloud is not free, don't die
If one is lucky, an Administrator can often be convinced to provide Death
Insurance to cover the cost of the mindscape copying, often at the cost of part of the
payment for the job.

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