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Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497


A valid method to determine the site of drowning

Rafael Carballeira 1,2 & Duarte N. Vieira 3 & Manuel Febrero-Bande 4 &
José I. Muñoz Barús 1,5

Received: 10 May 2017 / Accepted: 11 October 2017 / Published online: 8 November 2017
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract The diatom test is considered a useful aid in deter- Keywords Drowning . Diatom test . Site of drowning .
mining the site of death from drowning. Nevertheless, there is Forensic pathology
disagreement within the scientific community concerning its
reliability, and its findings have been challenged and some-
times overturned in courts of law. Using a model based on Introduction
animal experimentation, we have developed a diatom test to
discriminate between the locations of drowning sites from The diatom test has long been regarded as a tool with great
different aquatic systems. We carried out a complementary potential for its application in cases of death by drowning
combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses together [1–3] and particularly for its potential usefulness as an indica-
with a statistical analysis based on the Kullback-Leibler dis- tor of the site of drowning [4–6].
tance of the samples. A restrictive selection of exclusive dia- Diatoms are unicellular photoautotroph microorganisms with
tom species from each reservoir was also made. This approach an estimated species diversity as high as 200,000 [7, 8]. The role
allowed us to validate the usefulness of the diatom test in as an exogenous indicator is due to the fact that they cannot
determining the location of the site of drowning. survive and proliferate within the human body and are incorpo-
rated with water from the site of drowning. Diatoms are widely
represented in all aquatic systems constituting characteristic pop-
ulations (particular spectra of species) associated with the envi-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article ronmental conditions inherent in a particular aquatic system
( contains supplementary [8–11]. The ecological affinities of diatoms also allow their use
material, which is available to authorized users. as ecological indicators in the environmental monitoring of
aquatic systems [9] and can also transfer information about the
* José I. Muñoz Barús characteristics of the aquatic environment to the drowned body.
Several authors [4, 12, 13] have explored the possibility of
determining the correspondence between diatoms founded in
Institute of Forensic Sciences, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
the body and the environment. These studies are based on a
comparison of diatoms in water at the site of the drowning and
Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Santiago de
Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
the diatoms founded in the drowned corpses [4, 5, 12–15].
However, the ability to determine the site of drowning with
Department of Forensic Medicine, Ethics and Medical Law, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
certainty by comparative analysis of diatoms in different aquat-
ic media has not yet been demonstrated. These methodological
Area of Statistics and Operations Research, Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de
proposals to determine the site of drowning are based on diatom
Compostela, Spain ecology, limnology, or paleoecology with no statistical method
Department of Forensic Sciences, Pathology, Gynecology and
which to guarantee its claims in the courts of justice.
Obstetrics, Pediatrics, University of Santiago de Compostela, However, the bases of the diatom test have always been
Santiago de Compostela, Spain controversial [1–3] and the development of a standardized tool
488 Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497

based on a diatom test for forensic cases is difficult, with regard Timpermann [1] and Ludes et al. [5]. In addition, a sample of
to reproducibility, repetitions, and the sample size, which is 0.5 g of fresh superficial sediment was digested following the
mainly due to the lack of standardization and validation of same digestion method used for the water sample.
the methodology published so far. Therefore, an experimental Aliquots of 500 μl of the water and sediment digested
animal model in rat has been developed to overcome these samples were spread on a clean cover glass and allowed to
deficiencies and determine with sufficient certainty the possi- air-dry for the identification and recount by light microscopy
bility of locating the site of drowning. Experimental animal (LM). Permanent slides were mounted on glass slides using
models satisfy the statistical requirements necessary to evalu- the Naphrax® resin (refractive index = 1.74; Brunel
ate and validate the applicability of the diatom test in determin- Microscopes:
ing the site of the drowning. The transference of diatoms to the Diatoms were examined under LM with Nikon Eclipse E600
body occurs is a physical phenomenon, at least in open organs equipped with Plan-Apochromat 100× objective (N.A. 1.32)
to the environment, and the differences between rat experimen- and a differential interference contrast (Nomarski) optics. LM
tation models and forensic cases could be minimal. photographs were taken with an AxioCam ICc5 Zeiss digital
camera. To characterize the communities and quantify abun-
dances, the species preparations for LM were recounted up to
Material and methods a 1000 diatom valves (two valves per diatom frustule) for
sample. The identification of diatom species was made ac-
Study sites and sampling cording to Krammer and Lange-Bertalot [17], Lange-
Bertalot [18], and Hoffman et al. [19].
The water samples came from four freshwater reservoirs in
Galicia (NW Spain): Eume (EU), Portodemouros (PO), Barrié Animal experimental model
de la Maza (BM), and As Conchas (AC), (Fig. 1). In each
reservoir, five samples at different sites (1 to 5) were collected. The rats (Rattus norvegicus, Sprague Dawley) were obtained
From each site, 25 l of surface water was collected with a Van from the Animalario Central of the University of Santiago de
Dorn bottle at a depth of 1 m to obtain a representative sample Compostela 15003AE, from the same origin and raised under
without causing sediment re-suspension. Five grams of fresh the same conditions. We used a total of 54 rats, weighing 400–
superficial sediment from the same site was collected with an 500 g. Thirty-four rats were anesthesized with intraperitoneal
Eckmann dredge. These samples were maintained in a dark sodic pentobarbital (48 mg/kg) before drowning, and 20 rats
cold room (4 °C) after sampling. Moreover, two replicas at sites were sacrificed using carbon dioxide euthanasia method. The
AC1 and PO1 were established to check variability at the same procedure with animals was consistent with the care animal
site, as well as a replica a week later at sites EU1, BM1, PO1 y ethics and previously authorized favorable report from the
AC1, to check short time variability. Site selection was random- bioethics committee.
ly generated using geographic information system software Four groups of treatment were established (I–IV): group I
ArcGIS 10.0, to eliminate spatial dependence. (control), group II (macerated), group III (drowning), group
IV (spatio and temporal replicates), (Table 1):
Water samples, acid digestion, and diatom microscopy Group I, 10 rats control; group II, 10 rats were sacrificed
and then completely submerged in water from As Conchas
For each site, a sample of 1 l of homogenized water was (AC) and Portodemouros (PO) for 15 days; group III, 20 rats
filtered (0.22 μm) and then re-suspended in 50 ml to concen- were anesthetized and drowning distributed in four different
trate and establish a representative quantitative sample of site sample water in each of the four reservoirs (water samples
plankton. An inverted microscope was used to determine the were previously kept at room temperature to prevent death of
quantitative concentration of diatoms. This was done using an rats from hypothermia would affect); group IV (spatio and
aliquot of 10 ml of the concentrated sample of plankton in a temporal replicates), in 14 rats, three rats were drowning only
quantitative chamber of sedimentation [16]. in replicate water samples of AC1 (n = 3) and PO1(n = 3)
A further aliquot of 10 ml was treated for diatom digestion points to evaluate the variability at the same point, and other
with 9:1 H2O2 (30%): HCl (35%), in bath water at 60 °C to rats in water sampling of EU1 (n = 2), PO1 (n = 2), BM1
remove organic matter, followed by successive centrifugations (n = 2), and AC1 (n = 2) sites 1 week after the previous one.
at 900×g for 10 min and washed with distilled water to dilute
the remaining acid. All the material and reagents used in the Tissue samples and diatom extraction
extraction were evaluated to exclude contamination (inclusive
gloves or filters). Bidistilled water and reagents were 0.22 μm Samples were complete organs: lung (right), stomach, heart,
filtered. Other materials (containers, tubes, surgical instruments, kidney (right), spleen, and bone marrow of femur (right) and
etc.) were washed with filtered bidistilled water following were extracted using uncontaminated material. In groups III
Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497 489

Fig. 1 Map of the four reservoirs (Eume, Barrié de la Maza, watershed; c–f Detailed maps of the reservoirs Eume (EU), Barrié
Portodemouros, and As Conchas) and sampling points. a Location de la Maza (BM), Portodemouros (PO), and As Conchas (AC) with
map of the reservoirs in the Iberian Peninsula (Galicia, NW of location of the five sampling points for each one
Spain). b Location map of the reservoirs in Galicia and their

and IV, different instruments were used for opening and et al. [20], Kater [21], and Di Giancamillo et al. [22]. The
manipulating. samples were treated with HCl (35%) in bath water at 60 °C
The tissue sample was frozen to enhance tissue disorgani- to remove organic matter and then with H2O2 (30%), until the
zation. Acid digestion, as a quantitative method, was modified sample stopped reacting at room temperature. Ultrasonic was
and adapted from Ludes et al. [5], Hürliman et al. [12], Ranner then applied for 1 min to boost tissue disorganization. Finally,
490 Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497

Table 1 Scheme of the

methodology followed in the Groups Total Treatment Water samples
animal experimental model
Group I (control) (n = 10) 10 rats Sacrified None
Group II (macerated) (n = 10) 5 rats per Sacrified and 2 reservoirs (sites 1–5)
reservoir submerged [AC, PO]
Group III (drowning) (n = 20) 5 rats per Drowning 4 reservoirs (sites 1–5)
Group IV (n = 14) 3 rats per Drowning 2 reservoirs (sites 1, 3, 5)
(spatio-temporal reservoir [AC, PO] sampling at the same time
replicates) (n = 6) of Group III water samples
[spatial replicates]
2 rats per Drowning 4 reservoirs (only site 1) sampling
reservoir at the same time of Group III water
(n = 8) samples [temporal replicates]

after acid digestion, successive centrifugations with bidistilled distance for a classification method based on distances such
water were applied (900×g for 10 min). as the k-nearest neighbors (kNN=method). Also, using the or-
The final pellet was transferred to 5 ml vials through vortex igin of the sample as a response variable, we have trained high-
washes and previous ultrasonic (max. 1 min). An aliquot of dimensional generalized linear models (GLM) [24] with sam-
500 μl of lung and all bone marrow samples were used for the ples of plankton to predict the remaining dataset to check the
identification and recount by light microscopy (LM). discriminatory ability of this kind of data. Data field samples
Permanent slides were made as cited above. Diatom abun- (plankton) have been used as predictors to compare with sam-
dances were estimated using a quantitative approach [12] and ples from the rats [group II (macerated), group III (drowned)],
the recount was for 300 diatoms in lung samples and totally of the values of water samples as training GLMs of high dimen-
diatoms present in bone marrow slide samples at a magnifica- sion and predict the remaining dataset (samples from the rats).
tion of ×1000. General revisions of the slides were made at
×400 to confirm the results with better coverage of the slide.
Statistical methods
Diatom qualitative analysis of waters
We used data relative abundances of diatom counts and R
software for all the statistical analysis [23]. The data are char- The following terms have been defined to clarify the results:
acterized by the sum of relative abundances for every sample, species spectra refer to the list of diatom species; exclusive
which is a fixed quantity (in this case 100%). This is known as species are those that have only been located in a particular
compositional data and in mathematical terms, the data are reservoir; species indicators are those species exclusive to
similar to probability mass function (pmf). Therefore, the spe- each reservoir as indicators of the location of the site.
cial nature of the data must be taken into account when ana- The results of the analysis of the spectrum of diatom species
lyzing the differences between observations. in the reservoirs show a total of 219 different species, of which
One of the most appropriate distances between densities is 181 species are in the water column (Online Resource 1)
the, so called, symmetrized distance of Kullback-Leibler (KL). representing 82.6% of the total species present in the reservoirs.
The distance of KL between two pmf (f, g) is given by the The number of species in the sediment was 207 and represented
relationship: almost all species present in the water column. As for the spatial
distribution of the diatom species in the water column, no dif-
distð f ; gÞ ¼ ∑ f i logð f i =gi Þ ferences (< 2%) were observed in the species spectra, nor the
different species present, nor for the different points in each
which is not symmetrical, (dist (f, g) is not equal to the dist (g, f) reservoir, including the replicates on the same points AC1
but can be easily symmetrized by performing the following and PO1, as well as those collected 1 week later at points
transformation: 0.5dist (f, g) + 0.5dist (g, f). In our application, EU1, BM1, PO1, and AC1. In the sediment, the number of
we have obviated components lower than 0.02% (components species ascended to 207, with almost all species being present
below this value are not used in the summation) to prevent a in the water column.
very small component from dominating the whole distance. No reservoir houses all species; thus, species spectra are
This distance is used to graphically separate the different different for each reservoir. Species spectra yield a different
groups/sites using dendrograms and can be employed as the total number according to the reservoir and with respect to the
Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497 491

total species in all reservoirs (181): EU 61 has different species abundances and spectra of diatom species in the sample
(33.7%) > BM 49 (27.1%) > 44 AC (44.3%) > PO 31 (17.3%). group III organs (drowned).
The reservoirs among them share a maximum of 30% of spe- The rats of group II (macerated) show abundance profiles
cies and present a different number of exclusive species with very similar to those of the aquatic environment, with a greater
respect to the total species in each reservoir: EU 44 representation of the dominant species. The rats of group III
(72.1%) > BM 32 (65.3%) > AC 28 (63.6%) > PO 10 (32.3%). (drowned) present a better representation of the low abun-
dance species in relation to the dominant ones in the abun-
Diatom quantitative analysis of diatom in water samples dance profiles (Fig. 2).

The concentration of diatoms in water (valves/ml) has a similar

range in all reservoirs, EU (2446–5072), BM (2648–5072), PO Statistical determination of site location
(1804–3088), and AC (2132–3146). The differences in the di-
atom concentration in the water column were similar between There are no significant differences between replicates at the
the sampling sites and the replicates, as well as the samples same point at the same time, nor are there differences with
collected 1 week later (group IV, spatial and temporal repli- temporal replicates. As for the presence of species, there are
cates). These differences are not greater than the spatial differ- neither temporal nor spatial differences between the water
ence between the different sampling sites in each reservoir. samples and therefore neither between water samples of group
The analysis of water column samples from reservoirs, as in II (macerated), group III (drowned), and groups IV (spatio-
their regional comparison, shows a great diversity of species. temporal replicates).
The four reservoirs studied represent a high local diversity with The types of samples analyzed (fur, stomach, lung) of
45% of Galicia flora and 10% of flora of the Iberian Peninsula group III (drowned) have a higher representation of species
[25–31]. In fact, species previously uncited in Galicia, such as of lower abundances than those of group II (macerated) (Fig.
Caloneis schumanniana (BM, PO) and Stauroneis 2). If the types of samples are analyzed independently (wheth-
acidoclintata (EU, or even in the Iberian Peninsula, such as er fur, stomach, or lung) based on dendrograms, a lower de-
Pinnularia subanglica (BC), Pinnularia anglica (AC), and gree of certainty is obtained in the determination of the loca-
Cymbellopsis santasona (EU)) were now discovered. tion of the sites (Fig. 3). Also, a single sample type is unable to
The most abundant species (greater than 10%) in the water determine with certainty the location of BM and PO, as well as
column are summarized in Online Resource 2. The exclusive with lung samples in group II (macerated) and in group III
species of each reservoir (even when considered indicator (drowned) from AC (Fig. 3). The greater presence of exclu-
species) have abundances always less than 10%. These indi- sive species in the samples, although less abundant in the
cator species are predominantly benthic in character, reaching plankton (Fig. 2), is directly related to the determination of
higher abundances in the sediment samples. However, some the location of the submersion medium according to the type
of these indicator species, despite their low abundance, appear of sample analyzed: fur>stomach>lung (Fig. 3). As a whole,
in all spatial samples in the same water column the statistical model KL determined the location of the site for
(Online Resource 2). the majority of the samples based on the different types of
samples analyzed (fur, stomach, lung): EU (14/15), BM
Diatom quantitative analysis in rats (7/15), AC (25/30), PO (26 / 30) (Online Resource 3, Table 2).
Although all types of samples can indicate the correct
The diatom concentration of the samples in groups II site (principally in EU), the fur and stomach samples pro-
(macerated) and III (drowned) with respect to group I duce better discrimination than the lung samples (particu-
(control) shows clear differences: in the latter, the presence larly in EU and macerated from AC). However, on the
of diatoms in all samples analyzed is infrequent and the total basis of the independent analysis of each organ (whether
number of valves is less than 10 (Fig. 2). fur, stomach, or lung), it is more difficult to discriminate
The internal organs (heart, kidney, spleen, bone marrow), between samples from BM and PO, due to the similarities
although in agreement with respect to the species spectrum, of the spectra and abundances of diatom species in the
have a maximum number of only 35 valves and show biased plankton of both reservoirs (Fig. 3).
abundance profiles with respect to plankton samples (Fig. 2). This is mainly due to the low diversity of species and the
There are clear differences between groups II (macerated) similarity of the dominant species in the BM plankton with
and III (drowned) in the samples of internal organs. Group III respect to the other reservoirs, which implies an overlap of the
(drowned) has higher concentrations of valves than the con- BM samples mainly between the samples of PO and partly
trol, in contrast to group II (macerated). AC. This happens when predicting the origin of samples from
For group IV drowned rats, spatio and temporal repli- the BM reservoir in which the site location is determined
cates obtained 1 week later are consistent with the correctly in 7 of 15 samples in total (Table 2).
492 Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497

Fig. 2 Profiles of diatom species abundance (percentage) in water (plankton), fur, lung, stomach (groups II, III), and average of internal organs of group
III (heart, kidney, spleen, bone marrow) of As Conchas (AC) reservoir. Each bar represents a rat (n = 5)

The statistical model based on the distance KL has allowed species for each reservoir can strengthen the determination of
us to predict the locations with good results by calculating the provenance of the samples indicated in Online Resource 2.
probabilities belonging to each site of the reservoirs EU,
AC, and PO. Even so, it is less precise in discriminating BM
samples because they have a lower diversity of exclusive spe- Discussion
cies and a similarity in the abundance profiles of the dominant
species in relation to AC and PO (Online Resource 3, Table 2). The diatom populations in the water system reservoirs are
In cases where the statistical model shows a lower resolution those that provide the differential elements that help determine
in determining the sites, mainly between BM and PO, a com- the location of the site, hence the need to characterize ade-
plementary analysis based on the use of indicators or exclusive quately the diatom populations of the different aquatic systems.
Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497 493

Fig. 3 Dendrogram of affinities

of the samples of fur (a), lung (b),
stomach (c) relative to plankton
samples from Eume (EU), Barrié
de la Maza (BM), Portodemouros
(PO), and As Conchas (AC) res-
ervoirs based on distance KL
494 Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497

Table 2 Results of the prediction by high-dimensional GLM models the contact with the water, there is a simultaneous contact with
on the dataset of fur, lung, and stomach samples from groups II
all those elements in suspension which transfer to the organ-
(macerated) and III (drowned) from reservoirs using plankton samples
as training. (No=means it does not belong to the group; Yes=means it ism a diatom profile similar to that existing at the site. This
belongs to the group) profile will be reflected in the different organs according to the
selective barriers found within the organism, as reported for
Predict EU AC BM EU PO
rat and humans [12, 34, 42, 43].
No 30 15 1 30 The suspension profiles of the organs, either in direct
Yes 0 0 14 0 contact or open to the external environment, show a higher
Predict BM fidelity to those in the sites [2, 3, 5, 12, 34–36]. Also, for
No 30 8 15 30 this reason, there is very little difference between the animal
Yes 0 7 0 0 model in rat and forensic cases. Tissue samples in contact
Predict AC with the immersion medium, such as fur, stomach, and
No 5 15 15 30 lung, lacking physiological-anatomical barriers, allow a
Yes 25 0 0 0 large number of diatoms to be incorporated into the organ-
Predict PO ism and show a better transfer of the spectra and profiles of
No 30 15 15 4 diatom species [2–4, 6, 12–15, 35–41].
Yes 0 0 0 26
The differential representation of the dominant/indicator
species in plankton is probably mediated by the type of sample
(fur, stomach, lung) and the active or passive entry in the
organism. For example, the lung in group III (drowned) where
A comparison between water column and sediment sam- the active aspiration effects may concentrate the plankton in
ples has shown a greater diversity of species in sediment. The the sample, thus over-representing the dominant species.
sediment is adding the main differential species although with Our results indicate that it is possible to determine the site
low (< 10%) or very low (< 5%) abundances in the water by applying mathematical methods to the quantitative diatom
column. This is due to the fact that the water column is a more data, such as with EU samples, but this is not always possible.
homogeneous environment and imposes a series of restric- In samples of BM, PO, and some of AC, the similar abun-
tions (e.g., buoyancy, nutrients) to which only a small number dance profiles, the existence of low abundances of exclusive
of diatom species are adapted and show a great dominance species is a limitation for KL and other mathematical analyses
when the BSurface of the sediment/Volume of water^ relation- to determine with certainty the provenance of the samples
ship is very low [10, 32, 33], as in the case of the very deep (Online Resources 2 and 3). The use of the indicator species
analyzed reservoirs (50–200 m). we have selected (Online Resource 2) is especially useful for
While there is a great diversity of species, any aquatic en- discerning the origin of the BM samples, and also the samples
vironment of the region is capable of establishing a discrimi- from PO and AC, but these latter with a lower resolving ca-
nant analysis. In the water column of the reservoirs, there is a pacity (Online Resource 3, Table 2).
clear dominance of planktonic species (e.g., Fragilaria These results contradict many authors [2–4, 6, 12–14, 35,
crotonensis, Asterionella formosa, Cyclotella meneghiniana, 36, 38, 40, 41]. These authors stated that a direct comparison
Aulacoseira granulata, Aulacoseira distans). These species of the spectrum of diatom species could be sufficient to dis-
are common and abundant in the plankton of reservoirs and criminate the sites in cases where the differences between the
other freshwater aquatic systems [27, 28, 31], coinciding with diatom populations are not obvious. For this reason, the sta-
those in other geographic areas [12, 15], and therefore will tistical approach based on the species spectrum and their
have little predictive value, and the least frequent species will abundance profiles may be a valid criterion but only if there
be the most useful in determining the drowning site. are sufficient differences. The presence is as important as the
This has influenced the negative diatom test results obtain- abundance of the species as seen when we compare EU sam-
ed by Coelho et al. [15], since the diatom analysis did not ples to those other reservoirs.
allow for differences between the different sites of the same On the other hand, although in the literature, the lung is
river section at the Douro River estuary. This is because the often used as the reference organ to locate the site given that it
same aquatic mass is influenced by the same environmental is the main route of entry into the body [4, 13]; nevertheless,
factors and, in general, tends to homogenize the populations fur has the advantage of being in direct contact with the water
of diatoms, as happened in certain stretches of river in which medium and has a larger catchment surface without the disad-
the biological populations settle down in a Bcontinuum^ [44]. vantages of concentration. A single type of organ sample
The transfer of diatoms to the body occurs during submer- alone should not be used as a sole reference.
sion upon contact with the suspended elements at each site. The different approaches made by other authors based on
This process is a physical phenomenon that implies that with simple comparative of pairs of samples through similarity
Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497 495

indices (Jaccard) [4, 6] or even the combination separately Conclusions

of the same index of similarity and abundances [12] are not
enough. Combined statistical analyses of the spectra spe- The development of a standardized tool based on a diatom test
cies and abundance profiles are necessary to determine the for forensic cases is mainly due to the lack of standardization
site [13–15]. Horton [13] used an appropriate dissimilarity and validation of the methodology published so far. However,
or similarity measure based on modern analog techniques it is possible to determine the precise location (site) where a
[45], which is a numerical comparison, but was designed death by submersion occurred by means of the diatom test as
for another purpose and only compares samples of the res- long as the basic premises are fulfilled: namely that there are
ervoir with those of the body. differential species spectra and abundance profiles in the me-
Also, the statistical methods applied by other authors [4, 5, dium of submersion, and that they are transferred to the body
12–15] are comparative methods developed in limnology, during submersion at that time. Combining the quantitative
ecology, or paleoecology of diatoms and not designed to de- and qualitative analyses of the diatoms present in the samples
termine the location of a site of drowning with the minimum and the medium allows us to affirm that the diatom test is a
certainty required in the medico-legal field. Moreover, the valid tool to determine the location of the submersion site.
forensic cases analyzed in other studies [4, 5, 12–15] only Species spectra and abundance profiles tend to be homo-
demonstrate the transference of diatom spectra and abundance geneous in relation to the same reservoir and within a period
profiles from the environment to the organism during drown- of 1 week in each reservoir. The dominant species in the water
ing because they were compared within the same aquatic sys- column are reduced to a small number of species by the re-
tem; therefore, there is a total correspondence between organs strictions of living in suspension.
and plankton samples. In these cases, the samples should be The transfer of the diatom abundance patterns from the
tested in different water bodies to demonstrate their utility. immersion medium to the organism occurs mostly to those
However, diatom counts are compositional data, and organs in contact with the exterior (fur) or with open routes
one of the most appropriate methods to compare distances to the outside (stomach, lung), which are more likely to deter-
between densities is the symmetrized distance of Kullback- mine the location of the submersion medium with respect to
Leibler (KL) which was used in this study as means of the internal organs (heart, kidney, spleen, bone marrow).
combining species spectra and abundance profiles of the Quantitative analysis of samples of plankton and fur, stom-
samples. The KL statistical method applied in this study ach, and lung allowed us, by means of a statistical model based
shows the same results. However, other authors are using on distance KL, to verify the probability of provenance of the
chi-square test (χ2) based on goodness of fit between the samples with sufficient success to determine the site of a sub-
distribution of pairs of samples [14], or applying descrip- mersion between different water systems. The fur and stomach
tive statistical methods such as detrended correspondence show considerable discrimination compare to the lung.
analysis (DCA) [15], although this is inadequate to deter- The use of many samples of the same organ is not suffi-
mine the location of the drowning site because it is an ciently precise, for which reason several organs need to be
exploratory data analysis. studied to provide sufficient certainty to determine the site of
In this study, we have combined a qualitative analysis to a submersion. Furthermore, the quantitative analysis should
complement the limitations of mathematical methods applied be complemented by a selection of indicator species: in the
to quantitative data. Our complementary qualitative analysis reservoirs studied, the location of the submersion medium
was based on the criterion of concordance, the presence of the could be identified by the indicative species of each reservoir,
same species among the environmental samples, and those Achnanthes linearioides (EU), Brachysira brebissonii (EU),
incorporated into the organism, but used differently from that Navicula anglica (EU), Achnanthes subhudsonis (BM),
applied by other authors [1–4, 35, 36, 46]. Cymbella excisa (PO), Encyonopsis cesati (AC), and
Not only have we taken into account the existence of Aulacoseira sp1 (AC).
concordance, but also restricted the criterion of concor-
dance to establish with sufficient certainty the discrimina- Acknowledgments We wish to thank Demarcaciones Hidrográficas
tion of the submersion medium from the different types of del Duero, Cantábrico, Miño-Sil, Galicia-Costa, and Augas de Galicia
of the Autonomous Government of Xunta de Galicia for providing infor-
samples (plankton, internal organs, fur, stomach, lung). We
mation on diatom communities in Galician rivers. Thanks also to the
have taken into account the exclusivity regarding each res- Instituto José Cornide de Estudios Coruñeses for providing the unpub-
ervoir, ubiquity in the aquatic mass, correspondence with lished documents of López-Seoane (1893) and thanks to V. Reynolds for
the samples of samples of rat organs, and regional charac- his support.
ter, such as rare or infrequent species in the reservoir. In
Funding Information Rafael Carballeira is grateful for the financial
addition, these samples are also compared with the sedi-
support (2012–2013) of the Instituto de Ciencias Forenses BLuis
ment samples, since the sediment contains an annual aver- Concheiro Carro^ (USC) and for the Galician research plan innovation
age of the species present in the aquatic mass [9]. and development 2011–2015 (Plan I2C) of the autononamous
496 Int J Legal Med (2018) 132:487–497

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