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NOTE: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.


i. What is PCB? What type of information is stored in PCB?
ii. Define System Call. What are different system calls used in Windows and Linux?

Q.2 Considering the following processes, provide Gantt Chart and Average Waiting Time by
using following preemptive scheduling algorithms. i.) Shortest Job First
ii) Priority Scheduling
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Priority
P1 2 5 3
P2 3 4 2
P3 3 6 1
P4 4 12 4
P5 11 2 1
P6 13 5 2
P7 13 10 4

Q.3 Solve the below Banker’s Algorithm:

Total Resources: M=90, N=105, O=82


Processes M N O M N O M N O
P1 21 18 14 30 27 30
P2 15 16 11 16 20 14
P3 10 20 14 21 22 18
P4 15 17 12 17 18 14
P5 23 25 25 30 40 28

Q.4 What do you understand by Critical Section Problem? Write the Bakery Algorithm to solve the
Critical Section Problem for n processes.

Q.5 Viva

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