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Medical laboratory science

Short note questions

2 semester ,Third year
‫دعواتكم قايز‬


Clinical chemistry (2) by dr. Mariam Albahrani and Ghadeer Jamal.

1) The quality assurance system has 3 errors, mention them with
2) What to do if the quality control fails?
3) Talk about: a) thyroid hormones. b) negative feedback of thyroid
4) Compensation of metabolic acidosis.
5) Immunoassay write about the advantages and the disadvantages of

Hematology1 by dr. Nouf Alajmi

Answer 3 out of 5:
1) A) classification of alpha thalassemia. B) blood morphology.
2) A) talk about iron absorption mechanism. B) mention iron
deficiency anemia lab tests.
3) Compare between iron deficiency sideroblastic anemia, iron
overload anemia of chronic disease (definition, special test)
4) Definition of hemolytic anemia compare between extravascular
and intravascular hemolysis, lab features of hemolytic anemia.
5) Describe the process of granulopoieses. List three functions of
hematopoietic growth factors. List two examples of
hematopoietic growth factors.

Microbiology & serology by dr. Ahmad Alhassan

Answer 4 out of 5:
1) Talk about anthrax (caustitive organism, mode of transmission,
virulence factor, treatment, culture prevention, distinctive features)
2) Talk about tuberculosis diseases.
3) Talk about whopping cough disease.
4) How is antimicrobial resistance gained and how can we reduce its
5) It was a comparison table to talk about the pathogens, antibiotic
treatment, mode of action for each of the following:
a) skin, soft tissue.
b) pharyngitis.
c) UTI.
d) sinusitis.

Parasitology by dr. Anfal Yousef and Hussein Alshuwaiki

1) Definition of ectoparasites, mention all types of ectoparasites
and then differentiate between any 2 species.
2) Differentiate between T. saginata and T. sodium.
3) Mention 4 differences between blood flukes and other flukes.
4) Factors influencing the prevalence of parasitic diseases and
write a brief explanation of each factor.
5) What is auto-infection. Explain it by describing the life cycle of
an organism that can cause it. (ya3ni the life cycle of
strongyloides stercoralis)
6) Periodicity: the 3 types and what does each type mean.
(ya3ni nocturnal, diurnal, subperiodic. And I can’t remember the
full question, but this was only part a), the question is related to
filarial worms)

Histology and cytology by dr. Mathew and Maisaa

Answer 4 out of 6:
1) a) Talk briefly about the classification of carbohydrates.
b) Talk about best carmine method and hexamine silver technique
2) Talk about the methods used for demonstrating mucin and their
3) Types of cell in connective tissue + types of fiber in extracellular
material + the demonstration techniques used for each fiber.
4) Talk about all types of amyloidosis
5) Differentiate between PAS /DAPS/ Arcial blue APS.

Molecular genetics by dr. Hamad Yassen

Answer 2 out of 3:
1) list the three Mendel's principles.
2) why is frameshift mutation has more outcome and problems than in frame
3) monohybird cross question similar like the following. Jene 25 years old have
a disease called MLS (mm) ,which is a recessive disease. Kent 30years old
he did gene test (MM) “not affected with the disease “ . If jene get pregnant ,
what is the percentage of getting the disease?

Medical laboratory science

short note question
2 semester, Third year


Clinical chemistry (2) by dr. Mariam Albahrani, Yasmeen alshammari

and Fatimah Alrashedi.
Answer 4 out of 6:
1. Mention the three types of juandice, the bilirubin status for each and their
2. a- Talk about the hormonal regulation for calcium and phosphate.
b- List the causes of hypocalcaemia hypercalcemia.
3. Definition of a good biomarker and their criteria.
4. Answer only ONE of the following:
a) write about the comparison of the pathogenesis between type1DM and
tpye2DM, their clinical features, acute complications for both.
b) mention the lab dignosis of hypoglycemia.

5. discuss about the metabolism of paracetamol in over dose and

list the laboratory features of paracetamol toxicity.
6. The question was a case study form lipid disorder.

Hematology1 by dr. Nouf Alajmi , Anwar Alawadi, Materah

Alwehaidah , and Seham Slsharrrah.
Answer 3 out of 5:
1. A) What is neutropenia and mention one cause of if
b) What is leukoerythroblastic reaction and mention one cause of it.
c) Mention three aspects of CML and LR.
2. What is the definition of each Primary, secondary, and tertary hemostasis
- Describe the vascular system in 2 roles
- Function of:
•Protein S
3. a) Write about Vitamin B12 absorption
b) What are the causes if vB12 deficiency
c) Talk about schilling test purpose and principal
4. a) Sickle cell anemia describe two crises
b) What is the mutation and inheritance in sickle cell disease and sickle cell
c) Mention two treatments for sickle cell anemia
d) Hb electrophoresis and hemoglobin percentage
e) Blood film morphology of both sickle cell disease and trait
5. Define CLL, describe pathophysiology of CLL, differentiate between HCL
and CLL in morphology and immunologic markers.

Microbiology & serology by dr. Ahmad Alhasan and Laila.

Answer 5 out of 6:
1. About Polio,
( cause, virulence factor, portal of entry, signs and symptoms, incubation
period, treatment, susceptibility, prevention)
2. Explain early onset and late onset in neonatal and mention one bacteria for
3. Define opportunistic infection and who are at rish. ( 5 examples)
4. Urine sample contain staphylococcus saprophytic how to test for it in lab
including gram stain, culture media, 2 biochemical tests)
5. Mention 3 E. coli strains ( pathogentic group, epidemiology, lab diagnosis)
(from the characteristic of E. coli table)
6. A 7 years old boy swing and the area that was infected swollen, a blood
sample was collected from the infected area, explain the lab diagnosis for
staphylococcus aureus.

Parasitology by dr. Anfal Yousef.

Answer 4 out of 5:
1. Write about the different morphology feautres between Giardia lamblia and
Trichomonas vaginalis (u can draw a diagram and label if u want)
2. Wirte about the 5 differences between African typanosomaisis VS South
American typanosomaisis.
3. Write about the life cycle of Cryptosporidium starting from the host to the
diagnostic stage.
4. Write 5 of Toxoplasma gondii transmission mode including infective stage.
5. a) Mention the vectors that transmitt Leshmania spp.
b) What is the behavioral charactertistic of these vectors
c) Mention at least 7 factors of transmission for these vectors

Histology and cytology by dr. Mathew, Rana, Anwr, Maisaa and Sawsan
Answer 4 out of 6:
1. Write about papbicolaou staing mehtod.
2. What is acute cervicits and chronic cervicits and their cytological changes.
3. Write about the three types of sputum that arrive cytological lab
and their preparation techniques.
A) type of sputum samples
B) preparation (fixation, staining)
C) adequacy
D) advantage and disadvantage of sputum samples.
4. Write about types of serous cavity, their lining epithelium, their function and
methods of sampling effusion.
5. Type of urine that arrive cytological labs and preparation techniques.
6. Talk about the metaplastic changes and cellular changes that happen in the
following ages and each reason: A) child to 14. B) 14 to 20. C) 20 to 35. D)

Molecular biology & genetics by dr. Hamad Yassen.

Answer 3 out of 5:
1. Mention the four types of oncogenes.
2. What is the mechanism of retinblastoma and mention other factors
3. Write about LOH and mention 2 different mechanisms.
4. A pregnant women has a brother with cystic fibrosis. The population 1/2500
caculate the heterozygous carrier
5. Explain how some cancers can be multifictorial diseases with one example

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