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1 Introductions

In pairs, what would you say in the following situations?

1. You are at a party. Introduce yourself to a stranger.

2. You arrive for a doctor’s appointment. Introduce yourself to the receptionist.
3. You are at a party. Introduce two friends of yours to each other.
4. You arrive for a job interview. Introduce yourself to your potential employer.
5. You see someone who you have heard about but have not met before. Introduce yourself to him.

Now listen to 5 mini-dialogues and match them to the situations above.

2 First-time introductions

What do you say when you are introduced to somebody for the first time? Match the phrases on
the left with the appropriate responses on the right from the dialogues. Listen again to check your

1. Nice to meet you. a. How do you do?

2. You must be Mary. b. Me too. I’ve heard a lot about you.

3. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. c. Nice to meet you. I’m Simon.

4. I’m Alice. d. Nice to meet you too.

5. How do you do? e. Yes, that’s right.

Which phrase/response above would you only use in more formal situations?

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© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucia Sanchez's lessons.


3 Introducing other people

Look at Dialogue 5 from the above exercises. What could you say instead of the underlined expression?
Complete the alternatives below.

Alice: Do you two know each other? George, this is Simon.

George: Nice to meet you, Simon.
Simon: Nice to meet you too.

1. Simon, you met George? George, this is Simon.

2. Simon, I’d you to meet George.

Walk around the class introducing yourself and others.

4 People you know

Audio Listen to the dialogues. In which dialogue do the speakers have a formal relationship? In which
dialogue do the speakers have an informal relationship?

Complete the dialogues with the expressions below. Listen again to check your answers.

give my regards to how are you today? how’s it going? I’ll do that
I’ll let you go then I must be on my way I should be going I won’t keep you
Not too bad say hello to see you very well

Dialogue 1 Simon: Hi Alice,
Alice: . How was your weekend?
Alice: Oh, is that the time? . I have to do some shopping before
the shops close.
4 5
Simon: OK, . George for me.
Alice: Sure. .

Dialogue 2 Mr Caulson: Hello Mr Jones,
Mr Jones: , thank you. And you?
Mr Jones: Well, I have several important meetings today, so .
10 11
Mr Caulson: Oh well, then. your wife.
Mr Jones: . Goodbye.

Walk around the class using the expressions from this exercise with the people you met earlier. Keep
the conversation between saying ‘hello’ and saying ‘goodbye’ short. Practise both informal and formal

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Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucia Sanchez's lessons.

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