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Advanced Combustion

MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

The power and efficiency of an internal combusting engine can be increased with the use of an
air compression device such as a supercharger or turbocharger. Increasing the pressure and
density of the inlet air will allow additional fuel to be induced into the cylinder, increasing the
power produced by the engine. Spark ignition engines are knock limited, restricting the
allowable compressor pressure increase, in many cases the compression ratio of a SI engine is
reduced. Superchargers and turbochargers are used extensively on a wide range of diesel
engines, since they are not knock limited.
The types of compressors used on internal combustion engines are primarily of two types:
positive displacement and dynamic. With a positive displacement compressor, a volume of gas
is trapped, and compressed by movement of a compressor boundary element. Three types of
positive displacement compressors are the roots, vane, and screw compressor.
A dynamic compressor has a rotating element that adds tangential velocity to the flow which
is converted to pressure in a diffuser. Two types of dynamic compressors and turbines are;
radial (centrifugal) and axial.

Thermodynamic Cycle with Supercharging:

Fig.1a : naturally aspirated engine Fig.1b: supercharged engine

The pumping loop of a supercharged engine is positive instead of negative. Hence to get the net
indicated power (i.p), the power represented by pumping loop is to be added:
i.p=area 12341 + area 015a60
The power required for driving the supercharger can be calculated by considering the steady flow
process as given in the figure. The air enters the supercharger at a pressure p1 and has an internal
energy e1. The work supplied to the supercharger is W. The air leaves the supercharger at a
pressure P2 and has an internal energy e2, then:

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Advanced Combustion
MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

This power can be supplied by a separate drive for the supercharger or by connecting the
supercharger directly to the engine shaft or to gas turbine driven by the engine exhaust gases.
In all cases the gain in the power output of the engine would be many times the power required
to drive the compressor.

Fig.2a: supercharged engine (B: centrifugal blower, Fig.2b: engine and supercharger assembly
C: supercharging air cooler)

The most efficient method of increasing the power of an engine is by supercharging, i.e. increasing
the flow of air into the engine to enable more fuel to be burnt.
• A Supercharger is run by the mechanical drive, powered by engine power.
• A turbocharger uses the otherwise unused energy in the exhaust gases to drive a turbine
directly connected by a co-axial shaft to a rotary compressor in the air intake system.

Figure 3: supercharger and turbocharger

Need of turbocharger and super charger:

• For ground installations, it is used to produce a gain in the power out put of the engine.
• For aircraft installations, in addition to produce a gain in the power out put at sea-level,
it also enables the engine to maintain a higher power out put as altitude is increased.

Working principle of a turbocharger:

• A turbocharger is a small radial fan pump driven by the energy of the exhaust gases of an
• A turbocharger consists of a turbine and a compressor on a shared shaft.
• The turbine converts exhaust to rotational force, which is in turn used to drive the
• The compressor draws in ambient air and pumps it in to the intake manifold at increased
pressure, resulting in a greater mass of air entering the cylinders on each intake stroke.

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Types of super charger:

Based on the use of compressor

• Centrifugal type
• Roots type
• Vane type
Components of turbocharger
 Air compressor
 Turbine
 Intercooler

Net work output Wnet= work done by piston + Gas exchange work
= area A + area

Area B = work done by turbocharger =

Wnet = Work done per unit of air mass.

Where, p0 = atmospheric pressure,
p1= pressure after compression,
T0= atmospheric air temperature,
V1= volume of boosted air,
rp =pressure ratio,
r = compression ratio, cp=Specific heat of air
and η = turbocharger efficiency,

The concept of turbocharger is illustrated in Figure 4.

• Compressor air inlet,Point1- p1, T1

• Compressor air out let, point2-p2, T2
• Turbine exhaust gas inlet, point 3-p3,T3
• Turbine exhaust gas outlet-P4, T4

Figure 4. Illustration of the concept of a turbocharger.

Terms essential for turbocharger selection:

Air Consumption and Air-Delivery Ratio:

mat = theoretical air consumption rate, kg/h atm &
De = engine displacement, L
Ne = engine speed, rpm
ρa = density of air entering compressor, kg/m3

The air-delivery ratio is the ratio of the measured over the theoretical air consumption of an engine:

ev = air-delivery ratio
mat= theoretical air consumption of the engine, kg/h
ma= actual air consumption of the engine, kg/h

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

• The compressor efficiency = ( theoretical temperature rise across the compressor)/(the actual
temperature rise). ec is always less than 1.0.
• The turbine efficiency = ( the actual temperature drop across the turbine )/(the theoretical
temperature drop). The turbine efficiency is also always less than 1.0.

• The following procedure may be used in selecting a turbocharger for an engine.

1. Select the desired, achievable power output, Pb; verify that the chosen power level does not require
an excessive pbme. Realistically, pbme ≤ 1250 kPa is achievable.
2. Calculate mf = Pb × BSFC, using an achievable value for BSFC. Typically, for a well-designed
engine, it is possible to achieve , 0.2 < BSFC < 0.25 kg/kW h.
3. Calculate ma = mf× (A/F), using the desired A/F ratio of the turbocharged engine. For a CI engine
running on diesel fuel, typically 25 < (A/F) < 32.
4. Select the compressor and the point on the compressor map (see Figure 8 for an example map) at
which the compressor will operate at rated load and speed of the engine. Equations 3 through 4 can
be reworked into

Figure 5: A compressor performance map. Figure 6: A turbine performance map.

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Select the turbine and the operating point on the turbine map. The turbine and compressor must
rotate at the same speed, the turbine flow must equal the compressor flow times (1 + FA), and the
turbine must supply enough power to drive the compressor while overcoming bearing friction.

The mechanical efficiency of the turbocharger:

Equation * can be reworked into characteristic-value equations that incorporate the speed, flow and
power constraints:

………………………… *

τ avaiablel = characteristic value available
τ required = characteristic value required
u = − (k′ − 1)/k′
et = turbine efficiency, decimal
em = turbocharger mechanical efficiency, decimal
Cpc = constant-pressure specific heat of ambient air, kJ/kg·K
Cpt = constant-pressure specific heat of heated air, kJ/kg·K
The available characteristic value depends upon the FA ratio, the turbocharger efficiencies,
and the temperature ratio across the engine.

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Turbocharger setup:
Turbochargers are made in all sizes to fit the smallest as well as the largest engines. Typical
example is shown in fig. 8.
In order to supply sufficient energy to turbocharger the exhaust valve is opened much before
the BDC as compared to naturally aspirated engine. This allows the exhaust gasses to escape at
a higher pressure and temperature giving the turbocharger enough energy to drive the

Fig.8a: turbocharged engine Fig.8b: turbocharger

Methods of turbo charging:

The main types of turbo charging methods are:

a) Constant pressure:
The exhaust from various cylinders, discharge into a common manifold at pressures higher
than atmospheric pressure and maintained at constant pressure during the whole cycle so that
a pure reaction turbine can be used. This objective dictates a large exhaust manifold to absorb
pressure fluctuations and therefore the kinetic energy in the exhaust blow down is dissipated.
b) Pulse (or Buchi):
In this system the objectives are to use the kinetic energy in the blow down process to drive
the turbine, ideally, without increase in exhaust pressure. To accomplish this objective the
exhaust lines must be small, and grouped to receive the exhaust from cylinders which are
blowing down at different times. The turbine has separate inlets and nozzle segments for each
exhaust pipe.
c) Pulse converter:
Pulse converter allows converting the K.E. in the blow down process into a pressure rise at
the turbine by means of one or more diffusers. Ideally, the advantages of both the pulse system
and the constant – pressure system are gained.
Arrangement of exhaust manifolds:
1-Constant pressure:
The exhaust piping system in this arrangement is not complex. The exhaust pipe diameter
must be 1.4 times the piston diameter.
2-Pulse blow down:
With this system the exhaust system and turbo charger location must be carefully designed to
avoid interference with the scavenging process, especially for two-stroke engines.

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Example 1:
A 4-stroke diesel engine is to be designed to operate with the following characteristics at sea
level, where the ambient conditions are 103 kPa and 10oC. b.p=260 kW, s.f.c=0.244 kg/kW.h,
Speed = 1500 rpm, volumetric efficiency =0.78, A/F ratio = 17:1, Calculate the required engine
capacity and the anticipated bmep.
The engine is fitted with a supercharger so that it may be operated at an altitude of 2700 m
where the atmospheric pressure is 73 kPa. The power taken by the supercharger is 8% of the
total power produced by the engine and the temperature of the air leaving the supercharger is
32oC. The A/F ratio and thermal efficiency remain the same, so as the ηv. Calculate the increase
of pressure at the supercharger to maintain the same net power output. Take R=0.287 kJ/kg.K.

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Example 2:
Four – stroke oil engine is used to drive an air compressor, the air enters the compressor at
20oC and is delivered to a cooler which removes heat at the rate of 1340 kJ/min. The air leaves
the cooler at 60oC and 1.75 bars. Part of this air flow is used to supercharge the engine which
has a volumetric efficiency of 0.7 based on induction conditions of 60oC and 1.75 bars. The
engine which has six cylinders of 90 mm bore and 100 mm stroke runs at 2000 rpm and
delivers an output torque of 150 Nm. The mechanical efficiency of the engine is 0.75.
1- The engine indicated mean effective pressure.
2- The air consumption in kg/min.
3- The air flow into the compressor in kg/min.

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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Example 3:
Six-cylinder, 4.8 litre supercharged engine operating at 3500rpm has an overall volumetric
efficiency of 158%. The supercharger has an isentropic efficiency of 92% and mechanical
efficiency 87%. It is desired that air to be delivered to the cylinder at 65o C and 180 kPa, while
ambient conditions are 23oC and 98 kPa. Calculate: (a) Amount of after cooling needed. (b)
Engine power lost to run the supercharger

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Example 4:


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MSc (2023-2024) Chapter 7

Example 5
A three-litre four-stroke diesel engine develops 12 kW per m3 of free air inducted per minute.
The volumetric efficiency is 82% at 3600 rpm referred to atmospheric condition of 1 bar and
27◦C. A rotary compressor which is mechanically coupled to the engine is used to supercharge
the engine. The pressure ratio and the isentropic efficiency of the compressor are 1.6 and 75%
respectively. Calculate the percentage increase in brake power due to supercharging.
Assume mechanical efficiency of the engine to be 85% and air intake to the cylinder to be at the
pressure equal to delivery pressure from compressor and temperature equal to 5.6◦C less
than the delivery temperature of the compressor. Also, assume that cylinder contains volume
of charge equal to swept volume.

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