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that anphtamires is ta most soidely lwedl

dhug byy atalelea today. Te thuae mond popuaar Aots, ok
anphe ta minesos
tæ anphelanine (Benzedhive )
(ü) J-anphe ta mine Aulble. lDeaednine )
@) Methamphetamine. ytrochlorcide. (Melthedric )
The chemical make up and plysiologícol aclion ot this drug
are bimi latt to epinephrie
" 4 i6 incrteaneol the blood pressuro, hoaret rate auol
also inerrean eol nscu. tesion , uspirokory stiadalo
Siulolion and pupillng dilafion.
4! elevated blood end srnoota musce relaoalion
in tue brionchi .
" This drug hoo te abilily do lo o deptosstoapp
reduce orc abobsh te sane ob hatigue. anol incroase. tu
baigued person 's perdborman e ob tuts calliug bort skil].
deofecity and conceutalion
The nonmad thecapeuie dosaqe qien Aort oec?el
slimulotion ib betoeen 6-lo mg:
bide ebbeet s
Modicod authoráieu voorcn
Medical drug as a stsolulion. Llatping
bor cloapines
poorbul and bo danqutous
o incroane. 10rk pert Aort- mance, becauseo
or haligu. Ort

bollooing b pooi ble side

Paychologicad dependente G) aranoia
t) blond prtessure
( Rapid pulse (vi) leerus
(vii) heart attack (vin) shole
( ) liver darrage () Meutal conbusion
xi) Boosi ble toleod cella rü eom pulsive aud
abnortmalbties behavior
ri) consHpalion ni) Jeriabiliky and nuitonal
pro blems.

Jn Sumnary, evidene. not ony 4 indi cote tuat

anphe la nmines do not imprcove pluysiol ptortnayn e.,, but
coaches, athleie trains , team-physiciaDa and otuen

dur drug hanmtul . Undeoia ble and has no place in athleie.

Iip 4, hact
oc rul4 have beh
becn mode by various governjng bodies
aud Sntecnaion Olympie Commitees b disqualiky any
i athutes Cauglit usigamphetaninea.
Cocaine 3
Cocaine ib15 a pousert ully add iclive slimulant drug.
pwehaneol as a ohile ercystalline. pow dere
15 U5ually
ort colour lus
People abus e troo chemico orms ot cocaine
() The 0atur-bouble hydrreoehlorcide balt
i)te 0ater in solube coca ine base lort bee bane )
4 isi5 commony onorel ore inqechaol ints te vafn
"Tae tertm Crack, which ib tae streelname gien to tree bnoe
Cocaine , nme lteol and bmokeol in apipe or ioeel woih
tobaceo in a cigaretteu .
imilar to intravenous we.
qires a rropid onsetok ekkeet a
Crracs i5 uAually sold in 'roca'
Con laining 150 mg ob cocaine a Lie'o cocaine. n

borc noruing that contains 20-30 mg ab tne dreua

a a topicaL. anesthetie
and vanocon
srciclóre , parz Hioular, in tac. upperc taspitalory
41 ib wyeoL to inutened endarane and prameBe.
a sence ot well being
bepine ack by
locaine inbibig the reuplake. ot senetoig
nor epinephcih and doparmia.. Thio tesulti n qreater
Con-centtations ot tnese three neuotronsmitera in ta bra
The hih egapeudit eapenienael abtert cocaine
numbert at- desirod akket otr

(uj Elevate mood

(i) cold s10eo
Side Ekkeet 4
M:ld to moderae inoication oith cocaine
ilalion ane 27esion
o) vomiting
t ynocaBD eol hierk rale
(i) Dialaleol pupils .
(w High dobes can usult in veray high blend presure
and blord tonpertaturu . EkkeeEs begin ortzin Secon dto
minutes af we auol 1at belwes n ive and nindy
ia minutes

vy Musele. tuoitch are tics.

viu) Parcanoia

intare ion , un peof pro ble ms wich leads to ado

Cartdiac deat
) DecrceaDe. eual uncticns8
coutad nervos systom slimulaut tound
Cabt eine i5 a tablek
we|l as in
in cokbeotoa aud mo oabt dinke as
to Conbal drowbie s$. 4 ha) been wead bj runner ,Cycbsts
soimmtrs and othrc athbtes to diminioh beeling oó faliguc.
cabteeine ahteetool the esalal nertvoluo sslem
musele anol adipoe. lissue auol hoh
hinte. may ndluence
perctrrn as cu. ponilivilg in whßch oadleine
There aIe mang po9sible noas
maq have.eqenit pepuhis --
(i) Catleine. may
to in ptcoe. pertep lion ot ellord ore atlect nagal octiuty

(u) cakbeine. may directly slimulate. muselo. gbycogenoly:is

thrrough a¢ livalion otagn phospho rtg lene. by roleane at
catl ionA brom tw çardepla,nin roiculum
o) Cateine. may slimulate. release of kally aciol Arom
adiposo. iss ue to be. useol. annohtrgy souris. ptrin
toD ano. duning eterse. . bo spare rhusele.
is ptrolonqed.
oih higt
boo prcopo bal are releleol oitn
"1ke kirgt l0o
ínleusity eereise here ao, tue third ralafes tn
endurtan ce pertormane
Cabbeine als0 ekhects tue blnd vessels aol uo
heat. lorr eample, qeotral. Vasocanstic tian
aih s i a simullanes dilataton oh tue Cortbn aruy
artry anl in creMeS fue contiactilk streugt ob
te hearf musee
bide ebteef
Ihe tosie. ekteck t eadli cotteine inclue
rvstleskess, tremort and irrila bility A vercy digh

Cahteine have.
have an
etgoge hic ektect, tau dose
should be opprtoximatey 5-t mqlka bolg ms n
hourr bekore eourcise . Any doe aboye
mass could ruswlt&
individuas eouceedig
Anaboie Stortaids
Anabelie stertoide 15 a
Cornmonly vsol by many ahotes ( protn aiy vortectleros,
ocigut i%terca, hot sho putla discas thttoviert, and
1avelin thttsoros). ! i5 goueroly be ligyeol toal to.
ot tuo atenemenioncol athleae wsing hese subslonto.
The chomitad and huneionad chanartercibtice
-anabobe stereids aro owto cirmilare wilh
androgentehorrnons, testosterone.
eo hormones,
male seot Testostertone ib a tstercoid
tbad han bolh anobolic and ondtogeuie properdios thalsetondeus
pren ote. both mwse ul ar de.veloprnent and the male.
Seot ah artacteris tecs
ABhetes anol booy buillers abwse. anabolic stereords
to enhan parhort mant. and inpoe. phayicol gp earene
stereidk simulate groth ond peosbu weight qain , bone.
maturoHon anoL yitcilizfon
Users obten combine. several dit erunl Iypeswhil.
stsaide bteroids to miorize. tuitt elheeivenesi
that tue
rnini mi?ihg negalive. elteet. studies have shown eol oith
intake. ob lange doses ot anaboje. sterois Coro bin
fntensive. teatia troining incrtegoes musce. srenga
Te e e e s ot anabcie stettoids on women arce
ralalively cbot. Muaelo mans and strcength oppeare in to
ince ase. when these. agenk ue Vsed in con junclion.
his meos thal, wib ith 1arge. doses
oith strangta traiig:
e anaboic. stestoids, a woman's othleie. per bor (momce
could apprOoch thad ot a men:
Sile elbeets
Te maort side eltek orom a
storbids Cn inprcove livert tumors and canbusing aa boic
cert, Tundice
wd ru tonHon and high blod presuw
. 4 n adAFon tere arte some. gen der
ekhects. speifieside
OFor men, 5hrinking o the testieles , reduol
Count, inriliy bt bald nesi, developtn o brtaa4} spertm
and inerteateolTisK ot prostate
tiäl Fore Womtn? golbv.hus
G1rtovoth of taciad hairt, male patterineol
baldnes,change in or on cosahon ob tue menstrtual yele
e enlarqemont ot tue citoris, depeneal voike
iu) for Adoleseens Grouo lh halteol'prema turaly throug
prtemature. suelatal maturation andl aceleratcol puberku
ehangei Tis means tha adolexcents roOsk temaihing shorl
tu temainduc, ob theire lives oit they take
ana bolke
stroide bokoru tue. typical adolescont groo sputtt.anabolbc
Res han also bhown that ag9rusionr and otken
o8ychia t c. srde eblkects may rusult dtom a buse ob arabolie
" Man vsets tuportkoabng od abou tiemselveg
eotreme. soing. als con
bile, 0n ana bolic 6teroid, but
Aeeea roceuru,.inaludina mahiae Fue gnpton
violance. ,laading to the coin ot tue phrtase Road rea .

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