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Review of
23rd Edition


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Kim E. Barrett
Susan M. Barman
Scott Boitano
Heddwen L. Brooks



CHAPTER 4 Excitable Tissue: Nerve 87

action potential change
potential Firing level potential
Local response
Resting membrane
potential After-hyperpolarízation
0.5 1.0 Local
ms response
Period of latent additíon
-85 -Supernormal period
erCURE 4-8 Electrotonic potentials and local
nnes in the membrane potential of a neuron response. The
following application
tetimuli of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 times threshold intensity Refractory period Subnormal
oun superimposed on the same time scale. The are
he horizontal line are those responses below Time
recorded near the anode, and
nonses above the line are those recorded near the cathode.theTherestim FIGURE4-9 Relative changes in excitability of a nerve cell
sof threshold intensity was repeated twice. membrane during the passage of an impulse. Note that excitability
Once it causeda is the reciprocal of threshold. (Modifed from Morgan CT: Physiological
prOpagated action potential (top line), and once it did not.
Psychology. McGraw-Hill, 1943.)

the membrane potential closer to the firing level. During the

local response, the threshold is lowered, but during the rising SALTATORY CONDUCTION
and muchof the falling phases of the spike potential, the neu
ron is refractory to stimulation. This refractory period is di Conduction in myelinated axons depends on a similar pattern
vided into an absolute refractory period, corresponding to of circular current flow. However, myelin is an effective insu
the period from the time the firing level is reached until repo lator, and current flow through it is negligible. Instead, depo
larization isabout one-third complete, and a relative refrac
tory period, lasting from this point to the start of after
depolarization. During the absolute refractory period, no ECF
stimulus, nomatter how strong, will excite the nerve, but dur +++ + + +

+ +
ing therelative refractory period, stronger than normal stim t
uli can cause excitation. During after-depolarization, the Axon
threshold is again decreased, and during after-hyperpolariza
tion, it is increased. These changes in threshold are correlated + +++

with the phases of the action potential in Figure 4-9.

Active Inactive
node node



The nerve cell membrane is polarized at rest, with positive Axon

charges lined up along the outside of the membrane and neg
-ative charges along the inside. During the action potential, this
polarity is abolished and for abrief period is actually reversed
(Figure 4-10). Positive charges from the membrane ahead of
and behindthe action potential flow into the area of negativity Direction of propagation
represented by the action potential ("current sink"). By draw FIGURE4-10 Local current flow (movement of positive
ing off positive charges, this flow decreases the polarity of the charges) around an impulse in an axon. Top: Unmyelinated axon.
membrane ahead of the action potential. Such electrotonic de Bottom: Myelinated axon.Positive charges from the membrane
polarization initiates a local response, and when the firing lev ahead of and behind the action potential flow into the area of negativ
el is reached, a propagated response occurs that in turn Ity represented by the action potential ("current sink"). ln myelinated
electrotonically depolarizes the membrane in front of it. axons, depolarization jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next (sa
lutatory conduction).

Kcitable Tissue: Muscle

frer studying this chapter, you should be able to:
Differentiate the major classes of muscle in the body.
Desrtibe the molecular and electrical makeup of muscle cell
contraction coupling. excitation
Dofne thick and thick filaments and how they slide to
create contraction.
Differentiate the role(s) for Ca in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle contraction.
Appreciate muscle cell diversity.

Mscde cells, like neurons, can be excited chemically, electri muscle fibers, and is generally under voluntary control. Cardiac
Ix, and mechanically to produce an action potential that is muscle also has cross-striations, but it is functionaly syncytial
anSmitted along their cell membranes. Unlike neurons, they and, although it can be modulated via the autonomic nervous
ESPond to stimuli by activating a contractile mechanism. The system, it can contract rhythmically in the absence of external
eontractile protein myosin and the cytoskeletal protein actin innervation owing to the presence in the myocardium of pace
e abundant in muscle, where they are the primary structural maker cells that discharge spontaneously (see Chapter 30).
components that bring about contraction. Smooth muscle lacks cross-striations and can be further subdi
Muscle is generally divided into three types: skeletal, cardiac, vided into two broad types: unitary (or visceral) smooth muscle
and smooth, although smooth muscle is not a homogeneous and multiunit smooth muscle. The type found in most hollow
Single category. Skeletal muscle makes up the great mass of the viscera is functionally syncytial and contains pacemakers that
somatic musculature. It has well-developed cross-striations, does discharge irregularly. The multiunit type found in the eye and in
Dot normally contract in the absence of nervous stimulation, some other locations is not spontaneously active and resembles
acks anatomic and functional connections between individual skeletal muscle in graded contractile ability.

so that the force of contraction of the units is additive. Each

SKELETAL MUSCLE MORPHOL0GY muscle fiber is asingle cell that is multinucleated, long, cylin
drical, and surrounded by a cell membrane, the sarcolemma
ORGANIZATION (Figure 5-1). There are no syncytial bridges between cells. The
DKeletal muscle is made up of indiyidual muscle fibers that are muscle fibers are made up of myofibrils, which are divisible
the "building tblocks of the muscular system in the same sense into individual filaments. These myofilaments contain several
that the neuronssare the buildinggblocks of the nervous system. proteins that together make up the contractile machinery of
Most skeletal muscles begin and end in tendons, and the mus- the skeletal muscle.
cle fibers are arranged in parallel between the tendinous ends,

Muscle Cells
of Nerve&
SECTIONII Physiology

(muscle fiber membrane)
A Transverse reticulum
Terminal tubules




B Zdisk !

Thin filament
Tropomyosin Troponin Actin

Thick filament

EIGURE 5-1 Mammalian skeletal muscle. Asingle muscle fiber surrounded by its sarcolemma has been cut away toshow india
myofibrils. The cut surface of the myofibrils shows the arrays of thickand thin filaments. The sarcoplasmic reticulum with its
tubules and terminal cisterns surrounds each myofibril. The Ttubules invaginate from the sarcolemma and contact the
every sarcomere. Mitochondria
are found|between the myofibrils and a basal lamina surrounds the
sarcolemma. (Reproduced with permssion
from Kandel ER. Schwartz JH, Jessell TM [editors): Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. McGtaw-Hill 2000)

The contractile mechanism in skeletal muscle largely muscle are involved in maintaining the proteins that partia
and relationtoon
depends on the proteins myosin-II, actin, tropomyosin, I
pate in contraction in appropriate structural
troponin. Troponin is made up of three subunits: troponin another and to the extracellular matrix.
troponin T, and troponin C Other important proteins in
Tissue: Muscle
CHAPTER 5 Excitable

Aband Iband H band Z line M ine

the top (x 13,500).

lines areidentified at
5-2 Electron micrograph of human gastrocnemius muscle. The various bands and
SM, Schrodt
Cortesyof Walker

the thin filaments, are made up of

STRIATIONS about twice the diameter of tropomyosin,
are made up ofactin, to form the A
myosin; the thin filamentsfilaments are lined up
Diferencesinthe refractiveeindexes ofthe various parts of the and troponin. The thick thinfilaments extends out of the A
for the characteristic cross-stria- bands, whereas the array of staining I bands. The lighter H
muscle fiber are responsible band and into the less dense when
in skeletal muscle when viewed under the micro- bands are the regions where,
of the cross-striations are frequently bands in the center oftheA filaments do not overlap the
sCope. The parts is divided by the muscle is relaxed, the
Hentified by letters (Figure 5-2). The light I band for anchoring of the thin fil
has the lighter H band in thick filaments. The Zlines allow exam
through the A band is
he darkZline, and the dark Aband the H aments. Ifa transverse section
in the middle of microscope, each thíck filament is
is center. A transverse M line is seen ined under the electron
areas on either side of filaments in a regular hexag
hand, and this line plus the narrow light area between seen to be surrounded by six thin
tare sometimes called the pseudo-H zone. The arrange onal pattern.
orderly is myosin-II, with two
hvo adjacentZlines is called asarcomere. Thethat produces this The form of myosin found in muscle heads of the myosin
ment of actin, myosin, and related proteins which are
flaments, globular heads and a long tail. The
natterm is shown in Figure 5-3. The thick

A band

ACu nL ACin

Z line Relaxed Z line Contracted

filament B
A filament

M line

Tropomyosin Troponin


Actin Myosin D
(compare to Figure 5-2). B) SIiding of actin on
rlgURE 5-3 A) Arrangement of thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filamernts in skeletal muscle
actin in an individual sarcomere, the functional
yosin during contracion so that Zlines move closer together. ) Detail of relation of myosin to
tropomyosin, and troponin of the thin filaments in relation to a
or the muscle. D) Diagrammaticrepresentation of the arrangement of actin, that myosin thick filaments
yosin thick filament. The alobular heads of myosin interact with the thin filaments to create the contraction. Note
verse polarity at the Mline in the middle of the sarcomere, allowing for contraction. (Cand D are modified with permision from Kandel ER, Schwartz JH.
SSellTM [editors]: Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2000.)
SECTIONII Physiology of Nerve & Muscle Cells
molecules form cross-bridges with actin. Myosin contains rapid transmission of the action potential from the cell
heavy chains and light chains, and its heads are made up of brane to all the fibrils in the muscle. The sarcoplasmic merm-
the light chains and the amino terminal lum is an important store of
Ca and
also reicu-
ytic site that hydrolyzes ATP. The myosin
portions of the heavy
Chains. These heads contain an actin-binding site and a cata
muscle metabolism. participates in
molecules are
arranged symmetrically on either side of the center of the sar DYSTROPHIN-GLYCOPROTEIN COMPLEX
comere, and it is this arrangement that creates the light areas
in the pseudo-H zone. The M line is the site of the protein (molecular mass
reversal of
Polarity of the myosin molecules in each of the thick fila The large dystrophin
connects the thin actin filaments Da) 427,000
forms a rod that
ments. At these points. there are slender cross-connections to the
transmembrane protein B-dystroglycan in the
that hold the thick filaments in proper array. Each thick fila sarcolemma
ment contains several hundred myosin molecules.
The thin filaments are polymers made up of two chains of
actin that form a long double helix. Tropomyosin molecules
bysmaller proteins intthemerosin
glycan is connected to
that contain the 2subunit in
(merosin syntrophins.B-dystro-
extracellular matrix by a-dystroglycan (Figure 5-4). T
are long filaments located in the groove between the two dystroglycans are in turn associated I with a complex of
chains in the actin (Figure 5-3). Each thin filament contains transmembrane glycoproteins: a- B, , and Õ-sarcogBvea
300 to 400 actin molecules and 40 to 60 tropomyosin mole This dystrophin-glycoprotein complex adds strength to
cules. Troponin molecules are small globular units located at the muscle by providing ascaffolding for the fibrils and con-
intervals along the tropomyosin molecules. Each of the three necting them to the extracellular environment. Disruption
troponin subunits has aunique function: Troponin Tbinds the of the tightly choreographed structure can lead to several
troponin components to tropomyosin; troponin I inhibits the different pathologies, or muscular dystrophies (see Clinical
interaction of myosin with actin; and troponin Ccontains the Box 5-1).
binding sites for the Ca* that helps to initiate contraction.
Some additional structural proteins that are important in
skeletal muscle function incude actinin, titin, and desmin. ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA
Actinin binds actin to the Zlines. Titin, the largest known pro & IONIC FLUXES
tein (with a molecular mass near 3,000,000 Da), connects the Z
lines to the M lines and provides scaffolding for the sarcomere.
It contains two kinds of folded domains that provide muscle
with its elasticity. At first when the muscle is stretched there is OF SKELETAL MUSCLE
relatively little resistance as the domains unfold, but with fur
ther stretch there is a rapid increase in resistance that protects The electrical events in skeletal muscle and the ionic fluxes
the structure of the sarcomere. Desmin adds structure to the Z that underlie them share distinct similarities to those in nerve,
lines in part by binding the Z lines to the plasma membrane. with quantitative differences in timing and magnitude. The
Although these proteins are imnportant in muscle structure/ resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle is about'-90
function, by no means do they represent an exhaustive list. mV. The action potential lasts 2 to 4 ms and is conducted
along the muscle fiber at about 5 m/s. The absolute refractory
SARCOTUBULARSYSTEM period is 1to 3 ms long, and the after-polarizations, with their
related changes in threshold to electrical stimulation, are rela
The muscle fibrils are surrounded by structures made up of tively prolonged. The initiation of impulses at the myoneural
membranes that appear in electron photomicrographs as ves junction is discussed in the next chapter.
icles and tubules. These structures form the sarcotubular sys
tem, which is made up of a T system and a sarcoplasmic ION DISTRIBUTION & FLUXES
reticulum. The T system of transverse tubules, which is con
tinuous with the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber, forms a grid The distribution of ions across the muscle fiber membrane is
perforated by the individual muscle fibrils (Figure 5-1). The similar to that across the nerve cell membrane. Approximate
space between the two layers of the T system is an extension of values for the various ions and their equilibrium potentials are
the extracellular space. The sarcoplasmic reticulum, which shown in Table 5-1. As in nerves, depolarization is largely a
forms an iregular curtain around each of the fibrils, has en manifestation of Nat influx, and repolarization is largely a
larged terminal cisterns in close contact with the T system at manifestation of Kt efflux.
the junctions between the A and I bands. At these points of
contact, thearrangement of the central T system with a cistern
of the sarcoplasmicreticulum on either side has led tothe use CONTRACTILE RESPONSES
of the termtriads to describe the system. The T system, which It is important to distinguish between the electrical and me
is continuous with the sarcolemma, provides a path for the
chanical events in skeletal muscle. Although one respo
CHAPTER 5 Excitable Tissue: Muscle 97

Laminin 2

Functionally important
Sarcoglycan carbohydrate side chains


Dystrophin F-Actin


FIGURE 5-4 The dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. Dystrophin connects F-actin to the two members of the dystroglycan (DG) complex,
gand B-dystroglycan,and these in turn connect to the merosin subunit of laminin 211 in the extracellular matrix. The sarcoglycan complex of four
oycoproteins, a-, B-. t, and ßsarcoglycan, sarcospan, and syntropins are all associated with the dystroglycan complex. There are muscle disorders
as0cated with loss, abnormalities, or both of the sarcoglycans and merosin. (Reproduced with permlssion trom Kandel ER, Scwartz JH, Jessell TM (editors:
Pincioles ofNeural Science, 4th ed. MCGraw-Hi, 2000.)

does not normally occur without the other, their physiologic MOLECULAR BASIS OF CONTRACTION
bases and characteristics are different. Muscle fiber membrane
depolarization normally starts at the motor end plate, the spe The process by which the contraction of muscle is brought
cialized structure under the motor nerve ending. The action about is a sliding of the thin filaments over the thick filaments.
potential is transmitted along the muscle fiber and initiates the Note that this shortening is not due to changes in the actual
contractile response. lengths ofthe thick and thin filaments, rather, by their increased
overlap within the muscle cell. The width of the Abands is con
THE MUSCLE TWITCH stant, whereas the Zlines move closer together when the muscle
contracts and farther apart when it relaxes (Figure 5-3).
Asingle action potential causes abrief contraction followed by The sliding during muscle contraction occurs when the myo
sin heads bind firmly to actin, bend at the junction of the head
reaxation. This response is called a nmuscle twitch. In Figure with the neck, and then detach. This "power stroke depends
5-5, the action potential and the twitch are plotted on the on the simultaneous hydrolysis of ATP. Myosin-II molecules
same time scale. The twitch starts about 2 ms after the start of
are dimers that have two heads, but only one attaches to actin at
depolarization of the membrane, before repolarization is com any given time. The probable sequence of events of the power
plete. The duration of the twitch varies with the type of muscle
being tested. "Fast muscle fibers, primarily those concerned stroke is outlined in Figure 5-6. In resting muscle, troponin I is
bound to actin and tropomyosin and covers the sites where
with fine, rapid, precise movement, have twitch durations as
myosin heads interact with actin. Also at rest, the myosin head
slort as 7.5 ms. "Slow" muscle fibers, principally those in contains tightly bound ADP. Following an action potential
Oved in strong, gross, sustained movements, have twitch du
raions up to 100 ms. cytosolic Ca is increased and free Ca binds to troponin C.
This binding results in a weakening of the troponin I interac
tion with actin and exposes the actin binding site for myosin to
text continues on p. 100
98 SECTION II Physiology of Nerve &Muscle Cells

have in common exercise intolerance
muscle breakdown due to accumulationandof
Disease of Muscle he possby
Muscular Dystrophies tox[c
The term muscular dystrophy is applied to diseases that cause lon Channel Myopathies metaboiter
progressive weakness of skeletal muscle. About 50 such diseas
In the various forms of clinical myotonia,
es have been described, some of which include cardiac as well ,musde relaxationis
prolonged after voluntary contraction. The
myotonias are due to dysfunction of channelsmolecular
as skeletal muscle. They range from mild to severe and some are
eventually fatal. They have multiple causes, but mutations in the that bases a
genes for the various components of the dystrophin-glycopro
action potential. Myotonia dystrophy is caused by an
mal dominant mutation that leads to
tein complex are a prominent cause. The dystrophin gene is one
of the largest in the body, and mutations can occur at many dif
overexpression ota
channel (although the mutation is not at the K*
ferent sites in it. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a serious variety of myotonias are associated with
channels (eg, hyperkalemic periodic paralysis,
hanne. A
form of dystrophy in which the dystrophin protein is absent
from muscle. It is X-linked and usually fatal by the age of 30. In a congenita, or Na channel congenita) or Tt dhanne
milder form of the disease, Becker muscular dystrophy, dys dominant or recessive myotonia congenita).
Malignant hyperthermia is another disease
functional muscle ion channels. Patients with related dys-
trophin is present but altered or reduced in amount. Limbgirdle to
perthermia can respond to general anestheticsmalignant
muscular dystrophies of various types are associated with muta
tions of the genes coding for the sarcoglycans or other compo such ac bo
nents of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. othane by eliciting rigidity in the muscles and a
increase in body temperature. This disease has been trroe
Metabolic Myopathies to a mutation in RyR, the Ca release channel in the sr
plasmic reticulum. The mutation results in an ineffiiet
Mutations in genes that code for enzymes involved in the me feedback mechanism to shut down Ca* release after stime
tabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to CO, and H,0 lation of the RyR, and thus, increased contractility and heat
in muscle and the production of ATP can cause metabolic my generation.
opathies (eg, McArdle syndrome). Metabolic myopathies al!

TABLE 5-1 Steady-state distribution of ions

in the intracellular and extracellular compartments
of mammalian skeletal muscle, and the equilibrium
potentials for these ions.
Concentration (mmol/L)

Intracellular Extracellular Equilibrium

lon Fluid Fluid Potential (mV)
Nat 12 145 +65

K* 155 4 -95

13 x 10-5 3.8 x 10-5 -32

5 10 15 20 25
CI 3.8 120 -90

HCO 8 27 -32
FIGURE5-5 The electrical and mechanical responses of a
mammalian skeletal muscle fiber to a single maimal stimuls
A 155 The electrical response (mV potential change) and the mechana
sponse (T, tension in arbitrary units) are plotted on the same a0S
Membrane potential =90 mV (time). The mechanical response is relatively long-ived compared
the electrical response that initiates contraction.
ATepresents organicanions. The value for intracellular CI iscalculated from the
membrane potential, using the Nernst equation.
CHAPTER 5Excitable Tissue: Muscle



ADP Myosin



ADP Exposed
binding site





FIGURE 5-6 Powerstroke of myosin in skeletal musce. A) At rest, myosin heads are bound to adenosine diphosphate and are said to be
in a'cocked position in relation to the thin filament, which does not have Ca bound to the troponin-tropomyosin complex. B) Ca2+ bound to
the troponin-tropomyosincomplex induced a conformational change in the thin filament that allows for myosin heads to cross-bridge with thin
filament actin. C) Myosin heads rotate, move the attached actin and shorten the muscle fiber, forming the power stroke. D)At the end of the power
stroke, ATP binds to anowexposed site, and causes adetachment from the actin filament. E) ATP is hydrolyzed into ADP and inorganic phosphate
P and this chemical eneray is used to "re-cock" the myosin head. (Modified with permission from Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessel TM [editors]: Principles of Neural
Science, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2000.)
Nerve & Muscle
100 SECTIONII Physiologyyof

myosin/actin cross-bridges. Upon for- Steps in contractione

allow for formation of confor-
released, causing a
mation ofthe cross-bridge, ADP ishead that moves the thin
mational change in the myosin comprising the coS
Discharge of motor neuron
filament relative to the thick filament, the
bridge "power stroke:" ATP quickly binds to the free site onfrom Release off
detachment of the myosin head transmitter
myosin, which leads to a
the thin filament. ATP is hydrolyzed
) released, causing
and inorganic phosphate
of the myosin head suf
a "re-cocking" remains elevated and
at motor end-plate
completing the cycle. As long as Cat myosin heads
Rinding of acetylcholine to
ficient ATP is available, this cycde reppeats. Manyrepeatedly, pro
acetylcholine receptorsnicotini
cycle at or near the same time, and they
power stroke shortens
ducing gross muscle contraction. Each has about 500 Increased Nat and K* conductane
the sarcomere about 10 nm, Each thick in end-plate membrane
myosin heads, and each head cvcles about five times per second
during a rapid contraction.
The process by which depolarization of the muscle fiber Generation of end-plate potentia!
initiates contraction is called excitation-contraction cOu
pling. The action potential is transmitted all the fibrils
the fiber via the T system (Figure 5-7). It triggers the release Generation of action potential
in muscle fibers
of Ca* from the terminal cisterns, the lateral sacs of the sar
coplasmic reticulum next to the T system. Depolarization of
the T tubule membrane activates the sarcoplasmic reticulum Inward spread of depolarization
via dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR), named for the drug along T tubules
dihydropyridine, which blocks them (Figure 5-8). DHPR are
voltage-gated Ca?t channels in the Ttubule membrane. In
cardiac muscle, influx of Ca via these channels triggers the Release of Ca?+ from terminal
release of Ca* stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (calcium cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum
and diffusion to thick and
induced calcium release) by activating the ryanodine recep thin filaments
tor (RyR). The RyR is named after the plant alkaloid ryano
dine that was used in its discovery. It is a ligand-gated Ca
channel with Ca2+ its natural ligand. In skeletal muscle, Binding of Ca2+ to troponin C,
Ca entry from the extracellular fluid (ECF) by this route is uncovering myosin-binding
not required for Ca release. Instead, the DHPR that serves sites on actin
as the voltage sensor unlocks release of Ca from the nearby
sarcoplasmic reticulum via physical interaction with the RyR. Formation of cross-linkages between
The released Ca* is quickly amplified through calcium actin and myosin and sliding
induced calcium release. Ca* is reduced in the muscle cell by of thin on thick filaments,
the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum Ca ATPase producing movernent
(SERCA) pump. The SERCA pump uses energy from ATP
hydrolysis to remove Ca* from the cytosol back into the ter
minal cisterns, where it is stored until released by the next
action potential. Once the Ca* concentration Steps in relaxation
reticulum has been lowered sufficiently, chemical outside
between myosin and actin ceases and the muscle relaxes. Note Ca2+ pumped back into
that ATP provides the energy for both sarcoplasmic reticulum
myosin head) and relaxation (via SERCA). contraction (at the
Calt into the reticulum is inhibited, If transport of
even though there are no more action relaxation does not occur Release of Ca2+ from troponin
sustained contraction is called a contracture. the resulting
Cessation of interaction between
TYPES OF CONTRACTION actin and myosin Chane
aSteps 1-6 in contraction are discussed
Muscular contraction involves shortening of the tomusceco
elements, but because muscles have elastic and contractile FIGURE5-7 Flovof information t
ments in series with the
contractile mechanism, itviscous ele
is possible
CHAPTER 5 Excltable Tissue: Muscle 101

Dihydropyridine receptor

sO00000 Recorder

Lumen of SR To stimulator

Ryanodine receptor

FIGURE5-8 Relation of the Ttubule (TT) tothesesarcoplasmic

culuminCa2+ transport. In skeletalImuscle, the voltage-gated
nydropyridinereceptorinthe'tubule triggers Ca release from the
Coplasmicreticulum (SR) via the ryanodinereceptor (RyR). Upon
change,,there is aphysical interaction between the
sensinga voltage Force
artolemmal-bound DHPR andd1the SR-bound RyR. This interaction transducer
aallows forrCalt release from the SR.
atestheRyR andl Recorder

contraction to occur without an appreciable decrease in

FIGURE 5-9 A) Muscle preparation arranged for recording iso
the length ofthe whole muscle (Figure 5-9). Such aacontrac-
tonic contractions. B) Preparation arranged for recording isometric
is called isometric ("same measure' or length), Contrac
contractions. In A, the muscle is fastened to awriting lever that swings
ion against a constant load with a decrease in muscle length is on a pivot. In B, it is attached to an electronic transducer that measures
ieotonic ("same tension). Note that because work is the prod
the force generated without permitting the muscle to shorten.
d of force times distance, isotonic contractions do work.
whereas isometric contractions do not. In other situations.
mascle can do negative work while lengthening against a con known as summation of contractions. The tension developed
stantweight. during summation is considerably greater than that during the
single muscle twitch. With rapidly repeated stimulation, acti
SÜMMATION OF CONTRACTIONS vation of the contractile mechanism occurs repeatedly before
any relaxation has occurred, and the individual responses fuse
The electrical response of a muscle fiber to repeated stimula into one continuous contraction, Such a response is called a
tion is like that of nerve. The fiber is electrically refractory only tetanus (tetanic contraction). It is acomplete tetanus when
during the rising phase and part of the falling phase of the no relaxation occurs between stimuli and an incomplete teta
spike potential. At this time, the contraction initiated by the nus when periods of incomplete relaxation take place between
irst stimulus is just beginning. However, because the contrac the summated stimuli. During acomplete tetanus, the tension
tle mechanism does not have a refractory period, repeated developed is about four times that developed by the individual
stimulation before relaxation has occurred produces addition twitch contractions. The development of an incomplete and a
alactivation of the contractile elements and aresponse that is complete tetanus in response to stimuli of increasing frequen
added to the contraction already present. This phenomenon is cy is shown in Figure 5-10.

www ww
FIGURE 5-10 Tetanus. Isometrictension of asingle muscle fiber during continuouslyincreasing and decreasingstimulation frequency.
Sat the top are at intervals of 0.2 s. Note the development of incomplete and then complete tetanus as stinmulation is increased, and the return
ofincomplete etetanus,then full response, as stimulation frequency is decreased.

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