Foreign Policy

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MATRIC NO; LCU/UG/20/16877




question 26)

Nigeria's foreign policy is multifaceted, evolving over time to address changing domestic and
international dynamics. Rooted in principles of pan-Africanism, anti-colonialism, and regional
leadership, Nigeria's foreign policy objectives have historically aimed at promoting peace,
stability, and development in Africa while also pursuing strategic interests globally.
I.e, It has traditionally been shaped by its commitment to promoting African unity,
decolonization, and economic cooperation. In the context of Zimbabwe, Nigeria has maintained a
diplomatic relationship primarily focused on supporting Zimbabwe's independence and
development, particularly during the struggle against apartheid in neighboring South Africa.

Nigeria's foreign policy towards Zimbabwe is multifaceted and has evolved over time to address
changing domestic and international dynamics. Rooted in principles of pan-Africanism, anti-
colonialism, and regional leadership, Nigeria's foreign policy objectives have historically aimed at
promoting peace, stability, and development in Africa while also pursuing strategic interests

Historical Context

Nigeria and Zimbabwe have a long history of relations dating back to the liberation struggle in
Zimbabwe. Nigeria, under the leadership of figures like President Olusegun Obasanjo, provided
significant political and material support to Zimbabwean liberation movements, such as the
Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), led
respectively by Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo. This support was part of Nigeria's broader
commitment to African liberation movements and anti-colonial struggles.

Diplomatic Relations

After Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980, Nigeria continued to maintain diplomatic relations
with the newly formed government. The two countries have exchanged high-level visits, with
Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari visiting Zimbabwe in 2015 and Zimbabwe's President
Emmerson Mnangagwa visiting Nigeria in 2018. The visits have focused on strengthening
economic ties, particularly in the areas of trade and investment.
Economic Cooperation

Nigeria and Zimbabwe have been working to enhance cooperation in agriculture, mining, and
infrastructure development. Nigeria has also been a significant trading partner for Zimbabwe,
with trade between the two countries valued at over $1 billion in 2020. However, challenges such
as bureaucratic red tape, political instability, and economic downturns in both countries have
sometimes hindered the full realization of these economic partnerships.


Despite the positive developments in Nigeria-Zimbabwe relations, there have been occasional
tensions arising from differences in foreign policy priorities and approaches to governance. Some
of the challenges facing the relationship include:

1. Economic dominance: Nigeria's significant economic presence in Zimbabwe has led to

concerns about economic dominance and exploitation.
2. Political instability: Political instability and security concerns in Zimbabwe have impacted
Nigeria's ability to engage effectively in the country.
3. Corruption: Corruption remains a significant challenge in Zimbabwe, affecting Nigeria's
development assistance and investment efforts.
4. Climate change and environmental degradation: Zimbabwe's environmental challenges,
including climate change and pollution, pose a significant threat to Nigeria's development efforts.
5. Security concerns: Security concerns, including terrorism and kidnapping, have impacted
Nigeria's ability to engage effectively in Zimbabwe.


In conclusion, Nigeria's foreign policy towards Zimbabwe is shaped by its commitment to African
unity, decolonization, and economic cooperation. While the relationship has faced challenges,
the two countries continue to engage diplomatically and economically. To strengthen their
partnership, Nigeria and Zimbabwe must address the challenges facing their relationship,
including promoting economic diversification, addressing political instability and security
concerns, tackling corruption, and addressing cultural differences. By working together, Nigeria
and Zimbabwe can build a stronger and more sustainable partnership that benefits both

1. Omaka, Arua Oko. "Nigeria’s Foreign Policy towards Africa: An Appraisal of Obasanjo’s Regime."
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations 4.5 (2010): 234-243.

2. Adebajo, Adekeye. "Nigeria's Foreign Policy After the Cold War." International Affairs 75.4
(1999): 691-710.

3. Matlosa, Khabele. "A New Nigeria in a New Zimbabwe." Africa Insight 33.1 (2003): 69-75.
4. Olutayo, Adefemi. "Zimbabwe-Nigeria Relations: Current Situation and Future Prospects." The
Journal of Pan African Studies 8.6 (2015): 173-188.

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