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Name Punctuation

Every sentence ends with a punctuation mark.
Use a period (.) at the end of a statement. Use a question
mark (?) when you ask a question . Use an exclamation
point (!) to show emphasis or surprise.

DIRECTIONS: Read each sentence. Circle the correct

ending punctuation.

1. Do you know how to dance

. ? !
2. I am a good student
. ? !
3. Does your father enjoy his work
. ? !
4. yippee, we won the game
. ? !
5. Is the gate closed
. ? !
6. My big sister is in college
. ? !
7. Why were you late for school
. ? !
8. Where do you live
. ? !
9. My dog is a Boston Terrier
. ? !
10. I know who did it ― you!
. ? !
11. When will this nightmare end
. ? !
12. I forgot my lunch today
. ? !
13. Excuse me, where is the bathroom
. ? !
14. That rug is brand new
. ? !


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